Oracle® Fusion Middleware: Data Modeling Guide For Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher

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Oracle® Fusion Middleware

Data Modeling Guide for Oracle Business

Intelligence Publisher

12c (
August 2021
Oracle Fusion Middleware Data Modeling Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, 12c (


Copyright © 2015, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Primary Author: Hemala Vivek

Contributing Authors: Christine Jacobs, Suzanne Gill

Contributors: Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher development, quality assurance, and product
management teams.

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Audience ix
Documentation Accessibility ix
Related Documentation and Other Resources x
Conventions x

New Features for Data Model Designers

New Features and Changes for Oracle BI Publisher 12c ( xi
New Features and Changes for Oracle BI Publisher 12c (12.2.1) xi

1 Using the Data Model Editor

What Is a Data Model? 1-1
Components of a Data Model 1-1
Features of the Data Model Editor 1-2
About the Data Source Options 1-2
Process Overview for Creating a Data Model 1-3
Launching the Data Model Editor 1-4
About the Data Model Editor Toolbar 1-5
Setting Data Model Properties 1-6
XML Output Options 1-8
Adding Attachments to the Data Model 1-8
Attaching Sample Data 1-8
Attaching Schema 1-8
Data Files 1-9
Manage Private Data Sources 1-9

2 Creating Data Sets

Overview of Creating Data Sets 2-1
Editing an Existing Data Set 2-2
Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries 2-3

Entering SQL Queries 2-3
Creating Non-Standard SQL Data Sets 2-5
Using the SQL Query Builder 2-8
Overview of the Query Builder 2-8
Understanding the Query Builder Process 2-9
Supported Column Types 2-9
Adding Objects to the Design Pane 2-10
Removing or Hiding Objects in the Design Pane 2-10
Specifying Query Conditions 2-10
Creating Relationships Between Objects 2-12
Saving a Query 2-13
Editing a Saved Query 2-14
Adding a Bind Variable to a Query 2-15
Adding a Bind Variable Using a Text Editor 2-15
Adding Lexical References to SQL Queries 2-16
Defining SQL Queries Against the Oracle BI Server 2-18
Notes for Queries Against Oracle Fusion Applications Tables 2-19
Creating a Data Set Using a MDX Query Against an OLAP Data Source 2-20
Creating a Data Set Using a MDX Query 2-20
Using MDX Query Builder 2-21
Understanding the MDX Query Builder Process 2-21
Using the Select Cube Dialog 2-22
Selecting Dimensions and Measures 2-22
Adding Dimension Members to the Slicer/POV Axis 2-23
Performing MDX Query Actions 2-23
Applying MDX Query Filters 2-24
Selecting MDX Query Options and Saving MDX Queries 2-24
Creating a Data Set Using an Oracle BI Analysis 2-26
Additional Notes on Oracle BI Analysis Data Sets 2-27
Creating a Data Set Using a View Object 2-27
Additional Notes on View Object Data Sets 2-28
Creating a Data Set Using a Web Service 2-28
Web Service Data Source Options 2-29
Creating a Data Set Using a Simple Web Service 2-29
Creating a Data Set Using a Complex Web Service 2-32
Additional Information on Web Service Data Sets 2-33
Creating a Data Set Using an LDAP Query 2-33
Creating a Data Set Using a XML File 2-35
About Supported XML Files 2-35
Using a XML File Stored in a File Directory Data Source 2-35
Uploading a XML File Stored Locally 2-36

Refreshing and Deleting an Uploaded XML File 2-37
Creating a Data Set Using a Content Server 2-38
Creating a Data Set Using a Microsoft Excel File 2-38
Options for Uploading Excel Files to BI Publisher 2-39
About Supported Excel Files 2-39
Accessing Multiple Tables per Sheet 2-39
Using a Microsoft Excel File Stored in a File Directory Data Source 2-40
Uploading a Microsoft Excel File Stored Locally 2-41
Refreshing and Deleting an Uploaded Excel File 2-42
Creating a Data Set Using a CSV File 2-43
About Supported CSV Files 2-44
Creating a Data Set from a Centrally Stored CSV File 2-44
Uploading a CSV File Stored Locally 2-45
Editing the Data Type 2-46
Refreshing and Deleting an Uploaded CSV File 2-46
Creating a Data Set from an HTTP XML Feed 2-47
Creating a Data Set from an HTTP XML Data Set 2-47
Using Data Stored as a Character Large Object (CLOB) in a Data Model 2-48
How the Data Is Returned 2-49
Additional Notes on Data Sets Using CLOB Column Data 2-51
Handling XHTML Data Stored in a CLOB Column 2-51
Retrieving XHTML Data Wrapped in CDATA 2-51
Wrapping the XHTML Data in CDATA in the Query 2-52
Testing Data Models and Generating Sample Data 2-52
Including User Information Stored in System Variables in Your Report Data 2-53
Adding the User System Variables as Elements 2-54
Sample Use Case: Limit the Returned Data Set by User ID 2-54
Creating Bind Variables from LDAP User Attribute Values 2-55

3 Structuring Data
Working with Data Models 3-1
About Multipart Unrelated Data Sets 3-1
About Multipart Related Data Sets 3-3
Guidelines for Working with Data Sets 3-5
Features of the Data Model Editor 3-6
About the Interface 3-7
Creating Links Between Data Sets 3-10
About Element-Level Links 3-10
About Group-Level Links 3-11
Creating Element-Level Links 3-11

Deleting Element-Level Links 3-11
Creating Group-Level Links 3-12
Deleting Group-Level Links 3-14
Creating Subgroups 3-14
Move an Element Between a Parent Group and a Child Group 3-16
Creating Group-Level Aggregate Elements 3-16
Creating Group Filters 3-21
Performing Element-Level Functions 3-23
Setting Element Properties 3-24
Sorting Data 3-25
Performing Group-Level Functions 3-25
The Group Action Menu 3-26
Editing the Data Set 3-27
Removing Elements from the Group 3-27
Editing the Group Properties 3-27
Performing Global-Level Functions 3-28
Adding a Global-Level Aggregate Function 3-29
Adding a Group-Level or Global-Level Element by Expression 3-30
Adding a Global-Level Element by PL/SQL 3-31
Using the Structure View to Edit Your Data Structure 3-32
Renaming Elements 3-33
Adding Value for Null Elements 3-33
Function Reference 3-33

4 Adding Parameters and Lists of Values

About Parameters 4-1
Adding a New Parameter 4-2
Creating a Text Parameter 4-3
Creating a Menu Parameter 4-4
Customizing the Display of Menu Parameters 4-7
Define a Date Parameter 4-7
About Lists of Values 4-8
Adding Lists of Values 4-8
Creating a List from a SQL Query 4-9
Creating a List from a Fixed Data Set 4-11
Adding Flexfield Parameters 4-11
Prerequisites for Using Flexfields 4-12
Adding a Flexfield Parameter and List of Values 4-12
Adding the Flexfield List of Values 4-12
Adding the Menu Parameter for the Flexfield List of Values 4-13

Using the Flexfield Parameter to Pass Values to a Flexfield Defined in the Data
Model 4-14
Referencing the Flexfield in the SQL Query 4-15
Passing a Range of Values 4-16

5 Adding Event Triggers

About Triggers 5-1
Adding Before Data and After Data Triggers 5-1
Order of Execution 5-2
Creating Schedule Triggers 5-2

6 Adding Flexfields
About Flexfields 6-1
Using Flexfields in Your Data Model 6-2
Adding Key Flexfields 6-2
Entering Flexfield Details 6-3
Adding Descriptive Flexfields 6-7
Including Descriptive Flexfield Reference in SQL Queries 6-8

7 Adding Bursting Definitions

About Bursting 7-1
What is the Bursting Definition? 7-1
Adding a Bursting Definition to Your Data Model 7-2
Attaching PDF to Reports using Bursting Engine 7-3
Defining the Query for the Delivery XML 7-4
Passing a Parameter to the Bursting Query 7-9
Defining the Split By and Deliver By Elements for a CLOB/XML Data Set 7-11
Configuring a Report to Use a Bursting Definition 7-12
Sample Bursting Query 7-12
Creating a Table to Use as a Delivery Data Source 7-13

8 Adding Custom Metadata for Oracle WebCenter Content Server

About Custom Metadata Mapping 8-1
Prerequisites 8-1
Mapping Data Fields to Custom Metadata Fields 8-1
Deleting Unused Metadata Fields 8-4

9 Performance Best Practices
Know Oracle WebLogic Server Default Time Out Setting 9-1
Best Practices for SQL Data Sets 9-1
Only Return the Data You Need 9-2
Use Column Aliases to Shorten XML File Length 9-2
Avoid Using Group Filters by Enhancing Your Query 9-2
Avoid PL/SQL Calls in WHERE Clauses 9-3
Avoid Use of the System Dual Table 9-3
Avoid PL/SQL Calls at the Element Level 9-3
Avoid Including Multiple Data Sets 9-4
Avoid Nested Data Sets 9-4
Avoid In-Line Queries as Summary Columns 9-5
Avoid Excessive Parameter Bind Values 9-5
Tips for Multi-value Parameters 9-6
Group Break and Sorting Data 9-7
Limit Lists of Values 9-8
Working with Lexicals/Flexfields 9-8
Working with Date Parameters 9-10
Run Report Online/Offline (Schedule) 9-10
Setting Data Model Properties to Prevent Memory Errors 9-11
Query Time Out 9-11
DB Fetch Size 9-12
Scalable Mode 9-12
SQL Pruning 9-13
SQL Query Tuning 9-14
Generate Explain Plan 9-14
Explain Plan for a Single Query 9-14
Explaining Plan for Reports 9-15
Guidelines for Tuning Queries 9-16
Tips for Database Tuning 9-17

Welcome to Release 12c ( of the Data Modeling Guide for Oracle Business
Intelligence Publisher.
Oracle BI Publisher is an enterprise reporting solution for authoring, managing, and delivering
all your highly formatted documents, such as operational reports, electronic funds transfer
documents, government PDF forms, shipping labels, checks, sales and marketing letters, and
much more.

This guide describes how report authors use BI Publisher's data model editor to fetch and
structure the data for use in the many different types of report layouts that BI Publisher
The following table provides more information about using BI Publisher for other business

Role Sample Tasks Guide

Administrator Configuring Security Administrator's Guide for Oracle
Configuring System Settings Business Intelligence Publisher
Diagnosing and Monitoring System
Application developer Integrating BI Publisher into existing Developer's Guide for Oracle Business
or integrator applications using the application Intelligence Publisher
programming interfaces
Report consumer Viewing reports User's Guide for Oracle Business
Scheduling report jobs Intelligence Publisher
Managing report jobs
Report designer Creating report definitions Report Designer's Guide for Oracle
Designing layouts Business Intelligence Publisher

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My
Oracle Support. For information, visit
or visit if you are hearing impaired.


Related Documentation and Other Resources

Oracle Business Intelligence features a variety of documentation and user assistance
See the Oracle Business Intelligence documentation library for a list of related Oracle
Business Intelligence documents.
In addition:
• Go to the Oracle Learning Library for Oracle Business Intelligence-related online
training resources.
• Go to the Product Information Center Support note (Article ID 1338762.1) on My
Oracle Support at

System Requirements and Certification

Refer to the system requirements and certification documentation for information about
hardware and software requirements, platforms, databases, and other information.
Both of these documents are available on Oracle Technology Network (OTN).
The system requirements document covers information such as hardware and
software requirements, minimum disk space and memory requirements, and required
system libraries, packages, or patches:

The certification document covers supported installation types, platforms, operating

systems, databases, JDKs, and third-party products:

This document uses text conventions, summarized below.

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

New Features for Data Model Designers
This preface describes changes to the Oracle BI Publisher data model designer.
• See New Features and Changes for Oracle BI Publisher 12c (
• See New Features and Changes for Oracle BI Publisher 12c (12.2.1).

New Features and Changes for Oracle BI Publisher 12c

This section includes new features and changes for Oracle BI Publisher 12c (

Content Server as a Data Source

You can set up connections to the Content Server data source on the Administration page
and then use in multiple data models. See Creating a Data Set Using a Content Server.

BI Publisher REST API Support

Use the BI Publisher REST API to programmatically run and manage reports. Click REST
API in the BI Publisher page of Oracle Help Center.

New Features and Changes for Oracle BI Publisher 12c (12.2.1)

New features and changes for Oracle BI Publisher 12c Release 1 (12.2.1) include:
• Generate Explain Plan from SQL Data Set
• Best Practices Information

Generate Explain Plan from SQL Data Set

For data sets generated by SQL queries issued against the Oracle Database, you can now
generate an Explain Plan to provide valuable information about the efficiency of your query.
See Generate Explain Plan.

Best Practices Information

Poorly constructed data models can result in out-of-memory exceptions. Use these best
practices guidelines to help you tune your data models for more efficient memory usage. See
Setting Data Model Properties to Prevent Memory Errors .

Using the Data Model Editor
This topic describes the components and features supported by the data model editor.

• What Is a Data Model?
• Components of a Data Model
• Features of the Data Model Editor
• About the Data Source Options
• Process Overview for Creating a Data Model
• Launching the Data Model Editor
• Setting Data Model Properties
• Manage Private Data Sources

What Is a Data Model?

A data model is an object that contains a set of instructions to retrieve and structure data for
a pixel-perfect report. Data models reside as separate objects in the catalog.
A data model can be simple with one data set retrieved from a single data source (for
example, the data returned from the columns in the employees table) or can be complex with
parameters, triggers, and bursting definitions and using multiple data sets.
Use the data model editor to build a data model.

Components of a Data Model

A data model supports the following components:
• Data set
A data set contains the logic to retrieve data from a single data source. A data set can
retrieve data from a variety of data sources (for example, a database, an existing data
file, a Web service call to another application, or a URL/URI to an external data provider).
A data model can have multiple data sets from multiple sources.
• Event triggers
A trigger checks for an event. When the event occurs the trigger runs the PL/SQL code
associated with it. The data model editor supports before data and after data triggers as
well as schedule triggers. Before data and after data triggers consist of a call to execute a
set of functions defined in a PL/SQL package stored in an Oracle database. A schedule
trigger is executed for scheduled reports and tests for a condition that determines
whether or not to run a scheduled report job.
• Flexfields

Chapter 1
Features of the Data Model Editor

A flexfield is a structure specific to Oracle Applications. The data model editor

supports retrieving data from flexfield structures defined in your Oracle Application
database tables.
• Lists of values
A list of values is a menu of values from which report consumers can select
parameter values to pass to the report.
• Parameters
A parameter is a variable whose value can be set at runtime. The data model
editor supports several parameter types.
• Bursting Definitions
Bursting is a process of splitting data into blocks, generating documents for each
data block, and delivering the documents to one or more destinations. A single
bursting definition provides the instructions for splitting the report data, generating
the document, and delivering the output to its specified destinations.
• Custom Metadata (for Web Content Servers)
If you have configured a Web content server as a delivery destination and enabled
custom metadata, the Custom Metadata component displays in the data model
editor. Use this component to map data fields from your data model to the custom
metadata fields set up for a set of rules defined in a Content Profile.

Features of the Data Model Editor

Use the data model editor to combine data from multiple data sets from different data
sources such as SQL, Excel files, Web services, HTTP feeds, and other applications
into a single XML data structure. You can use data sets that are unrelated or establish
a relationship between the data sets using a data link.
The data model editor enables you to perform the following tasks:
• Link data - Define master-detail links between data sets to build a hierarchical data
• Aggregate data - Create group level totals and subtotals.
• Transform data - Modify source data to conform to business terms and reporting
• Create calculations - Compute data values that are required for your report that
are not available in the underlying data sources.

About the Data Source Options

Data source types supported for creating data sets can be categorized into three
general types.

Data set types that can use thee full range of data model editor functions
The full range of data model editor functions are supported for these data set types:
• SQL queries submitted against Oracle BI Server, an Oracle Database, or other
supported databases. BI Publisher can retrieve the metadata information from
these SQL queries.

Chapter 1
Process Overview for Creating a Data Model

See Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries.

• Multidimensional (MDX) queries against an OLAP data source
See Creating a Data Set Using a MDX Query Against an OLAP Data Source.
• Queries against your LDAP repository to retrieve user data
You can report on this data directly, or join this to data retrieved from other sources. See
Creating a Data Set Using an LDAP Query.
• Microsoft Excel spreadsheet data sources
You can store the Excel spreadsheet in a file directory set up as a data source by your
administrator, or you can upload it directly from a local source to the data model. See
Creating a Data Set Using a Microsoft Excel File.
• XML data file data sources
You can store the XML file stored in a file directory set up as a data source by your
administrator, or you can upload it directly from a local source to the data model. See
Creating a Data Set Using a XML File.
• CSV (comma separated value) file data sources
You can store the CSV file in a file directory set up as a data source by your
administrator, or you can upload it directly from a local source to the data model. See
Creating a Data Set Using a CSV File.

Data set types that can use partial data model editor functions
BI Publisher can retrieve the column names and data type information from the data source
of these data set types, but it cannot process or structure the data. Only a subset of the full
range of data model editor functions are supported for data set types:
• Oracle BI Analysis
See Creating a Data Set Using an Oracle BI Analysis.
• View objects created using Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF).
See Creating a Data Set Using a View Object.

Data set types that cannot be modified in the data model editor
For these data set types, BI Publisher can retrieve the data generated and structured at the
source. You cannot apply additional modifications in the data model editor for these data set
• HTTP XML feeds off the Web
See Creating a Data Set from an HTTP XML Feed.
• Web services
See Creating a Data Set Using a Web Service.
To use a Web service to return data for the report, supply the Web service WSDL to BI
Publisher and then define the parameters in BI Publisher.

Process Overview for Creating a Data Model

Follow the steps below to create a data table.

Chapter 1
Launching the Data Model Editor

Step Reference
Launch the data model editor. Launching the Data Model Editor
Set properties for the data model. Setting Data Model Properties
Create the data sets for the data model. Creating Data Sets
Define the data output structure. (Optional) Structuring Data
Define the parameters to pass to the Adding Parameters and Lists of Values
query, and define lists of values for users
to select parameter values. (Optional)
Define Event Triggers. (Optional) About Triggers
(Oracle Applications Only) Define Adding Flexfields
Flexfields. (Optional)
Test your data model and add sample Testing Data Models and Generating Sample Data
Add a bursting definition. (Optional) Adding Bursting Definitions
Map Custom Metadata for documents to Adding Custom Metadata for Oracle WebCenter
be delivered to Web Content Servers Content Server

Launching the Data Model Editor

Launch the data model editor from the header or from the Home page.
To launch the Data Model Editor:
• Use one of these ways:
– Click New and then click Data Model.
– Under the Create region, click Data Model.
The Data Sets page displays as shown below.

Chapter 1
Launching the Data Model Editor

About the Data Model Editor Toolbar

The data model editor toolbar on the top provides you the options to manage private data
sources, view data, create report, and save the data model.

Option Description
Validate Validate the queries used for data sets, LOVs, and
bursting definitions.
Manage Private Data Sources Connect to private data sources for your personal
use that do not require setup by an administrator.
View Data Display the Data tab where you view and generate
sample data.
Create Report Create a new report with this data model.
Save / Save As Select Save to save your work in progress to the
existing data model object or select Save As to
save the data model as a new object in the
If you create a data model and then navigate out
of the data model editor without saving it, a draft or
temporary data model entry may display in the
Recent section of the Home page. These entries
cannot be manually deleted, but are automatically
deleted after 24 hours.
Help View online help.

Chapter 1
Setting Data Model Properties

Setting Data Model Properties

You can access the Data Model Properties page when you click Properties in the
components pane.

Enter the following properties for the data model:

Property Description
Description The description that you enter here displays in the catalog. This
description is translatable.
Default Data Source Select the data source from the list. Data models can include
multiple data sets from one or more data sources. The default
data source you select here is presented as the default for each
new SQL data set you define. Select Refresh Data Source List
to see any new data sources added since your session was
Oracle DB Default If you define a query against an Oracle Database, then you can
Package include before or after data triggers (event triggers) in your data
model. Event triggers make use of PL/SQL packages to execute
RDBMS level functions. For data models that include event
triggers or a PL/SQL group filter, you must enter a default PL/SQL
package here. The package must exist on the default data source.
Database Fetch Size Sets the number of rows fetched at a time through the JDBC
connection. This value overrides the value set in the system
properties. If neither this value nor the server setting is defined,
then the server default value of 20 is used. If the server property
Enable Auto DB fetch size mode is set to True, this value is

Chapter 1
Setting Data Model Properties

Property Description
Query Time Out Applies to SQL query-based data models. If the SQL query is still
processing when the time out value is met, the error Failed to
retrieve data xml. is returned. Enter a value in seconds.
If you do not enter a value for this data model, the server property
value is used.
Scalable Mode Processing large data sets requires the use of large amounts of
RAM. To prevent running out of memory, activate scalable mode
for the data engine. In scalable mode, the data engine takes
advantage of disk space when it processes the data. Setting this
to On will impact performance, but guard against out of memory
Note that Enable Data Model Scalable Mode is also a server-
level property therefore by default the data model-level property is
set to Instance Level to inherit the server or instance level setting.
To turn scalable mode on or off for this particular data model,
select On or Off from the list.
Enable SQL Pruning Applies to Oracle Database queries only that use standard SQL. If
your query returns many columns but only a subset are used by
your report template, SQL pruning returns only those columns
required by the template. Setting this property enhances
processing time and reduces memory usage.
Note that Enable SQL Pruning is also a server-level property
therefore by default the data model-level property is set to
Instance Level to inherit the server or instance level setting. To
turn SQL pruning on or off for this particular data model, select
On or Off from the list.
SQL pruning is not applicable for PDF, Excel, and E-text template
Enable SQL Session Applies to Oracle Database queries that use standard SQL. If you
Trace enable trace, for each SQL statement, the trace contains:
• Parse, execute, and fetch counts
• CPU time and elapsed time
• Physical reads and logical reads
• Number of rows processed
• Library cache failures
• User name for which each parse occurred
• Each commit and rollback
SQL Trace Name Name for the SQL trace.
Backup Data Source If you have set up a backup database for this data source, select
Enable Backup Connection to enable the option; then select it
when you want Oracle BI Publisher to use the backup.
• To use the backup data source only when the primary is
down, select Switch to Backup Data Source when Primary
Data Source is unavailable. Note that when the primary
data source is down, the data engine must wait for a
response before switching to the backup.
• To always use the backup data source when executing this
data model, select Use Backup Data Source Only. Using
the backup database may enhance performance.
You must enable a backup for the data source.
Enable CSV Output Select this option to generate report output only in a CSV file.

