The Worldwide STANDARD For Home and Building Control
The Worldwide STANDARD For Home and Building Control
The Worldwide STANDARD For Home and Building Control
ETS5 now available with
KNX Secure functionality!
ETS5 Professional
See all ETS Apps on
New licenses Price Restrictions
ETS5 Professional 1000,00 E
ETS5 Supplementary 150,00 E For Notebooks, maximal 2 licenses,
only together with ETS5 Professional
ETS5 Lite 200,00 maximal 20 products possible
ETS Inside 160,00
ETS Apps see KNX Online Shop
Upgrade licenses
ETS4 Professional> ETS5 Professional 350,00
ETS4 Supplementary > ETS5 Supplementary 110,00
ETS4 Lite > ETS5 Lite 150,00
Educational licenses
ETS5 Training Package 1.200,00 1 x ETS5 Professional, 10 x ETS5 Lite /
2 x Training Handbooks
ETS Inside opens up exciting perspectives
in the growing smart home market
5 OSRAM joins KNX as member 400!
6 Largest increase in certified KNX installers since the start of KNX
2016 comes to a close with more than 65,000
certified KNX installers located in nearly 160 countries
7 KNX at European WorldSkills Competition:
Euroskills 2016
Projects 1
8 Largest passive house in the United Kingdom
University building with KNX automation
requires 80 percent less energy than before
10 A common denominator
Branch offices create a smart network
of building management systems
12 KNX automates police station
Efficient lighting and energy control both day and night
14 KNX conquers the oceans
2,000 lighting circuits on the high seas
16 Sprinklers in the green wall
Numerous automation ideas for a luxury villa
18 KNX technology for comfortable holidays
KNX installation makes a stay in a holiday villa
as enjoyable as possible
20 Light scenes amongst the sand dunes
Building technology in historic luxury hotel
made more efficient Setpoint
Controller Actuators
Data processing Action
Sensor systems
Data collection
22 Heating, Cooling, Ventilation with KNX
Solutions and Products
25 ETS Inside – Getting Started
Get your installation up and running in 8 easy steps
27 New ETS Apps
29 New Members
33 New Products
51 National Groups
58 Userclub | Professionals
61 Training Centres
63 Scientific Partners
68 Imprint
“KNX – There is more inside”
When Max Planck – who later received the Nobel Prize in physics –
2 decided in 1874 to study physics, his professor discouraged him to do
so. Until then already everything had already been discovered and he
could not bring about anything new, because “in this science nearly
everything had already been explored”. Fortunately Max Planck did
not follow this advice and developed the quantum theory in the course
of his research activities, without which e. g. navigation devices, mobile
phones or modern radio communication are inconceivable today. In
physics, there was still “more inside” than Newton’s laws.
– Smart, Simple, Safe
ETS Inside opens up exciting perspectives
for the growing smart home market
The advantage of intelligent functions in the home
has made its way into the minds of most people.
Smart home is the phrase on everybody’s lips and
the market is on the edge of a breakthrough. And
that’s why KNX is releasing the new ETS Inside.
Even installers with little experience in building au-
tomation are able to create KNX projects quickly
and easily when using this tool for small- and medi-
um-sized projects. What’s more, the inhabitants will
be delighted too!
They will get to experience their intelligent home by
becoming personally involved, adapting functions to
their own needs. That’s because ETS Inside is a fixed
part of the KNX installation that always stays up-
to-date on site. Its user-friendly interface even runs
on tablets and smartphones. With just the swipe of
a finger, owners can remotely control their homes.
All this is possible while the project stays protected
against unauthorised access.
KNX has proven its sustainability over several years for Operation and ETS data decoupled
countless numbers of projects. Openness, compatibility, One of ETS Inside’s basic principles is the decoupling of
flexibility – and, last but not least, the commonly used ETS the user interface from the ETS data. This allows project
(currently on version 5.5) – belong to the secret of its editing on all common operating systems. The underlying
success. The tried and true ETS Professional facilitates the KNX basic software is installed on the ETS Inside device
realisation of all KNX installations and for every project that is part of the installation. This hardware also contains
size. Certified KNX training centres provide learning op- the KNX project and offers a web server for a decoupled
portunities, not just for knowledge, but in know-how too. user interface. Due to this new concept – in contrast to
However, there are also smaller projects that require less the Windows-based ETS Professional – projects can be
sophisticated configuration on the smart home market. edited on tablets and smartphones with diverse operating
That makes ETS Inside great for installers without building systems, such as iOS, Android or Windows. The range
automation on their list of services, or who are only occa- of ETS Inside’s operational functionalities pairs perfectly
sionally active in the field. ETS Inside allows the realisation with its different uses. It is possible to design and to com-
of KNX projects without the need for extensive training. mission small- and medium-sized projects. This complies
Intelligent design, minimalistic layout, understandable symbols – via the new user interface parameters can be set with a simple touch.
KNX Journal 1/2017
Basic principle of a decoupled user interface: Intelligent and simple parameterisation via
tablet or smartphone. Tool and project software are located within the ETS Inside device.
with average KNX applications in residential, commercial Simple – A tool for installers and end users
and public buildings. All media (TP, IP, RF and PL) are sup- Installers and end users benefit from ETS Inside. KNX
ported. projects can be realised simply and cost-efficiently. It will
Projects created with ETS Inside will be able to synchro- also be possible for the system integrator to design a pro-
nise* with ETS Professional in future version of ETS Inside ject with ETS Professional and synchronise* it later on with
and ETS Professional. This includes for example: exten- the ETS Inside device. The project is then maintained for
sion of a KNX installation with additional devices, a topol- the customer by the electrical installer responsible. The
ogy with additional lines, or device use that requires very ETS Inside will have another ace up its sleeve in future
extensive parameterisation. versions: end customers will be able to control* certain
parameters so that they can personally make minor modi-
Smart – Finger tap instead of mouse click fications whenever the need arises. In that way dimming
The new ETS Inside is suited to today’s commonly used, values, schedules, lighting scenes, etc. can be modified by
user-friendly tablets and smartphones. The new minimalistic the user* according to personal preference: all without
user interface has an intelligent design and is compatible with having to call a professional.
several display resolutions, including: iPad, Android tablets,
and Windows tablets, etc. The flat buttons with easily un- Safe – No unauthorised access
derstandable symbols facilitate intuitive operation. Param- ETS Inside offers double protection:
eterisation is a simple affair, even for smartphones, because • To edit projects, the login data must be entered in ad-
ETS Inside is touch-sensitive. vance. This prevents unauthorised persons from gaining
access to the ETS Inside device.
• ETS Inside supports the new KNX Secure, thereby
making the KNX installation nearly invulnerable.
as member 400!
OSRAM, a leading global lighting pioneer with a history dating back more than 100 years.
KNX, the worldwide standard for home and build- building automation systems. We are very pleased to be
ing control (ISO / IEC 14543), strengthens the in- able to join the KNX family of companies and co-operate
ternationalisation of this leading technology with with them to enhance end user experiences by integrating
“OSRAM Licht AG” joining the community. KNX lighting controls with other building automation systems.”
is known for its high degree of interoperability be- Franz Josef Kammerl, President of KNX Association
tween products of different manufacturers and dif- commented: “We are proud to have OSRAM joining
ferent application domains, and proudly welcomes the KNX Association. OSRAM not only stands for high
OSRAM as the 400th member. product quality and smart connectivity, their involvement
in KNX opens a new world for further co-operation on
OSRAM, based in Munich, Germany, is a leading global an international scale. Therefore, we are pleasend about
lighting pioneer with a history dating back more than 100 “OSRAM Licht AG” joining and about being able to count
years. The portfolio ranges from high-tech applications one of the biggest manufacturers worldwide as part of
based on semiconductor technology, such as infrared the continuously growing KNX community.”
or laser lighting, to connected lighting solutions in smart
buildings and smart cities. OSRAM had around 33,000
employees worldwide at the end of fiscal 2015 (30th Sep-
tember) and generated revenue of almost € 5.6 billion in
that fiscal year. The company is listed on the stock ex-
changes in Frankfurt and Munich.
As a new member of the KNX Association, OSRAM will
enrich the KNX product portfolio in the area of smart
building control and Internet of Things on an international
Aninda DasGupta, Head of Strategic Marketing at
“OSRAM Digital Lighting Systems”, said: “OSRAM’s port-
folio of smart lighting components will utilise KNX tech-
nologies as part of a range of protocols that will enable KNX – the worldwide standard for
our lighting control systems to interoperate with other home and building control (ISO / IEC 14543).
