Everyday Electronics 1978 12
Everyday Electronics 1978 12
Everyday Electronics 1978 12
DEC. 78
I Ill IN 'I 11V
Australia 75c South Africa 70c New Zealand 85c Malaysia 52.25
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Have a
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The people that put respectability into TV Games
Er -el -Way Electronics, December 1978 841
Microvision TV £172. POM35 £27.25. 3 -way models with switched output
Mains adaptor £3-24. Case £3.25. 30kv and 4 way multi-jack,-3Mil5V 100ma
probe £10-95. DM235 £47.50. Recharge- £2-71. 617i/9V 300ma £2- 95.100ma radio
able battery units £7-95. Adaptor!
charger £3-70. Case £13.50. 30kv probe models same size as a PP9 battery with
£18.95. Cambridge prog calculator press stud connectors. 9V £3-35. 6V
£1315. Prog library £2-95. Mains £335. 45V £3,35. 9V 9V £4.50. 6V
adaptor £3-20. Enterprise Programm- 6V £4-50. 4AV + 4iV £4 -SO. Cassette
able Calculator £21-95. recorder mains unit 71V 10Orna wily
S-DECS AND T-DECS. 5 pin din plug £3-35. Car convertors
S -Dec £3-39. T -Dec £4-44. u-DeCA
£4-52. u-DeCB £6-73. 16dil or 10705 12V dc input. Output .91/ 300rna £1-50.
adaptors with sockets £2-14. Output 73V 300ma £1-50. Output 3/4;; 61
£6-80. EXP650 £3-89. EXP48 £2.48. Poe Send sae for free leaflet on range. 100ma
£9-94. PB100 £12-74. LM1 £30-99. LP1 radio types with press stud connectors.
£33-48. LP2 £19-44. 4p., £1 80. 6V £1.80. 9V £1-80. 4f + alv
TV GAMES £2-50. 6 4-- 6V £2-50. 9 + 9V £2-50.
send sae for data. AY -3-8500:- chip Cassette type 71_,V 100ma with din plug
£4.95, economy kit £4. Tank battles: - £1 -SO. Heavy-duty 13 way types 4p6;
AY -3-8710 chin £6-90, economy kit £7-05. 7;Ei.:11;13;14117/21125,28l34/42V. 1 amp
Stunt cycle:- AY -3-6760 chip £4-90. 1.4-65. 2 Amp £7-25. Transistor stabi-
economy kit £5-60. 10 game paddle 2 lized 8 -way types for low hum:7'4-00i/
chip AY -3-3600 econcrny kit £12 -50 - 9,12/15,18V 100rna £3.20.1 Amp £6.40.
Racing car chip AY -3-3603 -i- economy Variable voltage stabilized models.
kit £19-95. Modified shoot kit £4-96. 2-13V 100ma £3.60. 2-30V IA £6.95.
Rifle kit £4.95. Colour aenerator kit 2-30V 2A £10-95. Car convertors 12V
£7-50. dc input. Output 9171/5V I Amp stabi-
6-Ce6V rOOma 79p, 1-5a £2.35. 6 3V 11a
£1-89. 9-0--9V 75rna 79p, la £1,99, 2a BULK BUY OFFERS
£2-60. 12-0.12V 5Orna 79p, 100ma 90p. Minimum purchase £3 any mix from this
1 a £2-49. 13V la 95p. 15-0-15V la £2-79. section. IN414.8 I.4p. IN4002 3.6p.
30-030V la £3,59. BC212 Op. 741 8dil I5p. NE555 8dil 23p.
JCI2, JC20 AND JC40 AMPLIFIERS 723 14dil 43p. AC76023N exact equiv. of
A range of integrated circuit audio SN76023N with improved heat sink 85p.
arninfifiers supplied with free data and Plastic eguivs. of popular transistors.-
Printed circuits. JC12 6 watts £1.60. BC107 4-7p. BC109 4-7p, BCY 71 4-9p,
JC2010 watts £2- 95...IC4020 watts £2-95. ECY 72 4.7p, fuses 20mm x 5mm cart-
Send sae for free data on our range of ridge -25, -5, 1, 2, 3, 5 Amp. Quickblow
matching power and preamp typo 19- Antisurge type 3-4p. Resistors
FERRANTI ZN414 5% E12 10 ohm to 10M. 5W 0-9p. 1W
IC radio chip £1 -05. Extra parts and pcb 1-9p. Polyester capacitors 250V .01,
for radio £3-85. Case £.1. Send sae for -022, .033, 047mf 2-7p. -015rnf 1-5p,
free data. oesmf 1.5p, 0.1 rnf 1.5p, O'22mf 3p,
PRINTED CIRCUIT MATERIALS 0-33mf 2-5p. 0-47mf 4-8p, Polystyrene
the quickest fitting PC etching kits: -economy £1-70,
standard £3-82. 50 so ins p.c.b. 40p.
1 lb Pea £1 -OS. Etch resist pens: -
capacitors Et2 63V 15 to 10.000pf 33p.
Ceramic capacitors 50V E12 22pf to
1000p( 1-79. E6 1500 to 33000pf 1-711.
Smoother running
Instant all-weather starting
/7 DEPT. EE. 32 Goldsel Rd., Swanley, Kent BR3 SEZ
Mail order only. Please add 30p to the total cost of order for postage. Prices
include VAT. Overseas customers deduct 7% on items marked and 11% on
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I excuse cheque POS for
£14.95 O Dept 8266 Inter -rest House, London
842 Everyday Electronics, December 1978
TTL 74* 7494 78 74193 105 4056 134 LINEAR IC's MC1310 149
74194 MC1312P
WATFORD ELECTRONICS 7400 13 7495 65 105 4057 2570 702 75 195
7401 13 7496 57 74195 95 4059 480 709C 14 pin 35 MC1488* RS
7402 14 7497 1139 74196 99 4060 115 710* 48 MC1489* 90
74197 85 2380 723* 45 MC1495* 395
62 74198 150
4062 999 733* 99 MC1496 92
MAIL ORDER, CALLERS WELCOME. Tel. Watford 40588/9 7405
18 74107
4063 110
8 Pin 22
38 74109 4066
7407 38 74110 54 75492 80 4067 380 748C* 36 MC3340P* 150
7408 17 74111 68 CMOS* 4068 22 753 150 MC3360P 120
DEVICES BRAND NEW, FULL SPEC. AND FULLY GUARANTEED ORDERS 7409 17 74112 88 4000 15 40698E 20 810 159 MC724* 175
DESPATCHED BY RETURN OF POST. TERMS OF BUSINESS: CASH,,CHEQUE, 7410 15 74116 198 4001 17 4070 32 8.1338CC* 335 MFC40006 85
P.O_s OR BANKERS DRAFT WITH ORDER. GOVERNMENT AND EDUCATIONAL 7411 20 74118 83 6092 17 4071 21 AY -1,0212 580 MFC6040* 97
INSTITUTIONS' OFFICIAL ORDERS ACCEPTED. TRADE AND EXPORT INQUIRY 7412 17 74119 119 4006 105 4072 -21 AY -1-1313 660 MK50398* 635
WELCOME. P&P ADD 308 TO ALL ORDERS UNDER £10.00. OVERSEAS ORDERS 7413 30 74120 115 4907 18 4073 21 AY -1-1320 305 M650362* 650
POSTAGE AT COST. AIR,'SURFACE. Send 50p for our catalogue. 7414 51 74121 25 4008 87 0475 23 AY -1-5050 208 MM2102-2* 170
7416 30 74122 06 4009 50 4076 85 AY -1-5051 145 MM2112* 310
VATExport orders no VAT. Applicable to U.K. Customers only. Unless stated otherwise. AY -1-672116 195 MM2112-2* 295
all prices are exclusive of VAT. Please add 8% to devices marked .. To the rest add 7417 30 74123 48 4010 50 4077 40
7420 16 74125 38 4011 18 4078 21 AY -3-8500* 385 MM57160* 620
125%. AY -3-8710* 850 NE518A* 210
7421 29 74126 57 4012 18 4081 20
We stock many more items. It pays to visit us. We are situated behind Watford Football 7422 24 74128 74 4013 42 4082 21 AY -5-1224A* 260 NE555* 29
Ground. Nearest UndergroundIBR Station: Watforo High Street. Open Monday to 7423 27 74132 73 4014 86 4085 74 AY -5-1230* 450 NE55608* 60
Saturday 9.00 are -6A0 pm. Ample Free Car Parking space available. 7425 27 74136 73 4015 89 acee 73 CA3011* 82 NE560* 325
7426 36 74141 56 4016 45 4089 150 CA3018* 68 HE561* 395
POLYESTER CAPACITORS: Axial lead type (Values are in pF) 7427 27 74142 269 4017 89 4093 05 CA3020 170 NE562* 410
400V: 0-001. 0.0015, 0-0022. 0.0033 7p; 0-0047, 0-0068, 0-01, 0-015, 0-018 9p; 0.022, 0-033, 100; 7428 35 74143 314 4018 89 4094 190 CA3023 170 NE564* 425
D47, 0-068 14p; 0.10 15p; 0-15. 0-22 22p; 0-33, 0-47 39p; 0-68 45p. 7430 17 74144 314 4019 48 4095 105 CA3028A* 80 NE565A* 185
150V: 0-039, 0-15, 0-22, 11p; 0-33, 0.4719p: 0.68, 1.0 22p; 1 5 290; 2.2 32p; 4.7 48p. 7432 25 74145 65 4020 99 4096 105 CA3035 240 NE566* 160
DUBILIER: 1000V: 0 01. 0.015 20p; 0-022 22p; 0.047 26p: 0-1 38p; 0-47 480; 1'01750. 7433 40 74147 175 4021 91 4097 372 CA3043 190 NE567* 155
POLYESTER RADIAL LEAD (Values in oF) 250V: FEED THROUGH 7437 30 74148 109 4022 88 4098 110 CA3046 71 NE571* 450
41, 0.015, 0-022, 0-027 5p; 0-033, 0-047. 0-068, 0-1 7p; 0-15 11p; CAPACITORS 7438 33 74150 99 4023 20 4099 145 CA3048 200 RAM2102-2* 170
0-22, 0-3313p; 0-47 15p: 0-68 18p; 1-0 24p; 1-5 27p; 2-2 318. 100uF 350V 8p 7440 17 74151 64 4024 66 4160 105 CA3075 175 RC4136D* 120
7441 74 74153 64 4025 19 4161 109 CA3080E* 70 ROM2513* 595
ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS: Axial lead type (Values are in SF) 500V: 10 40p: 47 60p; 7442 68 74154 96 4026 180 4152 109 CA3081 190 SFF96364E* 1150
