Unesco - Eolss Sample Chapters: Thermodynamics in Food Engineering
Unesco - Eolss Sample Chapters: Thermodynamics in Food Engineering
Unesco - Eolss Sample Chapters: Thermodynamics in Food Engineering
1. Introduction
2. Thermophysics
2.1. Thermodynamic Concepts
2.1.1. System
2.1.2. System Variables
2.1.3. State Equations for Ideal Gases
2.1.4. Thermodynamic Variables
2.1.5. Thermodynamic Transformations
2.2. Zero Law of Thermodynamics
2.3. Thermodynamic Equilibrium
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2.5. Enthalpy
3. Chemical Thermodynamics
3.1. Helmholtz Free Energy
3.2. Gibbs Free Energy
3.2.1. Dependence of Free Energy on Pressure
3.2.2. Dependence of Free Energy on Temperature
3.3. Phase Equilibrium
3.3.1. Clapeyron Equation
3.3.2 Clausius-Clapeyron Equation
3.3.3. Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Chemical Potential and Activity Coefficients
Biographical Sketches
etc., is required in describing the thermal treatment and cooling processes in foods,
functioning of equipment employed in such processes, characteristics of deterioration or
preservation reactions presented in foods, and many other factors that appear in food
engineering. These concepts form part of the basis of thermodynamics and will be
presented next.
1. Introduction
machines, for example, the steam engine, internal combustion engine, and electrical
engine. However, for many years the principles on which their functioning was based
were not recognized. Thermodynamics surged in the middle of a search for solutions to
problems present in the design of thermal machines. It is a branch of science related to
energy exchange among the components of a system or between a system and its
Thermodynamics can be treated purely from the macroscopic point of view through
established laws described in terms of system properties that can be macroscopically
measured. This has been traditionally called classical thermodynamics. Another view of
When the thermal effects of an energy exchange between a system and its surroundings
are studied, there is a possibility no changes will be generated in the chemical structure
of the system. It is here the concepts of the thermodynamics branch, denominated as
physical thermodynamics or thermophysics, are applied. On the other hand, when the
above mentioned changes do appear, processes are described by chemical
the determination of how efficiently one form of energy can be transformed into
another. It also determines which changes are possible or not. The combination of these
laws leads to relationships that state how much work can be obtained under a given
Additionally, the so-called zero law and third law are useful, the former, to understand
temperature measurement concepts, and the latter, to make thermodynamics participate
in the analysis of reactions.
Thermodynamics is the most powerful tool available to study natural phenomena. Many
of the devices and systems used and controlled today by man base their functioning on
the concepts contained in this science.
engineering, for example, in the selection of the type of refrigerant used in a cooling
system, in the humidity control of air, or in the final moisture content of a product.
Many phase changes that appear during the processing or storage of food can be
described through the principles of thermodynamics. Also, the heat requisites of a heat
exchanger employed in pasteurization processes or the equilibrium composition of a
multicomponent mixture being separated can be determined through thermodynamic
analysis. Furthermore, it is possible to determine the degradation rate of a nutrient with
the aid of chemical kinetics. These are some of the examples highlighting the
importance of thermodynamics in food processing.
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and functions that serve as background for the study and comprehension of food
engineering processes.
2. Thermophysics
2.1.1. System
same rate, such that the mass contained within the limits is constant at all times. A
system is considered homogeneous if all of its properties are uniform at any point.
Usually this is a one-phase system. A system with more than one phase is called
heterogeneous. Practically all foods, whether subjected or not to a preservation process,
are included within the last category.
used to characterize the system’s state, and it is important to note that those properties
only depending on the system’s state, not on the way in which the system reached such
a state, are denominated as state variables or state properties. Pressure (P), volume (V),
and temperature (T) of a system, and many expressions of its energetic content are state
variables. However, heat and work are not state variables, since they depend specifically
on the way in which change from one state to another occurs. Any equation that relates
state variables is a state equation, and it is important to note that few state variables are
enough to define other variables. The most common variables present in a state equation
are P, V, and T.