KNX Journal 1/2017
Largest increase in certified KNX
7.703 KNX Association grew by
3.998 leaps and bounds
KNX Association has revealed in 2016 an unprec- Unstoppable growth of KNX eCampus
edented 30 % increase in certified KNX installers in During the last five years the KNX Association has dou-
160 countries worldwide. Driving this impressive suc- bled the number of KNX Training Centres across the
cess is the KNX Association’s significant investment world to 388. In 2016 this expansion has been fuelled
in education which today sees 388 KNX training by delivering more delegate content with online learn-
centres in 63 countries, delivering more KNX educa- ing. The introductory eCampus online platform is used
tion supported by extra online training and the in- by 2000 new KNX users from more than 100 countries
troductory eCampus online platform for those new worldwide every month.
to KNX.
More success ahead in 2017
From Albania to Vietnam, and in 160 countries in- “2016 has been a great year for KNX training but we are
between, certified KNX installers now offer comprehen- already building on this success for 2017,” adds Franz
sive worldwide coverage for design and installation ex- Josef Kammerl. “We are working to make it even more
pertise using the KNX protocol. Strongest growth was convenient, informative and valuable in the future. So, we
reported in Germany, Spain, Austria, France and Italy are currently designing a programme that combines we-
whilst certified KNX installers now exist for the first time binars, eCampus and certified training to help delegates
in Ivory Coast, Jersey, Madagascar, Saint Barthélemy and become an expert on KNX as quickly and efficiently as
Tajikistan. possible. More information on this initiative can be found
Franz Josef Kammerl, President of KNX Association com- at the Start@KNX microsite and on KNX eBooks which
mented: “The huge growth in certified KNX installers un- can be purchased on Amazon, currently the top-selling
derlines the continued success of KNX as the worldwide eBooks for their category.”
standard for home and building control (ISO / IEC 14543-3).
Undoubtedly, KNX training is powering this rapid expan- Each KNX certified installer saves the world
sion. Installers now have many more opportunities to Market confidence in KNX translates into an ever grow-
learn the skills they need to work with KNX. We are de- ing community. This year saw the largest annual increase
lighted that they are responding in greater numbers than in KNX Partners, i. e. those persons who invested in at-
ever. This means more end users can enjoy the benefits tending training at one of the nearly 400 KNX certified
of open, interoperable control in home, public and com- training centres worldwide. No fewer than 65,000 KNX
mercial building project applications.” Partners are now qualified worldwide to install KNX! In
order to underpin that KNX is a technology that helps
to protect our environment and instead of traditional
Christmas presents, KNX last year decided to make a
1 € donation for every KNX partner that joined the com-
munity in 2016 to the Plant-for-the-Planet initiative.
KNX Journal 1/2017
KNX at European
WorldSkills Competition:
Euroskills 2016
The popularity of conventional installation meth- hope that all the participants enjoy the competition and
ods not using bus technology is set to decline in the wish them every success with KNX” said Adrian Sommer,
near future. For this reason, it is very important that Chief Expert of “EuroSkills 2016” in Gothenburg.
apprentices and those at the beginning of their ca- “Today’s youth is adjusting quickly, which is extremely
reers are familiarised with bus technology and build- important in these fast moving times we live in. We are
ing control right from the start. KNX, as the only proud that KNX contributed significantly to Europe’s big-
provider of a globally standardised bus technology gest skills competition and underlined the importance of
(ISO / IEC 14543), is therefore proud that the Euro- the international STANDARD for home and building con-
pean WorldSkills Competition, took place in Goth- trol”, said Franz Josef Kammerl, President of the KNX
enburg from 30th November to 4th December in Association. “Understanding the importance of interna-
Gothenburg (Sweden) was based again on the KNX tional standards is leading the way to a more successful
technology. future.”
KNX Association, its members, as well as training centres
Following the general trend in home and building technol- and KNX partners, have invested a great deal to ensure
ogy, the organisation of WorldSkills has decided to base that the young generation’s knowledge on KNX has im-
its competition on KNX. Being chosen in 2011 for the first proved. New KNX Training Centres have been set up in
time, KNX has become the leading technology in many many new countries, reaching a total of almost 400 KNX
following competitions. Prominent examples are various Training Centres in 62 countries! Already today most of
national, as well as international competitions, such as the contestants and experts of all skill competitions are
“ASEAN Skills” in Southeast Asia, “WorldSkills Americas” listed amongst the 65,000 certified KNX Partners world-
in Latin America, the worldwide WorldSkills Competition wide.
as well as the “EuroSkills” competition. For more information about EuroSkills 2016 and further
“The youth of today is open to change. We are obliged to upcoming competitions, visit the dedicated EuroSkills
give them the opportunity in the future to get involved in website
the exciting sector of electro-technology and KNX. We
KNX Journal 1/2017
The Centre of Medicine at University of Leicester
is an example of efficient building technology.
Credit: University of Leicester
The new Medical Building at the University of The new centre on the university campus has around
Leicester in England is a showcase for energy ef- 12,000 square metres at its disposal with lecture halls,
ficiency. Britain’s largest functional building in the classrooms, offices, research laboratories and other in-
passive house design consumes 80 % less energy than frastructure facilities for more than 2,350 employees and
usual. KNX building system technology plays a part students. The institution is famous around the world due
in this. It monitors all the energy-related functions, to the research work carried out by leading academics.
establishes their connection to each other and en- Such a large functional building using the passive house
sures maximum efficiency of energy usage via well- standard is unique in Britain and is something to be proud
balanced control algorithms. of. The choice fell on KNX, as all the applications such
as lighting, heating, cooling, solar radiation, solar energy,
CO2 content of the air, ventilation etc. are controlled
in relation to each other. The system integrator Entech
based in Bredbury, names a further benefit of KNX: only
one bus cable for all the functions means considerable
savings in the amount of cabling required.
KNX Journal 1/2017
Solar heat is used
The reduction of the energy consumption is based on
the use of LED lighting technology. Through KNX/DALI
lighting control, energy-saving applications such as con-
stant lighting control, presence detection, scene control
and time scheduling are used. KNX is also coupled with
the media technology in the lecture halls so that the light-
ing conditions can also be modified from the lectern. The
automation of the shading system is based on the position
and intensity of the sun, on weather data, time sched-
ules and presence. The control generally relates to the
complete façade. If rooms are occupied, the blinds and
blackout blinds can be operated manually. To be able to
use solar heat in the cold season to save heat energy, the
control is coupled with the room temperature controller.
Controllers in the heating, air conditioning and ventilation Comfortable learning thanks to KNX automation.
Credit: University of Leicester
technology are likewise energy-efficient: the associated
parameters are room temperature, presence and layout
plans. CO2 sensors control the air quality and activate the automatic lighting control for escape routes in the event
VAV fresh air supply based on the room occupancy. of an alarm. A particularly convenient feature is that the
media, lighting and blind control can also be activated to-
Complex building energy management gether as a scene via the media control in connection with
Finally, a building energy management system was pro- KNX in the lecture halls. KNX takes on special control
duced, in which KNX monitors the data and makes com- tasks for the cooling / irrigation of the façades at night,
plex control decisions on this basis. Together with the which is part of the passive house concept. The cooling
monitoring of the complete system, it is visualised via the – warming is also possible – is carried out based on the
building management system using the KNX / BACnet recorded room temperature, outside temperature and
interface. KNX also creates safety in addition to energy water temperature. A connection with humidity sensors
efficiency. The coupling with the fire alarm system enables prevents condensation from forming.
• Complex building energy management
• BMS integrates as a platform all the applications
• KNX / DALI LED controller
• Coupling of media control / KNX
• Coupling of BMS / KNX
• Façade / slab cooling
• Lighting
• Sun protection
• Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
• Fire alarm system
• Safety monitoring
• Remote maintenance
• Number: 2250
• Brand:
Arcus EDS: Temperature / humidity sensor
Theben: Cheops valve drives, presence detector,
CO2 sensors, weather station
Siemens: KNX / DALI gateway
Osram: DALI PIR presence detector
ABB: Blind actuators
• Owner:
University Of Leicester
• System integration:
Entech ltd, Bredbury, Martin Vickery,
KNX Journal 1/2017
The light reflectors in the
Branch offices create a smart network 17 metre high banking hall
are controlled via KNX and
of building management systems lowered for cleaning purposes.
