MathModelling UCL
MathModelling UCL
MathModelling UCL
MSc and Post Graduate Diploma in Mathematical Modelling
Frontiers in the application of mathematics
1. Introduction
This booklet contains information for students reading for the Postgraduate Diploma
or Master’s degree in Mathematical Modelling at UCL. Another relevant document is
the UCL Student handbook which is distributed to all students at college enrolment
containing general information for all students at UCL. The UCL Student Handbook
can be obtained from the Registry or viewed on the Registry website at:
More details about sources of information is given later in this booklet, but you can
consult the Departmental Office (Room 610) or the MSc Tutor, Dr S Baigent (Room
2. Dates of Term
Autumn: Monday 27 September 2010 – Friday 17 December 2010
(reading week 8 – 12 November)
You are expected to be available to attend college during all of the above terms. The
course runs for a full 12 months with the Project deadline usually set for mid
3. Addresses
It is very important that we have your correct term-time and home addresses.
If you change your address it is your responsibility enter the changes on PORTICO,
the Registry website, at: If we do not have your up-to-
date address (and telephone number), we will not be able to contact you if anything
urgent arises, and we may not be able to send you important documentation. Please
also see the relevant section of the UCL Student Handbook.
4. List of staff and locations in the Department
If no extension is given, please use the office extension 32839 or look on the
departmental web-site or notice boards for updated information. Most internal
numbers have the prefix of 3. To dial from outside UCL use 020 7679 followed by the
last 4 digits. For example, the main Department Office is on extension 32839 or
externally 020 7679 2839.
Readers in Mathematics
Esler, Dr G 700 32842
Hill, Dr R M 808 32404
Petridis, Dr I 504b 37897
Timoshin, Dr S N 803 32205
Wilson, Dr H J 802a 31302
Yafaev, Dr A 812 32861
Halburd, Dr R 703 32973
Talbot, Dr J 812a 34102
Baigent, Dr S A 802b 33593
Böhmer, Dr C KLB 342 33597
Ovenden, Dr N C 701 32128
Page, Dr K M 810 33683
Sidorova, Dr N KLB 341 37864
Teaching Fellows
Ahmad, Dr R 806 32839
Burnett, Mr J 712 32862
Gray, Prof J
Haight, Dr J A 600 34309
Larman, Prof D G 600 32855
López Peña, Dr J 813 54068
Ronan, Prof M 605 32836
Rose, Mr S 600 34309
Strouthos, Dr I 813 54068
Van der Heijden, Dr G Civil Eng 32727
Walton, Dr J 806 32856
Postdoctoral Researchers
Baudains, Mr P 51099
Bosi, Dr R 602 32831/32840
Caldera-Cabral, Dr G 806 32856
Cooper, Dr F 602 32831/32840
Fry, Ms H 602 32831/32840
Hicks, Dr P 602 32831/32840
Kakde, Dr M 602 32831/32840
Kang, Dr H 602 32831/32840
Morozov, Dr S 602 32831/32840
Obukhov, Dr Y 602 32831/32840
White, Dr A 602 32831/32840
Clinical Operational Research Unit (CORU) – 4 Taviton Street
Crowe, Dr S 24953
Fiorentino, Dr F 24505
Gallivan, Prof S 24508
Pagel, Dr C 24501
Reddy, Mr B 24504
Skeen, Dr A 28549
Utley, Prof M 24506
Vasilakis, Dr C 24507
Departmental Administrator
Higgins, Ms H 611 32838
General Office
Abdul Ghafoor, Mrs M Assistant Administrator
Undergraduate Teaching from
April 2011 610 32894
Carboo, Mrs B Examinations Officer/ MSc
Administrator 610 32841
Datta, Miss S Assistant Administrator 610 32939
Lawrie, Ms K Secretary 610 32881
Milich, Miss N Assistant Administrator
Undergraduate Teaching to
March 2011 610 32894
Note that all rooms are in Mathematics Department, except those marked KLB (Kathleen Lonsdale
Building). Access to this building is restricted, so if you wish to meet a member of staff whose office is there,
you should contact the tutor by phone or email in advance to make arrangements.
