Anchetti PhDThesis
Anchetti PhDThesis
Anchetti PhDThesis
Non-equilibrium Quantum
Systems and Geometrical Models
of Matter
Guido Franchetti
Robinson College
This dissertation is the result of my own work and includes nothing which is the
outcome of work done in collaboration, except where specifically indicated in the
text. No part of this dissertation has been previously submitted for a degree or
any other qualification.
Guido Franchetti
First and foremost I would like to thank my supervisor Natalia Berloff for her
invaluable support and guidance throughout my PhD and Nick Manton for his
precious advice in so many deeply stimulating discussions. Without their help this
thesis would not have been written.
I could not have gone through the difficult moments of my PhD without the
help of my parents Carlo and Adriana and of my friends.
I am deeply grateful to my girlfriend Maria Alessandra who supported and
encouraged me when I was at my worst.
Finally I would like to thank Marie Curie Actions for financial support, Robin-
son College for its wonderful atmosphere and Cambridge for being such an excep-
tional and inspiring place.
Declaration i
Summary ii
Acknowledgements iii
Contents iv
1 Introduction 1
I Polaritons 7
2 Background Material 8
2.1 The Physical System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 A Mathematical Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.3 Some Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.4 Vortices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4 Polariton Gyroscope 74
4.1 The Apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4.2 Effects of the External Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.3 The Model in 2D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Contents v
6 Background Material 96
6.1 Geometrical Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
6.2 Geometric Models of Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
6.3 Gravitational Instantons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
A Polaritons 159
A.1 Excitation Spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
A.2 Madelung Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
A.3 Dimensionless Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
A.4 Some Details on the Numerical Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
In this thesis I present work falling into two different areas. The first one is the
dynamics of exciton-polariton condensates, with particular attention to vortex dy-
namics and pattern formation. The second one is the use of ALF (Asymptotically
Locally Flat) gravitational instantons as models for multi-particle systems accord-
ing to the recent geometrical approach to particle physics [6], which I will refer to
as the geometric models of matter framework.
These topics are undoubtedly far apart from each other. Exciton-polariton con-
densates1 , briefly polaritons condensates, are 2-dimensional systems characterised
by a high degree of spatial and temporal coherence due to multi-body effects and
the bosonic nature of polaritons. They are non-equilibrium systems since the con-
stituent quasi-particles have a finite lifetime.
The geometric models of matter framework aims to describe the properties
of elementary particles rather then emergent collective behaviour and applies to
systems with few degrees of freedom. Particles are modelled by geometrical ob-
jects, Riemannian 4-manifolds with a particular topology and geometry of which
ALF gravitational instantons are a specific example. Dynamics has not yet been
incorporated in the picture, but is expected to be of conservative relativistic type.
There are, however, some similarities. First, in both cases the system is de-
scribed by a classical field. In the case of polariton condensates, we are inter-
ested in the dynamics of the ground state. Since this is macroscopically occupied,
one can neglect its quantum nature and describe it in terms of a complex-valued
scalar field obeying a partial differential equation similar to the complex Ginzburg-
Landau equation. In the case of ALF gravitational instantons, the relevant field
is the metric tensor.
Second, in both cases we are interested in the study of localised, persistent
structures having a non-trivial topology. In the case of polariton condensates,
we will be interested in the dynamics and pattern-forming properties of vortices.
In the geometrical models of matter framework we will consider manifolds, ALF
There is some debate on whether the terminology is appropriate, see section 2.1.2.
Chapter 1. Introduction 2
gravitational instantons, which model not just particles, but also the empty space
in which the particles reside. These manifolds need therefore to reduce to flat
space at large distances from the particles cores but to have a non-trivial structure
where particles are located.
Both vortices and instantons are examples of topological solitons. In order to
give a precise definition of a topological solitons one needs to refer to a particular
theory. Generally speaking topological solitons are finite energy field configurations
which are solutions of the dynamical equations of the theory and have a topological
structure different from that of the vacuum.2 Energetically cheap modifications of
a given field configuration are localised and cannot change its topology, therefore
solitons cannot decay into simpler structures and exhibit a remarkable stability and
a particle-like behaviour. In order to have a finite energy, the field usually needs
to approach a constant value at large distances, which explains the localisation
properties of solitons. Examples of topological solitons are kinks in 1D, vortices in
2D, monopoles in 3D and instantons in 4D. The qualitative features of topological
solitons are quite independent from the details of the theory.
For non-equilibrium system, it is arguably not correct to use the term soliton.
However, there are structures, for example vortices, which behave very similarly
to their equilibrium counterparts. While a notion of energy is not well defined,
it remains true that in order to destroy a non-trivial topological structure it is
necessary to modify the global, rather then local, configuration of a field. Such
changes do not occur easily and so topological solitons tend to be stable also in
the non-equilibrium context.
The topological solitons which we will be interested in are vortices in polariton
condensates and gravitational instantons. In the case of vortices the non-trivial
topology is due to the fact that the complex scalar field has non-zero winding
number along curves which go around the centre of the vortex. ALF gravita-
tional instantons have generally non-trivial middle dimensions homology groups
and approach asymptotically a non-trivial circle fibration.
There is however a difference between these two areas which is even more dif-
ficult to overcome then those listed so far. The study of polariton condensates
Sometimes the term soliton is used to denote only finite energy solutions of integrable sys-
tems. Following [59] we use the term in its broader acception.
Chapter 1. Introduction 3
was initiated around 2006, when condensation was first achieved [51]. Despite its
youngness, the field has experienced a rapid development, favoured by the rela-
tively high condensation temperature of polaritons and the elevated degree of ex-
perimental control that they offer. Experimental and theoretical advance has been
fast, and the problems investigated have progressed from the mere achievement of
condensation to detailed questions about the behaviour of polariton condensates
under particular trapping or pumping geometries.
On the other hand, the idea of describing particles by means of 4-dimensional
manifolds, while being inspired by older ideas like the Kaluza-Klein model, is nearly
newborn, the first paper having been published in 2012. Moreover, its aim is not
to describe a newly found state of matter, as in the case of polariton condensates,
which lie somewhere in between Bose-Einstein condensates and lasers, but to offer
a new perspective on a subject, particle physics, which already has a theoretical
framework of astonishing precision, quantum field theory. The model has been
proposed not so much to improve on this precision, but rather in the hope that
a different viewpoint could lead to new ideas, provide a better understanding of
what particles are and maybe solve some of the longstanding problems of quantum
field theory.
Different aims call for different methods. In the polariton area my work has
been focused on understanding, mainly by means of numerical simulations, the be-
haviour of polariton condensates in configurations of experimental interest. In my
work on gravitational instantons I have investigated whether two specific families
are appropriate models for multi-particle systems, and I have constructed suitable
energy functionals out of their topological and geometrical properties.
For these reasons, I have decided not to try a parallel treatment of my work in
the two areas, nor to force the use of a common language or of a similar notation,
as I felt that doing so would have obscured the subject and led to no additional
insight. Instead, I have split the thesis in two parts, one devoted to polaritons,
and the other to gravitational instantons.
Having, I hope, justified the division in two parts, let me describe the content of
each one. The first part is concerned with polariton condensates. My own results
are presented in section 3.3, chapter 4 and section 5.2. Chapter 3 discusses the
spontaneous formation of a rotating vortex lattice in a trapped polariton conden-
Chapter 1. Introduction 4
sate and its robustness. This chapter is based on joint work published in [14], which
builds on previous work presented in [52]. My own contribution to [14] has been
the numerical investigation of the robustness of the system against various kinds
of perturbations and is presented in section 3.3. Chapter 4 shows how the suscep-
tibility of polariton condensates to nucleate vortices if some instability threshold
is reached can be used to build an apparatus capable of measuring absolute an-
gular velocities. A preprint illustrating this idea is on the arXiv [35]. Chapter 5
describes joint work published in [26] showing how the behaviour of a polariton
condensate is influenced by the geometry and number of spots at which polaritons
are injected. I have contributed to the theoretical understanding of the system and
performed all the numerical simulations. Chapter 2 contains background material.
The second part is concerned with gravitational instantons. My results are
presented in section 7.2, chapter 8 and chapter 9. Chapter 7 is devoted to the
calculation of the electric charge and to the particle interpretation of ALF Ak´1
and ALF Dk gravitational instantons. Chapter 8 presents various attempts at the
construction of an energy functional for these manifolds. Both chapters are based
on results published in [36] but contain additional material. Chapter 7 includes,
see section 7.1, a thorough explanation of the topological definition of electric
charge. Chapter 8 contains, see sections 8.1 and 8.2, some less successful but still
interesting constructions which were excluded from the published paper. Chapter
9 is devoted to a more general discussion of the current status of the geometric
models of matter framework and of some possible evolutions. Section 9.1 contains
a critical discussion of the hypothesis made in [6]. Section 9.2 presents an idea,
still at a preliminary stage, for building multi-particle systems by gluing together
single-particle ones. Section 9.3 is devoted to a brief comparison with Kaluza-
Klein theory. Chapter 6 contains background material; in particular section 6.2
gives a short review of the geometric models of matter framework as presented in
[6]. Other background material has been put in the appendices.
Chapter 1. Introduction 5
For reference we give below a short description of the original material presented
in this thesis and, if published, of where it can be found.
Chapter 3: The instability of stationary circularly symmetric solutions of a
modified Gross-Pitaevskii equation, used to model a polariton condensate, against
perturbations carrying angular momentum is proved analytically. The robustness
of the rotating vortex lattice which forms, as predicted in previous work [52], as
a result of this instability is numerically probed against elliptic deformations of
the trap, presence of disorder and changes in the modelling equation. The results
presented in this chapter have been published in [14].
Chapter 4: The idea and basic setup for a polariton gyroscope capable of high-
precision measurements of angular velocities is proposed. The apparatus is based
on the peculiar properties of polariton condensates, namely the easy experimental
control of many of their properties, their susceptibility to vortex formation and
their high condensation temperature. The idea is illustrated by the numerical and
analytical investigation of a simplified 1D model and by numerical investigation of
the full 2D model. A preprint of the material presented in this chapter is available
on arXiv [35].
Chapter 6: As shown in recent experiments, the polariton condensate which
forms if polaritons are injected at different spatial locations arranged along a circle
exhibits very different dynamical behaviours depending on the number of pumps
and the radius of the circle. In particular, as the radius of the circle is increased,
there is a transition from a fully trapped state to a configuration in which the con-
densates forming at different spots are still locked in phase, but polaritons outflow
is observed and the condensate density is concentrated at the edge of the trap.
This chapter illustrates the experimental results and gives a theoretical explana-
tion of the observed behaviour, based on the rôle played by quantum pressure. The
material presented here is based on a collaboration with the experimental group
of J. Baumberg, and has been published in [26].
Chapter 7: Working within the framework proposed in [6], two infinite families
of 4-manifolds, ALF gravitational instantons of types Ak and Dk , are investigated
as possible models for multi-particle systems. Their electric charge is calculated.
Chapter 1. Introduction 6
For Ak this amounts to computing minus the first Chern number of the asymptotic
circle fibration. For Dk , owing to the fact that the asymptotic fibration is not
oriented, we need to make use of a different but equivalent definition, which in
turn implies that charge can be calculated as minus one half of the first Chern
number of a branched double cover. The particle interpretation of these manifolds
is also discussed. The results presented in chapters 7 and 8 have been published
in [36].
Chapter 8: Geometrical properties of the ALF gravitational instantons intro-
duced in chapter 7 are used to construct energy functionals for the corresponding
multi-particle systems. In particular, an extension of the Komar mass to the Rie-
mannian signature and a Yang-Mills-like functional are first considered, but lead
to energy functionals independent of the particles positions and thus not suitable
to represent interaction energies. Functionals constructed in terms of the area and
the Gaussian curvature of geometrically preferred (minimal area) representatives
of middle dimension homology are then investigated, and shown to successfully
reproduce the Coulomb interaction energies of the corresponding particle systems.
With the exception of the Komar mass and Yang-Mills constructions, the results
presented in this chapter have been published in [36].
Chapter 9: On the basis of the material presented in chapters 7 and 8, some
ideas for future developments, including a construction, still at a preliminary stage,
which could allow to build multi-particle models from single-particle ones making
use of a particular compactification process, are discussed.
Part I
Chapter 2
Background Material
Chapter 2. Background Material 9
Quantum wells
Bragg reflectors
materials with different dielectric constants, which confine photons inside the cav-
ity acting as high-quality mirrors over a limited range of light frequencies. The
better the quality of the cavity, the longer photons are confined, the longer po-
laritons live. For most experimental setups, the lifetime of polaritons is 5–10 ps.
Cavities of an improved quality have been built recently, allowing for lifetimes up
to about 100 ps [67].
Chapter 2. Background Material 10
Photons are confined in the direction transverse to the line joining the two
mirrors, so their transverse wave vector kK is quantised, |kK | “ kK “ 2πN {L,
with N an integer and L the transverse length of the cavity. The cavity photons
dispersion relation is then
~ωγ “ k 2 ` kK2 , (2.1)
where n is the refraction index of the material, c is the speed of light, k is the in-
plane wave vector (i.e. the projection of the momentum wave vector on the plane
where polaritons are confined) and k “ |k|. For small k,
~2 k 2
~ωγ „ ~ω0 ` , (2.2)
2πcN nN
ω0 “ , mγ “ 2π~ , (2.3)
nL cL
with mγ the effective mass of the photon. For most materials mγ „ 10´4 me , with
me the electron mass. The length L of the cavity, typically a few micrometres, is
chosen so that ω0 |N “1 is equal to the frequency needed to excite an electron from
the conduction to the valence band.
Inside the cavity, excitons are confined in quantum wells, quasi-2D potential
wells. In order to maximise exciton-photon coupling, quantum wells are placed at
antinodes of the electromagnetic field, where the density of photons is highest.
The strong screening of Coulomb interactions in semiconductors results in
loosely bound excitons, known as Wanner-Mott excitons, which extend over a
spatial scale larger than the crystal lattice constant. As a consequence, the ef-
fects of the lattice potential on Wanner-Mott excitons can be taken into account
by treating them like free particles with an effective mass mex . The dispersion
relation is then
~ωex “ ` , (2.4)
where is a constant and p is the exciton momentum. For most materials, mex is
in the range 0.1–1 me , much bigger than the photon effective mass, and „ 1.5
The dispersion relation of polaritons can be found by solving the coupled sta-
Chapter 2. Background Material 11
where g is the interconversion rate between photons and excitons and we have
approximated the excitons energy (2.4) with just the constant term . Solving
(2.5) we get
» fi
˙ dˆ ˙2
~k ~k
ˆ 2 2 2 2
Eup{lp “ – ~ω0 ` ` ˘ ~ω0 ´ ` ` g 2 fl . (2.6)
2 2mγ 2mγ
Considered as functions of k, Eup and Elp , are usually called the upper polariton
1.53 Elp
k HΜm-1 L
-2 -1 1 2
Figure 2.2: Upper (Eup ) and lower (Elp ) polariton branches, exciton (Eex ) and
cavity photon (Eγ ) dispersion curves for positive detuning δ. The black dots mark
the inflection points in the lower polariton branch. Note how the heavy exciton
mass results in a flat exciton dispersion curve. The curves Eup and Elp have been
plotted for the lowest energy transverse photonic modes, i.e. taking N “ 1 in (2.3).
For low energy polaritons the contribution of higher N modes can be neglected.
branch and the lower polariton branch, see figure 2.2. The difference Eup p0q ´
Elp p0q “ 2g is known as Rabi splitting. The difference δ “ ~ω0 ´ between the
bottom of the photon and exciton dispersion curves is called detuning, and can be
Chapter 2. Background Material 12
~2 k 2 a 2 ~ω0 ´ ~2 k 2
„ ˆ ˙
Elp » ` ~ω0 ` 2
´ γ ` p~ω0 ´ q 1 ´ 2
2 2mγ γ ` p~ω0 ´ q2 2mγ
“ A ` Bk 2 , with
1 a (2.7)
A “ p~ω0 ` q ´ γ 2 ` p~ω0 ´ q2 ,
˜ ¸
~ω0 ´ ~2
B “ 1` a .
γ 2 ` p~ω0 ´ q2 2 ¨ 2mγ
The effective mass of low-energy polaritons is of the order of the photon mass,
For larger |k|, the LP branch has two inflection points, marked with dots in
figure 2.2, where the effective mass of polaritons
ˆ ˙´1
B 2 Elp
m“~ 2
Bk 2
changes sign. This has important consequences on the dynamics, see section 2.2.1
for some discussion.
For high k, the LP branch approaches the exciton dispersion, and the effective
mass of polaritons becomes equal to that of excitons. In a sense, the lower polariton
branch interpolates between photon-like and exciton-like behaviour. More details
on polaritons can be found in [53] and references therein.
polariton condensation is not a straightforward one, and is still the object of many
a heated discussion. Here I review some facts about traditional Bose-Einstein
condensation and mention some of the more complicated issues that arise when
considering low-dimensional, non-homogeneous or non-equilibrium systems.
This section presents a quick review of some aspects, focusing on the easiest case:
a 3D system of non-interacting bosons. A good reference for equilibrium Bose-
Einstein condensation is [74].
A 3D non-interacting spatially uniform Bose system (ideal Bose gas) undergoes
Bose-Einstein condensation at the critical temperature
ˆ ˙2{3
2π~2 n
kB Tc “ , (2.10)
m g3{2 p1q
where m is the mass of the Bose gas constituents, n is the number density and
g3{2 p1q „ 2.61 [74]. For T ă Tc , a macroscopic number of particles condenses in the
zero momentum state. For an ideal Bose gas, all the particles are in the condensate
for T “ 0. As we will see, this macroscopic occupation of a single-particle state
allows for a description of the system in terms of a complex scalar field ψpxq.
At the microscopic level, a stationary state of a system of N bosons is described
by the many-body Schrödinger equation
with ψEN px1 . . . , xN q satisfying (2.11). The wave function ψEN px1 , . . . xN q can be
expressed in terms of a quantised field ψ̂pxq as
ψEN px1 . . . xN q “ ? x0|ψ̂px1 q . . . ψ̂pxN q|ψEN y. (2.14)
Total symmetry of the wave function under the exchange of two particles is auto-
matically accounted for provided that the field ψ̂pxq satisfies the canonical bosonic
commutation rules, ” ı
ψ̂pxq, ψ̂ px q “ δpx ´ x1 q.
: 1
~2 2
ż ˆ ˙
Ĥ “ dx ψ̂ pxq ´ ∇ ` Vext pxq ψ̂pxq
ż (2.16)
` dx1 dx2 ψ̂ : px1 qψ̂ : px2 qU p|x1 ´ x2 |qψ̂px2 qψ̂px1 q,
N̂ “ dx ψ̂ : pxqψ̂pxq. (2.17)
In writing (2.16) we have assumed that the system is dilute enough to consider only
two-body interactions. Since Ĥ and N̂ commute, they admit common eigenstates.
The field ψ̂pxq is a common eigenstate as
” ı
ψ̂pxq, N̂ “ ψ̂pxq, (2.18)
” ı ˆ ~2 ż ˙
2 1 : 1 1 1
ψ̂pxq, Ĥ “ ´ ∇ ` Vext pxq ` dx ψ̂ px qU p|x ´ x|qψ̂px q ψ̂pxq. (2.19)
3 8
1 ÿ ÿ
ψ̂pxq “ ? ua pxqâa . (2.21)
L3 i“1 ai “0
The operators âa , â:a have the usual interpretation of annihilation and creation
operators for a particle in the quantum state |ay and satisfy the commutation
” ı ” ı ” ı
aa , ab “ a:a , a:b “ 0, aa , a:b “ δa,b , (2.22)
with δa,b “ δa1 ,b1 δa2 ,b2 δa3 ,b3 . The operator n̂a “ â:a âa counts the number na of
particles in the state |ay.