There are good reasons for bringing building systems up-to-date. Rising
energy costs and the associated requirement for intelligent energy-saving
technology are highly topical. New safety regulations must also be imple-
mented with new functions. Last but not least there is central monitoring
of the building technology and simple operating concepts. The featured
project originally lacked an integrated building management system. Device
failures and the necessary repairs were also the reason for optimising the
building system technology. The branch in Schwerte was built in 1998 and
equipped at that time with KNX. In 2015, the company “Elektro Hering
GmbH” from Fröndenberg in North Rhein-Westphalia was tasked with
the development and implementation of a management system spanning
both locations. Using the existing cabling, a visualisation system should be
created for both centralised and decentralised control and operation.
KNX Journal 1/2017
systems and offers numerous functions, particularly for
energy saving. The lighting control was switched to actua-
tors with current measurement. Newly installed, project-
specific LED lamps can for example be switched and con-
trolled individually and detailed data is available for both
monitoring and performance optimisation. There is the
additional benefit that individual LED lamps can also be
used if necessary as emergency lamps. Coupling with the
CEAG CB-S emergency lighting system using KNX I/O
modules was necessary for central monitoring. Emergen-
cy lamps can therefore be switched on as efficient corri-
dor lighting outside business hours. The absolute highlight
is the central building management system that has been
implemented via several Gira Facility Servers. A visuali-
sation system is therefore available for general access as
well as interfaces specifically for the service engineers.
Operation is carried out either via permanently installed
touch-sensitive panels, mobile tablets or on the PC. The
The building management system with visualisation
building management system integrates all the services is based on the Gira Facility Server.
e. g. the Siemens DESIGO HVAC system via KNX / BAC-
net gateways. Temperature values etc. can be visualised
and evaluated. The KNX / BACnet coupling simultane- cess control. If the reflectors of the lights in the 17 metre
ously implements existing room functions, lighting and high banking hall need to be lowered for maintenance and
blind control. Status and fault messages from the central cleaning purposes, KNX controls the lift mechanism. As
fire alarm system are transferred via KNX I/O. KNX is linked with the fire alarm system, the affected sen-
sors are meanwhile disabled to prevent fire alarms being
Energy and peak load management triggered by mistake.
The KNX installation meets the high requirements for
availability of the building technology with a redundant
power supply and battery backup of up to eight hours. BENEFITS OF KNX IN THIS PROJECT
Safety-related functions are retained even on failure of • High-level building management system
the building management system. The required energy • Lighting control
• Energy and peak load management
management is implemented by a Facility Server, depend- • Alarm and fault monitoring system
ent on consumption and peak load. KNX imports the • Optimisation and HVAC control
total capacity of the M-Bus energy meters via an ABB • Integration of emergency lighting system etc.
doGate automation server. The data from the actuators TECHNICAL HIGHLIGHTS
with current measurement per channel is simultaneously • Redundant power supply with battery backup
made available with the data from the HVAC control sys- • General and customised visualisation
for service engineers
tem via the corresponding I/O interface. KNX is used in • Integration of HVAC system
a practical way in this project. A time control therefore via KNX/BACnet gateways
switches off the sockets of the coffee machines outside
business hours. The video images of various cameras can
• Lighting
be retrieved via the visualisation by coupling with the ac- • Shading and light direction
• Emergency lighting system
• Fire alarm system
KNX has been in control in the Schwerte branch for 15 years – • Smart metering
touch-sensitive panel for central operation. • Video monitoring
• Visualisation
• Number: 300
• Brand: Gira Facility Server, Gira touch panel with
Quad Cli, KNX / BACnet gateway, I/O coupler
• Elektro Hering GmbH,
• Volkmar und Hartmann MSR-Technik GmbH
• System integration:
Microswitch GmbH, William Vent,
KNX Journal 1/2017
POLICE STATION Outside an important example of architecture,
inside efficient building technology
Source all photos: Leuschke Group
called for. During the day, the large windows and reflective
surfaces bring natural light into the building. If this is not
sufficient, a constant lighting control system supplements
the required lux values through metered artificial light. It
also promotes energy saving as presence detectors and
time programs switch on the lighting when required in in-
dividual areas. An astronomical time program adapts the
outside lighting perfectly according to the seasons.
Peak load management is also implemented via KNX. For
optimum management of the energy use, all the usage is
logged via the bus system, requirement analyses are cre-
ated and the loads are controlled accordingly. If there is a
potential overload, any unnecessary loads such as chillers
are temporarily disconnected.
Through coupling with the HVAC via KNX / BACnet,
KNX data is available for multiple use. KNX presence sig-
nals automatically activate the comfort mode or standby
mode of the room temperature control dependent on
the presence or absence of the staff.
• Lighting
• Smart metering
• Visualisation
Guaranteed lighting conditions around the clock • Number: 225
due to reliable KNX automation. • Brand:
ABB: Constant lighting control, presence sensors,
consumption measurement etc.
Siemens: KNX / IP gateway
Loytec: BACnet / IP gateway
Steinel: Lighting management
• Architect:
Leuschke Group Architects,
• HVAC contractor:
Aqua Vent,
KNX Journal 1/2017
• System integrator:
BTL, Auckland
With KNX building system technology
on the high seas –
the motor yacht “O’Pari3”
from Golden Yachts Ltd, Greece.
2,000 lighting circuits on the high seas
KNX building system technology has not only con- Vafiadis design studio and built by the shipping com-
quered luxury villas and hotels but has also caught pany “Golden Yachts Ltd”. The maiden voyage was
on in the world of luxury boats. The motor yacht in 2015. The system integrator, Sotirios Gratzios from
“O’Pari3” must be the most spectacular bus project Thessaloniki, decided in favour of KNX because the
on the high seas. It was designed in Greece by the bus system is extremely flexible and easy to integrate.
KNX Journal 1/2017
With a length of 72 metres and a width of 13 metres, the
yacht is the largest charter vessel owned by the company.
Luxuriously furnished suites are located on the middle and
upper deck and accommodate up to 16 guests. They are
pampered by a 20-man crew. The salons and sun terraces
with a panoramic view are part of the glamourous life on
the ocean, including restaurants, bars, fitness facilities and
water sports equipment. At night, more than 2,000 light
sources bring the elegance of the ship’s design to the fore.
The decision in favour of KNX was particularly influenced
by the extensive range of lighting offered. Requirements
for a centralised visualisation with clear control and simple
operation could therefore be met. Finally, the shading, the Automatic lighting control emphasises the pure luxury 15
– here on the main deck in the owner’s suite
audio and video system for the on-board entertainment
and the iOS environment could be integrated in one op-
erator interface. The flexibility of the KNX system has
already proven to be an advantage in the building phase
during the project design process.
• Lighting
• Audio / video
• Remote maintenance
• Number: 65
• Brand:
Siemens: KNX / DALI gateway
ABB: Actuators, shutter actuators, KNX/IP gateway
Busch Jaeger: Control panel
Crestron: KNX / Crestron gateway
• GMP S. A., Thessaloniki,
Sotirios Gratzios,
KNX Journal 1/2017
Villa from the “Gründerzeit” –
with modern building technology
Numerous automation ideas for a luxury villa
The installation of luxurious villas is a special treat The detached house with its three floors and 1,000 square
for creative system integrators. After all, it is not metres of outside space is an admirable building. What’s
only about controlling the usual building technology more, it has an impressive garden. The path leads through
but about finding tailored solutions together with to a green wall which is a particularly decorative feature.
the owner for functionality, safety, comfort and lei- Rooms for guests and staff are located on the ground
sure. There is not a single room or area in this pro- floor. The upper floors are reserved for private use. Rec-
ject which is not monitored, controlled or regulated reational areas are situated in the cellar which also houses
by KNX. all the technology.
627 bus devices were installed for the KNX automation.
Scene control functions are the norm instead of simple
Automatic watering of the green wall. On / Off commands. A switch command can thus de-
termine whether all the gates are raised or only one is
opened. The owner can determine and modify the scene
combinations himself. The system integrator has devel-
oped a special concept for this purpose. It is based on
a large number of room functions, with four to twelve
lighting circuits per room alone. There are even 92 lighting
circuits in the garden.
