St. Louis College of Bulanao: Purok 6, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga 3800
St. Louis College of Bulanao: Purok 6, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga 3800
St. Louis College of Bulanao: Purok 6, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga 3800
This module is a requirement of the St. Louis College of Bulanao in response to the
implementation of the Blended Learning way of Instruction.
This Learning Material is a property of the College of Education – St. Louis College of
Bulanao, Tabuk City. It aims to improve students’ performance specifically in the General
General Instruction/s:
The module will start with an Introduction which will give a general background on
Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles. Series of activities and discussions will
encourage you to explore and learn about the topic. Through this module, the following
instruction/s should be followed.
The learner is the center of instruction. The world of instruction revolves around the learner.
This module introduces you to the fourteen (14) learner-centered principles which shall be used
throughout this module as a guide in determining appropriate pedagogy for learners at different
life stages.
14 Learner-
Developmental Individual
and social factor (2 Difference Factor
principle) (3 principles)
The same basic principles of learning, motivation, and effective instruction apply to
all learners. However, language, ethnicity race, beliefs, and socioeconomic status all
can influence learning. Careful attention to these factors in the instructional setting
enhances the possibilities for designing and implementing appropriate learning
When learners perceive that their individual differences in abilities, backgrounds, cultures,
and experiences are valued, respected, and accommodated in learning tasks and contexts,
levels of motivation and achievement are enhanced.
14. Standards and assessment
Setting appropriately high and challenging standards and assessing the
learner as well as learning progress — including diagnostic, process, and
outcome assessment — are integral parts of the learning process.
Assessment provides important information to both the learner and teacher at all
stages of the learning process.
Effective learning takes place when learners feel challenged to work towards
appropriately high goals; therefore, appraisal of the learner's cognitive strengths
Alexander and Murphy gave a summary of the 14 principles and distilled them into five
1.The knowledge bases. One's existing knowledge serves as the foundation of all future
learning. The learner's previous knowledge will influence new learning specifically on how
he represents new information, makes associations and filters new experiences.
2.Strategic processing and control. Learners can develop skills to reflect and regulate their
thoughts and behaviors in order to learn more effectively (metacognition).
3.Motivation and affect. Factors such as intrinsic motivation (from within), reasons for wanting
to learn, personal goals and enjoyment of learning tasks all have a crucial role in the learning
4. Development and Individual Differences. Learning is a unique journey for each person
because each learner has his own unique combination of genetic and environmental factors that
influence him.
5. Situation or context. Leaning happens in the context of a society as well as within an
A. Through a video, advocate the use of the 14 principles in the teaching-learning process.”
Employ the concepts learned about Learner-centered Psychological Principle.
Content & Organization - 20
Usefulness - 15
Mechanics - 10
Oral Presentations Skills -5
A. How will you apply the 14 principles in instruction as a future teacher? Cite example/s in
every principle to justify your answer.
Encode your answer in a long bond paper, with a font size of 12, font style Times New
Roman, Margin 1”, Line Spacing 1.5.
You can submit the soft copy of your requirement in my email
You can write your answer in a Long Bond Paper, but make sure that your penmanship is
understandable and organize.
If you have difficulty in accessing into the internet, you can submit the hard at the
Faculty Office, 3rd floor and look for my table. My name was labelled in my table.
No to pictured activities
Copied answer in the internet will not be recorded.
Submit your requirements/activities on or before September 15, 2020.
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D., Ma. Rita D. Lucas, Ph.D., Heidi Grace L. Borabo, Ph.D., Paz I.
Lucido, Ph. D.