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and pressure. However, this variation is almost independent of the gas. Thus, to describe
the relationship of the mentioned variables, an approximate state equation that describes
the behavior of all gases has been proposed. This equation is known as the ideal or
PV = nRT (1)
In this equation, R is the general constant of gases and n the number of moles of gas.
When a determined quantity (n moles) of gas that behaves according to Equation (1), is
subjected to a process where volume, temperature, or pressure change is present, and
because the product nR is a constant, it follows that
= constant (2)
Therefore, when the initial conditions of a gas ( T1 , P1 , and V1 ) are known, the gas
properties under other conditions are as follows:
= (3)
T T1
The ideal conditions presented in Equations (1) and (3) are used to describe the behavior
of gases at conditions near those of the environment, which occurs in many food
preservation processes or during its packaging. For this reason, such expressions can be
very useful to Food Engineers.
⎡ ⎛ n 2 a ⎞⎤
+ ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟⎥ (V − nb ) = nRT
⎢ P (4)
⎣ ⎝ V ⎠⎦
In this equation, a and b are constants that characterize each gas. Equations (1) and (4)
are applied only to systems containing one component. For gas mixtures, the state
equation depends on the concentration of each component. For perfect gases, the
mixture equations are simple; thus, if gases do not react chemically in the mixture, the
partial pressure of a component (i) becomes
n RT
Pi = i (5)
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ntotal RT
Ptotal = ∑ Pi = (6)
The partial pressure can be obtained from the total pressure and the molar fraction ( X i )
Pi = X i Ptotal (7)
Xi = (8)
∑ ni
transfer associated with a force that is applied to the system along a distance. Internal
energy (U) is a concept used to define the system energy not associated with work or
heat, and is usually defined as an addition to all microscopic energy forms in the
system. This type of energy is related to the structure and degree of molecular activity,
and can be seen as the sum of kinetics and potential energies of the molecules. Entropy
(S) is a variable that measures the number of possibilities or options for the system. The
mathematical relationship between these thermodynamic variables allows the
expression of the first and second law of thermodynamics.
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Whenever a system changes from one thermodynamic state to another, a process occurs.
When a system returns to its initial state after experiencing a consecutive series of
processes, it is said to have described a thermodynamic cycle. Figure 1 shows two
thermodynamic cycles, in which the variables changing in the system are pressure and
volume. In this way, a process is called isocoric when the volume of the system remains
constant (ΔV = 0), which in Figure 1 is represented by stages 2 to 3 and 4 to 1 in the
four-stage cycle. On the other hand, the process is called isothermal when the
temperature of the system remains constant (ΔT = 0), and isobaric when the process
occurs at constant pressure (ΔP = 0). Additionally, if the process does not give place to
thermal interactions, it is denominated as adiabatic (Q = 0). Finally, it is said that a
system reaches a thermodynamic equilibrium state when its thermodynamic properties
remain invariable over time. This equilibrium condition is difficult to reach in many
food systems, whether fresh or processed. However, for practical purposes, such
equilibrium is usually considered in the design of processing systems or in the selection
of storage conditions.
2.2. Zero Law of Thermodynamics
Thus, when a body contacts another body with different temperature, heat from the one
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having the highest temperature is transferred to the one with the lowest, until both reach
the same temperature. Heat transfer stops at this point and it is said that both have
reached thermal equilibrium. Thus, it can be understood that temperature equality is the
only requirement for thermal equilibrium. In this way, the zero law of thermodynamics
states that if two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with a third body, they are in
equilibrium with each other. These simple concepts, which are not considered in other
thermodynamic laws, are the basis behind temperature measurement systems and a
fundamental principle in many food preservation processes in which heat is transferred
Usually, when the state of a system is modified interactions between the system and its
surroundings take place, which can originate mechanical, chemical, or thermal non-
equilibrium conditions.
If a lack of equilibrium of forces does not exist inside a system, including between the
system and its environment, it is said that the system is under a mechanical equilibrium
state. When these conditions are not complied with, whether in the system alone or the
system and its surroundings, the system experiences a state change, which will only stop
when the mechanical equilibrium is reached again.
