Guidance and Counselling

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that guidance is a process to help individuals solve problems and make decisions about their education and career. It involves personal, educational, vocational, social, and other types of guidance. Principles of guidance emphasize treating each individual with dignity and respect.

The different types of guidance discussed are personal guidance, educational guidance, vocational guidance, social guidance, and avocational guidance.

The principles of guidance discussed are that each individual is unique, primary concern is the individual in their social setting, individuals act based on their perceptions of themselves, and individuals need continuous guidance throughout their lives.


Guidance is an integral part of the educational process. It is a program of services designed to
assist students in developing a positive self concept , effective relationship with others,
problem solving skills that is necessary to function effectively in any academic program or to
live in society and an understanding of current and potential educational or carrier alternative.
A guidance counsellor is essentially a helper. He help the students in developing a positive
approach in day to day concept of life

Guidance is a process of dynamic interpersonal design to influence the attitude and
subsequent behavior of a person.
According to J.M Brewer:-
Guidance is process through which individual is able to solve the problem and pursuit a path
suited to their ability and ambition.

Meaning of guidance:-
 Some form of help and assistance given to an individual to solve their problem
 It is design to assist a person in deciding where he wants to go, what he want to do ,
how he can best complete his purpose
 Guidance is a educational and vocational
 Guidance is a special training programme in which an individual discover the nature

Characteristics of guidance:-
 It is a process to help every individual to help himself , to recognize and use his inner
resources to set goals.
 It is a continuous process. Guidance has to be provided through out life cycle of the
individual like early childhood, adolescence, adulthood and even in old age
 Guidance is an individualized education
 Guidance covers the whole area of individual problems
 Guidance promots the growth of an individual in self direction
 It is a process of assisting to adjust
 Guidance is a service meant for all
 Guidance is a special training in which the individual discover his natural
endowments so that he makes a living to his own best advantage and that of society
Principles of guidance:_
 The dignity of the individual is supreme
 Each individual is different from every other individual
 Primary concern of guidance is the individual, in his social setting
 The attitudes and personal perceptions of the individual are the basis on which he acts
 The individual generally acts to enhance his perceived self
 The individual needs continuous guidance process from early childhood through

Types of guidance:-
Guidance services are designed to help students make proper adjustment with the
environment in which they are living. It focuses to improve students capacity related to
educational, social, moral and emotional. On the basis of a requirement of an individual the
guidance divided into:-
 Personal guidance
 Educational guidance
 Vocational guidance
 Social guidance
 Avocational guidance
 Health guidance

 Personal guidance:-
It is one which enable the students to adjust themselves to their environment. Assist
students in becoming progressively responsible for their own development . It is the
assistance offered to the individual to solve his emotional , social , ethical and moral
as well as health problem
 Educational guidance:-
The emphasis is on providing assistance to student to perform satisfactory in his
academic work, choose the appropriate courses of the study, overcome learning
difficulties , foster creativity, increase level of motivation
 Vocational guidance:-
It is concerned with enabling student to acquire information about career
opportunities, career growth and training facilities.
 Social guidance:-
It is the guidance to students to enable them to make substantial contribution ton the
society, assume leadership , confirm to the social norms, work as a team member,
develop healthy and positive attitude, respect the social norms and opinions and
sentiments od fellow beings.
 Avocational guidance:-
Activities and programmes outside the formal classroom provide many opportunity
for the student to increase their talent. They may use their leisure time in many
activities such as games, photography, drama , fine arts etc.
 Health guidance:_
This type of guidance focuses on enabling students to appreciate condition for good
health and take steps necessary for ensuring good health, maintaining should physical
and mental health

Basic assumptions of guidance:-

1. The difference between individuals in native capacity, abilities and interest are
2. Varied types of educational, vocational and social opportunities are available in the
real world out of which individual has to make selection
3. Individual development and progress can be predicated to great extent with the help
of intelligence, attitude, interest and achievement test.
Purpose of guidance and counselling:-
The purpose of guidance and counselling is:-
 Help the students in making appropriate adjustment to the academic
environment and occupational world, in the home and in the community
 Professional and individualized adjustment in the current situation.
 Identify the individual student problem and explore the different areas of
solution of that problems with the students
 It contribute to the self development and self realization of the student while
furthering the welfare of society

