Perspective On Why Are Suicide Cases On The Rise in This Pandemic?

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Perspective on Why are suicide cases on

the rise in this pandemic?

SOC101 Research Paper

Perspective on Why are suicide cases on the rise in this pandemic?

Course: SOC101

Section: 22


Ishtiaque Hossain Sajid, ID: 1731485030

Nafis Kamal, ID: 2011534630

Ashik uz zaman, ID: 2013841630

Tanha Tasnim Azad, ID: 2011367630

Jannatul Ferdous Efat, ID: 2012431630


Azmat Ara Ahmad (AAA) Ma’am,

Department of Political Science and Sociology,

North South University

Date: 12/01/2021

Table of Contents


Hypothesis and Importance.........................................................................................................4

Literature Review........................................................................................................................4



Data Presentation.............................................................................................................................9

Interview Results.........................................................................................................................9

Survey Results...........................................................................................................................11





Understanding the depth of increase in suicidal rates in the past one year, also with that the state
of depression among the young to young adults, we have decided on to find the reasonings
behind such issues. With that in mind, first we did some secondary research, reviewed the
existing literature. Some interesting facts came up, including how the increase in suicides is a
reality. However, as we found some gaps in understanding the emotions and core problems, we
took on primary research. At first, we progressed with three hypotheses. After conducting
detailed interviews and close ended surveys, two of our hypotheses proved to be true, that is we
found the economic problem to be the main reason people think that others become suicidal. We
also found that rather than other issues like death of closed one, the loneliness and changed
environment further motivates one towards suicide. At last, we also rounded up some possible
remediations with the help of respondents on how to get past the problem in discussion.

Hypothesis and Importance
Mental health is no joke, it is high time the people of our country understand the importance of
mental health. Suicides have increased by a lot around the world. Specially in Japan, the suicide
rate is all time high. In Bangladesh too, there are multiple reports of suicides, and depression
among the urban population is very high. So, our research is to find out the reasons behind such
suicides and try to find out specific reasons behind such trend. The literature available already
have not actually taken Bangladeshi people, teen or students into context while the local
researches have not taken a look into reasons in the recent times.

For our research, we have devised 3 hypotheses.

1. Economic or Financial Problem are the main reason behind suicidal tendency.
2. Not Finding solution to the new normal increases the tendency.
3. People are able to acknowledge suicidal tendency as an issue now.

Literature Review
This paper talks about the recent increase in suicide cases during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Suicide is the act of killing yourself, most often due to depression or other mental illness.
(American Psychological Association, n.d.) Suicide often stems from a deep feeling of
hopelessness. The inability to see solutions to problems or cope with challenging life
circumstances may lead people to see taking their own lives as the only solution to a temporary
situation. Most survivors of suicide attempts go on to live full, rewarding lives. (Psychology
Today, n.d.)

The incidence and mortality of Covid-19 disease have increased dramatically around the world.
The effects of Covid-19 are not limited to physical health but also significantly impact the
mental, social, and economic aspects. Meanwhile, developing and less developed countries like
Bangladesh are arguably experiencing more severe crises than developed countries, with many
small and medium-sized businesses being disrupted and even bankrupt. Consequently, some
individuals' mental health is fragile—some of the psychological consequences reported in India

and Bangladesh, including self-harm due to Covid-19 misinformation. Moreover, mental

pressure can also occur due to a lack of information.

Covid-19 is associated with significant psychological impact across Bangladesh. In the context
of the current Covid-19 pandemic, the risk of being affected by the virus and the relative
insufficiency of global healthcare systems in preventing and managing the virus at the national
scale can generate more substantial stress and severe mental health problems, particularly among
susceptible individuals. (The COVID-19 Pandemic and Serious Psychological Consequences in
Bangladesh: A Population-Based Nationwide Study, 2021)

During the pandemic, people face new social distancing restrictions to curb the Corona Virus
spread; thus, suicide rates increased. Widely reported studies modeling the Covid-19 pandemic's
effect on suicide rates predicted increases ranging from 1% to 145%. Particular emphasis has
been given to the impact of the pandemic on children and young people. Numerous surveys have
highlighted that their mental health has been disproportionately affected relative to older adults.
(John, Pirkis, Gunnell, Appleby & Morrissey, 2020)

