Case Digests
Case Digests
Case Digests
Koppel, Inc. Vs. Makati Rotary Club Foundation located in Paranaque City which housed buildings
G.R. No. 198075 and improvements dedicated to the business of FKI.
September 4, 2013
Perez, J.: In 1975 – FKI left the land to Makati Rotary Club
Foundation (MRCF) by way of a conditional
donation; MRCF accepted all the conditions.
On May 26, 1975, FKI and MRCF executed a deed of
Fedders Koppel. Incorporated (FKI), an air- donation evidencing their consensus.
conditioning manufacturer, owned a parcel of land
Conditions of the donation: - Board of 3 arbitrators in accordance of
the arbitration laws of the Philippines.
Respondent would lease the land back to FKI under
- Governed by laws of the Philippines
the terms of donation
- Period of lease is for 25 years or until The Assignment and Koppel’s Refusal to Pay
May 25, 2000; renewable for another - FKI faithfully complied and paid rentals
25 years upon mutual agreement and the donations for 3 years in the
- Rent paid by FKI for the 1 st 25 years is 2005 lease contract, but in June 2008
P 40, 126 per annum. FKI sold its rights and properties to
- Rental for the 2nd 25 years shall be the Koppel, Inc. (Koppel).
subject of mutual agreement; if cannot - FKI and MRCF executed an assignment
agree , then it be submitted to a panel and assumption of lease and donation
of 3 arbitrators in accordance to where FKI formally assigned all of it
arbitration law in the Philippines. interest and obligations in favor of
- Fair market value should not Koppel.
exceed beyond 25% of the original - The following year Koppel refused to
value pay rent and donation under the 2005
- Rental for the 2nd 25 years shall lease contract because it violated the
not exceed 3% of the fair market
material conditions of the donation of
value of the land the land in the deed of donation and
amended deed of donation; clearly the
In October 1976, FKI and MRCF executed an
rents in 2000 & 2005 lease contract
amended deed of donation that reiterated the
were exhorbitant
provisions of the deed of donation.
o The two 25 years were the
By virtue of the lease agreement as stipulated in the only material conditions of the
deed of donation and the amended one, FKI donation of the subject land
continued to possess and use the land. o While the lease for the 2nd 25
years was not fixed in the
2000 Lease Contract
deed of donation and the
2 days prior to the expiration of the deed of donation amended one, both deeds
and the amended one, FKI and MRCF executed nevertheless prescribed rules
another contract of lease. and limitations which should
be complied with- what is
Parties agreed with conditions of this contract referred here is the 3%
- A new 5 year contract maximum increase of rental
- Annual rents ranging from P 4 million based on the fair market value
(1st year) to P 4.9 million (5th year) of the land
- Contained arbitration clause in
Demand Letters
case of disagreement about the
interpretation, application and - June 1, 2009 MRCF sent the 1 st demand
execution of the lease. letter notifying petitioner of its default
- Board of 3 arbitrators in accordance of and the demand for its settlement
the arbitration laws of the Philippines. (8.394 million), failure to comply would
- Governed by laws of the Philippines mean the termination of the 2005
contract; the letter was received on the
2005 Lease Contract next day.
- Sept 22, 2009 Koppel sent a reply
Created after expiration of the 2000 lease contract
expressing disagreement over the
- Fixed rent of P 4.2 million annually for rental stipulations since they were
5 years excessive and against the mandated
- FKI must make an annual donation of deed of donation and the amended
money to MRCF P3million (1st Year to P one; they offered to pay
3.9 million (5th year) onlyP80,502.79
- Contained arbitration clause in case of - September 25, 2009 MRCF sent the 2 nd
disagreement about the interpretation, demand letter which reiterated the
application and execution of the lease. demand to pay obligations, added that
the failure to do so within 7 days,
Koppel is demanded to vacate the - Found merit on the issues by Koppel – insufficiency
premises less MRCF take legal steps. in demand, and the nullity of the 2005 lease contract
- September 30, 2009, Koppel refused
to comply with the demand and instead
RTC – MRCF appealed to this court
filed a case before the RTC of
Paranaque a complaint for the -Reversed the decisions of the MeTC and ordered the
rescission or cancellation of the eviction of Koppel from the land, pay P9,362,436,
deed of donation and amended penalties and net of 5% withholding tax, atty’s fees
deed of donation against the and costs of suit-
The Ejectment Suit Respondent has complied with the
requirement of demand, in essence the 1 st
- October 5, 2009, MRCF filed an
demand also deemed that they had to
unlawful detainer case against
vacate since failure to comply would mean
Koppel before the MeTC of
the termination of the 2005 lease contract
which meant they had to lease; either way
- November 4, 2009, Koppel filed an
the 2nd demand letter has complied with the
answer with compulsory
requirement of demand.
counterclaim and reiterated its
Petitioner cannot invoke the arbitration
objection to the stipulations in the 2005
clause and at the same time question the
contract for being violative of material
validity of the contract.
conditions of the deed of donation and
2005 lease contract must be sustained since
amended deed of donation
there was no evidence submitted to prove
Used the defense that
its invalidity.