For a system of free bosons, the particles condense in the ground state |0y.
The average occupation number n0 , where denotes the average over the grand-
canonical ensemble, of the ground state is, for T ď Tc , proportional to 1´pT {Tc q3{2
[74]. For T ! Tc , the ground state is macroscopically occupied and, to leading
order, we can neglect all the higher energy states in the expansion (2.21), so that
ψ̂pxq „ u0 pxqâ0 . Moreover,
” ı
â0 â:0 |ψy “ â0 , â:0 |ψy ` n̂0 |ψy “ p1 ` n0 q|ψy » n0 |ψy “ â:0 â0 |ψy, (2.23)
Using (2.19),
~2 2
” ı ˆ ż ˙
1 : 1 1 1
ψ̂px, tq, Ĥ “ ´ ∇ ` Vext pxq ` dx ψ̂ px , tqU p|x ´ x|qψ̂px , tq ψ̂px, tq
As we have seen, for a condensate we can replace ψ̂px, tq with its average, the
classical field ψpx, tq. Because interactions are weak, in (2.16) we can replace the
two-body potential U p|x1 ´ x2 |q with the hard-sphere one g δp|x1 ´ x2 |q. The pa-
rameter g is related to the s-wave scattering length a by the relation g “ 4πa~2 {m.
The equation of motion for ψpx, tq is then
~2 2
Bψpx, tq 2
i~ “ ´ ∇ ` Vext pxq ` g|ψpx, tq| ψpx, tq, (2.27)
Bt 2m
In more complicated cases there are a number of issues to be taken into account.
They have to do with the dimensionality of the system, spatial inhomogeneities
and non-equilibrium.
The Coleman-Mermin-Wagner theorem [25, 60] states that no spontaneous
symmetry breaking can occur at T ą 0 in an infinite homogeneous system of
dimension D which has a continuous symmetry if D ď 2. The reason is that for
D ď 2 fluctuations of the massless modes associated with the broken symmetry
(Goldstone modes) have infrared divergences which destroy long-range order.
However in a homogeneous 2D system a different kind of order is possible. In
fact, as the temperature is lowered, there is a transition, the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-
Thouless (BKT) transition [11, 55], from a state populated by unbound vortices3
to a state where vortices form tightly-bound pairs. In the lower temperature phase
the system exhibits quasi-long-range order, that is a power-law decay of the off-
Above a certain temperature creation of vortices becomes favourable as it lowers the free
energy of the system.
Chapter 2. Background Material 18
Figure 2.3: This is image is taken from [51]. It shows the far field emission at
T “ 5 K within an angular cone of ˘23˝ at different pump powers. From left
to right, the values are 0.55Pth , Pth and 1.14Pth , where Pth “ 1.67 kW cm´2 is
the threshold power. As the pumping power exceeds Pth an intense peak builds
up in the centre of the emission distribution, corresponding to the zero in-plane
momentum state.
Looking at figures 2.3, 2.4, and at similar results from other experiments, it is
evident that the system undergoes some kind of transition, but there is much room
for discussion regarding the precise nature of the transition and whether or not the
resulting system should be called a Bose-Einstein condensate [17]. In fact, Bose-
Einstein condensation is a property of equilibrium systems and is defined in terms
of equilibrium statistical mechanics averages. While condensed polaritons are in
thermal equilibrium among themselves, they coexist with a thermal bath of non-
condensed excitons which have a different temperature. Therefore, in contrast
with equilibrium condensates, it is not possible to define a temperature for the
whole system.
To a certain extent, this controversy is a matter of terminology. While for equi-
librium condensates a number of properties, among which high spatial and tempo-
Chapter 2. Background Material 20
Figure 2.4: This image is taken from [51]. Each point x “ px, yq in the con-
p1q 1
tour plots gives
a the value of the first order correlation function g px, x q “
˚ 1
ψ pxqψpx q{ ψ pxqψpxqψ px qψpx q. The left panel is below threshold, the right
˚ ˚ 1 1
where ωpkq is the dispersion relation for excitations of the condensate. A non-interacting Bose-
Einstein condensates shows no superfluid behaviour since its dispersion relation is parabolic,
ωpkq “ ~2 k 2 {2m. However, a system of weakly-interacting bosons has the following dispersion
curve, known as the Bogoliubov dispersion,
d ˆ 2 2 ˙2
gρ~2 2 ~ k
ωpkq “ 2
k ` ,
m 2m
which for small k is phonon-like: ωpkq » gρ ~ k{m. Therefore a system of weakly-interacting
bosons flowing at a low enough velocity exhibits superfluid behaviour.
Chapter 2. Background Material 21
to those discussed in [51] as polariton condensates. This does not mean that
some particular definition of non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensation has been
chosen. In the end, what matters for this work is the fact that the system exhibits
a degree of coherence high enough to allow for a description in terms of a complex
scalar field obeying some partial differential equation.
Chapter 2. Background Material 22
~2 2
i~p1 ` iηqBt ψ “ ´ ∇ ψ ` Vext ψ ` g|ψ|2 ψ ` ipΓ ´ κ|ψ|2 qψ. (2.28)
ρ “ m|ψ|2 , u“ ∇φ. (2.29)
where, with abuse of notation, we have denoted with the same symbol both the
time-dependent wave function and the spatial part of the stationary one. The
positive constant µ is the chemical potential of the system. The equation satisfied
by a stationary solution is
~2 2
µp1 ` iηqψ “ ´ ∇ ψ ` Vext ψ ` g|ψ|2 ψ ` ipΓ ´ κ|ψ|2 qψ. (2.31)
With the exception of section 2.2.1, from now on we shall mainly work with
the dimensionless form of these equations. With the choice of units described in
appendix A.3 we have ρ “ |ψ|2 , u “ ∇φ and (2.28), (2.31) become
´ ¯
2 2 2
2ip1 ` iηqBt ψ “ ´ ∇ ` Vext pxq ` |ψ| ` ipα ´ σ|ψ| q ψ, (2.32)
´ ¯
µp1 ` iηqψ “ ´ ∇2 ` Vext pxq ` |ψ|2 ` ipα ´ σ|ψ|2 q ψ. (2.33)
For η “ 0, equations (2.34), (2.35) are very similar to the continuity and
Euler equations for a compressible inviscid fluid [76]. In particular, (2.34) is the
continuity equation in the presence of a source αρ and a sink σρ2 and (2.35) is,
but for the last term, the integrated form of the Euler equation for a compressible
fluid whose equation of state is p “ ρ2 {4, p being the pressure of the fluid, see
appendix A.2.5 The term
1 ?
´ ? ∇2 ρ (2.38)
has no classical analogue and is known as quantum pressure. It is negligible pro-
vided that the density profile is sufficiently smooth. To be more quantitative, if L
is the length scale of density variations, the quantum pressure term scales as L´2
and it is negligible provided that L " λ, where
λ“ ? , (2.39)
known as healing length 6 , is the length scale over which the condensate density, if
perturbed from its equilibrium value by some obstacle, “heals back” to its unper-
turbed value.
In modelling the behaviour of polariton condensates by means of the single
equation (2.28), several simplifying assumptions have been made. The temperature
needs to be much lower than the critical temperature for condensation Tc . Note
however that for polariton condensates Tc is much higher than for equilibrium
condensates: looking at equation (2.10), we see that Tc is proportional to the
inverse mass of the condensate constituents. For realistic densities, the small mass
of polaritons, m „ 10´4 me , gives a critical temperature of 1–10 K, to be compared
with the critical temperature of traditional condensates which is around 100 nK.
In dimensional units p “ gρ2 {p2m2 q.
In dimensional units λ “ ~{ 2gρ.
Chapter 2. Background Material 25
We have ignored the dynamics of the reservoir excitons, but we have taken
some of its effects into account through the phenomenological parameters α, de-
scribing the gain due to excitons condensing into polaritons, and η, describing
the interaction of the condensate with the excitonic reservoir. As we shall see in
section 2.2.1, explicitly including the dynamics of the reservoir would have lead
us, under the physically reasonable assumption of fast reservoir relaxation, to the
same equation.
We have approximated the kinetic energy of polaritons with the simple expres-
sion Epkq “ ´k 2 , which corresponds to the differential operator ∇2 . Looking at
(2.7), we can see that this approximation is valid for low momenta polaritons. The
correct form of the differential operator for higher k polaritons can be found by
Fourier transforming the full dispersion curve (2.6).
We have neglected the polariton polarisation, which is inherited from their pho-
tonic component. While there are cases in which polarisation plays an important
rôle [82], in most experimental setups mechanical strain in the sample favours lin-
ear polarisation, the phases of left- and right-polarised polaritons becomes locked
and the polarisation degree of freedom can be ignored.
As we can see, the approximations made in describing the system by means of
equation (2.28) do not particularly restrict the range of possible applications, and
indeed (2.28) describes well the dynamics of polariton condensates under a wide
range of experimental conditions without introducing unnecessary complications.
In the next section, we show how (2.28) can be derived starting from two different
viewpoints, explain in more detail the meaning of the various terms, and comment
on its relations with other equations.
~2 2
i~Bt ψ “ ´ ∇ ψ ` Vext ψ ` g|ψ|2 ψ. (2.40)
Chapter 2. Background Material 26
where Γ represent the gain rate minus the loss rate. However, such a term alone
would lead to trivial dynamics: an unbounded growth of the condensate if Γ ą 0
or a disappearance of the condensate if Γ ă 0.
On physical grounds, it is evident that at some point the gain saturates and
that the combined action of gain and loss drives the condensate density towards a
finite value. The simplest way of modelling this behaviour, first proposed in [52],
is to introduce a non-linear loss term ´κ |ψ|2 ψ,
where n is the number density of the condensate. We see that the combined effect
of Γ and κ is to drive the condensate towards an equilibrium density neq “ Γ{κ.
In experiments, pumping is often not extended to the whole system. To model
this aspect, we replace the constant parameters Γ and κ with spatially dependent
Finally, it is possible to partially account for the relaxation process due to the
interactions between the condensate and the excitonic reservoir via the substitu-
i~Bt ψ Ñ ~ pi ´ ηq Bt ψ, (2.44)
with η a positive dimensionless constant [89, 90]. It can be easily checked that a
nonzero η changes the value of the equilibrium density to neq “ pΓ ´ ηµq{κ.
Putting all these changes together we recover equation (2.28). If the system
Chapter 2. Background Material 27
is at temperatures low enough to neglect interactions with the thermal cloud one
can take η “ 0. For η “ Γ “ κ “ 0 (2.28) reduces to GPe (2.40). For small values
of these parameters, it is possible to study (2.28) by considering perturbative
corrections to the GPe.
~ 2
2 i
iBt ψ “ ´ ∇ ` ĝ|ψ| ` pRpnR q ´ γq ` 2g̃ nR ψ, (2.45)
2m 2
Bt nR “ P ´ γR nR ´ RpnR q|ψ|2 ` D∇2 nR . (2.46)
nR “ „ ´ |ψ|2 . (2.47)
γR ` RR |ψ|2 γR γR2
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙2
1 RR P 1 RR pgR ` g̃qP RR
α“ ´γ , σ“ P, g “ ĝ ´ 2 , (2.49)
2 γR 2 γR γR2
and performing the gauge transformation ψ Ñ ψ exp p´2i pgR ` g̃qP t{γR q we re-
cover (2.28) for η “ 0.
Note that for sufficiently high values of P the sign of g in (2.49) can change from
positive to negative, corresponding to a change in polariton-polariton interactions
from repulsive (g ą 0) to attractive (g ă 0). Physically what happens is that
an increase in the pumping power populates regions of the lower polariton branch
beyond the inflection point, where polaritons effective mass (2.9) becomes negative.
A change in the sign of the effective mass m has the same effects as a change in the
sign of the interaction strength g. This is a well-known phenomenon in the case of
GPe which has very different solutions depending on whether mg ą 0 (defocusing)
or mg ă 0 (focusing). In 1D and for Vext “ 0 the defocusing (focusing) GPe
admits exact solutions describing travelling dips (peaks) in density, called dark
solitons (bright solitons), see for example [16]. While the behaviour of polariton
condensates is deeply affected by the presence of spatial inhomogeneities and by
the dissipative nature of the system, there is a similar distinction between focusing
and defocusing dynamics: while dark solitons are normally observed [2], beyond
some threshold in pumping power bright solitons are emitted [83].
Chapter 2. Background Material 29
which is the cGLe in the standard rescaled form. The parameters b and c are
related to η and σ by
1 1 ´ ση
b“ , c“ . (2.52)
η σ`η
The cGLe models a vast variety of phenomenas, ranging from non-linear waves
to second-order phase transitions, superfluidity and cosmic strings. In fact it ap-
plies to any out-of-equilibrium system which is homogeneous and isotropic, and
which presents a supercritical phase transition described by a complex order pa-
rameter ψ with gauge group U p1q.
Chapter 2. Background Material 30
Bψ δE
“ ´p1 ` ibq ˚ . (2.55)
Bt δψ
Since, for any finite value of b, the quantity
δE δE 2
Bt E “ Bt ψ ` ˚ Bt ψ ˚ “ ´ |Bt ψ|2 d2 x (2.56)
δψ δψ 1 ` b2
The non-linear term can have both signs. The plus sign arises if there are repulsive
interactions, and (2.58) with the plus sign is known as the defocusing non-linear
Schrödinger equation. The minus sign arises if there are attractive interactions,
and (2.58) is then called the focusing non-linear Schrödinger equation.
` ˘
Bt ψ “ ´i ´∇2 ` V ˘ |ψ|2 ψ. (2.59)
∇ ¨ pρuq “ 0, (2.60)
1 ?
µ “ ρ ` u2 ´ ? ∇2 ρ, (2.61)
which is solved by
ρ “ µ “ const, u “ 0. (2.62)
If there is a trapping potential Vext which does not vary appreciably over length
scales of the order of the healing length (2.39) we can neglect the quantum pressure
term and consider the system
∇ ¨ pρuq “ 0,
µ “ ρ ` u2 ` Vext .
uT F “ 0.
Let us see what happens if we introduce pumping and decay. For simplicity,
Chapter 2. Background Material 33
ρ“µ“ , u “ 0. (2.67)
Bf 1 Bf
∇f “ Br ` Bθ ,
Br r Bθ
Bvr vr 1 Bvθ
∇¨v “ ` ` , (2.68)
Br r r Bθ
B2f 1 Bf 1 B2f
∇2 f “ 2 ` ` 2 2,
Br r Br r Bθ
∇ ¨ pρuq “ ρ1 u ` ρ u1 ` “ pα ´ σρ ´ ηµq ρ, (2.69)
˜ ` 1 ˘2 ¸
ρ 1
1 2 ρ
µ “ ρ ` u2 ` Vext ´ ρ ´ ` , (2.70)
2ρ 2ρ r
Chapter 2. Background Material 34
uT F prq “ 0.
The smallest solution of the equation µ “ Vext prq, is the Thomas-Fermi radius rT F .
Let us now compare (2.71) with the non-equilibrium solutions for two particular
choices of Vext .
Localised Potential
` ˘
Vext prq “ V0 exp ´pr{r0 q2 , (2.72)
with V0 , r0 positive constants. Let us examine the system at the points r “ 0 and
r “ 8,
r“0 r“8
u0 “ 0 by symmetry, Vext “ 0, (2.73)
µ “ ρ0 ` V0 pα ´ σρ8 ´ ηµq ρ8 “ 0.
where ρ8 ” limrÑ8 ρprq. Since the potential approaches zero at large r, the
condensate is not trapped and we expect to have non-vanishing density and velocity
at infinity. The quantity ρ ` u2 ` Vext is constant and Vext decreases with r, so
we expect u and ρ to be monotonically increasing functions taking the asymptotic
values ρ8 “ pα ´ η u28 q{pσ ` ηq and u8 “ µpσ ` ηq{σ ´ α{σ. These expectations
are confirmed by the results of numerical simulations, see figure 2.5. As shown in
figure 2.6, for a potential with a smaller length scale r0 the contribution of quantum
pressure cannot be neglected.
Note that (2.69), (2.70) is a system of two equations in the two unknown func-
Chapter 2. Background Material 35
15 u
q. p.
5 Μ
-15 -10 -5 5 10 15
Figure 2.5: Plot of ρ, u2 , Vext , q. p. (quantum pressure) and of their sum µ (black
line). Note that µ is, as it should be, constant. The length scale r0 “ 4 of
the potential, is much bigger than the healing length, therefore quantum pressure
(orange line) is totally negligible. The asymptotic value of the density, ρ8 “ α{σ
and the equilibrium Thomas-Fermi solution ρT F are also shown. The parameters
used in the simulation are σ “ 0.3, α “ 4, η “ 0.
15 u
q. p.
5 Μ
-2 -1 1 2
Figure 2.6: Same plot as in figure 2.5, but for r0 “ 0.4. Note that quantum
pressure is different from zero over a length which is approximately twice r0 .
Chapter 2. Background Material 36
tions ρ and u which are therefore generally determined in terms of the parameters
µ, α, σ, η. While α, σ and η are to be considered as given, the chemical potential
µ is not. For an equilibrium condensate, µ can be found by using the fact that the
total particle number is conserved. In the non-equilibrium case there is no general
procedure for finding µ but, provided that quantum pressure is negligible, its value
can be obtained by using equation (2.70) if one knows the value of both ρ and u
at some point of the system.
Trapped system
Vext prq “ r2 . (2.74)
The condensate is trapped and its density monotonically decreases from its max-
Figure 2.7: Image from [52]. Density profiles of a polariton condensate in a har-
monic trap for two different values of α (continuous lines) compared with the corre-
sponding Thomas-Fermi solutions (dashed lines). For small α the non-equilibrium
solution is similar to the Thomas-Fermi one, but for higher values of α the dif-
ference becomes evident. The density is suppressed close to the point where the
condensate velocity takes its maximum.
Chapter 2. Background Material 37
2.4 Vortices
A complex scalar field ψ : R2 Ñ C has a vortex of topological charge N at a point
p if p is an isolated zero of f “ |ψ| and φ “ Arg pψq increases by 2πN along any
simple closed curve enclosing p. In most cases if ψ is a single vortex solution, then
at large distances from the vortex core |ψ| approaches a constant value. Therefore
at large distances ψ reduces to a map φ8 : S 1 Ñ S 1 . The topological charge of
the vortex is then the winding number of φ8 .
In this section we discuss, following [72], vortex solutions of the GPe, the real
GL equation and the cGLe. Further details on vortices in the GPe and the real GL
equation can be found in [68], while for the cGLe we refer to [44, 73]. As discussed
in section 2.2.3, in the absence of an external trap and with homogeneous pump-
ing, equation (2.28) reduces to the cGLe, which interpolates between conservative
dynamics (b, c Ñ 8, reduces to GPe) and purely relaxational dynamics (b “ c “ 0,
reduces to real GL equation).
With the exception of the b ‰ c cGLe case, for single vortex solutions φ is
constant along circles and f „ r|N | near the vortex core, f „ 1 ` Opr´2 q at large
r. For the full b ‰ c cGLe the small r behaviour is still the same, but φ has a very
different behaviour at large r where its gradient approaches a finite nonzero value.
