Leadership & Management - Assignment/Delegation Scope of Practice
Leadership & Management - Assignment/Delegation Scope of Practice
Leadership & Management - Assignment/Delegation Scope of Practice
o Administer medications
o Monitor neurovascular status of • Delegation is the process of transferring
involved extremity responsibility of performing a task while
o Monitor for bleeding at catheter site maintaining the ultimate responsibility for
every 15 minutes for the first hour, then the action and its outcome.
according to facility policy • The registered nurse (RN) should take into
o Report any changes in neurovascular account the five rights of delegation (right
status or bleeding to the RN task, right person, right circumstances, right
communication/direction, and right
supervision/evaluation) and the scope of • It is the responsibility of the RN to stay with
practice when deciding which tasks to the client during the first 15 minutes of the
delegate. transfusion, monitor client response, and
• The RN needs to direct the UAP's actions measure vital signs. A transfusion reaction
and communicate clearly about the is most likely to occur during this
assigned tasks including any specific time. However, the RN may delegate
information necessary for completion (eg, measurement of vital signs after the first 15
methods for collection, time frame, when to minutes.
report back to the RN). Option 2 gives the
UAP directions with prioritization and
specific instructions for reporting back • When asked to "float" to help out in another
findings. unit, the nurse should clarify the duties to
• (Option 1) The time frame in this option be performed.
should be more specific. In addition, there • Many skills/knowledge, such as vital signs
is no communication about what the RN and routine medication administration, are
expects as follow-up. the same in all units.
• (Option 3) The instruction to "keep a close • The nurse should be given a unit
eye" on the client leaves the UAP too much orientation. The nurse should then clarify
room for interpretation. The expectation applicable skills.
from the RN is not clear and the UAP needs • For instance, the nurse could perform basic
more direction. care but not feel comfortable watching the
• (Option 4) The instructions are too broad telemetry cardiac monitors or assisting with
and don't give a specific time frame. This insertion of a pacemaker. These limitations
delegation also needs to communicate the are usually understood and respected.
method needed to accomplish the task. • The qualified and experienced registered
nurses on the unit perform specialized
client needs, and the "float" nurse performs
BLOOD TRANSFUSION basic client needs.
• The registered nurse (RN) is responsible for • The nurse is liable to provide safe care for
the assigned duties and perform them in a
most of the care rendered to a client during
competent manner.
a blood transfusion as this is considered a
high-acuity procedure requiring a high level • The nurse should personally document any
of nursing assessment and judgment. concerns raised with the supervisor and
• Based on the individual state or provincial avoid discussing personal feelings about
the "float" with clients or other staff.
practice act and institutional policy, the RN
may have assistance from a licensed • There is legal precedence that refusal to go
practical nurse with checking blood when asked to "float" can result in
products, verifying client identification, and disciplinary action.
monitoring the blood transfusion rate. • Options in which the nurse can provide safe
• Unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) care rather make an across-the-board
can obtain the blood product from the refusal should be explored.
blood bank and courier it to the floor where • The hospital is required to provide safe care
the RN will verify the blood product with and is liable if a unit is insufficiently staffed.
another nurse
• UAP can also take vital signs before the
transfusion begins and any time after the
first 15 minutes of infusion
• Only nurses are able to verify blood product
and client identification for blood transfusion