Otherwise, the house is fully automated. However, the
automatic functions can be immediately manually over-
ridden when necessary.
KNX Journal 1/2017
Each time of day has its own scene
All the control types are used for the extensive lighting
system. In addition to switching and dimming with KNX
actuators, this includes DALI digital lighting control, DMX
stage technology as well as analogue interfaces such as
1 – 10 V. The automation has been refined with move-
ment detectors which activate specific scenes dependent
on the time of day. The shading is automated depend-
ing on the position of the sun. When switching to “night
mode”, the status of the windows – open or closed – is
queried and the current ventilation setting of the blinds is Meeting the host’s requirements: this is the menu for
taken into account. The automation of the heating, venti- watering the garden, with the stylistic design matching the interior
lation and air conditioning system is complex. Vents in wet Master bedroom page: Room control menu with access to 17
the individual functional areas.
areas are controlled according to use and via tempera-
ture and humidity sensors. If the dome on the staircase is
opened, the windows on the ground floor open so that a
chimney effect comes into operation. An air conditioning
system with adjustable “turbo cooling” and “turbo heat-
ing” modes is also integrated together with the Synco
HVAC controller from Siemens. All the data from the so-
lar panels and gas boiler regarding the service water and
heating energy is thus available for the visualisation.
• Honeder GesmbH & Co KG,
Martin Honeder, Gars am Kamp, Austria
• System integrator:
KNX Journal 1/2017
Roman Valladares
(visualisation, graphics, user interface),
Martin Honeder (KNX, Gira HomeServer)
Sura Davos
with its exclusive
architecture and
ornate façades
Davos in the Swiss canton of Graubünden is famous The building stands like a monolith on a hill with an un-
for its winter sports and above all for the “World derground cable car leading up to it. The journey alone is
Economic Forum”. Prominent guests are the norm. already a high-tech experience. Once you have reached
The most discerning find an exclusive holiday villa the top, there are a further five floors. On an area span-
in Sura Davos. It offers peace and relaxation in a ning 1,000 square metres, with five suites and two single
prime location. The view of the mountains is sim- bedrooms, there is space for up to 20 guests. The living
ply majestic. Your luxurious stay is supported by the and sleeping areas are complemented by a lounge, spa
highest quality building technology. area, home cinema and kitchen. The architecture with its
clear lines and high-quality materials is top class. Likewise
the building technology which seeks to make your stay as
enjoyable as possible. At the heart of the KNX installa-
tion, which has been implemented by the system integra-
tor “Eibrom GmbH” based in Dietikon, Switzerland, is the
visualisation based on a Gira Homeserver. The host, who
resides on the upper floors, can access the visualisation
via a large touch-sensitive panel. A scaled-down version is
available for his iPhone. The guests can likewise operate
their area via a tablet (iPad) depending on authorisation.
KNX Journal 1/2017
Busch-priOn® room control units. The room control is
complex and offers the highest level of comfort with ef-
ficient use of energy. The space heating is inhibited via
window contacts. The room temperature in turn also in-
fluences the shading. To keep the sun’s heat in the room
during the winter, the blinds are only lowered when the
setpoint value is reached. The shading is carried out sec-
tor by sector dependent on the azimuth and elevation of Sense of well-being: Individual lightscenes
can be retrieved in the living spaces
the sun.
The single-room control ensures efficient use of ener-
gy for space heating. The room ventilation brings fresh
mountain air into the house. The HVAC system is cou-
pled with the KNX installation and can likewise be moni-
tored and influenced via the visualisation.
Scenes simplify the operation and can simply be adapted
to individual requirements.
• Number: 227
• Brand:
Gira: Visualisation with Homeserver
ABB: KNX / DALI gateways, actuators,
weather station,
Busch-priOn® room control unit
Hager: LED dimmers
Theben: Movement detector
• Owner:
Sura Davos,
• Electrical installer:
Caviezel AG, 7270 Davos Platz,
• System integrator:
EIBROM GmbH, 8853 Dietikon, Albert Elsener,
KNX Journal 1/2017
• Multimedia partner:
Visualisation menu for blinds and windows Erzinger AG, 6340 Baar,
Popular with prominent guests and holidaymakers
– the Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin situated on
the famous North Sea beach in Noordwijk
Building technology in historic luxury hotel
made more efficient
The Grand Hotel “Huis ter Duin” located on the lates a sense of well-being. Luxury and safety but also the
famous North Sea beach in the town of Noordwijk efficiency of administrative processes and energy usage
in the Netherlands, has an eventful history. With its have been supported since 2015 by the automation of the
opening in 1885, the former fishing village began to building technology with KNX.
develop into a fashionable beach resort. Both royal A standardised operating system platform should enable
guests and other high-ranking visitors have frequent- efficient maintenance of the building technology by en-
ed the hotel. The luxurious hospitality among the gineers and staff. KNX has proven itself suitable for the
dunes is also in demand today. The American Presi- integration of a wide variety of systems, particularly in
dent Barack Obama stayed here in 2014. Building the hotel industry. The visualisation of the KNX project
technology with KNX has become popular in mod- with approximately 1,200 bus devices is carried out with
ern times. eVision, a software program provided by the system inte-
grator “InstaVer” from Nieuw Vannep in the Netherlands.
The five star hotel has 230 rooms, 20 suites, four pent- By coupling the visualisation for example with the hotel
KNX Journal 1/2017
houses, conference rooms, spa facilities, an award-win- management system, efficient administrative tasks have
ning restaurant – and a breathtaking view of the North become possible for hotel reservations, access control,
Sea. The stylish interior conveys an ambience that stimu- cleaning service and room monitoring.
The visualisation enables technicians
to have an optimum overview of all
the functions of building technology
Supports safety and comfort
Safety has the highest priority in hotel projects. The cen-
tral fire alarm system works independently. Via the KNX/
OPC coupling, detailed alarm data can be visualised.
Emergency calls from KNX panic buttons in the rooms
can be rapidly located.
Engineers and other employees have access to databas-
es for fault messages, facility services and risk analysis.
Alarms and fault signals can be routed via all media such as 21
email, smartphone, touch-sensitive screens or announce-
Comfortable lighting combined with the classic interior
creates a certain atmosphere. The lighting control is
carried out directly via KNX, in combination with DALI
digital lighting control or DMX event technology. Lighting
moods can be stored in scenes and retrieved for special
occasions. The stylish beach house is made enchanting
with colourful lighting moods via an RGB LED controller.
A further benefit is that KNX is also leading-edge in de-
sign. The selected LS design range from Jung in classic or
antique brass is harmoniously integrated into the classic
• Number: 1200
• Brand:
Gira: Homeserver
Instaver: eVizion
Jung: Actuators, push buttons
and LS design room controller
• Instaver, NL 2153 PH Nieuw-Vannep,
Mark Honsbeek,
KNX Journal 1/2017
Heating, Cooling,
Ventilation with KNX
energy savings of up to 50 % could be 9 10 11
achieved with individual room tem- 8 Sauter: Room Controller ecos504/505 9 Bleu Comm Azur: realKNX Server
perature control based on KNX. 10 Siemens: Synco IC 11 Sinapsi: M-Bus/W.M-Bus Web Server
Radiator and underfloor heating, cooling ceilings
In radiator and underfloor heating, transported through the pipes and with an integrated KNX interface on
the centrally generated energy is heat is extracted from the room via the other hand have the benefit that
transported with water to the re- the cooling elements. the valves can be very precisely po-
quired locations in the building via The triggering of the valves is nor- sitioned and mostly have additional
pumps and piping. Valves control the mally carried out via analogue ther- intelligence and diagnostic functions.
rate of flow in the individual heating moelectric or motor valve drives. Through bidirectional communica-
circuits and thus the heat emission. Thermoelectric drives are connect- tion, it is furthermore possible to
Cooling ceilings function according ed cost-effectively to special KNX transfer both the current valve po-
to the same principle, the only dif- actuators which usually have mul- sition and error messages via KNX.
ference being that cooled water is tiple channels. Motor valve drives
12 13 14
17 18 19 Internal20 21
17 bus system Ethernet
ISM8 – eBus/Ethernet-
Gas condensing boiler interface
KNX Journal 1/2017
17 ISE Individuelle Software-Entwicklung: ise smart connect KNX Vaillant 18 Viessmann: Vitogate 200
19 Stiebel Eltron: Internet-Service-Gateway (ISG) 20 Bosch: Bosch Gateway KNX 10 21 Wolf: Wolf KNX interface kit
As regards products, planners and installers can choose to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. In particular,
KNX Journal 1/2017
from over 7,000 certified KNX products which cover all the the integral networking of energy-efficiency room automa-
applications of heating, ventilation and air conditioning. The tion functions of all the trades and demand-based control
KNX worldwide standard thus offers the best requirements contribute significantly to energy savings in buildings.