Besides, pandemic-related restrains like spatial distancing, isolation, and home quarantine impact
economic sustainability and wellbeing, which may induce physiological mediators such as
sadness, worry, fear, anger, annoyance, frustration, and guilt, hopelessness, loneliness, and
nervousness. These mediators are also distinctive features of physiological suffering that
individuals can experience during and after this pandemic. Without early economic
interventions, such health issues can facilitate suicidal behaviors among some individuals
because of the economic recession, unemployment, and poverty are strongly associated with
severe physiological comorbidities such as suicidal behaviors.

The first published case study of Covid-19 related suicide in Bangladesh raised the possibility of
further suicides. However, suicide occurred due to the fear and xenophobia of Covid-19. More
importantly, The Covid-19 pandemic is causing economic problems for those whose livelihoods
have been affected due to the lockdowns occurring in many countries worldwide, including
Bangladesh. A significant minority of individuals live below the poverty line here. Additionally,
Bangladesh is also ranked as having the second most unemployed graduates among Asia Pacific
countries and a high youth unemployment rate. However, a recent report showed extreme

economic fallout due to the Covid-19 crisis among poor Bangladeshi people. (Bhuiyan, Sakib,
Pakpour, Griffiths & Mamun, 2020)

Furthermore, sufficient food availability, production supply has been disrupted due to the
lockdown. This disruption has led to rising food costs making it difficult for unprivileged
individuals to survive. Consequently, the sudden economic recession has led needy individuals to
contemplate suicide. Globally, it is well established that unemployment, poverty, and economic
distress are associated with suicide, then when there are increases in this, there are increases in
suicide. There are many suicide cases in Bangladesh, and most of them were occurred due to
economic-related issues in this pandemic. (Bhuiyan, Sakib, Pakpour, Griffiths & Mamun, 2020)

Suicide is considered a national epidemic. This rate is increasing every year. Nevertheless,
during this pandemic, it has become even more frightening. At this time, all of us are going
through mental stress due to pandemic related issues. Coronavirus pandemic has changed our
lifestyle and our mental health as well.

Furthermore, it is well known that pandemics pose a threat to mental health. Recent reviews
found an always negative impact of COVID-19 on mental health. Moreover, when these mental
problems take on a broad range, many choose the path of suicide. As we know, suicide is multi-
factorial; there are always going to be several things that come together, like a storm that leads
people to feel hopeless, desperate, and potentially suicidal.

The pandemic has added intense emotional and mental stress to the lives of people. This can lead
anyone to suicidal thoughts. Suicidal thoughts appear when one thinks one cannot cope or
recover from one's mental problems. There are many factors behind having mental stress,
depressions, fear, and anxiety in this current pandemic. ("Are you thinking about suicide, or do
you know someone who is?" 2021) Some factors are given in the following-

• Fear of getting coronavirus.

• Fear of losing loved ones due to corona

• Social isolation

• Financial hardships

• Lack of communications

• Career uncertainty

• Disruption of education

• Anxiety due to working in a high-risk environment

• Can not be able to cope with new normal

• Worry about losing the job, business

• Worry about how they will able to provide basic needs for themself and their family

• Family violence

• PTSD after the sudden death of a loved one to corona or another illness

Before Covid-19, suicide was already a leading cause of death among teenagers and youths.
However, this suicide rate becomes higher during this pandemic. Social alienation is affecting
them badly. They feel isolated from their communities, friends, and loved ones. They cannot
share their feelings and feel burdened. Alternatively, some severe stressors like family problems,
someone getting sick, or unstable home life can make them more vulnerable to depression,
anxiety, and other mental health issues. Also, the level of uncertainty, not knowing what will
come next, makes them more hopeless.

During Covid-19 restrictions, many teenagers and young people turned to the internet and social
media to connect. Some became engaged in destructive virtual relationships as they spent more
time online. For many reasons that mostly relate to cybercrimes, betrayal in virtual relationships,
and personal conflict with friends, they commit suicide. Moreover, some cases have happened in
the last few months. ("Social alienation triggers suicidal tendencies among adolescents," 2021)

The increasing suicide rate is a growing concern during this pandemic. Even psychiatrists state
that the world is experiencing a mental health pandemic. Therefore, it has become significant to
talk about this topic. Although people keep their mental problems under wraps, we should bring
these issues to the fore, especially in this challenging time where everyone is suffering from
mental problems.