On the other hand, if a system under mechanical equilibrium tends not to experience
spontaneous change in its internal structure, as a chemical reaction or mass transfer
from one part of the system to another (e.g., diffusion or solution), although it can be
slow (as happens in many processed foods), it is said to be under a chemical equilibrium
A system not under chemical equilibrium suffers a state change, which in some cases is
very slow. Change stops when chemical equilibrium is reached again.
The possibility of thermal equilibrium and its importance in food processing was
commented on in section 2.2. However, it is important to understand that in this type of
equilibrium the entire system has the same temperature, which is equal to that of the
When conditions are met for the three types of equilibrium, mechanical, chemical, and
thermal, the system is said to present thermodynamic equilibrium, and under these
conditions will not exhibit a tendency toward change of state, neither in the system nor
in the surroundings.
Classic thermodynamics does not deal with problems in which the velocity of the
changes and reactions that occur in foods during handling and processing.
A process that tends to drive a system not in equilibrium to an equilibrium state is called
an irreversible or natural process. Irreversible modifications are the only changes that
occur in reality, which justifies their alternate name (natural changes).
In an isolated system, the original state cannot be re-established after a natural change,
while in a non-isolated system the original state can be restored, but only through an
irreversible change in some other system.
If change occurs in such way that the system remains in equilibrium, it will be carried
out in an extremely slow manner and will be capable of generating the maximum work
quantity. This idealized process is called reversible change. On the other hand, as
demonstrated in section 2.7., a system absorbs the maximum quantity of heat from its
surroundings and gives the maximum quantity of work to the environment during a
reversible change. A natural process absorbs less heat and makes less work than does a
reversible process.
Aguilera J.M. (ed.). (1997). Temas en Tecnología de Alimentos, Vol. 1. México: Instituto Politécnico
Nacional. [This presents a comprehensive discussion on selected topics such as water activity, foods
preserved by combined methods, controlled and modified atmospheres, food freezing, food frying,
rheology of solids and texture, color, characterization of powder foods.]
Alberty R.A. and Silbey R.J. (1997). Physical Chemistry. Second Ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons,
Inc. [This presents an overview on topics such as thermodynamics; quantum chemistry; kinetics; and
macroscopic and microscopic structures.]
Baianu I.C. (ed.). (1992). Physical Chemistry of Food Process, Vol. I. Fundamental Aspects. New York:
Van Nostrand Reinhold. [This presents a discussion on the thermodynamic basic concepts; molecular
structures and bonding; applications to food processes; molecules; lipids; proteins; carbohydrates; water
activity; mixing and diffusion; drum drying; rheology of cheese; and food extrusion.]
Batty J.C. and Folkman S.L. (1983). Food Engineering Fundamentals. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
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[This presents a comprehensive discussion on dimensions; mass flow; work, heat and energy; entropy;
Brennan J.G., Batters J.R., Cowelland N.D., and Lilly A.E. (1981). Food engineering operations. New
York: Applied Sci. Pub. [This presents a discussion on preliminary operations (cleaning, sorting),
conversion operations (size reduction, mixing, filtration, etc.), preservation operations (evaporation,
freezing, etc.), and ancillary techniques.]
Çengel Y.A. and Boles M.A. (1994). Thermodynamics, 2nd. Ed. USA: McGraw-Hill, Inc.. [This presents a
comprehensive discussion on properties of pure substances; first law of thermodynamics; entropy; energy
cycles; chemical reactions; chemical and phase equilibrium, and high-speed fluid flow.]
Charm S.E. (1971). The Fundamentals of Food Engineering (1st Ed). Westport, Conn: The Avi Pub. Co.
Inc. [This presents a discussion on basic concepts (e.g., material and energy balances; heat and mass
transfer) and food topics such as freeze drying, dehydration, evaporation, etc.]
Earle R.L. (1983). Unit Operations in food processing. 2nd Ed. New York: Pergamon Press. [This presents
an overview on material and energy balances, fluid flow, heat transfer, drying, separation processes, and
some engineering applications of process engineering in the food industry.]