Chapter 1
Setting Data Model Properties

XML Output Options

These options define the characteristics of the XML data structure. Any changes to
these options can impact layouts that are built on the data model.
• Include Parameter Tags — If you define parameters for your data model, select
this option to include the parameter values in the XML output file. See Adding
Parameters and Lists of Values for adding parameters to your data model. Enable
this option when you want to use the parameter value in the report.
• Include Empty Tags for Null Elements — Select this option to include elements
with null values in your output XML data. When you include a null element, then a
requested element that contains no data in your data source is included in your
XML output as an empty XML tag as follows: <ELEMENT_ID\>. For example, if
the element MANAGER_ID contained no data and you chose to include null
elements, it would appear in your data as follows: <MANAGER_ID />. If you do not
select this option, no entry is displayed for MANAGER_ID.
• Include Open & Close Tags — Select this option to include the open and close
tags in your output XML data.
• Include Group List Tag — (This property is for 10g backward compatibility and
Oracle Report migration.) Select this option to include the rowset tags in your
output XML data. If you include the group list tags, then the group list displays as
another hierarchy within your data.
• XML Tag Display — Select this option to generate the XML data tags in
uppercase, in lowercase, or to preserve the definition you supplied in the data

Adding Attachments to the Data Model

The Attachment region of the page displays data files that you have uploaded or
attached to the data model.

Attaching Sample Data

After you build your data model, you must attach a small, but representative set of
sample data generated from your data model. The sample data is used by BI
Publisher's layout editing tools. Using a small sample file helps improve performance
during the layout design phase.
The data model editor provides an option to generate and attach the sample data. See
Testing Data Models and Generating Sample Data.
The administrator can set a limit to the size of the sample data file.

Attaching Schema
The data model editor enables you to attach sample schema to the data model
Oracle BI Publisher does not use the schema file. However, you can attach the
schema for developer reference. The data model editor does not support schema

Chapter 1
Manage Private Data Sources

Data Files
If you have uploaded a local Microsoft Excel, CSV, or XML file as a data source for this
report, the file displays here
Use the refresh button to refresh this file from the local source. For information on uploading
files to use as data sources, see Creating Data Sets.
The figure below shows the Attachments region with sample data and data files attached:

Manage Private Data Sources

Data model developers can create and manage private JDBC, OLAP, web service, and HTTP
data source connections without having to depend on an Administrator user. However,
Administrator users can still view, modify, and delete private data source connections, if
Private data source connections are identified by the word (Private) appended to the end of
the data source name. For example, if you create a private JDBC connection called My JDBC
Connection, it's displayed as My JDBC Connection (Private) in the data source drop-down
If your user has the Administrator role, you can only create public data sources, even if you
create the data source from the Manage Private Data Sources page.
To create a private data source connection:
1. From the data model editor toolbar, click Manage Private Data Sources.
2. Select the connection type tab, and click Add Data Source.
If you are logged in as an Administrator, the dialog displays all the data source
connections; however, you can only create or modify JDBC, OLAP, HTTP, and web
service data sources from this dialog.
3. Enter the private connection name, and the connection information.
4. Click Test Connection. A confirmation is displayed.
5. Click Apply. The private data source connection is now available for use in your data

Creating Data Sets
This topic describes creating data sets, testing data models, and saving sample data.

• Overview of Creating Data Sets
• Editing an Existing Data Set
• Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries
• Creating a Data Set Using a MDX Query Against an OLAP Data Source
• Using MDX Query Builder
• Creating a Data Set Using an Oracle BI Analysis
• Creating a Data Set Using a View Object
• Creating a Data Set Using a Web Service
• Creating a Data Set Using an LDAP Query
• Creating a Data Set Using a XML File
• Creating a Data Set Using a Microsoft Excel File
• Creating a Data Set Using a CSV File
• Creating a Data Set from an HTTP XML Feed
• Using Data Stored as a Character Large Object (CLOB) in a Data Model
• Testing Data Models and Generating Sample Data
• Including User Information Stored in System Variables in Your Report Data

Overview of Creating Data Sets

Oracle BI Publisher can retrieve data from multiple types of data sources.
To create a data set:
1. On the component pane of the data model editor, click New Data Set and select your
source data set type.

Chapter 2
Editing an Existing Data Set

2. Complete the required fields. See the corresponding section:

• Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries
• Creating a Data Set Using a MDX Query Against an OLAP Data Source
• Creating a Data Set Using an Oracle BI Analysis
• Creating a Data Set Using a View Object
• Creating a Data Set Using a Web Service
• Creating a Data Set Using an LDAP Query
• Creating a Data Set Using a XML File
• Creating a Data Set Using a Microsoft Excel File
• Creating a Data Set Using a CSV File
• Creating a Data Set from an HTTP XML Feed
• Using Data Stored as a Character Large Object (CLOB) in a Data Model

Editing an Existing Data Set

Modify data models by editing any of the data sets they contain.
1. On the component pane of the data model editor click Data Sets. All data sets for
this data model display in the working pane.
2. Click the data set that you want to edit.
3. Click Edit Selected Data Set. The dialog for the data set opens. For information
about each type of data set, see the corresponding section in this chapter.

Chapter 2
Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries

4. Make changes to the data set and click OK.

5. Save the data model.
6. Test your edited data model and add new sample data. See Testing Data Models and
Generating Sample Data for more information about testing and generating sample data.

Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries

These topics explain how to create data sets using SQL queries.
• Entering SQL Queries
• Creating Non-Standard SQL Data Sets
• Using the SQL Query Builder
• Adding a Bind Variable to a Query
• Adding Lexical References to SQL Queries
• Defining SQL Queries Against the Oracle BI Server

Entering SQL Queries

Use these steps to enter SQL queries.
For information about optimizing your SQL Queries and the Generate Explain Plan option,
see Best Practices for SQL Data Sets.
1. Click New Data Set and then click SQL Query. The Create Data Set - SQL dialog opens,
as shown below.

Chapter 2
Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries

2. Enter a name for the data set.

3. The data source defaults to the default data source that you selected on the
Properties page. If you are not using the default data source for this data set,
select the Data Source from the list.
You can also use your private data source connections as data sources for SQL
query data sets. See Manage Private Data Sources for information about private
data source connections.
4. The SQL type defaults to Standard SQL used for normal SELECT statements
interpreted to understand database schema. See Creating Non-Standard SQL
Data Sets for information on using other types of SQL.
5. Enter the SQL query or click Query Builder to launch the Query Builder page.
See Using the SQL Query Builder for more information about the Query Builder
6. If you are using Flexfields, bind variables, or other special processing in your
query, edit the SQL returned by the Query Builder to include the required

If you include lexical references for text that you embed in a SELECT
statement, then you must substitute values to get a valid SQL statement.

7. After entering the query, click OK to save. For Standard SQL queries the data
model editor validates the query.
If your query includes a bind variable, you are prompted to create the bind
parameter. Click OK to have the data model editor create the bind parameter.

Chapter 2
Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries

See Adding Parameters and Lists of Values for more information on editing parameters.

Creating Non-Standard SQL Data Sets

In addition to creating data sets using basic SQL commands, you can create data sets using
more complex commands.

Procedure Call
Use this query type to call a database procedure. For example, Oracle PL/SQL statements
start with BEGIN. When you use this SQL data type, no metadata is displayed on the data
model structure tab, therefore you cannot modify the data structure or data fields. To
construct your SQL with a procedure call enter the code directly in the text box or copy and
paste from another SQL editor. You cannot use the Query Builder to modify or build these
types of queries.

Non-standard SQL
Use this query type to issue SQL statements that can include the following:
• Cursor statements that return nested results sets
For example:


(SELECT d.order_id department_id,
d.order_mode department_name ,
(SELECT e.cust_first_name first_name,
e.cust_last_name last_name,
e.customer_id employee_id,
e.date_of_birth hire_date
FROM customers e
WHERE e.customer_id IN (101,102)
) emp_cur
FROM orders d
WHERE d.customer_id IN (101,102)

• Functions returning REF cursors

For example:

create or replace PACKAGE REF_CURSOR_TEST AS

pCountry VARCHAR2(10);
pState VARCHAR2(20);



Chapter 2
Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries

pCountry IN VARCHAR2,
l_cursor REF_CURSOR_TEST.refcursor;
IF ( pCountry = 'US' ) THEN
OPEN l_cursor FOR
d.order_id department_id,
d.order_mode department_name
FROM orders d
WHERE d.customer_id IN (101,102);
OPEN l_cursor FOR
RETURN l_cursor;

To use REF cursor in Oracle BI Publisher:

create SQL dataset with query as SELECT
• Anonymous blocks/Stored procedures
BI Publisher supports executing PL/SQL anonymous blocks. You can perform
calculations in the PL/SQL block and return the result set. BI Publisher uses
callable statements to execute anonymous blocks.
The requirements are:
– The PL/SQL block must return a result set of type REF cursor
– You must declare the out variable with the name, xdo_cursor;. If you do not
declare the name properly, the first bind variable is treated as an out variable
type and binds with REF cursor
– Declare the data model parameter with name xdo_cursor. This name is
reserved for out variable type for procedure/anonymous blocks.

type refcursor is REF CURSOR;
xdo_cursor refcursor;
empno number;
OPEN :xdo_cursor FOR

Chapter 2
Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries

• Conditional queries can be executed if you use an if-else expression. You can define
multiple SQL queries in a single data set, but only one query executes at run time
depending on the expression value. The expression validates and returns a Boolean
value. If the value is true, executes that section of the SQL query.
The limitations are:
– The following syntax is supported to evaluate expressions: $if{, $elseif{, $else{
– The expression must return true, false
– Only the following operators are supported:
== <= >= < >

create sql dataset with following query
$if{ (:P_MODE == PRODUCT) }$
$elsif{(:P_MODE == ORDER )}$

When your data set is created using non-standard SQL statements, no metadata is displayed
on the data model structure tab, therefore you cannot modify the data structure or data fields.
You cannot use Query Builder to modify or build these types of queries.
To define XML row tag for non-standard SQL dataset:
Use xmlRowTagName="" in data model definition to define xml row tag for non-standard SQL
query dataset. This allows you to enter a valid tag name. If the attribute is empty, it defaults to
ROW at runtime.
Dataset definition:

<dataSet name="Q1" type="simple">

<sql dataSourceRef="bipdev4-demo" nsQuery="true" xmlRowTagName="">

Chapter 2
Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries


Using the SQL Query Builder

Use the Query Builder to build SQL queries without coding. The Query Builder enables
you to search and filter database objects, select objects and columns, create
relationships between objects, and view formatted query results with minimal SQL
This section describes how to use the Query Builder and includes the following topics:
• Overview of the Query Builder
• Understanding the Query Builder Process
• Supported Column Types
• Adding Objects to the Design Pane
• Removing or Hiding Objects in the Design Pane
• Specifying Query Conditions
• Creating Relationships Between Objects
• Saving a Query
• Editing a Saved Query

Overview of the Query Builder

The Query Builder page is divided into an Object Selection pane and a design and
output pane.
• Object Selection pane contains a list of objects from which you can build queries.
Only objects in the current schema display.
• Design and output pane consists of four tabs:
– Model — Displays selected objects from the Object Selection pane.
– Conditions — Enables you to apply conditions to your selected columns.
– SQL — Displays the query.
– Results — Displays the results of the query.

Chapter 2
Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries

Understanding the Query Builder Process

Perform these steps to build a query.
1. Select a schema.
The Schema list contains all the available schema in the data source. You might not have
access to all that are listed.
2. Add objects to the Design pane and select columns.
The Object Selection pane lists the tables, views, and materialized views from the
selected schema, for Oracle Database, synonyms are also listed. Select the object from
the list and it displays on the Design pane. Use the Design pane to identify how the
selected objects are used in the query.
You might need to use the Search field to enter a search string. If more than 100 tables
are present in the data source, you must use the Search feature to locate and select the
desired objects.
3. (Optional) Establish relationships between objects.
4. Add a unique alias name for any duplicate column.
5. (Optional) Create query conditions.
6. Execute the query and view results.

Supported Column Types

Columns of all types display as objects in the Design pane. You can't select more than 60
columns for each query.

Supported Column Type Restrictions

type isn’t supported.

Chapter 2
Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries

Supported Column Type Restrictions

Binary Large Object (BLOB) The BLOB must be an image. When you execute
the query in the Query Builder, the BLOB doesn't
display in the Results pane; however, the query is
constructed correctly when saved to the data
model editor. BI Publisher doesn’t support
querying of BLOB columns in an Oracle BI EE
data source.
Character Large Object (CLOB) BI Publisher doesn’t support querying of CLOB
columns in an Oracle BI EE data source.

Adding Objects to the Design Pane

Select each object you want to add to the Design pane.
• When you add an object, an icon representing the data type displays next to each
column name.
• When you select a column, it appears on the Conditions tab. The Show check
box on the Conditions tab controls whether a column is included in query results.
Be default, this check box is selected.
• To select the first twenty columns, click the small icon in the upper left corner of
the object and then select Check All.
• You can also execute a query by pressing the CTRL + ENTER keys.
1. Select an object.
2. Select the check box for each column to include in your query.
3. To execute the query and view results, select Results.

Removing or Hiding Objects in the Design Pane

You can remove or hide objects in the Design pane.
To remove an object:
1. Click Remove in the upper right corner of the object.
To temporarily hide the columns within an object:

• Click Show/Hide Columns.

Specifying Query Conditions

Conditions enable you to filter and identify the data you want to work with.
As you select columns within an object, you can specify conditions on the Conditions
tab (shown below). You can use these attributes to modify the column alias, apply
column conditions, sort columns, or apply functions.

Chapter 2
Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries

The table below describes the attributes available on the Conditions tab.

Condition Attribute Description

Up and Down Arrows Controls the display order of the columns in the resulting query.
Column Displays the column name.
Alias Specify an optional column alias. An alias is an alternative column name.
Aliases are used to make a column name more descriptive, to shorten the
column name, or prevent possible ambiguous references. Note that multibyte
characters are not supported in the alias name.
Object Displays the object name.
Condition The condition modifies the query's WHERE clause. When specifying a column
condition, you must include the appropriate operator and operand. All standard
SQL conditions are supported. For example:
IN (SELECT dept_no FROM dept)
Sort Type Select ASC (Ascending) or DESC (Descending).
Sort Order Enter a number (1, 2, 3, and so on) to specify the order in which selected
columns should display.
Show Select this check box to include the column in your query results. You do not
need to select Show to add a column to the query for filtering only. For
example, to create following query:

SELECT ename FROM emp WHERE deptno = 10

To create this query in Query Builder:

1. From the Object list, select EMP.
2. In the Design Pane, select ename and deptno.
3. For the deptno column, in Condition enter =10 and clear the Show check

Chapter 2
Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries

Condition Attribute Description

Function Available argument functions include:
Group By Specify columns to be used for grouping when an aggregate function is used.
Only applicable for columns included in output.
Delete Deselect the column, excluding it from the query.

As you select columns and define conditions, Query Builder writes the SQL for you.
To view the underlying SQL:
• Select the SQL tab.

Creating Relationships Between Objects

You can create relationships between objects by creating a join. A join identifies a
relationship between two or more tables, views, or materialized views.
• About Join Conditions
• Joining Objects Manually

About Join Conditions

When you write a join query, you specify a condition that conveys a relationship
between two objects. This condition is called a join condition.
A join condition specifies how the rows from one object combine with the rows from
another object.
Query Builder supports inner, outer, left, and right joins.
• An inner join, also called a simple join, returns the rows that satisfy the join
• An outer join extends the result of a simple join.
An outer join returns all rows that satisfy the join condition and returns some or all
of those rows from one table for which no rows from the other satisfy the join

Joining Objects Manually

Create a join manually by selecting the Join column in the Design pane.
To join objects manually:
1. From the Object Selection pane, select the objects you want to join.
2. Identify the columns you want to join.

Chapter 2
Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries

You create a join by selecting the Join column adjacent to the column name. The Join
column displays to the right of the data type. When your cursor is in the appropriate
position, the following help tip displays:
Click here to select column for join
3. Select the appropriate Join column for the first object.
When selected, the Join column is darkened. To deselect a Join column, simply select it
again or press ESC.
4. Select the appropriate Join column for the second object.
When joined, line connects the two columns. An example is shown below.

5. Select the columns to be included in your query. You can view the SQL statement
resulting from the join by positioning the cursor over the join line.
6. Click Results to execute the query.

Saving a Query
Save queries after building them.
Once you have built the query, click Save to return to the data model editor. The query
appears in the SQL Query box. Click OK to save the data set.

Chapter 2
Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries

Editing a Saved Query

When you have saved the query from the Query Builder to the data model editor, you
can also use the Query Builder to edit the query.
If you have made modifications to the query, or did not use the Query Builder to
construct it, you may receive an error when launching the Query Builder for editing the
query. If the Query Builder cannot parse the query, you can edit the statements directly
in the text box.

You cannot edit a customized or an advanced query by using Query Builder.

1. Select the SQL data set.

2. On the toolbar, click Edit Selected Data Set to launch the Edit Data Set dialog.
3. Click Query Builder to load the query to the Query Builder.
4. Edit the query and click Save.

Chapter 2
Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries

Adding a Bind Variable to a Query

After creating a query, you may want users to be able to pass a parameter to the query to
limit the results. For example, in the employee listing, you want users to be able to choose a
specific department.
The image shows the columns in the department table.

• In the Query Builder Conditions tab, add the bind variable for the column using the
Where PARAMTER_NAME is the name you choose for the parameter.

After manually editing the query, the Query Builder can no longer parse it. You
must make any additional edits manually.

Adding a Bind Variable Using a Text Editor

Use the Data Model Editor to update a SQL query.
1. In the Edit Data Set text box, update the SQL query by adding the following after the
where clause in your query:
for example:
where P_DEPTNAME is the name you choose for the parameter, as shown below.

Chapter 2
Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries

2. Click Save.
3. In the data model editor, create the parameter that you entered with the bind
variable syntax as shown in the image.

4. Select the parameter, and click OK to enable the data model editor create the
parameter entry for you.
See Adding Parameters and Lists of Values for more information on defining
parameter properties.

Adding Lexical References to SQL Queries

You can use lexical references to replace the clauses appearing after SELECT, FROM,
Use a lexical reference when you want the parameter to replace multiple values at
runtime. Lexical references are supported in queries against Oracle applications only.

Chapter 2
Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries

Create a lexical reference in the SQL query using the following syntax:

You also use lexical references to include flexfields in your query. For more
information about using flexfields, see Adding Flexfields.

1. Before creating your query, define a parameter in the PL/SQL default package for each
lexical reference in the query. The data engine uses these values to replace the lexical
2. In the data model editor, on the Properties page, specify the Oracle DB Default
3. In the data model editor, create a Before Data event trigger to call the PL/SQL package.
See Adding Before Data and After Data Triggers for more information about procedures.
4. Create your SQL query containing lexical references.
5. When you click OK to close your SQL query, you are prompted to enter the parameter.
For example, create a package called employee. In the employee package, define a
parameter called where_clause:

Package employee
where_clause varchar2(1000);

Package body employee

where_clause := 'where DEPARTMENT_ID=10';

Reference the lexical parameter in the SQL query where you want the parameter to be
replaced by the code defined in the package, for example:



When you click OK on the Create SQL Data Set dialog box, the lexical reference dialog box
prompts you to enter a value for lexical references you entered in the SQL query, as shown in
the image that follows. Enter the value of the lexical reference as it is defined in the PL/SQL

Chapter 2
Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries

At runtime, the data engine replaces &where_clause with the contents of

where_clause defined in the package.

Defining SQL Queries Against the Oracle BI Server

When you launch the Query Builder against the Oracle BI Server, the Query Builder
displays the subject areas from the catalog. You can drag the subject areas to the
Query Builder workspace to display the columns. Select the columns to include in your
data model.
Keep the following points in mind when creating a data set against the Oracle BI
• When you create a SQL query against the Oracle BI Server using the SQL Data
Editor or the Query Builder, logical SQL is generated, not physical SQL like other
database sources.
• Hierarchical columns are not supported. The highest level is always returned.
• Within a subject area, the join conditions between tables are already created; it is
therefore not necessary to create joins in the Query Builder. The Query Builder
does not expose the primary key.
It is possible to link data sets using the data model editor's Create Link function.
See Creating Element-Level Links. For data sets created from the Oracle BI
Server, there is a limit of two element-level links for a single data model.
• In the Query Builder, the functions Sort Order and Group By shown on the
Conditions tab are not supported for queries against the Oracle BI Server. If you
enter a Sort Order or select the Group By check box, the Query Builder constructs
the SQL, and write it to the BI Publisher SQL Query text box, but when you
attempt to close the Data Set dialog, the query fails validation.
To apply grouping to the data retrieved by the SQL query, you can use the data
model editor's Group by function instead. See Creating Subgroups.
• If you pass parameters to the Oracle BI Server and you choose Null Value Passed
for Can Select All, you must ensure that you handle the null value in your query.
1. In the data model editor, click New Data Set and then click SQL Query.
2. Enter a name for the data set.