ETS Inside – Getting Started
Get your installation up and running in 8 easy steps
The ETS Inside is a powerful and simple tool for running your KNX
installation. Simply follow the 8 steps described and give the building
what it deserves – a fully functional KNX installation.
2 Install the ETS Inside (client version) on your mobile phone or tablet
ETS Inside is available for Android, iOS and Windows. The
ETS Inside app can be downloaded free of charge at Google
Play Store, Apple App Store or the Windows Store. Once
installed, you can get started with commissioning your instal-
3 Link your mobile phone or tablet to the installation using the ETS Inside device
Once you have both successfully installed your KNX instal-
lation with ETS Inside and installed your smartphone or tab-
let with the ETS Inside client, you can establish a connection
between your mobile device and the KNX installation. The
recommended route is to:
• set the connection to Auto
• choose the project connection you would like to establish
to start or continue commissioning the KNX installation
Alternatively, you can also connect to the installation manually.
6 Add devices from the KNX Online Catalog
Once the project and the building structure have been set,
you can begin adding devices to each of your rooms. For this
purpose you can use the KNX Online Catalog, which contains
all ETS Inside-compatible certified KNX devices.
Please visit the ETS Inside website for more information about how to use
features, benefits, guidelines, FAQs, etc. at
KNX Journal 1/2017
New ETS Apps
You can find all ETS Apps at Software ETS Apps Features
terminal-App AutoBackup
ALEXANDER BÜRKLE GMBH & CO. KG With this app, you IT GMBH This App will automatically create a snapshot of
can import KNX projects from terminal, the universal your ETS project (as knxproj) in a specified, project-spe-
online configurator. In addition to the requirement speci- cific location. This is useful if you are working with several
fication generated by the terminal, you can import floors, projects and want to: include versions of the projects in
rooms and group addresses directly into your ETS pro- a backup solution; synchronise the versions with a cloud
ject. Contact: service (e. g. Dropbox®); deploy the project to a location
accessible by other persons or tools. ETS5 has a similar
facility named “recovery points”.
KNX ASSOCIATION The Web Service Exporter app by MDT TECHNOLOGIES With this new ETS App from the
KNX Association allows you to create an XML file with member company MDT Technologies, you can load and
the KNX information model of an ETS project. The ex- change the symbols in the MDT glass push button Smart II.
ported project can be used with the KNX web service This works for both the product versions with and without
KNX Journal 1/2017
Studio Exchange” app for ETS, CSV files that were previ- Field Strength Analyzer” KNX RF FSA gets a grip on the
ously generated in BAline Studio can be imported into innate uncertainty of KNX RF installations. Detecting
ETS. These files contain information about names and signal strength indicators (RSSI) of all user-selected RF
types of objects and the direction of data flow, which devices and displaying them by a colored matrix makes
have been set in BAline Studio projects. With “KNXMCM testing and debugging of KNX RF device connections eas-
BAline Studio Exchange”, the settings on KNX devices can ier than ever before. Faults of a KNX RF installation are
be easily made so that the corresponding BAline Studio easy to identify by observation of device RSSIs. The app
project can run perfectly on these devices. “KNXMCM is also able to measure the area coverage of all activated
BAline Studio Exchange” can only be run for one device at repeaters to avoid future problems. TAPKO’s KNX RF
a time. If reception monitoring has been set up for Group Field Strength Analyzer app is all one needs to successfully
Objects in BAline Studio, a message appears in the “Infor- commission a KNX RF installation. KNX RF FSA is avail-
mation” field. Contact: able in the Shop of MyKNX.
KNX Journal 1/2017
New Members
Astrum Teknoloji Ltd. Sti.
TURKEY Astrum is a company that produces innovative smart interfaces and controllers
for home and building automation. They are constantly striving to redefine and improve
people’s living spaces. They specialise in developing embedded hardware and software.
Astrum’s products make homes and buildings smarter and more energy-efficient. As-
trum’s innovation goes beyond simple interfaces. Their free-thinking engineers develop
flexible hardware and software solutions which allows SDK level access and end-user
customisable devices. Astrum brings together the concepts of affordability, energy ef-
ficiency and stylish design in an innovative approach to home and building automation.
Their solutions are designed using an integrated, whole-system approach.
B.s Systems
ISRAEL Bsmart is one of the leading companies in Israel, specialising in the KNX standard
since 2007. As a versatile venture, they are involved in the field of home and building
automation on multiple levels, both as a training centre that educates students as well
as a professional automation company. They carry out the sales, import, manufacturing
and marketing of KNX products. As an integrator, they specialise in home automation
projects and audio / video projects. Contact:
KNX Journal 1/2017
Brumberg Leuchten GmbH & Co. KG
GERMANY The family-owned company, founded in 1873 by Hermann Josef Brum-
berg under the same name in Sundern – known since 1985 under the name Brumberg
Leuchten GmbH & Co. KG – has established itself as a professional lighting manufac-
turer in the high-quality, smart lighting technology sector. Brumberg is among the leading
suppliers and offers professional lighting solutions for almost all application areas. In its
portfolio, there is a broad spectrum of LED lights and lighting fixtures with conventional
light sources in various designs and power ratings. The company, family-run for five gen-
erations, is headed by the brothers Johannes and Benedikt Brumberg. In 2015, Brumberg
became a partner of “eNet-Allianz with Gira / Jung” as well as of “Feelsmart”. In 2016,
30 Brumberg joined the strong brand alliance “Connected Comfort” as well as the “Initiative
Elektromarken. Starke Partner.” Contact:
BELGIUM ELAUSYS develop innovative solutions and products in the field of electron-
ics, automation and IoT. They design and manufacture their own products for home and
building automation based on the worldwide standard KNX. From binary inputs with
built-in temperature sensors, to modular actuator systems with extension modules or
alarm system gateways. Their products cover all needs for a modular and cost-effective
automation system. Located in Belgium, their goal is also to support their clients with
expertise by providing customised and OEM products. Depending on your requirements,
they offer global engineering services, consulting or training services as well as your own
product range. Contact:
tor of LED products and accessories with a consistently market-oriented mindset. They
are a well-established company that continues to grow. Their team consists of selected
employees who continually develop to always offer their customers the latest technol-
ogy. The strong team spirit between experienced and young colleagues guarantees their
customers both decades of experience in electronics and LED technology as well as
revolutionary new ideas and approaches. They have also set up a customer-oriented
service network of trained representatives in other European countries. With their entry
into KNX technology, they combine the outstanding features of LED lighting with the
versatile options of KNX control. Impolux will develop the new generation of smart LED
lights with their vision of functionality. Contact:
Kavoshpishro Asia
IRAN Kavoshpishro Asia was founded in 2011 in Iran. In the last two years, the R&D
company team gained experience in the design and production of several projects, such
as tablet-based development boards for use in video door phone systems. Recently, they
started the development of end products using the KNX protocol, such as smart home
appliances. Contact:
Nanjing, China. Its product line covers active power filters, static var generators, low volt-
age devices, intelligent lighting, etc. They provide overall solutions and technical support
and consultancy to their customers. They are now designing and developing KNX devices
and software with high quality, and believe that being a member of KNX, the worldwide
standard for home and building control, will offer a bright future.