250V:10065p:63V 047,1 -0, 1 5, 2 2, 2 5,3 3,4-7, 6 8, 8 10, 15, 228p; 47,32,50110;63,100270 7443 115 74155 45 4163 109 CA3089E 210 SG3402 295
50;1 070;50,100,22025p:47050p; 1000;40V:22,33.90;100110;2200680;3300 62p; 4700640; 7444 112 74156 80 4023 81 4174 110 CA3090AQ 375 SN76003N 175
35V: 10. 33 7p; 330, 470 32811000 /19p; 25V: 10, 22, 47 6p; 80,100,160 8p; 220. 250 13p; 470, 640 7445 94 74157 67 4029 95 4175 99 CA3123E 200 SN76013N 140
258; 100027p; 150030p; 220041p; 3300520; 4700548; 16V:10, 46 47, 68 7p; 100, 1258p; 220, 7446 94 74159 210 4030 50 4194 108 CA3130* 85 SN6023N 140
47014p; 1000, 1500 20p; 2200 34p; 10V: 100 60: 640108; 100014p - 7447 82 74160 82 4031 205 4408 720 CA3140* 70 SN76033N 175
TAG -END TYPE: 70V: 2000 98p; 4700 121p; 50V:10,000 255p; 40V: 2500 659; 3300, 4700 709; 7448 56 74161 92 4032 100 4409 720 1CL7106E* 950 SN76115N 215
15,000 450p; 25V: 4700 480; 2200 37p; 325V: 200-100+50+100 190p. 7450 17 74162 92 4033 145 4410 720 ICM7205* 1150 SN76227 115
7451 17 74163 92 4034 19614411 995 1-0130* 452 SN76477* 225
TANTALUM BEAD CAPACI- POTENTIOMETERS OPTO 7453 17 74164 105 4035 111 ' 4412F 1650 LM3001H 170 TAA621AX1 228
TORS 35V : O 1aF, 0.22, 0-33, 0.47, (AB or EGEN) ELECTRONICS* 7454 17 74165 105 4035 325 4415F 795 LM301A* 30 TAA960 300
0 68, 1 0, 2 2fiF, 3-3, 4.7, 6.8 25V: Carbon Track. OW Log b. 6W LEDs plus clips 7460 17 74165 161 4037 100 4415V 795 LM308 110 TBA120S 70
1-5, 10 20V: 1.5 16V:10uF 13p each TIL209 Red 13
7470 74167 4030 108 4419 289 LM318* 195 TBA540Q 215
T1L211 Grn 28 198
47, 100 40p. 10V: 22uF, 33 ,6V: 47, won. 1 K 5 2K (110 only) Single 27p 18
7472 25 74170 230 4039 320 4422 545 LM324* 79 TBA550Q 330
68, 100, 3V: 68. 1009F. 20p each 58 0-2MO single gang 27p TIL212 Yellow 22
74172 4040 105 4433 1180 LM339* 80 TBA64113X11 259
7473 32 625
5K0 -2M03 single gang DT switch 2" Red 15
7474 27 74173 170 4041 80 4435 825 LM348* 95 TBA651 180
MYLAR FILM CAPACITORS - 609 2"Yellow Green 19 7475 38 74174 87 4042 75 4440 1275 LM379* 375 TBA800 90
100V:0-001, 0-002. 0005, 0 CrluF 6p SK O-2MS) dual gang stereo 709 Spare Clips 2
7476 36 74175 87 4043 94 4450 295 LM380 95 TBA8105 99
0015, 0.02, 0-04, 0.05, 0 0560F 7p Lao() 211
7480 48 74176 75 4044 88 4451 295 LM381 145 TBA820 70
0 luF, 0.2 Op 50V: 0.47 Ilp SLIDER POTENTIOMETER ORP12 7481 06 74177 78 4045 145 4490F 695 LM381AN 241 TBA920 260
0-25W log and linear values 60mm 2145777 45
7482 69 74178 102 4046 128' 4490V 525 LM382 125 TCA270 220
MINIATURE TYPE TRIMMERS 5K 0-500652 single gang 70p 7 Sep Displays 7483 72 74180 85 4047 4501 17 unless* 50 TDA1022* 575
TIL312 C An 3" 105 87
2-5 6pF, 3-10pF, 10-40pF 22p 10K 0-sooK 0 dual gang 80p 7484 95 74181 165 4048 58 4502 120 LM3900* 60 TDA2020 320
5-25pF, 5-45pF, 60oF, 58pF 300 Self Stick Graduated Bezels 22p TIL313 C Cth 3" 105 TL071 CP* 70
TIL321 C An 5"115 7485 106 74182 90 4045 de 4503 69 LAA3900N* 70
COMPRESSION TRIMMERS PRESET POTENTIOMETERS 7486 31 74184 135 4050 48 4506 LM3911* 125 TLOSICP* 52
TIL322 C Cth 5"115 7489 135 TL082CP* 96
Vertical & Horizontal 210 74185 4051 72 450 51
3-400F, 10-800F, 25-190pF 25p 01704 C Cth -3" 99
7490 33 74188 275 0052 72 4508 290
M252AA* 750
TL084CP* 130
100-500pF 380 0-1W 50 (2-5m0 Miniature 8p 01.707 C.A. -3" 99 mM2c53, 3A03A * 795 UAA170 198
0-25W 1000-3.3M n Horiz 10p FND357 120 7491 75 74150 115 4053
POLYSTYRENE CAPACITORS 7492 38 74191 105 4054 88 ZN414 90
0-25W 2000-4-7MS) Vert 10p MAN3640 175
7493 32 74192 105 4055
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each inc.v.a.t. extra. I
[318 22, (
18 watt Iron for 12 volts
- 0
9P C
- 10' 26p 4p 0
LOWMELT 10' 65p 9p
BIT SIZES: No.19 (1-5mm) No. 20 (3 mm)
No.21 (4.5 mm) No. 22 (6 mm) o
Logically laid out to accept both 0.3" and 0.6" pitch DI L packages
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500 individual connections in the central breadboarding area,
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4 Integral Power Bus Strips around all edges for minimum inter- NEwBTAESSICTSGEREVAICRINKGIT
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What other breadboarding system has as many individual contacts,
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At £5.80 each The EuroBreadBoard is unique value for money. ranges of A.C. and D.C. volts current and
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L._ 11 MIEN
Spare element £2.50N 5" x 3.75" 62p VEROBOX STANDARD 1798K 171 38 75 121 £4.19
8.45" x 1.5' 2523E 220 52 100 Lorlin MS 4 amp . 48p :r
Bits as for ORYX50 _ 539 BOXES 156 £6.36
ERSA Sprint 3.75- x 3 75" 50p 5" x 3.75' light grey top & dark grey bottom 38440 4" Module
. _
1 P 12W. 2P 61N
Solder gun £8.62N 67p 8.45" x 1.5" 53p section. Anodised ali front and _ £3-05N
. .
38458 2" Front -panel f1 .02N 3p 4W. 4P 3W.
Spare element E5.00N 0.2" matrix, copper clad rear panels Internal guides for PC 3846H 1" Front panel
No. PITS for 0.052" pins 1239K 154 80 85 £3.38 £1.06N PUSH BUTTONS
£25.00N Standard Size
DESOLDER TOOL (0 15" matrix) . .
£1.10 1410J 205 40 140 £3.53 EUROCARD CONNECTORS
SPOT FACE CUTTER 1411D 205 75 2876D 64.way plug SSP10, 250V 3A a.c.
SR3A . . .
. £5.95N 140 £3.96 .
£2.47N push on. push off
Spare nozzle, PTFE SR3AN 65pN Suitable for any matrix . . 81p 1412K 205 110 140 £5.12 2874C 64 -way socket £4.48N panel hole 0.5"
ANTEX C -240V 15W 59p
. £3.60N SSP11. as SSP10
Spare element £1.60N push to make
Sub -Miniature 250V 0.5A a.c
No 2 094"; No 4 187" No 6 WE ARF NOW NATIONAL DISTRIBUTORS FOR 8531 push to make .. 62p
047" .
Iron coated bits 46pN NASCOM 1 MICROCOMPUTER KITS 8533 push to break
(Panel hole 0.25")
No. 102. 104, .106. FOR DELIVERY FROM STOCK
(low capacitance) 15W QUANTITY DISCOUNTS ac
Spare element .
. TRADE ENQUIRIES INVITED 0.375" hole with long white fixing
Iron coated bits .
46pN .
ring unless otherwise ordered.
1100 . 094", 1101 225' No 2644 SP make
1102 187" TRANSFORMERS 189
All mains transformer primaries No. 3244 DP make 34p
ANTEX CX 240V £3.60N 50TS2A 50V 2A (110/120V on) 606/1 6-0-6V 100mA £1-00 No 2648 SP break
Spare element suitable for 240V input except for tapped 25.45V 18p
£1.60N M7280 6V,6V. 250mA £1.40 No. 3248 DP break .. 34p
Bits for CCN above 50TS2A Pri 'sec shield £8.55
GP302 30V 2A.
909/1 9-0-9V 75mA £1.00 No. 2634 SP on/off 17p
ANTEX X25 -240V 25W £3.60N 28705 12V.17V 2-0-2V 0.5A GP909 9-0-9v 0.5A £2.10 No 3234 DP on/ off
Spare element £1.60N tapped at 12. 15 20. 24V £4,50 £3.85 .. 30p
12012/1 12-0-12V 50mA £1.00 No. 4434 as 3234 but switch C
Iron coated bits 50pN GP501 50V 1A 2871 12 V.12V.2.0.2V 1A £4.90 120012.0.12V 100mA £1.20
. .
COPPER CLAD BOARD 300 x TYPE 12Y 645n CSA 12 single n/o 90p . 83p .....*0110,
E1.90N 150mm Type R42 12V 185n 2 C, 0£1.80 S7201 DPDT 84p
IC desoldcr head for HMS 5V 57n CDA5 double nici £1.28
Irons Single Sided Type R44 12V 185n 4 Ci0E2.00 12V320n CPA 12 double nio S7203 DPDT
14 -way ES 70N
SRBP 85p; Fibreglass £1.65 PC socket type P40 97p
£1.19 centre -off .........84p
Double sided SRBP £1.00 Ordinary wrring ski W40 . 88p REED RELAYS enclosed type S7205 DPDT biased
16 -way £5.70N each ode
HMS 240V Solder Kit in presenta-
UNCLAD SRBP 300 x 150mm Mounting strip 6 posn R40 . 26p .
tion box Sep PIGMY MAINS RELAY 3 CIO LPS12 single 590n 98p .. S7207 DPDT biased
£8.90N FERRIC CHLORIDE, Lab grade 10 amp 61., 29n 12V 110n 24V one side £1.51
HMS 12V solder kit in wallet LPD12 double 355n £1.32 .