To understand the perspectives behind Perspective on "Why are suicide cases on the rise in this
pandemic? " we have conducted both primary and secondary research.

For primary research, we have conducted 10 interviews. Each interview had a set of 5 questions,
and we made sure that all of the participants answered the same questions. Since the questions
were open-ended, the answers gave us new insights relating to the case. With the answers' help,
we formulated a survey questionnaire with 10 close-ended questions to narrow down most
perspectives. A total of 75 participants responded to the survey. Both the interviews and survey
were done online, and

Besides the primary research, we have also searched the internet to collect secondary or already
researched data regarding suicides in general, during the pandemic, in Bangladesh, and other

Since such small-scale research cannot filter the samples carefully, i.e., selecting only the
suicidal persons to understand the reasons for such tendencies better, we can only assume. Our
research results will only show people's prediction about what they think goes on in a suicidal
person's mind.

We had limited interaction with the participants, so we could not know if they answered the
question, understanding them clearly or randomly.

The participants were more or less the researchers' friends, so they might not answer truthfully;
instead, they chose the options they thought might benefit us.

Data Presentation
Interview Results
Our group has taken ten online interviews and asked five questions to each of them.

Question 1: Which specific reason do you think impacts people to have increased mental
pressure in the pandemic?

We received some different types of reasons, but the most common thing that was seen with
almost everyone was the isolation part that highlighted people not being able to interact in person
and lack communication. There were also other reasons like the uncertainty of the future, virus
infection fears, and not keeping up with such a quick change. One interviewee said,

"The uncertainty regarding the future and the imminence of threat caused by
corona. People are in an uncharacteristic zone of discomfort regarding future
events as already many exams, projects have already been canceled. And no one
can guarantee one's life is safe from the corona."

2. Do you think economic disaster is one of the main reasons for increasing suicidal tendencies
among the people during this pandemic? And Why do you think so?

From the interviews, it was apparent that everyone agreed on economic disaster being a big
reason for suicidal tendencies. Some of them thought it was due to people losing their status in
society and being fearful of the outcome. Some thought the fear of not providing for their family
affected them to take such steps as a financial condition worsened over time. One of them said,

"I believe that economic disasters play an obvious role. Because if people find no
secure livelihood or earning source, they cannot provide for themselves or their
family. Even he Will not be able to support his family with medical costs. So a
psychological impact of utmost inferiority develops due to this and may lead to
suicidal attempts."

3. What do you think about having an abusive family? Could it be the cause of someone's

Everyone had a negative view of having an abusive family, which was justified. Most of the
respondents justified it by saying that abusive families tend to break the person's confidence,
leaving them with suicidal thoughts. One respondent quoted,

"An abusive family makes one feel despicable about himself, and he is devoid of
basic human affection from the strongest origin which creates immense
complexities in the mind. Yes, an abusive family can lead to suicide".

4. What is your take on social distancing? Are we missing the opportunity to share our stressors
and therefore are being more burdened with it?

The respondents all had their different take on social distancing. Some thought it had put a
limitation on our spontaneous human expressions. For some, it has created many burdens, and
hardly people have been able to express themselves because of this distancing. However, one
thing common among everyone, which was social distancing, is what we have to do now; even if
it hampers our interactions, it is saving lives.

"Social Distancing has put a limitation on our spontaneous human expressions.

There is no alternative to live or face to face communication. So such desolation
and over dependence on virtual world, makes our thoughts disorganized and
increases the burden."

5. What do you think we can do to avoid the increase in suicidal thoughts?

The respondents were very sharp with their thoughts, but most of them had the same idea to
avoid the increase of suicidal thoughts, spending more time with their families and using this
chance to express to them and strengthen the bond. There were some different answers, like
doing meditation, to stay calm, and to stay off drugs and alcohol. Some suggested staying active
in such times to divert their mind. One answer that stood out from a respondent was they quoted

"we can engage ourselves with skill developing which requires our constructive
attention. This can also help us in the long run."

