Overcurrent Protection Issues in Microgrid
Overcurrent Protection Issues in Microgrid
Overcurrent Protection Issues in Microgrid
The electrical system is very crucial in modern worlds because now a day’s power can be generated by
using both Conventional Power Plant and Microgrids.
Decrease of fossil fuel resources.
Increase in Green house emission.
Power is lost in the transmission line.
Some Experts were searched alternating solution for this limitation, then after many struggles lot of engineers
work on and find out the solution called Microgrid.
A microgrid is a localized independent group of interconnected distributed energy resources and loads within
clearly defined electrical boundaries that acts as a single controllable entity concerning the grid. A microgrid can
connect and disconnect from the grid to enable it to operate in both grids connected or islanded mode. This
method has several advantages like reducing transmission losses, reduce global warming, etc., as well as that
many amounts of Challenges, are also there.
But in this article, we will see about overcurrent protection settings & coordination problem in Microgrid and
simulate in ETAP. Before going to Overcurrent protection issues I like to begin with a small intro about
Overcurrent Protection.
Overcurrent Protection:
Over-current relay has a single input in the form of AC current, the output of the relay is normally open contact
whenever the input current of the relay is more than the setting value (Pickup) and beyond the setting Time
(TMS), the contact change over from normally open to normally close then the trip signal goes to the circuit
Inverse Definite Minimum Time (IDMT) is the characteristic of the protection relay which means that the current
seen by the relay and the time takes to trip the circuit breaker is inverse proportional. In other words, a current-
operated relay produces an inverse time-current characteristic by integrating a function of current F (I)
concerning Time. The function F (I) is positive above and negative below a predetermined input current called
the Pickup current. The current goes above the value the relay became to start the Time Dial.
Protection issues
Microgrid protection is a most important and challenging issue. Protection of microgrid means that lines,
distributed generation, loads, and lines are protected. Microgrid operations conditions are changes constantly
like Grid-connected or islanding modes. Based on operating condition flow of power should changes, as well as
Magnitude and direction of the short circuit, it causes nuisance tripping in the protection it would main issues in
protection system
These are some causes of protection issues occur when system run with some Distributed Generators.
Device Discrimination
In-network the placement of distributed Generator play an important role in the contribution of fault current
magnitude. For example, if distributed generator places an end of the network, fault current should be decreased
with an increase in distance as well as an increase in impedance. Or if the distributed generator is placed close
to the network the contribution of the fault current is increase because of the decrease in the distance, which will
affect the protection coordination in the system.
The protection system is said to be selective if the protection device closest to the fault operates to remove the
faulty Section. Without DG, there is power flow in only one direction, during normal operating conditions as well
as when there is the fault, by using time graded overcurrent relays selectivity can be obtained. When DG is
integrated with the grid, this system becomes inadequate. There is the possibility of disconnection of the healthy
feeder by its protective relay because it contributes to the short circuit current flowing through a fault in the
neighboring feeder. The tripping current for the electrical protective device is between maximum load current and
minimum fault current. Fault current and load current depends upon the state of the grid, the state of distributed
generators, and whether the microgrid is operating in islanded mode.
Case Study:
The purpose of the particular case studies is to show the protection issues based on different operating
conditions. In this case study, I would like to simulate two operating conditions and see the flow of power as well
as the contribution of short circuit current. Operating conditions like Grid Connected without renewable sources
and with renewable sources, in renewable sources like wind turbines and PV. Considered 9 Bus System as my
Case Study
Single Line Diagram:
Normal Condition:
In a normal condition there is no renewable sources are come into picture in that time fault current at all the
buses are seen in given diagram below:
During this Normal condition the fault current at Bus 8 is 3.808kA and Bus 5 is 3.587kA, Protection setting like
Pickup and Time delay of all the relays could be properly coordinate based on this fault current.
And it will affect the short circuit current because that wind turbine generator is not an inverter based it generator
it contribute 6.5 times of full load current and PV plant does not produce that much amount of fault current
because it is inverter based it contribute only 1.5 times of full load current.so if see the fault current at Sources
connected bus it would be change from 3.808kA to 6.258kA at bus 8 and 3.587kA to 4.296kA at bus 5 (Refer
diagram is given below) it affect the pickup current and coordination of the relay at present protection settings.
In Bar graph number represent in X axis is number of buses and number represent in Y axis is Fault current in
Kilo Amps.
Fault Cuttent(kA)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Various Protection Issues are arises when distributed generators are connected to the main grid everything we
are discussed in above. The main reasons for protection is variation of fault current based on different types on
operating modes. The best solution to overcome all the protection issue is called Adaptive Protection.
A.Oudalov and A. Fidigatti, “Adaptive network protection in microgrids,” International Journal of Distributed
Energy Source, vol.4, pp. 201–205, 2009.