Med-Info: Biological Evaluation
Med-Info: Biological Evaluation
Med-Info: Biological Evaluation
2. Device description
The biological evaluation programme shall address the
Classification according to MDD/AIMDD/MDR
interaction of:
- Mention the intended use of the medical device.
the risk management approach with chemical
Categorisation according to EN ISO 10993-1 based on the:
characterisation (EN ISO 10993-18),
- nature of body contact (Section 5.2 of
the toxicological hazard identification and risk analysis,
ISO 10993-1:2018. In the following, only standard
the determination of allowable limits of leachables
sections are mentioned in brackets.),
(EN ISO 10993-17) and the overall biological safety
- duration of contact/period of time (5.3).
(The category defines which effects need to be
considered at least [table A.1].)
Furthermore, a thorough evaluation of any existing Positive results – what to do?
nonclinical and clinical data or human exposure data, - Verification of results
as well as any experience relevant to the medical device - Chemical characterisation of leachables
shall be made by expert assessors before any further - Overall interpretation of the biological evaluation
testing is considered. of the device
- Relevance of clinical use
4. Overview of tests performed in biological
evaluation 6. Justification for tests not performed
Assign appropriate tests to the biological effects. The quality and the extent of documentation as well
(Only tests leading to evident results shall be performed.) as the assessment with regard to the intended use
Chemical analysis for the evaluation of extractables if determine whether or not biological tests shall be
appropriate. (When qualitative analysis alone does not performed with the final product, and to which extent.
provide sufficient data for a toxicological risk analysis to If the material has a documented safe history of use in
be completed, quantitative chemical analysis is to a specified role that is equivalent to that of the device
be performed and documented [EN ISO 10993-18]. under design, testing might not be needed. Relevant
Measurement of the level of a leachable substance preclinical studies and clinical experience as well as
in a medical device is important in order to allow the actual testing shall be the basis of such a decision (4.1).
assessment of compliance with the allowable limit Each device should be examined on its own features.
derived for that substance from health-based risk Data may be available from suppliers or in literature. In
assessment [ EN ISO 10993-17].) this case, full transferability has to be demonstrated. Test
In vitro and in vivo test methods systems, test sensitivity and concentrations used should
(If the level of a toxic substance is too high, i.e. above the be taken into consideration.
allowable limit, then the device should be evaluated by in Waiving of tests shall be recorded (7d).
vitro and/or in vivo methods.)
Testing shall be performed on the sterile final product or 7. Summary/overall evaluation
representative samples taken from the final product, or Review of available toxicity and prior-use data for each
from materials processed in the same manner as the final material/chemical with body contact (where appropriate,
product (including sterilisation; 6.3.1 a). include data on residual contaminants (e.g. cleaning
Description of the test samples used aids), additives, catalysts, solvents used in synthesis,
(if known, give LOT/Ref. No., etc.) sterilisation agents and other processing chemicals,
Statement on the sterile state of the test sample mold release agents, residual monomers, degradation
(If the test sample has not been sterilised, a rationale products, experience from clinical use, etc.)
shall be given that sterilisation has no influence on the Toxicological risk assessment of leachables
biocompatibility of the final device.) (establishment of allowable limits for leachable
Give a rationale for the selection of the sample tested. substances [EN ISO 10993-17])
- Worst-case scenario? Critical evaluation of the literature review (Annex C)
-S ample size necessary to meet minimum surface area Compilation of tests performed according to table A.1 –
requirements specified in each test example:
Assure that no residues coming out of the packaging may
negatively influence the product performance and safety. Test
Protocol No./Project No. Result
Laboratory No./Report date conclusion
Part of the assessment of the overall biological safety of Your contact partner at TÜV SÜD Product Service
a medical device (EN ISO 10993-1, ISO 14971) can provide further information.
First step in the biological evaluation process
Novel or unknown material Dr. Christina Reufsteck
Equivalence to known material Phone: +49 89 5008-4196
Identification of adverse effects Email:
Performance over lifetime (dynamic on-going process)
TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH, Medical and Health Services, Ridlerstr. 65, 80339 Munich, Germany