Check Your Understanding: Input-Output Models: February 1, 2018
Check Your Understanding: Input-Output Models: February 1, 2018
Check Your Understanding: Input-Output Models: February 1, 2018
February 1, 2018
Input-output models
Simple Example
Let there be two sectors agriculture and industry. Agriculture re-
quires 2 units of industry to produce 10 units of output while indus-
try requires 3 units of agriculture to produce 20 units of output. Each
uses its output as an input, perhaps 10 percent of its gross output.
The A matrix or input-output matrix in coefficient form
" #
1/10 3/20
2/10 1/10
or " #
0.1 0.15
0.2 0.1
here the coefficient aij is the amount of good i used for the produc-
tion of one unit of good j. The
" coefficient
# matrix must be distinguished
1 3
from the flow matrix à =
2 2
" #
Here X is column vector of gross value of production X =
Product of A and X is AX is a quantity of intermediate use of both
agriculture and industry as illustrated below.
check your understanding: input-output models 2
Final demand
The column vector F is final demand, consumption, investment,
" #
government and final demand, F = C + I + G + Nx F =
Note that intermediate demand is not part of GDP and is also
not part of final demand. Input-output analysis solves fundamental
problem of what level of gross outputs X is required if a specific final
demand vector F is to be produced?
X = AX + F (1)
which just says that gross output is the intermediates plus final de-
mand. The question is how to solve this equation for X. For this
we need linear algebra since the material balance is only system of
simultaneous linear equations.1 1
see CYU on linear algebra for full
At each stage of production some intermediate goods, raw materi- explanation.
als and other inputs, are required. These are similar to capital goods,
but in fact only last a fraction of the period of production while cap-
ital goods last longer than one period. Let X j be the output of one of
n sectors in a given period. A simple average cost function would be
n m
pj Xj = ∑ pi aij Xj + ∑ wlj llj + r j k j (2)
i l =1
which is the same as ∑nj=1 aij X j . Figure 1 shows the output and input Industry
check your understanding: input-output models 4
L = LF = ∑ li Fi
i =1
where A+ = A + CL. The system can then be solved for a given level
F3=3Final3demand X
of final demand, F.
X ∼ F + A+ F + ( A+ )2 F + ... + ( A+ )n F AX
The rest of the employment analysis follows in the wake of this 0utput
I-O model and so one could presumably sleep soundly, even after
making this assumption. More realistically, side calculations could be
made by hand on the time-path of the cij coefficients as relative prices
do in fact evolve.
What workers require to live and keep working admittedly sug-
gests an excessively rigid vision of the economy, but there is one
attractive feature of the closed model that could in principle be used
to establish an upper bound for the impact of an investment project
shock. Figure 4 shows that F, A and A+ X are all collinear and this
corresponds to the maximal rate of growth of the closed system and
therefore the maximal rate of growth of employment.6 Employment 6
The eigenvector associated with
in the economy is L = LX. the maximal eigenvalue gives the
proportions for balanced growth along
this von Neumann turnpike. The
surplus over and above the technical
and labor-feeding coefficients, S =
( I − A+ ) X is itself a vector of goods
that may be consumed, invested or
exported. Only if all the surplus is
reinvested will a closed economy grow
at its fastest sustainable rate.
check your understanding: input-output models 7
where w is the wage rate and r is the rate of return to capital. Value
added must equal the value of final demand since
Agriculture 10 8 30 5 15 10 78
Industry 20 12 40 8 15 -5 90
Value Added 48 70 - - - - -
labor 30 42 - - - - -
Capital 18 28 - - - - -
Total 78 90 70 13 30 5 -
- = N/A
Millions of LCUs.
Source: Authors’ computations based on illustrative data.
Table 2: An infrastructure project
Agriculture Industry Cons Investment Govt Exports Total
Millions of LCUs.
Source: Authors’ computations based on illustrative data.
β j v j /K j = r
(1 − β j )v j /L j = w (9)
where for the moment, w and r are common to all sectors. Under the
standard neo-classical assumption that a rational firm would employ
check your understanding: input-output models 10
labor until the value of the marginal product of labor is equal to the
wage and the value of the marginal product of capital is equal to the
cost of capital, these two equations can be rearranged to yield
β j = rK j /v j
(1 − β j ) = wL j /v j
The right-hand side in both cases is the share of the factor in the
value of total production, precisely what is shown in the last two
rows of the I-O matrix in table 1. In this case
1 − β 1 = 0.625
1 − β 2 = 0.6
where it is seen that the factor shares are similar between the two
branches of production.
