Weaning From Mechanical Ventilation-What Have We Learned
Weaning From Mechanical Ventilation-What Have We Learned
Weaning From Mechanical Ventilation-What Have We Learned
It is a pleasure and honor for me to give the 26th Annual tients fail weaning trials, we need to delve into the under-
Donald F Egan Scientific Lecture at the American Asso- lying pathophysiological mechanisms. Four anatomical
ciation for Respiratory Care. Much of my research career sites or functions may be involved: respiratory centers,
has focused on weaning from mechanical ventilation, and respiratory muscles, lung mechanics, and gas exchange
a major stimulus for my interest in this subject was an function of the lung.4 I’ll discuss data pertaining to each
outstanding review article published in RESPIRATORY CARE site and indicate how each is important in understanding
by its current editor, Dave Pierson, in the early 1980s.1 In why patients fail weaning trials.
that article, Dave made the subject of weaning exciting. We begin with the respiratory centers. A depressed re-
More importantly, he pointed out many areas about which spiratory center drive at the start of the weaning trial will
we knew nothing. To someone starting an academic ca- cause hypoventilation, making weaning failure inevitable.
reer, the subject of weaning appeared particularly ripe for Another possibility is for the drive to be normal at the start
of the trial, but then to fall during the course of the trial.
While preparing for this morning’s lecture, I took my
It’s been suggested that it would be clever for the body to
copy of Egan’s Fundamentals of Respiratory Therapy from
decrease respiratory center output as a way of avoiding
the shelf. This was the first textbook directed primarily at
contractile fatigue of the respiratory muscles. Such a strat-
respiratory therapists. It was first published in 1969, and
the copy I own is the third edition, published in 1977.2 In egy has even been called “central wisdom.”5 Figure 1
the 1977 edition, Dr Egan wrote that “The separation of a shows the total pressure generated by inspiratory muscles,
patient from his ventilator is very nearly pure art.” Wean- expressed as pressure-time product, measured by Amal
ing is still an art in 1999. But over the next half hour, I Jubran in 17 patients who failed a weaning trial.6 All but
hope I can show you that the approach to weaning has a one patient showed an increase in pressure generation be-
more scientific basis than was the case 20 years ago. tween the beginning and end of the T-tube trial. As such,
downregulation of respiratory motor output is not common
Pathophysiology of Weaning Failure in patients who fail a trial of weaning.
Next, we move to the respiratory muscles. We used to
A patient failing a weaning trial exhibits the physical think that maximum inspiratory pressure, which reflects
signs of respiratory distress. We see heightened activity of inspiratory muscle strength, was helpful in predicting which
the sternomastoid muscles, recession of the suprasternal patients could come off the ventilator. In 100 patients
fossa, recession of the intercostal spaces, paradoxical mo- undergoing a weaning trial, we found no difference in
tion of the abdomen, tachypnea, and sometimes cyanosis.3 maximum inspiratory pressure between weaning success
These physical signs tell us the patient is not able to sus- and weaning failure patients.7 As such, respiratory muscle
tain spontaneous ventilation. But to understand why pa- weakness doesn’t appear to be a common cause for failure
to wean. Might the respiratory muscles deteriorate be-
tween the beginning and end of a weaning trial? Yes, if
Martin J Tobin MD is affiliated with the Division of Pulmonary and
Critical Care Medicine, Loyola University of Chicago Stritch School of they develop respiratory muscle fatigue.8
Medicine and Hines Veterans Affairs Hospital, Maywood, Illinois. Is it important to know whether these patients develop
muscle fatigue? It’s extremely important. Darlene Reid9
This article is based on a transcript of the 26th Annual Donald F Egan
Scientific Lecture delivered by Martin J Tobin MD at the 45th Interna-
has demonstrated electron-microscopic evidence of severe
tional Respiratory Congress of the American Association for Respiratory muscle destruction in hamsters who developed diaphrag-
Care, Las Vegas, Nevada, December 14, 1999. matic fatigue (Fig. 2). The same process may happen in
Correspondence: Martin J Tobin MD, Division of Pulmonary and Critical
weaning failure patients. Patients who fail a weaning trial
Care Medicine, Loyola University Medical Center, 2160 South First already have problems before they commence the trial.