Honorary Professors
Hunt, J 37743
Fraenkel, LE 605 32836
Ronan, Prof M 605 32836
Grimshaw, Prof R
Grossman, Prof S I
Hocking, Prof L M
Jansons, Dr K M 806 32856
Jayne, Prof J E 806 32856
Jillians, Dr W
Levitin, Prof M
Martin, R
Mathias, Dr A
McMullen, Prof P 600 34309
Morgan, Dr C J G 806 32856
O’Neill, Prof M E 600 34309
Pepper, Dr J V
Roth, Prof K F
Rothman, P E 605 32836
Sherlaw-Johnson, C
Singmaster, Prof D B
Stephenson, Dr W
Van der Heijden, Dr G Civil Eng 32727
Williams, P G
5. Advice and guidance
If you have any problems or difficulties, please discuss them with a member of staff.
Specific questions about mathematical problems in your courses should in the first
instance be taken up with the appropriate course lecturer. For more general
questions (academic, personal, financial, accommodation, etc), you can talk with the
following (see below for more details):
(4) The Head of Department, Professor Dmitri Vassiliev (Room 608), or any other
member of staff you know
(5) In the maths office (Room 610), where a secretary will deal with matters
concerned with MSc students, although you might also need to see the
Departmental Administrator, Ms Helen Higgins, about matters to do with finance.
(6) Outside the Department, there are the College support services, which include:
If you become unhappy with your programme of study, or feel that you are falling
behind and cannot cope, or are experiencing other problems, it is very important that
you contact the Course Director, Prof FT Smith or the MSc Tutor Dr S Baigent (or
another member of staff of the Department) straightaway. These difficulties can often
be resolved but it is much easier if they are dealt with promptly (this is true regardless
of whether you need some help to continue with the course, wish to change course, or
even to give up the course).
If you experience racial or sexual harassment, please discuss it with someone from
the list above. More details on this are given in the UCL Student Handbook at: .
The UCL Careers Service is located at:
They can provide a variety of services. For more information, see the relevant section
of the UCL Student Handbook. The careers officer in the Department is Prof Robb
McDonald (Room 604). Various career talks take place in the Department each year.
You may well wish to use members of staff (e.g. your personal tutor, the MSc Tutor,
or another member of staff who knows you) as referees for jobs or further study.
Please seek the permission of whoever you are going to use as a referee. In any
case, it is a good idea to talk briefly to your referee, and perhaps to give them your
CV. Please also see information below under "Data Protection Act".
The UCL Student Residences Office is located at 117 Gower Street (Tel: 020 7679
6322) and has information about Halls and Houses administered by the College or the
The University of London Housing Services, University of London Union, Malet Street,
London WC1E 7HY (Tel: 020 7862 8880) and has information on private and other
For more details, please see the UCL Student Handbook.
The college has a Committee for People with Disabilities; the Co-ordinator of this
Committee is Ms Marion Lamb (020 7679 0100), whom you can contact if you have
any queries. There are some special arrangements possible for students with
disabilities, e.g. for taking examinations. If you wish to enquire about such
arrangements, please contact the MSc Tutor in the first instance.
with the MSc Tutor, and alternative arrangements will have been made. The normal
procedures specified on the form are as follows:
Photographs: (i) We will take a photo of you, which may be stored digitally; these
photos may be displayed in the Student Common Room, for ease of identification. (ii)
We may also wish to display photographs of departmental activities to publicise these.
(iii) The Department maintains its own WebPages; we may wish to publish student
names and e-mail addresses here.
Academic procedures:
Marked written work will be put out for collection in the relevant lecture or left at a
collection point in the main Department Office or returned to your pigeonhole in Room
Reading weeks
Mathematics Department lectures and problem classes will not take place during the
‘reading weeks’ of 8-12 November 2010 or 14-18 February 2011. These weeks
provide a time to go through what you have studied so far and make sure you
understand it. Important: If you are taking courses from other departments, such
lectures may continue during the reading weeks. Certain other activities may also
take place during reading week.