Why is the Cobb-Douglas production function used here? Observe
that the “adding-up” feature of the Cobb-Douglas is fully consistent
with the I-O framework and can be easily calibrated from data of
the matrix. Here the structure of the data determines the production
function. There is no real reason why the exponents would necessar-
ily add to one, but if the Cobb-Douglas is to be consistent with the
I-O structure, it must.
This is one of many examples in which the structure rather than
the data determines, or limits, what can be said using a model. One
of the reasons that I-O is so popular in the developing world is that it
imposes strict constraints on what the data can say. This can be seen
as both a benefit and a cost of the method.
If the percentage is given in the short-run, the year for which
the data is collected, but labor is variable and determined by the
marginal productivity condition, the firm is on its rising marginal
cost curve. Any increase in output then must be accompanied by a
rise in demand for labor. As output xi rises so too does vi . Equation
9 shows that the marginal product of labor and capital rise propor-
tionately. In the case of labor, employment rises and the wage rate is
check your understanding: input-output models 11
fixed. For capital, however, the quantity is fixed and thus the rate of
return rises above the market rate. The assumption of the short run
drives this result but as capital invested changes in the next period,
the model is in a new “short-run” for which the same logic applies.
Equation shows how the new values of X can be computed. The
base level is given by
" # "" # " # " # " # " ## " #
78 1 0 0.128 089 039 023 01 01 003 002 60
∼ + + + +
90 0 1 0.256 0.133 067 041 02 01 005 003 58
where this calculation, easily done in Excel, is taken only to the 4th
power for ease of exposition.9 The rule of thumb for a minimum 9
The error is less than 0.2 per cent. Any
shock is approximately one per cent of GDP, or 1.18, that would degree of accuracy could be obtained by
extending the power series further.
be added to the second component in the F vector to represent the
increase in final demand for the infrastructure project.10 This gives 10
The model does not “see” small
shocks but is just as blind to large
shocks that induce sufficient structural
" #
78.1 change to do violence to the assumed
91.4 stability of the parameters of produc-
tion and consumption.
assuming no change in the price level. The new value added is calcu-
lated as the difference between the value of output and intermediate
costs at the new level of X, as seen in table 2
v1 = 48.1
v2 = 71.1
then all the increase in value added must appear as added demand
in the labor market and a rise in the rate of return to capital. The
increase in employment is calculated as ∆L = li ( xi − xi0 ) where xi0 is
the base level of output.
∆L1 = 06
∆L2 = 0.66
Note that the rate of return to capital also increases slightly, assuming
that the capital stock remains fixed.11 11
The calculation is tedious but
straightforward. First compute K from
the Cobb-Douglas equation 8 taking
Exercises the wage rate as 1 and L from the base
matrix. The shares β and 1 − β are also
taken from the base matrix. The result
1. Consider the data is K1 = 105.1 and K2 = 150.6. The rate
of return to capital–or the cost of a unit
0.2 0.3 0.2 of capital–can be then calculated for
A = 0.4
0.1 0.3
each sector from the fact that rK can be
read from the base matrix. This gives
0.3 0.5 0.2 r1 = 0.17 and r2 = 0.186. Holding K
constant during the shock produces a
with change in r of 0.172-0.171 = 0.001 and
0.189-0.186 = 0.003 for the two sectors
check your understanding: input-output models 12
F = 200
Determine the total demand for industries 1,2 and 3 given the
matrix of technical coefficients and final demand vector F.
1 0 0 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.8 −0.3 −0.2
( I − A) = 0 1 0 − 0.4 0.1 0.3 = −0.4 0.9 −0.3
0 0 1 0.3 0.5 0.2 −0.3 −0.5 0.8
0.57 0.34 0.27 2. 384 9 1. 422 6 1. 129 7
( I − A ) −1 = 0.41 0.58 0.32 = 1. 715 5 2. 426 8 1. 338 9
0.47 0.49 0.6 1. 966 5 2. 050 2 2. 510 5
= 699. 15