Engineering Mathematics Questions and Answers
Engineering Mathematics Questions and Answers
Engineering Mathematics Questions and Answers
*a) F(s)=∫∞−∞f(t)e−stdt
b) F(t)=∫∞−∞f(t)e−tdt
c) f(s)=∫∞−∞f(t)e−stdt
d) f(t)=∫∞−∞f(t)e−tdt
a) 158√πs5/2
*b) 158√πs7/2
c) 94√πs7/2
d) 154√πs7/2
8. Value of ∫∞−∞etSin(t)Cos(t)dt = ?
a) 0.5
b) 0.75
*c) 0.2
d) 0.71
9. Value of ∫∞−∞etSin(t)dt = ?
*a) 0.50
b) 0.25
c) 0.17
d) 0.12
10. Value of ∫∞−∞etlog(1+t)dt = ?
a) Sum of infinite integers
*b) Sum of infinite factorials
c) Sum of squares of Integers
d) Sum of square of factorials
11. Find the laplace transform of y(t)=et.t.Sin(t)Cos(t).
a) 4(s−1)[(s−1)2+4]2
b) 2(s+1)[(s+1)2+4]2
c) 4(s+1)[(s+1)2+4]2
*d) 2(s−1)[(s−1)2+4]2
12. Find the value of ∫∞0tsin(t)cos(t).
a) s ⁄ s2+22
b) a ⁄ a2+s4
c) 1
*d) 0
*a) Stable
b) Unstable
c) Has poles 0, 0.455, -0.236±1.567
d) Has zeros 0, 0.455, -0.226±1.467
10. Find the laplace transform of input x(t) if the system given by d ⁄dt y(t) –
3 3
a) s + 1
*b) s – 1
c) s + 2
d) s – 2
11. The system given by equation y(t – 2a) – 3y(t – a) + 2y(t) = x(t – a) is?
*a) Stable
b) Unstable
c) Marginally stable
d) 0
Engineering Mathematics Questions and
Answers – Laplace Transform by
Properties – 3
1. Time domain function of sa2+s2 is given by?
*a) Cos(at)
b) Sin(at)
c) Cos(at)Sin(at)
d) Sin(t)
2. Inverse Laplace transform of 1(s+1)(s−1)(s+2) is?
a) –1⁄2 et + 1⁄6 e-t + 1⁄3 e2t
*b) –1⁄2 e-t + 1⁄6 et + 1⁄3 e-2t
c) 1⁄2 e-t – 1⁄6 et – 1⁄3 e-2
d) –1⁄2 e-t + 1⁄6 e-t + 1⁄3 e-2
3. Inverse laplace transform of 1(s−1)2(s+5) is?
*a) 1⁄6 e – t – 1⁄36 et + 1⁄36 e-5t
b) 1⁄6 ett – 1⁄36 et + 1⁄36 e-5t
c) 1⁄6 e-tt2 – 1⁄36 e-t + 1⁄36 e5t
d) 1⁄6 e-t t-1⁄36 e-t + 1⁄36 e5t
4. Find the inverse laplace transform of 1(s2+1)(s–1)(s+5).
a) 1⁄12 et – 1⁄13 Cos(-t) – 1⁄12 Sin(-t) – 1⁄156 e-5t
b) 1⁄12 e-t – 1⁄13 Cos(t) – 1⁄12 Sin(t) – 1⁄156 e5t
*c) 1⁄12 et – 1⁄13 Cos(t) – 1⁄12 Sin(t) – 1⁄156 e-5t
d) 1⁄12 et + 1⁄13 Cos(t) + 1⁄12 Sin(t) + 1⁄156 e-5t
5. Find the inverse laplace transform of s(s2+4)2.
a) 1⁄4 sin(2t)
b) t ⁄4 sin(2t)
b) -e-t + 1 – et + 1
c) -e-t + 1 + et + 1
*d) -e-t + 1 – et – 1
12. Find the inverse laplace transform of 1s(s−1)(s2+1).
a) 1⁄2 e-t + 1⁄2 Sin(-t) – 1⁄2 Cos(-t)
*b) 1⁄2 et + 1⁄2 Sin(t) – 1⁄2 Cos(t)
c) 1⁄2 et + 1⁄2 Sin(t) + 1⁄2 Cos(t)
d) 1⁄2 et – 1⁄2 Sin(t) – 1⁄2 Cos(t)
13. Find the laplace transform of f(t), where
f(t) = 1 for 0 < t < a
-1 for a < t < 2a
a) 1scoth(as2)
b) 1ssinh(as2)
c) 1se−as
*d) 1stanh(as2)
14. Find the laplace transform of f(t), where f(t) = |sin(pt)| and t>0.
a) ps2+p2×cosh(sπ2p)
b) ps2+p2×sinh(sπ2p)
*c) ps2+p2×coth(sπ2p)
d) ps2+p2×tanh(sπ2p)
when y(0) = 0 and y’(0) = 1.(Without solving for the constants we get
in the partial fractions).