Keeping coursework
Please note that you should keep all your returned marked coursework: you may be
required to re-submit them for scrutiny at the end of the year. You will also find your
coursework useful when you come to revise.
forbidden, and could lead to severe penalties. When you are working on a problem, it
may well be helpful to discuss it with other students, and indeed you may sometimes
be asked to work in groups. However, you must write the work up independently and
on your own. All written project work should be carefully referenced to acknowledge
sources of information. Students will be required to submit both hard and electronic
copies of their written work and you should be aware that, if deemed necessary, a
project will be submitted to the Turnitin plagiarism detection system for evaluation.
Please also read the entry on Plagiarism in the UCL Student Handbook, available
online at:
Office hours
The lecturer for each course will allocate an office hour each week, when they will
normally be available in their office to answer questions on the course. This time will
be advertised on the office doors. A list of lecturers with their room numbers is given
above; you can also find photographs of members of staff in the Student Common
Room, Room 502.
Assessment is predominantly by formal written exams, held in the Third Term
(Tuesday 3 May 2011 until Friday 17 June 2011). Some courses have a coursework
component (e.g.10%). It is necessary to attend the lectures and complete the
coursework satisfactorily in order to pass a course. If inadequate coursework is
attempted, you may be considered to be "Not complete" and withdrawn from the
exam, resulting in automatic failure in that course. The normal criterion for
coursework to be considered adequate is that you make a reasonable attempt at a
minimum of 50% of the coursework sheets. Please also note the section on
Examinations later in this booklet and the information in the UCL Student Handbook.
You are expected to be available to attend classes during all of term time, and
therefore to attend all lectures, problem classes, etc. If your attendance is very poor,
you may be asked to leave the MSc course.
Computing facilities
MSc students have computers provided for their use in the MSc room, Room 501.
There are also various workstation cluster rooms around college which are available
for general student use.
Departmental Office
The Mathematics Department general office is Room 610.
All the Library's staffed sites have self-service photocopying facilities, operated by
cards. Rechargeable cards are required to use the photocopiers. You need only buy
one card and then keep it for the whole of your time at UCL.
• Cards cost £1 each (this does not include any copy credit)
• The minimum copycredit you can add to a copycard is 20p, the maximum is £50.
• If you lose your copycard you will have to buy a new one. Therefore, we
recommend that you do not charge your copycard with large amounts of copy
credit. It is also sensible to write your name on your card or record the individual
number on the back of the card. You can then reclaim the card if it is found and
handed in to library staff.
• All 8 participating library sites have card vending and card re-charging machines.
MSc room
Room 501 is specifically for use by MSc students of the Maths Department. It
contains a number of desks, chairs and computers, but not enough for one per
student, so sharing arrangements will have to be worked out. MSc students can also
use the Common Room, Room 502, and Study Room, Room 503 (see below).
Any physical mail that comes for you will be put in the MSc post tray in Room 501.
This includes anything from members of staff, library etc. Please check the post tray
in Room 501 regularly.
Although we endeavour to update the information on the website regularly, further
details of all courses, including tutorials, exams, any change of time of classes, are
placed on the information boards on the 5th and 6th floors.
E-mail and web page
Please check your email regularly, and also look at notices on the departmental web-
page. The Department will send all important information to your main UCL account
Mathematics Society
There is a student Mathematics society, called the ADM Society, which organizes
events in the Department, publishes a newsletter, etc.
Graduate School
The Graduate school offers a variety of skills courses for all postgraduates. These
can be viewed at:
This page also contains a link to a list of courses aimed specifically at Masters
8. Examinations (formal)
General Information
The examinations are normally set by the lecturer for the course, checked by a
second internal examiner and also by a Visiting (or External) Examiner (from outside
the college). Student scripts are similarly marked by the two internal examiners, and
the marking checked by the Visiting Examiner. Examination scripts are marked
anonymously. Recommendations about the results of individual courses and degrees
awarded are made by the Taught Postgraduate Courses in Mathematics Board of
Examiners to the College Board, which makes the final decisions. The Taught
Postgraduate Courses in Mathematics Board of Examiners includes the MSc internal
Examiners and Visiting Examiners.
Extenuating Circumstances
If there are any circumstances which affect your performance, either during the period
of study or during the exam period, and which you would like taken into account, you
should discuss this with the MSc Tutor as early as possible. If the issue relates to an
examination then you should inform the MSc Tutor no later than 7 days after the
exam. Typical circumstances which might be taken into account are serious or
prolonged illness, disability or bereavement. Documentation is normally required (e.g.
doctor's note). Information will be kept confidential and special circumstances will be
discussed by a small committee of examiners.