Chapter 2
Creating Data Sets Using SQL Queries

3. From the Data Source list, select the Oracle BI Server connection, usually shown as
Oracle BI EE.
4. Click Query Builder to launch the Query Builder page. See Using the SQL Query Builder
for more information about the Query Builder utility.
You can also enter the SQL syntax manually in the SQL Query text box, however you
must use the Logical SQL syntax used by the Oracle BI Server.
5. From the Catalog drop-down list, select a subject area as shown below. The list displays
the subject areas defined in the Oracle BI Server.

6. Select tables and columns for the query.

7. Click Save.
8. Click OK to return to the data model editor. The SQL that is generated is Logical SQL
that follows a star schema. It is not physical SQL.
9. Save your changes to the data model.

Notes for Queries Against Oracle Fusion Applications Tables

Special considerations for Oracle Fusion Applications customers apply when writing queries
against the Oracle Fusion Applications tables
• You cannot return month name from sysdate using to_char(sysdate,"mon"). This
function returns the month number. To display month name, use one of the following
– Format the date field in your layout using the following syntax: <?
– To display month name based on month number, use the following syntax in your
<?xdoxslt:month_name(month, [abbreviate?], $_XDOLOCALE)?>
where month is the numeric value of the month (January = 1) and
[abbreviate?] is the value 0 for do not abbreviate or 1 for abbreviate.
For example:
<?xdoxslt:month_name(1, 0, $_XDOLOCALE)?>

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using a MDX Query Against an OLAP Data Source

returns January
– To add an expression in the data model, use the following expression:
Format_date(date, format_String)
For example:
returns Nov (when the current SYSTDATE is November)

Creating a Data Set Using a MDX Query Against an OLAP

Data Source
BI Publisher supports Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) queries against OLAP data
MDX enables you to query multidimensional objects, such as Essbase cubes, and
return multidimensional cell sets that contain the cube's data. You create MDX queries
by manually entering the MDX query or by using MDX Query Builder to build the query.
• Creating a Data Set Using a MDX Query
• Using MDX Query Builder

Creating a Data Set Using a MDX Query

You create MDX queries either by manually entering the MDX query or by using MDX
Query Builder to build the query.
1. On the toolbar, click New Data Set and then select MDX Query.
The New Data Set - MDX Query dialog is shown below.

2. Enter a name for the data set.

3. Select the data source for the data set. Only the data sources defined as OLAP
connections are displayed in the list.
Any private OLAP data source connections that you created will also be available
in the Data Source drop-down list. For more information on creating private data
source connections, see Manage Private Data Sources.

Chapter 2
Using MDX Query Builder

4. Enter the MDX query or click Query Builder. See Using MDX Query Builder.
5. Click OK to save. The data model editor validates the query.

Ensure that in your OLAP data source that you do not use Unicode characters from
the range U+F900 to U+FFFE to define any metadata attributes such as column
names or table names. This Unicode range includes half-width Japanese Katakana
and full-width ASCII variants. Using these characters results in errors when
generating the XML data for a BI Publisher report.

Using MDX Query Builder

Use MDX Query Builder to build MDX basic queries without having to code them. MDX Query
Builder enables you to add dimensions to columns, rows, pages, and point of view axes and
preview the query results.
• Understanding the MDX Query Builder Process
• Using the Select Cube Dialog
• Selecting Dimensions and Measures
• Performing MDX Query Actions
• Applying MDX Query Filters
• Selecting MDX Query Options and Saving MDX Queries

MDX Query Builder only enables you to build data sets against Essbase data
sources. For all other OLAP data sources, you must manually create the query.

Understanding the MDX Query Builder Process

You create MDX queries either by manually entering the MDX query or by using MDX Query
Builder to build the query.
To use MDX Query Builder to build a MDX query:
1. On the toolbar, click New Data Set and then select MDX Query to launch the New Data
Set - MDX Query dialog.
2. Enter a name for the data set.
3. Select a data source.
4. Launch MDX Query Builder.
5. Select an Essbase cube for the query.
6. Select dimensions and measures by dragging and dropping them to the Columns, Rows,
Slicer/POV, and the Pages axes.

Chapter 2
Using MDX Query Builder

7. (Optional) Use actions to modify the query.

8. (Optional) Apply filters.
9. Set the query options and save the query.

Using the Select Cube Dialog

In the Select Cube dialog, select the Essbase cube that you want to use to build the
MDX query.
The MDX data source connection that you selected previously drives which Essbase
cubes are available for selection.

Selecting Dimensions and Measures

You build MDX queries by selecting dimensions for the Columns, Rows, Slicer/POV,
and Pages axes.
Account dimension members are listed individually by member name. All other
dimension members are represented by generation name as shown below.
You can drag dimension generations and individual measures from the Account
dimension to the Columns, Rows, Slicer/POV, and Pages axes.

Build the query by dragging dimension members or measures from the Dimensions
panel to one of the following axes areas:
• Columns— Axis (0) of the query
• Rows — Axis (1) of the query

Chapter 2
Using MDX Query Builder

• Slicer/POV— The slicer axis enables you to limit a query to only a specific slice of the
Essbase cube. This represents the optional WHERE clause of a query.
• Axis — Axis (2) of the query
You can nest dimension members in the Columns and Rows axes, but you can only add a
single dimension to the Slider/POV axis.

Adding Dimension Members to the Slicer/POV Axis

When you add a dimension to the Slicer/POV axis, the Member Selection dialog launches.
You can only select one dimension member for this axis. Simply select the dimension in the
Member Selection dialog, and then click OK.
The Member Selection dialog does not display if you add a measure to the Slicer/POV axis.

Performing MDX Query Actions

The MDX Query Builder toolbar contains the following buttons for modifying the MDX query:
• Click Swap Rows and Columns to flip dimensions between columns and rows.
• Click Actions to display the following menu items for selection:
– Select Cube - Selects a different Essbase cube for the query.
– Set Alias Table - Selects the alias table used for dimension display names. Alias
names are used for display only and are not used in the query.
– Auto Refresh - Displays the results as dimension members are placed in the
Columns, Rows, Slicer/POV, and Pages axes and automatically refreshes the MDX
query syntax.
– Clear Results - Clears the results and removes member selections from all of the
axes and any filters added to the query.
– Show Empty Columns - Displays columns that do not contain data.
– Show Empty Rows - Displays rows that do not contain data.
– Show Query - Displays the MDX query syntax resulting from how the dimensions are
placed in the Columns, Rows, Slicer/POV, and Pages axes.

Chapter 2
Using MDX Query Builder

Applying MDX Query Filters

You can create filters for dimensions on the Columns, Rows, and Pages axes in MDX
Query Builder to further streamline your MDX query.

You can create multiple filters for a query, but you can only create one filter for each
Columns, Rows, or Pages axis.
• To create a filter, click the down-arrow button to the right of a dimension in the
Columns, Rows, or Pages axes to display it in the Filters area. You create the filter
by selecting the desired dimension member as shown below.

Selecting MDX Query Options and Saving MDX Queries

Use the Options dialog to select the dimension properties to include in the query for
each of the dimensions in the Columns, Rows, and Pages axes.
Once you have built the query, click Save to display the Options dialog as shown

Chapter 2
Using MDX Query Builder

By default, none of the properties are selected.

The dimension properties are as follows:
• Member Alias — Dimension member alias names as listed in the Essbase outline.
• Ancestor Names — Ancestor dimension names as listed in the Essbase outline.
• Level Number — Dimension level numbers as listed in the Essbase outline.
• Gen Number — Generation number of the dimensions as listed in the Essbase outline.
For example, if you select the Member Alias and Level Number properties for Columns, the
MDX query results are as follows:

NON EMPTY Hierarchize([Market].Generations(2).Members)
NON EMPTY CROSSJOIN(Hierarchize([Product].Generations(3).Members),
NON EMPTY [Year].Generations(3).Members ON Axis(2) FROM Demo.Basic

For more information on Essbase dimension properties, see: Oracle Essbase Database
Administrator's Guide which can be found here: Oracle Essbase for BI documentation.
After you select options for the MDX query, click OK to return to the New Data Set - MDX
Query dialog and review the MDX query output as shown below.

Click OK to return to the data model editor, and save your changes.

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using an Oracle BI Analysis

If you modify a MDX query after you save it in BI Publisher, Oracle
recommends that you manually change the syntax and not use MDX Query
Builder to do so.

Creating a Data Set Using an Oracle BI Analysis

If you have enabled integration with Oracle Business Intelligence, then you can access
the Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation catalog to select an Oracle BI analysis
as a data source.
An analysis is a query against an organization's data that provides answers to
business questions. A query contains the underlying SQL statements that are issued
to the Oracle BI Server.

Hierarchical columns are not supported in BI Publisher data models.

1. Click the New Data Set toolbar button and select Oracle BI Analysis.
2. In the New Data Set - Oracle BI Analysis dialog, enter a name for this data set.
3. Click the browse icon to connect to the Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation
catalog, as shown below.

4. When the catalog connection dialog launches, navigate through the folders to
select the Oracle BI analysis to use as the data set for the report.

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using a View Object

5. Enter a Time Out value in seconds, as shown below. If BI Publisher has not received the
analysis data after the time specified in the time out value has elapsed, then BI Publisher
stops attempting to retrieve the analysis data.

6. Click OK.

Additional Notes on Oracle BI Analysis Data Sets

Parameters and list of values are inherited from the BI analysis and they display at run time.
The BI Analysis must have default values defined for filter variables. If the analysis contains
presentation variables with no default values, it is not supported as a data source by BI
If you want to structure the data based on Oracle BI Analysis Data Sets, the group breaks,
group filters, data links and group-level functions are not supported.
The following are supported:
• Global level functions
• Setting the value for elements if null
For more information about the above supported features, see Structuring Data.

Creating a Data Set Using a View Object

BI Publisher enables you to connect to your custom applications built with Oracle Application
Development Framework and use view objects in your applications as data sources for
Performance of the query execution is better as the SQL is executed directly against the
Before you can create an Oracle BI Publisher data model using a view object, you must first
create the view object in your application.
1. Click the New Data Set toolbar button and select View Object.
2. In the New Data Set - View Object dialog, enter a name for this data set.
3. Select the Data Source from the list. The data sources that you defined in the
providers.xml file display.

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using a Web Service

4. Do one of the following:

• Select Yes for Execute as SQL to extract the SQL query form the View Object
and execute it on the Oracle Business Intelligence domain.
• Select No to execute the view object on the Oracle Applications domain
through the ADF layer. The XML data is then streamed to the Oracle Business
Intelligence domain in chunks. This method results in poorer performance, but
enables execution on the Applications domain. You can invoke some service
interface layers to allow custom data manipulation.
5. Enter the fully qualified name of the application module, for example,
6. Click Load View Objects.
BI Publisher calls the application module to load the view object list.
7. Select the View Object.
Any bind variables defined are retrieved.
8. Create a parameter to map to this bind variable, see Adding Parameters and Lists
of Values.
9. Click OK to save your data set.

Additional Notes on View Object Data Sets

To structure data based on view object data sets, the group breaks, data links and
group-level functions are not supported.
The following is supported: Setting the value for elements if null.
For more information about this supported feature, see Structuring Data.

Creating a Data Set Using a Web Service

BI Publisher supports data sets that use simple and complex Web service data
sources to return valid XML data.
To include parameters for Web service methods, it is recommended that you define the
parameters first, so that the methods are available for selection when setting up the
data source. See Adding Parameters and Lists of Values.
Multiple parameters are supported. Ensure the method name is correct and the order
of the parameters matches the order in the method. To call a method in the Web
service that accepts two parameters, you must map two parameters defined in the
report to the two parameters in the method. Note that only parameters of simple type
are supported, for example, string and integer.

Only document/literal Web services are supported.

To specify a parameter, click Add Parameter and select the parameter from the drop-
down list.

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using a Web Service

The parameters must be set up in the Parameters section of the report definition.
For more information, see Adding Parameters and Lists of Values.

Web Service Data Source Options

Web service data sources can be set up on the Administration page or as a data source.
• On the Administration page
Connections to Web service data sources can be set up on the Administration page and
then used in multiple data models.
• As a private data source
You can also set up a private connection accessible only to you. See Manage Private
Data Sources for information about private data source connections.
You must set up the connection before you create the data model.
BI Publisher supports data sets that use simple and complex Web service data sources to
return valid XML data:
• Creating a Data Set Using a Simple Web Service
• Creating a Data Set Using a Complex Web Service

Creating a Data Set Using a Simple Web Service

If you are not familiar with the available methods and parameters in the Web service to call,
you can open the URL in a browser to view them.

1. Click the New Data Set toolbar button, and then select Web Service.
The New Data Set - Web Service dialog is shown below.

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using a Web Service

2. Enter the data set name.

3. Select the Data Source.
The WSDL URL, Web Service, and Method fields are automatically populated
from the Web service data source.
4. Enter the Method.
5. Click OK.
6. Define the parameters to make them available to the Web service data set as
• Select Parameters on the Data Model pane, click Create New Parameter,
and then enter the following attributes:
– Name - Enter an internal identifier for the parameter, for example, Symbol.
– Data Type - Select String.
– Default Value - Enter a default for the parameter, for example, ORCL.
– Parameter Type - Select Text.
– Row Placement - Select a row placement value. The default is 1.
• In the New_Parameter_1:Type: Text region, enter the following attributes:
– Display Label - Enter the label you want displayed for your parameter, for
example, Stock Symbol.
– Text Field Size - Enter the size for the text entry field in characters.

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using a Web Service

• (Optional) Select the following parameter options:

– Text field contains comma-separated values - Enables the user to enter
multiple comma-delimited values for this parameter.
– Refresh other parameters on change - Performs a partial page refresh to
refresh any other parameters whose values are dependent on the value of this
7. Return to the Web service data set and add the parameter as follows:
• Click the data set name.
• On the toolbar, click Edit Selected Data Set to launch the Edit Data Set dialog.
• In the Edit Data Set dialog, click Add Parameter.
• Name the parameter, and then click OK to close the Edit Data Set dialog.

8. Click Save.

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using a Web Service

Creating a Data Set Using a Complex Web Service

BI Publisher supports data sets that use complex Web service data sources to return
valid XML data. A complex Web service type internally uses soapRequest /
soapEnvelope to pass the parameter values to the destination host.
When a data set uses a complex Web service as a data source, the data model editor
displays the WSDL URL, available Web service, and operations associated with the
complex Web service. For each selected operation, the data model editor displays the
structure of the required input parameters. If you choose Show optional parameters,
all optional parameters as displayed as well.
If you are not familiar with the available methods and parameters in the Web service,
open the WSDL URL in a browser to view them.
1. Enter the data set information as follows:
• Enter the data set name.
• Select the data source. The WSDL URL and Web service fields are
automatically populated from the complex Web service data source.
• Select the Method.
The Methods available for selection are based on the complex Web service
data source. When you select a method, the Parameters are displayed. To
view optional parameters, select Show optional parameters.
• Response Data XPath - If the start of the XML data for the report is deeply
embedded in the response XML generated by the Web service request, use
this field to specify the path to the data to use in the Oracle BI Publisher
2. Define the parameter to make it available to the Web service data set as follows:
• Select Parameters on the Report definition pane, and then click New to
create a parameter.
• Define the following parameter attributes:
– Name - Enter an internal identifier for the parameter.
– Data Type - Select the appropriate data type for the parameter.
– Default Value - Enter a default value for the parameter.
– Parameter Type - Select the appropriate parameter type.
– Display label - Enter the label you want displayed for your parameter.
– Text Field Size - Enter the size for the text entry field in characters.
3. Return to the Web Service data set and add the parameter.
• Select the Web service data set, and then click Edit Selected Data Set to
launch the Edit Data Set dialog.
• Select the parameters as shown below.

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using an LDAP Query

4. To test the Web service, see Testing Data Models and Generating Sample Data.

Additional Information on Web Service Data Sets

There is no metadata available from Web service data sets, therefore grouping and linking
are not supported.

Creating a Data Set Using an LDAP Query

BI Publisher supports queries against Lightweight Directory Access protocol (LDAP) data
You can query user information stored in LDAP directories and then use the data model
editor to link the user information with data retrieved from other data sources.
For example, to generate a report that lists employee salary information that is stored in the
database application and also include employee e-mail addresses that are stored in the
LDAP directory in the report, you can create a query against each and then link the two in the
data model editor to display the information in a single report. The figure below shows a
sample LDAP query.

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using an LDAP Query

1. Click the New Data Set toolbar button and select LDAP Query.
2. In the New Data Set - LDAP Query dialog, enter a name for this data set.
3. Select the Data Source for this data set.
4. In the Search Base field, enter the starting point for the search in the directory

Search Base is required when the LDAP provider is Microsoft Active
Directory. The Search Base defines the starting point of the search in the
directory tree. For example, if you want to query the entire directory,
specify the root.
To specify the starting point, enter each hierarchical object separated by
a comma, starting with the lowest level in the hierarchy, for example, to
search the Sales container in the domain, enter:

5. In the Attributes entry box, enter the attributes whose values you want to fetch
from the LDAP data source.
For example:
6. To filter the query, enter the appropriate syntax in the Filter entry box. The syntax
is as follows:
(Operator (Filter)through(Filter))

For example:

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using a XML File

LDAP search filters are defined in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for
Comments document 2254,The String Representation of LDAP Search Filters (RFC
2254) on the IETF Web site.
7. Link the data from this query to the data from other queries or modify the output structure.
For instructions on completing this step, see Structuring Data.

Creating a Data Set Using a XML File

You can use an XML file to create a data source.
Do one of the following:
• Place the XML file in a directory that your administrator has set up as a data source.
• Upload the XML file to the data model from a local directory.

To use BI Publisher's layout editor and interactive viewer, sample data from the
XML file source must be saved to the data model.

About Supported XML Files

Support of XML files as a data set type in BI Publisher follows certain guidelines.
• The XML files that you use as input to the BI Publisher data engine must be UTF-8
• Do not use the following characters in XML tag names: ~, !, #, $, %, ^, &, *, +, `, |, :, \", \\,
<, >, ?, ,, /. If your data source file contains any of these characters, use the data model
editor Structure tab to change the tag names to an acceptable one.
• Use valid XML files. Oracle provides many utilities and methods for validating XML files.
• There's no metadata available from XML file data sets, therefore grouping and linking are
not supported.

Using a XML File Stored in a File Directory Data Source

Create data sets using XML files stored in file directories.
To create a data set using a XML file from a file directory data source:
1. On the toolbar, click New Data Set and select XML File. The New Data Set - XML File
dialog launches, as shown below.

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using a XML File

2. Enter a name for the data set.

3. Click Shared to enable the Data Source list. This is the default selected option.
4. Select the Data Source where the XML file resides. The list is populated from the
configured File Data Source connections.
5. To the right of File Name, click Browse to connect to the data source and browse
the available directories. Select the file.
6. Click OK.
7. (Required) Save sample data to the data model. See Testing Data Models and
Generating Sample Data.

Uploading a XML File Stored Locally

You can create data sets using locally stored XML files.
To create a data set using a XML file stored locally:
1. On the toolbar, click New Data Set and select XML File. The New Data Set - XML
File dialog launches, as shown below.

2. Enter a name for this data set.

3. Select Local to enable the Upload button.

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using a XML File

4. Click Upload to browse for and upload the XML file from a local directory. If the file has
been uploaded to the data model, then it is available for selection in the File Name List.
5. Click Upload.
6. Click OK.
7. (Required) Save sample data to the data model. See Testing Data Models and
Generating Sample Data.

Refreshing and Deleting an Uploaded XML File

You can refresh and delete uploaded local XML files.
After uploading the file, it is displayed on the Properties pane of the data model under the
Attachments region, as shown below.

See Setting Data Model Properties for more information about the Properties pane.
To refresh the local file in the data model:
1. In the component pane, click Data Model to view the Properties page.
2. In the Attachment region of the page, locate the file in the Data Files list.
3. Click Refresh.
4. In the Upload dialog, browse for and upload the latest version of the file. The file must
have the same name or it will not replace the older version.
5. Save the data model.
To delete the local file:
1. In the component pane, click Data Model to view the Properties page.
2. In the Attachment region of the page, locate the file in the Data Files list.
3. Click Delete.
4. Click OK to confirm.
5. Save the data model.

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using a Content Server

Creating a Data Set Using a Content Server

You can set up connections to Content Server data source on the Administration page
and then use that in multiple data models.
You must set up the connection before you create a data model. Create a data model
by creating the SQL Query data set (required) first and then create the Content Server
data set.
1. Click the New Data Set toolbar button and select Content Server.
In the New Data Set, Content Server dialog do the following:
2. Enter a name for the data set in the Name field.
3. Select the content server data source in the Data Source field.
4. Select the Parent Group from the LOV.
5. Select the Document ID from the LOV.
6. Select the Content Type from the LOV.

7. Click OK.

Creating a Data Set Using a Microsoft Excel File

These topics describe requirements, options, and procedures for using Microsoft Excel
files as a data source.
• About Supported Excel Files
• Accessing Multiple Tables per Sheet
• Using a Microsoft Excel File Stored in a File Directory Data Source
• Uploading a Microsoft Excel File Stored Locally

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using a Microsoft Excel File

Options for Uploading Excel Files to BI Publisher

You can use a Microsoft Excel file as a data source.
The administrator has to set up a file data source directory and upload the spreadsheets to
the file data source directory. You have these two options for providing the file:
• Select a file from the directory that your administrator has set up as a data source.
• Upload the file to the data model from a local directory.

About Supported Excel Files

Support of Microsoft Excel files as a data set type in Oracle BI Publisher follows certain
• Save Microsoft Excel files in the Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls) format by Microsoft
Excel. Files created by a third party application or library are not supported.
• The source Excel file can contain a single sheet or multiple sheets.
• Each worksheet can contain one or multiple tables. A table is a block of data that is
located in the continuous rows and columns of a sheet.
In each table, Oracle BI Publisher always considers the first row to be the heading row for
the table.
• The first row under the heading row must not be empty and is used to determine the
column type of the table. The data type of the data in the table may be number, text, or
• If multiple tables exist in a single worksheet, the tables must be identified with a name for
BI Publisher to recognize each one. See Accessing Multiple Tables per Sheet.
• If all tables in the Excel file are not named, only the data in the first table is recognized
and fetched.
• When the data set is created, BI Publisher truncates all trailing zeros after the decimal
point for numbers in all cases. To preserve the trailing zeros in your final report, you must
apply a format mask in your template to display the zeroes.
• Single value parameters are supported, but multiple value parameters are not supported.