£1.30 CLA12. 12V 225n . £2.30
POT CORES Decon with spare tip 85p SSUO1 button, lever or.roller 85p
73_00 63 00 TIME SWITCHES (Smith's)
FERRITES For electrical use. 13A rating
3gm. vial Flecolit 340 MEET US AT BREADBOARD '78 -STAND B8 IMERSET for wired -in
Latest once list of all ranges free on £1.92£1.68 £2.20 situations. 2 on & 2 off actions per
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and Popular Features ...
Taking into account the large numbers ject series warranted to satisfy the
now participating in this hobby it must most ravenous constructor. We refer
ASSISTANT ART EDITOR be a fair assumption that the majority to our 2020 Tuner Amplifier.
of home constructors operate on what This comprehensive hi-fi equipment
might be termed a modest level, that will appeal to those who desire a
is to say they derive ample satisfaction major building job to tackle during
TECHNICAL ILLUSTRATOR through building small or medium the coming winter months. In the
sized low cost projects and items of Twenty-twenty we offer them an ambi-
equipment. The average constructor tious and worthwhile project that
we reckon builds a couple, of such pro- should give much enjoyment, exer-
EDITORIAL OFFICES jects or so each month as the fancy cise their practical skills and broaden
Kings Reach Tower, or need of the moment dictates. Typi- their experience during its construc-
Stamford Street, cally, each project will take a few tion; and be a lasting source of satis-
London SE1 9LS evenings or a weekend to complete. faction and pleasure upon its com-
Phone: 01-261 6873 EVERYDAY ELECTRONICS serves the pletion. But we do emphasise that this
requirements of this great band of is a project for the experienced con-
enthusiasts who want to make use of structor.
modern technology for their own pur- To return to our "average" construc-
poses, yet without excessive or total tor, previously defined, who represents
ADVERTISEMENT MANAGER committal of either their spare time the majority: we are sure the Twenty-
V. PIERI or spare cash to this one area of twenty opening article will provide
Phone: 01-261 6727 interest. interesting and instructive reading
Having said that we know there between those practical sessions occu-
REPRESENTATIVE also exists an appreciable number of pied in building the Fuzz Box, the
N. BELLWOOD constructors who are deeply absorbed Mini -Module or whatever else takes
Phone: 01-261 6727 in electronics and who are quite will- your immediate fancy from our en-
ing to devote the maximum time and ticing assortment of projects listed on
CLASSIFIED MANAGER effort possible in pursuit of what is, the facing page. In any event do care-
for them, a main leisure activity. fully preserve your copies of EE, for
Phone: 01-261 5762
Requests reach us from time to who knows, you may be tempted by
time from representatives of this the big one ere the series has run its
"minority." Overall, what they ask for course.
MAKE-UP AND COPY is the occasional heavyweight project
DEPARTMENT -something they can get their teeth
Phone 01-261 6035 into, a meal as distinct to a snack or a
"starter." Well these requests have
ADVERTISEMENT OFFICES not fallen upon unsympathetic or un-
Kings Reach Tower heeding ears, and after careful de-
Stamford Street, liberation we now launch a major pro-
London SE1 9LS
Our January issue will be published on Friday, December IS. See page 865 for details.
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building the projects featured in EVERYDAY ELECTRONICS, but these
requirements can be met by our advertisers.
VOL. 7 NO. 16 DECEMBER 1978
VEHICLE IMMOBILISER Protection for your car by G. D. Southern 850
FUZZ BOX A music effects unit for the pop group by E. M. Lyndsell 854
MINI -MODULE: 3-MICROPHONE AMPLIFIER For the newcomer (and others) by George Hylton 862
WATER LEVEL ALERT A simple solution to the overflow problem by A. R. Winstanley 866
EE2020 TUNER AMPLIFIER Part 1 : Introduction and technical description by E. A. Rule 872
AUDIBLE FLASHER An add-on warning to your car indicators by B. N. Ryerson 883
SHOP TALK New products and component buying problems by Dave Barrington 857
DOING IT DIGITALLY Part 3: TTL clock and latch by 0. N. Bishop 858
JACK PLUG AND FAMILY Cartoon by Doug Baker 863
SQUARE ONE Beginner's page. Buying components; Soldering 864
FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT Paging systems -2 869
EVERYDAY NEWS What's happening in the world of electronics 870
BRIGHT IDEAS Readers' hints and tips 880
COUNTER INTELLIGENCE A retailer comments by Paul Young 884
CROSSWORD No. 10 by D. P. Newton 884
RADIO WORLD A commentary by Pat Hawke, G3VA 886
BOX IT Making your own cabinets by George Hylton 889
WORKSHOP MATTERS Fuses by Harry T. Kitchen 893
IPC Magazines Limited 1978. Copyright in all drawings, photographs and articles
published in EVERYDAY ELECTRONICS is fully protected, and reproductions or E SQUARE
imitations in whole or in part are expressly forbidden.
All reasonable precautions are taken to ensure that the advice and data given to
readers are reliable. We cannot however guarantee it, and we cannot accept legal re-
sponsibility for it. Prices quoted are those current as we go to press.
Everyday Electronics, December 1978 849
G. D. Southern
EVERY day an average of 62 cars thief further and as time is usually CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION
are stolen in the area where at a premium, it should prove to be The complete circuit is shown in
the author lives. It is claimed that an adequate deterrent. Fig. 1 and for the purpose of the
at least 94 per cent of these cars One of the main advantages of following explanation, resistor R3
are returned to their legal owners the immobiliser is that no hidden is considered to be open circuit.
in due course. The majority of switches .or links are required When capacitor Cl is discharged,
cars stolen are used by members When the ignition is switched off, the initial charge current will be
of the community for joy -riding or the engine is immediately immobi- at a maximum value, whereas
late -night transport. Some of the lised. If the ignition is switched when it is fully charged, the charge
cars returned have been driven to on again the engine will not start. current will be at a minimum
a remote area and accessories re- In order to start the engine the value, typically just adequate to
moved from them before the correct accessory switches must be overcome leakage losses. The
vehicle was abandoned. operated before the ignition is charging circuit for the capacitor
The unit to be described here switched on. If the ignition is is via diode D8, resistor R4 and
will offer some protection against switched on first before the rele- the parallel combination of resistor
theft by automatically immobilis- vant accessory switches are R5 with the base/emitter junction
ing the ignition system of the operated, the ignition system will of transistor TR2.
vehicle each time the ignition is still remain immobilised. So there Thus when the ignition is
switched off. Its degree of protec- is no point in a car thief switching switched on, capacitor Cl will com-
tion is far greater if the device the ignition on and then search- mence charging and transistor TR1
is used with an electronic ignition ing for a sequence of accessory will tend toward saturation. The
system, especially one of the switches. speed of transition from cut off
contactless type. With a conven- to saturation will be limited by the
tional ignition system, the first inductive value of the relay coil.
thing a car thief will attempt is At approximately 10 to 15 milli-
to bypass the ignition switch of seconds after the closure of the
the vehicle with a lead from the ignition switch, the relay contacts
battery to the ignition coil. will close. Once the contacts have
With a contactless electronic sys- closed, the base current for tran-
tem the above link will not have sistor TR1 is supplied from the pos-
any effect and the car thief will itive line via the relay contacts,
have to find and eliminate the diode D9 and resistor R4, thus
isolation system. This delays the "latching" the circuit. The time
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 0
09 1 1 0 0
0 I N4148 1 1 1 0
0 1N4148
Fig.2a. Truth Table for a Non gate.
0 Ri 07 R4 Al A2 A3 F
S2 ?Oka INI1148 /Oka O 0 0
0 0 1 0
O 1 0 0
DE I 0 0
BCI07 80107
1N4148 R5 0 1
1.8k12 0
0 0
Fig.1. Complete circuit diagram of the Vehicle Immobiliser. Fig.2b. Truth Table for an AND gate.
constant of the charging circuit for circuitry is connected to input Al
capacitor Cl, via diode D8, resistor as illustrated in Fig. 3a with all
R4 etc is far longer than the operate other inputs left disconnected.
time of the relay, thus allowing the When the ignition is switched on, 0
relay to operate and "latch". capacitor Cl is charged via re- FROM
Now it can be seen that if the sistor R3, diode D1, and the fila- SWITCH
form a NOR gate. Thus when all in- external loads, for example the IGNITION
puts are equal to 0, the collector vehicle's ignition system via diode PUMP MOTOR
D3 resistor R3 and the collector/ correctly. When the brake light WASH
emitter circuit of TR1 form an AND switch is closed before the igni- SWITCH
gate. Thus when inputs Al, A2 and tion switch is switched on, the R2
Fig.4. Printed circuit board required. In the prototype the relay is mounted on the board using an epoxy glue.
which carries all the components and draw in the rest of the copper
and wiring. The layout of the board pattern with an etch resist pen.
is shown in Fig. 4 which is repro- Once dry the board can be etched
duced full size. in the normal way.
One method of making the board Once etched and the board
is as follows. First, either photo- checked for any errors, the com-
copy or trace the copper pattern, ponents can then be mounted.
position the tracing on the copper Here again the layout is shown in
side of the board and mark with a Fig. 4. It should be noted that the
sharp pointed tool, the position of layout is not critical and can be
Construction is simplified by the the connecting holes. Remove the varied to suit, although a good
use of a printed circuit board paper, thoroughly clean the board strong finish is required, hence
a printed circuit board.
+12V +12V
Good quality connecting wire can
be used to connect to the various
GREEN accessories, and Fig. 5 and Fig 6
show the many possibilities on two
AUSTIN PUMP p 77 popular cars. The top two circuits
MOTOR 1 of each set of drawings relate to
MAXI Lt. GREEN/ I WHITE/ "B" inputs, whereas the arrange-
SLACK --4,PURPLE ments below relate to "A" inputs.
le 0 When wiring to the car accessories
svitTrRHEs the manual applicable to the make
of car should be consulted.
nal decays naturally, being a
smooth transaction from fuzz to
no -fuzz.