Scope of guidance and counselling:-

Guidance and counselling cover the individual in every direction. Its scope indeed vast but
broadly cover the following:-
 Selection of educational course
 Profitable in occupation
 Job placement
 Occupational surveys
 Improvement of study skills
 Maintenance of mental health
 Personal adjustment problems
 Educational problems
 Vocational problems
 Moral problem
 Social problem
 Physical problem
 Marital problems

Need for guidance and counselling:-

The need of guidance and counselling is universal, as it not confined to a few
individual or few areas. Guidance and counselling is needed because:-

1. Complex nature of society:-

Change have taken place in the entire structure of our economic social and
political system. The process of consumption, production, distribution,
exchange has become very difficult for an individual to achieve satisfactory
without the add of guidance
2. Individual difference:-
The ability, interest, achievement, personality traits and attitude of every
individual is different. The requirement of various occupation is also differ,
this make increasingly necessary to have a definite provision for certain forms
of guidance
3. Welfare of individual and society:-
To provide better scope, for the individual to improve and express himself as
an able person have been flourished. Through guidance services the individual
is aided in self development and self realization and a wide rise of human
resources is made.
4. Changed industrial and educational pattern of the country :-
The problem of selection of subjects and vocations of formidable problem,
the education and industrial system, etc. in the absence of the guidance service
will not progress satisfactory
5. Conservation of human energy:-
Well planned guidance is required to conserve the human energy.
Improvement of vocational efficiency is the aim of education. Through
educational guidance, train various aptitudes and enables them to take up
vocational pursuits.
6. Academic growth:-
Development of abilities and skills consistent with varying capacities of the
individual and removal of subject matter difficulties.
7. Vocational maturity:-
Development of technical skills and right attitude towards work.
8. Personal and social development:-
Self understanding and proper adjustment to self and society guidance is also
required for better family life, right attitude towards home and understanding
of relations of fundamental emotions, understanding of social values, needs,
problems, issues together developing social attitudes and habits

Guidance and counselling service in educational

 Study habits and skills
 Career choice
 Knowledge of aptitudes
 Mental hygiene
 Adult personality
 Social and occupational awareness
 Intellectual development
 Vocational development of the student
Counselling means giving of advice . It is a wider procedure concerned with emotions as well
as giving information
Counselling is a series of direct contacts with the individual which aims to offer him
assistance in changing his attitude and behavior.
“ Counselling is a method that help the client to use a problem solving process to recognize
and manage stress and that facilitates interpersonal relationship among client, family and
health care team.

Aims of counselling:-
 To bring about desired changes in the individua for self realization
 To provide assistance ,to solve problems through an intimate personal

Objective of counselling –
The main objectives of counselling to enable students are:-
To achieve positive mental health
To resolve there problems
To improve personal effectiveness
Level of counselling
It is a face to face interview in which the counseller attempt to help the client to make
personal decision so there are level.
 Informal counselling
 Non specialist counselling
 Professional counselling

1. Informal counselling:- Any helping relationship by a responsible person who may

have little or no training for the work
2. Non specialist counselling :- It is help provided by professional who do a great deal
of face to face work with psychological problem in the course of their work
3. Professional counselling :_ It is helping another person with decision and life plan
whether personal or educational or vocational by a person specially trained for this
Need of counselling-
 To help the client
 To assist the student
 To help the student to work out a plan for solving his difficulties
 To develop readiness for choice and changes
 To motivate the students for self employment
 To help the student in the stage of confusion
 To help the students in the need of special health

Principles of counselling:
 Respect for individual:-
Counselling need strong attachment with respect for an individual
 Acceptance:_
All school of counselling believe that an individual must be accepted as a whole
person as a human being
 Thinking with client :-
Thinking with client is important in counselling rather than thinking for client
 Continues process:_
It is a continues process as it cannot be restricted certain situation
 Flexibility:_
_Counselled has to show no rigidity upon his view, total flexibility should be
provided to the client for making his choice according to his goal and need
 Learning:-
Learning is an integral part of counselling
 Professional:-
Counselling should not be carrier out by any body it require a specialized skill and
trained person
 Problem focusing :-
It strongly focuses on the problem and hence is problem solving technique .