Avenue, Maywood IL 60153. Then, as they fail the trial, they may be developing a new
The fourth, and final, aspect of the pathophysiology is ure 8). The PCO2 rose because the patients developed rapid
gas exchange. Some patients fail a weaning trial with no shallow breathing—with inevitable increase in dead-space
change in their arterial blood gases, whereas others de- ventilation. Alveolar ventilation went down but overall
velop increases in carbon dioxide tension (PCO2) or de- minute ventilation didn’t change.
creases in oxygen tension. The term hypoventilation is The hypoxemia that occurs in some patients failing a
used synonymously with hypercapnia. But when you see weaning trial is usually associated with an increase in
an increase in PCO2, it doesn’t mean that minute ventilation venous admixture. A further factor contributing to the hy-
has necessarily fallen. In a group of patients failing a poxemia is a decrease in mixed venous oxygen saturation
weaning trial, we found no relationship between PCO2 and (Figure 9).12 The fall in mixed venous oxygen saturation is
minute ventilation.11 Instead, we found that more than partly the result of the considerable cardiovascular de-
80% of the variance in PCO2 could be explained by the mand experienced by weaning failure patients, as first
patients’ tidal volume (VT) and respiratory frequency (Fig- shown by François Lemaire.13 In a classic study, François
Fig. 3. The relationship between the ratio of mean esophageal pressure to maximum inspiratory pressure
(Pēs/PImax) and duty cycle (TI/TTOT) in 17 ventilator-supported patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease who failed a trial of spontaneous breathing and 14 patients who tolerated the trial. Circles and
triangles represent values at the start and end of the trial, respectively; closed symbols indicate patients who
developed an increase in PaCO2 during the trial. Five of the 17 patients in the failure group developed a
tension-time index of ⬎ 0.15 (indicated by the isopleth), suggesting respiratory muscle fatigue. N represents
the value in a normal subject. (From Reference 6, with permission.)
Fig. 4. Recordings of transdiaphragmatic twitch pressure (Pdi) in a patient with a C4 spinal cord injury
10 min before a trial of spontaneous breathing and at several intervals after the end of the failed trial
that lasted 30 min. The nadir in twitch pressure was reached 30 min after the end of the trial, and at 60
min twitch pressure was still less than that recorded 10 min before the trial. This finding indicates the
development of contractile muscle fatigue.
Fig. 5. Ensemble average plots of flow and esophageal pressure (Pes) at the start and end of a trial of spontaneous breathing in 17
ventilator-dependent patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who failed the trial and 14 patients who tolerated the trial
and were extubated. At the start of the trial, the inspiratory excursion in Pes was greater in the failure group, and it showed a further
increase by the end of the trial. To generate these plots, flow and Pes tracings were divided into 25 equal time intervals over a single
respiratory cycle for each of the 5 breaths for each patient in the two groups. For a given patient, the 5 breaths from the start of the
trial were then superimposed and aligned with respect to time, and the average at each time point was calculated. The group mean
tracings were then generated by ensemble averaging of the individual mean from each patient. The same procedure was performed
for breaths at the end of the trial. (From Reference 6, with permission.)
showed that weaning failure patients develop an increase off the ventilator. They are useful, however, in our assess-
in their pulmonary artery wedge pressure and left-ventric- ment of the patient who has already failed a trial—to un-
ular end-diastolic volume. The increased stress on the car- derstand why that patient failed.
diovascular system probably resulted from the increased In the past, it was felt that the gestalt of an experienced
WOB. When intrathoracic pressure becomes more nega- clinician at the bedside was better at predicting weaning
tive, the afterload of the left ventricle increases, which, in outcome than physiologic indices. The accuracy of this
turn, makes it more difficult to maintain cardiac output.12,13 gestalt had never been studied until recently. Randy Stro-
etz and Rolf Hubmayr14 asked attending physicians in the
Prediction of Weaning Outcome intensive care units of the Mayo Clinic to predict whether
their patients were likely to succeed in a weaning trial. Of
I will now discuss how good we are at predicting wean- the 31 patients in the study, the physicians predicted that
ing outcome. The predictive indices listed by Dr Egan in 22 would fail the trial. Yet, half of the 22 patients were
1977 are similar to those you see listed today.1,3 One dif- successfully weaned. This doesn’t mean that clinical as-
ference is his inclusion of a dead space-to-VT ratio of less sessment is useless. It remains necessary, but it’s not suf-
than 0.60 as a helpful predictor of weaning success; few ficient. We need something in addition to clinical assess-
people today would recommend this measurement. Over ment.