Accessing Multiple Tables per Sheet

If the Excel worksheet contains multiple tables that you want to include as data sources, then
you must define a name for each table in Excel.

The name that you define must begin with the prefix: BIP_, for example,

1. Insert the table in Excel.

2. Do one of the following:

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using a Microsoft Excel File

• Using Excel 2003, select the table. On the Insert menu, click Name and then
Define. Enter a name that is prefixed with BIP_.
• Using Excel 2007, select the table. On the Formulas tab, in the Defined
Names group, click Define Name, then enter the name in the Name field. The
name you enter appears on the Formula bar
For example, you could use the Define Name command in Microsoft Excel 2007 to
name a table BIP_Salaries.

Using a Microsoft Excel File Stored in a File Directory Data Source

Create data sets using Microsoft Excel files stored in file directories.
Note that to include parameters for your data set, you must define the parameters first,
so that they are available for selection when defining the data set. See Adding
Parameters and Lists of Values.

The Excel data set type supports one value per parameter. It does not
support multiple selection for parameters.

To create a data set using a Microsoft Excel file from a file directory data source:
1. Click the New Data Set toolbar button and select Microsoft Excel File. The New
Data Set - Microsoft Excel File dialog launches.
2. Enter a name for this data set.
3. Click Shared to enable the Data Source list.

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using a Microsoft Excel File

4. Select the data source where the Microsoft Excel File resides.
5. To the right of the File Name field, click the browse icon to browse for the Microsoft Excel
file in the data source directories. Select the file.
6. If the Excel file contains multiple sheets or tables, select the appropriate Sheet Name
and Table Name for this data set, as shown below.

7. If you added parameters for this data set, click Add Parameter. Enter the Name and
select the Value. The Value list is populated by the parameter Name defined in the
Parameters section. Only single value parameters are supported. See Adding
Parameters and Lists of Values.
8. Click OK.
9. Link the data from this query to the data from other queries or modify the output structure.
For more information on linking queries, see Structuring Data.

Uploading a Microsoft Excel File Stored Locally

To use a local Microsoft Excel file as a data source, you must first upload it.
Note that to include parameters for the data set, you must define the parameters first, so that
they are available for selection when defining the data set. See Adding Parameters and Lists
of Values.

The Excel data set type supports one value per parameter. It does not support
multiple selection for parameters.

To create a data set using a Microsoft Excel file stored locally:

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using a Microsoft Excel File

1. Click the New Data Set toolbar button and select Microsoft Excel File. The Create
Data Set - Excel dialog launches.
2. Enter a name for this data set.
3. Select Local to enable the upload button.
4. Click the Upload icon to browse for and upload the Microsoft Excel file from a
local directory. If the file has been uploaded to the data model, then it is available
for selection in the File Name list.
5. If the Excel file contains multiple sheets or tables, select the appropriate Sheet
Name and Table Name for this data set, as shown below.

6. If you added parameters for this data set, click Add Parameter. Enter the Name
and select the Value. The Value list is populated by the parameter Name defined
in the Parameters section. Only single value parameters are supported. See
Adding Parameters and Lists of Values.
7. Click OK.
8. Link the data from this query to the data from other queries or modify the output
structure. For more information on linking queries, see Structuring Data.

Refreshing and Deleting an Uploaded Excel File

You can refresh and delete uploaded local Excel files.
After uploading the file, it displays on the Properties pane of the data model under the
Attachments region, as shown below.

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using a CSV File

See Setting Data Model Properties for information about the Properties pane.
To refresh the local file in the data model:
1. Click Data Model in the component pane to view the Properties page.
2. In the Attachment region of the page, locate the file in the Data Files list.
3. Click Refresh.
4. In the Upload dialog, browse for and upload the latest version of the file. The file must
have the same name or it will not replace the older version.
5. Save the data model.
To delete the local file:
1. Click Data Model in the component pane to view the Properties page.
2. In the Attachment region of the page, locate the file in the Data Files list.
3. Click Delete.
4. Click OK to confirm.
5. Save the data model.

Creating a Data Set Using a CSV File

BI Publisher supports data sets that use CSV file data sources to return valid XML data.
The following topics describe using requirements and procedures for using a CSV as a data
• About Supported CSV Files
• Creating a Data Set from a Centrally Stored CSV File
• Uploading a CSV File Stored Locally

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using a CSV File

About Supported CSV Files

Support of CSV files as a data set type in BI Publisher follow certain guidelines.
• You can use a CSV file that is located in a directory that your administrator has set
up as a data source.
You can upload a file from a local directory.
• The supported CSV file delimiters are Comma, Pipe, Semicolon, and Tab.
• If your CSV file contains headers, the header names are used as the XML tag
names. The following characters aren't supported in XML tag names: ~, !, #, $, %,
^, &, *, +, `, |, :, \", \\, <, >, ?, ,, /. If your data source file contains any of these
characters in a header name, use the data model editor Structure tab to edit the
tag names.
• CSV data sets support editing the data type assigned by the data model editor.
See Editing the Data Type. If you update the data type for an element in the data
set, you must ensure that the data in the file is compliant with the data type that
you selected.
• The CSV files that you use as input to the Oracle BI Publisher data engine must
be UTF-8 encoded and cannot contain empty column headers.
• Group breaks, data links, expression and group-level functions aren't supported.
• Data fields in CSV files must use the canonical ISO date format for mapped date
elements, for example, 2012-01-01T10:30:00-07:00, and ######.## for mapped
number elements.
• CSV files aren't validated.

Creating a Data Set from a Centrally Stored CSV File

You can use a CSV file from a file directory to create a data set.
1. On the data model editor toolbar, click New Data Set and select CSV File. The
New Data Set - CSV File dialog launches.

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using a CSV File

2. Enter a name for this data set.

3. Click Shared to enable the Data Source list.
4. Select the Data Source where the CSV file resides.
The list is populated from the configured File Data Source connections.
5. Click Browse to connect to the data source, browse the available directories, and select
the file.
6. Select The first row a column header to specify if the first row in the file contains
column names.
If you do not select this option, the columns are assigned a generic name, for example,
Column1, Column2. You can edit the XML tag names and display names in the data
model editor Structure tab.
7. Select the CSV delimiter used in the file.
The default selection is Comma (,).
8. Click OK.

Uploading a CSV File Stored Locally

Create data sets using CSV files stored in local file directories.
To create a data set using a CSV file stored locally:
1. On the toolbar, click New Data Set and select CSV File. The New Data Set - CSV File
dialog launches, as shown below.

2. Enter a name for this data set.

3. Select Local to enable the Upload button.
4. Click Upload to browse for and upload the CSV file from a local directory. If the file has
been uploaded to the data model, then it is available for selection in the File Name List.
5. (Optional) Select The first row a column header to specify if the first row in the file
contains column names. If you do not select this option, the columns are assigned a

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set Using a CSV File

generic name, for example, Column1, Column2. The XML tag names and display
names assigned can be edited in the data model editor Structure tab.
6. Select the CSV Delimiter used in the file. The default selection is Comma (,).
7. Click OK.

Editing the Data Type

After uploading a CSV file data type, you can edit it as needed.
To edit the data type for a CSV file element, click the data type icon or update it from
the element Properties dialog.
The data for an element must be compliant with the data type that you assign. The
user interface does not validate the data when you update the data type. If the data
does not match, for example, a string value is present for an element you defined as
Integer, errors may occur in the layout editing tools and or at runtime.
You can only update the data types for CSV file data sources.

Refreshing and Deleting an Uploaded CSV File

You can refresh and delete uploaded local CSV files.
After uploading the file, it is displayed on the Properties pane of the data model under
the Attachments region, as shown below.

See Setting Data Model Properties for more information about the Properties pane.
To refresh the local file in the data model:
1. In the component pane, click Data Model to view the Properties page.
2. In the Attachment region of the page, locate the file in the Data Files list.
3. Click Refresh.
4. In the Upload dialog, browse for and upload the latest version of the file. The file
must have the same name or it will not replace the older version.
5. Save the data model.
To delete the local file:

Chapter 2
Creating a Data Set from an HTTP XML Feed

1. In the component pane, click Data Model to view the Properties page.
2. In the Attachment region of the page, locate the file in the Data Files list.
3. Click Delete.
4. Click OK to confirm.
5. Save the data model.

Creating a Data Set from an HTTP XML Feed

Using the HTTP (XML Feed) data set type, you can create data models from RSS and XML
feeds over the Web by retrieving data through the HTTP GET method.
To include parameters for the data set, it is recommended that you define the parameters
first, so that they are available for selection when defining the data set. See Adding
Parameters and Lists of Values.
There is no metadata available from HTTP XML feed data sets, therefore grouping and
linking are not supported.
You might require additional configuration to access external data source feeds depending on
your system's security. If the RSS feed is protected by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

Creating a Data Set from an HTTP XML Data Set

You can set up an HTTP (XML Feed) data sources in two different ways.
• On the Administration page:
Connections to HTTP data sources can be set up on the Administration page and then
used in multiple data models.
• As a private data source:
You can also set up a private connection accessible only to you. See Manage Private
Data Sources.
1. On the toolbar, click New Data Set and select HTTP (XML Feed). The New Data Set -
HTTP (XML Feed) dialog launches, as shown below.

Chapter 2
Using Data Stored as a Character Large Object (CLOB) in a Data Model

2. Enter a name for this data set.

3. Select a data source.
4. Enter the URL Suffix for the source of the RSS or XML feed.
5. Select the Method: GET.
6. To add a parameter, click Add Parameter. Enter the Name and select the Value.
The Value list is populated by the parameter Name defined in the Parameters
See Adding Parameters and Lists of Values.
7. Click OK to close the data set dialog.

Using Data Stored as a Character Large Object (CLOB) in a

Data Model
BI Publisher supports using data stored as a character large object (CLOB) data type
in your data models. This feature enables you to use XML data generated by a
separate process and stored in your database as input to a BI Publisher data model.
Use the Query Builder to retrieve the column in your SQL query, then use the data
model editor to specify how you want the data structured. When the data model is
executed, the data engine can structure the data either as:
• A plain character set within an XML tag name that can be displayed in a report (for
example, an Item Description)
• Structured XML

Ensure that your data does not include line feeds or carriage returns. Line
feeds and carriage returns in your data may not render as expected in BI
Publisher report layouts.

To create a data set from data stored as a CLOB:

1. On the toolbar, click New Data Set and then select SQL Query. The New Data
Set - SQL Query dialog launches.
2. Enter a name for the data set.
3. If you are not using the default data source for this data set, select the Data
Source from the list.
4. Enter the SQL query or use the Query Builder to construct your query to retrieve
the CLOB data column. See Using the SQL Query Builder for information on the
Query Builder utility. For example, you could create a query in which the CLOB
data is stored in a column named "DESCRIPTION".

Chapter 2
Using Data Stored as a Character Large Object (CLOB) in a Data Model

5. After entering the query, click OK to save. BI Publisher validates the query.
6. By default, the data model editor assigns the CLOB column the "CLOB" data type. To
change the data type to XML, click the data type icon and select XML.

How the Data Is Returned

When you execute the query, if the CLOB column contains well-formed XML, and you select
the XML data type, the data engine returns the XML data, structured within the CLOB column
tag name.
Example output when data type is XML:
Note the <DESCRIPTION> element contains the XML data stored in the CLOB column, as
shown below.

Chapter 2
Using Data Stored as a Character Large Object (CLOB) in a Data Model

Example output when data type is CLOB:

If you select to return the data as the CLOB data type, the returned data is structured
as shown below.

Chapter 2
Using Data Stored as a Character Large Object (CLOB) in a Data Model

Additional Notes on Data Sets Using CLOB Column Data

More information is available on CLOB column data.
For specific notes on using CLOB column data in a bursting query, see Adding a Bursting
Definition to Your Data Model.

Handling XHTML Data Stored in a CLOB Column

BI Publisher can retrieve data stored in the form of XHTML documents stored in a database
CLOB column and render the markup in the generated report.
To enable the BI Publisher report rendering engine to handle the markup tags, you must wrap
the XHTML data in a CDATA section within the XML report data that is passed by the data
It is recommended that you store the data in the database wrapped with the CDATA section.
You can then use a simple select statement to extract the data. If the data is not wrapped in
the CDATA section, then you must include in your SQL statement instructions to wrap it.
The following sections describe how to extract XHTML data in each case:
• Retrieving XHTML Data Wrapped in CDATA
• Wrapping the XHTML Data in CDATA in the Query
Rendering the HTML markup in a report is supported for RTF templates only.

Retrieving XHTML Data Wrapped in CDATA

This exercise assumes you have the following data stored in a database column called

<p><font style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;" size="3">
<a href="">oracle</a></font> </p>
<p><font size="6"><a href="">Oracle Documentation</a>

Retrieve the column data using a simple SQL statement, for example:
In the data model editor, set the data type of the RTECODE column to XML, as shown below.

Chapter 2
Testing Data Models and Generating Sample Data

Wrapping the XHTML Data in CDATA in the Query

This exercise assumes you have the following data stored in a database column called

<p><font style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;" size="3">

<a href="">oracle</a></font> </p>
<p><font size="6"><a href="">Oracle

Use the following syntax in your SQL query to retrieve it and wrap it in the CDATA

select '<![CDATA' || '['|| CLOB_DATA || ']' || ']>' as "RTECODE"from


In the data model editor, set the data type of the RTECODE column to XML.

Testing Data Models and Generating Sample Data

The data model editor enables you to test your data model and view the output to
ensure your results are as expected.
After running a successful test, you can choose to save the test output as sample data
for your data model. You can also use the Export feature to export sample data to a
file. If your data model fails to run, you can view the data engine log.
To test your data model:
1. In the data model editor, select the Data tab, as shown below.

2. For SQL Query, Oracle BI Analysis, and View Object data sets: On the Data tab,
select the number of rows to return. If you included parameters, enter the desired
values for the test.
3. Click View to display the XML that is returned by the data model.
4. Select one of the following options to display the sample data:
• Use Tree View to view the sample data in a data hierarchy. This is the default
display option.
• Use Table View to view the sample data in a formatted table like you see in BI
Publisher reports.
You can create a report based on this data model.
To save the test data set as sample data for the data model:

Chapter 2
Including User Information Stored in System Variables in Your Report Data

1. After the data model has successfully run, click Save as Sample Data. The sample data
is saved to the data model. See Adding Attachments to the Data Model for more
To export the test data:
1. For SQL Query, Oracle BI Analysis, and View Object data sets: On the Data tab, select
the number of rows to return.
2. After the data model has successfully run, click Export. You are prompted to open or
save the file to a local directory.
To view the data engine log:
1. Click View Data Engine Log. You are prompted to open or save the file to a local
directory. The data engine log file is an XML file.
To test UCM dataset:
For Content Server, based on the document ID and the content type the document content is
retrieved from the content (UCM) server.

If the Document ID is empty or null, then the document content will be empty.

Including User Information Stored in System Variables in Your

Report Data
BI Publisher stores information about the current user that can be accessed by your report
data model.
The user information is stored in system variables as described below.

System Variable Description

xdo_user_name User ID of the user submitting the report. For example: Administrator
xdo_user_roles Roles assigned to the user submitting the report. For example:
xdo_user_report_oracle_lang Report language from the user's account preferences. For example:
xdo_user_report_locale Report locale from the user's account preferences. For example: en-
xdo_user_ui_oracle_lang User interface language from the user's account preferences. For
example: US
xdo_user_ui_locale User interface locale from the user's account preferences. For
example: en-US

When you use system variables in an online report, BI Publisher populates the variables. In a
scheduled job, BI Publisher doesn’t populate the XDO_USER_REPORT_LOCALE,

Chapter 2
Including User Information Stored in System Variables in Your Report Data

Adding the User System Variables as Elements

To add the user information to the data model, you can define the variables as
parameters and then define the parameter value as an element in your data model.
You can also simply add the variables as parameters then reference the parameter
values in your report.
The following query:

:xdo_user_name as USER_ID,
:xdo_user_roles as USER_ROLES,
:xdo_user_report_oracle_lang as REPORT_LANGUAGE,
:xdo_user_report_locale as REPORT_LOCALE,
:xdo_user_ui_oracle_lang as UI_LANGUAGE,
:xdo_user_ui_locale as UI_LOCALE
from dual

returns the following results:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<! - Generated by Oracle BI Publisher - >

Sample Use Case: Limit the Returned Data Set by User ID

The following example limits the data returned by the user ID.


:xdo_user_name as USERID
where lower(EMPLOYEES.LAST_NAME) = :xdo_user_name

Notice the use of the lower() function, the xdo_user_name is always be in lowercase
format. BI Publisher does not have a USERID so you must use the user name and
either use it directly in the query; or alternatively you could query against a lookup
table to find a user id.

Chapter 2
Including User Information Stored in System Variables in Your Report Data

Creating Bind Variables from LDAP User Attribute Values

To bind user attribute values stored in your LDAP directory to a data query you can define the
attribute names to BI Publisher to create the bind variables required.

The attributes that can be used to create bind variables must be defined in the Security
Configuration page by an administrator.
The attributes are defined in the Attribute Names for Data Query Bind Variables field of the
LDAP Security Model definition. Any attribute defined for users can be used (for example:
memberOf, sAMAccountName, primaryGroupID, mail).

How BI Publisher Constructs the Bind Variable

You can reference the attribute names that you enter in the Attribute Names for Data Query
Bind Variables field of the LDAP Security Model definition in the query.
The following shows how bind variables are constructed:

xdo_<attribute name>

Assume that you have entered the sample attributes: memberOf, sAMAccountName,
primaryGroupID, mail. These can then be used in a query as the following bind variables:


Note that the case of the attribute is ignored; however, the "xdo_" prefix must be lowercase.
Use these in a data model as follows:

:xdo_user_name AS USER_NAME,
:xdo_user_roles AS USER_ROLES,
:xdo_user_ui_oracle_lang AS USER_UI_LANG,
:xdo_user_report_oracle_lang AS USER_REPORT_LANG,
:xdo_user_ui_locale AS USER_UI_LOCALE,
:xdo_user_report_locale AS USER_REPORT_LOCALE,
:xdo_memberof as MEMBER_OF,
:xdo_primaryGroupID as PRIMARY_GROUP_ID,
:xdo_mail as MAIL

The LDAP bind variables return the values stored in the LDAP directory for the user that is
logged in.

Structuring Data
This topic describes techniques for structuring the data that is returned by BI Publisher's data
engine, including grouping, linking, group filters, and group-level and global-level functions.

• Working with Data Models
• Features of the Data Model Editor
• About the Interface
• Creating Links Between Data Sets
• Creating Element-Level Links
• Creating Group-Level Links
• Creating Subgroups
• Move an Element Between a Parent Group and a Child Group
• Creating Group-Level Aggregate Elements
• Creating Group Filters
• Performing Element-Level Functions
• Setting Element Properties
• Sorting Data
• Performing Group-Level Functions
• Performing Global-Level Functions
• Using the Structure View to Edit Your Data Structure
• Function Reference

Working with Data Models

The Data Model diagram helps you to quickly and easily define data sets, break groups, and
totals for a report based on multiple data sets.
• About Multipart Unrelated Data Sets
• About Multipart Related Data Sets
• Guidelines for Working with Data Sets

About Multipart Unrelated Data Sets

If you don't link the data sets (or queries), the data engine produces a multipart unrelated
query data set.

Chapter 3
Working with Data Models

For example, in the data model, image shown below, one query selects products and
another selects customers. There's no relationship between the products and

The result is shown in the data structure as depicted in the following image.

Chapter 3
Working with Data Models

About Multipart Related Data Sets

Data fetched for one part of a data set or query can be determined by the data fetched for
another part. The result is often called a master/detail, or parent/child relationship that's
defined with a data link between two data sets or queries.
When you run a master/detail data model, each row of the master (or parent) query executes
a query against the detail (or child) to retrieve only matching rows.
In the example, image below, two data sets are linked by the element Customer ID. The
Orders data set is a child of the Customers data set.

Chapter 3
Working with Data Models

The example produces the data structure shown in the following image.

Chapter 3
Working with Data Models

Guidelines for Working with Data Sets

Certain guidelines are recommended for building data models.
• Reduce the number of data sets or queries in your data model as much as possible. In
general, the fewer data sets and queries you have, the faster your data model will run.
While multi-query data models are often easier to understand, single-query data models
tend to execute more quickly. It is important to understand that in parent-child queries, for
every parent, the child query is executed.
• You should only use multi-query data models in the following scenarios:
– To perform functions that the query type, such as a SQL query, does not support
– To support complex views, for example, distributed queries or GROUP BY queries.

Chapter 3
Features of the Data Model Editor

– To simulate a view when you do not have or want to use a view.

Features of the Data Model Editor

The data model editor enables you to combine data from multiple data sets into a
single XML data structure.
Data sets from multiple data sources can be merged either as sequential XML or at
line-level to create a single combined hierarchical XML. Using the data model editor
you can easily combine data from the following data set types: SQL query, OLAP
(MDX query), LDAP, and Microsoft Excel.
The data model editor is designed with a component pane on the left and work pane
on the right. Selecting a component on the left pane launches the appropriate fields for
the component in the work area.
The data model editor supports the following
• Group data - Create groups to organize the columns in your report. Groups can
do two things: separate a query's data into sets, and filter a query's data.
When you create a query, the data engine creates a group that contains the
columns selected by the query; you can create groups to modify the hierarchy of
the data appearing in a data model. Groups are used primarily when you want to
treat some columns differently than others. For example, you create groups to
produce subtotals or create breaks.
• Link data - Define master-detail links between data sets to group data at multiple
• Aggregate data - Create group level totals and subtotals.
• Transform data - Modify source data to conform to business terms and reporting
• Create calculations - Compute data values that are required for your report that
are not available in the underlying data sources.
The data model editor provides functions at the element level, the group level, and the
global level. Note that not all data set types support all functions. See the Important
Notes section that accompanies your data set type for limitations. The figure below
highlights some of the features and actions available in the data model editor.