Missing exams due to illness or other unavoidable cause
If you miss an examination due to illness or some other unavoidable cause, please
inform a member of staff, preferably the MSc Tutor, as soon as possible. The MSc
Tutor should be given a doctor's note if the absence is due to illness, and any possible
documentary evidence supporting absences due to other reasons.
The examinations
Before the exams start, please check your timetable for the dates, times and locations
of your examinations. It is your responsibility to turn up to the right place at the right
time with the right equipment (usually just pens, your personal exam timetable and
your ID for a Mathematics examination). You will be provided with a candidate
number - please make sure that you have this number with you, as it must be entered
on your script. Your seat number also has to be entered on the script (this will change
for each exam). Please make sure that you read and follow instructions on the paper.
It is important to write legibly. Calculators are not permitted in most Mathematics
exams and where used elsewhere they must be of UCL standard type as sold in the
UCL shop (these are unable to store characters). Past papers will be on the UCL
website and in some cases past solutions are sold by the Department of Mathematics
via the Department Office.
Please note that if you owe money to the college or residences, or have unreturned
library books, your degree results are likely to be withheld - so please make sure that
you have cleared any debts to college, and returned any library books!
Students should make sure that they can be contacted after the provisional exam
results are processed. This is particularly important for anyone who has failed
examinations and may prefer not to proceed to the project component.
The Examiners’ Meeting to finalise the marks usually takes place in late September.
The marks will then be entered on PORTICO for students to access.
Graduation ceremony
The graduation ceremony (for students who have completed their degree) normally
takes place in early September (so the following year for MSc students).
Arrangements for this are made by the Registry, and not the Department, and you
should receive your application form for places from the Registry, which you must
return by the specified date if you wish to attend. Transcripts are also provided by the
Registry, and not the Department.
You can normally retake any examination you have failed or been absent from the
following year (unless you have graduated). You must re-enter at the first possible
opportunity (usually one year later). You cannot retake any examination you have
Please note that students will normally be allowed only one retake of any failed
If you are unhappy with your results or any aspect of your course in the first place
please discuss your concerns with the MSc Tutor. If you then wish to pursue matters
further, there are procedures for formal appeals. You should first contact the MSc
Tutor or the MSc Programme Director, Professor FT Smith. You should also consult
the UCL current student pages on the Registry website. You may also contact the
9. Paying Fees
All new postgraduate students who have not provided proof of sponsorship, or
payment of at least the first installment of fees, will be provisionally enrolled.
Provisional enrolment usually expires on 31 October. Students who have not paid or
provided proof of sponsorship will be deregistered after this date.
New students with a UK address will have their invoices sent out to them, those with
only an overseas address will be able to collect an invoice at enrolment. Returning
students will have had their invoices sent to their home addresses during the summer.
Students can pay fees online at: if they have a UCL login
(for full details please login and you will be given instructions on how to pay within the
on line enrolment facility) or at: if they have not.
Alternatively fees can be paid in the Registry, Room G19, Ground Floor, South Wing,
Main Campus. There will be no facility for staff to gain authorisation on any card
payments that require it and we ask that students contact their card issuers prior to
payment to ensure no authorisation will be requested.
Information relating to tuition fees including fee levels, instalment forms, bank transfer
instructions and credit card forms can be found on the UCL website at:
10. Introduction
The MSc programme aims to teach students the basic concepts which arise in a
broad range of technical and scientific problems and illustrates how these may also
be applied in a research context to provide powerful solutions. This said, the
emphasis is placed on generic skills which are transferable across disciplines so that
the programme is a suitable foundation for anyone hoping to advance their scientific
modelling skills.
The programme will provide a unique blend of analytical and computational methods
with applications at the frontiers of research. Successful students will be well placed to
satisfy the growing demand for mathematical modelling in commerce and industry.
The programme will alternatively form a strong foundation for any student who wishes
to pursue further research.