MeTC had no jurisdiction
because the 1st demand
CA - Koppel appealed here –
letter had no demand to
vacate the premises and - Affirmed the decision of the RTC.
therefore refusal to
comply does not give rise SC – Appeal by Koppel
to an action for unlawful
- Sept. 25, 2011 SC issued a TRO staying the
detainer immediate implementation of the decision of the CA.
Even if the MeTC was
able to acquire ISSUE:
jurisdiction, it may not
Whether the 2005 Lease Contract is arbitrable?
exercise the same until
the disagreement RESOLUTION:
between the parties is
1st referred to Yes, all of the arguments are bereft of merit for they
arbitration have erred in overlooking the significance of the
Furthermore, there can arbitration clause incorporated in the 2005 lease
be no ejectment since the contract.
2005 lease contract is
The arbitration clause of the 2005 Lease Contract
void. The donations as stipulates that “any disagreement as to the
part of rentals were interpretation, application or execution of the 2005
simulated as donations Lease Contract ought to be submitted to arbitration.”
contemplated to evade
taxes for being a non- To the mind of this Court, such stipulation is clear
stock and non-profit and is comprehensive enough so as to include
corporation. virtually any kind of conflict or dispute that may
arise from the 2005 Lease Contract including the one
Rulings of MeTC, RTC, and CA that presently besets petitioner and respondent.
MARIA LUISA PARK ASSOCIATION, INC., vs. moved for reconsideration but their motion was
G.R. NO. 171763: June 5, 2009 Aggrieved, the respondents questioned the dismissal
of their complaint in a petition for certiorari and
FACTS: prohibition before the Court of Appeals. The Court of
Appeals granted the petition.
On February 6, 2002, respondents Samantha Marie
T. Almendras and Pia Angela T. Almendras ISSUE:
purchased from MRO Development Corporation a
Whether there is no other relief and remedy
residential lot located in Maria Luisa Estate Park,
available to petitioner to avert the conduct of a void
Banilad, Cebu City. After some time, respondents
proceeding than the present recourse.
filed with petitioner Maria Luisa Park Association,
Incorporated (MLPAI) an application to construct a RULING:
residential house which was approved.
No. The terms of Article XII of the MLPAI by-laws
Upon ocular inspection of the house, MLPAI found clearly express the intention of the parties to bring
out that respondents violated the prohibition against first to the arbitration process all disputes between
multi-dwelling stated in MLPAI's Deed of Restriction. them before a party can file the appropriate action.
Consequently, MLPAI sent a letter to the The agreement to submit all disputes to arbitration is
respondents, demanding that they rectify the a contract. As such, the arbitration agreement binds
structure; otherwise, it will be constrained to forfeit the parties thereto, as well as their assigns and
respondents' construction bond and impose stiffer heirs. Respondents, being members of MLPAI, are
penalties. bound by its by-laws, and are expected to abide by it
in good faith.
Respondents filed with the Regional Trial Court of
Cebu City a complaint for Injunction, Declaratory IN THE INSTANT CASE, we observed that while
Relief, Annulment of Provisions of Articles and By- both parties exchanged correspondence pertaining to
Laws with Prayer for Issuance of a Temporary the alleged violation of the Deed of Restriction, they,
Restraining Order (TRO)/Preliminary Injunction. however, made no earnest effort to resolve their
differences in accordance with the arbitration clause
MLPAI moved for the dismissal of the complaint on
provided for in their by-laws. Mere exchange of
the ground of lack of jurisdiction and failure to
correspondence will not suffice much less satisfy the
comply with the arbitration clause provided for in
requirement of arbitration.
MLPAI's by-laws.
Arbitration being the mode of settlement between
The trial court dismissed the complaint for lack of
the parties expressly provided for in their by-laws,
jurisdiction, holding that it was the Housing and Land
the same should be respected. Unless an arbitration
Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) that has original and
agreement is such as absolutely to close the doors of
exclusive jurisdiction over the case. Respondents
the courts against the parties, the courts should look
with favor upon such amicable arrangements.
PUROMINES, INC., petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEAL Facts: Puromines, Inc. and Makati Agro
and PHILIPP BROTHERS OCEANIC, INC., Trading, Inc. entered into a contract with private
respondents. respondents Philipp Brothers Oceanic, Inc. for the
G.R. No. 91228. March 22, 1993 sale of prilled Urea in bulk. The Sales Contract
provided, among others an arbitration clause
which states, thus:
"9. Arbitration - Any disputes arising under this Consequently, it is bound by the provisions and
contract shall be settled by arbitration in London in terms of the said bill of lading and of the arbitration
accordance with the Arbitration Act 1950 and any clause incorporated in the sales contract.
statutory amendment or modification thereof. XXXX"
Responsibility to third persons for goods shipped on
The shipment covered by 3 bills of lading was loaded board a vessel follows the vessel's possession and
on MV Liliana Dimitrova with Philipp Brothers as employment. Assuming the cause of action is based
charterer of said vessel. When the shipment covered on contract of carriage, it must be first determined
by Bill of Lading 1 and 3 were discharged in Manila, what kind of charter party had with the ship owner
it was found to be in bad order and condition, caked, to determine liability.
hardened and lumpy, discoloured and contaminated
with rust and dirt. If it is a contract of affreightment, the charterer is
not liable as possession is still with owner. If it is a
Puromines filed a complaint with the Trial charter of demise or bareboat, then the charterer is
Court for breach of contract of carriage against liable as it is considered the owner and therefore
Maritime, as ship-agent and Philipp Brothers, would be liable for damage or loss.
as charterer.