a) et[Acost+A1sint+Bcos(2t)+(B1)2sin(2t)]
b) e−t[Acost+A1sint+Bcos(2t)+B1sin(2t)]
*c) e−t[Acost+A1sint+Bcos(2t)+(B1)2sin(2t)]
d) et[Acost+A1sint+Bcos(2t)+(B1)sin(2t)]
5. Solve the Ordinary Diferential Equation using Laplace
Transformation y’’’ – 3y’’ + 3y’ – y = t2 et when y(0) = 1, y’(0) = 0 and
y’’(0) = 2.
*a) 2ett5720+et+2ett6+4ett224
b) ett5720+2e−t+2ett6+4ett224
c) e−tt5720+e−t+2e−tt6+4e−tt224
d) 2e−tt5720+e−t+2e−tt6+4e−tt224
6. Take Laplace Transformation on the Ordinary Differential Equation if
y’’’ – 3y’’ + 3y’ – y = t2 et if y(0) = 1, y’(0) = b and y’’(0) = c.
*a) (s3−3s2+3s−1)Y(s)+(−as2+(3a−b)s+(−3a−c))=2(s−1)3
b) (s3−3s2+3s−1)Y(s)+(−as2+(3a−b)+(−3a−c)s)=2(s−1)3
c) (s3−3s2+3s)Y(s)+(−as+(3a−b)s+(−3a−c))=2(s−1)3
d) (s3−3s2+3s−1)Y(s)+(−as2+(3a−b)s+(−3a−c))=2(s−1)3
7. What is the inverse Laplace Transform of a function y(t) if after
solving the Ordinary Differential Equation Y(s) comes out to
be Y(s)=s2−s+3(s+1)(s+2)(s+3) ?
a) 12e−t+92e−3t−3e−2t
*b) −12e−t+92e−2t−3e−3t
c) 12e−t−32e−2t−3e−3t
d) −12et+92e2t−3e3t
8. While solving an Ordinary Differential Equation using the unilateral
Laplace Transform, it is possible to solve if there is no function in the
right hand side of the equation in standard form and if the initial
conditions are zero.
a) True
*b) False
9. 1. Find the L(sin3 t).
a) 34(s2+1)−14(s2+9)
*b) 34(s2+1)−34(s2+9)
c) 34(s2+1)−94(s2+9)
d) 34(s2−1)−34(s2+9)
10. 2. Find the L(e2t(1+t)2).
*a) 1s−2+2(s−2)3+2(s−2)2
b) 3s−2+2(s−2)3+2(s−2)2
c) 1s−2+2(s+2)3+2(s−2)2
d) 1s−2+2(s−2)3
11. 3. Find the Laplace Transform of g(t) which has value (t-1)3 for t>1
and 0 for t<1.
a) e−2as×6s4
b) e−as×24s5
*c) e−as×6s4
d) e−as×24s4
12. 4. Find the L(t e-2t sinh(4t)).
*a) 8s+16(s2+2s−12)2
b) 2s+16(s2+2s−12)2
c) 8s+16(s2+21s−12)2
d) 8s+16(s2+s−12)2
13. Find the L(t+sin(2t)).
*a) 1s+2(s2+4)
b) 1s+3(s2+4)
c) 1s+2(s2+2)
d) 2s+2(s2+4)
14. The L(te-3t cos(2t)cos(3t)) is given
by k[25−(s+3)2((s+3)2+25)2+(1−(s+3)2)((s+3)2+1)2]. Find the value of k.
a) 0
b) 1
c) 12
*d) −12
15. Find the L(sinh(at)t).
a) 12log(s×as−a)
b) 12log(s−as+a)
*c) 12log(s+as−a)
d) 13log(s+as−a
Find the L(ddt(sintt)).
*a) s×cot-1 s-1
b) s×tan-1 s-1
c) s×cot(s)-1
d) s×tan(s)-1
17. Find the L(∫t0sin(u)cos(2u)du).
*a) 12s[3s2+9−1s2+1]
b) 12s[9s2+9−1s2+1]
c) 12s[3s2+9+1s2+1]
d) 1s[3s2+9−1s2+1]