How To Read A Textbook
How To Read A Textbook
How To Read A Textbook
The following strategy, SQ4R, is built around the idea that what you do before and after you
read is as important as the reading itself. Learning is an active process which requires
concentration and energy. Understanding and using the following strategies will increase your
comprehension and your retention of the information.
Read the title and introductory paragraph(s). Fix the name of the chapter in your mind. Often
the introduction to the chapter supplies background for recognizing the purpose of the chapter.
It may also state specifically the method of development the author intends to follow.
Read headings, subheadings, and italicized words. Go through the chapter heading by heading;
these will form a topical outline.
Read the summary at the end of the chapter. Reread it to see which ideas the author restates
for special emphasis or what general conclusions he or she comes to. If there is no summary,
read the last sentence or two before each new heading.
Before reading:
Use the chapter survey to activate your prior knowledge of the subject. Recall what you already
know about the subject by trying to anticipate the chapter's main points.
Use surveying to anticipate which portions or sections of the chapter will be most difficult or
While reading:
After reading:
Turn each heading and subtitle into a question. Form questions from all three sections of the
"Levels of Comprehension" attached at the end of the packet (Who? What? When? Where?
Why? How?). You should be able to answer these questions when you finish reading and
studying the paragraph, section, or chapter.
Restate the questions from headings to help fix them in your mind. These questions give
purpose to your reading. Remember that reading is thinking, and good students actively think
while they read and imagine themselves as the author or someone applying the information in
the text.
Read only the material covered under one heading or subheading at a time, and look for the
answers to your questions.
Read diligently, with the intention of getting answers, of taking notes of supporting details, and
of remembering.
Apply the 50/10 rule for studying; read for 50 minutes and then take a 10-minute break. You
will be able to sustain longer study times with better concentration and retention.