In any case, whether the liability of respondent
Philipp filed a motion to dismiss on the ground that should be based on the same contract or that of the
Petitioner should comply with the arbitration clause bill of lading, the parties are nevertheless obligated
in the sales contract. Puromines opposed contending to respect the arbitration provisions on the sales
that the sales contract does not include contract of contract and/or the bill of lading. Petitioner being a
carriage, therefore, the latter is not covered by the signatory and party to the sales contract cannot
agreement on arbitration. escape from his obligation under the arbitration
clause as stated therein.
Issue: Whether or not the arbitration clause in the
sales contract covers claims for violations of contract Arbitration has been held valid and constitutional.
of carriage. The rule now is that unless the agreement is such as
absolutely to close the doors of the courts against
Ruling: the parties, which agreement would be void, the
courts will look with favor upon such amicable
YES. The sales contract is comprehensive enough to
arrangements and will only interfere with great
include claims for damages arising from carriage and
reluctance to anticipate or nullify the action of the
delivery of the goods. Puromines deries its right to
the cargo from the bill of lading which is the contract
of affreightment together with the sales contract. WHEREFORE, petition is hereby DISMISSED and
decision of the court a quo is AFFIRMED.
DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL UPCI instituted a complaint against DENR before the
G.R. No. 212081, 23 February 2015, FIRST Upon motion of UPCI, the case was subsequently
DIVISION, (Perlas-Bernabe, J .) referred to arbitration pursuant to the arbitration
clause of the Consultancy Agreement. The parties
The Special ADR Rules, as far as practicable, should agreed to adopt the CIAC Revised Rules Governing
be made to apply not only to the proceedings on Construction Arbitration (CIAC Rules) to govern the
confirmation but also to the confirmed award’s arbitration proceedings. They further agreed to
execution. submit their respective draft decisions in lieu of
memoranda of arguments on or before April 21,
FACTS: 2010, among others.
The Department of Environment and Natural The Arbitral Award ruled in favor of UPCI. When
Resources (DENR), through the Land Management DENR filed a Motion for Reconsideration before the
Bureau (LMB), entered into an Agreement for RTC, the Arbitral Award was confirmed by the RTC.
Consultancy Services with United Planners The RTC also denied DENR’s motion to quash the
Consultants, Inc. (UPCI) in connection with an LMB's writ of execution of the Arbitral Award. The Court of
project. Under the Consultancy Agreement, DENR Appeals denied DENR’s petition for certiorari,
committed to pay a total contract price of applying the Special Alternative Dispute Resolution
P4,337,141.00. (ADR) Rules.
PHILROCK, INC., petitioner, vs. to include the issue of damages therein,' whereas
CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ARBITRATION the true reason for the withdrawal of the case from
COMMISSION and Spouses VICENTE and NELIA the CIAC was due to Philrock's opposition to the
CID, respondents. inclusion of its seven officers and engineers, who did
not give their consent to arbitration, as party
FACTS: Private respondents, filed a Complaint for defendants
damages against Philrock and seven of its officers
and engineers with the Regional Trial Court of Respondent : manifested that she was willing to
Quezon City, Branch 82. The trial court issued an exclude the seven officers and engineers of Philrock
Order dismissing the case and referring the same to as parties to the case so as to facilitate or expedite
the CIAC because the Cid spouses and Philrock had the proceedings.
filed an Agreement to Arbitrate with the CIAC.
Preliminary conferences were held among the parties The Arbitral Tribunal denied Philrock's request for the
and their appointed arbitrators. At these suspension of the proceedings. The parties then
conferences, disagreements arose as to: proceeded to finalize, approve and sign the Terms of
Reference. Philrock's counsel and representative,
1) whether moral and exemplary damages and tort Atty. Pericles C. Consunji affixed his signature to said
should be included as an issue along with breach of Terms of Reference which stated that 'the parties
contract, and agree that their differences be settled by an Arbitral
2) whether the seven officers and engineers of
Philrock who are not parties to the Agreement to
Arbitrate should be included in the arbitration
proceedings. On September 12, 1995, [P]etitioner Philrock filed its
Motion to Dismiss, alleging therein that the CIAC had
No common ground could be reached by the parties, lost jurisdiction to hear the arbitration case due to
hence, on April 2, 1994, both the Cid spouses and the parties' withdrawal of their consent to arbitrate.