Chapter 3
About the Interface

About the Interface

By default, the data sets that you created are shown in the Diagram View as separate

The data set structure builder has three views:

Chapter 3
About the Interface

• Diagram View - The Diagram View displays data sets and enables graphically
creating links and filters, adding elements based on expressions, adding
aggregate functions and global-level functions, editing element properties, and
deleting elements. The Diagram View is typically the view you use to build your
data structure.
• Structure View - The Structure View has two modes:
Table View and Output
The table view displays element properties in a table and enables updating XML
element alias names, presentation names of the elements, sorting, null values,
and reset options. The image below shows the structure Table View.

The Output view provides a clear view of the XML structure that is generated. The
Output view cannot be updated. The figure shows the Output view.

Chapter 3
About the Interface

• Code View - The Code View displays the data structure code created by the data
structure builder that is read by the data engine. You can update the content in code
view. The figure shows the code view.

Chapter 3
Creating Links Between Data Sets

Creating Links Between Data Sets

You can use the BI Publisher data engine to combine and structure data after you
extract it from the data source.
Joining and structuring data at the source into one combined data set is sometimes
not possible. For example, you cannot join data at the source when data resides in
disparate sources such as Microsoft SQL Server and an Oracle Database. Even if
your data is coming from the same source, if you are creating large reports or
documents with potentially hundreds of thousands of rows or pages, structuring your
data so that it matches the intended layout optimizes document generation.
Create a link to define a master-detail or parent-child relationship between two data
sets. You can create links as element-level links or group-level links. The resulting,
hierarchical XML data is the same. Creating links as element-level links is the
preferred method. Group-level links are provided for backward compatibility with data
templates from earlier versions of Oracle BI Publisher.
A data link or parent-child relationship relates the results of multiple queries. A data
link can establish these relationships:
• Between one query's column and another query's column.
• Between one query's group and another query's group, useful when you want the
child query to know about its parent's data.

About Element-Level Links

Element-level links create a bind (join) between two data sets and define a master-
detail (parent-child) relationship between them.

Chapter 3
Creating Element-Level Links

Create element-level links, the preferred method, to define master detail relationships
between data sets. When you use element-level links to link data sets, you do not need to
code a join between the two data sets through a bind variable.

About Group-Level Links

Group-level links determine how data sets are structured as hierarchical XML, but lack the
join information that the data engine needs to execute the master and detail queries.
When you define a group-level link, you must update your query with a link between the two
data sets through a unique bind variable.

Creating Element-Level Links

Link data sets to define a master-detail or parent-child relationship between two data sets.
Defining an element-level link enables you to establish the binding between the elements of
the master and detail data sets.
1. Open the element action menu and click Create Link.
2. In the Create Link dialog, choose the element, and click OK to create the link.
The Create Link dialog is shown below.

Deleting Element-Level Links

You can delete both group-level and element-level links between data sets.
• Do one of the following:.
– Open the element action menu for either element and click Delete Link
– Select the element connector to display the linked element names and click the
delete button.

Chapter 3
Creating Group-Level Links

Creating Group-Level Links

A group-level link defines a master-detail relationship between two data sets.
The following figure shows two data sets with a group-level link defined. Next to the
data sets the resulting XML data structure is shown.

1. In the parent group, click Menu.

2. Click Create Group Link as shown below.

Chapter 3
Creating Group-Level Links

3. In the Create Group Link dialog, select the child group and click OK. The Create Link
dialog is shown below.

4. Click Menu and then click Edit Data Set to add the bind variables to your query.
An example is shown below.

Chapter 3
Creating Subgroups

Data Set: DEPT Data Set: EMP



You must define a unique bind variable in the child query.

Deleting Group-Level Links

You can delete both group-level and element-level links between data sets.
1. In the parent group, click Menu.
2. Click Delete Group Link.
3. In the Delete Group Link dialog, select the Child Group from the list and click

Creating Subgroups
In addition to creating parent-child structures by linking two data sets, you can also
group elements in the same data set by other elements.
Creating subgroups might be helpful if your query returns data that has header data
repeated for each detail row. By creating a subgroup you can shape the XML data for
better, more efficient document generation.
1. Select the element to group with the other elements in the data set.
2. Click the element action menu icon to open the menu and select Group by as

Chapter 3
Creating Subgroups

This creates a new group within the displayed data set. The following figure shows the
G_2 data set grouped by the element COMPANY. This creates a new group called G_3
that contains the other five elements in the data set. The following figure shows how the
grouped data set is displayed in the Diagram View along with the structure.

Chapter 3
Move an Element Between a Parent Group and a Child Group

You can perform any of the group actions on the group you have created.
3. To ungroup, click Menu on the group's title bar, and then click Ungroup.

Move an Element Between a Parent Group and a Child

Once you've created a group within your data set, two new options display on the
element action menu that enable you to move elements between the parent and child
For the element that you want to move, click the element action icon to open the
menu. If the element is in the parent group and you want to move it to the child group,
select Move selected elements to Child Group.
If the element is in the child group and you want to move it to the parent group, select
Move selected elements to Parent Group. In the figure below, the element action
menu for OFFICE_DSC displays the option to move the element to the parent group.
Before moving an element be aware of any dependencies on other elements.

Creating Group-Level Aggregate Elements

You can use the data model editor to aggregate data at the group or report level.
For example, if you group sales data by Customer Name, you can aggregate sales to
get a subtotal for each customer's sales. You can only aggregate data for at the parent
level for a child element.
The aggregate functions are:

Chapter 3
Creating Group-Level Aggregate Elements

• Average - Calculates the average of all the occurrences of an element.

• Count - Counts the number of occurrences of an element.
• First - Displays the value of the first occurrence of an element in the group.
• Last - Displays the value of the last occurrence of an element in the group.
• Maximum - Displays the highest value of all occurrences of an element in the group.
• Minimum - Displays the lowest value of all occurrences of an element in a group.
• Summary - Sums the value of all occurrences of an element in the group.
1. Drag the element to the Drop here for aggregate function field in the parent group.
The figure below shows creating a group-level aggregate function in the G_DEPT based
on the SALARY element.

Once you drop the element, a new element is created in the parent group. By default, the
Count function is applied. The icon next to the name of the new aggregate element
indicates the function. Pause your cursor over the icon to display the function.
The figure below shows the new aggregate element, CS_1. with the default Count
function defined.

Chapter 3
Creating Group-Level Aggregate Elements

2. To change the function, click the function icon to view a list of available functions
and choose from the list, as shown below.

Chapter 3
Creating Group-Level Aggregate Elements

3. To rename the element or update other properties, click the element's Action menu icon.

Chapter 3
Creating Group-Level Aggregate Elements

On the menu, click Properties. The Properties dialog is shown below.

Chapter 3
Creating Group Filters

Be careful when renaming an element as it can have dependency on other

Set the properties described in the table below as needed.

Property Description
Column Name The internal name assigned to the element by the BI Publisher data
model editor. This name cannot be updated.
Alias (XML Tag Name) Oracle BI Publisher assigns a default tag name for the element in the
XML data file. You can update this tag name to assign a more user-
friendly name within the data file.
Display Name The Display Name appears in the report design tools. Update this name
to be meaningful to your business users.
Function If you have not already selected the desired function, then you can select
it from the list here.
Data Type BI Publisher assigns a default data type of Integer or Double depending
on the function. Some functions also provide the option of Float.
Value if Null If the value returned from the function is null, you can supply a default
value here to prevent having a null in your data.
Round By default, the value is rounded to the nearest third decimal. You can
change the round value, if needed.
Do Not Reset By default, the function resets at the group level. For example, if your data
set is grouped by DEPARTMENT_ID, and you have defined a sum
function for SALARY, then the sum is reset for each group of
DEPARTMENT_ID data, giving you the sum of SALARY for that
department only. If instead you want the function to reset only at the
global level, and not at the group level, select Do Not Reset. This creates
a running total of SALARY for all departments. This property is for group
level functions only.

Creating Group Filters

Filters enable you to conditionally remove records selected by your queries.
Groups can have two types of filters:
• Expression — Create an expression using predefined functions and operators
• PL/SQL Function — Create a custom filter
1. Click Menu, and then select Create Group Filter.

Chapter 3
Creating Group Filters

The Edit Group Filter dialog is displayed as shown below.

2. Select the Group Filter Type: Expression or PL/SQL.

Chapter 3
Performing Element-Level Functions

For PL/SQL filters, you must first specify the PL/SQL Package as the Oracle
DB Default Package in the data model properties. See Setting Data Model

3. Enter the Filter:

• To enter an expression, select the elements and click the shuttle button to move the
element to the Group Filter definition box. Click the predefined functions and
operators to insert them in the Group Filter box.
See Function Reference for a description of the available functions.
Click Validate Expression to ensure that the entry is valid.
• To enter a PL/SQL function, select the PL/SQL package from the Available box and
click the shuttle button to move the function to the Group Filter box.
Your PL/SQL function in the default package must return a Boolean type.
After you have added the group filter, the data set object displays the filter indicator, as

Performing Element-Level Functions

You can perform various functions at the element level.
• Group by an element to create a subgroup, as described in Creating Subgroups
• Create element-level links between data sets, as described in Creating Element-Level

Chapter 3
Setting Element Properties

• Set element properties, as described in Setting Element Properties

Setting Element Properties

You can set properties for individual elements.
Note that these properties are also editable from the Structure View. If you need to
update multiple element properties, it may be more efficient to use the Structure View.
See Using the Structure View to Edit Your Data Structure.
To set element-level properties using the element dialog:
1. Click the element's action menu icon. From the menu, select Properties. The
Properties dialog is shown below.

2. Set the properties as needed.

Property Description
Alias BI Publisher assigns a default tag name to the element in the XML
data file. You can update this tag name to assign a more user-
friendly name within the data file.
Display Name The Display Name appears in the report design tools and the
column name in reports. Update this name to be meaningful to your
business users.
Data Type BI Publisher assigns a default data type. Valid values are String,
Date, Integer, Double, Float.

Chapter 3
Sorting Data

Property Description
Sort Order You can sort XML data in a group by one or more elements. For
example, if in a data set employees are grouped by department and
manager, you can sort the XML data by department. Within each
department you can group and sort data by manager, and within
each manager subgroup, employees can be sorted by salary. If the
element is not in a parent group, the Sort Order property is not
Value if Null If the value of an occurrence of the element is null, you can supply a
default value here to prevent having a null in your data.

Sorting Data
Sorting is supported for parent group break columns only.
For example, if a data set of employees is grouped by department and manager, you can sort
the XML data by department. Within each department you can group and sort data by
manager. If you know how the data should be sorted in the final report, you specify sorting at
data generation time to optimize document generation.
To apply a sort order to a group:
1. Click the action menu icon of the element you want to sort by. From the menu, select
2. Select the Sort Order.
The figure below shows the Properties dialog for the DEPARTMENT_ID element with the
Sort Order list displayed.

Performing Group-Level Functions

This section describes how to perform group-functions.

Chapter 3
Performing Group-Level Functions

Topics include:
• The Group Action Menu
• Editing the Data Set
• Removing Elements from the Group
• Editing the Group Properties

The Group Action Menu

The Menu button is available at the group level and enables to perform various
• Create and delete group links, as described in Creating Group-Level Links
• Create, edit, and delete group filters, as described in Creating Group Filters
• Add an element to the group based on an expression, as described in Adding a
Group-Level or Global-Level Element by Expression
• Edit the data set, as described in Editing the Data Set
• Remove elements from the group, as described in Removing Elements from the
• Edit group properties, as described in Editing the Group Properties
The group-level Menu button is shown below.

Chapter 3
Performing Group-Level Functions

Editing the Data Set

Launch the data set editor to modify properties of selected data sets.

• Click Edit Data Set to launch the data set editor.

See the appropriate section for the data set type in Creating Data Sets for more information.

Removing Elements from the Group

You can remove elements from groups as needed.
To remove an element from the group:
• On the element row, click the menu and then click Remove Element. An example is
shown below.

You can only remove elements added as a group function (sum, count, and so on)
or added as an expression.

Editing the Group Properties

Edit the properties of a group as needed.

1. Click Menu and select Properties.

2. Edit the Group Name or Display Name and click OK, as shown below.

Chapter 3
Performing Global-Level Functions

Performing Global-Level Functions

The Global Level Functions object enables you to add elements to your report data set
at the top report level.
You can add the following types of elements as top-level data:
• Elements based on aggregate functions
• Elements based on expressions
• Elements based on PL/SQL statements (for Oracle Database data sources)

If you select a data type of Integer for any calculated element and the
expression returns a fraction, the data is not truncated.

The Global Level Functions object is shown below. To add elements based on
aggregate functions, drag the element to the "Drop here for aggregate function" space
of the object. To add an element based on an expression or PL/SQL, click Menu, and
choose the appropriate action.

Chapter 3
Performing Global-Level Functions

Adding a Global-Level Aggregate Function

You can add global-level aggregate functions based on selected elements.
Available functions are as follows:
• Count
• Average
• First
• Last
• Maximum
• Minimum
• Summary
1. Drag and drop the data element from the data set to the Drop here for aggregate
function area of the Global Level Functions object.
For example, the image below shows creating a global level aggregate function based on
the Salary element.

2. When you release the mouse, the data model editor assigns a default name to the
aggregate element and assigns Count as the default function.
The figure below shows the function for the new global level element CS_1 being
modified from Count to Average.

Chapter 3
Performing Global-Level Functions

3. Click the function icon to the left of the new element name and choose the function
from the list.
4. To change the default name, click the actions icon to the right of the element name
and click Properties to launch the Edit Properties dialog. See Setting Element
Properties for more about the properties available on this dialog.

Adding a Group-Level or Global-Level Element by Expression

You can add group-level or global-level aggregate functions by expressions.
1. To add a group-level element, on the Group object, click Menu and select Add
Element by Expression.

2. In the Add Element by Expression dialog, enter fields and operators.

Chapter 3
Performing Global-Level Functions

3. In the Display Name field, enter a name that is meaningful to your business users.
4. (Optional) Select a data type.
5. Use the shuttle arrow to move the data elements required for the expression from the
Available box to the Expression box.
6. Click an operator to insert it in the Expression box, or choose from the function list.
7. Click Validate Expression to validate the expression.

Adding a Global-Level Element by PL/SQL

The PL/SQL function must return a VARCHAR data type.

1. On the Properties page, specify the PL/SQL Package as the Oracle DB Default
Package in the data model properties. .
2. On the Global Level Functions object, click Menu, and then click Add Element by PL/
3. In the Add Element by PL/SQL dialog, enter the following fields:
• Name - Enter a meaningful name for the element.
• Display Name - Enter a display name. This appears in the report design tools. Enter
a name that is meaningful to your business users.
• Data Type - Select String.

Chapter 3
Using the Structure View to Edit Your Data Structure

4. Select the PL/SQL package from the Available box and click the shuttle button to
move the function to the Group Filter box.

Using the Structure View to Edit Your Data Structure

The Structure view enables you to preview the structure of your data model.
The Data Source column displays the date elements in a hierarchical tree that you can
collapse and expand. Use this view to verify the accuracy of the data model structure
and to perform the following edits:
• Renaming Elements
• Adding Value for Null Elements
The Structure view is shown below.

Chapter 3
Function Reference

Renaming Elements
Use the Structure page to define user-friendly names for elements in the data model.
You can rename both the XML element tag name (XML View) and the name that displays in
the report layout tools (Business View). The figure below shows renaming the Data Source
elements to friendlier Business View names.

Adding Value for Null Elements

The Structure also enables you to enter a value to use for an element if the data model
returns a null value for the element.
• Enter the value to use in the Value if Null field for the element.

Function Reference
The table below describes the usage of supported functions available from the Add Element
by Expression dialog and the Edit Group Filter dialog.

Function Description Syntax Example

IF Logical IF operator IF (boolean_expr, IF (G_1.DEPARTMENT_ID
Evaluates boolean_expr, true_return, false_return) == 10, 'PASSED',
and returns true_return if 'FAIL')returns 'PASSED' if
boolean_expr is true, and DEPARTMENT_ID = 10,
false_return if boolean_expr otherwise returns 'FAIL'
is false.

Chapter 3
Function Reference

Function Description Syntax Example

NOT Logical NOT operator STRING(NOT(boolean_e STRING(NOT(G_1.JOB_ID
Evaluates boolean_expr, xpr)) == 'MANAGER'))returns
and returns true if 'TRUE' if JOB_ID =
boolean_expr is false. MANAGER, otherwise
returns 'FALSE'
AND Logical AND operator STRING(AND(boolean_e STRING(AND (G_1.JOB_ID
Evaluates boolean_expr1 xpr1, boolean_expr2, ...)) == 'MANAGER',
and boolean_expr2, and G_1.DEPARTMENT_ID ==
returns true if both Boolean 10))returns 'TRUE' if both
expressions are true, JOB_ID = MANAGER and
otherwise returns false. DEPARTMENT_ID = 10,
otherwise returns 'FALSE'
&& Logical AND operator STRING(boolean_expr1 STRING(G_1.JOB_ID ==
Evaluates boolean_expr1 && boolean_expr2) 'MANAGER' &&
and boolean_expr2, and G_1.DEPARTMENT_ID ==
returns true if both Boolean 10)
expressions are true, returns 'TRUE' if both
otherwise returns false. JOB_ID = MANAGER and
otherwise returns 'FALSE'
|| Logical OR operator STRING(OR(boolean_ex STRING(OR (G_1.JOB_ID
Evaluates boolean_expr1 pr1, boolean_expr2) == 'MANAGER',
and boolean_expr2 and G_1.DEPARTMENT_ID ==
returns true if both Boolean 10))
expressions are true, returns 'TRUE' if either
otherwise returns false. JOB_ID = MANAGER or
otherwise returns 'FALSE'
MAX Returns the maximum value MAX(expr1, expr2, MAX(G1_Salary, 10000)
of the element in the set. expr3, ...) returns max of salary or
MIN Returns the minimum value MIN(expr1, expr2, MIN(G1_Salary,5000)
of the element in the set. expr3, ...) returns min of salary or
ROUND Returns a number rounded ROUND(number[,integer] ROUND(2.777)
to the integer places right of ) returns 3
the decimal point. If integer is omitted, ROUND(2.777, 2)
number is rounded to 0
returns 2.78
Integer can be negative to
round off digits left of the
decimal point.
Integer must be an
FLOOR Returns the smallest integer FLOOR(n) FLOOR(2.777)
equal to or less than n. returns 2
CEILING Returns the largest integer CEILING(n) CEILING(2.777)
greater than or equal to n. returns 3
ABS Returns the absolute value ABS(n) ABS(-3)
of n. returns 3

Chapter 3
Function Reference

Function Description Syntax Example

AVG Returns the average value of AVG(expr1, expr2, AVG(G_1.SALARY,G_1.CO
the expression. expr3, ...) MMISSION_PCT*G_1.SAL
returns the average of
For example, if SALARY =
14000 and
the expression evaluates to
LENGTH Returns the length of an LENGTH(expr) Example to return the length
array. of an array: LENGTH{1, 2,
The LENGTH function 4, 4}) returns 4
calculates the length using Example to return the length
characters as defined by the of a string:
input character set. LENGTH('countries') returns
If char is null, the function 9
returns null.
If char is an array, it returns
the length of the array.
SUM Returns the sum of the value SUM(expr1, expr2, ...) SUM (G_1.SALARY,
of the expression. G_1.COMMISSION_PCT*G
returns sum of salary and
For example, if SALARY =
14000 and
the expression evaluates to
NVL Replaces null (returned as a NVL(expr1, expr2) NVL(G_1.COMMISSION_P
blank) with a string in the If expr1 is null, then NVL CT, .3) returns .3 when
results of a query. returns expr2. G_1.COMMISSION_PCT is
If expr1 is not null, then
NVL returns expr1.
CONCAT Returns char1 concatenated CONCAT(char1, char2) CONCAT(CONCAT(First_Na
with char2. me, ' '), Last_Name)
where First_Name = Joe
and Last_Name = Smith
returns Joe Smith
STRING Returns char as a string STRING(expr) STRING(G1_SALARY)
data type. where salary = 4400
returns 4400 as a string

Chapter 3
Function Reference

Function Description Syntax Example

SUBSTRING Extracts a substring from a SUBSTRING(string, SUBSTRING('this is a test',
string. start_pos, end_pos) 5, 7) returns "is" (that is,
string is the source string. characters 6 through
7)SUBSTRING('this is a
start_pos is the position
test', 5) returns "is a test"
to start the extraction.
end_pos is the end
position of the string to
extract (optional).
INSTR Returns the position/location INSTR(string1, string2) INSTR('this is a test', 'is a')
of the first character of a string1 is the string to returns 5
substring in a string. search.
string2 is the substring to
search for in string1.
DATE Converts a valid Java date DATE(char, format_string) DATE(01-Jan-2013,'dd-
string to a date data type in where (1) char is any MMM-yyyy')
canonical format. valid Java date string (for returns
example, 13-JAN-2013) 2013-01-01T08:00:00.000+
(2) format_string is the 00:00
Java date format of the
input string (for example,
dd-MMM-yyyy) The input
and format strings must
be a valid Java date
format string.
FORMAT_DAT Converts a date argument in FORMAT_DATE(date,for FORMAT_DATE(SYSDATE,'
E the Java date format to a mat_string) dd-MMM-yyyy')
formatted string. where the value of
8:00returns 24-Jan-2013
MBER numeric string to a string in ber,format_string) _NUMBER, '$9,999.00')
the specified number format. where the value of
12345.678returns $12,345.6
DECODE Replaces the value of an DECODE(expr, search, DECODE(PROD_FAMILY_
expression with another result [, search, result]...[, CODE,100,'Colas',200,'Root
value based on the specified default]) Beer',300,'Cream
search and replace criteria. Sodas',400,'Fruit
'Colas' if
100(2) 'Root Beer' if
200(3) 'Cream Sodas' if
300(4) 'Fruit Sodas' if
400(5) 'Other' if
any other value

Chapter 3
Function Reference

Function Description Syntax Example

REPLACE Replaces a sequence of REPLACE(expr,string1,str REPLACE(G_1.FIRST_NA
characters in a string with ing2) ME,'B','L')
another set of characters. where string1 is the string where G_1.FIRST_NAME =
to search for and string2 Barry
is the string to replace. returns Larry

Adding Parameters and Lists of Values
This topic describes how to add parameters and lists of values to a data model.