the last 20 years, we have found that the classic variables, Some people say you can dispense with weaning pre-
such as maximum inspiratory pressure, minute ventilation, dictors completely, and go directly to some weaning
and vital capacity have very high rates of false positives method, such as a T-tube trial or pressure support. But to
and false negatives.3,7 Many indices don’t help in telling use any weaning approach you have to first think of the
us whether or not an individual patient is likely to come possibility that the patient might tolerate it. In the study
Fig. 7. Maximal resistance (overall column height) of the respiratory system (Rmax,rs), lung (Rmax,L), and
chest wall (Rmax,w) in weaning failure (F) and weaning success (S) patients during passive ventilation;
the clear portions of the columns represent minimum resistance (Rmin) while the shaded portions
represent additional resistance (⌬R). No differences in Rmax,rs, Rmin,rs, or ⌬Rrs were observed between
the groups, nor between the lung and chest wall components. Upward directed bars represent ⫾ SE
(standard error) of Rmin, while downward directed bars represent ⫾ SE of ⌬R. (From Reference 10, with
Fig. 8. Relationship between tidal volume (VT) and respiratory frequency with carbon dioxide tension
(PaCO2) in seven patients who failed a spontaneous breathing trial. PaCO2 was significantly correlated
with VT (r ⫽ 0.84, p ⬍ 0.025) and frequency (r ⫽ 0.87, p ⬍ 0.025); 81% of the variance in PaCO2 could
be explained by the changes in these two variables (From Reference 11, with permission.)
Fig. 9. Ensemble averages of interpolated values of mixed venous oxygen saturation (Sv O2) during
mechanical ventilation and a trial of spontaneous breathing in patients who succeeded in the trial (open
symbols) and patients who failed the trial (closed symbols). During mechanical ventilation, Sv O2 was
similar in the two groups (p ⫽ 0.28). Between the onset and end of the trial, Sv O2 decreased in the failure
group (p ⬍ 0.01), whereas it remained unchanged in the success group (p ⫽ 0.48). Over the course of
the trial, Sv O2 was lower in the failure group than in the success group (p ⬍ 0.02). Bars represent
standard errors. (From Reference 12, with permission.)
Weaning Techniques
Fig. 11. Receiving-operating-characteristic (ROC) curves for frequency-to-tidal volume ratio (f/VT), CROP
index (acronym for compliance, rate, oxygenation, and pressure, which integrates factors associated
with risk of respiratory failure), maximum inspiratory pressure (PImax), and minute ventilation (V̇E) in
weaning success and weaning failure patients. The ROC curve is generated by plotting the proportion
of true positive results against the proportion of false positive results for each value of a test. The curve
for an arbitrary test that is expected a priori to have no discriminatory value appears as a diagonal line,
whereas a useful test has an ROC curve that rises rapidly and reaches a plateau. The area under the curve
(shaded) is expressed (in box) as a proportion of the total area. (From Reference 7, with permission.)
see why multiple T-piece trials became very unpopular. controlled ventilation in baboons causes a decrease in con-
The fourth approach, and the one I personally prefer, is to tractility of the diaphragm, suggesting the development of
perform a T-piece trial once a day. If patients are breathing muscle atrophy. With mechanical ventilation, we want to
comfortably after a half hour, they’re extubated. Patients achieve rest without causing muscle atrophy. The ideal
who fail go back on the ventilator for at least 24 hours amount of rest needed by a patient has never been studied.
before we make another weaning attempt. Franco Laghi19 addressed this issue in healthy human vol-
Studies from our lab show that WOB is enormous in unteers (Figure 13). He induced muscle fatigue by having
patients who fail a weaning trial.6 A major goal of me- the subjects breathe through a resistive load. He stimulated
chanical ventilation is to decrease this work.17 But if the the phrenic nerves and measured transdiaphragmatic twitch
respiratory muscles get too much rest might they develop pressure (Pdi). The subjects started off with a baseline
atrophy? Antonio Anzueto18 has shown that 11 days of twitch value in the high 30s, which is normal. When the
Fig. 13. Induction of diaphragmatic fatigue (stippled bar) produced a significant fall in transdiaphrag-
matic twitch pressure (Pdi) elicited by twitch stimulation of both phrenic nerves. Significant recovery
of twitch pressure was noted in the first 8 hours after completion of the fatigue protocol; no further
change was observed between 8 and 24 hours, and the 24-hour value was significantly lower than
baseline. The delay in reaching the nadir of twitch Pdi probably results from twitch potentiation,
induced by repeated contractions, which was present at the end of the protocol. Values are mean ⫾
standard error. * Significant difference compared with baseline value, p ⬍ 0.01. (From Reference 19,
with permission.)