Philrock requested that the case be remanded to the The motion was denied. public respondent ordered
trial court. the parties to appear before it on November 28,
1995 for the continuation of the arbitral proceedings,
On June 13, 1995, The trial court declared that it no and on February 7, 1996, public respondent directed
longer had jurisdiction over the case and ordered the [P]etitioner Philrock to set two hearing dates in the
records of the case to be remanded anew to the month of February to present its evidence and to pay
CIAC for arbitral proceedings. the CIAC resumed all fees assessed by it, otherwise Philrock would be
conducting preliminary conferences. On August 21, deemed to have waived its right to present evidence
1995, herein [P]etitioner Philrock requested to
suspend the proceedings until the court clarified its Judgment is rendered in favor of the Claimant,
ruling in the Order dated June 13, 1995 directing Respondent to pay.
Petioner : Philrock argued that said Order was based Before the CA, petitioner filed a Petition for Review,
on a mistaken premise that 'the proceedings in the docketed as CA-GR SP No. 42443, contesting the
CIAC fell through because of the refusal of Philrock jurisdiction of the CIAC and assailing the propriety of
the monetary awards in favor of respondent spouses. Petitioner claims, on the other hand, that this
This Petition was consolidated by the CA with CA-GR Agreement was withdrawn by respondents on April
SP No. 39781, a Petition for Certiorari earlier 8, 1994, because of the exclusion of the seven
elevated by petitioner questioning the jurisdiction of engineers of petitioners in the arbitration case. This
the CIAC. contention is untenable. First, private respondents
removed the obstacle to the continuation of the
ISSUE: Whether or not the CIAC could take arbitration, precisely by withdrawing their objection
jurisdiction over the case of Respondent Cid spouses to the exclusion of the seven engineers. Second,
against Petitioner Philrock after the case had been petitioner continued participating in the arbitration
dismissed by both the RTC and the CIAC. even after the CIAC Order had been issued.
HELD: Section 4 of Executive Order 1008 expressly Finally, as pointed out by the solicitor general,
vests in the CIAC original and exclusive jurisdiction petitioner maneuvered to avoid the RTC’s final
over disputes arising from or connected with resolution of the dispute by arguing that the regular
construction contracts entered into by parties that court also lost jurisdiction after the arbitral tribunal’s
have agreed to submit their dispute to voluntary April 13, 1994 Order referring the case back to the
arbitration. It is undisputed that the parties RTC. After submitting itself to arbitration proceedings
submitted themselves to the jurisdiction of the and actively participating therein, petitioner is
Commission by virtue of their Agreement to Arbitrate estopped from assailing the jurisdiction of the CIAC,
dated November 24, 1993. Signatories to the merely because the latter rendered an adverse
Agreement were Atty. Ismael J. Andres and Perry Y. decision.
Uy (president of Philippine Rock Products, Inc.) for
petitioner, and Nelia G. Cid and Atty. Esteban A.
Bautista for respondent spouses
Fruehauf Electronic Philippines Corportion vs The contract also authorized TEAM to sublease the
Technology Electronics Assembly and property. TEAM subleased the property to Capitol
Management Pacific Corporation Publishing House (Capitol). TEAM informed Fruehauf
that it would not be renewing the lease. However,
Capitol only vacated the premises on March 5, 2005.
Facts: Fruehauf Electronics Philippines Corp. Fruehauf instituted SP Proc. No. 11449 before the
(Fruehauf) leased several parcels of land in Pasig Regional Trial Court (RTC) for "Submission of an
City to Signetics Filipinas Corporation (Signetics) for Existing Controversy for Arbitration." Accordingly,
a period of 25 years in which Signetics constructed a the parties are obliged to submit the
factory. Eventually, Signetics ceased its operation. dispute to arbitration pursuant to the stipulation in
Team Holdings Limited (THL) bought Signetics. THL the lease contract. The arbitral tribunal awarded
Fruehauf: (1) 8.2 million pesos as (the balance of)
later changed its name to Technology Electronics
unpaid rent from June 9, 2003 until March 5, 2005;
Assembly and Management Pacific Corp. (TEAM).
and (2) 46.8 million pesos as damages.
Fruehauf fied an unlawful detainer case against Nevertheless, the award of rent and damages was
TEAM. In an effort to amicably settle the dispute, without prejudice to TEAM's right to seek redress
both parties executed a Memorandum of Agreement from its sub-lessee, Capitol. TEAM moved for
(MOA) on June 9, 1988. reconsideration which the tribunal denied.
Under the MOA, TEAM undertook to pay Fruehauf Thus, TEAM petitioned the RTC to partially vacate or
14.7 million pesos as unpaid rent they also entered a modify the arbitral award. It argued that the tribunal
15-year lease contract (expiring on June 9, 2003) failed to properly appreciate the facts and the terms
that was renewable for another 25 years upon of the lease contract.
mutual agreement. The contract included an
arbitration agreement: RTC:
“In the event of any dispute or disagreement TC found insufficient legal grounds under Sections 24
between the parties hereto involving the and 25 of the Arbitration Law to modify or vacate the
interpretation or implementation of any provision of award. It denied the petition and CONFIRMED the
this Contract of Lease, the dispute or disagreement arbitral award.
shall be referred to arbitration by a three (3)
member arbitration committee, one member to be TEAM filed a Notice of Appeal however, RTC refused
appointed by the LESSOR, another member to be to give due course to the Notice of Appeal because
appointed by the LESSEE, and the third member to according to Section 29 of the Arbitration Law, an
be appointed by these two members. The arbitration ordinary appeal under Rule 41 is not the proper
shall be conducted in accordance with the Arbitration mode of appeal against an order confirming an
Law (R.A. No. 876)” arbitral award. TEAM moved for reconsideration but
the RTC denied. Thus, TEAM filed a petition for
certiorari before the CA.
