ICSE Class 10 Notes: United Nations Organisation and Its Major Agencies
ICSE Class 10 Notes: United Nations Organisation and Its Major Agencies
ICSE Class 10 Notes: United Nations Organisation and Its Major Agencies
Major Agencies
The Editor
50 members who took part in the San Francisco Conference, signed and approved
the Charter and became the original members of the United Nations.
All Peace-loving Nations can be admitted to the UN. These countries are admitted by
the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council by a 2/3rd
majority of votes. It should be noted that India was one of those 50 members who
took part in the Conference and has been an active participant in all the peace-
keeping endeavours of the UN.
All the members of the UN are members of the General Assembly. Each state has 5
representatives in the General Assembly, but each State has only one vote.
The regular session of the General Assembly begins each year on the 3rd Tuesday
in September and continues usually until the 3rd week of December.
At the beginning of each regular session, the Assembly elects a new President, 21
Vice-Presidents and the Chairmen of the Assembly’s six main committees.
The Presidency of the Assembly rotates each year among the five groups of the
States: Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Caribbean and Western
Europe and other States. This rotation of Presidency is done so as to ensure
equitable geographical representation.
Each member of the Security Council has one vote. The permanent members have
the Veto power i.e., a negative vote. However, abstinence for voting does not
amount to a negative vote or a veto.
The Secretariat
It is the chief Administrative Office of the UN. It consists of the Secretary General
and other staff appointed by him. Its main function is to co-ordinate and supervise
the activities of the UN organs. It organises seminars and co-ordinates the work of
the organs and agencies.
Functions of WHO
The functions of WHO are as follows:
Functions of UNESCO
The main functions of UNESCO are as follows: