Puppy Share Contract
Puppy Share Contract
Puppy Share Contract
This contract, made and executed this ____ day of _________, 20__ by and between:
CHRISTJOHN O. VILLALUZ, of legal age, single, and a resident of Block 11, Lot 28, Arowana Street,
Estefania, Bacolod City, Philippines, hereinafter referred to as the “STUD OWNER”;
1. That the STUD OWNER is the LEGAL OWNER of a male dog or a STUD/SIRE, more particularly
described as follows:
2. That the DAM OWNER is the LEGAL OWNER of a female dog or a BITCH/DAM, more particularly
described as follows:
Sire’s Name:
3. That BOTH parties herein or the STUD OWNER and the DAM OWNER affirms that the above stated
FEMALE DOG was mated/studded by the MALE DOG on the
following dates:
4. That for the reason of the mating sessions above stated, the DAM/BITCH/Female-dog is expected to
whelp on the following dates:
5. That the DAM OWNER shall shoulder for the stud services with the DAM OWNER’S additional
fulfillment of the following obligations stated below;
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6. That DAM OWNER hereby SELLS, TRANSFERS, AND CONVEYS part of his/her rights over the FUTURE
puppies or fruits of the mating sessions to the STUD OWNER, upon the DAM’s whelping, subject to the
terms, conditions, and warranties stated hereunder:
6.A.1. 1 (ONE) puppy being the FIRST PICK or has the first right to choose among the
litters IF the fruits of the stud session hereby stated totals a whelped litter count of
5(FIVE) puppies OR LESS;
6.A.2. 2 (TWO) puppies being the FIRST PICK or has the first right to choose among the
litters IF the fruits of the stud session hereby stated totals a whelped litter count of
6(SIX) puppies OR MORE. Second puppy will be chosen by the DAM OWNER.
6.B. That the DAM OWNER warrants that the future puppy/ies or fruits of the stud sessions, will
be given appropriate vaccination shots and de-worming recommended for the puppy’s age and
a record of this vaccination history is included and on file or via the vaccination card to be
provided and transferred to the STUD OWNER upon demand. To reiterate such, the DAM
OWNER pay/shoulder's ALL the vaccinations and de-worming costs as to customary kennel
practice in the Philippines of 3 (THREE) times de-worming and 2 (TWO) times 5-in-1 vaccination;
and should be performed by a licensed veterinarian.
6.C. That it is agreed upon the parties that in case there is only 1 (ONE) puppy whelped as the
fruit of the stud sessions above stated. The sharing is to be divided equally among the parties.
Thus; the STUD OWNER and the DAM OWNER can further negotiate in any of the following
terms, NOT limited to one of the terms or both:
6.C.1 IF the DAM OWNER wants to keep the puppy; the DAM OWNER agrees to PAY half
the monetary amount of the puppy or the price averagely dictated by the fair
marketvalue of the puppy to the STUD OWNER.
6.C.2 IF the STUD OWNER wants to keep the puppy; the STUD OWNER agrees to PAY
half the monetary amount of the puppy or the price averagely dictated by the fair
market value of the puppy to the DAM OWNER.
6.C.3 IF PARTIES HEREIN does not want to keep the puppy; any of the PARTIES HEREIN
may sell the puppy having the DAM OWNER in first right of preference to sell it. The
produce of the SALE will be SHARED equally to BOTH PARTIES.
6.D. That the SUBJECT puppy/ies of this contract is defined as puppy/ies that is ALIVE upon
reaching 2 (TWO) and half months from the date of whelping.
7. That noncompliance of any obligations stated herein, SHALL BE LIABLE for the BREACH of this
Puppy/ies current fair market value that is the SUBJECT of this PUPPY SHARING CONTRACT.
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8. That no other obligations, warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied, are made under this
contract except as stated above.
9. That any suit arising from this contract shall be filed exclusively in the courts of competent jurisdiction
in the City of Bacolod, Philippines.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto sign these presents on the ____ day of
________________, 20___ in ___________________, ______________, Philippines.
________________________ ________________________
Witnessed by:
______________________ ______________________
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, this ____________day of ________________, personally appeared the
This instrument, consisting of 3 pages, including the page on which this acknowledgment is written, has
been signed on the left margin of each and every page thereof by the concerned parties and their
witnesses, and sealed with my notarial seal.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand the day, year and place above written.
Notary Public
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