• About Parameters
• Adding a New Parameter
• About Lists of Values
• Adding Lists of Values
• Adding Flexfield Parameters

About Parameters
Adding parameters to a data model enables users to interact with data when they view
Oracle BI Publisher supports the following parameter types:
• Text - Enables entering a text string to pass as the parameter.
• Menu - Enables making selections from a list of values. A list of values can contain fixed
data that you specify or a list created using a SQL query that is executed against any of
the defined data sources. This option supports multiple selection, a Select All option, and
partial page refresh for cascading parameters.
To create a menu type parameter, define the list of values, and then define the parameter
and associate it to the list of values. See Adding Lists of Values.
• Date - Enables the user to select a date as a parameter. You must use the data type Date
and the Java date format.
After defining the parameters in the data model, you can configure how the parameters are
displayed in the report as a report-level setting.
Support for parameters varies based on the data set type. SQL Query data sets support the
full set of available parameter features. Other types of data sets might support all, none, or a
subset of these features. The table below summarizes the support for each data set type.

Data Set Type Parameter Multiple Can Select All Refresh Other
Support Selection Parameters on
SQL Query Yes Yes Yes Yes
MDX Query No No No No
Oracle BI Analysis Inherited from Yes (using Oracle Yes (using Oracle Yes (using Oracle BI
Oracle BI BI Dashboards) BI Dashboards) Dashboards)

Chapter 4
Adding a New Parameter

Data Set Type Parameter Multiple Can Select All Refresh Other
Support Selection Parameters on
View Object Yes, provided No No Yes (view object
that the view parameters only)
object supports
and is designed
for it
Web Service Yes No No No
LDAP Query Yes No No No
XML File No No No No
Microsoft Excel File Yes No No No
CSV File No No No No
HTTP (XML Feed) Yes No No No

Adding a New Parameter

Create a new parameter by assigning it a name and other properties.
The parameter name you choose must not exceed the maximum length allowed for an
identifier by your database. Refer to your database documentation for identifier length
Supported types are:
• Text - Allows the user to enter a text entry to pass as the parameter. See Creating
a Text Parameter.
• Menu - Presents a list of values to the user. See Creating a Menu Parameter.
• Date - Passes a date parameter. The Data Type must also be Date. See Define a
Date Parameter.
Default parameter values are also used to preview the report output when you design
report layouts using Oracle BI Publisher Layout Editor.
BI Publisher supports parameters that are of type text entry or menu (list of values) but
not both. You cannot define a combination parameter that enables a user to enter a
text value or choose from a menu list of values.
You can configure row placement at the report level. The report definition supports
additional display options for parameters.
1. On the Data Model components pane, click Parameters and then click Create
new Parameter.

Chapter 4
Adding a New Parameter

2. Enter a Name for the parameter.

The name must match any references to this parameter in the data set.
3. Select the Data Type from the list. A Date data type only supports a Date Parameter
4. Enter a Default Value for the parameter. This is recommended to prevent long running
5. Select the Parameter Type.
6. In the Row Placement setting configure the number of rows for displaying the
parameters and in which row to place each parameter.
For example, if your report has six parameters, you can assign each parameter to a
separate row, 1 - 6, with one being the top row; or, you can assign two parameters each
to rows 1, 2, 3. By default, all parameters are assigned to row 1.

Creating a Text Parameter

The Text type parameter provides a text box to prompt the user to enter a text entry to pass
as the parameter to the data source.
The figure below shows a text parameter definition.

1. Select Text from the Parameter Type list.

Chapter 4
Adding a New Parameter

2. Enter the Display Label. For example, Department.

3. Enter the Text Field Size as an integer. This field determines the size (width) of
the field, but does not limit the number of characters that the user can enter into
the text box.
4. Enable the following Options if required:
• Text field contains comma-separated values - Enables the user to enter
multiple comma-delimited values for this parameter. The parameter in your
data source must be defined to support multiple values.
• Refresh other parameters on change - Performs a partial page refresh to
refresh any other parameters whose values are dependent on the value of this
The figure below shows how the Department parameter displays to the report

Creating a Menu Parameter

A Menu type parameter presents a list of values to the user.
You must define the list of values first. See Adding Lists of Values. The Menu type
parameter supports the data types of String and Integer only.
The Menu parameter definition includes various options, as shown in the figure below.

Chapter 4
Adding a New Parameter

1. Select Menu from the Parameter Type list. The lower pane displays the appropriate
2. In Data Type, select String or Integer.
3. Enter the Display Label. The display label is the label that displays to users when they
view the report. For example: Department.
4. Enter the Number of Values to Display in List. If the number of values in the list
exceeds the entry in this field, the user must click Search to find a value not displayed,
as shown in the figure below. This field defaults to 100.

5. Select the List of Values that you defined for this parameter.
6. Enable the following Options if required:
• Multiple Selection - Allows the user to select multiple entries from the list. Your data
source must be able to support multiple values for the parameter. The display of a
menu parameter that supports multiple selection differs. See the two figures below.
• Can select all - Inserts an All option in the list.
When the user selects All from the list of values, you have the option of passing a null
value for the parameter or all list values. Choose NULL Value Passed or All Values

Chapter 4
Adding a New Parameter

Using * passes a null, so you must handle the null in your data
source. A method to handle the null would be the standard Oracle
NVL command, for example:
where customer_id = nvl(:cstid, customer_id)
where cstid is a value passed from the list of values, and when the
user selects All it passes a null value.

• Refresh other parameters on change — Performs a partial page refresh to

refresh any other parameters whose values are dependent on the value of this
The figure below shows how the Department menu type parameter displays to the
report consumer when multiple selection is not enabled.

The figure below shows how the Department menu type parameter displays to the
report consumer when multiple selection is enabled.

Chapter 4
Adding a New Parameter

Customizing the Display of Menu Parameters

The display of menu parameters in the report can be further customized in the report
Menu type parameters support the additional display option as a static list of checkboxes or
radio buttons.

Define a Date Parameter

The Date type parameter provides a date picker to prompt the user to enter a date to pass as
the parameter to the data source.
1. Select Date from the Parameter Type list. The lower pane displays the appropriate fields
for your selection.
2. Enter the Display Label. The display label is the label that displays to users when they
view the report. For example: Hire Date.
3. Enter the Text Field Size as an integer. This field determines the number of characters
that the user can enter into the text box for the date entry. For example: 10.
4. Optional: Select Ignore User Timezone if you want to display the date parameter value
in UTC.
5. Enter the Date Format String. The format must be a Java date format, for example, MM-
6. Optional: Enter a Date From and Date To. The dates entered here define the date range
that are presented to the user by the date picker. For example if you enter the Date From
as 01-01-1990, the date picker doesn't allow the user to select a date before 01-01-1990.
Leave the Date To blank to enable all future dates.
The figure shows how the Hire Date parameter displays to the report consumer.

Chapter 4
About Lists of Values

About Lists of Values

A list of values is a defined set of values that a report consumer can select from to
pass a parameter value to your data source.
If you define a menu type parameter, the list of values provides the menu of choices.
You must define the list of values before you define the menu parameter.
Populate the list using one of the following methods:
• Fixed Data
Manually enter the list of values.
• SQL Query
Retrieves the values from a database using a SQL query.
• Flexfield
Retrieves the values from a key flexfield defined in Oracle E-Business Suite. The
flexfield option is only available when Oracle BI Publisher is using the Oracle E-
Business Suite security model, see Adding Flexfield Parameters.

Adding Lists of Values

You can create lists of SQL Query or Fixed Data values .
1. In the Data Model components pane, click List of Values and then click Create
new List of Values.

Chapter 4
Adding Lists of Values

2. Enter a Name for the list and select a Type.

Creating a List from a SQL Query

The data engine expects a (display) name-value pair from the list of values query. In the list of
values select statement, the column listed first is used as the display name and the second is
used for the value that is passed to the parameter in the data set query by the data engine.
If the query returns only one column, then the same column value is used both as the list of
values display name shown to the user and as the value that is passed to the parameter.
1. Select a Data Source from the list.
2. In the lower pane, select Cache Result (recommended) if you want the results of the
query cached for the report session.
3. Enter the SQL query or use the Query Builder. See Using the SQL Query Builder for
information on the Query Builder utility. The figure below shows a SQL query type list of

Chapter 4
Adding Lists of Values

The SQL query shown below selects only the DEPARTMENT_NAME column from the
DEPARTMENTS table. In this case the list of values both displays the results of the
query in the list and passes the same value to the parameter in the data set. The
figure below shows the list of values display entries and the values passed to the data
set. The menu items and the values shown for P_DEPT are the

If instead you wanted to pass the DEPARTMENT_ID to the parameter in the data set,
and display the DEPARTMENT_NAME in the list, construct your SQL query as follows:



The figure below shows the list of values display entries and the values passed to the
data set. The menu lists the DEPARTMENT_NAME while the values shown for
P_DEPT are the DEPARTMENT_ID values.

Chapter 4
Adding Flexfield Parameters

Creating a List from a Fixed Data Set

Create a list from a fixed data set for each label-value pair required.
When you create a label-value pair, the label is displayed to the user in the list. The value is
passed to the data engine.
1. In the lower pane, click the Create new List of Values icon to add a Label and Value
2. Repeat for each label-value pair required.
The figure below shows fixed data type list of values.

Adding Flexfield Parameters

Oracle E-Business Suite customers who have configured BI Publisher to use E-Business
Suite security can create reports that leverage key flexfields as parameters.
When you define a data model to pass a key flexfield as a parameter, BI Publisher presents a
dialog to the report consumer to make selections for the flexfield segments to pass as
parameters to the report, similar to the way flexfields are presented when running reports
through the concurrent manager in the E-Business Suite.
The flexfield list of values displays in the report viewer as shown below.

Chapter 4
Adding Flexfield Parameters

The flexfield list of values displays as a dialog from which you select the segment
values, as shown below.

Prerequisites for Using Flexfields

When defining a list of values, E-Business Suite customers see a list Type called
To enable the flexfield type list of values, BI Publisher must be configured to use E-
Business Suite Security. The flexfield must already be defined in the E-Business Suite.

Adding a Flexfield Parameter and List of Values

Add flexfield parameters by adding the list of values.
The flexfield type list of values retrieves the flexfield metadata definition to present the
appropriate values for each segment in the flexfield list of values selection dialog. Use
the flexfield parameter to pass values to the Flexfield defined in the Data Model.
At runtime the &flexfield_name reference is replaced with the lexical code
constructed based on the values in the Flexfield component definition.
1. Add the flexfield list of values (LOV).
2. Add a parameter and associate it with the flexfield LOV by selecting your flexfield
list of values as the source menu for the parameter.
3. Add the Flexfield component to the data model.
4. Reference the Flexfield in your SQL query using the &flexfield_name syntax.

Adding the Flexfield List of Values

Add a list of values retrieved from a flexfield definition.
When you choose Flexfields as the Type, the Data Source option is no longer
editable. All flexfields type lists of values use the Oracle E-Business Suite as the data
1. On the Data Model components pane, click List of Values and then click Create
new List of Values.

Chapter 4
Adding Flexfield Parameters

2. Enter a Name for the list and choose Flexfields as the Type.
3. In the Flex_Acct_List:Flexfields pane, enter the following:
• Application Short Name - E-Business Suite application short name, for example:
• ID Flex Code - Flexfield code defined for this flexfield in the Register Key Flexfield
form, for example: GL#.
• ID Flex Number - Name of the source column or parameter that contains the flexfield
structure information, for example: 101 or :STRUCT_NUM. If you use a parameter,
ensure that you define the parameter in the data model.
The image shows a sample flexfield type, LOV.

Adding the Menu Parameter for the Flexfield List of Values

Define the parameter to display the flexfield list of values and capture the values selected by
the user.
The Flexfield type parameter definition includes an additional field called Range to support
range flexfields. A range flexfield supports low and high values for each key segment rather
than just single values. You can customize the default value of the flexfield and row
placement in the report definition. The row placement determines where this parameter
appears in the report viewer. To pass a range of flexfield segment values, see Passing a
Range of Values
The following options are disabled for flexfield parameters: Number of Values to Display in
List, Multiple Selection, Can select all, and Refresh other parameters on change.
1. On the Data Model components pane, click Parameters and then click Create new
2. Select Menu from the Parameter Type list.
3. Choose String or Integer as the Data Type.

Chapter 4
Adding Flexfield Parameters

4. Enter a Default Value for the flexfield parameter.

5. Enter the Row Placement.
6. Enter the Display Label. The display label is the label that displays to users when
they view the report. For example: Account From.
7. Select the List of Values that you defined for this parameter.
When you select a list of values that is the Flexfield type, an additional field
labeled Range displays.
The image shows a parameter definition for the flexfield list of values.

Using the Flexfield Parameter to Pass Values to a Flexfield Defined in the Data
After adding the Menu parameter to the flexfield list of values, you can pass the
parameter values to a flexfield component in the data model.
Adding Flexfields covers adding a flexfield component in detail. The simplified
procedure is provided here to complete the example.
To define the Flexfield in the data model:
1. On the Data Model components pane, click Flexfields and then click Create new
2. Enter the following:
• Name — Enter a name for the flexfield component.
• Type — Select the flexfield type from the list. The type you select here
determines the additional fields required. See Entering Flexfield Details.
• Application Short Name — Enter the short name of the Oracle Application
that owns this flexfield (for example, GL).
• ID Flex Code — Enter the flexfield code defined for this flexfield in the
Register Key Flexfield form (for example, GL#).

Chapter 4
Adding Flexfield Parameters

• ID Flex Number — Enter the name of the source column or parameter that contains
the flexfield structure information. For example: 101. To use a parameter, prefix the
parameter name with a colon, for example, :PARAM_STRUCT_NUM.
3. In the lower region of the page, enter the details for the type of flexfield you selected. For
the field that is to take the parameter value, enter the parameter name prefixed with a
colon, for example, :P_Acct_List.
In the figure below the Flexfield component is defined as a "Where" Type. The
parameter :P_Acct_List is entered in the Operand1 field. At runtime, values selected by
the user for the parameter P_Acct_List will be used to create the where clause.

Referencing the Flexfield in the SQL Query

Finally, create the SQL query against the E-Business Suite database.
Use the lexical syntax in the query as described in Adding Key Flexfields. In the figure below
&Acct_Flex is the Flexfield lexical called in the where condition of the SQL query.

Chapter 4
Adding Flexfield Parameters

Passing a Range of Values

To define the parameters for the flexfield lists of values when you want to pass a range
of values you create two menu parameters that both reference the same flexfield LOV.
At runtime users choose a high value from the list of values and a low value from the
same list of values. These two values are then passed as operands to the flexfield
component of the data model.
1. Create one flexfield LOV as described in Adding the Flexfield List of Values.
2. Create the high range parameter following the steps in Adding the Menu
Parameter for the Flexfield List of Values. For the Range field, select High to
designate this parameter as the high value.
3. Create the low range parameter following the steps in Adding the Menu Parameter
for the Flexfield List of Values. For the Range field, select Low to designate this
parameter as the low value. Both parameters reference the flexfield list of values
that you created in Step 1. The figure below shows creating the parameters to
define the range.

Chapter 4
Adding Flexfield Parameters

4. Create the Flexfield in the data model, as described in Using the Flexfield Parameter to
Pass Values to a Flexfield Defined in the Data Model.
In the lower region of the page, enter the details for the type of flexfield you selected.
Enter the parameter prefixed with a colon for example, :P_Acct_List.
In the figure below the Flexfield component is defined as a "Where" Type. The
parameters :P_FLEX_LOW and :P_FLEX_HIGH are entered in the Operand1 and
Operand2 fields. At runtime, values selected by the user for the parameters
P_FLEX_LOW and P_FLEX_HIGH will be used to create the where clause.

When the report associated with this data model is displayed in the report viewer, the report
consumer sees the two flexfield parameters as shown below.

When the report consumer clicks either the high or low flexfield indicator (...), a dialog
launches enabling input of both the high and low values as shown below.

Chapter 4
Adding Flexfield Parameters

The display characteristics in the report viewer of the range flexfield parameter
resemble closely the presentation of range flexfields in the E-Business Suite.

Adding Event Triggers
This topic describes how to define triggers in your data model. Data models support before
data and after data event triggers and schedule triggers.

• About Triggers
• Adding Before Data and After Data Triggers
• Creating Schedule Triggers

About Triggers
An event trigger checks for an event and when the event occurs, it runs the code associated
with the trigger.
Oracle BI Publisher supports three types:
• Before Data - Fires right before the data set is executed.
• After Data - Fires right after the data engine executes all data sets and generates the
• Schedule Trigger - Fires when a scheduled job is triggered and before it runs.
Before data and after data triggers execute a PL/SQL function stored in a PL/SQL package in
your Oracle Database. The return data type for a PL/SQL function inside the package must
be a Boolean type and the function must explicitly return TRUE or FALSE.
A schedule trigger is associated with a scheduled job. It's a SQL query that executes at the
time a report job is scheduled to run. If the SQL returns any data, the report job runs. If the
SQL query returns no data, the job instance is skipped.
Event triggers accept only one value in a parameter. If you pass multiple values to a schedule
event trigger parameter, the status of the scheduled job is set to Skipped.
Event triggers aren't used to populate data used by a bursting definition. See Adding Bursting

Adding Before Data and After Data Triggers

You can add event triggers that fire before and after data.
If you define a default package then you must define all parameters as a global PL/SQL
variable in the PL/SQL package. You can then explicitly pass parameters to your PL/SQL
function trigger or all parameters are available as a global PL/SQL variable, see Setting Data
Model Properties
1. On the data model Properties pane, enter the Oracle DB Default Package that contains
the PL/SQL function signature to execute when the trigger fires. .
2. From the task pane, click Event Triggers.

Chapter 5
Creating Schedule Triggers

3. From the Event Triggers pane, click Create New Event Trigger.
4. Enter the following for the trigger:
• Name - Name the trigger something meaningful.
• Type - Select Before Data or After Data.
• Language - Select PL/SQL.
The figure below shows an event trigger.

5. Select the package from the Available Functions box and click the arrow to move
a function to the Event Trigger box.
The name appears as PL/SQL <package name>.<function name>.

Order of Execution
If you define multiple triggers of the same type, they fire in the order that they appear
in the table (from top to bottom).
To change the order of execution:
• Use the Reorder arrows to place the triggers in the correct order.

Creating Schedule Triggers

A schedule trigger fires when a report job is scheduled to run. Schedule triggers are of
type SQL Query.
When a report job is scheduled to run, the schedule trigger executes the SQL
statement defined for the trigger. If data is returned, then the report job is submitted. If
data isn't returned from the trigger SQL query, the report job is skipped.

Chapter 5
Creating Schedule Triggers

The schedule trigger that you associate with a report job can reside in any data model in the
catalog. You don't need to create the schedule trigger in the data model of the report for
which you want to execute the trigger. You can reuse schedule triggers across multiple report
1. In the data model editor task pane, click Event Triggers.
2. From the Event Triggers pane, click the Create New icon.
3. Enter the following for the trigger:
• Name - Enter a name for the trigger.
• Type - Select Schedule.
• Language - Accept the default value, SQL Query.
4. In the lower pane, enter the following:
• Options - Select this check box to cache the results of the trigger query.
• Data Source - Select the data source for the trigger query.
• SQL Query - Enter the query in the text area, or click Query Builder to use the utility
to construct the SQL query, see Using the SQL Query Builder.
You can include parameters in the trigger query. Define the parameter in the same
data model as the trigger. Enter parameter values when you schedule the report job.
The schedule trigger queries don't support multi-select parameters. If your query
expects a set of values, modify your query.
If the SQL query returns any results, the scheduled report job executes. The figure below
shows a schedule trigger to test for inventory levels based on a parameter value that can
be entered at runtime.

Adding Flexfields
This topic describes the support for flexfields in data models.

• About Flexfields
• Adding Key Flexfields
• Adding Descriptive Flexfields

About Flexfields
A flexfield is a data field that your organization can customize to your business needs without
Oracle applications (Oracle E-Business Suite and Oracle Fusion Applications) use two types
of flexfields:
• key flexfields
A key flexfield is a field you can customize to enter multi-segment values such as part
numbers, account numbers, and so on.
• descriptive flexfields
A descriptive flexfield is a field you customize to enter additional information for which
your Oracle applications product hasn't provided a field.
If you are reporting on data from Oracle applications, use the Flexfield component of the data
model to retrieve flexfield data. When Oracle BI Publisher is integrated with Oracle Fusion
Applications, both key flexfields and descriptive flexfields are supported. When BI Publisher is
integrated with Oracle E-Business Suite, only key flexfields are supported.

Before including flexfields in your reports, you should understand flexfields in your
applications. See your Oracle E-Business Suite or Oracle Fusion Applications

Chapter 6
Adding Key Flexfields

Using Flexfields in Your Data Model

Use flexfields based on SQL SELECT statements in your data model.
To use flexfields in your SQL-based data model:
• Add the Flexfield component to the data model as described in this chapter.
• Define the SQL SELECT statement against the applications data tables.
• Within the SELECT statement, define each flexfield as a lexical. Use the
&LEXICAL_TAG to embed flexfield related lexicals into the SELECT statement.