Heldman D.R. and Singh R.P. (1981). Food Process Engineering (2a Ed). New York: Van Nostrand
Reinhold. [This presents a discussion on the rheology of processed foods, heating and food dehydration,
contact equilibrium processes, mechanical and separation processes.]
Levenspiel O. (1996). Understanding Engineering Thermo. NJ: Prentice Hall PTR. [This presents a
comprehensive discussion on units, first law of thermodynamics, work, heat, energy, fluids, entropy,
enthalpy, free energy, chemical reactions, etc.]
Lewis M.J. (1993). Physical properties of foods and food processing systems. Chichester: Ellis Horwood
Ltd. [This presents an overview on units, fluids, viscosity, rheology, thermodynamics, heat changes, gases
and vapors, and electrical properties.]
Mafart P. and Béliard. (1992). Génie industriel alimentaire. Tome II: Techniques séparatives. Tec. & Doc.
Lavoisier. Paris. [This describes separation processes such as decantation, centrifugation, filtration,
ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, extraction by pressure, extraction by solvent, distillation, and
Mafart P. (1991). Génie industriel alimentaire. Tome I: Les procédés physiques de conservation. Tec. &
Doc. Lavoisier. Paris. [This describes food preservation processes such as pasteurization, canning,
preservation by cooling, ionization, and additives.]
Reid CH. E. (1990). Chemical Thermodynamics. USA: McGraw-Hills Pub. Co. [This presents a
comprehensive discussion on topics such as units, introduction to basic laws, equilibrium and free energy
functions, gases, thermochemistry, statistical thermodynamics, mixtures and solutions, chemical and
phase equilibrium, solutions, etc.]
Reidy G.A. (1968). "Thermal properties of foods and methods of their determination." M. S. Thesis, Food
Science Department, Michigan State University.
Sandler S.I. (1997). Chemical and Engineering Thermodynamics. New York: John Wiley and Sons. [This
presents an overview on the laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamic properties, phase equilibria,
conversion of heat into work, etc.]
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Tinoco I.J., Sauer K., and Wang J.C. (1978). Physical Chemistry. Principles and Applications in
Biological Sciences. NJ: Prentice Hall. [This presents a comprehensive discussion on the application of
physical chemistry principles to biological systems.]
Toledo R.T. (1991). Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering (2a Ed.). New York: Van Nostrand
Reinhold. [This presents a review on basic topics such as material balances and heat transfer as well as
comprehensive discussions on refrigeration, dehydration, extraction, etc.]
Biographical Sketches
Jorge Welti-Chanes was born in Puebla City, Mexico; he obtained his B.S. in Biochemical Engineering
(1976) and Master of Science in Food Engineering (1979) at the Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios
Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) in his birth country. In 1979 he moved to Spain to obtain a Ph.D.
degree in Chemical Sciences, with a major in Food Technology, from the Universidad de Valencia. He
has been professor at the ITESM and, since 1977, the University of the Américas-Puebla (UDLA). At
UDLA, he has taught at undergraduate and graduate levels in the Departments of Chemical and Food
Engineering and Chemistry and Biology. He was Head of the department for one year, and then Dean of
the Engineering School (1986-1988). He was Academic Vice-President of UDLA (1988-2002) and
currently is Professor and Researcher at the last institution and Visiting Research Scholar at Texas
Christian University. His research areas are focused mainly on food and biological polymers, candy
technology food drying, water activity, minimal processing of foods and biological materials, process
simulation, and emerging technologies. He has been coordinator of diverse international research projects
and advisor for different industries within the mentioned research areas. He was the World President of
the International Association of Food and Engineering (1997-2000). Dr. Welti-Chanes is author of more
than 140 scientific publications in refereed journals and books, and more than 150 presentations at
international meetings. He is author or coeditor of the books: Food Preservation by Moisture Control,
Inventario de Alimentos de Humedad Intermedia Tradicionales de Iberoamérica, Engineering and Food
for the 21st Century, Transport Phenomena in Food Engineering, and Harvesting, Handling, and
Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables by Combined Methods at Rural and Village Levels (Technical
Manual of FAO). He is a member on the Editorial Boards of different journals and book-series, and
evaluator of research projects in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Venezuela, Mexico, and USA. He is advisor
for different food enterprises in areas such as processing, quality assurance, and process optimization.