-SHE POP musician is being Use is made of the industry stan- Input to the unit is at SKI a
stantly bombarded with new dard op -amp type 741 which is used stereo jack socket wired to com-
and improved musical effects units, in a non -inverting configuration. plete the d.c. power circuit when
but still polling high in the popu-
larity charts is the "old" Fuzz Box. Fig. 1. The complete circuit diagram of the Fuzz Box.
Some of the earlier designs were
not completely satisfactory requir-
:;..-__.,-..)4.,,:?.::-: :_:::-..;;;--°-'
ing high input signal level and pro-
ducing premature cut-off as the in-
put signal decayed. Those fuzz
units employing discrete compo- ---;.'--..5-,-'''';-
,y ..--,,,
The complete circuit diagram of
the Fuzz Box is shown in Fig. 1.
1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 12 11 10 9 9 7 6
A000 0000000 '0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 00
B0 R4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 B
C0 _R3._..4, o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. C
oo e-fijam- ir--
E0 fig=te -r.--
R6Di 41TIOI-40
-- vt:ti 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 d0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0, F
G0 _....-tion_. R7 0 00000000006
ioocooopo 0500!
0 0 0
Ho --1.3-0+
I D2
o0000000000. I
000000000=M K
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0
0 O
0 .---11/11/10
0e-0 R2 0
0. 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o
P O 6-11E110 ° o00000000oo 44, -
O RI 0 o o o o o o o o o o o oo Q
O 0 ;0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0
S 0 0 o o o o o o o o o oo * .,
O00 0 0000000
0 O o o o
000000 o o000
o o o o o o o o 0.
Fig. 2. The layout of the components on the topside of the board and Photo of the completed prototype
the breaks to be made along the copper strips on the underside. board.
Fig. 3. The positioning of the components and board within the case
showing complete wiring up details. Note the connection to the body of
VR1 to "earth" the case.
By 0. N. Bishop PAR!
LAST month we used the NAND noticing no change in the state of To test the NOT gate, connect
gates of a 7400 i.c. to build a the 1.e.d. when the other input is one of the Nor outputs, pins V34
NOT gate and a bistable. These two connected to one of the pins on or V36 to one of the l.e.d.s, e.g.
logic elements, as well as the NAND strip L, the +5V rail. U43 for D8. The l.e.d. remains dark
gate itself, are often required in when the input is unconnected
building logic circuits that it is use- (effectively "high") or connected
ful to have them ready -wired on to strip L. The 1.e.d. lights when its
the patchboard. On the Test -Bed 5250 026 input, pin U33 is grounded (con-
these elements are permanently NAND nected to OV rail).
wired in, the form of 1C3, see Figs. T25 0 028 Finally to test the bistable : con-
3.1 and 3.2. nect each bistable output to an
l.e.d. e.g. pin S36 to U49 and R28
to U40. One l.e.d. should light and
FAN -OUT the other remain dark. When the
Each of the inputs of these 0330
appropriate input pin Q24 or Q33
elements has a single input pin (b) is briefly grounded, the 1.e.d.s
and each output has a pair of out- change state.
put pins. Though each input of a
logic gate can receive its input 025
from only one source, the output
is able to be connected to several A TTL CLOCK
other gate inputs. The number of Compare the circuits shown in
inputs that may be connected to Fig. 3.3 with the bistable circuit of
an output is known as the fan -out Fig. 3.1c. Their similarity suggests
of the output. Here we provide pins 533 that they may behave in a similar
for a fan -out of two, since this is way-for example, they can both
as many as we shall normally need. S35 alternate between two opposite
However, most outputs have a fan - states. The bistable changes state
out of eight loads. when one of its inputs is grounded.
Fig. 3.1. The three basic elements contained
These circuits have already been in IC3 with pin locations for inputs and The clock circuit changes state
tested when building the Test -Bed, outputs on the Test -Bed. automatically after a fixed period
but it is a good idea to test them
again. This time you know a little
more of what you arc doing.
With the supply pin P34 con-
nected to be +5V line first test the N
NAND gate. Connect the output V26
or V28 to l.e.d. D7 at location V40. 0
P *+ 5V IN
The l.e.d. should be dark (off) but
should light when either of the in- Q *I I OVA
IN 13
put pins at S25 or T25 are R
other. A current I flows through R1, Fig. 3.4. The circuit of Fig. 3.3 redrawn in a more conventional form with the state
as indicated by the arrow. As cur- of its outputs indicated by 1.e.d.s.
rent flows, the voltage on one side
We shall now observe the opera-
tion of this circuit which is re-
drawn in its more common form
in Fig. 3.4 is shown wired up on
the Test -Bed in Fig. 3.5. The clock
should change state approximately
every 5 seconds. In other words, it
takes 10 seconds to complete its
cycle of operation, from the time
D7 comes on to the time it comes
on again. We say the clock is oscil-
lating or vibrating at 0.1Hz.
Different value capacitors will
produce different frequencies. If
capacitors with a value of 0 -47i4F
are substituted, the l.e.d.s glow at
about half their normal intensity
but no flashing can be detected.
The frequency is so great that the
eye cannot follow.
To prove that the clock is really
working connect a crystal earpiece
across one of the 1.e.d.s and the OV
Fig. 3.3. The circuit diagram of a TTL Clock. It alternates between state (a) and state rail. This is done easily with two
(b). The shaded regions of the circuit indicate "high" voltage. pairs of leads terminated in croco-
dile clips. You will then hear a
of Cl falls and finally reaches a of Fig. 3.3a and the cycle repeats. note of about 400Hz (around the
"low" level that acts as a "low" The clock circuit is unstable (we same pitch as middle A on a musi-
input to G2. call it an astable multivibrator) in cal instrument).
Now the output of G2 suddenly either of its states. The length of We have been calling this circuit
goes high; D2 lights; the voltage time it remains in either state de- a clock, but it is simply the equiva-
on both sides of C2 is raised; GI pends on how long it takes for the lent of the pendulum or balance
now has two "high" inputs; its voltage on one side of each capaci- wheel that is used to regulate the
output goes low and D1 is extin- tor to fall from "high" to "low". speed of mechanism of an ordinary
guished; the voltage on both sides This time depends on the values mechanical clock; it is an astable
of Cl is lowered. We have reached of the capacitors and resistors in- multivibrator.
that stage shown in Fig. 3.3b. The volved. In a clock there are gear wheels,
circuit remains in this state while With high capacitance and high hands and a dial to indicate the
a current flows to ground through resistance a small current flows time, which is related to the num-
R2; as soon as the voltage has and gives a relatively small rate of ber of times the pendulum has
fallen low enough at the input to change in voltage, resulting in a swung to and fro. Similarly we can
Gl, the circuit reverts to the state long period of time in each state. connect further logic circuits to the
1 23 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16.17 18 1920 22 24
Fig. 3.5. The layout of the components on the Test -Bed for the circuit shown in Fig. 3.4. Experiment with
different values for the capacitors and use a crystal earpiece for observing high frequency oscillations. The
earpiece can be wired across either of the I.e.d.s.
TTL clock to count the number of pins D14, 16 and 18 on the Test - cuit is drawn in a slightly different
times it changes state and so allow Bed. manner to that shown before, com-
us to measure elapsed time. We parison with Fig. 3.1c shows that
shall return to this idea later in LATCH the connections are identical.
the series. The output of a latch is identi- The bistable changes state when
A clock or oscillator is a vital cal to its input, but at any moment a low input is applied to it from
piece of equipment when testing the output can be "frozen" or one of the NAND gates. To find out
logic circuitry and has been in- "latched" and then remains in the how these work we shall use the
cluded in the Test -Bed on the in- state that it was in when latched, NAND gate and NoT gate wired in
ternal component board. Three even though the input may subse- 1C3 on the Test -Bed; the remaining
pairs of capacitors are fitted, any quently change. NAND gate is supplied by a further
one of these pairs being selected Part of the latch circuit consists 7400 (IC1) inserted in a socket
by front panel switch S2. The out- of a bistable discussed last month. on the Test -Bed. We shall first
put from this clock is available at In Fig. 3.6 the bistable in this cir- examine the outputs from the two
014 016
A PIN 14 PIN 14.
Fig. 3.6(a). Circuit of the front section of a "latch" circuit to Fig. 3.6(b). The circuit diagram of a complete "latch" being driven by the
observe the outputs which form the inputs to the remaining in-built clock and outputs observed by means of 1.e.d.s connected
bistable section to be added later. to the outputs.
Fig. 3.7. The layout of the components and interwiring for the circuit of Fig. 3.6(a). For the circuit of Fig. 3.6(b)
amend this layout according to the text.
NAND gates, see Fig. 3.7 for con- completes the latch circuit with a push-button for grounding E.
nection details. two outputs-one following the in- This can be wired up on a small
put, and the other the inverse of piece of circuit board and mounted
USING THE IN-BUILT the input. in a small plastic case. Depending
CLOCK Test this circuit to see the effect on whether the capacitors give you
Connect wire E to the +5V rail, of first making E "high" and then medium or high frequency opera-
strip L. Now connect wire A alter- making it "low." Run the clock at tion. you have either a game of
nately to the +5V rail and to the medium frequency and see if you skill or a heads -and -tails gambling
OV rail and observe how the out- can ground wire E at just the right machine that could be fun at
puts change. Instead of changing moment to latch the circuit with parties, or help raise money at the
wire A back and forth between D7 lit and the other dark. With a local fête.
+5V and OV, make use of the in- certain amount of skill you can do A latch facility is very useful
built clock. Connect wire A to clock this, but with the clock running at when experimenting with logic and
outputs (D16) and set the clock to a high frequency it is entirely a this same circuit has been incor-
low or medium frequency. The matter of chance-equivalent to porated in the Test -Bed. It appears
clock output automatically alter- tossing a coin for "heads" or on the lower board with input and
nates between +5V and OV. which "tails". output terminals on the top board.
can be observed by connecting This provides an idea for a The wire labelled E in Fig. 3.7 can
another clock output pin to l.e.d. simple project that can be built be grounded by means of a front
D9. You can now concentrate on from three 7400 i.c.s two l.e.d.s a panel switch.
watching the 1.e.d.s. few resistors and capacitors, with (To be continued)
Repeat your observations after Photograph of the interwiring on the Electronic Test -Bed for the circuit in
having removed wire E from +5V Fig. 3.6(b).
and connecting it to OV. Then re-
turn E to +5V and note what hap-
You will find that when E is
"high" the l.e.d.s go on and off in
time with the changes in clock out-
puts; always one lamp is on and
the other off. When E is "low",
both lamps are on all the time.