Sabiana SpA
ITALY Sabiana is the Italian company that has been designing, producing and selling inno-
vative heating and air conditioning products for over 80 years. All of the products use the
best existing natural liquid that has always stood side-by-side with people in all of their
activities: water. By heating and cooling water, they can in fact control the air conditioning
in any space with maximum precision and comfort. The main product lines are radiant
panels, unit heaters, fan coil, air handling units, stainless steel flues, indoor air quality. Since
1 July 2014, Sabiana has been a member of AFG Group, Arbonia-Forster-Holding AG,
an international group which is a technological leader in the production of construction
materials. Today, Sabiana directly employs more than 180 people, with three factories
near Milan with an overall 50,000 m2 of surface area and turnover of more than 80 million
euros, over 50 % of which is in the foreign market. Contact:
Sauter AG
SWITZERLAND As a leading provider of solutions for building automation technology in
green buildings, Sauter provides pleasant conditions and a sense of well-being in sustain-
able environments. Sauter is a specialist in developing, producing and marketing products
and systems for energy-efficient total solutions and offers a comprehensive range of
services to ensure the energy-optimised operation of buildings. Their products, solutions
and services enable high energy efficiency throughout the entire lifecycle of a building,
from planning and construction through to operation, in office and administrative build-
ings, research and educational facilities, hospitals, industrial buildings and laboratories,
airports, leisure facilities, hotels and data centres. With over 100 years’ experience and a
track record of technological expertise, Sauter is a proven system integrator with quality
and innovation. Contact:
V2 SpA
ITALY V2 is a leading brand active in home and building automation. With seven locations
in the world, they are a multinational company that since 1985 has designed integrated
solutions for automation. A company in continuous expansion, which defines the concept
of technological innovation in all its forms, from automated systems for gates to those for
garages and windows, to the safety devices. Their solutions, perfect for both residential
and industrial use, combine technology, innovation, research, to make daily movements
simpler and safer. Their products add value to the life of the people who use them and to
the work of the professionals who choose them every day.
KNX Journal 1/2017
New Products
ABB i-bus® KNX Logic controller ABA/S 1.2.1
ABB STOTZ-KONTAKT GMBH Smart Buildings under control? With the new
ABB Logic Controller ABA/S 1.2.1, system integrators can quickly and flexibly
deal with the most challenging project requirements – with a maximum level
of freedom in design. That is because the logic controller can easily and reliably
accommodate altered or extended functionality requests during the construc- 33
tion or usage of buildings. Contact:
VFace – Ultimate VRF Interface
ASTRUM TECHNOLOGY LTD VFace is an easy configurable VRV / VRF gateway
for KNX projects, supports most of the existing brands and provides end users
with full control of all indoor units via KNX or web interface. Easy integration
of VRF without any other equipment directly to KNX and simple configura-
tion of all settings via the web interface. It can also be used remotely by web
interface to control and monitor indoor units or to create timing scenes for
indoor units. Moreover, VFace has a 7" touch screen option that can be used
as a central remote controller. Contact:
FHD Player
AV STUMPFL GMBH Wherever you need professional media playout solutions
to be integrated with effective KNX workflows, AV Stumpfl can offer both
fully compatible software and hardware solutions. Using our Avio Manager
software toolkit, building automation projects featuring audio visual displays
can be easily set up using node point connections. The FHD Player hardware
combines high quality and interactive media playout and natively integrates
into KNX bus networks. Potential applications range from museums to cor-
porate digital signage. You can maximise efficiency and remove compatibility
issues when integrating AV displays by using AV Stumpfl products in this way.
Basalte introduces
new Deseo temperature controller
BASALTE At ISE 2017, Basalte introduced the Deseo temperature controller,
a comprehensive HVAC controller that directly integrates with KNX home
automation. Its elegant design and use of top-quality materials enable HVAC
control to blend into any interior, thanks to the high-quality finishes such as
aluminium, bronze and glass. The internal temperature sensor and thermostat
monitor heating, cooling and ventilation in the room. Its unique, user-friendly
interface provides simple controls for setpoint, ventilation and modes. Com-
bined with Basalte’s unique multi-touch functionalities, Deseo becomes the
one-stop keypad for HVAC and quick lighting control in your room. 35
BMS – BUILDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS The main and sub modules for
24 V DC drives include four motor outputs and eight binary inputs per device.
The connection to the KNX bus is realised via the main module. Thus each
combination is just one KNX participant. Integrated security objects and prior-
ity management ensure that the controlled products like blinds, awnings, large
louvre blades, roller shutters, windows, light domes, etc. are damage-proof
at any time. The speed control during acceleration and braking protects the
drives and the blockage detection ensures a risk-free operation. The automatic
detection of end positions, the 6-byte “SunControl” object as well as the pre-
configured product libraries and movement strategies provide support with
KNX Journal 1/2017
loads or 12 / 8 / 4 / 2-fold KNX actuator for the control of drives for motor-
ised blinds, shutters or curtains. To be used in KNX installations for home and
building automation. BSmart KNX products make it possible to achieve the
most convenient solutions for projects and also increase the comfort of living
spaces while decreasing energy costs. Contact:
Busch-Presence Detector
BUSCH-JAEGER The new Busch-Presence detector Corridor KNX is espe-
cially designed for use in hallways and long corridors. The detector reaches
a detection range of up to 30 metres. This single device covers areas which
previously required several detectors to be used. Its extra-flat design blends
seamlessly into the existing room design. With the integrated room tempera-
ture controller, the premium version of the Busch-Presence detector Corridor
KNX can additionally regulate heating and cooling. Moreover, constant lighting
control as well as two power off stages can be implemented. The detector can
also be set to programming mode via the infrared remote control.
HomeCockpit Minor
DIALOGIC SYSTEMS GMBH & CO. KG Now with two HDMI and USB ports. A
monitoring system that simplifies everything: The new Minor generation from
Dialogic Systems has two HMDI and USB ports, so two PCs can be connected
and controlled simultaneously. The KNX visualisation for building automation
can thus be run on one computer, while the other PC monitors security tech-
nology, for instance. To this end, there is a 3 mm thick, touch-operated, real
glass panel and a sound card, plus loudspeakers and a microphone. A voice
performance module and a 5 MP camera are available as options too. Get in
touch with the future! Contact:
DIVUS GMBH The solution for your stable, secure and controlled network.
DIVUS HEARTBEAT is a hardware software solution, composed of a PoE+
enabled managed switch and an innovative manager for KNX CONTROL. In-
tegrated into the network, it creates a secure area for building automation, the
“DIVUS SECURE NET”. A protected intranet, in which the devices interact
perfectly, but can not be attacked from the outside. Additional features such
as status scan, real-time monitoring, system diagnostics and troubleshooting
provide support through automatically generated system reports making it to
an indispensable innovation for your building network! Contact:
channels x 300 W, automatic identification of the load type and with config-
urable parameters to optimise the control of different lamps such as LED,
incandescent and halogen, CFL dimmable lights and low voltage lamps with
electronic or ferromagnetic transformer. Contact:
ekey – Know who is coming home!
EKEY BIOMETRIC SYSTEMS By integrating ekey fingerprint access control sys-
tems via a KNX interface, the ultimate benefit will be added to your installa-
tion: personalised building control using biometric data that guarantees unique
identification. Save up to 99 fingerprints within one installation and use up to
ten ekey events to program customised scenarios through the ETS. Apart from
these ten standard events, there is a dedicated event available for unknown
fingerprints / users. A security event can be triggered automatically after a cer-
tain number of rejections were recognised by the ekey finger scanner within a
configurable time period. Contact:
LogicMachine5 Cloud Services
EMBEDDED SYSTEMS SIA Cloud services like Amazon Echo, Apple Home-
Kit and others, can now speak to KNX. Amazon provides a voice interface
to combine home control, music control, home shopping, news, traffic and
weather updates and more. Voice-assisted living has never been so easy to im-
plement with new LogicMachine5. LogicMachine5 controls and interconnects
all Amazon Echo and Apple devices and allows you to control your installation
via voice commands. Contact:
Enertex KNX SmartMeter 85A RT
ENERTEX BAYERN GMBH Enertex introduces a new variant of its
SmartMeter with an integrated clock. The variant includes all the features of
the basic device: bidirectional energy meter, measurement of current, voltage,
active power, reactive power, power factor, THD, harmonics, zero system cur-
rent. Due to its internal clock, the SmartMeter can even record all the values
with a correct time stamp, if no KNX bus is connected. Therefore the device
can also be used as a standalone data logger to record the power supply qual-
ity and energy consumption or generation, without the need for any software
configuration. In this mode, all the measurement values are recorded at each
minute on an SD card in the CSV text format. Contact:
vanced KNX HMI devices for a flexible and lightweight solution in building
automation. The products have been designed for budget home control. The
support of KNX IP and other protocols with JMobile efficient gateway capabil-
ity is a bonus for integration. The compact mechanical size results in an easier
installation in a home or building environment. With the availability of OPC
UA server and client, the product is IoT ready. Ready for wall mounting. Dis-
play size 4.3", 7" and 10.1". Contact:
Gira X1
GIRA GIERSIEPEN GMBH & CO. KG The Gira X1 is the simple and cost-efficient
way to achieve an intelligent home with a KNX system. It can do all the things
that are necessary and practical in a single-family home: switching lights on and
off, activating light scenes, controlling blinds, setting a comfortable tempera-
ture and visualising the various functions – inside the building or remotely via
the app. The X1 can be rapidly and easily installed on a DIN-rail and quickly
parameterised by an electrician. Functions such as device-less logic simulation
and the ability to set up or maintain the project remotely via Internet and VPN
accelerate the start-up process and reduce costs for the customer.
