Affidavit Format
Affidavit Format
Affidavit Format
I, Chandani Devi , wife of Late Ashok Singh Aged…………years, resident of, Charihara, Town/Vill-
Charihara, Anchal/Thana- Mashrak, Distt.- Saran, Bihar, a candidate at the above election, do hereby solemnly
affirm and state on oath as under:-
(1) I am contesting as an Independent candidate.
(2) My name is enrolled in the voter list of 115, Baniyapur Assembly Constituency, Bihar at Serial No………
in Part No……….
(3) Details of PAN and status of filing of Income tax return :
Sl. No. Names Permanent The financial year for Total income shown
Account Number which the last In Income
(PAN) Income-tax return has Tax Return ( in
been filed Rupees)
1. Self – Chandani Devi AOGPK6586B NIL NIL
5. Dependent 3 NA NA NA NA
(4) The following case(s) is/ are pending against me in which cognizance has been taken by the court:-
(5) That I give herein below the details of the assets (movable and immovable etc.) of myself, my
spouse and all dependents:
B. Details of Immovable assets:
(Note: 1. Properties in joint ownership indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to be indicated
2 . Each land or building or apartment should be mentioned separately in this format.)
S. Description Self Spouse Dependent-1 Dependent-2 Dependent-3
(i) Agricultural Land
Survey number(s)
Area (Total measurement in acres)
Date of purchase in case of self
acquired property
Cost of property (in case of
purchase) at the time of purchase
Any other liability
(Give details of highest School / University education with full form of the certificate/ diploma/ degree course)
(Name of the School /College/ University and the year in which the course was completed.)
(c) Total number of Pending cases where the court
(s) have taken cognizance
(i) Government
dues (Total)
(ii) Loans from Bank,
Financial Institutions and
others (Total)
8. Highest educational qualification:
(Give details of School / University education with full form of the certificate/ diploma/ degree
course) (Name of the School /College/ University and the year in which the course was completed.)
I, the deponent, above named, do hereby verify and declare that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief, no part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed there from. I further
declare that :
(a) there is no case of conviction or pending case against me other than those mentioned in items 3 and 4 above; (b)
I, my spouse, or my dependents do not have any asset or liability, other than those mentioned in items 5 and 6 above.
Note: 1. Affidavit should be filed latest by 3.00 PM on the last date of filing nominations.
2. Affidavit should be sworn before an Oath Commissioner or Magistrate of the First Class or before a Notary Public.
3. All columns should be filled up and no column to be left blank. If there is no information to furnish in respect ofany
item, either “Nil” or “Not applicable”, as the case may be, should be mentioned.
4. The affidavit should be either typed or written legibly and neatly.