Another participant recommended,

"I think firstly, we should look into our family and create a great environment
between our families as we have to spend almost all the time staying at home in
this situation. We should be open with our parents, and they also should be patient
with our ways of thinking and increase communication. Families can be the key to
avoiding the increase by just being there with the affected person, and sometimes
that is enough to take their mind out of such thoughts."

Survey Results
The first 3 questions below are to assess what the participants think about the reasons behind
mental problems in the pandemic are! Here, the options are broader and so it gives the
participants some freedom to give a specific reason.

1. Which reason do you think causes the most mental pressure in this pandemic?

2. Which reason do you think causes more psychological problems among “students” in this

3. Which situation can condense the way of committing suicide in between teenagers during
this pandemic?

From our surveys, we see that economic problems, financial hardships, fear of losing jobs, and
competitive but not a cooperative arena are the perceived main reasons behind mental pressure.

In the next 4 questions, we gave the participants a limited rating scale survey of Strongly
Disagree to Strongly Agree with a definite comment in every question to see how they react.

4. I think “Suicidal tendency at present is increasing because people are not actively trying
to adapt to the new normal.”

5. I think “People commit suicide, mostly because they are unexpectedly losing their loved
ones or their whole family due to covid-19.”

6. I think “the Covid-19 pandemic gives rise to become suicidal more to the people who
have pre-existing mental health problems.”

7. I think “social isolation can create suicidal thoughts.”

8. I think “If we stop believing in face-to-face communication rather than making online
friends, only then suicide rates will be lower than usual?”

From the surveys we can see that not adapting to the changed environment, existing health
problems, social isolation are potential stimulants to having suicidal thoughts. However, losing
people is not thought to be a core reason behind it. Even after everything being virtual, people
are still not affirmative on shifting fully towards making relationships or connections online.

Next up, we see what they think on whether we, the general people are actually paying the
required attention towards the issue of suicides and mental health after the recent outbreak of
mortality rate, pandemic and suicides.

9. Are people able to acknowledge the issue of suicide after its recent outbreak in the

Most participants voted for “Maybe” which indicates that they are not sure if actually the
recognition of mental health problem has occurred.

10. Who do you think can help a person from having suicidal thoughts in this pandemic?

The last question was to help us formulate a recommendation for the problem, as we asked who
can actually help the suicidal people. As expected, majority said the parents are in the best
position to help.

With the research we have found some pretty interesting data. From the secondary research, the
literature review, we found that the corona virus, and all the associated changes with it might
increase the suicidal tendency to a whopping 145%! Our primary research, comprised of 10
interviews and 75 surveys helped us understand why the people have such mentalities and what
are eating them away.

After analyzing the data, apparently, our 1st and 2nd hypothesis have been proven true, while the
3rd hypothesis did not stand to be quite true. That is, people think that the main reason behind
mental pressure and suicidal thought is economical reasons. They also think that the changes in
the new way of the operations of the world are a motivator or a pressure point for having suicidal
thoughts. However, sadly, still people feel that the people in general are not actually paying the
needed attention to the mental health problem or suicidal tendency.

We have also found that parents have the most ability to influence anyone in moving away from
such negative thoughts, and so we recommend creating a healthy relationship between the
parents and children. Merely the presence of parents helps stabilize the mental condition. It’s
high-time we educate the nation about establishing a friendly relationship between parents and

John, A., Pirkis, J., Gunnell, D., Appleby, L., & Morrissey, J. (2020). Trends in suicide during
the covid-19 pandemic. BMJ, m4352. doi: 10.1136/bmj.m4352

Bhuiyan, A., Sakib, N., Pakpour, A., Griffiths, M., & Mamun, M. (2020). COVID-19-Related
Suicides in Bangladesh Due to Lockdown and Economic Factors: Case Study Evidence
from Media Reports. International Journal Of Mental Health And Addiction. doi:

Are you thinking about suicide or do you know someone who is?. (2021). Retrieved 5 January
2021, from

Social alienation triggers suicidal tendencies among adolescents. (2021). Retrieved 5 January
2021, from

American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Suicide. APA.