New Hager KNX pulse gateways
ways TXE771 and TXE773 with one or three channels can be connected to
any mechanical electricity, water, gas or heat meter using the S0 interface in
accordance with DIN 43864. The devices convert the analogue pulse values
into digital KNX telegrams and transmit them at intervals specified between
one minute and 24 hours to e. g. a KNX server.The programming of the device
can be carried out using either the ETS or the easy configuration tool. Thanks
to its waterproof IP44 housing and an operating temperature ranging from
-20°C to +55°C, assembly is also possible in damp locations or outside.
Contact: 41
MURA IP Door Station
IDDERO presents the new MURA IP door station: An elegant, robust door
intercom unit that provides full colour video and high-quality digital audio over
IP, allowing users to talk to the visitor at their door from a dedicated indoor
monitor, a standard SIP (VoIP) phone, or a smartphone or tablet. Together
with Iddero’s HCx-KNX touch panels, the MURA IP door station provides
a solution that fully integrates IP door communications into any KNX instal-
lation. The door phone events function makes it possible to trigger actions
– such as opening the door – with KNX telegrams, or to receive KNX notifica-
tions in response to events such as the reception of an incoming call. Available
42 in multiple configurations. Contact:
INGENIUM SL – BES KNX The new RGBWL-K (reference DM480440) is a
4-channel controller for controlling RGB, RGBW or any other low voltage
(10 – 24 V DC) LED strip modules. It allows each output to be controlled
independently to regulate four monochrome channels or all channels simulta-
neously for RGB and RGBW applications. It is able to select a particular colour
using a colour selector and to modify the brightness of the chosen colour or
of each channel individually. This device also allows the programming of scenes
and sequences and also has an advanced logic unit with eight blocks of opera-
tions including logic, comparison and arithmetic operations as well as timer
blocks and counters. Contact:
programming. To control equipment, download i3 lite from the Apple Store
or Google Play and import your ETS project or configure it via Weinzierl
771 / 772 / 777. Next, create the floors, rooms and add control modules to
different zones. A graphic interface is created automatically. The project is
ready to use. You can create routines and schedules of equipment. If neces-
sary, your customers can add A / V and IoT gadgets to the project. iRidium lite
can be used with the iRidium server to collect, store and process data, compile
trends, run routines and logic functions 24 / 7. iRidium lite enables the control
of KNX equipment combined with other automation systems, A / V and IoT
gadgets. Contact:
MDT JAL-0410.02 / JAL-0810.02
Shutter Actuator 2-/4-/8-fold
MDT TECHNOLOGIES GMBH The new series of MDT Shutter Actuators has
been enhanced with extensive functions. These functions are: Integrated logi-
cal functions for window contacts (open / tilt) with practical ventilation func-
tion; automatic sun protection / slat guidance with sun protection calculation;
plain text diagnosis with 14 byte Group Object; enhanced block functions.
Each channel can be parameterised individually. Status response, block func-
tions, central switch functions and functions for calibrating and positioning can
be selected. It is possible to create eight scenes per channel and the behaviour
44 in event of bus voltage failure or recovery is adjustable.
3.5 inch Touch Screen Panel (TFT)
PROLITE CONTROLS The TFT is connected to the bus via the KNX connection
terminals and need a 30 V DC additional supply voltage to assign the Individual
Address and configure the software parameter settings and to update the data
directly through an SD card. The TFT functions are summarised as follows:
1. capacitive touch screen, TFT colour display; 2. switching, scenes, dimming,
curtain control, intelligent scene control and other control functions 3. time
and date display 4. screensaver options: clock, electronic photo album, gradi-
ent black or do not use; 5. configuration of the database through the PC soft-
ware and updating data directly via an SD card and 6. customising the setting
of the main interfaces Contact: 45
KNX Edge
REDFISH GROUP PTY LTD The KNX Edge is a modern, secure interface be-
tween the KNX network and the rest of the world. At its core, it supports
the KNXnet/IP protocol, with up to 100 concurrent tunnelling connections.
Secure end-to-end remote access (including programming with the ETS) is
included with the KNX Anywhere cloud service. Individual connections can
be configured via the firewall service. Also included: KNXnet/IP secure. Web
ready (management app, web services). Group object data cache. Configured
for guaranteed automatic security updates (manual updates possible).
New filter function for the
Line and Backbone Couplers
SIEMENS AG With the new application program “000131” for line and back-
bone coupler N 140/_3, it is now possible with ETS4/5 to set the “filter”
function for the Main Groups 16 to 31, also for devices that have already been
installed. The Group Address based communication on the KNX bus can thus
be optimised. Additionally, the new blocking function of individually addressed
telegrams provides increased protection against sabotage. If the transmission
of these telegrams is blocked at the Line Coupler e. g. from main line to the
line, then the commissioning of these devices is only possible within the line.
46 The described function is also available for IP router N 146/02.
Cloud-based automation
SIEMENS SCHWEIZ AG Synco IC is a cloud-based system working on a mobile,
tablet or PC, and provides a complete plant overview from anywhere, any-
time. Remote access greatly reduces site travel and enhances energy-efficient
operation. Connecting a building is easy and takes just a few minutes. The
system configuration as well as fault diagnosis and intervention can be done re-
motely; and multiple sites can be controlled centrally. At one glance, the most
important information about the plant is visible and allows users to quickly
correct the settings with a click of the mouse.
M-Bus / W.M-Bus Web server
SINAPSI SRL SIN.EQRTUEVO1T is a web server with an integrated data log-
ger to acquire data from sinapsitech℗ smart repeaters, which collects infor-
mation from devices that use wireless M-Bus protocol such as meters, heat
cost allocators, digital and analogue I/O, probes. It also integrates a 20-device
M-Bus port for wired applications. SIN.EQRTUEVO1T is SSL compliant and
can manage up to 500 meters providing storage of daily readings for 10 years.
The web interface allows report generation, M-Bus network setup and I/O
management. The B.M.S. version allows a simple integration into most com-
plete and complex building automation systems, making communication avail-
able via TCP / IP in KNX and other protocols.
STEINEL PROFESSIONAL watches over more than 1,000 m2 of space in large
buildings, multi-storey car parks and indoor facilities. Providing a 360 degree
angle of coverage, it ensures precision detection of any movement within a
range of 20 m from a height of up to 4 m. Designed either for concealed or
surface-mounted installation, it is available with a square or round enclosure
for maximum versatility. Giving a range of user-friendly functions, it can be
integrated into any chosen KNX installation with effortless ease.