This means that there is no "low"
output, so a bistable connected to
the outputs of the NAND gates will
not change state. This is just what
we need for a latch circuit, so the
next step is to add the bistable.
Disconnect the output wires from
l.e.d.s D7 and D8 and run them to
the bistable input terminals in-
stead (Q25 and Q33). From the bi-
stable output terminals (R26 and
S34) run wires to D7 and D8. This
3 CH
is microphone amplifier is really it is likely to be in the region of 200ki2.
a general-purpose amplifier for It cannot exceed 330k12 because of R1
small audio voltages. It has a high which is connected across the input as
input impedance and a gain which is COMPONENTS far as audio signals go, since its lower
adjustable from about 20 to a maxi- Resistors end is "earthed" via C3 to audio
mum of over 1,000, by means of a R1 330K2 R4 10kil frequencies.
R2 100kf2 R5 3.3kil Because the input impedance is
preset potentiometer. R3 1001d1 R6 1kf/
The amplifier is designed for quite high it is possible to use a low -
All carbon film 5% IW impedance microphone (for example
dynamic microphones of medium to
high impedance. The prototype worked 30 ohms) and a step-up transformer
Potentiometer to increase the signal voltage. The
well with a popular type of micro- VR1 5ki2 carbon miniature pre-
phone whose impedance can be set to set 20% tol.
inset diagram shows how to connect
either 600 ohms or 50 kilohms. a transformer with a hum -reducing
"balanced" input winding.
Capacitors The maximum output voltage before
THE CIRCUIT C1 100n F (0.1,uF) polyester
overloading is about 2V peak and the
The circuit is a conventional two - C2 1n F (1,000p F) ceramic disc
C3 47pF 3V miniature elect. output impedance is fairly low. How-
stage amplifier of the type once known C4 3.3/1F 12V elect. ever the amplifier should not be used
as a "d.c. feedback pair". TR1 is C5 47tiF 12V elect. to drive loads of less than about 10kG
operated at a low collector current to or output will be severely restricted.
minimise noise. Overall negative feed- Transistors C2 is a radio frequency bypass
via R3 sets the gain, in conjunc- TR1, TR2 BC109 (or any high - capacitor to attenuate any r.f. signals
tion with the preset potentiometer gain low -noise accidentally fed in via the microphone
VR1. Gain is maximum when VR1 is silicon npn type) 2 off cable. These can cause "breakthrough"
minimum. of radio programmes into audio
For the moderate gains, which are Miscellaneous circuits.
all that is needed in practice, the gain Metal box about 100 x 70 x 40mm
is very nearly R5/VR1 so if it is known (Norman AB9). Tag strip with 12 CONSTRUCTION
in advance of building the circuit just insulated tags, to fit box. Jack
how much gain is needed it is possible socket (SK1). Output terminals: Since this kind of amplifier is
to use the appropriate value of VR1 3 -terminal chocolate block or designed for low-level signals hum can
in the form of a fixed resistor. For similar. be a problem and a metal screening
6BA bolts, nuts, earth tags, and box is needed. The input must also be
example if a gain of 100 is required spacers.
VR1 should be capable of screening; the microphone
The input impedance varies with used with the prototype had a
the gain but at low to moderate gains Lr-:47.-"Te:-.4Vgier.A0.1 screened lead which terminated in a
R6 1k11 r- jack plug so a suitable jack socket
1-F9V was fitted to the screening box.
9-4nak Obviously, other types of screened
input socket may be needed for other
100kD types of microphone or signal source.
The main part of the circuitry can
R310010 be accommodated on a tag strip. With
this type of construction the com-
ponents are soldered to a simple tag
strip with the solder tags in a
SKI straight line. Interconnections are
made with insulated wire.
This is a relatively cheap form of
IN construction as tag strips cost only a
few pence and can often be salvaged
330k0 C2 Skfl C3 ACS from old equipment and cleaned up
n 47pF fur re -use. It is not a type of con-
struction which has much use for high -
0 -Ve frequency circuits because it is rather
L__ 1
hard to avoid accidental couplings
Fig. 1. The circuit of the microphone amplifier. The encircled numbers (1 to 10) are common between input and output, which cause
connecting points on the tag strip, see Fig. 2. The small inset diagram shows how a step-up r.f. instability. But it is usually all
transformer can be used to suit a low -impedance microphone. right for audio.
If you design your own tag -strip
component layouts a fairly careful
pen -and -paper design is needed to
ensure that the circuit will fit an
available tag strip. To begin with, you
should study the circuit diagram and
mark each connecting point with a
number (as in Fig. 1). Points which
are connected directly to one another
by plain connections count as one and
the same point and are given just one
number. (The "earth line" is a typical
The present circuit has ten such
connecting points which means that
at least ten tags will be needed. In
practice it usually turns out that a
few extra tags are needed because of
the physical limitations of the com-
ponents, whose leads can only span a
limited distance. A typical case is the Fig. 2. Interior of completed unit. Certain components (R2, C5, TR1 and TR2) have been
preset "pot" VR1 which must be firmly swung away from their normal position in this drawing for clarity. Encircled numbers on a
soldered to two adjacent tags: (with tag strip correspond with those on the circuit diagram.
some types of "pot" three tags may
be required). measures about 100 X 70 X 40mm and permanent or temporary connections
The resulting layout bears little accepted the 12 -way tag strip com- and is easily adapted to quick hook-
relationship to the layout of the fortably. ups with croc-clip leads by fitting short
symbols on the circuit diagram; this The type of output connection is pieces of thick bare wire to the
may make fault -tracing tedious so tag - not crucial and can be chosen to suit terminals.
strip construction is perhaps best the needs of the user. Some type of
restricted to simple circuits. multi -way socket is possible: the con- USING THE AMPLIFIER
When a finished tag strip circuit is nections needed are power supply The only adjustment needed is to
fitted into a metal box provision must positive, live output and common set VR1 to suit the microphone. (It is
be made to hold it away from the (earth) so a three-way connection (or assumed, of course that there will be
metal to prevent short circuits. In the two plus "earth") is needed. a volume control elsewhere in the
prototype long fixing bolts were used; complete audio system of which the
stand-off spacers were slipped over SCREW CONNECTOR BLOCKS amplifier forms part.) For this reason
the bolts to hold the tag strip well VR1 should be positioned so that it
clear of the metal. These stand-offs For the prototype the leads were
brought out through small holes and is easily accessible when the lid is
were cut from the barrel of an old removed. It can then be adjusted
ball -pen. taken to a strip of screw -terminal con-
nectors (of the type sold in electrical while the microphone is in use.
shops and sometimes called a If for some reason a higher gain
BOXING "chocolate block" from the colour of than normal is needed VR1 should be
The screening box must be substan- some makes). given a lower value. (Presets down to
tial enough to withstand repeated The plastic kinds of chocolate block about 100 ohms are readily obtain-
pluggings-in of the microphone. A (which are usually made of trans- able.) However it should always be
small aluminium case is suitable and parent polythene these days) are remembered in audio work that it is a
is easily drilled to take the input easily cut into convenient lengths good rule to use the lowest gain that
socket, etc. The prototype was built with a sharp knife. This kind of output will do the job in hand.
in a "Norman" case Type AB9, which connector can be used for either Next Month: Continuity Tester
.:. .
1) 1
. I Z.
c( 1:-...) C 'er"."
11 . ' C I Ti.--
4 ta: .
in . ,-; 4,,, -
---- -AN . _. ----
4.-...... .0
7-"` --___%ree:. /AP
Bring the excitement of the casino into your own home with this
electronic version of the No. 1 sport in Monte Carlo. The Unit has a
full thirty-seven position wheel and table.
Our latest Mini -Module is a useful piece of test gear. Easy
and inexpensive, of course.
Water Level
The complete circuit diagram of
the Water Level Alert appears in
Fig. 1.
When water bridges the two
probes, Cl charges up very quickly
No DOUBT we have all at one
time or another been some-
what unpopular with the other
By A. R. Winstanley
This device is a little different
from others previously described
and turns on TR1 and TR2, which
form a high -gain transistor switch.
Each npn transistor requires the
base to be about 0 - 6V more posi-
tive than the emitter for the de-
vice to switch hard on.
Thus when the base of TR1 is at
1 2V both transistors will switch
members of the household because in that the actual physical appear- on. The emitter current of TR1
all of the available hot water has ance of it has been kept as becomes the base current of TR2,
been consumed by a certain per- aesthetic as possible. In particular and so only a very tiny current is
son whilst taking a bath! the design of the sensor has, in required in the base of TR1 to
Possibly one of the safer ploys the author's opinion, been greatly switch TR2 hard on.
here is to ardently deny using up
the hot water and blame the in-
herent inefficiency of the water
heating system, but somehow this
does not seem to work.
Whilst the device to be described
would not indicate how much hot
water is left it will tell you in no
J R1 R2
uncertain terms when to let up on NE555 ON/OF F
the taps, and thus hopefully keep R4
the peace.
A specially designed sensor is FPROBES
1 2 3 4 5'%6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
0 00 0 0 0 A
0 51 TR2 0 8
R2 c R3
0 C
1 0D
C1 E TR1
O 0 G
00 LS1 00 H
00000 0 0 0 1111) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Or/
0000000000 oo o o 00 0 o o o
0 000000000 00000000000
000 000 0000000000
0000 41 0
0 000 0000000 F
1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1921321 22232425
c h e
BC 108C ZTX300
Resistors Capacitors Semiconductors
R1 1k Q C1 0.22/iF 25V tantalum IC1 NE555 V timer i.c.
The system is housed in two plas- R2 56052 C2 10/iF 25V elect. TR1 BC108C npn silicon
tic boxes. The first measures 100 X R3 22k 0 C3 0.22/iF 25V tantalum TR2 ZTX300 npn silicon
50 X 25mm and forms the probe; R4 4.7k52
the second measures 110 X 60 X All PA/ carbon ±5%
30mm and carries the electronics.
Miscellaneous Sho
35 ohm earpiece (or similar moving coil loudspeaker
approx. 40mm diameter)
single pole, single throw rocker switch
Talkpage 857
The construction of the probe B1 9V PP3 battery
unit is illustrated in Fig. 2. Two Stripboard 0.1 inch matrix 23 holes by 9 strips; clip to suit battery; two
2BA threaded brass rods are used, 150mm lengths of 2BA studding; 2BA hardware; 8 pin socket to suit 101;
each 150mm in length, and these length of screened cable; piece of aluminium speaker grille; one plastic case
are bolted to the case so that two 100 x 50 x 25mm, one plastic case 110 x 60 x 30mm; epoxy glue; connect-
130mm probes protrude outwards. ing wire.