Fig. 15. Esophageal pressure (continuous line) in a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
receiving pressure support of 20 cm H2O. The interrupted line represents the estimated recoil pressure
of the chest wall. The tracings have been superimposed so that chest wall recoil pressure is equal to
esophageal pressure at the onset of the rapid fall in esophageal pressure in late expiration (right of
figure). Times at which esophageal pressure is higher than chest wall pressure signify a minimal
estimate (lower bound) of expiratory effort. The expiratory muscles become active about halfway
during the period of mechanical inflation. (From Reference 26, with permission.)
In patients who fail a weaning trial, we want to rest their level of ventilator support. In recent randomized, controlled
respiratory muscles. Clinicians often assume that simply trials of weaning techniques, however, 70 to 80 per cent of
connecting a patient to a ventilator is sufficient to achieve patients tolerated their first T-piece trial.29,30 Patients went
rest. But patients can have difficulty even in triggering the from full ventilator support, consisting of assist-control
machine (Figure 16). One of our fellows, Phil Leung, found ventilation, to a T-piece trial, without a gradual decrease in
that up to 30 per cent of attempts made by patients fail to the level of support.
trigger the ventilator.28 Why do patients have difficulties A major milestone in weaning research was the first
in triggering? To understand this phenomenon, Phil looked randomized, controlled trial carried out by Laurent Bro-
at the characteristics of the breaths that immediately pre- chard.29 He compared three different methods: IMV, T-
ceded the triggering and nontriggering attempts. The breaths pieces, and pressure support. Before this study, most com-
before nontriggering attempts had a higher VT and a lower mentators said it really didn’t matter what technique you
expiratory time. When you inhale a large VT, the elastic used for weaning—that they’re all the same. Laurent
recoil pressure at the peak of inspiration will be high. If the showed it clearly matters. For the first time, he showed
time for exhalation is also shorter, the pressure in your that one technique, IMV, was markedly inferior to the
system—the elastic recoil pressure—will be above normal other weaning approaches. People often misinterpret the
when you finish trying to exhale. We quantify this pres- results of Laurent’s study, and say that he showed that
sure in terms of auto-PEEP. And Phil found that auto- pressure support was better than T-pieces. Pressure sup-
PEEP was higher before attempts that failed to trigger the port was better than the combination of the T-piece group
ventilator than for the attempts that triggered the machine. and the IMV group. There was no difference between
That is, the real trigger sensitivity—not the set sensitivi- pressure support and T-pieces, when the T-piece group
ty—is much higher in patients who fail to trigger the ma- was analyzed separately from the IMV group.
chine. The following year we published a randomized con-
A problem in talking about the subject of weaning is the trolled trial conducted with collaborators in Spain.30 We
word itself. “Weaning” implies a gradual reduction in the looked at the four approaches I mentioned earlier: single
Fig. 16. Recordings of tidal volume, flow, airway pressure (Paw), and esophageal pressure (Pes) in a
patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease receiving pressure support ventilation. Approxi-
mately half of the patient’s inspiratory efforts do not succeed in triggering the ventilator. Triggering
occurred only when the patient generated a Pes more negative than – 8 cm H2O (indicated by the
interrupted horizontal line), which was equal in magnitude to the opposing elastic recoil pressure. Each
ineffective triggering attempt is signalled by a braking of expiratory flow, whereby flow returns to zero
due to the action of the inspiratory muscles. Thus, monitoring of expiratory flow provides a more
accurate measurement of the patient’s intrinsic respiratory rate than the number of machine cycles
displayed on the bedside monitor. (From Reference 4, with permission.)
daily trials of spontaneous breathing, multiple trials of trials.30 He studied 300 patients who underwent a daily
spontaneous breathing, pressure support, and IMV. Like screen by respiratory therapists. The daily screen consisted
Laurent Brochard, we found that IMV had the worse out- of looking at the patient’s oxygenation, the level of PEEP,
come. Using a Cox proportional-hazards regression model, the absence of rapid, shallow breathing (a frequency-to-VT
we found that the single daily trial of spontaneous breath- ratio of less than 105),7 the presence of a good cough on
ing resulted in a three-fold increase in the rate of success- suctioning, and lack of infusions of pressors or sedatives.