CA: The CA initially dismissed the petition. It vacating, correcting or modifying an arbitral award
concluded that the appeal contemplated under the but a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45.
law is an appeal by certiorari limited only to Fruehauf inconsistently argues that the remedies
questions of law. against an arbitral award are (1) a petition to vacate
the award, (2) a petition for review under Rule 43
The CA continued that TEAM failed to substantiate its raising questions of fact, of law, or mixed questions
claim as to the "evident miscalculation of figures." It of fact and law, or (3) a petition for certiorari under
further held that disagreement with the arbitrators' Rule 65.
factual determinations and legal conclusions does not
empower courts to amend or overrule arbitral Issues:
However, the CA amended its decision on 1.Whether or not Arbitral Tribunals are quasi-judcial
reconsideration. The CA REVERSED AND SET ASIDE bodies.
the arbitral award and DISMISSED the arbitral 2. Whether or not a losing party is allowed to appeal
complaint for lack of merit. from the arbitral award.
3. Whether or not a losing party can resort to
TEAM’s arguments: TEAM maintained that it was certiorari under Rule 65.
appealing the RTC's order denying its petition to
partially vacate/modify the award, not the arbitral Ruling: 1. No, an Arbitral Tribunal does not exercise
award itself.
quasi-judicial powers. Quasi-judicial bodies can only
exercise such powers and jurisdiction as are
Citing Rule 41, Section 13 of the Rules of Court, the
expressly or by necessary implication conferred upon
RTC's authority to dismiss the appeal is limited to
them by their enabling statutes.
instances when it was filed out of time or when the
appellant fails to pay the docket fees within the
Like courts, a quasi-judicial body's jurisdiction
reglementary period. TEAM further maintained that
over a subject matter is conferred by law and
the RTC gravely abused its discretion by confirming
exists independently from the will of the
the Arbitral Tribunal's award when it evidently had
parties. Quasi-judicial bodies are creatures of
legal and factual errors,
law. The arbitral tribunal acquires jurisdiction
miscalculations, and ambiguities.
over the parties and the subject matter
through stipulation and so they are creatures of
TEAM argued that an ordinary appeal under Rule 41 contract.
was the proper remedy against the RTC's order
confirming, modifying, correcting, or vacating an The Court in ABS-CBN vs World Interactive Network
arbitral award. Systems Case opined that a voluntary arbitrator is a
"quasi-judicial instrumentality" of the government.
It argued that Rule 42 was not available because the The ABS-CBN Case pronounced that the losing party
order denying its motion to vacate was not rendered in an arbitration proceeding may avail of three
in the exercise of the RTC's appellate jurisdiction. alternative remedies: (1) a petition to vacate the
Further, Rule 43 only applies to decisions of quasi- arbitral award before the RTC; (2) a petition for
judicial bodies. Finally, an appeal under Rule 45 to review with the CA under Rule 43 of the Rules of
the Supreme Court would preclude it from raising Court raising questions of fact, of law, or of both;
questions of fact or mixed questions of fact and law. and (3) a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 should
TEAM reiterates that it "disagreed with the arbitral the arbitrator act beyond its jurisdiction or with
award mainly on questions of fact and not only on grave abuse of discretion.
questions of law," specifically, "on factual matters
relating to specific provisions in the contract on However, such is only an obiter dicta because the
ownership of structures and improvements thereon, pronouncements as to the remedies against an
and the improper award of rentals and penalties. arbitral award were unnecessary for their resolution.
Even assuming that it availed of the wrong mode of The lis mota of the case being the RTC's jurisdiction
appeal, TEAM posits that its appeal should still have over an appeal from an arbitral award.
been given due course in the interest of substantial
justice. The ABS-CBN Case committed the classic
However, it maintains that Section 29 of the fallacy of equivocation . It equated the term
Arbitration Law does not foreclose other legal "voluntary arbitrator" used in Rule 43, Section 1 with
remedies (aside from an appeal by certiorari) against the term "arbitrator/arbitration tribunal." Notably, all
the RTC's order confiming or vacating an arbitral of the cases cited in the ABS-CBN Case involved
award labor disputes.
The term " Voluntary Arbitrator " does not refer to an
ordinary " arbitrator " who voluntarily agreed to
Fruehauf’s arguments: Fruehauf argues that resolve a dispute. It is a technical term with a
courts do not have the power to substitute their specific definition under the Labor Code
judgment for that of the arbitrators.
