Catheter Written Report
Catheter Written Report
Catheter Written Report
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II. Equipment:
Sterile catheter of appropriate size (an extra catheter should also be at
Catheterization kit :
1-2 pair sterile gloves
Waterproof drape(s)
Antiseptic solution
Cleansing balls
Water-soluble lubricant
Urine receptacle
Specimen container
For an indwelling catheter:
Syringe prefilled with sterile water in amount specified by
catheter manufacturer
2% Xylocaine gel (if agency permits)
Disposable clean gloves
Supplies for performing perineal care
Bath blanket or sheet for draping the client
Adequate lighting (Obtain a flashlight or lamp if necessary)
III. Procedures
Note: Stand on the client’s right if you are right-handed or on the client’s left if
you are left-handed. Establish adequate lighting.
1. Prior to performing the procedure, introduce self and verify the client’s
identity using agency protocol. Explain to the client what you are going to
do, why it is necessary, and how he/she can cooperate.
2. Perform hand hygiene and observe appropriate infection control
3. Provide client’s privacy
4. Place the client in the appropriate position and drape all areas except the
a. Female – supine with knees flexed, feet about 2ft. apart, and hips
slightly externally rotated, if possible.
b. Male – supine, thighs slightly abducted or apart.
5. Establish adequate lighting.
Organizing supplies:
1. If using a collecting bag and it is not contained within the catheterization
kit, open the drainage package and place the end of the tubing within
reach. Rationale: Since one hand is needed to hold the catheter once it
is in place, open the package while two hands are still available.
2. Open the catheterization kit. Place a waterproof drape under the
buttocks (female) and penis (male) without contaminating the center
drape with hands.
3. Put on sterile gloves.
4. Saturate the cleansing balls with the antiseptic solution.
5. Open the lubricant package.
6. Remove the specimen container and place it nearby with lid loosely on
7. Attach the prefilled syringe to the indwelling catheter inflation hub and
test the balloon. Rationale: If the balloon malfunctions, it is important to
replace it prior to use.
8. Lubricate the catheter 1-2 inches for female and 6-7 inches for male and
place it with the drainage end inside the collection container.
9. Remove gloves and wash hands.
10. Open the catheterization kit using aseptic technique; use wrapper to
establish a sterile field.
11. If the catheter is not included in the kit, drop the sterile catheter onto the
field using aseptic technique.
12. Apply sterile gloves.
Berman, A., Snyder, S., Kozier, B., & Erb, G. (2008). Kozier and Erb’s
Fundamental of Nursing Concept process and practice Vol.2 (8th ed.). Urinary
Elimination pp. 1284-1311. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice
Foley Catheter Insertion and Removal Sample Procedure. Retrieved from: