Assignment Module 3: Q1: Write A Comprehensive Note On Importance of Sensorial Exercises
Assignment Module 3: Q1: Write A Comprehensive Note On Importance of Sensorial Exercises
Assignment Module 3: Q1: Write A Comprehensive Note On Importance of Sensorial Exercises
Assignment Module 3
Q1: Write a comprehensive note on importance of Sensorial
Answer: Children learn about the world through them through their five senses. Sensorial
exercises are therefore those exercises that sharpen the ability to utilize these senses
through external stimulus (from the environment). They are designed to isolate and
materialize the properties of physical matter. Each activity appeals to corresponding same
organ. Each set must be Complete and in proportion.
Many Montessori materials are designed to assist in visual distinction by allowing a child to
recognize differences in dimension, length, width, and size. Montessori activities such as
Brown Stair, Red Rods, Knobbed cylinders and Colour tablets can also enhance the visual
sense; whereby they learn how to visually discriminate between similar as well as differing
The auditory sense is also develop in sensory materials like Sound Cylinders and Bells,
where they learn to differentiate between sounds and become more attuned and sensitive
to sounds in their environment. Similarly the tactical sense, i . e the sense of touch and its
feel is sharpened through the use of Touch Tablets and Fabric Feel. A child differentiates
tastes by strengthening their gustatory sense through activities such as food preparation
and food tasting. Using Montessori material such as Scent Bottles can help a child
differentiate smells with their olfactory sense.
Children can obtain limitless amounts of knowledge their formative years. It is especially
important to emphasize helping children understand the world around them by using
important lifelong skills such as logic, awareness, and perception.
Asia Anwar
Sense perception develops at a relatively early stage, and so the child must learn to
distinguish people from objects, one face from another, identify different voices etc. and
consequently learn about their social environment. The sensorial activities aim to help the
child loving and scientific to order this early experience and drive them to rediscover the
world by looking for the details, similarities and differences to refine their senses during the
Sensitive Period.
The steregonostic sense is our ability to identify objects based on touch alone (without
seeing them.) The ones u I have seen have typically worked on geometric shapes, having
pairs of shapes in a bag and examined. Then all the shapes are placed back in the bag.
One shaped is pulled out and then you have to find the matching pair just by touch.
The steregonostic activities are first done with eyes open. Once the child knows how to feel
the object in the hand and is familiar with it. The objects are then used with the blindfold.
The children practice using the steregonostic sense through these exercise by sorting
A bag as attractive as possible with almost ten objects those are very different from each
Asia Anwar
Place the bag flat on the table with the opening near you.
Put one of your hand in to the bag.
Choose one object to feel.
Feel the object and tell the child/children what you feel i.e soft, fluffy, light etc.
Once you think you know what are you feeling, say the object’s name loud i. e “i
think this is a cotton ball.”
Pull the object out of the bag and you can say, “Yes it is a cotton ball”.
Place the object to the side of the table.
Allow the child sitting to your left to try.
Remind the child to feel, and then to say the object’s name before taking it out of
the bag.
Once the child has had a turn, allows the next child to have a turn if there is only
one child, you can have another turn.
If you are working with one child, you can turns feeling and guessing the objects
in the bag until all of the objects have been chosen.
If you are working with a group, make sure each child has a turn until all of the
objects have been chosen.
(This is___________)
The directress presents the child with the three contrasting objects, and places them on
a mat/table leaving some distance between them. She then, feels the object thoroughly
one at a time with both her hands. She also ask the child to feel all the objects. After the
child has felt the objects and placed them back, she places her finger in front of an
object and gives the name saying, “this is a _______.” For example, “This is a cube.” In
the same way she gives the names of the other two objects. She repeats the name of
each of the objects, sometimes also changing their position on the table/mat.
Memory Games:
Memory games are to be introduced to the child when the child’s interest in the material is
fading and to bring new interest to the material the child already knows very well. These games
could also be shown to bring the older to revisit the material and can be given before or after the
three periods lesson is given, depending on the game itself.
Q4. ĥ
(b) Procedure:
I) Take out two to three pairs with grater contrast and put it on the table.
ii) Mix them and then pick one tablet at a time feel it in hand, lightly stroke it and
then put aside.
iii) Tell the child “I am going to find the one which is just like this.”
iv) Find the other tablet and put it with previous one. Allow child to feel the
v) Repeat this exercise while using blind fold. Now again mix the tablets and
allow child to do this himself.
Here child learn a tactile sense to differentiate between rough and smooth. The
blindfold will help the child to focus on his attention upon one sense. Children learn the
vocabulary by three period lesson.
Heaviest and Lightest
Directress plays five memory games with the child.
b) Procedure
i) Bring two boxes on table which contains heaviest and lightest tablets.
ii) Directress shows the child how to hold the tablet in palm of a hand.
iii) Feel the heaviest tablet and also let the child to feel it. After that child can handle
the tablet himself. Now again repeat this exercise while using blindfold.
a) Materials.
Four pairs of metal containers, each pair containing water at various temperatures.
Bottle Pair 1:37°(Room Temperature), Bottle Pair 2: 27° (tap water), Bottle Pair 3: 17°
(Refrigerated Water), Bottle Pair 4:47° (warm water), Cool refrigerator water, tap
b) Procedure:
i) Directress prepares bottles.
ii) Take out first set of bottles have the child feel the bottles one at a time. Tell the
child that “I am finding the bottle which has the same temperature.” Put bottles in a
line let the child take the bottles and feel it.
iii) Repeat with second set, third and fourth. Mix them and line up and let the child do
it by himself under directress supervision.
Here child learn a tactile sense to differentiate between different temperatures.
Children learn a tactile sense to differentiate between different temperatures. Children
learn the vocabulary by three period lesson.
Hot and cold.
Directress plays five memory games.
Picture 2. (Things to be used) 3 bottles having holes upward with 3 different liquid
Mystery Bag:
Things used in Mystery Bag.
Asia Anwar