Mosaic TRD4 GV U4 3
Mosaic TRD4 GV U4 3
Mosaic TRD4 GV U4 3
1 Complete the sentences with one word in each 3 Write third conditional sentences to complete
gap. the story. Use the prompts.
1 The first conditional is formed by:
the weather / not be / cold and snowy Andrew’s
If / Unless + ________ simple, will / won’t +
bus / not be / late he / arrive / at the college / on
time he / sit / the exam he / get / a good grade
2 The second conditional is formed by:
he / pass / the course he / become / a nurse
If + past simple, ________ + infinitive.
he / help / lots of people
3 Unless means the same as if + the ________
form of the verb. If the weather hadn’t been cold and snowy,
4 The first conditional talks about the result of a Andrew’s bus wouldn’t have been late. If Andrew’s
possible situation in the ________. bus hadn’t been late, ________________________
5 The second conditional talks about the result of _________________________________________
a situation that is ________.
6 In both first and second conditional sentences,
the if-clause is always followed by a(n) _________________________________________
________. _________________________________________
2 Complete the text with the correct first or
second conditional form of the verbs. _________________________________________
Hello everyone. Thanks for reading my blog again!
Today, if you continue reading you
(1) ___________ (learn) a little bit about my cousin, _________________________________________
Hayley, and health and fitness … . _________________________________________
So, Hayley is sixteen years old and for the past few _________________________________________
years she has been a health nut – if she
(2) ___________ (not work out) at least five times a 4 Complete the sentences with the correct zero
week, she gets grumpy and if she eats something conditional form of the verbs.
‘fun’ like pizza or ice cream, she (3) ___________
be get get burned lie not eat not give
(think) she’s getting fat! Hayley’s slogan is ‘if you
not have to put shout stay
take care of your body, it (4) __________ (take
care) of you’. If any of her family or friends 1 If you ______ water in the fridge, it ______ cold.
(5) ___________ (get) a cold or a cough, she will 2 Dad ________ in bed late at the weekends if he
say, ‘If you looked after yourself better, you ________ work.
(6) ___________ (not be) ill!’ She used to say 3 The dog ________ if I ________ it its food.
things like that to me, too, and it drove me mad! I 4 When Anthony ________ cruel to others, the
used to say to her, ‘If you (7) ___________ (not teacher ________ at him.
slow down) and cut down on how much exercise 5 People ________ when they ________ in the
you do, you’ll get ill!’ Two weeks ago, however, I sun for too long.
went to see the school nurse because I wasn’t
feeling well. She told me that I wasn’t very healthy. 5 Complete the rules.
She also said that I would become even unhealthier
If only and I wish mean the same thing. We use I
if I (8) ___________ (not start) eating better and
wish with the (1) ________ simple to talk about
getting more exercise. She really scared me, so I
regrets expressed in the (2) ________. We use if
started going to the gym with Hayley and eating
only with the (3) ________ ________ simple to talk
better. I feel healthier already. I’m sure that if
about regrets in the (4) ________.
everyone began exercising more and eating
healthier food they (9) ___________ (feel) fitter too!
What are your thoughts on the subject?
4 1
Vocabulary Unit 4 =
1 Choose the correct option. 4 Complete the dialogues with the words. There
1 To calm down means to __. are two words you do not need.
a become relaxed b get excited c be angry avalanche dynamic grumpy parka
2 To cheer up means to __. sleepy thermal thermometer
a be eager b be worried c become happy
1 A How cold is it today, Mum?
3 To cut down means to __.
B Extremely cold! If you’re going out, wear
a increase b decrease c generate
your __________.
4 To work out means to __.
2 A Why is Logan in a bad mood?
a absorb b convert c exercise
B He’s __________ because Dad won’t give
5 To open up means to __.
him his pocket money.
a communicate b rest c crash
3 A Our new trainer is a very __________
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of person.
the phrasal verbs from exercise 1. B I know! She’s the most energetic person
1 I’m gaining weight – I’m going to __________ on I’ve ever met!
chocolate. 4 A How many skiers were hurt in the
2 It took her a long time, but Sarah finally __________?
__________ to me about her problems. B I’m not sure.
3 John has been __________ at the gym for 5 A Where are you going?
years. B To bed. I’m feeling a bit __________.
4 David is sad about his exam results. Let’s take
5 Complete the words in the text. Sometimes there
him to a café to ______ him ____. is more than one possible answer.
5 Stop shouting at your brother! __________ and
then we’ll talk about what he’s done. There are many popular sports in India, and rock
climbing is one of them. It might not be the
3 Complete the labels, then match them to the (1) n_________ sport of India, but it is probably one
of the ones that has been around for the longest
A b_ _ _ _ _ l_ _ time. India is a hot country with high temperatures,
B s_ _ _ _ _ _ a_ _ _ _ but there are (2) v_________ ways you can stay
C a_ _ _ _ _ m_ _ _ _ _ _ cool while you’re rock climbing – try a few of them
D s_ _ _ _ n_ _ _ and you’ll really enjoy this extreme sport!
E s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ w_ _ _ _ Remember, though, that some hills and mountains
F i_ _ _ _ s_ _ _ are not (3) a_________ to climbers, so always do
some research before you go climbing. Of course,
it’s (4) n_________ to be a little nervous the first
time you try rock climbing, but if you’re always
(5) c_________ and (6) s_________, you’ll have
the adventure of a lifetime!
4 2