We will discuss vortex dynamics only in the case of vortices separated by dis-
tances which are large compared to the healing length. Under these conditions,
vortices interact mainly through phase inhomogeneities and their motion depends
on how a vortex generates phase gradients, and how it moves in response to im-
posed phase gradients.
In order to conform with the standard rescaled form of the cGLe (2.51), in this
section only we use dimensionless units in which the velocity of the condensate is
given by u “ 2∇φ rather than ∇φ.
Density, which is conserved, has been rescaled so to have unit value at infinity.
Writing ψ “ f exppiφq in (2.78) and separating real and imaginary part we obtain
the system
∇2 f
Bt φ “ ´ |∇φ|2 ` 1 ´ f 2 , (2.79)
´Bt f “ f ∇2 φ ` 2∇f ¨ ∇φ. (2.80)
with boundary conditions f p0q “ 0, f p8q “ 1. For small r, f prq „ r|N | ; for large
r, f prq „ 1 ´ N {p2r2 q. Numerical integration gives the profile shown in figure 2.8.
In the following we will denote this solution by
Vortex Interactions
We now want to consider the interactions of vortices moving at slow speeds and
separated by distances of order L large compared to the healing length (2.39).
Consider a vortex V. Since the vortices are far apart from each other, the modulus
f of ψ will not be appreciably different from the single vortex solution fv near
the core of V — recall that density perturbations typically decay in a few healing
lengths. However, the phase φ of ψ, in addition to the usual term N θ, where N
is the topological charge of V, will also have a contribution φ̃ due to the presence
of the other vortices. The gradient ∇φ̃, which is approximately constant over the
Chapter 2. Background Material 40
Figure 2.8: Numerical solution of equation (2.82) showing the modulus of ψ for a
a vortex with topological charge N “ 1 (continuous line) and N “ 2 (dashed line).
The image has been taken from [74].
core of V, will set V in motion. Therefore, there are two issues to be addressed:
how the single vortex solution ψv needs to be modified once the vortex starts
moving, and how we can calculate the phase φ̃ at V due to the presence of the
other vortices.
It turns out that, in the comoving frame, a vortex moving with constant speed
v is still described by the solution ψv of (2.78). In fact the transformed field
ˆ ˆ ˙˙
1 i 1 2
ψ px, tq “ ψpx ´ v t, tq exp v¨x´ v t , (2.84)
2 2
φ̃ “ pv ¨ x ´ v 2 tq. (2.86)
Therefore a vortex V set in motion by a constant phase gradient will move with
speed v “ 2∇φ̃, while preserving its shape.
In order to calculate the phase gradient imposed on V by the other vortices,
we need to examine the large-scale behaviour of equations (2.79), (2.80). The
time scale associated to a (large) length scale L can be found looking at the
dispersion relation of (2.78). Substituting the ansatz ψ “ exp pi pk ¨ x ´ ωtqq we
get ωpkq “ k 2 . Therefore the time scale of dynamics happening over lengths OpLq
is OpL2 q. Rescaling x Ñ L x, t Ñ L2 t and denoting by the small quantity 1{L,
equations (2.79), (2.80) give
` ˘
f “ 1 ` O 2 , (2.87)
` ˘
∇2 φ “ 0 ` O 4 . (2.88)
Equation (2.87) tells us that the presence of other vortices does not significantly
affect f even in the large-scale dynamics. Equation (2.88) is linear, so we can
superimpose the contributions of single vortices. Since θi “ arctanppy´yi q{px´xi qq
is harmonic, we can write an approximate solution of (2.88) corresponding to k
vortices located at at the points tpxi , yi qu as
k ˆ ˙
ÿ y ´ yi
φ“ Ni arctan , (2.89)
x ´ xi
where xik is the vector xk ´ xi and R π2 is the matrix rotating a vector counter-
Chapter 2. Background Material 42
k k
clockwise by π{2, ˜ ¸+ +
- + 0 ´1v v
v vR π2 “ . k (2.91)
1 0
In particular, two vortices with topological charges N1 , N2 such that |N1 | “
v v
+ +
+ -
Figure 2.9: Motion of a pair of like- and unlike-charged vortices according to the
Gross-Pitaevskii equation.
Vortex Interactions
Again, let us consider the dynamics of vortices moving at small velocities and
separated by large distances. While for the GPe we found that the near-field
solution of a moving vortex differs from the stationary solution ψv only by an
additional phase, in the case of the real GL equation we need to solve equations
(2.93), (2.94) both in the near- and far-field regimes and to match the respective
solutions in an intermediate region, large with respect to the vortex core but small
with respect to the vortices separation.
Let us start with the long-range dynamics. While the modulus and the phase
of ψ can evolve according to different time scales, the long-range dynamics is
governed by the time scale of the slower variable φ, which, for a length scale of
order OpLq, is of order OpL2 q. Replacing x Ñ L x, t Ñ L2 t and denoting by the
small quantity 1{L, (2.93) gives
` ˘
2 Bt f “ 2 ∇2 f ` 1 ´ 2 |∇φ|2 ´ f 2 f. (2.95)
It follows
f “1´ |∇φ|2 ` Op4 q. (2.96)
For the phase φ, replacing x Ñ L x, t Ñ L2 t in (2.94) and substituting (2.96) for
f , we have, neglecting terms of order Op4 q and higher,
Bt φ “ ∇2 φ. (2.97)
v By φ ` ∇2 φ “ 0. (2.98)
Bx φ “ ´N pBy ζ ` vζq,
By φ “ N Bx ζ.
The integrability condition for ζ, Bxy ζ “ Byx ζ, is (2.98), and the integrability
condition for φ gives
Bx φ “ ´N pBy ζ ` vζq
” v ´ ´ vr ¯ y ´ vr ¯¯ ´ vy ¯ ´ ´ vr ¯ ´ vy ¯¯ı
“ ´N K0 ` K1 exp ´ ´ v K0 exp ´ ,
2 2 r 2 2 2 2
Nv ´ ur ¯ ” ´ vr ¯ ´ vr ¯ ı
“ exp ´ sin θ K0 ´ K1 sin θ
2 2 2 2
Nv ´ ur ¯ ” ´ vr ¯ ı
By φ “ N ζ x “ exp ´ sin θ K1 cos θ , (2.104)
2 2 2
with γ » 0.577 the Euler constant, and adding the contribution of a phase gradient
k, we get
N Nv ´ ´ vr ¯
φx » ´ sin θ ´ γ ` log ´ sin θ ` kx , (2.106)
r 2 4
N Nv
φy » cos θ ´ cos θ sin θ ` ky . (2.107)
r 2
Nv ´v ¯
φ » Nθ ´ r cos θ log eγ´1 r ` k ¨ x
2 ˆ4 ˆ ˙˙ (2.108)
Nv vr 2kx
“ Nθ ´ r cos θ log exp γ ´ 1 ´ ` ky v sin θ.
2 4 Nv
Consider now the near-field dynamics. For a vortex moving with velocity v
along the y-axis, equations (2.93), (2.94) in the comoving frame are
` ˘
v By f ` ∇2 f ` 1 ´ |∇φ|2 ´ f 2 f “ 0, (2.109)
v By φ ` ∇2 φ ` ∇f ¨ ∇φ “ 0. (2.110)
For v “ 0, the solution of (2.109), (2.110) would be given by (2.83), so let us try
an ansatz of the form
In view of the matching with the small r limit of the far-field solution, let us
consider the large r behaviour of (2.112). Since fv1 „ Opr´3 q and ξ approaches
Chapter 2. Background Material 46
zero at large r, taking the gradient of φ in (2.111) and comparing with (2.106),
(2.107), we see that, in order to be able to match near- and far-field solutions, χ
must be of order Opr log rq at large r. Hence, keeping terms up to Opr´1 q, (2.112)
reduces to ˆ ˙
2 χ1 χ N
p1 ` b tan θq χ ` ´ 2 ` “ 0. (2.113)
r r r
Since χ is a function of r alone, we need to take b “ 0. The resulting equation is
solved by
ˆ ˙
1 1 N
χ “ pC1 ´ iC2 q ` pC1 ` iC2 q ´ p2 log r ´ 1q r, (2.114)
2r 2 4
where a1 “ expp1{2 ` 2C1 {N q. In order to find the value of the constant C1 , one
needs to consider the equation for ξ. We refer to [72] for details and only quote
the result ˆ ˙
a1 1
log “ , (2.116)
a0 2
where a0 is a constant whose value depends on the topological charge of the vortex;
for |N | “ 1, a0 » 1.126.
Matching (2.108) with (2.115) we find c “ 0, ky “ 0 and
ˆ ˙
1 v 2kx
“ exp γ ´ 1 ´ . (2.117)
a1 4 Nv
The gradient k which sets the vortex in motion is orthogonal to the velocity of the
vortex — recall that we took the vortex to be moving along the y-axis and that
we have found ky “ 0. Substituting (2.116) for a1 we have
Nv ´v ¯
kx “ ´ log , (2.118)
2 v
Chapter 2. Background Material 47
N ´v ¯
k“ log R π2 pvq. (2.119)
2 v
In particular, two unlike-charged vortices will attract each other and two like-
- + + +
v v v v
k k k
Figure 2.10: Motion of a pair of like- and unlike-charged vortices according to the
real Ginzburg-Landau equation.
We need to distinguish between the case b “ c, which can be reduced to the real
Ginzburg-Landau equation (2.92), and the case b ‰ c.
cGLe for b “ c
Suppose that a vortex is moving with velocity ṽ and perform the transformation
(2.123) simplifies to
´v ¨ ∇ψ “ ∇2 ψ ` p1 ´ |ψ|2 qψ (2.126)
A single vortex solution of (2.120) has a more complex structure than the sin-
gle vortex solution (2.83) valid for both the GPe and the real Ginzburg-Landau
equation. In fact, substituting the ansatz ψ “ f prq exp pipN θ ` χqq in (2.120) and
Chapter 2. Background Material 49
? ?
rescaling x Ñ 1 ` b2 x, ψ Ñ ψ{ 1 ` bc we obtain the equations
ˆ ˙
2f1 N2 1 2 2
f ` ` 1 ´ 2 ´ pχ q ´ f f “ 0, (2.128)
r r
2 2 χ
χ ` χ1 f 1 ` “ b ´ qf 2 , (2.129)
f r
qr q r2
kprq » ñ φ “ Nθ ` χ » Nθ ` . (2.131)
2p1 ` |N |q 4p1 ` |N |q
B ?
BÑ? expp´ik 2 b tq, t Ñ p1 ´ k 2 q t, xÑ 1 ´ k 2 x, (2.135)
1 ´ k2
we obtain
1 ` ib
Bt B ´ 2i ? 2
k ¨ ∇B “ B ` p1 ` ibq∇2 B ´ p1 ` icq|B|2 B. (2.136)
v -
v +
of the cGLe. The terms on the left-hand side describe how this vortex solution
moves as a consequence of the imposed phase gradient. In fact, using (2.138), we
see that the terms on the left-hand side also vanish if B is moving with velocity
ˆ ˙
2 N
v“? bk ´ R π pkq . (2.139)
1 ´ k2 |N | 2
q“ “ σ „ 0.3. (2.140)
1 ` bc
Chapter 3
Chapter 3. Spontaneous Rotating Vortex Lattices and Their Robustness 54
Throughout this section, we take α “ 4.4 and σ “ 0.3, consistently with [14, 52].
Performing a Madelung transformations we obtain the equations
` ∇ ¨ pρuq “ pα ´ σρqρ, (3.2)
Bt ˆ ˙
Bu 1 2 2 1 2?
` ∇ ρ ` u ` r ´ ? ∇ ρ “ 0. (3.3)
Bt 2 ρ
As discussed in section 2.3.2, the system (3.2), (3.3) admits a stationary rota-
tionally symmetric solution, see figure 2.7, but this solution is unstable against per-
turbations carrying high angular momentum. In fact, these perturbations transfer
density towards the edge of the condensate. The growth of a perturbation δρ is
governed by the quantity pα ´ 2σρqδρ, which is positive at the edge of the con-
densate, therefore high angular momentum perturbations grow and destabilise the
If pumping is restricted to a finite spot, the instability is not observed, as there
is no gain at the edge of the condensate (α “ 0) and perturbations cannot grow. In
order for the instability to be suppressed, the radius R of the pumping spot needs
to be smaller than the linear size of the condensate, given by its Thomas-Fermi
radius rT F „ 4.7. In equation (3.1), finite size of the pumping spot is implemented
via the replacement α Ñ α ΘpR ´ rq, where Θ is the Heaviside function. For
R ă rT F , the rotationally symmetric stationary solution of (3.1) is shown in the
left panel of figure 3.1.
If R ą rT F , the outcome of the instability is the spontaneous formation of a
rigidly rotating vortex lattice [52], see the right panel of figure 3.1. Inside the vortex
lattice the condensate velocity is well approximated by the rigid body relation
u „ Ω ^ x, Ω “ Ω B z , x “ x B x ` y B y , with Bi the unit vector along the i-th
coordinate axis.
Chapter 3. Spontaneous Rotating Vortex Lattices and Their Robustness 55
Figure 3.1: Contour plot of the condensate density for two different values of the
radius R of the pumping spot. Warmer colours correspond to higher densities.
The red circle marks the boundary of the pumping spot. Left (R “ 4): if pumping
is restricted to a circular spot whose radius R is smaller than the Thomas-Fermi
radius rT F „ 4.7, a stationary rotationally symmetric density profile is obtained.
Right (R “ 8): for R ą rT F a rotating vortex array forms. The figure shows the
vortex array at a particular instant.
Equation (3.4) implies that, inside the pumping spot and far enough from vortices,
the condensate density has the approximately constant value ρ „ α{σ. Equation
(3.5) then gives, neglecting quantum pressure, Ω „ 1 and µ „ α{σ. In a sense
the rotating lattice is neutralising the trap by producing a centrifugal potential of
the same strength. Note that the value of the chemical potential µ for the vortex
array configuration is different from the value (2.77) that it has for the rotationally
symmetric state.
Beyond the edge of the vortex lattice, the condensate velocity is not given any
more by the rigid body relation, but can be found calculating the circulation of u
Chapter 3. Spontaneous Rotating Vortex Lattices and Their Robustness 56
With no pumping and decay, i.e. for α “ σ “ 0, the ground state of the system is
given by the Thomas-Fermi solution
&µ ´ r2 if r ď rT F ,
ρT F “
%0 otherwise, (3.9)
uT F “ 0,
prρT F uq1 “ pα ´ σρT F q ρT F . (3.12)
1 d isρ vθ 1 d
i pω0 ` δωq h “ prρ vr q ` ` p2σρ ´ αqh ` pru hq,
r dr r r dr
1 dh d
i pω0 ` δωq vr “ ` pu vr q, (3.16)
2 dr dr
is isu
i pω0 ` δωq vθ “ h ` vr .
2r r
1 d isρT F
iω0 h “ prρT F vr q ` vθ , (3.17)
r dr r
1 dh
iω0 vr “ , (3.18)
2 dr
iω0 vθ “ h. (3.19)
with $
&1 if n “ 0,
pqqk “ (3.23)
%qpq ` 1q ¨ ¨ ¨ pq ` n ` 1q if k ą 0,
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙
1 1
b b
2 2 2 2
a1 “ 1 ´ s ´ 1 ` s ` 2ω0 , b1 “ 1 ´ s ` 1 ` s ` 2ω0 ,
2 2
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙ (3.24)
1 1
b b
2 2
a2 “ 1 ` s ´ 1 ` s2 ` 2ω0 , b2 “ 1 ` s ` 1 ` s2 ` 2ω0 .
2 2
hR s 2
ns prq “ r 2 F1 p´n, s ` 1; n ` s ` 1; r q, (3.26)
ipL ` αδLqpψns ` δψns q “ pω0,ns ` δωns qpψns ` δψns q, (3.27)
and ψns “ phR R R T
ns , vr,ns , vθ,ns q denotes a right eigenfunction of iL. At first order in
the perturbation,
δωns ψns “ piL ´ ω0,ns q δψns ` iα δLψns . (3.30)
However, since iL is not self-adjoint, left eigenfunctions are generally not the
Chapter 3. Spontaneous Rotating Vortex Lattices and Their Robustness 61
where the integral is over the disk of radius rT F “ µ,
ż ż ?µ ż 2π
d x“ r dr dθ. (3.33)
0 0
In order to solve for δωns , we need to find the left eigenfunctions. Since left
and right eigenfunctions have the same eigenvalues, we need to impose that, for
any ψ, ż ż
I“ d2 x ψns
iL ψ “ ω0,ns d2 x ψns
ψ (3.34)
so that the last term in (3.32) vanishes. Using (3.28) and writing ψ “ ph, vr , vθ qT ,
Left and right eigenvalues are always equal. Suppose v L is a right eigenvector (column
vector) of a linear operator A with eigenvalue λL and v R a right eigenvector (row vector) with
eigenvalue λR ,
v L A “ λL v L , Av R “ λR v R .
which has the same solutions as the equation for the right eigenvalues
det A ´ λR I “ 0.
` ˘
Therefore λL “ λR “ λ and
` ˘: ` ˘:
A: v L “ λ v L ,
Av R “ λv R .
ψns “ phLns , vr,ns
, vθ,ns q we have
ż „ ˆ ˙
2 L i d s L i dh L s
I“ d x hns ´ prρT F vr q ` ρT F vθ ´ vr,ns ` vθ,ns h . (3.35)
r dr r 2 dr 2r
Using (3.17), (3.18), (3.19), one can verify that (3.34) is satisfied provided that
` ˘˚ ` R ˘˚ ` R ˘˚
hLns “ hR
ns “ hR
ns ,
vr,ns “ 2ρT F vr,ns , L
vθ,ns “ 2ρT F vθ,ns . (3.36)
Let us evaluate (3.37) explicitly. To first order in pumping and decay, ρ and u
are given by (3.13). Therefore the denominator of (3.37) is
ż ż ´
2 L R
` R 2 ˘¯
d x ψns ψns “ d2 x |hR
ns | 2
` 2ρ TF |v r,ns | ` |v R
θ,ns | 2
ż ˜ ˆ R ˙2 2
` R ˘2 ¸ (3.38)
` ˘ 2 ρ T F dh ns s ρ T F hns
“ d2 x hR
ns ` 2 ` 2
2ω0,ns dr 2ω0,ns r2
having used (3.18), (3.19). Since pρT F rqp µq “ pρT F rqp0q “ 0, integrating the
second term by part,
d2 x ψns
ż ?µ ˆ ˆ ˙ ˙
R 1 d dhR
ns ρT F d2 hRns s2 ρT F h
“ 2π hns ´ 2
ρT F r ´ 2 2
` 2 2 rhR ns
2rω dr dr 2ω dr 2ω0,ns r
ż 0 0,ns 0,ns
` ˘2
“ 2 d2 x hR ns ,
As we can see from equation (3.42), any mode that transfers density to large radius,
and therefore has a large expectation value of r2 , has a positive imaginary part
and therefore destabilises the system.
Chapter 3. Spontaneous Rotating Vortex Lattices and Their Robustness 64
ˆ ˙2 ˆ ˙ ` R ˘2
1 d dhR s2 ρ2T F d hns
rρT F ns “ 2
´ ω0,ns r 2 ρT F . (3.44)
2 dr dr 2 dr
Since pρT F rqp0q “ pρT F rqp µq “ 0, hR
ns p0q “ 0, integrating by parts,
ż ?µ ˆ ˙2 ż ?µ ˆ 2 2 ˙ ` R ˘2
1 d dhR
ns s ρT F 2 2 d hns
0“ dr ρT F r “ dr ´ ω0,ns ρT F r
2 0 dr dr 0 2 dr
ż ?µ ˆ 2 2 ˙
d s ρT F 2
` ˘2
“´ dr ´ ω0,ns ρT F r2 hRns .
