Signal Estimation & Detection Theory
Signal Estimation & Detection Theory
Signal Estimation & Detection Theory
2. In classical estimation theory, it is not always possible to find the CRLB bound because
A. the MVU estimator does not exists.
B. the sufficient statistics exist but are not complete.
C. the Bayesian estimator may result in better performance.
D. the 1st-order derivative of likelihood function is not defined everywhere.
3. For N observations, the Fisher information is I(θ) = N i (θ) where i (θ) being the Fisher
information of each of the observations. This is true when the observations are
A. independent and identically distributed
B. completely dependent and identically distributed
C. both A and B
D. neither A nor B
4. In vector parameter estimation case, the Fisher information matrix turning out to be
diagonal implies that
A. all unknown parameters are correlated.
B. none of the unknown parameters is correlated with the other.
C. some of the unknown parameters are correlated while others are uncorrelated.
D. nothing can be said about the correlation among unknown parameters.
5. For the sufficient statistic T(x) to yield in an MVUE which one of the following
conditions must be true
A. T(x) must be complete.
B. T(x) must be unbiased.
C. Both A and B.
D. Either A or B.
6. According Neyman-Fisher factorization theorem, the sufficient statistic T(x) for a
estimation problem can found if the PDF of the data p(x; θ) can be factorized as
A. p(x; θ) = g(h(x),θ) T(x)
B. p(x; θ) = g(T(x),θ) h(x)
C. p(x; θ) = g(T(x),h(x)) θ
D. p(x; θ) = g(θ) T(x) h(x)
10. For an estimation problem, if an efficient estimator exists, then maximum likelihood
A. will always produce it.
B. will produce it in some cases only.
C. will never produce it.
D. none of the above
11. For the least squares estimation which one of the following assumptions is true.
A. The data is assumed to have uniform distribution.
B. The data is assumed to have Gaussian distribution.
C. The data is assumed to be probabilistic with first two moments known.
D. No probabilistic assumption about the data is made.
12. Suppose that three measurements of signal s(k) = θ exp(k ∕2), where θ is the parameter to
be estimated, are given as y(1) = 1.5, y(2) = 3.0 and y(3) = 5.0. Find the least squares estimate
of θ
A. 0.6459
B. 0.795
C. 0.895
D. 0.995
13. The estimator that minimizes the Bayes risk for the “hit-or-miss” cost function is
A. mode of the posterior pdf
B. median of the posterior pdf
C. mean of the posterior pdf
D. none of the above
14. The MAP estimator is usually easier to determine than the MMSE estimator since
A. it does not involve any differentiation
B. it does not involve any integration
C. it does not involve any prior PDF
D. it does not involve any maximization
15. Given the power spectral density of signal Pss(f) and that of noise Pww(f) = σ2, the Wiener
filter frequency response H(f) for an infinite length non-causal filter is
16. For a DC level in WGN detection, assume that we wish to have P FA = 10-4 and
PD = 0.99. If the SNR is -30dB, the number of samples N required for detection is
A. 20, 465
B. 28, 646
C. 36, 546
D. 40, 486
17. Consider a binary hypothesis testing problem with the conditional probabilities of the
received data as
with hypotheses H0 and H1 being equilikely. Find the minimum probability of error
A. 0.2012
B. 0.3854
C. 0.4385
D. 0.5108
where c > 0, and [a,b] denote the uniform PDF in [a,b]. The condition for the perfect detector
(PFA = 0, PD = 1) is
A. c < 1∕2
B. c < 1
C. c > 1∕2
D. c > 1
A. A0 = A1
B. A0 =
C. A0 = -
D. A0 = -A1
20. For linear model, x = Hθ + w, where s = Hθ. Which one of the following is correct?
A. ||s||2 + ||x - ||2 = ||x||2
B. ||s||2 + ||x - ||2 > ||x||2
C. ||s||2 + ||x - ||2 < ||x||2
D. ||x||2 + ||x - ||2 = ||s||2
21. The minimum Bayes risk for a binary hypothesis testing problem with costs C00 = 1, C11 =
2, C10 = 2, and C01 = 4 is given by
where π0 is the prior probability of hypothesis H0. Find the values of the minimax risk and the
least favorable prior probability
A. (πL) = 1; πL = 1
B. (πL) = 0; πL = 1
C. (πL) = 2; πL = 0
D. (πL) = 2; πL = 0
24. The parameter which does not affect the performance of a NP-detector for detecting a
deterministic signal in white Gaussian noise is
A. Signal energy
B. Signal shape
C. Noise energy
D. Probability of false alarm