Connections to the rods are made
by using a couple of 2BA solder
tags, and a length of single core ALARM UNIT made for the loudspeaker. A small
screened cable connects them to The remainder of the circuit is piece of aluminium mesh was stuck
the other case. Note how R1 is in- built on a small piece of strip - inside the case over the cut-out,
cluded in the sensor unit. board 23 holes by 9 trips. These and then the earpiece was fixed
dimensions the circuit
allowed over this using epoxy glue. Finally
board to be retained by the guides letter the case as necessary and
DRAINAGE in the case, and a different size apply a coat of clear protective
Finish off the sensor by letter- (and layout) could be used if lacquer.
ing it as necessary. Then glue two necessary, to suit the type of case With both cases completed,
end pieces onto the ends of the purchased by the constructor. and all interconnections made,
brass rods. This will prevent the The stripboard arrangement and thoroughly check out the circuit
rods from scratching the bath other wiring is shown in Fig. 3. board for mistakes. Look out for
enamel, and it will further enhance During construction, make certain reversed polarities of components,
the appearance. Two plastic caps that the capacitors are soldered in whiskers of solder bridging
from some discarded Biro refill the right way round. Tantalum adjacent strips, etc.
tubes were used on the prototype. capacitors are used for Cl and C3 If all is well, connect the battery
If water does manage to get because of their small size, but and switch on. Bridge the probes
into the sensor case, it will they are very polarity sensitive. with a finger and thumb, this
accumulate inside at the bottom It is recommended that an 8 pin should cause the alarm to sound.
and eventually short the probes, d.i.l. socket is used with IC1. This Release the sensor and the tone
sounding the alarm tone. To will prevent damage being caused should cease.
counter this, a series of 1mm holes to the NE555 through excessive The device is now completed
are drilled near the bottom of the heating during soldering. and ready for use. The probe can
back panel to allow the water to In particular observe the orienta- be stuck inside the bath using
drain away. The use of brass rods tion of the transistor leads. double -sided adhesive strip. The
in the manner described has re- Drill the larger case to take the main unit should be positioned
sulted in a quite attractive and on/off switch and cable entry from where it can be heard with the
very strong probe unit. the sensor. A 30mm cut-out was bath running.
Everyday Electronics, December 1978
from the World of Electronics
50 1638BVET,E0
en -- - - 7308 610/80
4E181.16 1811:11' 01.0) MIC8(610115
to the oscillator tuned circuit can ing with a tape recorder bias oscil-
Board A cause loss of sensitivity due to mis- lator. If this happened, recordings
tracking of the r.f. tuned circuits with from stereo radio would be almost
I.F. AMPLIFIER that of the oscillator.) impossible due to unwanted whistles.
The main job of the i.f. amplifier A single coil Ll is used with the Channel 2 (right) signal appears at
is to provide selectivity, remove un- quadrature detector and provides a pin 5 of IC2 and follows a similar
wanted impulse noise and any other low distortion signal to the audio route as Channel 1 to the second
amplitude modulation (a.m.) on the section of the IC1. A double -tuned input of F3. The circuitry between
signal. The f.m. detector is included circuit would give lower distortion, IC2 pin 4 and F3 involving TR3, TR4
in this section, which as well as con- but equipment would be
special and associated components is thus
verting the frequency modulated needed to correctly align the two duplicated-appearing between IC2
signal to audio, provides control coils-the single -coil circuit can be pin 5 and the second input of F3, al-
voltages for automatic frequency cor- simply adjusted using the tuning though not shown in the circuit
rection (a.f.c.). Automatic gain con- meter. diagram.
trol (a.g.c.) voltage for the r.f. stage The output from the audio section Inn -all component lists and layout
is also obtained from the i.f. amplifier (pin 6) IC1 is at the correct level for diagrams duplicated components are
section. feeding into the stereo decoder. distinguished by the suffix "a" for left
A single integrated circuit IC1 hand channel and "b" for right hand
provides all these functions except STEREO DECODER channel.
selectivity, which is obtained by using The stereo decoder is designed around The two outputs from F3 are fed
two 10.7MHz ceramic filters Fl, F2, the Texas Instruments SN76115AN to their respective pushbutton
which do not require alignment. phase lock loop stereo decoder IC2. switches S13a (left hand channel)
IC1 is the RCA CA3198E, a later The composite audio signal from and S13b (right hand channel)
version of the CA3089. This is a IC1 is fed into IC2 at pin 2. IC2 de- located on Board B.
monolithic integrated circuit that pro- modulates the audio difference infor- Only a single preset potentiometer
vides all the functions of a f.m. i.f. mation from the 38kHz subcarrier (VR2) requires adjustment to set the
system. It includes a three -stage contained in the composite audio sig- correct frequency of the phase lock
amplifier/limiter with level detectors nal. The 38kHz subcarrier is re- for optimum stereo separation.
for each stage, a double -balanced generated using an internal 76kHz
quadrature detector and a low distor- oscillator phase locked to the pilot VARICAP TUNING
tion audio amplifier which features a tone, the internal oscillator requiring The varicap diode circuit consists
muting circuit. It also has a pro- no inductors. The level of the 19kHz of two main sections: the manual
grammable delayed a.g.c. for the r.f. pilot tone in the composite signal is tuning and the pre-set tuning.
section. An output voltage with a log. detected and used to automatically The 14.5V stabilised d.c. supply
law is available to drive a signal switch a stereo/mono switch. from the power supply module pro-
strength meter, MEI, which will show The stereo beacon lamp Dl is vides the voltage required for tun-
a useful range of inputs from 1 micro- switched by a signal appearing at pin ing. This supply is fed in via TA3 and
volt to 100 millivolts when used with 6. applied via R28 to the top end of the
the EF5600 r.f. unit. Channel 1 (left) signal appears at manual and preset potentiometers,
An a.f.c. voltage is provided and pin 4 of IC2 and is fed via C18 to a VR3 to VR8 inclusive. The bottom
this is further amplified by transistors two -stage low distortion amplifier ends of these potentiometers go via
TR1 and TR2 so that it can be TR3, TR4. the preset VR10 to earth. VR10 is
operated in conjunction with the This provides some amplification used to set the voltage at the bottom
main varicap tuning voltage. This and also the correct matching for the end of the potentiometer to exactly
method ensures that all the r.f. cir- low-pass stereo filter F3. This filter 3.2 volts.
cuits remain correctly tuned to the removes any unwanted 19kHz and The a.f.c. control circuit is con-
required frequency. (The other 38kHz signals produced by the decod- nected to the junction of R28 and the
method of only applying a.f.c. voltage ing process and prevents these beat- top ends of the tuning potentiometers.
As the current through TR2 varies a d.c. supply exactly half the supply only one channel is shown in the
due to the a.f.c. voltage from the i.f. rail voltage of the op -amp. diagram.
section it will cause the voltage at the If both inputs of the op -amp are Apart from the small bottom left
end of R28 to vary and correct any equal, the output will be exactly half corner section (which is the Pick-up
tendency to drift or errors in tuning, of the supply voltage and in theory Pre -amplifier) the whole of this lower
by changing the actual voltage supply neither 1.e.d. will light up. (In prac- portion of Fig.1.2a is the Control Unit.
to the varicap' diodes. tice some unbalance may cause one All this circuitry is assembled on
This change in voltage is of course to light). Now, by first tuning the Board B, except for the four variable
arranged to be in the correct phase. manual control to the required station controls and the phono sockets which
If the tuning voltage goes higher the and then selecting a preset, at the are mounted on the front and rear
varicaps will adjust to a lower same time keeping the manual tune panels respectively.
capacity and therefore the frequency button pressed, the voltage from each Two auxiliary inputs are provided,
of the tuned circuits will go higher. will be fed to opposite inputs of the SK2 and SK3. Either of these may
This change will cause the i.f. fre- op -amp. Adjusting the preset until be used with a crystal or ceramic
quency to also go higher which will the l.e.d.s go out (or just change pick-up as their high input impedance
mean that the detector will be off over) will mean that the preset of 1 megohm would provide a reason-
tune. A voltage will occur at its out- voltage is the same as the manual able match. These inputs are also
put which will increase the current tuning voltage and that the pre-set suitable for any other signal source
through TR1 and TR2 and in turn is tuned to the came station. whatever its output impedance, pro-
cause the voltage drop across R28 to The l.e.d.s will show if the preset viding that the signal is approxi-
increase thus lowering the varicap is high or low in frequency relative mately 90mV.
voltage and off -setting the original in- to the manual tuning potentiometer. A disc input is provided at SK4
crease. Similarly with the reverse Final adjustment is made using the (see Pick-up Pre -amplifier).
process. tuning meter as an indicator. The output from the pick-up pre-
Preset VR9 is provided to adjust amplifier, along with the AUX inputs
L.E.D. TUNING INDICATOR the offset voltage of IC3. from the FM tuner section go to the
The other half of the dual op -amp, pushbutton input selector switches S9
The output of each potentiometer IC3a, is used to isolate the r.f. unit to S13 inclusive. All unselected inputs
goes to a pushbutton switch and any from the varicap tuning so that its are shorted to earth.
one can be selected for use. In order loading effect does not cause in- After the required input has been
that the presets can be correctly accurate settings of the presets. It selected it goes to the first stage in
adjusted to a wanted station it is also provides a low impedance drive the control unit, comprising TR5 and
necessary to provide some means of voltage for the varicap diodes in the TR6. This is a boot -strapped two -stage
showing the correct turning point. An r.f. unit. amplifier with a high amount of
op -amp, IC3b, is used for this. One negative feedback. The stage gives
input of the op -amp is connected to around 8dB of gain and has a 1
the manual tuning potentiometer Board B megohm plus 200pF input impedance
VR3 and the other input is connected and low output impedance.
to the selected preset. The output of CONTROL UNIT Following this stage are the high -
the op -amp goes to two l.e.d.s con- The lower half of Fig. 1.2a is now to and low-pass filters. These are active
nected in parallel but with reverse be described. All circuitry in this area filters giving approximately 12dB/
polarity and these are connected to is, in reality, duplicated, although octave slopes. The active stage uses
FRONT 11R14a-T
(IC1) (IC2) (F3)
oc oo tFx.- c)
( TR3b-T R4 b)
(TR5b-TR10b) RIGHT
EF 5600 VR1
TJNER 10k12 TA18
C1 R2
?OW L2
470 6ro co CHANN. -
LI ib)
'Al C2 22MH C10
Rt C5 R16100812 TAO! TO TUNER UNItT
R.F. AGC j
Rd 33012 fp-I 15 R12 S2c
3 P17 4780
Ft 1 0-01iS 4 13
IC1 R21
CA, CA3189
R181 -57r._ 33812
111, TR2
2 BC384L
R5 47842 Re .47aa TR1
RS 1812
R20 TOOkti
Eff) si
0- C9
108/2 C67
&78P 012
C R22
e:n 66
C3 C7
22.8 7pF
rok0 TAI1
A TA4 R3
CHANNEL4131170 5931
R42 R44 R53 956
33080 330;112 18i3
) C23
TR5 0 MI 0
SK2a 60212i.