0 dr 2
It follows
ż ?µ ż ?µ
ps2 ` 2ω0,ns
q r dr r2 phR 2 2 2
ns q “ µpω0,ns ` s q r drphR 2
ns q , (3.46)
0 0
@ 2D s2 ` ω0,ns
r “µ 2 2
, (3.47)
s ` 2ω0,ns
s2 ´ ω0,ns
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙
iα iα s2 ´ sp1 ` 2nq ´ 2npn ` 1q
δωns “ 2
“ . (3.48)
2 s2 ` 2ω0,ns 2 s2 ` 2sp1 ` 2nq ` 4npn ` 1q
For any fixed n, there is always an s, e.g. s " n, such that (3.48) has a positive
imaginary part. A similar analysis shows that the instability is still present if the
relaxation term η in (2.32) has a non-zero value [14].
Chapter 3. Spontaneous Rotating Vortex Lattices and Their Robustness 65
3.3 Robustness
In this section, based on [14], three different kinds of perturbations are considered:
non-circular geometry of the trap, disorder and changes to the modelling equation.
Figure 3.2: Density (colour map) and superfluid streamlines (arrows) for different
sizes of the pumping spot, whose boundary is denoted by a red ellipse. Left
(δ “ 0.9, R “ 7): the surface instability leads to a spontaneously formed lattice
with vortices moving along elliptical trajectories. Right (δ “ 0.9, R “ 4): if the
pumping spot is smaller than rTF the instability does not appear.
Consider equation (3.1) with the circular trap replaced by an elliptical one,
r Ñ 2 ` δ2y2.
spot is the same as the one inside but with the opposite sign: with respect to (3.1),
„ ˆ ˆ 2 ˙˙ ˆˆ 2 ˙ ˙
2 x 2 2 x 2 2 2
αÑα Θ R ´ `δ y ´Θ `δ y ´R , (3.50)
δ2 δ2
Figure 3.3: The averaged orbits of three vortices (green, magenta and orange
ellipses) superimposed over the density profile of the condensate at the moment
when the vortex tracing has been started. The initial positions of the traced
vortices are denoted by green, magenta and orange crosses. The red, solid ellipse
marks the boundary of the pumping spot.
Figure 3.4: Left (δ “ 0.85): the regular vortex lattice is broken up, with some vor-
tices still moving along regular elliptic orbits. Right (δ “ 0.80): as δ decreases, the
rotating lattice gives way to a fragmented state with vortices continually entering
and leaving the cloud.
the search. Because vortices have a definite sense of rotation, the motion is not
symmetric around the major axis, and the resulting lattice is tilted with respect
to the trap.
For a sufficiently eccentric geometry, a steady array of vortices fails to form.
There is a critical δ „ 0.85 for which some vortices still move on elliptical orbits,
see figure 3.4, left panel. At δ “ 0.8, the behaviour is entirely chaotic, with
vortices continually entering and leaving the cloud, see figure 3.4, right panel,
causing fragmentation of the condensate.
In the limit of extreme eccentricity, the condensate tries to establish a density
profile of approximately uniform width along the trap major axis, leading to a less
fragmented condensate at δ À 0.2, see figure 3.5. Instability towards the entrance
of vortices is still present: vortices entering and leaving the cloud cause transverse
oscillations. As illustrated in the bottom right panel of figure 3.5, vortices of
opposite signs may be present. The distribution of vortices of different sign may
Chapter 3. Spontaneous Rotating Vortex Lattices and Their Robustness 68
Figure 3.5: Top left (δ “ 0.25): in a highly eccentric trap, the condensate tries
to establish a profile of approximately uniform width along the trap major axis
— the vertical direction in the figure. Instability towards the entrance of vortices
leads to transverse oscillations. Note that the vertical axis has been rescaled in
order to accommodate the extreme eccentricity. Top right (δ “ 0.1): extreme
eccentricity suppresses fragmentation of the cloud. Transverse oscillations develop
at the midpoint. Bottom left (δ “ 0.1): spontaneously entering vortices cause
an effective pressure gradient, pushing the region of perturbations towards one
end of the trap. The final position of the perturbation is shown. Bottom right
(δ “ 0.1): vortices of both signs are present in the perturbed region. Arrows
indicate circulation.
Chapter 3. Spontaneous Rotating Vortex Lattices and Their Robustness 69
lead to a net effective pressure in the condensate pushing the perturbation along
the length of the condensate until the pressure gradient disappears. This effect
is illustrated in the bottom left panel of figure 3.5 which shows the final position
of the region of perturbations. Note that a true stationary state is not obtained:
oscillations are still present.
where the amplitude V0 measures the disorder strength, and ξ its correlation length.
The Gaussian random field Vdis pxq can be constructed by taking the Fourier
1ÿ ` ˘
Vdis pxq “ aij exp i pki x ` kj y ` φij q , (3.53)
2 i,j
with k´i “ ´ki , k´j “ ´kj , φ´i´j “ ´φij . The phases φij are random numbers
in the interval r0, 2πq. The amplitudes aij “ a´i´j are sampled from a Gaussian
distribution with zero mean and standard deviation
“ ` ˘‰
sij “ v0 exp ´lc2 ki2 ` kj2 . (3.54)
The relation between the parameters v0 and lc , defined for computational con-
venience, and the physical disorder strength V0 and correlation length ξ can be
Chapter 3. Spontaneous Rotating Vortex Lattices and Their Robustness 70
xaij auv eipφij `φuv q y “ δiu δjv xa2ij e2φij y ` δi´u δj´v xa2ij y “ δi´u δj´v s2ij
` ˘ (3.55)
“ δi´u δj´v v02 exp ´ 2lc2 pkx2 ` ky2 q .
It follows
1 ÿÿ 1 1
xVdis pxqVdis px1 qy “ xaij auv eipφij `φuv q yeipki x`kj y`ku x `kv y q
4 ij uv
1 ÿ 2 ipki px´x1 q`kj py´y1 qq
“ s e
4 ij ij
ż (3.56)
1 2 2 2 1 1
» 2
v02 e´2lc pkx `ky q eipki px´x q`kj py´y qq dkx dky
4p∆kq R2
v02 π ” px ´ x1 q2 ı
“ exp ´ ,
4p∆kq2 2lc2 8lc2
where ∆k is the numerical Fourier mode spacing and we have replaced k-space
sums by integrals. Comparing (3.52) with (3.56) we have
v0 π{2
ξ “ 2lc , V0 “ . (3.57)
2lc ∆k
Figure 3.6: The figure is based on a particular realisation of the random potential
Vdis , different realisations giving very similar results. Top: a rotating vortex lattice
forms also in the presence of weak disorder (a), but is destroyed by a disorder
stronger than Vcrit , leading to a chaotic state (b). Bottom: the boundary between
vortex-lattice and chaotic regimes in the pV0 , ξq parameter space. The choices of
pV0 , ξq leading to the states (a) and (b) are indicated in the diagram. The vortex
lattice is strongly sensitive to the amount of disorder, whereas the correlation
length is only of marginal importance.
Chapter 3. Spontaneous Rotating Vortex Lattices and Their Robustness 72
Repulsive interactions between reservoir polaritons and the condensate have been
predicted theoretically [88] and detected experimentally [24, 34, 87]. For our ge-
ometry, such interactions may be modelled by adding a Gaussian potential to the
trap potential Vext pxq. The presence of this additional potential term does not
prevent the formation of the vortex lattice, but increases the probability of having
a central stationary vortex, as the reservoir provides a pinning site. The repulsion
due to the Gaussian reservoir may further change the structure of the lattice: for
example a sharp and narrow Gaussian favours a square lattice.
Lasers emit particular transverse modes that depend on the detuning between
the longitudinal modes of the reservoir (controlled by the resonator length) and
the frequency at which gain is maximum [4]. If such gain selection is relevant to
the polariton condensates, the right-hand side of equation (3.1) acquires a term
iνp∇2 ` ∆q2 ψ, where ∆ is the detuning of the gain above the lowest transverse
Chapter 3. Spontaneous Rotating Vortex Lattices and Their Robustness 73
mode. Such mechanisms have not been extensively discussed in the context of
polariton condensation, but the essence appears for example in [30]. Our numerical
simulations show that although the lattice survives for small values of ν, the rings
of vortices are shifted to the boundary of the condensate. The lattice disappears
for ν ą 0.1.
Chapter 4
Polariton Gyroscope
Polariton condensates allow for a high degree of experimental control. For example,
it is possible to engineer any external potential and to vary pumping in space and
time. In response to slight changes in the environment, e.g. when flows exceed some
critical velocity, when fluxes interact, when pumping powers exceed a threshold
for pattern forming instabilities, polariton condensates nucleate quantised vortices.
Therefore, one could prepare the system in a state slightly below the criticality
for vortex formation so that a tiny external perturbation will take it over the
criticality, leading to a macroscopic and easily detectable response.
This mechanism can be exploited for the construction of a polariton gyroscope.
Superfluid helium gyroscopes have already been shown to provide sensitive means
for detecting absolute rotations [7, 71], but require very low temperatures for
operation. Compared to superfluid helium gyroscopes, polariton-based ones offer
the advantage of potentially operating at room temperatures and of allowing easy
experimental control of many of their properties.
Section 4.1 introduces the apparatus. Section 4.2 discusses the rôle of the
external potential in controlling the vortex formation mechanism in a simplified
1-dimensional configuration, where analytical estimates for the condensate wave
function can be made. Section 4.3 illustrates the 2-dimensional model and presents
the results of numerical simulations.
Chapter 4. Polariton Gyroscope 75
The basic setup of our gyroscope is similar to that proposed for superfluid
helium gyroscopes [71]: an annulus filled with superfluid having a partition with
a small opening, see figure 4.1. We denote by R1 the inner radius of the annulus
and by R2 the outer radius. We assume that R2 ´ R1 ! R1 , and denote by R the
mean radius pR2 ` R1 q{2.
If an annulus filled with polariton condensate is rotated counterclockwise about
a central axis with angular velocity Ω “ Ω B z , the condensate experiences negligible
friction with boundaries and remains motionless. If a partition is inserted into the
annulus, a rotation of the apparatus sets the condensate in motion with a speed
given in first approximation by the rigid body value ΩR [71]. If the partition has a
small opening (weak link) of width δ, the flow is not significantly affected far from
it but a flow in the direction opposite to that of rotation is generated through the
opening. To leading order, the velocity across the aperture is given by U “ ΩR2 {δ,
with corrections due to the non-zero compressibility of a polariton fluid. Typical
values of R and δ for existing apparatuses are R „ 0.1 m, δ „100 nm, providing
an amplification factor R{δ „ 106 .
If U exceeds some critical value Uc , vortices are nucleated and can be detected
as phase slips. In the case of superfluid 4 He Uc „ 50 m/s. However for polariton
condensates Uc is of the order of equilibrium sound speed [89], given, for typical
values of the condensate density, by 1 – 5 µm/ps = 1 – 5 ¨106 m/s. Therefore
the high critical velocity of polariton condensates could limit the sensitivity of the
However, and here is the novelty of the approach that we propose, the veloc-
ities needed to start vortex nucleation can be greatly reduced by using pumping
strength as a control parameter and by engineering an external potential through
the weak link, see figure 4.1. Such a potential, which accelerates the condensate
and allows to control the vortex nucleation process, can be prepared either by us-
ing a combination of etching [28, 49, 9] and stress induced traps [10], or by directly
defining blue-shifted trap potentials via spatial light modulators [85].
Even in the absence of any externally applied flow, velocity fluxes connecting
regions where the density is low (at the potential peak) to regions where the den-
sity is high (at the potential dip) will be generated; in between them there will
be a point where the condensate speed takes its maximum value. Close to such a
Chapter 4. Polariton Gyroscope 76
Pumping Vext
Figure 4.1: Schematic of the apparatus: an annulus filled with polariton conden-
sate having a partition with a weak link. If the flow across the link is high enough,
vortices are generated. The inset shows a cross section of the external potential
through the weak link.
point, the density has a local minimum (Bernoulli effect). A slight change of some
experimentally accessible parameter, e.g. an increase of the potential strength, or
a decrease of the pumping intensity, will further lower the density. If the pertur-
bation is large enough, the density minimum will reach zero and a vortex pair will
be emitted, as we illustrate in section 4.3.
The procedure for measuring rotations follows: having prepared a potential
such that the system is in a slightly subcritical configuration for the range of rota-
tion speeds that one intends to measure, the pumping strength is varied, recording
the moment at which vortices start being nucleated. From this, once the appara-
tus has been calibrated, one can deduce the back-flow through the weak link and,
therefore, the rotational velocity.
Chapter 4. Polariton Gyroscope 77
` ` ˘ ˘
Vext pxq “ V0 exp ´px ` x0 q2 ´ expp´px ´ x0 q2 q . (4.2)
The peak-dip shape of Vext allows for a better acceleration of the condensate than
a single bump; moreover, in 2D the dip temporarily traps vortices making their
detection easier. To simplify the analysis, we study the effects of this potential for
U “ 0.
Figure 4.2: Dependence of max(u) and min(ρ) on V0 . (a) 1D system, x0 “ 1.5. The
black dashed and blue dot-dashed lines show the results of numerical simulations,
the red lines the analytical estimates. The analytical solution is only valid up to
V0 „ 4.0. (b) 2D system, x0 “ 1.5. The black dashed and blue dot-dashed lines
show the results of numerical simulations.
The speed u takes its maximum at some point between the maximum, close to
´x0 and and the minimum, close to x0 , of Vext . As follows from (4.4), which is a
generalised Bernoulli equation, in proximity of the speed maximum the density has
a local minimum. The numerical results displayed in figure 4.2 show that maxpuq
0.5 8
0.0 7
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4
x x
Figure 4.3: (a) Numerical (black dashed lines) and analytical estimates (red solid
lines) of the condensate velocity as V0 is increased from 1 to 4. (b) Numerical
solutions for ρ with V0 “ 1.4, 2.0, 2.6, 3.2, 3.8, 4.4. Higher values of V0 correspond
to lower values of min(ρ). In both figures x0 “ 1.5.
Figure 4.4: Travelling holes, identified by the localised low-density blue region,
form around x “ 0, and travel up to x „ 1.5. The process repeats periodically in
time. (V0 “ 4.8, x0 “ 1.5, α “ 4).
grating we have
? «
πασ Q ? B C `? ˘
ρu “ ? erf p qx̃3 q ´ ? erfp bx̃1 q ´ ? erf cx̃2
2pσ ` ηq q b c
c « ff
π σ B2 ? C2 ? Q2 a
´ ? erfp 2bx̃1 q ` ? erfp 2cx̃2 q ` ? erfp 2qx̃3 q
22 b c q
« (4.6)
` πσ ´ EpB, C, b, c, x1 , x2 q ` EpB, Q, b, q, x1 , x3 q
` EpC, Q, c, q, x2 , x3 q ,
b c x2ij
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙
BC bx̃i ` cx̃j
EpB, C, b, c, xi , xj q “ ? exp ´ erf ? . (4.7)
b`c b`c b`c
Let Ṽext pxq be the potential obtained substituting ρ and u from (4.5) and (4.6)
Chapter 4. Polariton Gyroscope 80
Figure 4.5: Real space plots of the zero level of real (black continuous line) and
imaginary (grey dashed line) part of ψ superimposed over the contour plot of ρ.
Regions of higher density are in warmer colours. (a) (α “ 4, V0 “ 16.8, x0 “ 1.5,
U “ 0): a slightly subcritical configuration. (b) (α “ 4, V0 “ 16.8, x0 “ 1.5,
U “ 0.2): a slightly supercritical configuration at the moment of vortex pair
formation. A red arrow shows the direction of the flow; a red dot marks the point
where the vortex pair is being generated.
” ´ ¯ı
2pη ´ iq pBt ` U ¨ ∇q ψ “ ∇2 ´ Vext
´ |ψ|2 ´ i α ´ σ|ψ|2 ψ, (4.8)
` ˘
Vext px, yq “ V0 expp´ppx ` x0 q2 ` y 2 qq ´ expp´ppx ´ x0 q2 ` y 2 qq . (4.9)
difference with the 1D case: while in the latter the emission of travelling holes sets
in at a finite value of minpρq, in 2D there are stationary solutions all the way down
to min(ρ)“ 0, see the right panel of figure 4.2.
Figure 4.6: The 3D plots show the density of the condensate, with the external
potential superimposed in yellow. The 2D contour plots give the projection of the
density values on the x-y plane, with regions of higher density in warmer colours.
The direction of the flow is from the left to the right. (a) (V0 “ 14, x0 “ 1.5, α “ 4,
U “ 0.4): an supercritical state. A vortex pair has been temporarily trapped by
the dip in the potential. (b) (V0 “ 14, x0 “ 1.5, α “ 4, U “ 0): a subcritical
stationary solution.
strength α. An example of the process is illustrated in figure 4.5, where the onset
of vortex nucleation is caused by an increase in U . Representatives of supercritical
and subcritical states are shown in figure 4.6.
4.00 4.01
Vortex nucleation
No vortices
3. 3.5 4. 4.5
Figure 4.7: The main plot shows part of the boundary between supercritical and
subcritical regions of phase space with respect to the parameters M “ U {Uc , with
Uc the equilibrium sound speed, and α for V0 “ 14, x0 “ 1.5. The inset has been
obtained with a different value of the potential strength, V0 “ 16.8, x0 “ 1.5 and
gives an idea of the attainable resolution for small values of M .
Recent experiments have shown that polaritons injected at two spatially separated
pump spots organise themselves so to produce a system which behaves very simi-
larly to a 1-dimensional quantum harmonic oscillator [85]. Subsequent experiments
with polaritons injected at multiple pump spots have revealed the importance of
the number of pumps and of their distances in determining the dynamical be-
haviour of the system [26]. In fact, as the distance between pumps is varied, the
system shows a transition from a phase-locked but freely flowing regime to a fully
trapped state.
Section 5.1 recapitulates the results of [85]. Section 5.2 discusses the results
presented in [26]. I have contributed to the theoretical work leading to [26] and
performed all the numerical simulations.
Chapter 5. Influence of the Pumping Geometry on the Dynamics 86
Figure 5.1: Image taken from [85]. (a) The experimental setup: two pump spots
of diameter 1 µm distant 20 µm from each other. The resulting potential (in red),
combined with the effects of polariton-polariton interactions, produces quantum
oscillator states, like the one shown at the top of the panel. (b) Energy spectrum
along the line connecting the two pump spots superimposed over the shape of the
effective potential. (c) Contour plots of the observed condensate density showing
various harmonic oscillator modes. (d) Dependence of the energy on the quantum
number. (e) Hermite-Gaussian fit of the n “ 5 state.
ρ1 ` ρ2 ρ1 ´ ρ2
R“ , z“ (5.4)
2 2
and separating real and imaginary part one obtains the equations
2R χ9 ` z φ9 “ ´2R2 ` upR2 ´ z 2 q ´ J R2 ´ z 2 cos φ, (5.5)
R9 “ αR ´ σpR2 ` z 2 q. (5.6)
? ?