Adding Key Flexfields

You can use key flexfield references to replace the clauses appearing after SELECT,
Use a flexfield reference when you want the parameter to replace multiple values at
runtime. The data model editor supports the following flexfield types:
• Where - This type of lexical is used in the WHERE section of the statement. It is
used to modify the WHERE clause such that the SELECT statement can filter
based on key flexfield segment data.
• Order by - This type of lexical is used in the ORDER BY section of the statement.
It returns a list of column expressions so that the resulting output can be sorted by
the flex segment values.
• Select - This type of lexical is used in the SELECT section of the statement. It is
used to retrieve and process key flexfield (kff) code combination related data
based on the lexical definition.
• Filter - This type of lexical is used in the WHERE section of the statement. It is
used to modify the WHERE clause such that the SELECT statement can filter
based on Filter ID passed from Oracle Enterprise Scheduling Service.
• Segment Metadata - This type of lexical is used to retrieve flexfield-related
metadata. Using this lexical, you are not required to write PL/SQL code to retrieve
this metadata. Instead, define a dummy SELECT statement, then use this lexical
to get the metadata. This lexical should return a constant string.
After you set up the flexfield components of your data model, create a flexfield lexical
reference in the SQL query using the following syntax:

for example:
&FLEX_GL_BALANCING alias_gl_balancing

After entering the SQL query, when you click OK

• Enter the following:
– Lexical Name - Enter a name for the flexfield component.
– Flexfield Type - Select Key Flexfield..

Chapter 6
Adding Key Flexfields

– Lexical Type - Select the type from the list. Your selection here determines the
additional fields required. See Entering Flexfield Details.
– Application Short Name - Enter the short name of the Oracle Application that owns
this flexfield, for example, GL.
– Flexfield Code - Enter the flexfield code defined for this flexfield. In Oracle E-
Business Suite this code is defined in the Register Key Flexfield form, for example,
– ID Flex Number - Enter the name of the source column or parameter that contains
the flexfield structure information. For example: 101. To use a parameter, prefix the
parameter name with a colon, for example, :PARAM_STRUCT_NUM.

Entering Flexfield Details

The Details region displays appropriate fields depending on the Lexical Type you chose.

Fields for Key Flexfield Type: Segment Metadata

The table describes the detail fields for segmented metadata.

Field Description
Structure Instance Number Enter the name of the source column or parameter that contains the
flexfield structure information. For example: 101. To use a parameter,
prefix the parameter name with a colon, for

Chapter 6
Adding Key Flexfields

Field Description
Segments (Optional) Identifies for which segments this data is requested. Default
value is "ALL". See Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide for
Show Parent Segments Select this box to automatically display the parent segments of
dependent segments even if it is specified as not displayed in the
segments attribute.
Metadata Type Select the type of metadata to return:
Above Prompt of Segments — Above prompt of segment(s).
Left Prompt of Segments — Left prompt of segment(s)

Fields for Key Flexfield Type: Select

The table below shows the detail fields for the Select flexfield type.

Field Description
Enable Multiple Structure Indicates whether this lexical supports multiple structures.
Instances Checking this box indicates all structures are potentially used for
data reporting. The data engine uses
<code_combination_table_alias>.<set_defining_column_name> to
retrieve the structure number.
Code Combination Table Specify the table alias to prefix to the column names. Use
Alias TABLEALIAS if your SELECT joins to other flexfield tables or uses
a self-join.
Structure Instance Number Enter the name of the source column or parameter that contains
the flexfield structure information. For example: 101. To use a
parameter, prefix the parameter name with a colon, for
Segments (Optional) Identifies for which segments this data is requested.
Default value is "ALL". See Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's
Guide for syntax.

Chapter 6
Adding Key Flexfields

Field Description
Show Parent Segments Select this box to automatically display the parent segments of
dependent segments even if it is specified as not displayed in the
segments attribute.
Output Type Select from the following:
• Value — Segment value as it is displayed to user.
• Padded Value — Padded segment value as it is displayed to
user. Number type values are padded from the left. String
type values are padded on the right.
• Description — Segment value's description up to the
description size defined in the segment definition.
• Full Description — Segment value's description (full size).
• Security — Returns Y if the current combination is secured
against the current user, N otherwise.

Fields for Key Flexfield Type: Where

The table below shows the detail fields for the Where key flexfield type.

Field Description
Code Combination Specify the table alias to prefix to the column names. You use TABLEALIAS if
Table Alias your SELECT joins to other flexfield tables or uses a self-join.
Structure Instance Enter the name of the source column or parameter that contains the flexfield
Number structure information. For example: 101. To use a parameter, prefix the
parameter name with a colon, for example, :PARAM_STRUCT_NUM.
Segments (Optional) Identifies for which segments this data is requested. Default value is
"ALL". See Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide for syntax.
Operator Select the appropriate operator.
Operand1 Enter the value to use on the right side of the conditional operator.

Chapter 6
Adding Key Flexfields

Field Description
Operand2 (Optional) High value for the BETWEEN operator.

Fields for Key Flexfield Type: Order By

The table below shows the detail fields for the Order by flexfield type.

Field Description
Enable Multiple Structure Indicates whether this lexical supports multiple structures.
Instances Selecting this box indicates all structures are potentially used for
data reporting. The data engine uses
<code_combination_table_alias>.<set_defining_column_name> to
retrieve the structure number.
Structure Instance Number Enter the name of the source column or parameter that contains
the flexfield structure information. For example: 101. To use a
parameter, prefix the parameter name with a colon, for
Code Combination Table Specify the table alias to prefix to the column names. You use
Alias TABLEALIAS if your SELECT joins to other flexfield tables or uses
a self-join.
Segments (Optional) Identifies for which segments this data is requested.
Default value is "ALL". See Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's
Guide for syntax.
Show Parent Segments Select this box to automatically display the parent segments of
dependent segments even if it is specified as not displayed in the
segments attribute.

Chapter 6
Adding Descriptive Flexfields

Fields for Key Flexfield Type: Filter

The table below shows the detail fields for the Filter flexfield type.

Field Description
Code Combination Table Specify the table alias to prefix to the column names. You use
Alias TABLEALIAS if your SELECT joins to other flexfield tables or uses a
Structure Instance Number Enter the name of the source column or parameter that contains the
flexfield structure information. For example: 101. To use a parameter,
prefix the parameter name with a colon, for

Adding Descriptive Flexfields

Reporting on descriptive flexfields is supported only for Oracle Fusion Applications.
1. Enter the basic flexfield information:
• Name - Enter a name for the flexfield component.
• Flexfield Type -Select Descriptive Flexfield.
• Lexical Type - Only Select is supported.
• Application Short Name - Enter the short name of the Oracle Application that owns
this flexfield (for example, FND).
• Flexfield Code - Enter the flexfield code defined for this flexfield in the Register
Descriptive Flexfield form, for example, FND_DFF1.

2. Enter the flexfield details:

• Table Alias -Specify the table alias to prefix to the column names. Use TABLEALIAS
if your SELECT joins to other flexfield tables or uses a self-join.

Chapter 6
Adding Descriptive Flexfields

• Flexfield Usage Code - (Optional) Identifies for which segments this data is
requested. Default value is "ALL".
3. If your descriptive flexfield definition includes parameters, you can enter the
parameters in the Parameters region.
To enter parameters, click + to add each parameter. Enter a Label and a Value for
each parameter. The Label must match exactly the label in the descriptive flexfield

Including Descriptive Flexfield Reference in SQL Queries

When you create the SQL data set, you can include the descriptive flexfield using the
ampersand symbol.
For example, the figure below shows &DFF_SELECT referencing of the descriptive

Chapter 6
Adding Descriptive Flexfields

When you click OK, the diagram of your data set shows the columns that are returned from
your descriptive flexfield as shown below.

The columns that are returned from the key flexfield have the following limitations:
• Element properties are disabled
• In the data model Structure tab, you cannot edit the following fields: XML Tag Name,
Value if Null, Display Name, Data Type
• Subgrouping of descriptive flexfield elements is not supported
• Element linking is not supported

Adding Bursting Definitions
This topic describes the support for bursting reports and how to define a bursting definition in
the data model to split and deliver your report to multiple recipients.

• About Bursting
• What is the Bursting Definition?
• Adding a Bursting Definition to Your Data Model
• Defining the Query for the Delivery XML
• Passing a Parameter to the Bursting Query
• Defining the Split By and Deliver By Elements for a CLOB/XML Data Set
• Configuring a Report to Use a Bursting Definition
• Sample Bursting Query
• Creating a Table to Use as a Delivery Data Source

About Bursting
Bursting is a process of splitting data into blocks, generating documents for each block, and
delivering the documents to one or more destinations.
The data for the report is generated by executing a query once and then splitting the data
based on a Key value. For each block of the data, a separate document is generated and
Using Oracle BI Publisher bursting enables splitting a single report based on an element in
the data model and deliver the report based on a second element in the data model. Driven
by the delivery element, you can apply a different template, output format, delivery method,
and locale to each split segment of the report. Example implementations include:
• Invoice generation and delivery based on customer-specific layouts and delivery
• Financial reporting to generate a master report of all cost centers, splitting out individual
cost center reports to the appropriate manager.
• Generation of pay slips to all employees based on one extract and delivered through e-

What is the Bursting Definition?

A bursting definition is a component of the data model. After you have defined the data sets
for the data model, you can set up one or more bursting definitions.
When you set up a bursting definition, you define the following:

Chapter 7
Adding a Bursting Definition to Your Data Model

• The Split By element is an element from the data that governs how the data is
split. For example, to split a batch of invoices by each invoice, you may use an
element called CUSTOMER_ID. The data set must be sorted or grouped by this
• The Deliver By element is the element from the data that governs how formatting
and delivery options are applied. In the invoice example, it is likely that each
invoice has delivery criteria determined by customer; therefore, the Deliver By
element would also be CUSTOMER_ID.
• The Delivery Query is a SQL query that you define for BI Publisher to construct
the delivery XML data file. The query must return the formatting and delivery

Adding a Bursting Definition to Your Data Model

In the Bursting definition table, create a new bursting definition by specifying its name,
type, data source, and other properties.
• You have defined the data set for this data model
• The data set is sorted or grouped by the element by which you want to split the
data in your bursting definition
• The delivery and formatting information is available to Oracle BI Publisher. You
can provide the information at runtime to BI Publisher in one of the following ways:
– The information is stored in a database table available to BI Publisher for a
dynamic delivery definition.
– The information is hard coded in the delivery SQL for a static delivery
• The report definition for this data model has been created and includes the layouts
to be applied to the report data.
To add a bursting definition to the data model and enable bursting in your report:
1. On the component pane of the data model editor, click Bursting to create a SQL
data set to create a bursting query.
2. On the Bursting definition table, click the Create new Bursting button.
3. Enter the following for this bursting definition:
Name - Enter a name for the query. For example, Burst to File.
Type - Select SQL Query. SQL Query is currently the only supported type.
Data Source - Select the data source that contains the delivery information.

Chapter 7
Adding a Bursting Definition to Your Data Model

4. In the lower region, enter the following for this bursting definition:
Split By - Select the element from the data set by which to split the data.
Deliver By - Select the element from the data set by which to format and deliver the data.

If the Split By and Deliver By elements reside in an XML document stored as
a CLOB in your database, you must enter the full XPATH in the Split By and
Delivery By fields. For more information, see Defining the Split By and Deliver
By Elements for a CLOB/XML Data Set.

Enable Consolidated Output - Select the Enable Consolidated Output option to

generate a single consolidated report.
SQL Query — Enter the query to construct the delivery XML. For information on how to
construct the bursting query, see Defining the Query for the Delivery XML.
Attachment — You can attach external PDF files to your bursted PDF output. See
Attaching PDF to Reports using Bursting Engine.
5. In the Report Properties dialog, select Enable Bursting to enable bursting for a report.

Attaching PDF to Reports using Bursting Engine

You may have a requirement to attach PDFs along with invoices for customers. You can now
append these documents to the invoice while bursting.
Once bursting query is defined, you can enter the attachment query in the Attachment tab.
The attachment expects the repository source to be a WebCenter content, which can be
defined as a data source by the Administrator.
The PDF attachments are delivered to recipients along with the main report as a single PDF
file. The attachment document isn’t separately embedded, but appended to the report. If you
have a requirement to save the entire PDF report along with the attachments as a single

Chapter 7
Defining the Query for the Delivery XML

consolidated file, then the report author can check the option Enable Consolidated
Output under bursting query. The consolidated output contains the sequential merge
of report and attachment of each burst. A user (with consumer role) who schedules the
bursting report job and the Administrator will be able to view the consolidated output in
the Job History Details page.
1. Click the Attachment tab.
2. Select the content server name from the Attachment Repository LOV.
3. Define the SQL query for the attachment in the Content Server.
The column alias names KEY and ATTACHMENT_ID are mandatory.
The SQL query uses the KEY and the ATTACHMENT_ID (which map to the
document id of the PDF in the content server) to create an association between
the PDF report and the PDF attachment.
4. Click Save icon after you make changes to the data model.
5. Click the View Data button.
6. Click View to view the data.
7. Save the data by clicking Save As Sample Data.
8. To create a report based on the data model that you created, click Create Report.

Defining the Query for the Delivery XML

The bursting query is a SQL query that you define to provide the required information
to format and deliver the report.
BI Publisher uses the results from the bursting query to create the delivery XML.
The BI Publisher bursting engine uses the delivery XML as a mapping table for each
Deliver By element. The structure of the delivery XML required by BI Publisher is as


Chapter 7
Defining the Query for the Delivery XML


• KEY — The Delivery key and must match the Deliver By element. The bursting engine
uses the key to link delivery criteria to a specific section of the burst data. Ensure that you
use double quotes around "KEY" in the select statement, for example:
select d.department_name as "KEY",
• TEMPLATE — The name of the Layout to apply. Note that the value is the Layout name
(for example, 'Customer Invoice'), not the template file name (for example, invoice.rtf).
• LOCALE — The template locale, for example, 'en-US'.
• OUTPUT_FORMAT — The output format. The table below shows the valid values to
enter for the bursting query.

Output Format Value to Enter in Template Types That Can Generate This Output
Bursting Query Format
Interactive N/A Not supported for bursting
HTML html – BI Publisher
– XSL Stylesheet (FO)
PDF pdf – BI Publisher
– XSL Stylesheet (FO)
– Flash
RTF rtf – BI Publisher
– XSL Stylesheet (FO)
Excel (mhtml) excel – BI Publisher
– Excel
– XSL Stylesheet (FO)
Excel (html) excel2000 – BI Publisher
– XSL Stylesheet (FO)
Excel (*.xlsx) xlsx – BI Publisher
– XSL Stylesheet (FO)
PowerPoint (mhtml) ppt – BI Publisher
– XSL Stylesheet (FO)
PowerPoint (.*pptx) pptx – BI Publisher
– XSL Stylesheet (FO)
MHTML mhtml – BI Publisher
– XSL Stylesheet (FO)
– Flash

Chapter 7
Defining the Query for the Delivery XML

Output Format Value to Enter in Template Types That Can Generate This Output
Bursting Query Format
PDF/A pdfa – BI Publisher
– XSL Stylesheet (FO)
PDF/X pdfx – BI Publisher
– XSL Stylesheet (FO)
Zipped PDFs pdfz – BI Publisher
– XSL Stylesheet (FO)
FO Formatted XML xslfo – BI Publisher
– XSL Stylesheet (FO)
Data (XML) xml – BI Publisher
– Excel
– XSL Stylesheet (FO)
– XSL Stylesheet (HTML XML/Text)
– Etext
– Flash
Data (CSV) csv – BI Publisher
– Excel
– XSL Stylesheet (FO)
– XSL Stylesheet (HTML XML/Text)
– Etext
– Flash
XML txml XSL Stylesheet (HTML XML/Text)
Text text – XSL Stylesheet (HTML XML/Text)
– Etext
Flash flash Flash

• SAVE_OUTPUT — Indicates whether to save the output documents to BI

Publisher history tables that the output can be viewed and downloaded from the
Report Job History page.
Valid values are 'true' (default) and 'false'. If this property is not set, the output is
• DEL_CHANNEL — The delivery method. Valid values are:

Chapter 7
Defining the Query for the Delivery XML

• TIMEZONE — The time zone to use for the report. Values must be in the Java format, for
example: 'America/Los_Angeles'. If time zone is not provided, then the system default
time zone is used to generate the report.
• CALENDAR — The calendar to use for the report. Valid values are:
If not provided, the value 'GREGORIAN' is used.
• OUTPUT_NAME — The name to assign to the output file in the report job history.
• Delivery parameters by channel — The values required for the parameters depend on
the delivery method chosen. The parameter values mappings for each method are shown
in the table below. Not all delivery channels use all the parameters.

Delivery Channel PARAMETER Values

Email PARAMETER1: Email address
PARAMETER5: Message body
PARAMETER6: Attachment value ('true' or 'false'). If your output format is
PDF, you must set this parameter to "true" to attach the PDF to the e-mail.
PARAMETER8: Bcc (PARAMETER 9-10 are not used)

Chapter 7
Defining the Query for the Delivery XML

Delivery Channel PARAMETER Values

Printer PARAMETER1: Printer group
PARAMETER2: Printer name or for a printer on CUPS, the printer URI, for
example: ipp://
PARAMETER3: Number of copies
PARAMETER4: Sides. Valid values are:
• "d_single_sided" for single-sided
• "d_double_sided_l" for duplex/long edge
• "d_double_sided_s" for tumble/short edge
If the parameter is not specified, single-sided is used.
PARAMETER5: Tray. Valid values are:
• "t1" for "Tray 1"
• "t2" for "Tray 2"
• "t3" for "Tray 3"
If not specified, the printer default is used.
PARAMETER6: Print range. For example "3" prints page 3 only, "2-5" prints
pages 2-5, "1,3-5" prints pages 1 and 3-5
(PARAMETER 7-10 are not used)
Fax PARAMETER1: Fax Server Name
PARAMETER2: Fax number
(PARAMETER 3-10 are not used)
WebDAV PARAMETER1: Server Name
PARAMETER2: Username
PARAMETER3: Password
PARAMETER4: Remote Directory
PARAMETER5: Remote Filename
PARAMETER6: Authorization type, values are 'basic' or 'digest'
(PARAMETER 7-10 are not used)
File PARAMETER1: Directory
(PARAMETER 3-10 are not used)
FTP and SFTP PARAMETER1: Server Name
PARAMETER2: Username
PARAMETER3: Password
PARAMETER4: Remote Directory
PARAMETER5: Remote Filename
PARAMETER6: Secure (set this value to 'true' to enable Secure FTP)
(PARAMETER 7-10 are not used)

Chapter 7
Passing a Parameter to the Bursting Query

Delivery Channel PARAMETER Values

PARAMETER2: Security Group
PARAMETER4: Account (Optional)
PARAMETER6: Primary File (or File Name)
PARAMETER7: Comments (Optional)
PARAMETER8: Content ID (Optional. Content ID must be unique.)
PARAMETER9: Custom Metadata
Document Cloud PARAMETER1: Server Name
Services PARAMETER2: Folder Name

Passing a Parameter to the Bursting Query

You can pass the value for an element of your bursting XML using a parameter defined in the
data model.
For example, if you want to be able to select the template at the time of submission, you can
define a parameter in the data model and use the :parameter_name syntax in your query. The
following example demonstrates this use case of a parameter in a bursting query.
Assume your report definition includes three layouts: layout1, layout2, and layout3. At
submission time you want to select the layout (or TEMPLATE, as defined in the bursting
query) to use. In your data model, define a list of values with the layout names. The following
figure shows a data model with the layout list of values:

Chapter 7
Passing a Parameter to the Bursting Query

Next create a menu type parameter, here named P1:

In the bursting query, pass the parameter value to the TEMPLATE field using :P1 as
shown in the following figure:

Chapter 7
Defining the Split By and Deliver By Elements for a CLOB/XML Data Set

Defining the Split By and Deliver By Elements for a CLOB/XML

Data Set
If the split-by and deliver-by elements required for your bursting definition reside in a data set
retrieved from a CLOB column in a database, BI Publisher cannot parse the XML to present
the elements in the Split By and Deliver By lists.
You therefore must manually enter the XPath to locate each element in the retrieved XML
data set. To ensure that you enter the path correctly, use the data model editor's Get XML
Output feature to view the XML that is generated by the data engine.
For example, the sample XML code, shown in the figure below, was stored in a CLOB column
in the database called "XMLTEXT", and extracted as an XML data set:

For this example, you want to add a bursting definition with split by and deliver by element
based on the DEPARTMENT_ID, which is an element within the CLOB/XML data set.
When you add the bursting definition, the Split By and Deliver By lists cannot parse the
structure beneath the XMLTEXT element. Therefore, the list does not display the elements
available beneath the XMLTEXT node, as shown in the figure below.

Chapter 7
Configuring a Report to Use a Bursting Definition

To use the DEPARTMENT_ID element as the Split By element, manually type the
XPath into the field as shown in the figure below.

Configuring a Report to Use a Bursting Definition

Although you can define multiple bursting definitions for a single data model, you can
enable only one for a report.

To configure a report to use a bursting definition:

1. Enable a report to use a bursting definition on the Report Properties dialog of the
report editor.
2. Schedule a job for this report.
3. Choose to use the bursting definition to format and deliver the report.
You can choose not use the bursting definition and choose your own output and
destination as a regular scheduled report.

Sample Bursting Query

This example of a bursting query is based on an invoice report. This report is to be
delivered by CUSTOMER_ID to each customer's individual e-mail address
This example assumes that the delivery and formatting preferences for each customer
are contained in a database table named "CUSTOMERS". The CUSTOMERS table
includes the following columns that will be retrieved to create the delivery XML
dynamically at runtime:
The CUSTOMER_ID will be used as the KEY and also to define the output file name.