TR5 purl OUT
AUX 21
AUX 21 2.41F BC 3841_
C26 C27
024 R46 7.6817 R47 4780 cn 25 0-22 0.22pF R51 2780 R52 4780
C 70p28
MAGNETIC P81 7k12 1.03
972 972, R75
50%.1i 5.58n 5.68.0
TC4a R77 220 kr!
R80 3 380 C:44 TClo
SK4a R75 R78 7580
0,. TRU TR12 82(4'1
CO2 2,2eF
"'' BC384L 274 BC384L R79
150832 100k.,7 3980 -r-
TC5 '----tC7046/J1 F O.°1514'' C3 5600pF
0 0
9 13 TIL209
R28 (Red) w02 11239
2-7kfi IC3b 10kil
2 '2747 14
VAR CAP 'R3 VR.1 VR5 VR6 ../7 VR8 TA16
TLNING 22050 '0050 CON0 18050 0k0. 0050
53 54 55 56 S7
R24 33K2. _2 2#F
R59 8.2.2 VR11 10050 R53 8,25.1
=C 66 79.7a TBSa
FREE 2702 R6C R6
3350 5-55.0 St6a
2.2pF os
RE2 2.750 C!7.
C35 P69 75512
33°CSP 7.7083a V 783a
T.6110a TB8a
VR12 1004 tiR13
10050 R
R67 7VO05104
(TO TB3b) TO
Fig. 1.2a. Circuit diagram of the 2020 Tuner Amplifier: r.t. and if, stages; a.f. preamplifier; control and switching stages.
R95 h.216
e R94
II -C22
- mew 056
0 min
220pF TR21
EC 182i. TO8c
c SC182L :5pF 13+ E
R96 V01,12 8100
4 ZuF
022.0 T083b
R87 TO
minC46 100;(12
1COpF 9k12 T,Sa
TR19 R97 R101
5.6k1.1 X4OUTPUT
TD2c 7k1TR2oT060 WATT
C 0
FS2 IA Tana
=OWER S_PPLY 'e (C84)
TO TO10a
Note: TR24 MUST HAVE T05
CD <la 731.0105
TE6 TE11
25 WU
700a TEIO, +25V TE 5
SLO-BLOW w- vt TR24
5106 055
BF Y51
5103 2.2k12 8105 750 2
fi ;Jr RICS
C63 .17ka 11
I GOV 20
24DV C. C60
+ C58+ C59 VRI7
AQ ,D C57 70W2 womC61 +145V
MANS wow pA721043
0-22pF 22/.IF
R1024790 4700pF
.,Q pr 224AF TE9
TO Igkfi 7 METER
R107 5108 5110 L PI
e R23 2-2512 2.710 4.7k2
1064 1660
X0.047pF A Tie
\.__Iszysec C62'
E 517b
0 0
TE2 TE 4
Fig. 2b. Circuit diagram of the 2020 Tuner Amplifier: Power Amplifier and Power Supply stages.
I have devised a very simple method of using a
2-5mm earpiece with a 3.5mm socket, thus solving
a very old problem.
Take a 3.5mm plug and remove the barrel, cut the
connectors to a length of 3mm. Now take a 2.5mm
SLEEVING socket, cut off the part shown and solder two thin
wires to the contacts. Now screw the socket into the
Those little sticks with cotton wool on each end are barrel, and solder the wires to the plug contacts.
these days most useful for the electronics enthusiast. Finally screw the barrel onto the plug. It is impor-
When mother has finished doing incredible things to tant to ensure the connecting wires are long enough
baby with "Q Tips" or "Cotton Buds", to name a to allow for the twisting they will experience when
couple of brand names, salvage them, cut the ends the barrel is screwed on.
away, and presto, 60 to 70 mm of stiff sleeving-for A. R. Jones,
free. Loughborough,
Even some ice lollies have plastic tubular sticks, so
through the summer you can also keep plenty of Leicestershire.
sleeving in stock whatever the weather-you can
ignore the flavours and choose the colour stick that
suits your current project! 2.5man.
And don't forget your own electronics bench-Ersin SOCKET
Multicore solder size 5 dispenser has 80mm of trans- SOCKET MOUNTED IN 3Sm.m. JACK PLUG
parent plastic tubing inside.
K. Croft,
2iVa !
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Make a job of
Enrol in the BN A & E School and you'll have an entertaining
and facinating hobby. Stick with it and the opportunities
and the big money await you, if qualified, in every field of
Electronics today. We offer the finest home study training
for all subjects in radio, television, etc., especially for the
CITY AND GUI LDS EXAMS (Technicians' Certificates); the
Grad. Brit. I.E.R. Exam; the RADIO AMATEUR'S LICENCE,
P.M.G. Certificates; the R.T.E.B. Servicing Certificates; etc.
Also courses in Television; Transistors; Radar; Computers;
Become a
Servo -mechanisms; Mathematics and Practical Transistor
Radio course with equipment. We have OVER 20 YEARS'
experience in teaching radio subjects and an unbroken
Radio Amateur.
record of exam successes. We are the only privately run Learn how to become a radio -amateur in
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Brochure without obligation to:
By B. N. Ryerson
N MANY cars on the roads there charges up, in doing so it will pro-
I is no indication, save just a bulb, duce a loud click in the speaker.
to alert the driver that his indi- In the interval between pulses COMPONENTS
cators are working correctly. This the capacitor is discharged through Resistor
simple add-on unit to be described RI, ready to charge up again on R1 220U 4W± 10%
here does just that by emitting a the next pulse.
loud click with each flash of the Capacitor
C1 47014F 16V elect.
indicators. CONSTRUCTION
As there are few components, Miscellaneous
CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION point to point wiring is used. First LS1 8 ohm 50mm speaker
The unit is simplicity itself in of all decide where to mount the Connecting wire.
operation, and the circuit diagram the speaker. A position somewhere See
is shown in Fig. I. Each time the behind the dashboard is suitable,
warning lamp receives a pulse
from the flasher unit, part of it is
and it ran be mounted with glue, Shop
passed to Cl. This capacitor
or metal brackets. The capacitor
and resistor are both mounted on Talk page 857
the speaker in some convenient
position and glued in place. The a resonably loud click, and so as
diagram of Fig. 2 shows the com- not to load the flasher unit. The
ponents opened out for clarity. values given should prove suitable
Leads long enough to reach the in most cases.
flasher unit and a convenient point The unit has been installed in
on the car chassis are connected the author's car for some time
as shown. now and does its job effectively.
Some experimenting may be It is always audible and the click
required to find suitable values for is less offensive than some elec-
the capacitor and resistor to give tronic whine.
Fig. 1. Circuit diagram of the unit. The Fig. 2. Wiring details. The speaker can be mounted in any convenient position
wiring shown inside the dotted box is the behind the dashboard. All wiring is point to point using stranded connecting wire.
existing car wiring.
For positive earth systems, reverse the polarity of C1.
in which Ohm's laws is valid". said that in his opinion children should straight face when someone comes in
Fifteen years ago that was an apt be given plenty of electronic projects with a small paper bag and tips the
description, but the term is now used to build as an aid to their learning. He contents out on the counter and says
so widely that it would appear, that, can say that again, and would I "Have you anything like that?" "That"
"The tail is wagging the dog" and it add also, make EVERYDAY ELECTRONICS usually being something that was
would not suprise me, if future compulsory reading. originally a half -watt resistor, charred
scholars reverse this definition and to a cinder and in about four pieces.
say "That Electrical Engineering is a Being a whimsical chap, would I
branch of Electronics". In The Bag dearly love to have some burnt and
One sees a lot of amusing things broken resistors, so I could whip one
Setting a New Course happen if they stand behind a counter out, present it to the customer, while
I was delighted to read in the Sunday all day. Normally it is my staff who saying "Yes certainly Sir, here you
Times recently, that if the appropriate man the front line, but occasionally are!"
I 21
autograph join
18 19
17 To use up 10 Mismatching might reduce
18 Half an insulator it
20 Repaired 11 A flattish sort of transis-
21 The head blanked out the tor? 20 22 23
tape 14 A mains repair turned
24 A mite out of a transistor down? 24
25 Electrical snakes? 16 Crack the signal
28 Less and yet more than 18 Two speakers who sound 25 26
none things out in depth
29 The males are in the 19 A handy unit 28 29 30 31
omen 22 Mighty small
31 Wet, short -life oscillations 32
32 A wizard in every dozen 23 One-track mind devices
33 Once a radio call of 26 Some can't make them 33 34
extreme distress meet
Lektrokit All -Circuit Evaluator FROM E12.53 inc p & p and VAT
"ACE- in the hole for home constructors and project builders who do things faster and easier! No laying out circuit diagrams, printed
4 circuit boards, soldering everything together. trouble -shooting, making mods, then chucking it and starting the whole time-consuming
business all over again!
With ACE, you just plug in components and make connections with ordinary 22 -gauge solid wire. No soldering. You can build any
working project complete, as fast as you could lay out a circuit diagram before.
Seven ACE models altogether-with from 728 to 3,648 contacts. IC capacity (all
14 -pin DIP's) from 9 to 36. Buses from 2 to 36. Posts from 2 to 4. Prices from £12.53
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Lektrokit's policy is the right product, whatever the project, at the right price. And
it's backed by a nationwide network of retailers.
Send for the name of the dealer nearest you-plus a FREE full -colour catalogue.
And, if you can, see and try out the great Lektrokit range at Breadboard '78-from
Nov. 21 to Nov. 25 at Seymour Hall, Seymour Place, London.
Write to:- LEKTROKIT LTD., London Road, Reading, Berks. RG61AZ. Or send coupon.
NM Ell NM IMI MN NM ========= IM I=
I To Lektrokit Limited, London Road, Reading, Berks, RG6 1AZ. Tel. Reading (0734) 669116/7.