It also insists that an ordinary appeal is not the Rule 43, Section 1 enumerates quasi-judicial
proper remedy against an RTC's order confirming, tribunals whose decisions are appealable to the CA
instead of the RTC. But where legislation provides for The Special ADR Rules allow the RTC to correct or
an appeal from decisions of certain Administrative modify an arbitral award pursuant to Section 25 of
bodies to the CA, it means that such bodies are co- the Arbitration Law. However, this authority cannot
equal with the RTC in terms of rank and stature, be interpreted as jurisdiction to review the merits of
logically placing them beyond the control of the the award.
latter. However, arbitral tribunals and the RTC are
not 3. No, a losing party is likewise precluded from
co-equal bodies because the RTC is authorized to resorting to certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of
conCrm or to vacate (but not reverse) arbitral Court. Certiorari is a prerogative writ designed to
awards. correct errors of jurisdiction committed by a judicial
or quasi-judicial body.
If we were to deem arbitrators as included in the
scope of Rule 43, we would effectively place it on Because an arbitral tribunal is not a government
equal footing with the RTC and remove arbitral organ exercising judicial or quasi-judicial powers, it
awards from the scope of RTC review. is removed from the ambit of Rule 65.
2. The right to an appeal is neither a natural right Lastly, the Special ADR Rules are a self-contained
nor an indispensable component of due process; it is body of rules. The parties cannot invoke remedies
a mere statutory privilege that cannot be invoked in and other provisions from the Rules of Court unless
the absence of an enabling statute. Neither the they were incorporated in the Special ADR Rules.
Arbitration Law nor the ADR Law allows a losing Contrary to TEAM'S position, the Special ADR Rules
party to appeal from the arbitral award. The actually forecloses against other remedies outside of
statutory absence of an appeal mechanism reflects itself. Thus, a losing party cannot assail an arbitral
the State's policy of upholding the autonomy of award through a petition for review under Rule 43 or
arbitration proceedings and their corresponding a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 because these
arbitral awards. remedies are not specifically permitted in the Special
ADR Rules.
Nonetheless, an arbitral award is not absolute. Rule In sum, the only remedy against a Cnal
19.10 of the Special ADR Rules — by referring to domestic arbitral award is to Cle petition to
Section 24 of the Arbitration Law and Article 34 of vacate or to modify/correct the award not later
the 1985 Model Law — The grounds for than thirty (30) days from the receipt of the
Vacating a domestic arbitral award under Section 24 award.
of the Arbitration Law contemplate the following
scenarios: Unless a ground to vacate has been
(a) when the award is procured by corruption, fraud, established, the RTC must confirm the arbitral
or other undue means; or award as a matter of course. The remedies
(b) there was evident partiality or corruption in the against an order confirming, vacating, correcting, or
arbitrators or any of them; or modifying an arbitral award. Once the RTC orders
(c) the arbitrators were guilty of misconduct that the confirmation, vacation, or correction/modification
materially prejudiced the rights of any party; or of a domestic arbitral award, the aggrieved party
may move for reconsideration within a non-
(d) the arbitrators exceeded their powers, or so extendible period of fifteen (15) days from receipt of
imperfectly executed them, that a mutual, final and the order.
definite award upon the subject matter submitted to
them was not made. The losing party may also opt to appeal from
the RTC's ruling instead. Under the Arbitration
The award may also be vacated if an arbitrator who Law, the mode of appeal was via petition for
was disqualified to act willfully refrained from review on certiorari. The Arbitration Law did
disclosing his disqualification to the parties. not specify which Court had jurisdiction to
entertain the appeal but left the matter to be
Notably, none of these grounds pertain to the governed by the Rules of Court. As the appeal
correctness of the award but relate to the was limited to questions of law and was
misconduct of arbitrators. described as " certiorari proceedings," the
These grounds for vacating an arbitral award are mode of appeal can be interpreted as an Appeal
exclusive. Under the ADR Law, courts are obliged to by Certiorari to this Court under Rule 45
disregard any other grounds invoked to set aside an
award. As established earlier, an arbitral award is The correctness or incorrectness of the arbitral
not appealable via Rule 43 because: award We have deliberately refrained from passing
(1) there is no statutory basis for an appeal from the upon the merits of the arbitral award — not because
Cnal award of arbitrators; (2) arbitrators are not the award was erroneous — but because it would be
quasi-judicial bodies; and (3) the Special ADR Rules improper. None of the grounds to vacate an arbitral
specifically prohibit the filing of an appeal to question award are present in this case and as already
the merits of an arbitral award. established, the merits of the award cannot be
reviewed by the courts.
Chung Fu Industries (Phils) v. Court of Appeals May 17, 1989: petitioner Chung Fu Industries and
private respondents Roblecor Philippines forged a
FACTS: construction agreement wherein Roblecor committed
to construct and finish on Dec. 31, 1989, Chung Fu’s Hence, this petition to the Supreme Court
industrial/factory complex in Tanawan, Cavite in
consideration of P42M ISSUES:
1. WON the subject arbitration award is
It was stipulated also that in the event of disputes, beyond the ambit of the court’s power of judicial
the parties will be subjected to an arbitration review
resolution, wherein the arbitrator will be chosen by 2. WON respondent court committed grave
both parties abuse of discretion
Chung Fu elevated the case to CA which denied the DECISION: petition granted. Case remanded to the
petition court of origin for further hearing
In GR No. 161957, the Court had held that the DENR Arbitration may even be ordered in the same suit
Panel of Arbitrators had no jurisdiction over the brought upon a matter covered by an arbitration
complaint for the annulment of the Addendum agreement even without waiting for the outcome of
Contract on grounds of fraud and violation of the the issue of the validity of the arbitration agreement.