panel pureKNX-line7 completes the pureKNX family. Functionally it is ori-
ented on the KNX base unit. Thanks to its glass touch-sensitive surface, it
also convinces with its high-quality design. The system-wide operating concept
“easy smart home” is simple and clear: four touch zones in the corners, a
touchpad at the centre and a control ring for dimming or setting the room
temperature. The functions of the individual control interfaces are freely pa-
rameterisable. Thanks to mobile apps for Android and iOS, the visualisation
via smartphone can be operated with the same “look and feel”. Through the
simultaneous use of touch panels and mobile devices, users enjoy the benefits
KNX Journal 1/2017
THEBEN AG Two field buses, one installation – the connection inbetween is
this little box, which enables the bidirectional exchange of data between the
OT boiler and the heat distribution via the KNX system. The KNX-OT-Box S
allows demand-oriented and weather-compensated flow control, control of
domestic hot water, and much more. It even provides a legionella protection
program. As practical as with the MIX2 actuators: Also here, the KNX bus
module can be removed, replaced and programmed, independently of the de-
vice. Contact:
KNX/DALI Gateway
THEBEN HTS The KNX/DALI Gateway combines the DALI protocol of digital
lighting control with the building automation across rooms. It controls up to 64
operating units with DALI interface and assigns a DALI address to each DALI
participant. The DALI participants can be combined in up to 16 groups of
lights, and be controlled via KNX, individually or via scenes. Which lamps shine
full of ambience at which brightness, or in which RGB colour – all this can be
controlled via the KNX/DALI Gateway. Contact:
ers and a modern graphical user interface for HVAC functions with individual
presets and scheduling. Currently 12 common thermostat manufacturers are
supported directly. Light and multimedia scenes can be fully customised by the
user. Multimedia zones can be controlled using a text display and keypads. For
advanced integration modules for text messages, ntp time master, logic and
generic communication are available. Contact:
Combo Multifunc. Switch Actuator
IWAC Display
ZENNIO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA SL IWAC Display is the Zennio access con-
troller with display for hotels, which allows room access to guests through
NFC or Bluetooth. Its design is printed on a high-strength tempered glass with
exclusive customisation (images, icons, texts or logo) to give the desired aes-
thetic impression. The 2.4" backlit display shows the room number / name, an
image or message when a guest is trying to access the room. IWAC Display
allows each button to be selected to be used as a door bell, switch or any
other action. Two outputs make it possible to open the door as well as the
activation of other systems, such as the door bell. Two analogue / digital inputs
are included. Contact:
KNX Colombia at
TecnoMultimedia InfoComm
COLOMBIA KNX National Group Colombia presented
itself at the benchmark exhibition for audio and video so-
lutions in Bogota from 11th to 13th of October. The show
was visited by more than 5000 visitors. Although it was
the first performance of KNX Colombia at this fair, the
solutions drew an astonishing amount of the visitor’s in-
terest. The success of this show proves that KNX is the
perfect technology for this market.
Contact: Haiber Roland |
the fair, KNX Denmark played a leading role amongst all
150 exhibitors, underlined by the 30 minutes presentation
about metering and energy optimisation with KNX. The
goal to achieve more people in the benefits of KNX was
thus more than achieved.
Contact: Lillian Andersen | lillian.andersen@schneider-
Denmark |
7. ZVEI Kolloquium
Building automation in Frankfurt
GERMANY Around 200 participants from all various fields
of the electrical industry, gathered at Kap Europa and dis-
cussed “The Internet of Things”. That IoT has become a
part of everybody’s life, was proven not only by the lively
discussions. It became clear that the Internet of Things is
developing at a fast pace, for which the home and building
control standards have to contribute to proactively.
Contact: Hajo Deul | |
KNX Journal 1/2017
Collaboration between
KNX Korea and KASH
Collaboration for KOREA KNX National Group Korea and KASH (Korea
KS Code Standardisation Association of Smart Home, are sched-
uled to join forces as strategic partners. KASH will sup-
port KNX National Group Korea to stimulate the KNX
business and will handle the standardisation of the KNX
Protocol in Korean, which will not only benefit the Korean
Korea Association of Smart Home KNX market, but also underline the objective of KNX
Association to be recognised as a worldwide standard.
KNX Journal 1/2017
and the KNX training centre CNFPC. Participants had the
opportunity to exchange ideas on the latest KNX topics,
and see some great exhibitor presentations. There was
also the opportunity to win ETS5 licences in a competi-
tion that ran over both days.
Contact: Alphonse Massard | |
Co-operation between
STABU and KNX Netherlands
NETHERLANDS A mutual workgroup with members from
both KNX National Group Netherlands and representa-
tives of STABU have worked towards a base structure
for specification texts for home and building control in
2016. On 10th November 2016, STABU presented the
first results of the mutual collaboration. This year the
workgroup will continue their work to elaborate on the
first results.
Contact: Rob van Mil | |
The Netherlands
Manual irilor
workshops and forums in the country. The book is avail-
nual pen
şi al clăd
able as hardcopy or as eBook.
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Contact: Rafael Marculescu |
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KNX Russia at
Interlight by Messe Frankfurt
RUSSIA KNX National Group Russia and KNX Userclub
Russia combined their forces and successfully performed
at Interlight, the leading fair for home and building con-
trol in Russia. The KNX booth was supported by all KNX
manufacturers, presenting the latest innovations for KNX.
Highlights were concurrent presentations, tours and also
the award for the best booth at Interlight.
Contact: Andrey Golovin |
tors exhibited in the central area with large posters of
the most representative projects and the solutions. This
space was also used as a networking area for all KNX
Spain members and as a congress area for presentations
about KNX Secure, KNX IoT and ETS Inside.
Contact: Michael Sartor | |
Survey amongst
Swiss KNX Partners
SWITZERLAND KNX National Group Swiss conducted a
survey amongst its KNX Partners. The development of
revenue was positively rated. In hindsight, there is a very
positive attitude towards the market development. The
survey’s results show that the price plays only the 4th most
important role when choosing the right system. Criteria,
such as usage, quality and open system is of more impor-
tance to the integrators.
Contact: René Senn | |
Dynamitec winner
KNX Innovation Award 2016
BELGIUM System integrator Dynamitec from Gent has won
the Belgium KNX Innovation Award 2016. Head judge Jan
Derua handed over the award during the network meeting
from KNX Belgium on the 8th September 2016. Dynamitec
earned the award with rebuilding a single family home to
create two separate residential units with a residential care
Contact: Hannelore Verdonckt |
ence Building Automatisation. During this event several
speakers took the stage to talk about current and future
market developments in which KNX will play a part and
successful construction projects in which KNX played an
important role.
Contact: Ineke van Erp |
The Netherlands
for home and building control in the local market. Not only
was KNX Userclub Malaysia the main sponsor for the 2016
edition of ASEAN Skills, also the impressive booth and many
activities during the competition highlighted once again the
great reputation in Southeast Asia.
Contact: GP Chandran |
ETS Inside
The ETS Inside is the new tool by KNX Association for your smart
home project. Do you want to learn more about the new tool?
Then have a look in the new ETS Inside flyers.
More at:
KNX Journal 1/2017
New Scientific Partners
More info:
Visit our website:
Zhongyuan University of Technology
KNX Journal 1/2017
KNX at International
Out & About
Online Distribution
The KNX Journal international is posted as a Portable
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WorldSkills 2017 Hem, Villa & Bostadsrätt
14. – 19. 10. 2017 Göteborg
KNX Association cvba
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The world’s largest international Göteborg (Sweden) B-1831 Diegem - Brussels, Belgium
skills competition The largest do-it-yourself trade fair Phone: +32 (0) 2 775 85 90 Fax: +32 (0) 2 675 50 28
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Redaktion KNX Journal
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12527 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 30 64 32 62 79
Fax: +49 (0) 30 64 32 62 78
Reproduction of contributions only with permis-
sion of the publishing house under detailed source
data. The publishing house does not take any re-
sponsibility for unsolicited manuscripts and entries.
The photos are provided from the respective compa-
nies. Brands used in this magazine without guarantee
that they may be freely employed. Texts, illustrations
and technical data are carefully compiled, nevertheless
Interlight Moscow Concreta 2017 errors cannot completely be excluded. The publishing
7. – 10. 11. 2017 23. – 26. 11. 2017 house and the authors can neither take a legal respon-
Moscow (Russia) Porto (Portugal) sibility nor any liability for incorrect data.
International trade fair for lighting, Professional construction fair held
KNX® and ETS® are registered trademarks of KNX
electrical engineering, home and every two years
Association cvba, Belgium.
building automation
KNX Journal 1/2017
De Kleetlaan 5
B - 1831 Diegem-Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 775 85 90
Heinz Lux Joost Demarest Fax: +32 (0)2 675 50 28
CEO CFO, CTO Email: Web:
+32 (0)2 775 85 90 +32 (0)2 775 86 44
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KNX Online Support
Christophe Parthoens Dries Verbrugge
Support Engineer KNX IoT Architect
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One Standard (ISO/IEC 14543)
All Media:
• Twisted Pair (TP)
• Radio Frequency (RF)
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in 66 Countries
8 Partners
Associated PR
130 KNX
ER SION Scientific Partners
44 KNX
in 33 Countries
National Groups
20 KNX
Userclubs / Professionals
in18 Countries
The worldwide STANDARD for home and build
KNX members
ding control
405 manufacturers from 40 countries
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