Four of the compulsory components are held in the First Term (Monday 27 September
2010 to Friday 17 December 2010). The other compulsory component and optional
components are usually taught in the Second Term (Monday 10 January 2011 to
Friday 25 March 2011). Examinations for all components are held usually in the Third
Term (Tuesday 3 May 2011 – Friday 17 June 2011). Some components may include
assessment by an element of coursework in addition to an examination. After the
examinations, all students will then embark on an individual project with the
submission early in September. The taught modules account for 2/3 of the final mark
with the project making up 1/3. The course is equivalent to 72 ECTS, on the European
Credit Transfer Scheme.
If students are unable to, or do not wish to, complete the project element, they may
register for the Postgraduate Diploma in Mathematical Modelling which only covers
the taught elements. They should see the MSc tutor to discuss this option.
MATHGM02 Nonlinear Systems
This component aims to give an overview of the main aspects of nonlinear systems
and to provide definitions and theoretical background.
3. Non-linear waves:
Linear waves, dispersion relations, dispersion versus dissipation, stable and
unstable waves. Travelling wave solutions of non-linear partial differential
equations, for example the Korteweg-de Vries, non-linear Schrodinger equations.
Phase-plane analysis, solitons.
Recommended Books :
S.H.Strogatz, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Perseus Books, 1994.
J.M.T.Thompson & H.B. Stewart, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Wiley 2003.
E.Ott, Chaos in Dynamical Systems, CUP, 1993.
D.K.Arrowsmith & C.M.Place, Dynamical Systems, Chapman Hall
J. Guckenheimer and P. Holmes, Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems and
Bifurcations of Vector Fields, Springer
L.D.Landau & E.M.Lifshitz, Course of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 1 Mechanics,
Drazin and Johnson, Solitons, Cambridge Texts
and other books by Drazin, e.g. Nonlinear Systems
1. Brief history of Operational Research.
3. Compartmental models.
Recommended Books :
S. Ross, An Introduction to Probability Models. 9th Ed, Academic Press, 2006.
W.L.Winston, Operations Research: Applications and algorithms, Duxbury Press,
Boston, 1987.
M.Pidd, Tools for thinking - modelling in management science, 2nd Ed, John Wiley &
Son, 2003.
2. PDEs:
Categorization into parabolic, elliptic, hyperbolic types. Examples to include
reduction of linear elliptic PDEs to eigenvalue problems using normal mode
approach (e.g. plane Poiseuille flow). Direct methods (Gaussian elimination, LU
decomposition), iterative techniques (Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel, SOR), vector
norms. Finite-differencing for parabolic and hyperbolic PDEs. Explicit, implicit and
Crank-Nicholson schemes. Stability criteria.
Assessed via a 2 hour examination worth 60% plus coursework worth 40% of the
Where appropriate, students will utilise knowledge and skills developed in the
compulsory components to perform simulations or to visualise behaviour.
The detailed syllabus is likely to change from year to year with the use of guest
lecturers and visitors but examples may include
2. Climate modeling
4. Biomedical modeling
This module introduces the students to research carried out by the staff and is
designed to assist students in their choice a suitable project. Students should also
attend the department’s weekly Applied Mathematics seminars to broaden their
approval of the programme coordinator. A range of options will be available for
students to select within UCL Mathematics Department. The options may vary each
year, and some are listed in the timetables at the back of the handbook. It is the
student’s responsibility to seek out and select appropriate options allowing for
timetableling. For each student, the selected optional courses must be agreed by the
MSc Tutor. By special arrangment, it may also be possible for students to take
components run by other departments such as Statistics, etc.
Financial Products and markets: Introduction to the financial markets and the
products which are traded in them: Equities, indices, foreign exchange, fixed income
world and commodities. Options contracts and strategies for speculation and hedging.
Computational Finance: Solving the pricing PDEs numerically using Explicit, Implicit
and Crank-Nicholson Finite Difference Schemes. Stability criteria. Monte Carlo
Technique for derivative pricing.
Assessed via a 2 hour examination worth 90% plus coursework worth 10% of the
Various types of classical boundary layers are analysed in the course, such as those
occurring in two-dimensional steady and unsteady flows past flat plates, wedges and
cylinders, and flows in jets and wakes. Flows near stagnation points are investigated
in detail, and triple deck boundary layer theory is introduced.
Recommended Texts:
Batchelor, G.K. An introduction to fluid mechanics. CUP.