ful weaning compared with IMV, and a two-fold increase Patients passing the screen were randomized to an inter-
in the rate of successful weaning compared with pressure vention group and a control group. The control group was
support. managed in the usual manner by the attending physicians,
Wes Ely31 subsequently undertook a study that com- largely consisting of pressure support or IMV. Patients in
bined two aspects of our previous research: the use of the intervention group underwent a two-hour trial of spon-
weaning predictors7 and the use of spontaneous breathing taneous breathing,30 without getting permission from the
attending physician. The attending physicians of patients is likely that many of them would have required reintuba-
passing the two-hour trial were contacted verbally and a tion. To properly answer the question, you’d need to take
note to that effect was also written in the chart. a group of patients, measure the predictive indices, and
Although the patients in the intervention group were then extubate every patient irrespective of whether or not
sicker, with higher acute physiology and chronic health they tolerated a weaning trial.
evaluation and lung injury scores, they were weaned twice Reintubation represents a major new frontier for re-
as fast as the control group. That is, a two-step strategy, search. We need to find out what exactly is going on in
consisting of the systematic measurement of weaning pre- these patients. To date, we don’t have a single study prob-
dictors7 combined with a spontaneous breathing trial,30 ing the pathophysiology of reintubation.
achieved a better outcome. Looking at the details, 59 per In summary, the major reason that patients fail weaning
cent of the patients tolerated the trial. In general, about 10 trials is their enormous respiratory work load. We’re still
to 15 per cent of extubated patients require reintubation. If unsure whether these patients develop respiratory muscle
the investigators had been aggressive and extubated every fatigue. We need to answer this question because it has
patient who passed the spontaneous breathing trial, you’d major implications for patient management. In deciding
expect about 50 per cent of patients to have tolerated ex- the right time to take a patient off the ventilator, we’ve
tubation. In contrast, 32 per cent were actually extubated. learned that the judgment of an experienced clinician is
Despite this nonaggressive approach, the rate of successful not enough. You need weaning predictors. And when
extubation was more than double that in the control group. they’re measured systematically, predictors result in more
In early 1999, we published a study conducted with effective management. Of the weaning techniques avail-
collaborators in Spain to determine if patient outcome was able, a number of randomized, controlled trials have shown
different for a spontaneous breathing trial lasting a half that one of the most ingrained approaches, IMV, is the
hour versus two hours.32 To emphasize how thinking has least effective. A single daily trial of spontaneous breath-
changed about the right length for a T-piece trial, I refer to ing appears to be the most expeditious weaning technique.
what Dr Egan wrote in 1977: “When the patient can breathe When looking at the story of weaning research over the
unassisted around the clock, and is moving a reasonable last 20 years, one is reminded of the saying of the French
amount of air without undue effort, and can walk for short essayist, Michel de Montaigne:
distances consistent with his general physical condition,
and when ventilation is satisfactory and stable by blood Whenever a new discovery is reported to the sci-
gas values, it is time to consider removal of the endotra- entific world, they say first, “it is probably not true.”
Thereafter, when . . . demonstrated beyond ques-
cheal tube.” When we work in a field, we often don’t
tion, they say “yes, it may be true, but it is not
notice how much it advances. In another 20 years, I expect important.” Finally, when a sufficient time has
people will think some of my statements today as strange— elapsed, they say “Yes, surely it is important, but it
probably much sooner than 20 years! Returning to our is no longer new.
recent study, patient outcome was the same for spontane-
ous breathing trials lasting for two hours or a half hour.32
Contrasted with the previous recommendation that T-piece That statement was made more than 400 years ago—plus
trials should last 24 hours, being able to make a decision ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
within a half hour frees up time for staff to take care of I will finish by returning to Dr Egan’s book. He pointed
other tasks and simplifies the approach to weaning. out that weaning is very nearly a pure art. As critical care
In our recent study, the intensive care unit mortality was shifts increasingly toward a focus on technology, more
5 per cent in patients who succeeded in a trial and didn’t than ever is there a need for the personal interaction be-
require reintubation.32 In contrast, patients who succeeded tween two human beings: the clinician and the patient.
in the trial, were extubated, but then required reintubation Respiratory therapists play a key role at the bedside of the
had a mortality rate of 33 per cent—a similar experience patient who’s frightened by the process of weaning. This
has been reported by Scott Epstein.33 We found that re- interplay between one human being and another will re-
spiratory frequency was high in the patients who failed the main the dominant factor in determining which patients
spontaneous breathing trial, but the values were similar in are successfully weaned from the ventilator.
the patients who were successfully extubated and in those
Thank you.
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