Approaches of counselling
Counselling is the progressive personal relationship between counsellor who help in making
client to understand and analyze to understand and analyze the problem. Therefor many
approaches are helpful in counselling .
1. Directive counselling – It is counsellor centered approach . in it the counsellor is of
main focus as the actively direct the individual in decision making and solving out
problems. No doubt that the result has to be arrived by the counsellor but counsellor
has an important authoritarian role. The directive counselling is also known as
psychoanalytic approach.
2. Non-directive counselling -It is client centered approach .this approach the whole
responsibilities of direction lies upon the individual seeking help . the counselor is not
the main center of attraction .
3. Hectic approach- It refers to selection the best features from a various source. It is
flexible approach in which molding if approaches being used according to the
situation . It is based on the fact that individual differences lie among individual in all
aspect (moral, cultural , ethical)
4. Group approach – It is a continuous technique where a group of individual are
counselled I n group interaction to drive out the solution to the problem .

Phase of counselling:-
The phases of counselling depend upon the type of approach used. Counselling process
proceed through these phase may overlap each other, e.g, the assessment may begin while the
phase of establishing the relationship.
1. Establishing relationship
2. Assessment
3. Setting goal
4. Interventions
5. Terminations and follow up
1.Establishing relationship :-
It is first phase and basic foundation stone for carrying out the counselling process. It include
all factors that are required for adding the strength of relationship such as trust, sympathy,
understanding, respect etc. A few guidelines for relationship are:-
 Use of adequate social skill
 Attentive listening
 Proper addressal of the client by his name
 Appropriate introduction
 No interruption
 Include non- verbal communication
2. Assessment:- In this phase the client is encouraged to talk about themselves, their
problems , view etc. The counselor at the same time ask question collected information,
observe carefully.
3. Setting goals:- In this phase a framework of direction is made. It involve a set of
condition, course of action or an outcome. Setting up a course of action help us to know how
counselling is working.
4. Intervention:- This phase is more influenced by the view of counselor. The intervention
will depend upon the approaches used by the counselor. Intervention is the process of
adaption in which alternatives are practiced in response to the outcome of the problem.
5. Termination and follow up :- Termination and follow up both are important criteria for
counselling. Planning of follow up should be done as well as termination also.

Types of counselling:-
 Directive counselling
 Non directive counselling
 Short term counselling
 Long term counselling
 Elective counselling
 Clinical counselling
 Student counselling
 Marriage counselling
 Individual counselling
 Group counselling
 Health counselling
 Educational counselling
 Motivational counselling

1.Directive counselling:-
This approach of counselling is advocated by E.G Williamson. In directive counselling,
counsellor uses a variety of techniques to suggest appropriate solution to the problem of the
counslee. The counsellor plays a leading role. This approach is also called an psychoanalytic
approach. It emphasis on cognitive and intellectual aspects of the problem.
The directive counselling follows a well defined process which includes.
Collect the relevant data