Psychology Today. (n.d.). Suicide Risk Factors and Signs. Psychology Today.

The COVID-19 pandemic and serious psychological consequences in Bangladesh: A population-

based nationwide study. (2021, January 15). ScienceDirect.



Sample Questionnaire
Topic: Perspective on the reasons why suicide cases are increasing in this pandemic situation so

Survey Questions:
1. Which reason do you think causes the most mental pressure in this pandemic?
a. Fear of Covid-19
b. Fear of losing jobs
c. Decreased social contact
d. Changes faced in the work environment

2. Do you think "Suicidal tendency at present is increasing because people are not actively
trying to adapt to the new normal"?
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

3. Do you think people commit suicide, mostly because they are unexpectedly losing their loved
ones or their whole family due to Covid-19?
1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Strongly disagree 5. Disagree

4. Do you think the Covid-19 pandemic gives rise to become suicidal more to the people who
have preexisting mental health problems?
1. Agree 2. Strongly agree 3. Neutral 4. Strongly disagree 5. Disagree

5. Which reason do you think causes more psychological problems among "students" in this

1. Disruption of education
2. Career uncertainty
3. Financial hardships
4. Lack of interaction with friends and others

6. Do you think that social isolation can create suicidal thoughts?

1. Agree
2. Strongly agree
3. Neutral
4. Strongly disagree
5. Disagree

7. Are people able to acknowledge the issue of suicide after the recent outbreak of this
1. Yes 2. No 3. Neutral 4. Strong yes

8. Who do you think can help a person from having suicidal thoughts in this pandemic?
1. Family 2. Friends
3. Meditation 4. Therapist

9. Which situation can condense the way of committing suicide in between teenagers during this
1) Competitive but cooperative arena.
2) Only a competitive arena.
3) Only a cooperative arena.
4) Competitive but not a cooperative arena.

10. If we stop believing in face-to-face communication rather than making online friends, only
then suicide rates will be lower than usual?
1) yes
2) no

3) neutral
4) Strongly agree.

Interview Questions:
1. Which specific reason do you think impacts people to have increased mental pressure in
the pandemic?
2. Do you think economic disaster is one of the main reasons for increasing suicidal
tendencies among the people during this pandemic? And Why do you think so?
3. What do you think about having an abusive family? Could it be the cause of someone's
4. What is your take on social distancing? Are we missing the opportunity to share our
stressors and therefore are being more burdened with it?
5. What do you think we can do to avoid the increase in suicidal thoughts?

Nafis sent January 2 at 6:33 PM

1. The uncertainty regarding future and the imminence of threat caused by corona. People are in
an uncharacteristic zone of discomfort regarding as to future events as already many exams,
projects have already been cancelled. And no one can guarantee one's life is safe from corona


Nafis sent January 2 at 6:33 PM

2. I believe economic disasters plays an obvious role. Because if people find no secure livelihood
or earning source, he can't provide himself or family. Even he Won't be able to support his
family with medical costs. So a psychological impact of utmost inferiority develops due to this
and may lead to suicidal attempts


Nafis sent January 2 at 6:33 PM

3.An Abusive family is among the most severe of curses. Family is all about unconditional love
and solidarity. An abusive family makes one feel despicable about himself and he is devoid of

basic human affection from the strongest origin which creates immense complexities in the mind.
Yes, an abusive family can lead to suicide


Nafis sent January 2 at 6:34 PM

4.Social Distancing has put a limitation on our spontaneous human expressions. There is no
alternative to live or face to face communication. So such desolation and over dependence on
virtual world, makes our thoughts disorganized and increases the burden

Nafis sent January 2 at 6:34 PM

5. We can enagage ourselves with skill developing which requires our constructive attention. We
may also simply practice stuff at home, read books or do anything positive which we are
passionate about


Nafis sent January 2 at 6:35 PM

1. This pandemic is affecting our mental street level in various ways. One of the common
reasons is that we are always maintaining a bit more distance with people than usual time. Less
interaction with our closed ones makes us more stressful.

2. Many people have lost their jobs in recent times. They are not being able to support their
families with required financial assistance. Which leads many of them to commit suicide.

