Why Do We Need A Sex/Gender Distinction?
Why Do We Need A Sex/Gender Distinction?
Why Do We Need A Sex/Gender Distinction?
What the three things that you significantly learned from the reading?
Before reading the article, I used to lack knowledge about the big difference between sex and
gender but after reading the article I learned that sex mostly pertains to the chromosomes and
genitalia that being male and female, while gender on the other hand has more of an
psychological and cultural rather roots than biological. It's more on if you are more feminine or
masculine rather than male or female, you can be a male but still be more feminine and the other
way around.
I also learned that whatever your sex is, your gender is totally independent, it is assumed that
sex also determines your masculinity or femininity which is wrong because sex only looks at the
biological aspect while gender measure if you are masculine or feminine no matter what your sex
Lastly, I learned that in the society we live in there is a pre-existing ideology that most people
assume your gender based on your sex. I think that if your gender is already assumed by your
sex, then it has no point because many of us are so used to sex-type stereotyping which we
What are the three things about the reading that are unclear to you?
The comparison of a mother, and its roles after her son has been born and sex and gender, I
think these two are a bad example as I had a hard time understanding. I think the role and
responsibility of a mother is already given because it is something you take on when you can and
if you are capable unlike sex and gender you can’t just choose whatever and whenever.
Is gender distinction of a child based on his sex is normal,? I think that yes if a male child was
born then it is a duty of a parent to nurture and guide them to whatever path he’s going to walk
and that includes his gender identity if he’s showing interest and sign of the opposite then guide
him. But forcing a male child to become a manly man when it’s clear that he is showing sign of
the opposite attraction then it shouldn’t be considered as a bad thing and it just shows how much
It has been stated that objection of sex is not simply biological? However, it is the main and most
common definition of sex especially in this kind of topic and it is very unclear and lack information
because for me that’s the only explanation for sex, the biological feature of a person his or her
What are the three questions that you want to ask about the reading?
Do you think that the gender construct should be dealt with?, in the society that we live in
currently there is a lack of awareness on the issue. Many are still insensitive and not aware. As
more people opened to it and paid attention it became clear that the old social construct needs to
be changed.
Do you think that humans need more education on the topic to help them understand more about
gender? Because I think some of the youths are confused about it and needs guidance to bring