Similarly, multiplying (5.1) by ρ1 expp´ipχ ` φ{2qq, (5.2) by ρ2 expp´ipχ ´
φ{2qq, taking the difference and separating real and imaginary part yields
z9 “ zpα ´ 2σRq ´ J R2 ´ z 2 sin φ, (5.7)
Rφ9 ` 2z χ9 “ ´2R z. (5.8)
φ9 “ ´uz ` ? 2 cos φ. (5.9)
R ´ z2
For our system uR " J, R " z therefore (5.6) reduces to R “ α{σ and (5.9)
to φ9 “ ´uz. Hence
φ: “ ´uz9 “ uαz ` sin φ
σ (5.10)
“ ´αφ9 ` sin φ.
5.1 panels (b), (c), (d), (e). Since the system is not confined in the direction
transverse to the line connecting the two pumps, polaritons outflow in this direction
is observed.
Figure 5.2: Image from [26] showing the observed transition from locked to trapped
condensate. (a) The experimental setup: a spatial light modulator images various
pump spots onto the microcavity. (b)-(i) Contour plots of the condensate density
for various numbers of pumps and different separations. The dashed red circles
denote the boundaries of the pumping spots. The pump separation decreases
from top to bottom. (b)-(d) Examples of locked configurations. (e)-(i) Examples
of trapped configurations. (h)-(i) If pumping is extended over an annulus only
trapped configurations are possible.
diffusing exciton population created in the vicinity of each pump spot produces a
local blue-shift of strength up to about 2 meV and decay length of approximately
Chapter 5. Influence of the Pumping Geometry on the Dynamics 89
Figure 5.3: Figure from [26] showing the dependence of the power threshold on the
number and geometry of pump spots. The different regimes are denoted by the
Roman numerals I (pumps effectively overlapping, no trap), II (trapped configura-
tion) and III (locked configuration). (a) Dependence of the condensation threshold
on the number of pumps and their separation. (b) Phase diagram from the numer-
ical simulations (dashed lines). Colours correspond to the threshold values in (a).
(c) Data replotted as injected power per spot vs nearest distance between pump
spots. (d) Condensation threshold vs number of pump spots. The pump spots are
arranged along a circle of diameter d “ 50 µm.
Chapter 5. Influence of the Pumping Geometry on the Dynamics 90
N ˆ ˙
ÿ |x ´ xi |2
V pxq “ V0 exp ´ , (5.12)
where N is the total number of pumps, xi is the position of the centre of the i-th
pump, V0 » 2 meV is the depth of the trap at the centre of the pump spot and
ld is the characteristic length over which excitons diffuse. Condensates forming
in correspondence of the different pump spots are accelerated by this potential,
interact and phase-lock, forming a single coherent condensate.
The behaviour of the system is highly sensitive to the number of pumps and
their distances. In fact, if d is less then some critical distance dc „ 30 µm, the con-
densate flips from a freely flowing but phase-locked regime to a spatially trapped
configuration, see figures 5.2 and 5.3. A higher pumping power facilitates the
transition and a larger number of pumps leads to a larger value of dc .
For d ą dc the condensate is in the locked regime (III). The system is not
trapped and polaritons outflow is observed. The cooperative behaviour of conden-
sates produced at different spots is evident from figure 5.3, panel (c), which shows
how the power per pump needed to reach the condensation threshold is, for N ą 2,
less than the single pump value of 11 mW, and from figure 5.3, panel (d), which
shows a sublinear increase with N of the total power need to obtain condensation.
For d ă dc the condensate undergoes a turbulent phase in which vortices are
continuously nucleated and destroyed. If d is further reduced, the system enters
a new stable configuration, the trapped regime (II). The condensate is now fully
confined and no polariton outflow is observed. This regime can be clearly observed
in figure 5.3, panel (a), as a pronounced drop in the threshold power. Within
the trapped regime, larger values of d generate a higher variety of 2D harmonic
oscillator states, see figure 5.2 panels (f), (h), while smaller values of d lead to a
Gaussian-shaped ground state, see figure 5.2 panels (e), (g).
Finally, for even smaller distances (d ă 12 µm), the potentials generated at
different pump spots overlap so much that the resulting potential has no central
minimum, but rather expels the condensate (regime III). The transition to this
Chapter 5. Influence of the Pumping Geometry on the Dynamics 91
Figure 5.4: Image from [26] showing the shape of the trap for (a) N “ 3, (b)
N “ 4, (c) N “ 6. Panels (d) - (e) show a cross section of the potentials (a) -
(c) along a line passing through the trap centre (blue dashed line) and through
two neighbouring pumps (red dashed line). Black arrows mark the effective trap
different pumps overlap so much that the trap disappears completely and what is
left is a single potential hill.
Figure 5.5: Figure from [26]. Comparison between experimental data (a)-(c) and
results of numerical simulations (d)-(f). The intermediate regime occurring in
passing from the locked to the trapped regime is characterised by a chaotic dy-
namics with vortices continuously forming and annihilating. Experimental images
are averaged over time and cannot show the dynamics of individual vortices. To
compare with experiments, panel (e) shows dynamics averaged in time, while pan-
els (d) and (f) show single snapshots of stationary configurations.
ÿ ` ˘
f pxq “ exp ´wpx ´ xi q2 , (5.13)
The key rôle played by quantum pressure in the transition from locked to
trapped state can be clearly seen in figure 5.6: for d ą dc quantum pressure
generates a repulsive potential which prevents the condensate from reaching the
centre of the trap, see panel (c). As the distance between pumps is reduced the
quantum pressure contribution drops and the condensate density at the centre of
the trap increases, see panel (d).
Chapter 5. Influence of the Pumping Geometry on the Dynamics 94
Figure 5.6: Figure taken from [26]. Left: numerically obtained velocity profiles
(grey scale and arrows) for the locked (a) and trapped (b) regimes. Red crosses
denote the pump positions ad white contours show the polariton density. Right:
cross sections of (a) and (b) along the red dashed lines showing the pump-induced
potential (V ), the quantum pressure (QP) and the condensate density (ρ). In (c)
and (d) the blue dashed line marks the centre of the pump spot. Black arrows
show the points at which the condensate density is highest.
Part II
Chapter 6
Background Material
Section 6.1 reviews some useful material on self-dual and Einstein manifolds. Sec-
tion 6.2 briefly introduces the geometrical models of matter framework [6]. Section
6.3, presents gravitational instantons, and in particular the ALF Ak´1 and ALF
Dk subclasses whose rôle as models for charged multi-particle systems is studied
in chapters 7 and 8. Other reference material has been put in appendix B.
6.1.1 Self-duality
Let pM, gq be an oriented Riemannian manifold of dimension n. Denote by Ωp pM q
the space of smooth differential p-forms on M . For α, β P Ωp pM q denote by p, q
the product
pα, βq “ pβ, αq “ αa1 ...ap β a1 ...ap . (6.1)
The squared L2 -norm ||α||2 of a p-form α is the positive definite quantity1
The squared L2 -norm of a vector-valued form is defined as the sum of the L2 -norm
of its independent components. For example, the squared L2 -norm ||R||2 of the
We are assuming that M is a Riemannian manifold. For a Lorentzian manifold (6.2) is not
positive definite.
Chapter 6. Background Material 97
α ^ ˚β “ pα, βq η, (6.4)
1 a1 ...ap
p˚αqap`1 “ α ηa1 ...ap ap`1 . (6.5)
R “ Rab ea b eb “ Rabcd ea b eb b ec ^ ed
2 (6.7)
“ Rabcd ea ^ eb b ec ^ ed ,
Rapbcdq “ 0, (6.9)
R 1
R“ g ^g
¯ ` ¯ ` W,
g ^z (6.10)
2npn ´ 1q n´2
In components,
R ` ˘
Rabcd “ pgac gbd ´gab gcd q` gac zbd `zac gbd ´gab zcd ´zab gcd `Wabcd , (6.12)
npn ´ 1q
with Rab “ Rcacb the Ricci tensor, R “ Raa the scalar curvature and
ˆ ˙
1 R
zbd “ Rbd ´ gbd . (6.13)
n´2 n
Chapter 6. Background Material 99
1 a ef
W ηef cd “ ˘W abcd . (6.14)
2 b
A conformally flat manifold, i.e. whose Weyl tensor vanishes, is obviously self-
dual. Another class of self-dual manifolds, which will be of interest for us later, are
hyperkähler 4-manifolds. A hyperkähler manifold is a complex manifold M which
admits covariantly constant complex structures I, J, K satisfying the quaternionic
relations I 2 “ J 2 “ K 2 “ ´1, IJ “ ´JI “ K, JK “ ´KJ “ I, KI “ ´IK “ J
and such that the metric is Hermitian with respect to I, J, K.
In order to present the different families, we first need to give some details on
the topological and metric structure of gravitational instantons [33, 45]. Consider a
compact connected orientable 4-manifold M with connected boundary BM . Then
M “ M z BM admits a decomposition M “ C Y N where C is a compact subset
of M and N is diffeomorphic to the open annulus BM ˆ p0, 8q. Assume that BM
is the total space of a smooth fibration π : BM Ñ B with fibre F . Let x be a
boundary defining function, i.e. x “ 0, dx ‰ 0 on BM . Set r “ 1{x and consider
the behaviour of the metric tensor g in a neighbourhood U of BM . The metric of
ALF gravitational instantons is of fibred boundary type, that is
g “ dr2 ` r2 π ˚ h ` k (6.17)
A characterisation in terms of volume growth can also be given [20, 61]. The
volume growth of a geodesic ball of radius r is proportional to
binary octahedral group of order 48 and the binary icosahedral group of order
120. It is interesting to note that while there are ALE gravitational instantons
corresponding to all the possible finite subgroups of SU p2q [56], there are ALF
gravitational instantons corresponding only to the cyclic (type Ak´1 ) and binary
dihedral (type Dk ) subgroups.
ALE and ALF gravitational instantons of the same class have the same topol-
ogy, but differ at the metric level. Topologically, they retract onto a configuration
of 2-spheres intersecting according to the Cartan matrix of the corresponding Lie
algebra. Outside a compact set containing these 2-spheres they are homeomorphic
to C2 {Γ where Γ “ Zk for Ak´1 , k ě 1 and Γ “ Dk´2 ˚
for Dk , k ě 3.6 This gives
large r hypersurfaces the structure of a circle bundle. The bundle structure will be
important for the calculation of the electric charge and will be examined in more
detail in chapter 7.
Small values of k need a separate description: A0 , also known as the Taub-
NUT manifold, has the topology of C2 ; D0 retracts onto RP 2 and is not simply
connected; D1 retracts onto S 2 ; D2 is the minimal resolution of singularities of
pR3 ˆ S 1 q{Z2 . Outside a compact set, the asymptotic topologies of D0 (D1 ) and
D4 (D3 ) are the same, but the orientation is opposite [13].
Topological Invariants
Let us compute the Euler number χ and the signature τ of ALF gravitational
instantons. A definition of these quantities is given in appendix B.1.
The Euler number χpM q of a manifold M can be calculated as the alternating
sum of the Betti numbers bi pM q “ dim pH i pMk qq of M . The de Rham cohomology
groups of an ALF gravitational instanton are
’R if p “ 0,
H p pMk q “ Rk if p “ 2, (6.18)
%0 otherwise,
Not that D1˚ „ Z4 . However the Z4 -actions on the A3 and D3 manifolds are different.
Chapter 6. Background Material 107
χpMk q “ bi pMk q “ k ` 1. (6.19)
We can double check the value of χpAk q using the generalised Gauss-Bonnet
theorem (B.3). Since the integral of the curvature form over Ak , calculated in
appendix B.4, is ż
||R||2 η “ 8π 2 pk ` 1q , (6.20)
where b. d. stands for the contribution from the boundary at infinity. For both
Ak and Dk gravitational instantons the boundary contribution is pk ´ 2q{3, see
(B.14), therefore
τ pMk q “ pk ´ 2q{3 ` 2pk ` 1q{3 “ k, (6.23)
where Mk is either Ak or Dk .
As noted in [36], according to the original proposal [6] τ pM q gives the baryon
number of the particle modelled by M . For both Ak and Dk , τ “ k. The fact
Chapter 6. Background Material 108
that, for k ą 0, the signature of Ak does not agree with the baryon number of a
system of k ` 1 electrons suggested dropping the identification of signature with
baryon number.
Hausel-Hunsicker-Mazzeo Compactification
where #k CP2 is the connected sum of k complex projective planes taken with the
orientation opposite to the one induced by the standard complex structure. The
case XM “ S 4 is realised by the flat space R3 ˆ S 1 while the compactification of
Ak´1 is #k CP2 [33].
The compactification of the Atiyah-Hitchin manifold, and therefore of D1 ,
which differs from the Atiyah-Hitchin manifold only at the metric level, is CP 2 ,
the compactification being achieved by gluing an RP 2 at infinity [6]. The compact-
ification of Dk is likely to be the connected sum of k complex projective planes,
but this has not been proved yet.
Coming to the metric structure of ALF gravitational instantons, both the exact
Ak´1 and the asymptotic Dk metrics can be expressed in the form known as the
Chapter 6. Background Material 109
where dΩ2 “ dθ2 ` sin2 θ dφ2 , r P r0, 8q, θ P r0, πs, φ P r0, 2πq are spherical
coordinates and ψ is an angle whose range depends on the precise form of V . Note
that the metric dr2 ` r2 dΩ2 is the flat metric on R3 . The 1-form α is locally such
that dα “ ˚3 dV , with ˚3 the Hodge dual with respect to this flat metric. More
Bx V “ By αz ´ Bz αy ,
By V “ Bz αx ´ Bx αz , (6.26)
Bz V “ Bx αy ´ By αx .
β 1 “ e4 ^ e1 ´ e2 ^ e3 , β 2 “ e1 ^ e3 ´ e2 ^ e4 , β 3 “ e4 ^ e3 ´ e1 ^ e2 . (6.27)
g “ e1 b e1 ` e2 b e2 ` e3 b e3 ` e4 b e4 , (6.28)
it follows that the closure condition for the 2-forms β i is equivalent to the relation
dα “ ˚3 dV. (6.31)
p1 p2
p1 p2 p3
R3 Ak
Figure 6.1: The structure of an Ak ALF gravitational instanton illustrated for
k “ 3. The manifold Ak can be viewed as the union of a circle bundle over R3 ztpi u
and k ` 1 points tpi u. The inverse image by πAk of several subsets of R3 is shown
in the figure in cyan colour. The inverse image of the NUTs p1 , p2 , p3 is a single
point, while the inverse image of an ordinary point p is a circle. The inverse image
of a line connecting two NUTs, the dashed line between p1 and p2 in the figure,
is a cylinder with the circles at both ends collapsed to a point, topologically a
Chapter 6. Background Material 111
Ak´1 metric
The metric of the Ak´1 family, whose members are also known as multi Taub-NUT
gravitational instantons [37], is
ÿ µ
V “1` , (6.33)
||p ´ pi ||
where µ ą 0 is a constant. The point p has spherical coordinates pr, θ, φq and tpi u
are the positions of k distinct points in R3 , the NUTs. If px, y, zq are the Cartesian
coordinates of the point p and pxi , yi , zi q are the Cartesian coordinates of pi , then
||p ´ pi || “ px ´ xi q2 ` py ´ yi q2 ` pz ´ zi q2 .
In order for (6.32) to be free from conical singularities, ψ needs to have the
range ψ P r0, 4πµq. In fact the metric near a NUT is approximately that of single
´ µ¯ ` 2 ˘ ´ µ ¯´1
ds2 „ 1 ` dr ` r2 dΩ2 ` 1 ` pdψ ` µ cos θ dφq2 , (6.34)
r r
with r the distance from the NUT. Substituting r “ ρ2 {p4µq one obtains
ρ2 ` 2
dΩ ` pdpψ{µq ` cos θ dφq2 ,
ds2 „ dρ2 ` (6.35)
which, provided that ψ{µ P r0, 4πq, is the flat metric on R4 expressed in terms of
the radial variable r and the Euler angles ψ{µ, θ, φ on SU p2q.
Geometrically a NUT is a fixed point of the action of the Killing vector B{Bψ
on the manifold [38]. Excluding the NUTs Ak is a circle bundle over R3 , with a
projection πAk mapping each circle to its base-point in R3 . We can extend πAk to
a map, which we will denote by the same symbol, defined on the whole of Ak by
letting it act trivially on the NUTs. A schematic picture of Ak and of the action
of πk is given in fig. 6.1.
Note that an ALF Ak gravitational instanton has k ` 1 NUTs. Since it is
notationally more convenient to deal with k NUTs we frequently work with Ak´1
Chapter 6. Background Material 112
instead of Ak .
The metric of the Dk family is, with the exception of D0 and D1 , known only
implicitly [21]; the D2 metric is presented as an approximation to the K3 metric in
[47]. However, for large r the following asymptotic approximation is known [18]:
k ˆ ˙
2µ ÿµ 1 1
V “1´ ` ` . (6.37)
||p|| i“1 2 ||p ´ pi || ||p ` pi ||
Note that (6.37) is given by the superposition of a NUT of negative weight located
at the origin and 2k NUTs at t˘pi u, and is symmetric under inversion in the origin.
Close to each NUT pi the metric (6.36) is well approximated by the A0 metric.
For r Ñ 8 the positions of the NUTs become irrelevant and the metric has
the leading asymptotic form (6.36) with V given by
pk ´ 2qµ
V “1` , (6.39)
where r “ ||p||.
If all the NUTs are very distant from the origin then (6.37), at large distances
from both the origin and the NUTs, i.e. for 0 ! r ! ||pi ||, reduces to
V „1´ (6.40)
The metric (6.36) with V given (6.40) is the asymptotic form of the D0 metric.
Therefore, if all the NUTs are far from the origin, Dk resembles a central D0
surrounded by 2k A0 -like NUTs.
From the moduli space description of Dk [22, 23] follows that it is possible to
set pk “ 0 without making the manifold singular or altering its topology. Doing
Chapter 6. Background Material 113
ÿ µˆ ˙
µ 1 1
V “1´ ` ` . (6.41)
||p|| i“1 2 ||p ´ pi || ||p ` pi ||
If the other 2pk ´ 1q NUTs are far from the origin, then (6.41), at large distances
from both the origin and the NUTs, i.e. for 0 ! r ! ||pi ||, i ‰ k, reduces to
V „1´ . (6.42)
The metric (6.36) with V given by equation (6.42) is the asymptotic form of
the Atiyah-Hitchin metric, the maximally symmetric member of the D1 family.7
Therefore, if a pair of NUTs sits at the origin and all the other are far from it, Dk
resembles a central Atiyah-Hitchin manifold surrounded by 2pk ´ 1q A0 -like NUTs.
The parameter µ has the physical dimensions of a length and is related to the
length of the circles in the asymptotic fibration which is 4π µ for Ak´1 and 2π µ
for Dk . It is natural to choose the value of µ so that the asymptotic length of the
circles is 2π, that is $
& 1 for A ,
µ“ 2 (6.43)
%1 for D .
see equations (7.48), (7.55). In (6.44) pdψ ` αqAk´1 is the 1-form comparing in
the Ak´1 metric (6.32); in (6.45) pdψ ` αqDk is the (different) 1-form comparing
in the asymptotic Dk metric (6.36). In both cases ωl is given by the 1-form (7.41)
discussed in chapter 7.
The D1 family, whose asymptotic metric is parametrised by p1 , has been studied by Dancer
[27]. Members of the D1 family generally have only a U p1q group of isometries. The Atiyah-
Hitchin manifold is obtained for p1 “ 0 and has instead an SOp3q group of isometries.
