Atmos: 155mm Truck-Mounted Howitzer For Increased Mobility and Enhanced Firing Capabilities
Atmos: 155mm Truck-Mounted Howitzer For Increased Mobility and Enhanced Firing Capabilities
Atmos: 155mm Truck-Mounted Howitzer For Increased Mobility and Enhanced Firing Capabilities
155mm truck-mounted howitzer for increased mobility
and enhanced firing capabilities
High performance, high mobility, versatile platform
Elbit Systems’ ATMOS is a 155mm/52 caliber truck-mounted howitzer that offers the advantages of
superior fire power, enhanced mobility and rapid response time. Highly adaptable, the modular ATMOS
system is compatible with any 6x6 or 8x8 high-mobility tactical truck. ATMOS supplies fire support for
all types of missions and can be easily interfaced with customers’ existing C4I systems.
Part of Elbit Systems’ line of fully integrated, modular artillery solutions, ATMOS incorporates an
embedded electronic suite, automatic laying system and automatic loading system. The advanced
electronic suite effectively enables accurate navigation and autonomous operation, reduced crew size,
increased fire power and high precision accuracy.
Flexible platform configurations Designed specifically for rapid deployment and
The ATMOS can be mounted on any adapted high- operation on difficult terrain, the ATMOS’s shoot-and-
mobility 6x6 or 8x8 truck chassis preferred by the scoot capabilities are supported by an integrated
customer. The protected cabin of the ATMOS is designed electronic suite incorporating an INS-based laying
for a crew of 2-6 personnel, a driver, a commander, system, as well as an automatic loading system that
and an additional three to four crew members along reduces crew effort.
with all personal equipment and small arms. The cabin The ATMOS can fire all types of qualified 155mm
is equipped with an air conditioning system that is ammunition, projectiles and charges that are in use by
capable of both heating and cooling. The concept behind NATO and other countries. On board containers store a
the ATMOS can be applied to modernization of legacy minimum of 18 rounds, including projectiles, propellants
towed guns, incorporating advanced new technologies and fuzes.
like INS, MVR, ballistic computers, C4I, hydraulics and
electrical drives. Battle-proven and fully operational
A fifth generation ATMOS provides advanced fire support
Superior firepower capabilities
for a wide range of missions and is operational in
The ATMOS achieves ranges exceeding 40km with artillery forces around the world.
ERFB-BB ammunition and suitable propelling charge.
High performance, high mobility, versatile platform
All information in this document is for general information only, and is subject for change without notice. © 2016. This brochure contains Elbit Systems and others proprietary information. EP19-MKT-050
The logo brand, product, service, and process names appearing herein are the trademarks or service marks of Elbit Systems Ltd., its affiliated companies or, where applicable, of other respective holders.
• Integrated with system command and control
at all levels
• Fully compatible with customer’s existing
C4I system
• Fires all types of NATO-compatible 155mm
• Modular on-board ammunition storage
• Operational by 2-6 crewmembers, per
customer requirements
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