Constitution and that the action should have been
brought before the regular courts as it involved Art. 8 of the UNCITRAL Model Law states that where
judicial issues. a court before which an action is brought in a matter
which is subject of an arbitration agreement refers
Both parties filed separate motions for the parties to arbitration, the arbitral proceedings
reconsideration. Gonzales averred that the DENR may proceed even while the action is pending.
Panel of Arbitrators has jurisdiction because the case
involves a mining dispute that properly falls within ISSUE
the ambit of the Panel’s authority. On the other Whether the question of validity of the Addendum
hand, Climax Mining Ltd., et al., citing American Contract affects the applicability or enforceability of
jurisprudence and the UNCITRAL Model Law, argued the arbitration clause contained therein
that the arbitration clause in the Addendum Contract
should be treated as an agreement independent of HELD
the other terms of the contract, and that a claimed NO. The doctrine of separability, or severability as
rescission of the main contract does not avoid the other writers call it, enunciates that an arbitration
duty to arbitrate. agreement is independent of the main contract. The
arbitration agreement is to be treated as a separate
In GR No. 167994, Gonzales challenged the order of agreement and the arbitration agreement does not
the RTC requiring him to proceed with the arbitration automatically terminate when the contract of which it
proceedings which was sought by Climax-Arimco is part comes to an end.
while the complaint for the nullification of the
Addendum Contract was pending before the DENR The separability of the arbitration agreement is
Panel of Arbitrators. Gonzales argued that the especially significant to the determination of whether
Addendum Contract was void, thus the arbitration the invalidity of the main contract also nullifies the
clause contained therein was likewise void ab initio. arbitration clause. Indeed, the doctrine denotes that
He contended that any issue as to the nullity, the invalidity of the main contract, also referred to
inoperativeness, or incapability of performance of the as the container contract, does not affect the validity
arbitration clause/agreement raised by one of the of the arbitration agreement. Irrespective of the fact
parties to the alleged arbitration agreement must be that the main contract is invalid, the arbitration
determined by the court prior to referring them to clause/agreement still remains valid and enforceable.
The separability of the arbitration clause is confirmed
However, Climax-Arimco countered that Gonzales’s in Art. 16(1) of the UNCITRAL Model Law and Art.
attack on or repudiation of the Addendum Contract is 21(2) of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules.
not a ground to deny effect to the arbitration clause
in the Contract. Section 2, par. 1 of RA 876 itself The SC held in Manila Electric Co. v. Pasay
considers the arbitration stipulation an independent Transportation Co. that a submission to arbitration is
contract in its own right whose enforcement may be a contract. A clause in a contract providing that all
prevented only on grounds which legally make the matters in dispute between the parties shall be
arbitration agreement itself revocable. referred to arbitration is a contract, and in Del Monte
Corporation-USA v. Court of Appeals, that “[t]he
Likewise, Climax-Arimco emphasized that in Sec. 24 provision to submit to arbitration any dispute arising
of RA 9285, the court, instead of trying the case, therefrom and the relationship of the parties is part
may, on request of either or both parties, refer the of that contract and is itself a contract.
parties to arbitration, unless it finds that the
arbitration agreement is null and void, inoperative or As a rule, contracts are respected as the law
incapable of being performed. between the contracting parties and produce effect
as between them, their assigns and heirs.”
Fiesta World Mall vs Lindberg “energy fees” to be computed in accordance with the
the Contract,
Fiesta World Mall Corporation, petitioner, owns and
operates Fiesta World Mall respondent, is a
corporation that builds and operates power plants.
The complaint further alleges that respondent
constructed the power plant in Lipa City at a cost of
respondent filed with the Regional Trial Court (RTC), about P130,000,000.00. the power plant became
a Complaint against petitioner,. The complaint operational and started supplying power/electricity to
alleges , petitioner and respondent executed a petitioner’s shopping mall in LipaCity. respondent
contract, Under this Contract, respondent will started billing petitionerpetitioner’s unpaid obligation
construct, at its own cost, and operate as owner a amounted to P15,241,747.58, exclusive of interest.
power plant,and to supply petitioner However, petitioner questioned the said amount and
power/electricity at its shopping mall in Lipa City. refused to pay despite respondent’s repeated
Petitioner, on the other hand, will pay respondent demands.
the appellate court rendered its Decision dismissing
petitioner specifically denied the allegations in the the petition and affirming the challenged Orders of
complaint, claiming that respondent failed to fulfill its the trial court.
obligations under the Contract by failing to supply all
its power/fuel needs. From November 10, 1998until Petitioner’s Motion for Reconsideration of the above
May 21, 1999, petitioner personally shouldered the Decision was likewise denied by the appellate court .
cost of fuel. Petitioner also disputed the amount of
energy fees specified in the billings made by Hence, the instant Petition for Review on Certiorari.
respondent because the latter failed to monitor,
measure, and record the quantities of electricity
deliveredby taking photographs of the electricity The sole issue for our resolution is whether the filing
meter reading prior to the issuance of its invoices with the trial court of respondent’s complaint is
and billings, also in violation of the Contract.[5] premature.