Chapter 6. Background Material 114
A Kähler 4-manifold with Kähler form β has a canonical orientation, β^β, induced
by its complex structure. A hyperkähler manifold has three Kähler forms β1 , β2 ,
β3 , but they all induce the same orientation. For Ak , these forms are given by
(6.27), and the induced orientation is, in (r, ψ, θ, φ) coordinates,
We want to take the orientation opposite to the one induced by the complex
structure. For Ak it is
orAk “ dψ ^ dr ^ dθ ^ dφ. (6.47)
For Dk it is
orDk “ dr ^ dψ ^ dθ ^ dφ. (6.48)
Chapter 7
According to [6], there are two different definitions of the electric charge of a
particle modelled by a non-compact manifold M . The first one is minus the self-
intersection number of the surface representing infinity in the Hausel-Hunsicker-
Mazzeo compactification XM of M . More precisely, if S is the base of the asymp-
totic fibration, and therefore XM zS “ M , then charge is given by minus the self-
intersection number of S in XM . The second definition is minus the first Chern
number of the asymptotic circle fibration of M .
The two definitions are equivalent provided that the asymptotic fibration is
oriented, i.e. provided that the structure group is U p1q „ SOp2q. This is the
case for the Ak´1 family. However, if the asymptotic fibration is not oriented, as
happens for the Dk family, then it is not possible to define its first Chern number
C1 . However, it is possible to construct a double cover Dk of Dk which has an
oriented asymptotic fibration. Charge can be then computed as minus one half of
the first Chern number of the double cover asymptotic fibration.
While the charge definition in terms of the self-intersection number is more
satisfactory as it applies to both families without the need of any additional con-
struction, the definition in terms of C1 is closer to physics as it can be viewed as a
generalisation of Gauss’ flux theorem. For this reason, I have chosen to compute
the electric charge of Ak´1 and Dk by calculating the first Chern number of the
relevant fibration, as I originally did in [36].
Section 7.1 contains a detailed explanation of the charge definition in terms
of C1 . Section 7.2 illustrates the charge computation for Ak´1 and Dk . The
equivalence between the two charge definitions in the case of Ak´1 gravitational
instantons is discussed in appendix B.2. Some background material on principal
bundles and characteristic classes has been summarised in appendix B.3.
Chapter 7. Asymptotic Topology and Charge 116
7.1 Definition
7.1.1 Motivation
The dynamical Maxwell equations for an electric field E, in 3-dimensional vector
notation, are
∇ ¨ E “ 4πρe . (7.1)
where dV and dσ are the natural volume elements of V and BV , the latter taken
with the orientation induced by the external unit vector perpendicular to BV .
If the volume V is the whole of R3 , we can consider its “boundary” to be the
2-sphere at infinity S8 “ limRÑ8 SR2 . Therefore electric charge can be calculated
by integrating the flux of E at infinity,
Qe “ E ¨ dσ. (7.3)
4π 2
Since in [6] the rôles of electric and magnetic fields are reversed, electric charge
is given by the appropriate generalisation of a relation similar to (7.3) but involving
the magnetic field B. Let us then consider the behaviour of a particle having non-
zero magnetic charge. The magnetic field generated by a point particle of magnetic
strength g is
B “ 3 r. (7.4)
Because of the radial direction of B in (7.4) and the r´2 dependence of its modulus,
one can apply Gauss theorem and relate the magnetic charge contained in a volume
V with the flux of B obtaining an expression exactly analogous to (7.3).
However, a fundamental property of electric charge is its quantisation. We will
derive below the Dirac quantisation condition which states that, for a monopole
of strength g and an electrically charged particle of charge q, in units such that
the charge of the proton is one, the condition 2 qg P Z must hold. Therefore, if q
is integer, 2g, rather than g, is also an integer. For this reason, it is preferable to
Chapter 7. Asymptotic Topology and Charge 117
define the magnetic charge of a monopole of strength g to be 2g, and the analogous
of (7.3) reads ż
Qm “ B ¨ dσ. (7.5)
2π S82
For future use, we would like to rewrite (7.5) in a more geometrical form. In
order to do this, it is convenient to make use of the exterior calculus formalism.
Let B “ B5 be the 1-form associated to the magnetic field B via the canonical iso-
morphism induced by the flat metric g p3q on R3 , F “ ˚3 B be the 2-form1 obtained
applying the Hodge operator induced by g p3q on B. If B a are the components of
B with respect to a coordinate basis tB{Bxa u, then
B“ B b gab a
dx , F “ detpg p3q q B c cab dxa ^ dxb , (7.6)
The 2-form F is closed, i.e. dF “ 0, but not exact2 , i.e. it cannot be written
as the exterior derivative of a globally defined 1-form. In fact, suppose there were
a globally defined 1-form A such that F “ dA. Then, using Stokes’ theorem, we
would have ż ż
2π Qm “ lim dA “ lim A “ 0, (7.9)
RÑ8 S 2 RÑ8 BS 2
in contradiction with the fact that the particle has magnetic charge 2g as one
readily obtains by directly calculating the integral (7.8).
The 2-form F is the usual electromagnetic field-strength 2-form of a stationary magnetic
field in a frame where the electric field vanishes.
Indeed F is 4πg times the canonical volume form ` of S 2 ,˘which is homotopically equivalent
to R zt0u, therefore it is a non-trivial element of H R zt0u .
3 2 3
Chapter 7. Asymptotic Topology and Charge 118
We can now derive Dirac’s quantisation condition. Consider the wave func-
tions ψN and ψS , defined on SN and SS , of a particle with electric charge e. Since
AN “ AS ` 2g dφ, the wave functions ψN and ψS are related by the gauge trans-
formation ψN “ ψS expp2i eg φq. In order for ψN to be single-valued, working in
units such that e “ 1, we must have 2g “ l P Z.
The adequate generalisation of (7.8) to the more complicated topologies of ALF
gravitational instantons is given by minus the first Chern number of the asymptotic
fibration of these manifolds, to be discussed in the next section.
7.1.2 Formalisation
Some background material on connection on principal bundles has been discussed
in appendix B.3, for more details see [64], [65] or [66].
Manifolds modelling charged particles have asymptotic hypersurfaces with the
Chapter 7. Asymptotic Topology and Charge 119
Points with the same ratio z 1 {z 2 are mapped to the same point of S 2 . This gives
S 3 the structure of a U p1q-bundle over S 2 with projection π and right action
σ : S 3 ˆ U p1q Ñ S 3 given by complex number multiplication:
` ˘
σ pz 1 , z 2 q, exppiwq “ pz 1 exppiwq, z 2 exppiwqq. (7.14)
x1 x2 |z|2 ´ 1
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙
1 2 3 2z
φN px , x , x q “ , , ´1
φN pzq “ , P S 2 Ă C ˆ R „ R3 .
1 ´ x3 1 ´ x3 1 ` |z|2 |z|2 ` 1
Chapter 7. Asymptotic Topology and Charge 120
to the fibre over u, known as the vertical space at u, can be defined without any
additional structure. However there is no canonical way of choosing a complement
Hu PH of Vu PH in Tu PH . A connection on PH is equivalent to a smooth choice
of such a complement for all u P PH . The vector space Hu PH is known as the
horizontal space at u.
Since different connections give the same first Chern number, we are free to
make a simple choice for ω. The embedding of S 3 in C2 „ R4 given by the inclusion
suggests a natural choice for Hu PH : the real orthogonal complement of Vu PH in
Tu PH with respect to the Euclidean metric on R4 . Let u “ pu1 , u2 q P S 3 . The
vertical space at u is
1 1 2
˘ˇ ` 1 2 ˘ ¯
2 ˇ
ωu pw puqq “ r Im z̄ dz ` z̄ dz ˇ ipu , u qw
u (7.21)
` 1 1 ˘ ` ˘
“ r Re ū u w ` ū u w “ r |u1 |2 ` |u2 |2 w “ r w.
2 2
It follows r “ 1.
The connection on PH that we have found is therefore the 1-form
` ˘
ω “ Im z̄ 1 dz 1 ` z̄ 2 dz 2 , (7.22)
We now want to rewrite ω in a form which makes clear its relation with
the gauge potentials AN and AS given in (7.10). Introduce local coordinates
ψ P r0, 2πq, θ P r0, πs, φ P r0, 2πq on π ´1 pS 2 ztpN , pS uq, where pS “ p0, 0, ´1q
Chapter 7. Asymptotic Topology and Charge 122
and ω is given by
1 ` ˘
ω “ dψ ` cos θ dφ on π ´1 S 2 ztpN , pS u . (7.25)
φ φ
ψN “ ψ ` P r0, 2πq, ψS “ ψ ´ P r0, 2πq, (7.26)
2 2
we have $
&dψ ` 1 pcos θ ´ 1qdφ on π ´1 pU q,
N 2 N
ω“ (7.27)
%dψ ` 1 pcos θ ` 1qdφ on π ´1 pU q.
S 2 S
with ψ̃ P r0, 4πq. Since it is convenient for us to fix the length of the asymptotic fibres of Ak´1
and Dk to be 2π, we prefer to work with an angle ψ in the range r0, 2πq.
Chapter 7. Asymptotic Topology and Charge 123
bundle are
1 2 1 2 1 2 z1 1 2
ΨN ppz , z qq “ pπppz , z qq, ψN ppz , z qqq “ πppz , z qq, 1 ,
|z |
ˆ ˙ (7.28)
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 z2
ΨS ppz , z qq “ pπppz , z qq, ψS ppz , z qqq “ πppz , z qq, 2 ,
|z |
with inverses
ˆ ˙
` 1 2
˘ ` 1 2
˘ |z 1 | 1 2 |z
N rz , z s, g “ z , z
g “ |z |, z 1 g,
z1 z
ˆ 2
˙ (7.29)
1 2 |z | 1 |z |
` 1 2
˘ ` ˘ 2
ΨS rz , z s, g “ z , z g “ z 2 , |z | g,
z2 z
Pulling back ω via sN,S one gets the local gauge potentials
pA1 qN “ s˚N ω 1
“ pcos θ ¯ 1q dφ. (7.32)
pA1 qS “ s˚S ω 2
with pA1 qN singular for θ “ π, pA1 qS singular for θ “ 0. Comparing (7.32) with
(7.10) we see that the gauge potentials (7.32) are equal to those of a magnetic
monopole of charge one (g “ 1{2).
Chapter 7. Asymptotic Topology and Charge 124
Ω “ dω “ ´ sin θ dθ ^ dφ.7 (7.33)
Pulling back F via sN,S one obtains the field strengths FS “ s˚S Ω, FN “ s˚N Ω.
Since FN “ FS on US X UN , we can define a 2-form F , globally defined on S 2 , as
&s˚ Ω on U 1
F “ “ ´ sin θ dθ ^ dφ. (7.34)
%s˚ Ω on U
Let us finally compute the first Chern number of the Hopf bundle:
ż ż
1 1
C1 pPH q “ ´ F “ sin θ dθ dφ “ 1. (7.35)
2π S2 4π S2
Note that Ω, a priori a 2-form on S 3 , is actually a 2-form globally defined on S 2 . More
formally we should say that Ω “ π ˚ F , where F is a 2-form on S 2 and π is the Hopf bundle
projection. This is not a coincidence: as discussed in appendix B.3, the curvature form of a
principal G-bundle P over B can be identified with an (ad P )-valued 2-form FΩ globally defined
on B. If G is Abelian, then FΩ univocally determines a g-valued 2-form F globally defined on
Chapter 7. Asymptotic Topology and Charge 125
Since the Zk -action generated by (7.36) leaves r invariant, we can focus on what
happens to a fixed, large r hypersurface. The ratio z 1 {z 2 is also left invariant by
the Zk -action, hence the Hopf fibration π descends to a map, which we will still
denote with π : S 3 {Zk Ñ S 2 , and the base of the asymptotic fibration is still S 2 .
Because of the identification (7.36), ψ „ ψ ` 2π{k, hence ψ is periodic with period
2π{k. Therefore, the fibre is again a circle, but with length 2π{k. In conclusion, for
all k ě 1, the topology of a large r hypersurface in Ak´1 is that of a U p1q-bundle
over S 2 .
In order to calculate C1 , it is convenient to consider the following 1-form, which
appears in the asymptotic metrics of both Ak´1 and Dk and generalises (7.22),
` ˘
ωl “ l Im z̄ 1 dz 1 ` z̄ 2 dz 2 . (7.38)
l ` ˘
ωl “ dψ ` cos θ dφ on π ´1 S 2 ztpN , pS u . (7.39)
l l
ψN “ ψ ` φ, ψS “ ψ ´ φ, (7.40)
2 2
with pAl qN singular for θ “ π, pAl qS singular for θ “ 0. The connection form ωl is
instead globally defined on the total space of the fibration. For l “ 0, ω0 is a flat
connection on the trivial bundle S 2 ˆ U p1q. For l “ 1 we recover the Hopf bundle
connection (7.27).
The field strength associated to ωl is the 2-form
Fl “ d pAl qS “ d pAl qN “ ´ sin θ dθ ^ dφ, (7.43)
globally defined on S 2 .
The first Chern number of a U p1q-fibration over S 2 with connection form ωl is
l, in fact ż ż
1 l
C1 “ ´ Fl “ sin θ dθ ^ dφ “ l. (7.44)
2π S 2 4π S 2
Chapter 7. Asymptotic Topology and Charge 127
k k
ψN “ ψ ` φ, ψS “ ψ ´ φ, (7.45)
2 2
Note that, comparing (7.46) with (6.32), we can see that asymptotically8
dψ ` α „ ωk . (7.48)
Consider now Dk . For k ě 3, outside a compact set the topology is that of the
quotient C2 {Dk´2
, where Dk˚ is the binary dihedral group of order 4k. The group
For reference we give the values of various expressions for generic µ. The angle ψ appearing
in the metric (6.32) has the range r0, 4πµq. Asymptotically
V „1` , α „ kµ cos θ dφ, dψ ` α „ 2µ ωk ,
ds2 „ V pdr2 ` r2 dΩ2 q ` 4µ2 V ´1 pωk q ,
ψ k ψ k
ψN “ ` φ, ψS “ ´ φ.
2µ 2 2µ 2
Of course the value of the first Chern number of Ak´1 does not depend on the choice of µ.
Chapter 7. Asymptotic Topology and Charge 128
Dk´2 , k ě 3, has two generators, g1 and g2 , whose action on C2 is given by
The generator g1 generates the cyclic subgroup Z2pk´2q . The generators satisfy the
relations pg1 q2pk´2q “ e “ pg2 q4 , pg1 qk´2 “ pg2 q2 , pg2 qpg1 qpg2 q´1 “ pg1 q´1 . Note that
pg2 q2 ¨ pz 1 , z 2 q “ ´pz 1 , z 2 q.
The Dk´2 ˚
action leaves |z 1 |2 ` |z 2 |2 unchanged, therefore we can concentrate
on its action on a large sphere S 3 Ă C2 . The action of g1 leaves the ratio z 1 {z 2
unchanged, and gives the identification ψ „ ψ ` π{pk ´ 2q on the fibres. The
action (7.50) of g2 , expressed in the (ψ, θ, φ) coordinates (7.23), results in the
pψ, θ, φq „ p´ψ, π ´ θ, π ` φq, (7.51)
so that the range of ψ is halved and opposite points on the base S 2 are identified.
The base of the asymptotic fibration is therefore RP 2 . The fibre is S 1 and the
length of the fibre is π{pk ´ 2q.
As remarked in section 6.3, for k “ 0 (k “ 1) the asymptotic topology is the
same as for k “ 4 (k “ 3) but the orientation is opposite, and for k “ 2 the
asymptotic topology is that of pR3 ˆ S 1 q{Z2 . Therefore in all cases we have the
identification (7.51) and the topology of a large r hypersurface is that of a fibre
bundle over RP 2 with fibre S 1 .
Since the structure group of the fibration is Op2q, it is not possible to define
its first Chern number. Charge, however, can still be computed by considering a
double cover Dk of Dk where the identification (7.51) is lifted, so that the base of
the fibration becomes S 2 and the structure group U p1q. Then QDk is minus half
the first Chern number of the asymptotic fibration in Dk . Using (6.39), with µ
chosen as in (6.43), one has α „ pk ´ 2q cos θ dφ. Rescaling
ψN , ψS P r0, 2πq, we find that the leading asymptotic form of the metric (6.36) can
Chapter 7. Asymptotic Topology and Charge 129
be written
` ˘2
ds2 „ V pdr2 ` r2 dΩ2 q ` V ´1 ω2pk´2q , (7.53)
QDk “ ´ ¨ 2pk ´ 2q “ 2 ´ k. (7.54)
Note that, comparing (7.53) with (6.36), we can see that asymptotically9
dψ ` α „ ω2pk´2q . (7.55)
ψ ψ
ψN “ ` pk ´ 2qφ, ψS “ ´ pk ´ 2qφ.
µ µ
Of course the value of the first Chern number of Dk does not depend on the choice of µ.
Chapter 7. Asymptotic Topology and Charge 130
with inverses Ψ´1 ´1
N,S : UN,S ˆ S Ñ π pUN,S q
` 1 2 ˘ ` 1 2 ˘ |z 1 | 1{l
N rz , z s, g “ z , z g ,
z1 (7.57)
` 1 2 ˘ ` 1 2 ˘ |z 2 | 1{l
S rz , z s, g “ z , z g ,
` ˘´1 z 2 |z 1 |
gSN prz 1 , z 2 sq “ ψS ppz 1 , z 2 qq ψN ppz 1 , z 2 qq “ 2 1 “ exp p´i l φq , (7.60)
|z | z
where pz 1 , z 2 q is any point on π ´1 prz 1 , z 2 sq and in the last equality we have used
We can double check the normalisation of the connection form (7.38) following
the same procedure that we used for the Hopf bundle, see equation (7.21). Let t ÞÑ
exppiw tq, with w P up1q „ R, be a curve on U p1q. The value of the fundamental
vector field w# associated to w at a point u “ pu1 , u2 q P S 3 {Zl is
ˇ ˇ ˆ ˙
# d ˇˇ d ˇˇ i iw 1 2
w puq “ ˇ σ pu, exp piw tqq “ ˇ u exp w t “ pu , u q, (7.61)
dt t“0 dt t“0 l l
Chapter 7. Asymptotic Topology and Charge 131
ˆ ˆ ˙˙
“` 1 1 2
˘ˇ 2 d 1 2 it
pωl qu pw q “ l Im z̄ dz ` z̄ dz u ˇ pu , u q exp w
dt l
„ ˆ ˙
` 1 1 2 2
˘ i u1 i u2 (7.62)
“ l Im ū dz ` ū dz w, w
l l
“ p|u1 |2 ` |u2 |2 q w “ w.
Note that σ̃u is the right action σ̃ : S 3 ˆ U p1q Ñ S 3 of the Hopf bundle with
the first argument held fixed. By definition of a principal bundle, σ̃u should be a
diffeomorphism. However, if the length of the fibres of the Hopf bundle is fixed to
be 2π, the length of the fibres in S 3 {Zl is 2π{l, and the map σ̃u is not injective,
but l-to-one. In order to make it injective, we need to take the l-th root of it,
obtaining the action σu peiα q “ pu1 , u2 q exp piα{lq, which is the action (7.59) with
the first argument held fixed.
Let us finally come to the particle interpretation of these manifolds. The charge
(7.47) of Ak´1 is k times that of an electron (A0 ) and suggests to consider Ak´1 as
a model for k electrons, an interpretation supported by the fact that the metric
(6.32), looks like A0 close to each NUT.
The charge (7.54) of Dk agrees both with that of a proton and k´1 electrons and
with that of a particle of charge `2 and k electrons. Indeed, Dk can describe both.