Schlichting, H. Boundary layer theory, McGraw Hill
Sobey, I.J. Introduction to interactive boundary layer theory. OUP
Van Dyke, M. Perturbation methods in fluid mechanics. Parabolic Press
Hinch, E.J. Perturbation methods. CUP
Nayfeh, A. Introduction to perturbation techniques.
Rosenhead L. (ed) Laminar boundary layers. OUP
A number of varied problems can be solved fairly simply if it is assumed that the flow
properties depend on two independent variables only, either time and one space
variable, or two space variables. In the former category come one-dimensional wave
motion, sound waves and flow in a shock tube. The two-dimensional steady flow
equations, on the other hand, are either elliptic or hyperbolic depending on whether
the flow is sub or supersonic. The course will include examples of both types of flow,
the underlying application being that of flow over an aerofoil. For supersonic flow
there will be a study of compression, expansion, Mach lines and oblique shocks. The
method of characteristics and the techniques of perturbation theory will be required for
the advanced problems.
Recommended Texts:
Chapman, High Speed Flow, Cambridge,
Liepmann & Roshko, Elements of Gas Dynamics, Wiley
White, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw Hill
Typical analysis involves the solution of linear partial differential equations for the
velocity and density of the flows.
Recommended Books:
J. Pedlosky, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Springer-Verlag.
A. E. Gill, Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics, Academic Press.
P. H. Le Blond and L. Bysak, Waves in the Ocean, Elsevier.
Recommended Texts:
J Foster & JD Nightingale, A short course in General Relativity, 1994.
S. Weinberg, Gravitation and Cosmology (1972);
R.D'Inverno, Introducing Einstein's Relativity (1992).
Assessed via a 2 hour examination worth 90% plus coursework worth 10% of the
MATHG306 Cosmology
Cosmology is the study of the history and structure of the universe. Cosmologists
usually assume that the universe is highly symmetric on large scales; under this
assumption the equations of general relativity reduce to two simple ordinary
differential equations. These equations govern the expansion of the universe. We
study these equations in detail, and show how observations are affected by the
expansion and curvature of the universe. The course then covers the astronomical
methods used to determine the expansion rate (i.e. the Hubble constant) and the
mass density of the universe. Physical processes in the early universe such as
nucleosynthesis, the formation of the microwave background, and galaxy formation
will also be studied. The course begins with a description of black holes and ends
with speculative topics including inflation and cosmic strings.
Recommended Texts:
A. Liddle, An Introduction to Modern Cosmology (2003);
Rowan-Robinson, Cosmology, (1996);
J Silk, The Big Bang (1989).
Assessed via a 2 hour examination worth 90% plus coursework worth 10% of the
MATHG307 Biomathematics1
This module introduces students to biomathematics, an increasingly important branch
of applied mathematics. It also serves to reinforce students' skills in mathematical
Recommended Texts:
Andrew A Biewener. Animal Locomotion. Oxford Animal Biology Series. CUP, 2003.
Knut Schmidt-Nielsen. Scaling: Why is animal size so important? CUP, 1984.
Ove Sten-Knudson. Biological Membranes: Theory of Transport, Potentials and
Please note - MATHG307, Biomathematics, is taught in the first semester.
Electric Impulses, Cambridge University Press, 2002.
J. Keener & J. Sneyd. Mathematical Physiology. Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics
8. Springer-Verlag, New York 1998.
Assessed via a 2 hour examination worth 90% plus coursework worth 10% of the
Recommended Texts:
C.F. Daganzo, Fundamentals of Transportation and Traffic Operations, Pergamon
M.G.H. Bell & Y. Iida, Transportation Network Analysis, Wiley (1997).
Assessed via a 2 hour examination worth 90% plus coursework worth 10% of the
scissors-stone game. Asymmetric games. The battle of the sexes. The evolution
of cooperation.
Recommended Texts:
J. Hofbauer and K. Sigmund, Evolutionary Games and Population Dynamics,
Cambridge Univ. Press 1998.
Mathematical models are used extensively in many areas of the Biological Sciences.
This course aims to give a sample of the construction and use of such models in
Population Biology. The fundamental question to be addressed is: what natural (or
human) factors control the abundance and distribution of the various populations of
animals and plants that we see in Nature?
