2021 Award Nomination: Nominee(s) Category
2021 Award Nomination: Nominee(s) Category
2021 Award Nomination: Nominee(s) Category
Title of Innovation:
Watchdog Tracker CR Monitoring System
Jamey Hilleary, Robert Stamm, Jeremy Dick, all from Elecsys International
(select one below)
Full Description:
(Please provide complete answers to the questions below. Graphs, charts, and photos can be
inserted to support the answers.)
Some of these capabilities have been available using data logging devices and earlier
generation remote monitoring systems, but this is the first truly comprehensive turn-key
system providing all of these capabilities.
2. How does the innovation work?
The custom-designed ground probe assembly is installed in the ground at pipe depth in the
same manner as any “triple coupon test station” probe. The wiring from the probe assembly
corresponds with input terminals on the monitoring unit which is installed at an above ground
test station riser or post. The monitoring system includes input terminals for: the protected
pipeline, a copper/copper sulfate reference electrode (included in the probe assembly), a 1cm²
coupon (for AC density measurement), a 1in² “protected” coupon (for instant disconnect and
DC density measurements), a second 1in² coupon for free-corroding coupon measurement, and
a pair of inputs for measuring drain to ground using a CT coil, or to measure a metallic bond
shunt if present. The monitoring system is configured to take measurements a user-set
intervals ranging from once every 24 hours to once every 15 seconds. In a typical application
the unit is set to take measurements hourly, forwarding data to the web weekly or when an
alarm condition is detected. The data on the website can easily be viewed, graphed, compiled
into reports, and combined with data from other sites, providing the user with the ability to
perform deep-dive analysis into all of the interacting factors that may be contributing to
corrosion risk in high voltage AC corridors. The system provides a comprehensive view of all
risk parameters, enabling the user to continually evaluate and manage all of the risk factors.
3. Describe the corrosion problem or technological gap that sparked the development of the
innovation. How does the innovation improve upon existing methods/technologies to
address this corrosion problem or provide a new solution to bridge the technology gap?
Corrosion due to AC interference in areas where pipelines and high voltage power transmission
lines are located in close proximity to one another is an issue that has emerged as one of the
top concerns in corrosion management. The science, and corresponding evaluation and
mitigation practices have evolved over the past 15 to 20 years as this issue has come to the
forefront. One of the “best practices” that is now codified in the NACE SP21424 AC
Interference standard is frequently monitoring the critical values for an indeterminate period of
time in order to validate the effectiveness of the mitigation efforts. Corrosion rate, along with
AC and DC current density and AC voltage on the pipeline are the most critical components of
this validation. The induced AC interference that is of concern regarding AC corrosion is subject
to wide fluctuations in magnitude, requiring frequent and ongoing measurements to be taken.
Some data-logging systems and remote monitoring systems developed over the years providing
some of the critical data, but no system has combined all of the critical data, along with
cathodic protection data and AC drain data and incorporated this expansive data set into a
reliable, web-based monitoring system. The ability for the users within a pipeline organization
to review, compare and analyze all of the factors contributing to AC corrosion risk on a single
shared platform provides the organization with an unprecedented toolset for comprehensive
validation and assurance of AC mitigation efforts. All of the data pertaining to the NACE
standard plus additional relevant data pertaining to the effectiveness of the cathodic protection
system and the mitigating system are provided continuously.
4. Has the innovation been tested in the laboratory or in the field? If so, please describe any
tests or field demonstrations and the results that support the capability and feasibility of the
This system has undergone in house validation testing as well as several months of field testing
beginning in September of 2019 and ongoing.
5. How can the innovation be incorporated into existing corrosion prevention and control
activities and how does it benefit the industry/industries it serves (i.e., does it provide a cost
and/or time savings; improve an inspection, testing, or data collection process; help to
extend the service life of assets or corrosion-control systems, etc.)?
This innovation eliminates the need for frequent site visits to obtain measurements and
consolidates all of the critical measurements into a single system. It provides a comprehensive,
perpetual validation of the cathodic protection system and AC mitigation system effectiveness
at every monitored location. It provides the operator with all of the data required for
compliance to the NACE SP21424 standard as well as additional data indicative of sufficient
corrosion control at affected sites.
6. Is the innovation commercially available? If yes, how long has it been utilized? If not, what
is the next step in making the innovation commercially available? What are the challenges, if
any, that may affect further development or use of this innovation and how could they be
The system has been available for widespread commercial use since the spring of 2020. It was
originally planned for commercial launching at Corrosion 2020 and the marketing plan required
revision following the cancellation of that event. The system is currently operating on several
transmission and distribution pipeline systems and demand is steadily increasing. At the
present time no system enhancements or modifications are anticipated.
7. Are there any patents related to this work? If yes, please provide the patent title, number,
and inventor.
There are no patents associated with the new technology incorporated in this system.