The Age Problem - G4 - Stundent
The Age Problem - G4 - Stundent
The Age Problem - G4 - Stundent
Karantina IMCS 4
International Mathematics Competition Singapore
One of the most interesting mathematical topics is the computation of a person’s age in relation
to another’s. Another problem of this nature is to find a person’s age when it is a multiple of
another person’s age.
When attempting this type of problem, we should bear in mind that the difference between two
ages will always remain unchanged. However, the multiple of one’s age to another’s age will
change with time. Below are the methods used to solve such problems.
1. Using Model
2. Make a List
3. By Reasoning
4. Drawing
The first three methods are commonly used to solve problems of this nature. The last method,
though not as commonly used, can help analyze the problems and solve them within a few
working steps.
Xavier is 2 years old and his mother is 26 years old. In how many years’ time will his mother’s
age be three times of Xavier’s age?
Method 1: Solve Using model ?
26 – 2 = 24
Their age difference is 24 years. His
24 ÷ 2 = 12 mother
12 × 3 = 36 Xavier
His mother will be 36 years old when she is three 24
times older than Xavier.
36 – 26 = 10
His mother’s age will be three times Xavier’s age in 10 years’ time.
Karantina IMCS 4
International Mathematics Competition Singapore
Models have been used in the previous chapter to solve the age problems. In the learning of
mathematics at primary level, using models is one of the heuristics for solving mathematical
problems. The beauty of model drawing is its systematic approach and ease of application.
In the process of drawing models, the student will have a better understanding of the problem
through its pictorial representation. In a well-drawn model, the student can almost get the
correct answer instantly.
The examples illustrated in this chapter show how to use model drawing to solve problems
involving the sum, difference, multiples and fractions.
A farmer has 120 horses and stallions altogether. The number of horses is 20 more than the
number of stallions. How many stallions does the farmer have?
Horses 20
120 – 20 = 100
100 ÷ 2 = 50
The farmer has 50 stallions.
Solve By Reasoning
10 Tahun yang lalu, Umur P adalah umur Q. Jika perbandingan umur mereka sekarang
3 : 4, maka tentukan jumlah umur mereka sekarang.
Umur P sekarang = 3x
Umur Q sekarang = 4x
10 tahun yang lalu, Umur P = umur Q
(3x − 10) = (4 x − 10)
6 x − 20 = 4 x − 10
2 x = 10
Umur P sekarang = 3x = 3(5) = 15 tahun
Umur Q sekarang = 4x = 4(5) = 20 tahun
Karantina IMCS 4
International Mathematics Competition Singapore
1. Empat tahun yang lalu, umur ibu Isabelle 4 kali umur Isabelle. Umur ibunya 44 tahun.
Berapa umur Isabelle?
2. Umur Jenevieve 10 tahun. Dia bertanya umur gurunya, kemudian gurunya menjawab
“Saya akan berumur 58 tahun saat kamu berusia sama seperti saya sekarang”. Berapa
umur gurunya?
3. Jumlah umur Melanie dan adiknya adalah 35. Empat tahun dari sekarang, Umur Melanie
menjadi 5 tahun lebih tua dari adiknya. Berapa umur Melanie dan adiknya?
4. Jumlah umur Ayah dan anak laki-lakinya adalah 60 tahun. Delapan tahun yang lalu, umur
Ayah 3 kali umur anak laki-lakinya. Berapa umur mereka sekarang?
5. Jumlah umur ayah dan anak perempuannya adalah 50 tahun. Umur ayah akan menjadi 3
kali umur anak perempuannya setelah 5 tahun dari sekarang. Berapa umur mereka
6. Jumlah umur kakek dan Jimmy adalah 66. Tiga tahun yang akan datang, umur kakek
menjadi 8 kali umur Jimmy. Berapa umur Jimmy dan kakeknya?
7. Nenek Samuel berumur 64 tahun. Samuel berumur 13 tahun. Berapa tahun lagi umur
nenek menjadi 4 kali umur Samuel?