Analyze the problem

Diagnosis of nature of difficulty


Prescribe remedial measure

Follow up
2. Non directive counselling:-
In this approach , counsellor role is passive. It is a counselee centered or client centered
humanistic approach. The consellor has to accept the capacity of the client to make
adjustment and adaption. The principle of acceptance, tolerance are extremely important.
3.Short term counselling:-
It mainly focuses of the client or family. Counsellor will assist the client and guide him in
problem solving in a systemic way or decision making in logical manner.
4.Long term counselling:-
It varies from daily, weekly or monthly basis, extend over a prolonged period of time . It is
focused for the client who experience developmental crisis.
5.Elective counselling:-
Elective approach of counselling is based on the fact that all individual differ from one
another. The counsellor will make use of both directive and non directive and non directive
counselling which may considered useful for the purpose of modifying the ideas and attitude
of the client. The techniques are elective in nature because they have been derived from all
source of counselling , selecting the best and leaving out what is least required
6.Clinical counselling:-
Clinical counselling is a branch of clinical psychology that helps people as they navigate
emotional or mental health difficulties. Clinical counselling can also be considered part of
professional counselling and social work fields.
7.Student counselling:-
Student are not considered to be mentally ill but capable of choosing goals, making decision
and generally assuming responsibility for their own behavior and future.
8.Marriage counselling:-
This counselling is directed for improving a disturbed marital relationship. It is a centred
effort to change the psychodynamic and behaviour of partner. Two partners meet the
therapist in joint session. It focuses on the need for each partner to understand the point of
view and feeling of the other.
9.Individual counselling:-
It is a process of mutual interchange of opinion to get information. Counsellor will try to
established rapport and structuring has to be done so that the client understand what to expect
at counselling.
10.Group counselling:-
Group counselling is a process where a collection of clients with similar issues or concerns
meet as a group with one or more therapists, or other facilitators, to discuss those issues, and
to learn about and share information solutions about those issues.
11. Health counselling:-
Helping the individual to learn more about health and healthy habits. Helps the person
become more aware of the role of exercise, nutrition and healthy habits to maintain health.
12.Educational counselling :-
This type of counselling help the pupils to get maximum benefits out of education and solve
their problems related to education. Pupils understand or orient themselves to the new
purpose or philosophy of education. Students develop the study habits and choose
specialization according to their need and interest.
13.Motivational counselling:-
It involves in discussing feeling and incentives with the client. The counsellor can encourage
to establish a helping relationship to avoid despair feelings and work through the feeling of
their motivation.

Technique of counselling:-
 Problem solving:-
It is a creative process by which an individual evaluate changes in them and their
environment, make new choices or adjustment in different manner.
 Discussion technique:-
The discussion is co- operative attack on a set of problem, based on common set of
data material and experience in which the problem is persue to complex and deep
level as possible.
 Role play technique:-
It is a technique used in counselling for developing skill and insight in an individual
by acting out situation which are same to the real life problem.
 Lecture:-
Lecture delivered by expert can help in counselling in effective way.
 Case conferences:-
In this technique problem faced by majority.
 Operant conditioning:-
It is a technique of conditioning the behaviour of person.
 Reciprocal inhibition:-
By this technique person having anxiety fever are help by asking to shift his
imagination from more fearful to less fearful

Tools in counselling:- In counselling tools are used for various purpose such as
gathering information etc. There are two types of tools used in counselling.
1.Non – Testing tools
2.Psychological tests
1.Non- testing tools:-
a. Interview:-
It is a conversation based on a definite purpose. It is a communication between counseller
and the client in which information are collected by providing opportunity to understand the
b. Observation:-
It is a careful study of client . Observation can be made more differently by using checklist,
rating scale.
c. Record:-
It refers to recording the important incidence. It should be done as incidence has happened
multiple record should be recorded for driving out any conclusions .
d. Cumulative record:-
This method is a long process of recording in which record keeping is done about the
individual over long year.
e. Socio metric technique:-
It is a technique to discover the nature of an individual relationship within a group. It
measure the interpersonal preferences among the members of the group in reference to a
criterion. The purpose of this technique is to measure each individual’s social worth or
personal value as viewed by his peers.

2. Psychological tests:-
This test provide information about an individual psychological characteristics such as
intelligence, interest, aptitude.
A. Intelligence:-
Ability to think different ideas, invention, direction, criticism. Ex. Verbal individual
intelligence test, non verbal intelligence, verbal group intelligence test, non verbal
intelligence test etc.
B. Interest:-
It is a behaviour orientation towards certain situation, activity, experience and object.
C. Aptitude:-
These tests are also called special ability test. They are meant to judge the capacity of
an individual to be skilled in some work or some subject of study after receiving
formal or informal education.
Difference between guidance and counselling:-
 Guidance is the total programme
 Guidance operate at intellectual level
 Guidance is an integral part of education and assist it in fulfilling aim.
 Guidance is continues and slow process
 Guidance is the process of development
 Guidance is both generalized and specialized services
 Where counselling is a part of guidance
 Counselling operate at emotional level
 Counselling is needed in all the field
 Counselling is also continues and slow process
 Counselling is the process of direction
 Counselling is specialized
 Counselling need active participation of both counseller and client
Organization of counselling services:-
The term organization refers to the systematic planning, carrying out of certain activity within
a given infrastructure. It require accurate planning, implementation and followup. It is based
on certain objective
 To make pupil able of doing satisfactory adjustment to the environment
 To help in diagnosis of problem faced by the help seeker
 To help the pupil to explore abilities potential and interest of his own
 To establish referral services for the one who need help

