4.0 Medical Certificate of Death: Outline
4.0 Medical Certificate of Death: Outline
4.0 Medical Certificate of Death: Outline
Case Sample 4: When there are more than three reported Case Sample 6
causes of death A 65-year old man has a long history of on and off
A 10-year-old boy with a past medical history of hemoptysis and weight loss has been diagnosed to have
Thalassemia for the past 4 years develops severe anemia advanced pulmonary tuberculosis for six years. After a bout
leading to high output cardiac failure 2 weeks ago. Three of massive hemoptysis while working in the farm, the
(3) Days prior to admission, he developed cough and patient died at home six hours later.
dyspnea with a respiratory rate of 44/minute. Chest x-ray
showed lobar pneumonia. Despite antibiotic coverage and
blood transfusion his condition deteriorated, and he died
the next day.
Terms that imply mode of dying rather than the cause of Other relevant entries:
death* (Don’t use as immediate cause of death) 20. Autopsy, whether done or not
Asphyxia Heart failure Syncope 21a. Attendant before death, whether by a private
Asthenia Hepatic failure Uremia physician, public health officer, hospital authority, none
Brain Hepatorenal Vaginal inhibition or others (specify)
Failure Failure Vasogvagal 21b. Dates for duration of time of attendance, if
Cachexia Kidney Failure attack deceased was attended before death
Coma Renal Failure Ventricual Failure 22. Certification of death – AFFIX signature
Euthanasia Shock - Certification of death containing the time of death
and whether the deceased was attended or not;
Example: signature, name, position and address of the
CERTIFIER (Physician) and the date signed; and
name and signature of Local Health Officer as
REVIEWER and the date signed.
Case Sample 7
A 36-year old G5P3A1 woman who delivered a full-term
baby boy at home was brought to the Emergency Room ↳ Fill up the main disease, condition of the fetus as well as
because of placental retention. The woman apparently had the maternal disease condition kasi pwedeng yan ang
severe bleeding and was hypotensive on her arrival at ER. cause ng death ng fetus
She was transfused whole blood and manual extraction of
the placenta was performed. However, the woman died Case Sample 8
four hours after delivery. A 38-year old G3P2 was admitted at a birthing facility while
34 weeks pregnant. After six hours of premature labor, she
delivered a stillborn baby boy with cord around his neck.
The fetus is cyanotic with no gross fetal movement and no
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C. Infant Death
For deaths involving infants aged 0 to 7 days, the
same form of Certificate of death is used as in other
deaths from the general population except that the
Medical certificate portion found at the back of the
form is filled out instead of the one in front.
Instead of reporting the underlying and/or immediate
cause of death, with or without antecedent cause, the
certifier has to report the main maternal disease or
condition affecting the infant, as well as for other
diseases or conditions
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Indicate time interval from onset to death, be Municipal Form 103 - Attachment for Muslim Death
Underlying COD should have longest time interval
Avoid ill-defined conditions, may use one ill-defined
condtion as long as more specific underlying condition
is included
No mechanistic terminal events
Fill out other pertinent items
- Maternal condition, death by external cause,
autopsy, attendant, duration of attendance
Be specific when applicable- infections, neoplasm etc.
Other reminders
Permanent black ink
Write legibly
NO stamps, fasimiles- must be original signature
NO abbreviations or symbols (not standardized)
- Only HIV, AIDS is intentionally accepted
IP Form 2 – Attachment for death of ICCs/Indigenous
In a case of DM, dying of septicaemia due to gangrene of
a limb
Dead On Arrival:
brought to the ER unconscious, and eventually dies in
the ER within 24 hours
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