Recommended Texts:
Mark Kot, Elements of Mathematical Biology, (CUP 2001).
Joseph Hofbauer and Karl Sigmund, Evolutionary games and population dynamics,
(CUP 2002).
J.D. Murray , Mathematical Biology (Springer-Verlag Biomathematics Texts, 1989).
N.J. Gotelli, A Primer in Ecology, (Sinaur Associates Inc.)
Please note – MATHG506, Mathematical Ecology, is taught in the first semester.
examples of hedging strategies. Explanation of: (i) pricing based on the
assumption of no arbitrage opportunities, and (ii) of the Stochastic model of
share price changes.
• Revision of elementary probability.
• Introduction of tools from calculus and from linear algebra in order to: (i)
deduce the Black-Scholes equation and the risk-neutral valuation principle, (ii)
solve some simple partial differential equations arising in finance, (iii) enable
the determination of the synthetic probability distribution of share prices at a
future date, (iv) establishment of discrete models in particular the Binomial
• Calculation of the value of European put and call options (the Black-Scholes
formula) using continuous time calculus and using discrete time approximation.
Calculation of American and other options using approximative techniques.
Recommended Books:
S. R. Pliska, Introduction to Mathematical Finance-Discrete Time Models, Blackwell,
1997, ISBN 1-55786945-6;
J. C. Hull, Options, Futures and other Derivatives, Prentice Hall, 1989, ISBN 013-
Assessed via a 2 hour examination worth 90% plus coursework worth 10% of the
Each year the project submission deadline is early September, the actual date to be
announced. All students should submit two hard copies of their Project to the
Mathematics Departmental Office in Room 610 by this deadline. Students will also be
required to email an electronic version of the project in pdf (portable document format,
see format to
Project Presentations
The MSc presentations will commence 10am on the same day as the submission
deadline, with the venue to be announced. Each student will be allocated a 20-minute
time slot: 15 minutes for their presentation and 5 minutes for questions. Data
projection facilities will be available for use of laptops if required. Members of staff in
the audience will grade the presentations. Students will be expected to stay for all the
Whatever the student decides with their supervisor, there are some things that all
projects should include:
Students should agree with their supervisor how often they meet for supervision. The
role of the supervisor is to help guide the student in the production of the project. It is
expected that the student will be able to do a significant amount of the project work
Writing up
Students should be warned to leave ample time for writing-up the project. Penalties
will be incurred on projects that are submitted after the deadline.
Project Assessment
Each project will be marked by the student’s supervisor and also by a second
examiner. A final mark will then be agreed between the two examiners, combined with
the presentation score to give a final mark in percent.
The normal requirements for a pass are 8 passes in the taught modules plus a pass in
the project. However, 2 condoned passes (i.e. not less than 40%) of taught modules
are permitted provided that the final weighted average is not less than 50% and the
project is passed.
A distinction is obtained if the average mark on the taught modules equals or exceeds
70%, and the project mark equals or exceeds 70%. A distinction cannot be obtained if
some modules or the project are retaken, or if condoned failures are obtained in any
17. Tutors
Each student will normally be assigned a personal tutor who forms their first contact in
case of general difficulties.
18. Module Timetable
University College London
Monday 04 October - Friday 17 December 2010
Reading Week 8 - 12 November 2010
Compulsory Courses
G508 has additional small group classes at Fri 9.00, Fri 11.00 and Fri 12.00 (all in 706): students
will be assigned to one of these.
University College London
Monday 10 January - Friday 25 March 2011
Reading Week 14 - 18 February 2010
9.00 - 10.00
10.00 - 11.00 GM05 (707) G303 (807) G505 (807)
11.00 - 12.00 G303 (807) G505 (807) GM05 (707) G304 (FC216)
12.00 - 1.00 G303 (807) G505 (807) GM05 (707) G304 (FC216)
1.00 - 2.00
G501 (706)
4.00 - 5.00
G306 (807)
500, 505, 706, 707 and 807 are in the Maths Department
BENTHB10 = Bentham House B10
FC130 = Foster Court 130, Foster Court
FC216 = Foster Court 216, Foster Court
Compulsory Course
Optional Courses