Chapter 7
Creating a Table to Use as a Delivery Data Source

The SQL code to generate the delivery data set for this example is as follows:

select distinct
'Your Invoices' PARAMETER4,
'Hi'||CUST_FIRST_NAME||':'|| 'Please find attached your
invoices.' PARAMETER5,
'true' PARAMETER6,

Creating a Table to Use as a Delivery Data Source

If the delivery information is not easily available in the existing data sources, then you can
consider creating a table to use for the query to create the delivery XML.
Following is a sample:

If the JDBC driver that you use does not support column alias, when you define the
bursting control table, the columns must match exactly the control XML tag name.
For example, the KEY column must be named KEY, upper case is required.
PARAMETER1 must be named PARAMETER1, not parameter1 nor param1, or any
other non-matching name.



Chapter 7
Creating a Table to Use as a Delivery Data Source



Tips for creating a creating bursting delivery table:

• If the split data set does not contain a DELIVERY_KEY value, then the document
is neither delivered nor generated. For example, using the preceding example, if
customer with ID 123 is not defined in the bursting delivery table, this customer's
document is not generated.
• To enable a split data set to generate more than one document or deliver to more
than one destination, duplicate the DELIVERY_KEY value and provide different
sets of OUTPUT_FORMAT, DEL_CHANNEL, or other parameters. For example, customer
with ID 456 wants his document delivered to two e-mail addresses. To achieve
this, insert two rows in the table, both with 456 as the DELIVERY_KEY and each
with its own e-mail address.

Adding Custom Metadata for Oracle
WebCenter Content Server
This topic describes how to use the data model editor to map fields from your data source to
the custom metadata fields. When delivering reports to an Oracle WebCenter Content Server,
BI Publisher can populate the custom metadata fields defined in your document profiles.

• About Custom Metadata Mapping
• Mapping Data Fields to Custom Metadata Fields
• Deleting Unused Metadata Fields

About Custom Metadata Mapping

The Custom Metadata component of the data model enables mapping data fields, for
example, invoice number or customer name, from your data model to the metadata fields
defined in document profile rules configured on your Oracle WebCenter Content Server.
When you run the report and select an Oracle WebCenter Content server as the delivery
destination, Oracle BI Publisher generates and stores the document on the content server
with the metadata.

Certain requirements must be met to use this feature of the data model editor.
• The content server must be configured as a delivery destination with custom metadata
• To map the custom metadata fields to data fields from your data model data set, the data
set must be of a type that the data model editor can retrieve the data structure, for
example, SQL data sets and Excel data sets are supported; however, Web service data
sets are not.

Mapping Data Fields to Custom Metadata Fields

You can start metadata under a document profile.
To map custom metadata:
1. In the data model editor task pane, click Custom Metadata.

Chapter 8
Mapping Data Fields to Custom Metadata Fields

2. Oracle WebCenter Content Server stores metadata under a document profile. A

document profile is further nested into rules. To retrieve the metadata fields for
mapping, you first select the WebCenter server, then the Content Profile, then the
Rules set.
On the Custom Metadata header region, select the Rules as follows:
• Server — Select the Web content server where the content profile is defined.
• Content Profile — Select the content profile that includes the rules that define
custom metadata fields.
• Rules — Select the Rules set that specifies the metadata fields.
If you do not select a Rules set, then BI Publisher loads the metadata for all
Rules under the Content Profile.
3. Click Load Metadata. The lower pane displays the metadata fields defined in the
Rules you selected.

Chapter 8
Mapping Data Fields to Custom Metadata Fields

4. For each metadata field, map a data field from your data sets by selecting it from the
Data Mapping list. The Data Mapping list displays all the data fields from your data sets.
If a metadata field is required a Y is displayed in the Required column.

Chapter 8
Deleting Unused Metadata Fields

5. When you are done with mapping the metadata fields, click Save.

Deleting Unused Metadata Fields

BI Publisher loads all the metadata fields defined for the Rules set that you select. You
can delete unneeded custom metadata fields.

1. Select the metadata field, either by clicking the field name on the left pane or by
clicking the selection column in the table.
2. Click the Delete button.

Performance Best Practices
This topic provides tips for creating efficient data models for better performance.

• Know Oracle WebLogic Server Default Time Out Setting
• Best Practices for SQL Data Sets
• Limit Lists of Values
• Working with Lexicals/Flexfields
• Working with Date Parameters
• Run Report Online/Offline (Schedule)
• Setting Data Model Properties to Prevent Memory Errors
• SQL Query Tuning

Know Oracle WebLogic Server Default Time Out Setting

WebLogic Server has a default time out of 600 seconds for each thread that spans for a
When the time exceeds 600 seconds, Oracle WebLogic Server marks the thread as Stuck.
When the number of Stuck threads reaches 25, the server shuts down.
To avoid this problem, verify that your SQL execution time does not exceed the WebLogic
Server setting.

Best Practices for SQL Data Sets

Consider the following tips to help you create more efficient SQL data sets:
• Only Return the Data You Need
• Use Column Aliases to Shorten XML File Length
• Avoid Using Group Filters by Enhancing Your Query
• Avoid PL/SQL Calls in WHERE Clauses
• Avoid Use of the System Dual Table
• Avoid PL/SQL Calls at the Element Level
• Avoid Including Multiple Data Sets
• Avoid Nested Data Sets
• Avoid In-Line Queries as Summary Columns
• Avoid Excessive Parameter Bind Values

Chapter 9
Best Practices for SQL Data Sets

• Tips for Multi-value Parameters

• Group Break and Sorting Data

Only Return the Data You Need

Ensure that your query returns only the data you need for your reports. Returning
excessive data risks OutOfMemory exceptions.
For example, never simply return all columns as in:


Always avoid the use of *.

Two best practices for restricting the data returned are:
• Always select only the columns you need
For example:
• Use a WHERE clause and bind parameters whenever possible to restrict the
returned data more precisely.
This example selects only the columns needed and only those that match the
value of the parameter:



Use Column Aliases to Shorten XML File Length

The shorter the column name, the smaller the resulting XML file; the smaller the XML
file the faster the system parses it.
Shorten your column names using aliases to shorten I/O processing time and enhance
report efficiency.
In this example, DEPARTMENT_ID is shortened to "id" and DEPARTMENT_NAME is
shortened to "name":



Avoid Using Group Filters by Enhancing Your Query

Although the Data Model Group Filter feature enables you to remove records retrieved
by your query, this process takes place in the middle tier, which is much less efficient
than the database tier.

It is a better practice to remove unneeded records through your query using WHERE
clause conditions instead.

Chapter 9
Best Practices for SQL Data Sets

Avoid PL/SQL Calls in WHERE Clauses

PL/SQL function calls in the WHERE clause of the query can result in multiple executions.
These function calls execute for each row found in the database that matches. Moreover, this
construction requires PL/SQL to SQL context switching, which is inefficient.
As a best practice, avoid PL/SQL calls in the WHERE clause; instead, join the base tables
and add filters.

Avoid Use of the System Dual Table

The use of the system DUAL table for returning the sysdate or other constants is inefficient.
You should avoid using the system DUAL table when not required.
For example, instead of:






In the first example, DUAL is not required. You can access SYSDATE directly.

Avoid PL/SQL Calls at the Element Level

Package function calls at the element, within the group or row level, are not allowed. You can
include package function calls at the global element level because these functions are
executed only once per data model execution request.

<group name="G_order_short_text" dataType="xsd:string"
<element name="order_attach_desc" dataType="xsd:string"
<element name="order_attach_pk" dataType="xsd:string"

The following element is incorrect:

<element name="ORDER_TOTAL _FORMAT" dataType="xsd:string" value="


Chapter 9
Best Practices for SQL Data Sets

<!-- This is wrong should not be called within group.-->


<element name="S_BATCH_COUNT" function="sum" dataType="xsd:double"


Avoid Including Multiple Data Sets

It can seem desirable to create one data model with multiple data sets to serve
multiple reports, but this practice results in very poor performance.
When a report runs, the data processor executes all data sets irrespective of whether
the data is used in the final output.
For better report performance and memory efficiency, consider carefully before using a
single data model to support multiple reports.

Avoid Nested Data Sets

The data model provides a mechanism to create parent-child hierarchy by linking
elements from one data set to another.
At run time, the data processor executes the parent query and for each row in the
parent executes the child query. When a data model has many nested parent-child
relationships slow processing can result.
A better approach to avoid nested data sets is to combine multiple data set queries
into a single query using the WITH clause.
Following are some general tips about when to combine multiple data sets into one
data set:
• When the parent and child have a 1-to-1 relationship; that is, each parent row has
exactly one child row, then merge the parent and child data sets into a single
• When the parent query has many more rows compared to the child query. For
example, an invoice distribution table linked to an invoice table where the
distribution table has millions of rows compared to the invoice table. Although the
execution of each child query takes less than a second, for each distribution hitting
the child query can result in STUCK threads.
Example of when to use a WITH clause:

Query Q1:

Query Q2:

Chapter 9
Best Practices for SQL Data Sets

Combine the these queries into one using WITH clause as follows:


SELECT Q1.*, Q2.*

Avoid In-Line Queries as Summary Columns

In-line queries execute for each column for each row. For example, if a main query has 100
columns, and brings 1000 rows, then each column query executes 1000 times.
Altogether, it is 100 multiplied by 1000 times. This is not scalable and cannot perform well.
Avoid using in-line sub queries whenever possible.
Avoid the following use of in-line queries. If this query returns only a few rows this approach
may work satisfactorily. However, if the query returns 10000 rows, then each sub or in-line
query executes 10000 times and the query would likely result in Stuck threads.

(select pprd.person_id,(select REPLACE(national_identifier_number,'-') from
national_identifiers pni where pni.person_id = pprd.person_id and rownum<2)
national_identifiers,(select national_identifier_number from per_national
identifiers pni where pni.person_id = pprd.person_id and rownum<2) national_
identifier,(select person_number from per_all_people_f ppf
where ppf.person_id = pprd.person_id
and :p_effective_start_date between ppf.effective_start_date and
(Select hg.geography_code from hz_geographies hg
where hg.GEOGRAPHY_NAME = paddr.region_2
and hg.geography_type = 'STATE') state_code

Avoid Excessive Parameter Bind Values

Oracle Database allows bind maximum of 1000 values per parameter.
Binding a large number of parameter values is inefficient. Avoid binding more than 100 values
to a parameter.
When you create a Menu type parameter and your list of values contains many values,
ensure that you enable both the Multiple Selection and Can Select All options, then also
select NULL value passed to ensure that too many values are not passed.

Chapter 9
Best Practices for SQL Data Sets

Tips for Multi-value Parameters

Report consumers often must run reports that support the certain conditions.
• If no parameter is selected (null), then return all.
• Allow selection of multiple parameter values
In these cases the use of NVL() does not work, you should therefore use
• COALESCE() for queries against Oracle Database
• CASE / WHEN for Oracle BI EE (logical) queries



The preceding query syntax is correct only when the value of P_DEPT_ID is a single
value or null. This syntax does not work when you pass more than a single value.
To support multiple values, use the following syntax:
For Oracle Database:



For Oracle BI EE data source:

(CASE WHEN ('null') in (:P_YEAR) THEN 1 END =1 OR "Time"."Per Name

Year" in (:P_YEAR))

For Oracle BI EE the parameter data type must be string. Number and date data types
are not supported.

Chapter 9
Best Practices for SQL Data Sets

Group Break and Sorting Data

The data model provides a feature to group breaks and sort data.
Sorting is supported for parent group break columns only. For example, if a data set of
employees is grouped by department and manager, you can sort the XML data by
department. If you know how the data should be sorted in the final report or template, you
specify sorting at data generation time to optimize document generation. The column order
specified in the SELECT clause must exactly match the element orders in the data structure.
Otherwise group break and sort may not work. Due to complexity, multiple grouping with
multiple sorts at different group levels is not allowed.
Example: In the example shown below, sort and group break are applied to the parent group
only, that is, G_1. Notice the column order in the query, data set dialog, and data structure.
The SQL column order must exactly match the data structure element field order; otherwise,
it may result in data corruption.



Once you define the query, you can use the data model designer to select data elements and
create group breaks as shown below.

Chapter 9
Limit Lists of Values

The Data Structure with breaks is:

<output rootName="DATA_DS" uniqueRowName="false">

<nodeList name="data-structure"> <dataStructure tagName="DATA_DS">
<group name="G_1" label="G_1" source="q1">
<element name="DEPT_ID" value="DEPT_ID" label="DEPT_ID"
<element name="DNAME" value="DNAME" label="DNAME" fieldOrder="2"/>
<group name="G_2" label="G_2" source="q1">
<element name="FNAME" value="FNAME" label="FNAME" fieldOrder="3"/>
<element name="LNAME" value="LNAME" label="LNAME" fieldOrder="4"/>
<element name="JOB" value="JOB" label="JOB" fieldOrder="5"/>
<element name="MANAGER_ID" value="MANAGER_ID" label="MANAGER_ID"

Limit Lists of Values

Lists of values based on SQL queries must be limited to 1000 rows.
Adding blind runaway queries in a list of values can cause OutOfMemory exceptions.
Consider that the number of rows returned by an LOV is stored in memory, therefore
the higher the number of rows the more memory usage.

Working with Lexicals/Flexfields

Oracle BI Publisher supports lexical parameters for Oracle Fusion Applications and
Oracle E-Business Suite. Lexical parameters enable you to create dynamic queries.
In BI Publisher, lexical parameters are defined as:
Lexical – PL/SQL packaged variable defined as a data model parameter.
Key Flexfield (KFF) – Lexical token in a data set query. KFF creates a "code" made
up of meaningful segment values and stores a single value as a code combination id.
Key Flexfields always return as a single column when used in SELECT / SEGMENT
METADATA type or condition when used in WHERE clause. Key Flexfields execute at
run time to extract the lexical definition and then are substituted in the SQL query.
Descriptive Flexfields (DFF) – Customizable expansion space to track additional
information that is important and unique to the business. DFFs can be context
sensitive, where the information stored in the application depends on the other values
of the user input. Unlike Key Flexfields, Descriptive Flexfields can have multiple
context-sensitive segments.
When you define any lexical, name the lexical to match the usage so that when the
editor dialog pops up it will be easier to enter the default values for the SQL query. For
example, if you are using a lexical in a SELECT clause, use "_select" as a suffix. The
default values must be valid to get metadata.
The following example demonstrates the usage of a lexical:

Chapter 9
Working with Lexicals/Flexfields

When you create the data set query for the select columns, specify column alias,

gcc.segment1 seg1,
gcc.segment2 seg2,
gcc.segment3 seg3,
gcc.segment4 seg4,
gcc.segment5 seg5,
&KFF_SELECT account

When you save the query, a pop-up dialog prompts you for the default values. To get SQL
metadata at design time you must specify the default values that can form a valid SQL query.
For example,
• if the lexical usage is a SELECT clause then you could enter null
• if the lexical usage is a WHERE clause then you could enter 1 = 1 or 1 =2
• if the lexical usage is ORDER BY clause then you could enter 1

Chapter 9
Working with Date Parameters

Working with Date Parameters

Oracle BI Publisher always binds date column or date parameter as a timestamp
To avoid timestamp conversion, define the parameter as a string and pass the value
with formatting as 'DD-MON-YYYY' to match the RDBMS date format.

Run Report Online/Offline (Schedule)

Running reports in interactive/online mode uses in-memory processing.
Use the following guidelines for deciding when a report is appropriate for running
For Online / Interactive mode:
• When report output size is less than 50MB
Browsers do not scale when loading large volumes of data. Loading more than
50MB in the browser will slow down or possibly crash your session.
• Data model SQL Query time out is less than 600 seconds
Any SQL query execution that takes more than 600 seconds results in Stuck
WebLogic Server threads. To avoid this condition, schedule long-running queries.
The Scheduler process uses its own JVM threads instead of Weblogic server
threads. It is more efficient to schedule reports than run reports online.
• Total number of elements in the data structure is less than 500
When the data model data structure contains many data elements, the data
processor must maintain the element values in memory; which may result in
OutOfMemory exceptions. To avoid this condition, schedule these reports. For
scheduled reports, the data processor uses temporary file system to store and
process data.
• No CLOB or BLOB columns
Online processing holds the entire CLOB or BLOB columns in memory. You should
schedule reports that include CLOB or BLOB columns.

Chapter 9
Setting Data Model Properties to Prevent Memory Errors

Setting Data Model Properties to Prevent Memory Errors

You can use the different data model properties to help prevent memory errors in your
These properties include:
• Query Time Out
• DB Fetch Size
• Scalable Mode
Note that the system level memory guard settings override the corresponding data model
level settings.

Query Time Out

The Query Time out property specifies the time limit in seconds within which the database
must execute SQL statements.
BI Publisher provides a mechanism to set user preferred query time out at the data model
level. The default value is 600 seconds.

Chapter 9
Setting Data Model Properties to Prevent Memory Errors

Queries that cannot execute under 600 seconds are not well-optimized. Your DBA or a
performance expert should analyze the query for further tuning.
Increasing the time out value risks Stuck WebLogic Server threads. Do not raise the
value unless all other optimizations and alternatives have been utilized.

DB Fetch Size
The Database Fetch Size property specifies the number of rows that are fetched from
the database at a time.
This setting can be overridden at the data model level by setting the Database Fetch
Size in the general properties of the data model.
Setting the value higher reduces the number of round trips to the database but
consumes more memory. Consider the number of elements in the data model before
changing this property.
BI Publisher recommends setting the property Auto DB fetch size to true so that the
system calculates the fetch size at run time.

Scalable Mode
When the Scalable mode property is on, BI Publisher uses the temp file system to
generate data. The data processor uses the least amount of memory.
This scalable mode property can be set at the data model level and the instance level.
The data model setting overrides the instance value.
You can set the instance value by expanding the nodes for Administrator, Runtime
Properties , and then Data Model:

The instance value can be overridden by Data model setting shown here:

Chapter 9
Setting Data Model Properties to Prevent Memory Errors

The following table details the expected results for the possible on/off settings at each level:

Scalable Mode Instance Value Scalable Mode Data Model Expected Result
On Instance On
Off Instance Off
On On On
On Off Off
Off On On
Off Off Off

SQL Pruning
SQL pruning enhances performance by fetching only the columns that are used in the report
Columns that are defined in the query but are not used in the report are not fetched. This
improves query fetch size and reduces JDBC rowset memory.
Note that this feature does not alter the where clause but instead wraps the entire SQL with
the columns specified in the layout.
To enable SQL pruning – On the Data Model Properties page, select On for the Enable SQL
Pruning property.

Chapter 9
SQL Query Tuning

SQL Query Tuning

Query tuning is the most important step to improve performance of any report.
Explain plan, SQL Monitoring, SQL Trace facility with TKPROF are the most basic
performance diagnostic tools that can help to tune SQL statements in applications
running against the Oracle Database.
Oracle BI Publisher provides a mechanism to generate the explain plan and SQL
monitoring reports and to enable SQL session trace. This functionality is applicable to
SQL statements executing against Oracle Database only. Logical queries against BI
Server or any other type of database are not supported.

Generate Explain Plan

You can generate an Explain plan at the data set level for a single query or at the
report level for all queries in a report.
For more information about interpreting the explain plan, see Oracle Database SQL
Tuning Guide.

Explain Plan for a Single Query

From the SQL data set Edit dialog you can generate an explain plan before actually
executing the query. This provides a best guess estimation of a plan. The query will be
executed binding with null values.

Click Generate Explain Plan on the Edit SQL Query dialog. Open the generated
document in a text editor like Notepad or WordPad.

Chapter 9
SQL Query Tuning

Explaining Plan for Reports

To generate an explain plan for a report, run the report through the Scheduler.
1. From the New menu, select Report Job.
2. Select the report to schedule then click the Diagnostics tab.
You must have BI Administrator or BI Data Model Developer privileges to access the
Diagnostics tab.
3. Select Enable SQL Explain Plan and Enable Data Engine Diagnostic.

• Enable SQL Explain Plan — Generates a diagnostic log with Explain plan/SQL
monitor report information.
• Enable Data Engine Diagnostic — Generates a data processor log.
• Enable Report Processor Diagnostic — Generates FO (Formatting Options) and
server related log information.
• Enable Consolidated Job Diagnostic — Generates the entire log, which includes
scheduler log, data processor log, FO and server log details.
4. Submit the report.
5. From the Home page, under Browse/Manage, select Report Job History.
6. Select the report to view the details. Under Output & Delivery click Diagnostic Log to
download the explain plan output.

Chapter 9
SQL Query Tuning

Sample Explain plan:

Guidelines for Tuning Queries

Tune queries by following a set of guidelines.
• Analyze the explain plan and identify high impact SQL statements.
• Add required filter conditions and remove unwanted joins.

Chapter 9
SQL Query Tuning

• Avoid and remove FTS (full table scans) on large tables. Note that in some cases, full
table scans on small tables are faster and improve query fetch. Ensure that you use
caching for small tables.
• Use SQL hints to force use of proper indexes.
• Avoid complex sub-queries and use Global Temporary Tables where necessary.
• Use Oracle SQL Analytical functions for multiple aggregation.
• Avoid too many sub-queries in where clauses if possible. Instead rewrite queries with
outer joins.
• Avoid group functions like HAVING and IN / NOT IN where clause conditions.
• Use CASE statements and DECODE functions for complex aggregate functions.

Tips for Database Tuning

Follow best practices when tuning a database.
• Work with your Database Administrator to gather statistics on the tables.
• If the server is very slow, analyze network / IO / Disk issues and optimize the server
• In some scenarios when you cannot avoid a large data fetch you may encounter PGA
Heap size errors in the database. To resolve these issues, increase PGA heap size as a
last resort. Use the following statement to increase heap size:
alter session set events '10261 trace name context forever, level 2097152'


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