If none of the NUTs is at the origin, then Dk can be seen as the superposition of a
particle of charge +2 (D0 ) and k electrons (A0 ). Because of the Z2 identification
(6.38), the terms in (6.37) corresponding to the A0 NUTs come in mirror symmetric
pairs, with each pair contributing charge ´1. If one pair of NUTs is moved to the
origin, we can instead view Dk as the superposition of a proton (Atiyah-Hitchin
manifold) and k ´ 1 electrons.
For both Ak´1 and Dk , Q depends only on the asymptotic topology of the
Chapter 7. Asymptotic Topology and Charge 132
manifold, and its value would be the same for a different NUTs configuration
giving the same Chern number. But this is reasonable: for a system of charged
particles, the dominant part of the asymptotic field depends only on the total
charge and not on the details of the configuration.
Chapter 8
ω 1 “ V ´1 pdψ ` αq . (8.1)
` ˘
Ω1 “ dω 1 “ d V ´1 pα ` dψq “ ´V ´2 dV ^ pα ` dψq ` V ´1 dα. (8.2)
Chapter 8. Geometry and Energy 134
1 ÿ z ´ zj px ´ xj q dy ´ py ´ yj q dx
α“ , (8.3)
2 j“1 ||p ´ pj || px ´ xj q2 ` py ´ yj q2
1ÿ 1 ´ ¯
dα “ ´ px ´ xj q dy ^ dz ` py ´ yj q dz ^ dx ` pz ´ zj q dx ^ dy .
2 j“1 ||p ´ pj ||3
Here px, y, zq are the Cartesian coordinates of a point p P R3 , pxj , yj , zj q are the
Cartesian coordinates of the NUT pj and
||p ´ pj || “ px ´ xj q2 ` py ´ yj q2 ` pz ´ zj q2 . (8.5)
α“ cos θi dφi , (8.7)
2 i
dα “ ´ sin θi dθi ^ dφi . (8.8)
2 i
Because of Dirac string singularities, the forms αi “ p1{2q cos θi dφi are only locally
defined, but their exterior derivatives dαi are global objects.
ÿ ˆ 1 ˙ ÿ 1
γ“ d , c“1` , (8.10)
2ri i‰k
we have
In the limit of large r “ ||p|| we already know, see (6.44), that if µ is chosen as in
(6.43) then dψ ` α „ ωk . Since asymptotically V „ 1, using expression (7.39) for
ωk , we have
ω 1 „ ωk “ pdψ ` k cos θ dφq , (8.14)
Ω1 „ ´ sin θ dθ ^ dφ. (8.15)
Chapter 8. Geometry and Energy 136
for at least two reasons. The first is the fact that (8.16) is equal to the pure
Yang-Mills energy functional for Ω1 . The second is the fact that Ω1 is, up to
multiplication by a constant, the unique form in L2 H2 pAk´1 q, the space of square-
integrable harmonic 2-forms on Ak´1 , which is exact but not L2 -exact [45].
The integrand can be written
||Ω1 || η “ Ω1 ^ ˚Ω1 . (8.17)
However Ω1 is self-dual, in fact, expanding the exterior derivatives and making use
of the relation dα “ ˚3 dV , it can be written in the form
1 ` ˘
Ω1 “ ´ 2
Bz V β 1 ´ By V β 2 ` Bx V β 3 , (8.18)
||Ω1 || η “ Ω1 ^ ˚Ω1 “ Ω1 ^ Ω1
“ ‰ “ ‰
“ ´V ´2 dV ^ pα ` dψq ` V ´1 dα ^ ´V ´2 dV ^ pα ` dψq ` V ´1 dα
“ ´2V ´3 dα ^ dV ^ dψ “ ´2V ´3 dV ^ ˚3 dV ^ dψ
` ˘
“ d V ´2 ˚3 dV ^ dψ ´ V ´2 d ˚3 dV ^ dψ
with 4 the Laplacian and ηR3 the canonical volume form with respect to the
Euclidean metric on R3 , the last term in (8.19) can be rewritten
´V ´2 d ˚3 dV ^ dψ “ ´2π V ´2 δp||p ´ pi ||q ηR3 ^ dψ. (8.21)
Let us finally evaluate the integral (8.16). Because of the Dirac deltas,
ż ˜ ˇ ¸
1 ÿ ÿ ||p|| ˇˇ
´2π δp||p ´ p i ||q η R3 ^ dψ 9 . (8.22)
Ak´1 V2 i i
V 2 ˇp i
therefore (8.21) can be safely dropped from the integral and (8.16) reduces to
ż ż
1 2
` ˘
||Ω || η “ d V ´2 ˚3 dV ^ dψ . (8.24)
Ak´1 Ak´1
In order to evaluate (8.24) we restrict the integral to the compact manifold with
ˇˇ ˇˇ
k´1 “ tu P Ak´1 | πAk´1 puq ď Ru,
ˇˇ ˇˇ (8.25)
where R " ||pi || for all i and πAk´1 is the projection mapping each circle to its
base-point in R3 , apply Stokes’ theorem and finally take the limit R Ñ 8:
ż ż ż
1 2 1 2
||Ω || η “ lim ||Ω || η “ lim V ´2 ˚3 dV ^ dψ. (8.26)
k´1 k´1
V ´2 ˚3 dV ^ dψ „ ´ sin θ dψ ^ dθ ^ dφ ` OpR´1 q. (8.27)
Chapter 8. Geometry and Energy 138
Since ż żπ ż 2π ż 2π
dψ ^ dθ ^ dφ “ ´ dθ dφ dψ, (8.28)
k´1 0 0 0
This quantity does not depend on the NUTs positions and cannot represent the
interaction energy of Ak´1 .
Chapter 8. Geometry and Energy 139
where the notation |ab| means that we are only summing over a ă b.
ALF Ak´1 gravitational instantons have a global Killing vector ξ “ B{Bψ. The
Chapter 8. Geometry and Energy 140
associated 1-form is
Since Ω1 “ dω 1 is self-dual,
1 1
˚ p∇ξq “ ˚ dω 1 “ Ω1 . (8.36)
2 2
As we can see, the Komar mass also does not depend on the NUTs positions
and cannot represent the interaction energy of ALF gravitational instantons.
Chapter 8. Geometry and Energy 141
a constant factor times the Euclidean distance between the two NUTs. If instead
of a line we had taken any other curve connecting pi and pi`1 , the area would have
been the same constant factor times the Euclidean length of the curve, hence the
2-cycle built above is of minimal area.
Evidently, this construction can be done for any pair of distinct NUTs pi ,
pj , resulting in the minimal 2-cycle Si,j . While tS1,2 , . . . , Sk´1,k u is a basis for
H2 pAk´1 , Zq, all pairs of distinct NUTs play an equal rôle in Ak´1 and it would
be unnatural to consider only the basis 2-cycles. The natural choice is to consider
instead all the minimal 2-cycles connecting pairs of distinct NUTs. Such a choice
Chapter 8. Geometry and Energy 142
is invariant under the Weyl group of the Lie algebra Ak´1 , the symmetric group
Sk .
The sets tpi u, i “ 1, . . . , k, of NUT positions and tei u, i “ 1, . . . , k, of canonical
basis vectors of Rk have the same cardinality and so a one-to-one correspondence
pi Ø ei can be established between them. A possible choice for the set of all roots
of Ak´1 is t˘pei ´ ej q, i ‰ j “ 1, . . . , ku. The root ei ´ ej is associated with Si,j
and its negative with the same 2-cycle taken with the opposite orientation, Sj,i .
Our first proposal for an energy functional is simply to take π times the sum
of the inverse areas of the minimal 2-cycles Si,j :
ÿ 1
EAk´1 “ . (8.40)
||pi ´ pj ||
Our second proposal for an energy functional still involves the 2-cycles Si,j .
The endpoints of these 2-cycles, the NUTs pi and pj , are geometrically preferred
points. It is therefore interesting to calculate the Gaussian curvature Ki,j of Si,j
at the points pi and pj . Without loss of generality, we can relabel these points so
that i “ 1, j “ 2 and orient the axes so that p1 “ px1 , 0, 0q, p2 “ px2 , 0, 0q. The
metric on S1,2 is that of a surface of revolution,
1 B 2 pV ´1 q
K1,2 “ ´ . (8.42)
2 Bx2
In evaluating (8.42) at p1 we take advantage of the fact that many terms are
zero. Introduce the shorthand notation di “ ||p ´ pi ||, d0 “ ||p||, dij “ ||pi ´ pj ||
and group the terms in V ´1 under a common denominator:
V ´1 “ ,
f `g
k k (8.43)
ź 1ÿ
f“ dl , g “ d1 . . . dpl . . . dk ,
2 l“1
Chapter 8. Geometry and Energy 143
f Ñ 0,
fx Ñ d21 . . . dk1 ,
fxx Ñ 2pd2 . . . dk qx |p1 ,
g Ñ d21 . . . dk1 ,
ˇ k
1 ˇ 1ÿ
gx Ñ pd2 . . . dk qx ˇ `
ˇ d21 . . . dx
i1 . . . dk1 ,
2 p1 2 i“2
1 ´ ¯
K1,2 pp1 q “ ´ f xx g ´ 2f pf
x x ` g x q
2g 2
1 4 1
“´ 2
2pd21 . . . dk1 qx ¨ d21 . . . dk1 ´ 2pd21 . . . dk1 q2
2 pd21 . . . dk1 q 2
ˆ ˙ ff
1 1
´ 2d21 . . . dk1 pd21 . . . dk1 qx ` pd31 . . . dk1 ` d21 d41 . . . dk1 ` . . .q
2 2
ˆ ˙
1 1 1
“4 1` ` ` ... ` . (8.46)
2d21 2d31 2dk1
Chapter 8. Geometry and Energy 144
Equation (8.47) does not involve the point pj in any particular way, so Ki,j ppi q “
Ki,l ppi q for any l ‰ i. Therefore we define
for any 2-cycle Si,l with l ‰ i. Summing over all the NUTs, dividing by four, and
reverting to the original notation dij “ ||pi ´ pj || we get
k k
p2q 1ÿ ÿ 1
EAk´1 “ Kppi q “ k ` . (8.49)
4 i“1 iăj“1
||pi ´ pj ||
Expressions (8.40) and (8.49) are very similar. In both cases the Coulomb
interaction energy of a system of k like-charged particles is reproduced and the
construction, which involves only pairs of electrons, does not run into self-energy
p1q p2q
problems. The only difference between EAk´1 and EAk´1 is that the latter contains
an additive constant equal to the number of electrons.
It seems natural to relate the length of the asymptotic circles to the classical
electron radius re “ e2 {pme c2 q, where e and me are the charge and rest mass of the
electron. Equation (8.49) is dimensionless. In dimensional form, with µ “ re {2,
and multiplying by an overall constant factor me c2 , we get
p2q 2
ÿ e2
EAk´1 “ k me c ` , (8.50)
||pi ´ pj ||
the sum of the rest masses and the interaction energy of k electrons.
Consider now the Dk family, k ě 2. Since our analysis is based on equation
(6.36), which holds only asymptotically, we expect the energy functionals that we
derive to be accurate if all the pi are far from the origin.
In order to construct EDk , we need to sum the inverse areas of the 2-cycles
corresponding to all the roots of the Dk Lie algebra. A possible choice of roots is
Chapter 8. Geometry and Energy 145
k ˆ ˙
ÿ 1 1
EDk “ ` . (8.51)
||pi ´ pj || ||pi ` pj ||
V ´1 “ ,
f `g`h
2k 2k (8.52)
ź f 1ÿ
f“ dl , g“´ , h“ d0 d1 . . . dpi . . . d2k ,
d0 4 i“1
where di “ ||p ´ pi ||, d0 “ ||p||, dij “ ||pi ´ pj ||. The Gaussian curvature of the
2-cycle S1,2 is
ˆ ˙
1 fxx pg ` hq ´ f pgxx ` hxx q
K1,2 “ ´
2 pf ` g ` hq2
ˆ ˙ (8.53)
fx ` gx ` hx ´ ¯
` fx pg ` hq ´ f pgx ` hx q .
pf ` g ` hq3
In the limit p Ñ p1 , using (8.45) where l can now take the values l “ 0, 1, . . . , 2k,
The cases k “ 2, 3 are degenerate. For k “ 3, the Lie algebra D3 is isomorphic to A3 . The
equivalence can be checked by verifying that the Cartan matrix of D3 associated to the ordered
set of simple roots te2 ´ e3 , e1 ´ e2 , e2 ` e3 u is equal to the Cartan matrix of A3 . Similarly one
can show that D2 is isomorphic to A1 ˆ A1 .
Chapter 8. Geometry and Energy 146
one has
f, g Ñ 0,
h Ñ d0 1 d2 1 . . . d2k 1 ,
fx Ñ d0 1 d2 1 . . . d2k 1 ,
gx Ñ ´2 d2 1 . . . d2k 1 , (8.54)
1 1ÿ
hx Ñ pd0 d2 . . . d2k qx |p1 ` d0 1 d2 1 . . . dx
i 1 . . . d2k 1 ,
2 2 i“2
fxx Ñ 2 pd0 d2 . . . d2k qx |p1 ,
gxx Ñ ´4 pd2 . . . d2k qx |p1 .
The Gaussian curvature K1,2 evaluated at p1 is then, using the relations d1j “
||p1 ´ pj || if j ď k, d1j “ ||p1 ` pj || if k ` 1 ď j ď 2k, d01 “ ||p1 ||,
ˆ ˙
” 2 1 1 1
K1,2 pp1 q “ 4 1 ´ ` ` ` ...
||pi || 2 ||p1 ´ p2 || ||p1 ` p2 ||
ˆ ˙ı (8.55)
1 1 1
` ` .
2 ||p1 ´ pk || ||p1 ` pk ||
More generally, the Gaussian curvature of the 2-cycle Si,j , i ‰ j, i ‰ j`k, j ‰ i`k,
in the limit p Ñ pi is
˜ ˙¸
k ˆ
2 1 ÿ 1 1
Ki,j ppi q “ 4 1 ´ ` ` . (8.56)
||pi || 2 l“1, l‰i ||pl ´ pi || ||pl ` pi ||
Equation (8.56) does not involve pj in any particular way, so we can again define
k k k ˆ ˙
p2q 1ÿ ÿ 2 ÿ 1 1
EDk “ Kppi q “ k ´ ` ` . (8.58)
4 i“1 i“1
||pi || iăj“1 ||pi ´ pj || ||pi ` pj ||
If ||pi ´ pj || ! ||pi ||, ||pj ||, the term 1{ ||pi ` pj || is negligible, and (8.58) reduces
to an additive constant, equal to the number of electrons, plus the Coulomb inter-
action energy of k electrons and a particle of charge `2. If all the pi are far from
the origin, corrections to EDk due to the different behaviour of the exact metric
near the origin are small and we expect them to be related to the rest mass of the
positively charged particle. In dimensional form, with µ “ re , and multiplying by
an overall constant factor me c2 ,
k k ˆ ˙
p2q 2
ÿ 2e2 ÿ e2 e2
EDk “ k me c ´ ` ` . (8.59)
||p i || iăj“1
||p i ´ p j || ||p i ` p j ||
Let us now see what happens to EDk in the limit pk Ñ 0, with all the other
NUTs maintaining their positions. We cannot take this limit directly in (8.58),
but we can calculate the Gaussian curvature of the 2-cycles S˘i,˘j using the metric
(6.36) with V as in (6.41). Nothing particular happens to the 2-cycles tS˘i,˘j , i, j “
1, . . . , k ´ 1, i ‰ ju. The 2-cycles tS˘i,˘k , i “ 1, . . . , k ´ 1u now connect the points
t˘pi u to the origin. Their geometry near the origin is not described accurately by
the metric (6.36), but the description is accurate near pi . The Gaussian curvature
at the point pi ‰ 0 of any 2-cycle Si,j , i ‰ j, i ‰ j ` k, j ‰ i ` k, calculated using
(8.42), with V as in (6.41), is
˜ ˙¸
k´1 ˆ
1 1 ÿ 1 1
Kppi q “ 4 1 ´ ` ` . (8.60)
||pi || 2 l“1, l‰i ||pl ´ pi || ||pl ` pi ||
In dimensional form,
k´1 k´1
ÿ ˆ ˙
p2q ˇ 2
ÿ e2 e2 e2
EDk ˇ “ pk ´ 1qme c ´ ` ` . (8.62)
pk “0
||pi || iăj“1 ||pi ´ pj || ||pi ` pj ||
We expect the contribution of the origin to modify the rest mass term; the
interaction terms in (8.62) can be recognised as the Coulomb interaction energy
of a proton and k ´ 1 electrons.
Chapter 9
The geometric models of matter framework is both recent and innovative, therefore
some of the assumptions made in [6] are likely to change in the future. For example,
the initially proposed identification of baryon number with signature has been
dropped. This is partly a consequence of the disagreement between the signature
of ALF Ak´1 , k ą 0, gravitational instantons and the baryon number of a system
of k electrons.
In this chapter I give some discussion of the model hypotheses and of possible
future developments. Section 9.1 considers the physical and mathematical mo-
tivations for the assumptions made in [6]. Section 9.2 presents an idea for the
construction of multi-particle models starting from single-particle ones. Section
9.3 is devoted to a comparison with the Kaluza-Klein theory.
Chapter 9. A Model Under Construction 150
still unclear whether this condition needs to hold for all our models or only in
special cases. On one hand, the Einstein condition is a “homogeneity” requirement
limiting the behaviour of the curvature tensor. It is similar to the assumption of
constant Gaussian curvature for surfaces, and seems particularly adequate when
dealing with single particles or with systems predominantly composed by identical
particles. On the other hand, Einstein manifolds are stationary points of the
Euclidean Hilbert-Einstein action, a very natural and important functional, and
this suggests that the Einstein condition might be of a more fundamental character.
Finally, additional symmetry requirements might be needed in specific cases.
For example, models of single elementary particles need to be invariant under
an SOp3q or SU p2q group of transformations. This is not only dictated by the
observed rotational invariance of elementary particles, but it is also necessary in
order to be able to define spin structures on the manifolds [6].
Chapter 9. A Model Under Construction 152
so that the electric charge of the composite system is the sum of the electric
charges of its constituents — recall that the electric charge of a manifold
M having an asymptotic fibration with base S is given by minus the self-
intersection number of S in XM , where XM is the compactification of M .
In our case, using (9.1), (9.2), (9.3), we find S ¨ S|X1 #X2 “ 2 so that (9.4) is
We have shown the construction in the case of two electrons, but it applies
more generally to non-compact manifolds M1 , M2 with oriented Hausel-Hunsicker-
Mazzeo compactifications X1 , X2 and oriented compactifying surfaces S1 , S2 . The
non-compact manifold M modelling the composite system is
S “ S1 #S2 . (9.7)
It easy to verify that the construction works well if we glue more than two
electrons. It is also reassuring to see that gluing the vacuum to any particle
gives back the particle. In fact, denoting by v the vacuum, with compactification
Xv “ S 4 and compactifying surface Sv “ CP 1 „ S 2 , by p the particle, with
compactification Xp and compactifying surface Sp , and by v ` p the composite
system, we have
` ˘ ` ˘
v ` p “ pXv #Xp q z pSv #Sp q “ S 4 #Xp z S 2 #Sp “ Xp zSp ,
pSv #Sp q ¨ pSv #Sp q|Xv #Xp “ S2 ¨ S2 |S 4 ` Sp ¨ Sp |Xp “ Sp ¨ Sp |Xp .
