Q.1 (a) Derive Beer’s Law. Give reasons for deviations from Beer’s law? 06
(b) Define Chromphores, auxochromes and Bathochromic shift with example. 05
(c) What is chemical quenching? Give its example. 05
Q.2 (a) Explain sample handling in IR spectroscopy. 06
(b) Describe Principle and instrumentation of Flame photometry. 05
(c) Describe thermal detectors used in IR spectrophotometry. 05
Q.3 (a) Describe principle involved in separation in TLC along with stationary 06
Phases used in TLC.
(b) Give advantages and disadvantages of Adsorption chromatography 05
(c) What are the modes of development in paper chromatography? 05
Q.4 (a) Write a note on Gel electrophoresis along with its applications. 06
(b) Give applications of Thin Layer Chromatography. 05
(c) Describe principle and applications of Atomic absorption spectroscopy 05
Q.5 (a) What is the principle and which carrier gas is suitable for use in 06
a. Katharometer b. Flame ionization detector c. Electron capture detector
(b) Differentiate between isocratic and gradient elution technique. 05
(c) Define Retention time, Retention Volume, Resolution and HETP. 05
Q. 6 (a) What is an Ion exchange resin? 06
(b) Write factors affecting ion exchange chromatography 05
(c) Give application of Gel and affinity chromatography. 05
Q.7 (a) Which principle is involved in Normal Phase and Reverse Phase chromatography 06
(a) What are the different types of vibrations? Explain in detail 06
(a) Explain Instrumentation of UV-Visible spectrophotometer 06