3. Sometimes parents behave roughly toward their children, sometimes other family members are
also not being kind to each other, which increases depression and anxiety, this might lead
someone to suicide also.

4. Social distancing is a must now a days even though we don't like it all the times, we all should
maintain a healthy distance for our own good.

5. We can do more indoor activities that we like, for example gardening, painting, indoor games
etc to keep ourselves happy. Also we can connect with people through online which will make us
feel better.


Nafis sent January 2 at 6:35 PM

ekane shbai shobar interview diye dao

Tanha Tasnim

Tanha Tasnim sent January 2 at 6:36 PM

Person A:

1. I think there are many reasons which impacts people to have increased mental pressure. Such

* contamination fears

* isolation distress

*socio-economic concerns

2. Yes I do. Economic disasters create unemployment, debt and many socio-economic problems.
Living in a demoralized state of society, victims of such crisis are exposed to risks for
developing depression, anxiety or commit suicide. Which results in increasing suicidal

3. Of course. Having an abusive family hugely affects a child negatively. According to multiple
research report, children who suffer physical and emotional abuse or neglect are at least two to
three times more likely to attempt suicide in later life.

4. Social distancing is a necessity right now because of the ongoing pandemic. But its also true
that isolation can prevent one from sharing their stressors which could help a person to reduce
their burden.

5. To avoid the increase in suicidal thoughts we should do the followings:

* Talking to friends or family about it

* Staying positive and hopeful

* Staying off drugs and alcohol


* Seek counselling, Use suicide Hotline if necessary

* Follow proper medication

Person B:

1.In this pandemic situation people didn’t know where the society is moving. I think not
knowing how to re-engage with the world in this new way is leading people to have increased
mental pressure .Drastic changes of people’s life have a great impact on their mental health.
Because we do not like such huge changes in our life. So, this leads us to frustration, depression
and so on.

2.Yes, I think economic disaster is one of the main reasons because all the time we are thinking
about job losses career uncertainty and financial hardships. We are continuously worrying about
this financial crisis and it’s impossible for us to not worry about it. And this badly effects our
mental health and increases suicidal tendencies among us.

3.Definitely an abusive family can increase suicidal tendencies. In this lockdown period we all
have to spend 24 hours at home with our family members. And a child of an abusive family have
to spend the whole time with them. So, they become victim of more abusive behaviour of their
family which creates mental pressure and it can be the cause of their suicide.

4.Social distancing is mandatory in this situation. But it creates more stress because it closes the
opportunity of sharing our stressors which increase more burden.

5.We can stay more active to our every day works and try new creative works during this period.
And we can spend more time with our parents and siblings. It can freshen up our mind and
prevent us from having suicidal thoughts.

You sent January 2 at 6:39 PM

1. Fear of being cut off from job impacts people to have increased mental pressure in the

2. Yes, I think economic disaster is one of the main reasons for increasing suicidal tendencies
among the people during this pandemic. Because the fear of losing their respective jobs, being
homeless and not being able to feed their family members really make them upset.

3. Having an abusive family is a curse unless someone is self reliant. So if the person is
dependent on his abusive family, it could be the cause of his suicide.

4. To be honest, social distancing is very hurtful for me. Because I'm the person who feel at
home by sharing my sorrows with friends but because of this distancing thing I can't do it. So
obviously I'm feeling more burdened with it.

5. To avoid the increase in suicidal thoughts, we have to be supportive towards them. And
listening is the first step to being supportive. We have to listen and advise them accordingly.

You sent January 2 at 6:40 PM

1) Plenty of free time and isolation from friends and family is the root cause of increased mental

2) The economic disaster has played a role in building mental pressure and suicidal tendencies
among alot of people. As many people tend to be very afraid of loosing their social status and
also felt very uncertain about their future during the the pandemic , it brought along suicidal
tendencies in many.

3) Having an abusive family can be one of the main reasons of suicide especially during the
pandemic as people had to spend alot more time at home. When families tend to break the
confidence and create reasons to cause mental instability among individuals it can become a
cause of suicide.