Need of counselling services:-

1.Total development of student:-
The counselling services make the student in understanding themselves and also make the
teacher to understand the student.
2.Making proper choice:-
It help in making proper choice because these choices influence future. These days variety of
fields, job and courses are available so every step are available so every step or choice should
be made carefully and properly
3.Help in identifying special need:-
These services help in identifying special need which require immediate care or counselling
 Proper utilization of time
 Help in vocational development
 Minimize incidence of indiscipline

Steps of organizing counselling:-

The step of organizing counselling services are following :-
1. G- Greet the client
2. A- Ask the client about themselves
3. T- Tell client about procedure
4. H- Help the client explain how to use a method
5. R- Return for follow up
Role of counseller:-
The major role of a counsellor is to help all students with growth in self understanding,
developing interpersonal , problem solving and decision making skills and occupational
awareness. A counsellor is expected to perform the following main roles and responsibilities.
 Arrange orientation programme for the other support staff to enlist their co operation
 Organize the guidance committee
 Set up an educational and occupational information center
 Display the information collected in an attractive way
 Arrange talks by experts from different fields
 Organize career days, career weeks , career conferences , parents day and so on
 Maintain an active liaison with clubs with Lions Clubs and Rotary club
 Administer psychological tests.
 Help in student placement
Need of guidance and counselling services in nursing education :-
 In nursing counselling become an important so as to add more value, meaning and
purpose this profession.
 To help students adjusting with the new environment of the nursing institute
 To help in developing qualities required for a successful for a nursing practice
 To help students in getting adjust with the clinical environment
 To help students keeping in touch with the latest trends in nursing
 To help students in developing positive learning habits, especially skill learning.
 To help nursing students in establishing proper identify
 To help to overcome periods of confusion
 To help students in developing leadership qualities
Issues for counselling in nursing:-
 In India organized guidance and counselling services are rarely available
 In nursing faculty advisors perform these services for nursing students
 Referral are made to professional counsellor or a psychiatrist when required
 Absence of trained counselling
 Lack of training
 Lack of counselling culture
 Lack of awareness about counselling services

Preparation of counselor:-
Counselor play an a vital role in counselling process. The preparation of counselor involve
three steps:_
1. Educational preparation:-
 Master or bachelor degree in teaching and education
 Basic course in guidance programme
1. Experience :-
 Two year in teaching
 One year of cumulative work
 3-6 months of supervised counselling experience
1. Personal fitness:-
 Positive mental , physical , social and spiritual health
Counselling can be explained as a discussion of a emotional problem with an employee with
the general objective of decreasing it. It helps to grows self confidence, understanding self
control and ability to work effectively in an organization. Guidance is more external helps a
person understand alternative solutions available to him and makes him understand his
personality and choose the right solution. Guidance is mainly preventive and development.
Guidance is broader and comprehensive. Guidance can given by who has good knowledge
can give effective guidance to others.
1.KP Neerja, Textbook of nursing education, 1st edition , Jaypee brothers medical
publisher (P) Ltd.
2. Suresh Kumar Sharma /Reena Sharma, communication and educational technology
2nd edition ,publish by ELSEVIER
3. BT Basavanthappa, Nursing education,2nd edition , Jaypee brothers medical
4. Dinesh Kumar Sharma, Communication and educational technology test book, 1st
edition , Lotus publisher>blogs> cublog
6.> glossary> definition
Government College Of Nursing, Jodhpur

Subject:- Nursing education

Topic:- Guidance and counselling

Submitted To:- Date Of Presentation:-

Mrs. Nisha Khichi Date Of Submission:-
Nursing Lecture
GCON Jodhpur

Submitted By:-
Session 2020-21
GCON Jodhpur
Government College Of Nursing, Jodhpur

Subject:- Nursing education

Topic:- Health care delivery system

Submitted To:- Date Of Presentation:-

Mrs. Nisha Khichi Date Of Submission:-
Nursing Lecture
GCON Jodhpur

Submitted By:-
Session 2020-21
GCON Jodhpur

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