An esthetically pleasant aspect of this idea is the fact that all particles are
described by non-compact manifolds and all single-particle models have the same
compactification. It is also interesting to note that the surface compactifying
the electron is S 2 , which has the simplest topology for a compact orientable 2-
manifold, and that the surface compactifying the proton is RP 2 , which has the
simplest topology for a compact non-orientable 2-manifold. This suggests that par-
ticle generations might be obtained by removing surfaces with more complicated
topologies, the surfaces being orientable in the case of leptons and non-orientable
in the case of baryons. For example, the topological manifold modelling a muon
might be CP 2 zT 2 , and the one modelling a tauon CP 2 z pT 2 #T 2 q.
Chapter 9. A Model Under Construction 156
ds2 “ ´dt2 ` gab dxa dxb , (9.11)
where gab is a Ricci-flat 4-dimensional metric, is a Ricci-flat 5-dimensional metric.
Therefore the metrics of both ALF Ak´1 and Dk gravitational instantons can
be trivially extended, by taking the product with a flat temporal dimension, to
Chapter 9. A Model Under Construction 157
As discussed in section 9.1, in the geometric models of matter framework manifolds are
required to be Einstein but not necessarily Ricci-flat. All the examples that we have considered
are Ricci-flat, but, for example, the model for the neutron proposed in [6], CP 2 with the Fubini-
Study metric, has positive scalar curvature.
Part III
Appendix A
with ψT F given by c
? α
ψT F “ µ“ . (A.3)
Substituting (A.2) in (A.1) and keeping terms up to first order in we obtain a
linear system in u, u: , v, v : with coefficients matrix
˜ ¸
µp1 ` iσq Apkq ` 2ωp1 ´ iηq
“ 0, (A.4)
A˚ pkq ´ 2ωp1 ` iηq µp1 ´ iσq
Apkq “ k 2 ` µp1 ` i σq. (A.5)
In order for (A.4) to have non-trivial solutions, we need to impose that the
determinant of the matrix on the left-hand side vanishes. Doing so we obtain the
dispersion relation
1 ´ a ` 2
ω“ ˘ f pkq ´ i α ` η k , (A.6)
2p1 ` η 2 q
Appendix A. Polaritons 160
For non-zero η the result (A.6) has never appeared in the literature.
For α “ σ “ η “ 0 (A.6) reduces to the well known Bogoliubov dispersion
relation, d ˆ ˙
k2 k2
ωBog pkq “ `µ . (A.8)
2 2
For η “ 0 (A.6) gives
iα 2 α2
ωpkq “ ´ ˘ ωBog pkq ´ , (A.9)
2 4
the same spectrum as that obtained in [88] starting from a different model for the
For small values of k the real part of ω is zero, so a direct application of
Landau’s criterion for superfluidity would give a vanishing critical speed. However,
as a consequence of the non-equilibrium properties of polariton condensates, drag
is highly suppressed if the flow velocity is less than some critical velocity of the
order of the equilibrium sound speed c “ µ{m [89].
Appendix A. Polaritons 161
~2 2 ` ˘
i~p1 ` iηqψ9 “ ´ ∇ ψ ` Vext ψ ` g|ψ|2 ψ ` i Γ ´ κ|ψ|2 ψ. (A.10)
ˆ ˙
ψ “ n exp i φ . (A.11)
Consider the equation obtained multiplying (A.10) by ψ ˚ and the complex conju-
gate equation,
~2 ˚ 2
i~p1 ` iηqψ ˚ ψ9 “ ´ ψ ∇ ψ ` Vext |ψ|2 ` g|ψ|4 ` ipΓ ´ κ|ψ|2 q|ψ|2 , (A.12)
´i~p1 ´ iηqψ ψ9 ˚ “ ´ ψ∇2 ψ ˚ ` Vext |ψ|2 ` g|ψ|4 ´ ipΓ ´ κ|ψ|2 q|ψ|2 . (A.13)
~2 ˚ 2
i~pψ ˚ ψ9 ´ ccq ´ ~ηpψ ˚ ψ9 ` ccq “ ´ pψ ∇ ψ ` ccq ` 2Vext |ψ|2 ` 2g|ψ|4 , (A.14)
ψ ˚ ψ9 ` cc “ Bt n,
ψ ˚ ψ9 ´ cc “ 2i n Bt φ,
ψ ˚ ∇2 ψ ´ cc “ ∇ ¨ pψ ˚ ∇ψ ´ ccq “ 2i∇ ¨ pn∇φq,
ψ ˚ ∇2 ψ ` cc “ ∇ ¨ pψ ˚ ∇ψ ` ccq ´ 2∇ψ ¨ ∇ψ ˚
´ ? ? ¯ ´ˇ ? ˇ ¯
2 2
“ ∇ ¨ 2 n∇ n ´ 2 ∇ n ` n |∇φ|
ˇ ˇ
? ?
“ 2 n ∇2 n ´ 2n |∇φ|2 ,
Appendix A. Polaritons 162
~ ~η ~2 1 2 ? ~2 Vext g
Bt φ ` Bt log ρ “ 2
? ∇ ρ ´ 2
|∇φ|2 ´ ´ 2 ρ. (A.16)
m 2m 2m ρ 2m m m
Note that in the limit ~ Ñ 0 (A.17) becomes Euler’s equation for a classic inviscid
compressible fluid with pressure
g 2
p“ ρ. (A.18)
~2 ˚ 2
i~pψ ˚ ψ9 ` ccq ´ ~ηpψ ˚ ψ9 ´ ccq “ ´
` ˘
pψ ∇ ψ ´ ccq ` 2i Γ ´ κ|ψ|2 |ψ|2 . (A.19)
Finally, the dimensionless healing length λ1 , equilibrium speed of sound c1s , and
pressure p1 are given by
1 ρ1 pρ1 q2
λ1 “ ? 1 c1s “ , p1 “ . (A.28)
ρ 2 4
Appendix A. Polaritons 165
have been performed by discretising the system and using a fourth-order finite
differences algorithm for the spatial derivatives, and a fourth-order Runge-Kutta
method for temporal evolution. The code has been written in Fortran 90.
Denoting by pi, jq a point on the computational grid, by ψi,j the value of ψ
at that point, having suppressed the temporal dependence of ψ from the notation
since it plays no rôle in the calculation of spatial derivatives, and by h the grid
spacing, the Laplacian ∇2 ψ has been numerically computed as
2 1 4 1
p∇ ψqi,j “ 2 ´ 5 ψi,j ` pψi´1,j ` ψi`1,j q ´ pψi´2,j ` ψi`2,j q
h 3 12
˙ (A.30)
4 1
` pψi,j´1 ` ψi,j`1 q ´ pψi,j´2 ` ψi,j`2 q ,
3 12
δt 9
a “ ψt ` ψt , α“Fpaq
b “ ψt ` α, β “Fpbq
g “ ψt ` δt β, γ “FpΨq
δt ´ 9 ¯
ψt`δt “ ψt ` ψt ` 2α ` 2β ` γ . (A.31)
In the actual code a smaller number of variables has been used to reduce memory usage.
Appendix A. Polaritons 166
Appendix B. Geometric Models of Matter 168
Note that
||R||2 η “ Rab ^ ˚Rab (B.5)
B.1.2 Signature
The signature of a bilinear form is the number of its positive eigenvalues minus
the number of the negative ones. Let M be a compact oriented 4-manifold. The
bilinear form
µ : H 2 pM q ˆ H 2 pM q Ñ R, (B.6)
µ prαs, rβsq “ α ^ β, (B.7)
If R is self-dual ż
τ pM q “ ||R||2 η. (B.11)
12π 2 M
1 k´2
4 ξ˜1{2 ´ 1 ` “ . (B.14)
3|Γ| 3
Appendix B. Geometric Models of Matter 170
Tp A ‘ Tp B “ Tp M (B.16)
T M |S
NS M “ . (B.18)
Appendix B. Geometric Models of Matter 171
(R, )
( , )
Figure B.2: A neighbourhood of infinity is a disk bundle over S8 with projection
π. Over each point of the base, parametrised by pθ, φq, there is a disk parametrised
by pR “ 1{r, ψq.
the compactification of Ak´1 , in (B.19) and recalling that the Euler class of a real
vector bundle is the top Chern class of the complexified bundle [15], we obtain the
equivalence between the two charge definitions.
Appendix B. Geometric Models of Matter 173
for all u P P , g P G.
for all p P B, g P G, with e the identity element of G. P is called the total space of
the bundle, B the base of the bundle. The pair pV, Ψq is called a local trivialisation.
When there is no danger of confusion we will simply write P for pP, π, σq.
Note, however, that some signs are different. In particular we use Hermitian rather than
anti-Hermitian generators of Lie algebras.
Appendix B. Geometric Models of Matter 174
Let pU, ΨU q, pV, ΨV q be two local trivialisations and consider the quantity
ΨV pΨ´1 ´1 ´1
U pp, gqq “ pp, ψV pΨU pp, gqqq “ pp, ψV pσpΨU pp, eq, gqqq
“ pp, ψV pΨ´1
U pp, eqq gq “ pp, gV U ppq gq.
ψV pΨ´1 ´1 ´1 ´1 ´1
U pp, eqq “ ψV pΨU pp, ψU puqpψU puqq qq “ ψV pσpΨU pp, ψU puqq, pψU puqq qq
“ ψV pΨ´1
U pp, ψU puqqq pψU puqq
“ ψV puq pψU puqq´1 .
If pP, π, σq, pP 1 , π 1 , σ 1 q are two principal bundles over the manifolds B and B 1 ,
a map f : P Ñ P 1 is called a principal bundle map provided that σ 1 ˝ f “ f ˝ σ.
If B “ B 1 , a principal bundle map f which is also a diffeomorphism is called an
principal bundle isomorphism. A principal G-bundle over B isomorphic to the
product B ˆ G is a trivial principal bundle.
Let pP, π, σq be a principal G-bundle over B and pV, Ψq a trivialising neigh-
bourhood. A local cross-section (shortly, a local section) of P on V is a smooth
map sV : V Ñ π ´1 pV q such that sV ˝ π “ Id|V . Two local cross-sections sU , sV of
P are related by the equation
sU “ σpsV , gV U q. (B.26)
free and transitive, a local trivialisation pV, Ψq via ΨpσpsV ppq, gqq “ pp, gq.
2. For all p P B the map φ|π´1 ppq : π ´1 ppq Ñ V is a vector space isomorphism.
The pair pU, Φq is called a local trivialisation. The rank of E is the dimension of
Let pU, ΦU q, pV, ΦV q be two local trivialisations of a vector bundle E, v P V
and consider the quantity
ΦV pΦ´1 ´1
U pp, vqq “ pp, φV pΦU pp, vqqq “ pp, γV U ppq vq. (B.27)
to P via ρ (shortly, the associated vector bundle), as follows. The total space is
the quotient
P ˆV
E “ P ˆρ V “ , (B.28)
where if u, u1 P P , ξ, ξ 1 P V, then pu, ξq „ pu1 , ξ 1 q if it exists g P G such that
u “ σpu, gq and ξ “ ρpg ´1 , ξq. The projection π on P ˆρ V is given by
The inverse is
“ ‰
Φ´1 ppp, ξqq “ Ψ´1 pp, eq, ξ . (B.31)
Tu P “ Hu P ‘ Vu P. (B.37)
In fact, by the homomorphism theorem, Tu P “ Ker pωu q‘Im pωu q “ Hu P ‘g. The
spaces g and Vu P are isomorphic, an isomorphism being the map W ÞÑ W # puq,
where W P g and W # is the fundamental vector field associated to W . Given
v P Tu P , we denote by vH its horizontal part and by vV its vertical part. We say
that v P Tu P is vertical if vH “ 0.
Let P be a principal G-bundle, ω a connection on P , α P Ωk pP, gq, the space
of g-valued k-forms on P . The covariant exterior derivative dω α of α is defined
by the equation
dω α pu1 , . . . , uk q “ dαppu1 qH , . . . , puk qH q, (B.38)
where tui u are k vector fields on P . If α P Ωk pP, gq then dω α P Ωk`1 pP, gq.
Appendix B. Geometric Models of Matter 178
Ω “ dω ω. (B.39)
Ω “ dω ` ω ^ ω. (B.40)
dω Ω “ 0. (B.41)
Unless P is trivial or G is Abelian, we can see from (B.43) that there is no globally
defined field strength on B. However if G is Abelian, then FUi “ FUj for any local
sections sUi , sUj of P and we can define a form F P Ω2 pB, gq as
F |p “ F U |p (B.44)
so that summing
σg˚ Ω “ adg´1 ˝ Ω. (B.49)
with F P Ω2 pB, gq the globally defined g-valued 2-form on B (B.44). The curvature
form Ω can be written Ω “ πP˚ F . In local coordinates one simply has Ω “ FΩ “ F .
dPpFΩ q “ 0, (B.52)
PpFΩ q ´ PpFΩ1 q “ dα, (B.53)
where α P Ω2k´1 pB, gq [65]. A consequence of (B.53) is that, provided that B has
no boundary, ż ż
PpFΩ q “ PpFΩ1 q. (B.54)
Note that we are using Hermitian generators for the Lie algebra.
Appendix B. Geometric Models of Matter 182
1ÿ 1
V “1` , (B.57)
2 i“1 ||p ´ pi ||
an harmonic function. We choose the orthonormal coframe
e1 “ ? pdψ ` αq ,
e2 “ V dx, (B.58)
e3 “ V dy,
e4 “ V dz.
η “ e1 ^ e2 ^ e3 ^ e4 “ V dψ ^ dx ^ dy ^ dz, (B.59)
dei ` ω ij ^ ej “ 0. (B.60)
Appendix B. Geometric Models of Matter 183
The result is
1 ` ˘
ω 12 “ ´ Bx V e1 ´ Bz V e3 ` By V e4 ,
2V 3{2
1 ` ˘
ω 13 “ ´ 3{2 By V e1 ` Bz V e2 ´ Bx V e4 ,
1 ` ˘
ω 14 “ ´ 3{2 Bz V e1 ´ By V e2 ` Bx V e3 ,
2V (B.61)
1 ` ˘
ω 23 “ ´ 3{2 1 2 3
Bz V e ´ B y V e ` B x V e ,
1 ` ˘
ω 24 “ ´ 3{2 ´By V e1 ´ Bz V e2 ` Bx V e4 ,
1 ` ˘
ω 34 “ ´ 3{2 Bx V e1 ´ Bz V e3 ` By V e4 .
Rik “ dω ik ` ω ij ^ ω jk . (B.62)
Rab “ Rabcd ec ^ ed . (B.63)
Since R is self-dual with respect to the orientation (B.59), it satisfies the relations
Self duality of R and the symmetry Rabcd “ Rcdab of the Riemann tensor imply
that each of the 2-forms Rab is self-dual, that is
pRab q12 “ pRab q34 , pRab q13 “ ´ pRab q24 , pRab q14 “ pRab q23 . (B.65)
Appendix B. Geometric Models of Matter 184
The result is
1 ` 2 2 2
˘` 1 2 3 4
R12 “ R34 “ V B xx V ´ 2pB x V q ` pB y V q ` pB z V q e ^ e ` e ^ e
2V 3
1 ` 1 3 2 4
` pV Bxy V ´ 3B x V B y V q e ^ e ´ e ^ e
2V 3
1 ` 1 4 2 3
` pV Bxz V ´ 3B x V B z V q e ^ e ` e ^ e ,
2V 3
1 ` 1 2 3 4
R13 “ R42 “ pV B xy V ´ 3B x V B y V q e ^ e ` e ^ e
2V 3
1 ` 2 2 2
˘` 1 3 2 4
` V B yy V ´ 2pB y V q ` pB x V q ` pB z V q e ^ e ´ e ^ e
2V 3
1 ` 1 4 2 3
` pV Byz V ´ 3B y V B z V q e ^ e ` e ^ e ,
2V 3
1 ` 1 2 3 4
R14 “ R23 “ pV B xz V ´ 3B x V B z V q e ^ e ` e ^ e
2V 3
1 ` 1 3 2 4
` pV Byz V ´ 3B y V B z V q e ^ e ´ e ^ e
2V 3
1 ` 2 2 2
˘` 1 4 2 3
` V B zz V ´ 2pB z V q ` pB x V q ` pB y V q e ^ e ` e ^ e .
2V 3
2 1 1 ÿ
||R|| η “ R ^ ˚R “ R ^ R “ Rab ^ Rab
2 2 aăb“1
1 ´ ¯
||R||2 “ pBxx V q 2
` pB yy V q2
` pB zz V q 2
` 2pBxy V q2
` 2pByz V q 2
` 2pBzx V q2
6 ´
` 5 pBx V q2 Bxx V ` pBy V q2 Byy V ` pBz V q2 Bzz V
V ¯
´ 2Bx V By V Bxy V ´ 2By V Bz V Byz V ´ 2Bz V Bx V Bzx V
6 ´ 2 2 2
` 6 pBx V q ` pBy V q ` pBx V q .
1 1
The bases (B.58) and (B.70) are related by the transformation ea “ Λaa a ,
where ¨ ˛
1 0 0 0
˚ ‹
˚ 0 sin θ cos φ cos θ cos φ ´ sin φ ‹
Λ“˚ ˚ ‹. (B.72)
˝ 0 sin θ sin φ cos θ sin φ cos φ ‹
0 cos θ ´ sin θ 0
Appendix B. Geometric Models of Matter 186
Since, denoting with unprimed (primed) indices the components of R with respect
to the basis ta u (tea u),
` ˘a 1 1
Rab “ Rab “ Λ´1 a1 Ra b1 Λb b , (B.73)
we have
4 `1 2 3 4
R12 “ R34 “ ^ ` ^ ,
p1 ` 2rq3
2 `1 ˘
R13 “ R42 “´ 3
^ 3 ´ 2 ^ 4 , (B.74)
p1 ` 2rq
2 `1 ˘
R14 “ R23 “´ 3
^ 4 ` 2 ^ 3 .
p1 ` 2rq
||R||2 “ . (B.75)
p1 ` 2rq6
Having written ||R||2 η as a total derivative, we can calculate its integral over A0
using Stokes’ theorem. However in order to do so, Y needs to be well-defined on
the whole of A0 . Since the angular coordinates are ill-defined for r “ 0, we need
to take f pθ, φ, ψq “ ´ sin θ.
The 3-form Y is not compactly supported so, proceeding in a similar way as
we did when calculating the integral (8.24) in chapter 8, we first restrict it to the
compact manifold with boundary
0 “ tu P A0 | ||πA0 puq|| ď Ru, (B.79)
where R " 1 and πA0 is the projection from A0 to R3 mapping each circle to its
base-point, apply Stokes’ theorem and finally take the limit for R Ñ 8:
ż ż ż
||R|| η “ lim d pY dψ ^ dθ ^ dφq “ lim Y dψ ^ dθ ^ dφ
0 0
ˆ ˙ (B.80)
1 ` 8R
“ ´8π 2 lim ´ 1 “ 8π 2 ,
RÑ8 p1 ` 2Rq4
Since H 2 pAk´1 q “ 0, we know that ||R||2 η is exact. Let us try to write its primitive
Y “ ´ ||R||2 V r2 sin θ,
ż (B.82)
Y “ Y pr, θ, φq dr.
48k 2 r
Y “´ sin θ dr ^ dψ ^ dθ ^ dφ,
pk ` 2rq5
ˆ ˙ (B.85)
2 k ` 8r
Y“ k sin θ ` f pθ, φ, ψq dψ ^ dθ ^ dφ.
pk ` 2rq4
f “´ sin θi . (B.87)
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