4) Social distancing is a necessary part of fighting this panedemic . A lot of people like to share
their feelings and stress with their friends and peers which in terms helps them to deal with it. As
social distancing is barrier to that activity it is causing us to be more burdened with the stress.
Social distancing is also keeping us in isolation and giving us alot of free time to unnecessarily
overthink our problems further adding to the problem.

5) mental support from friends and family and channelling the isolation into productive activities
and most importantly keeping oneself entertained can be a way to avoid those thoughts


Jannatul sent January 2 at 7:26 PM


1. I think financial worries. It adversely impact people to have mental pressure in the pandemic.

2. Economic disaster is one of the main reason. Specially to the people who are breadwinners of
their family. They feel devastated after losing their job. These mental pressure triggers suicidal

3. For some, their home may not be the safe place, especially for those who have experienced
domestic violence. So staying home with family most of the day has become more of a suffering
in this pandemic for them. Most of the time they have to go from mental stress, and it can cause
someone to commit suicide.

4. Social distancing is essential in this covid situation. But it triggers loneliness and people are
losing their cool. They can't share their feelings. They feel burdened.

5. We can't connect physically with people because of coronavirus. But their is internet. We can
connect virtually. We should talk with our friends via internet


1. I think the main specific reason that have increased mental pressure in the pandemic has been
the lack of communication between friends and relatives . A source of venting of our emotions
gets blocked due to not having the interaction and it increases mental pressure .

2. Yea, I think so since we as human being are able to operate well with our economical based
lifestyle and when it is hampered , it causes great stress and hampers our everyday life which
makes us helpless .

3. I think having an abusive family is a curse by itself. Knowing you have to deal with all the
abuse from your family can often lead to mental breakdowns which results in people wanting to
commit suicide.

4. I think social distancing is very hard for us as we all love to interact with each other without
certain boundaries. But at a time like this , there is nothing we can do but be patient and maintain
distance. Yea , we are definitely missing the opportunity to share our stress and other problems
as nothing really beats speaking your mind while being face to face. As a result the lack of
interaction due to social distancing is burdenining us with many unreleased stress.

5. I think firstly , we should look into our family and create a great environment between our
families as we have to spend almost all the time staying at home in this situation. We should be
open with our parents and they also should be patient with our ways of thinking and increase
communication. Families can be the key to avoiding the increase by just being there with the
affected person and sometimes that is enough to take their mind out of such thoughts.


Ashik sent January 2 at 8:07 PM

1. Anxiety levels were highest among an estimated 8.6 million people whose income fell and
that’s way this income issue in this pandemic affects us certainly.

2. Economic disaster is obviously is of the main reason for a person to fall down mentally in this
situation as the job amounts is getting less and being fired out from their daily lives job that put a
burden on their head and for some people that leaves people to suicidal thoughts.

3. Protecting children from violence during the COVID-19 pandemic requires all sectors to
undertake Coordinated measures. Abusive family can be factor for anyone’s reason for suicide as
in this situation everyone needs family support.

4. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is drastically changing the lives of people, including
the lives of young people because of this social distance. But because of this isolation we can
prevent people from getting affected by this deadly virus.

5. To avoid suicidal thoughts we should more indulge with our family member, we should do
activities in our family to keep everyone happy and make sure that they are not feeling burden in
this hard time. Making the more use of online platforms to keep ourselves busy and make the
best of our time.

person 2.

1. The reason why this pandemic is hitting more on us is because we can not contact our friends
and all the family members face to face and that was we feel stressed out all the time apart from
the virus.

2. People are losing jobs and not being able to contact their family members always and that
leads many people to suicidal thoughts.

3. In this pandemic what we need is cooperative family member to calm us down and an abusive
family can lead us to suicidal thoughts because we are already worrying about us and our family
not to get affected by this virus so being abusive and putting us on pressure can give us suicidal

4. Social distancing is really so important for anyone to avoid this virus. This social distancing
might bring a tough time for our friends and family but it helps a lot for everyone end of the day.
According to many countries this self-time can be beneficial or bring bad thoughts to people it’s
basically up to every people how they want to spent their isolation time.

5. If we spent more time with our family then we will always be entertained in that way. In that
way we can share ideas about a lot of stuff and keep ourselves busy in this pandemic. A lot of
creative works can be done in this pandemic because we are getting a lot of free time.

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