Moreover, in the computation of the electrical
billings, the minimum off-take of energy (E2) was Paragraph 7.4 of the Contract, quoted earlier,
based solely on theprojected consumption as mandates that should petitioner dispute any amount
computedby respondent. However, based on of energy fees in the invoice and billings made by
petitioner’s actual experience, it could not consume respondent, the same “shall be resolved by
the energy pursuant to the minimum off-take even if arbitration of three (3) persons, one (1) by mutual
it kept open all its lights and operated all its choice, while the other two (2) to be each chosen by
machinery and equipment for twenty-four hours a the parties themselves.” The parties, in
day for a month. This fact was admitted by incorporating such agreement in their Contract,
respondent. While both parties had discussions on expressly intended that the said matter in dispute
the questioned billings, however, “there were no must first be resolved by an arbitration panel before
earnest efforts to resolve the differences in it reaches the court. They made such arbitration
accordance with the arbitration clause provided for in mandatory.
the Contract.”
It is clear from the records that petitioner disputed
the amount of energy fees demanded by respondent.
Finally, as a special affirmative defense in its answer, However, respondent, without prior recourse to
petitioner alleged that respondent’s filing of the arbitration as required in the Contract, filed directly
complaint ispremature and should be dismissed on with the trial court its complaint, thus violating the
the ground of non-compliance with paragraph 7.4 of arbitration clause in the Contract.
the Contract which provides:
It bears stressing that such arbitration agreement is
the disputed amount shall be resolved by arbitration the law between the parties. Since that agreement
of three (3) persons, one (1) by mutual choice, while is binding between them, they are expected to abide
the other two (2) to be each chosen by the parties by it in good faith Thus, it is well within petitioner’s
themselves right to demand recourse to arbitration.
Thereafter, petitioner filed a Motion to Set Case for respondent cannot directly seek judicial recourse by
Preliminary Hearing on the ground that respondent filing an action against petitioner simply because
violated the arbitration clause , thereby rendering its both failed to settle their differences amicably.
cause of action premature. Suffice it to state that there is nothing in the
Contract providing that the parties may dispense
with the arbitration clause. Article XXI on
This was opposed by respondent, claiming that jurisdiction cited by respondent, i.e., that “the
paragraph 7.4 of the Contract on arbitration is not parties hereto submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of
the provision applicable to this case; and that since the proper courts of Pasig City” merely provides for
the parties failed to settle their dispute, then the venue of any action arising out of or in
respondent may resort to court action pursuant to connection with the stipulations of the parties in the
paragraph17.2 of the same Contract which provides: Contract.
In a rejoinder, BF reiterated that there was no The Court of Appeals granted the petition and
arbitration clause in the contract bewtween the annulled and set aside the orders and stayed the
parties. It averred that if there was an arbitration proceedings in the lower court.
clause, suspension of the proceedings was no longer
proper and that defendants should be declared in According to the contract the project manager and
default for failure to answer within the reglementary the contractor should coordinate with the owner,
period. should there be failure to resolve differences, dispute
shall be submitted for arbitration.
Although it was only the initials of Bayani Fernando from several different writings which do not conflict
and De La Cruz present and none from Shang, it with each other and which, when connected, show
does not affect its effectivity. BF categorically the parties, subject matter, terms and consideration,
admitted that the document is the agreement as in contracts entered into by correspondence.
bewtween the parties, the initial signature of BF
representative to signify conformity to arbitration is A contract may be encompassed in several
no longer necessary. The parties should be allowed instruments even though every instrument is not
to submit their dispute to arbitration in accordance signed by the parties, since it is sufficient if the
with their agreement. unsigned instruments are clearly identified or
Demand for arbitration was made within a referred to and made part of the signed instrument
reasonable time after the dispute has arisen and or instruments. Similarly, a written agreement of
attempts to settle amicably has failed. This was which there are two copies, one signed by each of
evidenced by the fact that such demands were acted the parties, is binding on both to the same extent as
upon only months. Jul 12 conference > Jul 14 Shang though there had been only one copy of the
complaint against BF > Aug 13 Request for agreement and both had signed it.
WON the parties entered into an arbitrary agreement
Yes, according to Sec 4 of R.A. 876 a
contract to arbitrate a controversy thereafter arising
between the parties, as well as a submission to
arbitrate an existing controversy, shall be in writing
and subscribed by the party sought to be charged, or
by his lawful agent.
The making of a contract or submission for
arbitration described in section two hereof, providing
for arbitration of any controversy, shall be deemed a
consent of the parties of the province or city where
any of the parties resides, to enforce such contract
of submission. (Underscoring supplied.)