Also, he has advised different universities in Mexico and Latin-America in Strategic Planning of
Educational Processes.
Fidel T. Vergara-Balderas was born in Puebla City, Mexico; he obtained his B.S. in Food Engineering
(1977) from the Universidad de las Américas A.C. (Mexico) and Master of Food Science (1980) from the
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, ITESM (Mexico). He was professor at
ITESM, and since 1981, he has been professor and researcher at the Universidad de las Américas, Puebla
(Mexico) where he teaches several courses in the Department of Chemical and Food Engineering. He was
head of this department for 3 years (1996-1999). He is co-author of several scientific publications and
presentations, and has offered consulting services and courses within the Food Industry in Mexico.
Luis Gabriel Ríos Casas was born in Mexico. He obtained a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the
Universidad Iberoamericana (1974, Mexico City) and a M.S. in Chemical Engineering from the
Universidad de las Américas-Puebla (1992). Professor Ríos worked a the Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo
from 1973 to 1980; in his last position as head of the area for Equipment Design by Computer, he
developed important projects such as The General Process Simulator of the IMP (SIMPROC), Systematic
Methods for Process Synthesis and Optimization for Chemical and Petrochemical Process, and Synthesis
Optimal for the Auxiliary Services Plant. At the same time, Professor Ríos taught different courses related
to Chemical Engineering at the Universidad Iberoamericana, ENEP-Cuautitlán, and the Universidad La
Salle. He has advised some industries such as Ciba Geigy Mexicana (1991 and 1992) and Bendix-Pemsa
(1986). He has been Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical and Food Engineering at the
Universidad de las Américas-Puebla (UDLA) since 1981. His interests are focused on physicochemistry,
thermodynamics, process engineering, and simulation of chemical processes. He has advised around 50
undergraduate theses, given several conferences at national and international congresses, and published
papers in refereed journals and other periodic publications. At the present, he heads two important
research projects at the UDLA: Solar Energy and Development of Software for Chemical Engineering.
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Aurora Valdez Fragoso received her B.S. in Food Engineering from the Universidad Autónoma de
Chihuahua in 1984, and her Master in Sciences in Food Engineering from the Universidad de las
Américas-Puebla, México. She received her doctorate from the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Industries
AgroAlimentaires-Massy, France. She served at several public universities in Mexico before joining the
staff of the Facultad de Ciencias Químicas at the Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua. She has been
involved in educational, research, and science diffusion activities for more than 12 years. Professor
Valdez Fragoso has taught courses in biochemistry, food chemistry, and technology of fruits and
vegetables to both undergraduate and graduate students. Areas of focus include food physical properties,
food processing (especially minimally processing), and biochemistry of foods. She is author and co-
author of many chapters and journal articles on food process engineering. Dr. Valdez Fragoso is a
member of the Institute of Food Technologists and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Hugo Mújica Paz received his Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering from the Instituto Politécnico
Nacional (México) and Master and Doctorate degrees in Food Engineering from the Universidad de las
Américas-Puebla (México) and the Institute National Politechnique de Toulouse (France), respectively.
Dr. Mújica Paz began teaching chemical engineering at the Universidad de Nayarit (México) in 1985.
Since then, he has been involved in higher education in his country, lecturing on topics in unit operations
of food engineering, chemical reaction engineering, food technology, etc. Currently, Dr. Mújica Paz is a
faculty member at the Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua. Professor Mújica’s research interest has
been in mass transport phenomena in foods, food packaging, and minimal processing of fruits and
vegetables. He has contributed to 9 chapters and has published several papers in these areas. He is a
member of the Institute of Food Technologists and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. He has
presented several lectures at national and international meetings. He is fluent in Spanish and French and
has some conversation ability in English and Italian.