Tepid Sponge/Cold Sponge
Tepid Sponge/Cold Sponge
Tepid Sponge/Cold Sponge
- Tepid sponging or cold sponging is a general application of moist cold liquid to cool skin, by
evaporation and by the absorption of body heat in the cold water.
- Tepid sponge is a process of sponging with tepid water to reduce body temperature by
evaporation. The temperature of water used for tepid sponge is 80-90 degree F.
- Tepid sponge helps to reduce the temperature between 102 and 102.8 degree F.
- Cold sponge helps reduce the temperature of above 103 degree F.
- To stimulate circulation
- To decrease toxicity
- Nervousness and delirium
- To soothe the nerves and promote sleep
1. Check
- The doctors order for any specific instructions
- General condition and diagnosis
- Self-care ability of the patient
- Assess the duration of application
- For contraindication to cold application
- Articles available in the unit
- Remove the sponge clothes from the axilla and groin. Discard it in kidney tray
- Dry the body with bath towel
- Remove the Mackintosh and draw sheet
- Replace the gown and remove the bath blanket
- Observe for any symptoms of chill or any other abnormality
- If needed give him hot drinks
- Position the patient comfortably in the bed
- Replace the articles after cleaning
- Wash hands
- Record the procedure in the nurse’s record sheet and vital signs in TPR sheet