Please send me the name of my nearest Lektrokit dealer-plus FREE catalogue.
I Please supply the following (list items required)
I enclose P.O./cheque for £ 0+
I (Allow 28 days for delivery. All prices above include packing, postage and VAT).
I )4)429
4V" V"
I Address
E.E. 2.
co 40
+£1.50 P& P cold blow or off available 60p cases £4,50. Post £2 00 per machine less case. others
Quantity discounts apply. extra. £250."/
Component Panel Ref. 3055. Taken from unused P.S.U.'s, 2 k.w. model made in metal case with control switch £12-00 Wall Mounting Thermostat. The Satchwell room stet.
these contain 4 s 2N 3055 power transistors with mica This will handle mains heaters up to a total of 20 amp and
Insulators all on heat sink and 4 variable pots, preset type is gettable for normal air temperatures between 30-80°F.
with spindle locks. Real bargain at £1-O8 each. MOTORISED DISCO SWITCH Suitable also for greenhouse control. Nicely finished In
Component Board 421. Again from unused equipment, With 10 amp change- ,hite enamel. Also has a cover to prevent interference with
major items on these are two power silicon transistors, over switches. Multi control setting. Price £3.00.
Motor Rola ref. SJ 5433 mounted on a heat sink with mica adjustable switches are to r.p.m. Motor with 230v mains coil, not like the usual of
insulators, also behind the panel are two power rectifiers rated at 10 amps. This these geared motors, this has a good length of (.." shaft
ST NS 1008. Price 96p. would provide a mag- price. £3 00 + 200.
E.H.T. Mains Transformer. With Inductance control, nificent display. For Can Anyone Help US? We are looking for fairly large
normal primary and output voltage approx. 4kv 3mA. Voltage mains operating. quantities of the items listed below. It you have any stock
can be varied by applying DC to lower bobbin. Unused, switch model £5.25. 10 ;ourself or can put us on to a reasonably priced supplier
ex P.S.U.'s Price £432. switch model £5.75. 12 we would be obliged.
Music Centre Dust Cover. Size 12" 10" . 15" with
.." switch model £6-75. 7 -Segment displays common anode red or green.
attachments for hinging. Price £3-95. Callers only. BZY88C5V6 Zener.
Telephone Answering Machines. Used, but apparently FLUORESCENT TUBE TIL209 red I.e.d.s.
complete and probably in working order. However, we are Soldercon pins.
allOwed to Supply these Only for breaking up, they should INVERTOR 0-1 inch matrix Veroboard 52 holes . 46 strips.
be very suitable for conversion to open reel tape recorder. For carripirg - 0-1 Inch matrix Veroboard size 34 holes c 34 strips.
background music machine, echo chamber, etc. All untested car repairing - CA3130 IC. Operational amplifier 1C.
but we guarantee to replace any major item in the machine emergency light- MPF102. Transistor.
should it be faulty. Machines less outer case £7.50, case ing from a 12v We are also looking for VDU's, oscilloscopes, computers
slightly broken but substantially whole L1026. Unbroken battery you can't and most instruments. If you know of any surplus please
cases £1245, and finally with new looking cases £1450. beat fluorescent send details or 'phone Mr. J. Bull. 01-6881833.
Post £250 per machine. Many accessories available for lighting. It will Charge Discharge indication meter. This is a heavy panel
these machines. Please enquire. offer plenty of well distributed light and is economical. We mounting instrument made originally fur the GPO, rather
Wall Mounting Thermostat. The Satchwell room stat. offer inverter for 21" 13 watt miniature tube for only f-3.75 with old design but still we feel will fill an urgent need. Basically
Mains 20 amp settable over normal air temperatures between tube and tube holders as well. the operation of this depends upon a Mercury motor which
30-80°F. Suitable also for greenhouse control. Nicely finished revolves clockwise or anti -clockwise depending upon whether
in white enamel. Price £3.25. the batteries are charging or discharging. A pointer shows
10 r.p.m. Motor with 230v mains coil, not like the usual of RELAYS the state of charge of the batteries at any time. Also fitted
these geared motors this has a good length of 5" shaft. 12 volt two 10 amp changeover plug in 95p. within the instrument are auxilliary contacts which could be
Price £2.50 + 200. 12e three 10 amp changeover plug in £128. used to set off alarms like lamps, etc. Price £595.
Rigogda Intermezzo 10 + 10 hi -fl amplifier with belt driven 12v two changeover miniature wire ended Resettable Fuses (thermal trips). Two new types have
record deck with speed control and strobe check. The best 95p. 12 volt open single screw fixing two 10 come in, one made by ETA is a 6 amp model which is mounted
hl -fl offered by Rigonda original selling price was in excess amp changeovers 85p. 12 volt open three 10 through a single hole rather like a volume control. This is
of £125. We have approx. 50 of these unused but with various amp changeovers £125. Latching relay mains suitable for 250 volts AC or 24 volts DC. Price 54p. 4-5 Amp
faults. Untested, believed complete except for cartridge and operated 2 cga contacts £2-11. Mains Model made by AEG is held by two screws thus a bank of
speakers. Offered at £33-50, less than the price of the very operated three 10 amp changeovers open these could be mounted between metal straps. Price 54P.
high quality deck incorporated. If cannot collect add £3.00 type one screw fixing £1.25. Many other Disc Motor, mains operated. This is very thin in fact less
o cover the special packing and carriage charge. types with different coil voltages and contact than 5" thick and only approx. 2" dia. Spindle revolves at
arrangements are in stock, enoulrles Invited. 250 rpm and the spindle which is approx. 1,32" dia. pushes
MINI -MULTI TESTER Through so motor could be used to drive clockwise or anti-
clockwise. The spindle being a friction fit can be pushed
Amazing, deluxe pocket size Terms: Prices include Post & VAT. But curripletely out and replaced by your own spindle, a knitting
precision moving coil instrument - orders under £6 00 please add 50p to
-teedle for instance. Price only 33p.
jewelled bearings -1000 opv-mir- 75 rpm Mains Induction Motor with gearbox. This motor
rored scale. offset packing. Bulk enquiries -Please s quite powerful and has 15" stack and the final 75 rpm
11 instant ranges measure: - drive shaft is 15" long by 5" dia. The motor also has a spindle
DC volts 10, 50, 250, 1000. Phone for Generous Discounts 688 1833. coming from the opposite end to which could be fitted
AC volts 10, 50, 150, 1000.
DC amps 0-1 mA and 0-100 mA another pulley. Overall size approx. 3" s 5" 21"+ spindles.
Continuity and resistance 0-150K 24 Hour Motor, beautifully made by Sangamo. This is
Complete with insulated probes. J. BULL (ELECTRICAL) LTD 200-2400 mains driven motor with gearbox together in one
housing, size approx. IS" dia. by 15" deep. If you are con-
leads, battery, circuit diagram
and instructions. (Dept. E. E.), 103 TA MWORTH RD., templating making a 24 hour switch with a lot of on/offs,
Unbelievablevalue only £6.50-1-501) then this is obviously the motor. Price £1-69.
post and insurance. CROYDON CR8 1SG
Our new 1978 catalogue lists a whole range of Greensleeves
Cook House Door
metal cases to house all your projects. And we've God Save tne Queen The Stars &Stripes'
Rule Britannia'
got circuit boards, accessories, module systems, Land of Hope arid Glory Beethoven's Ode to Joy
and plastic boxes - everything you need to give William Tell Overture
Oh Come All Ye Faithful
Soldier's Chorus
Oranges and Lemons
your equipment the quality you demand. Send Westminster Chimes'
Twinkle. Twinkle LittleSter
25p to cover post and packing, and the catalogue's Great Gate of Kiev
Sailor's Hornpipe Maryland
yours. Beethoven's "Fate Knocking" Deutschland uber Alieb
The Marseilla:se Bach
Colonel Bogie
Wedding March The Loraine
VERO ELECTRONICS LTD. RETAIL DEPT. 'These tunes play longer i1 the push button is kept pressed -
Industrial Estate, Chandlers Ford, Hants. SO5 3ZR
Telephone Chandlers Ford (042151 2958 - rgpeat 4teltleetateao to dte
* Save taus tla,z oted tazi
Electronic 441449%euezdeq
LED Alarm Clock The CHROMA-CHIME is exclusively designed by
5 FUNCTIONAL Thousands sold Oda.,
LCD MO. Switch)
Hours, mins, secs,
(Slide Svr.chl
month, date, auto Aso Slow
calendar, back-
light, quality metal River Way, Harlow, Essex.
AB prices and specifications correct HARVERSON SURPLUS CO. LTD. PLEASE NOTE: P. & P.
at time of press and subject to (Dept. LE.) 170 MERTON HIGH ST., LONDON, S.W.19. Tel.: 01-540 3985 IU.K. ONLY. SEND SAE WITH
alteration without notice. .4 few amide. from South Wimbledon Tube Station.
Open .304.30 Monday to Friday. 1.30-3 Saturday. Closed Wednesday. ALL ENQUIRIES.
PROFESSIONAL MODULES 2"' Please write your Name and Address in block capitals
By Harry T. Kitchen
sistance whdn cold is approximately
one eleventh the hot or working
temperature, and so for a finite time
the current is eleven times that
calculated. Fortunately, that time is
measurable in milliseconds, and one
does not have to use fuses uprated
The Great 13A Fuse Fallacy and that, if you care to think about it, by a factor of eleven! A factor of three
The flat pin 13 -amp plug has been is a lot of expensive wattages. or four times is adequate for domestic
the standard British domestic plug for How often do you cheerfully con- lighting.
a number of years, and whilst the con- sume 3,120 watts? An electric fire,
cept is a laudable one, the realisation going flat out, will approach this Anti -surge Fuses
of that concept leaves much to be figure, but what else that you have, With inductive or capacitive loads, the
desired. The concept was, of course, that is portable, that is not an electric only method of fusing that is likely to
that the user of the plug fitted a fuse cooker, consumes so much electricity? be effective all round is that of using
appropriate to the equipment in use, Precious little I'll warrant. Think about anti -surge fuses which will withstand
up to a maximum of 13 amps, and if it for a moment, and if necessary an increased load for a finite time,
necessary a fuse having a much lower do a few simple sums about the typically ten times rated current for a
rupturing value could be fitted, so electrical or electronic equipment that period of 10 milliseconds to 20 milli-
affording the maximum protection to you use, and when you've done so you seconds. Such fuses will withstand
the equipment being protected. will see the utter fallacy of selling the initial surge of current, but will
So much for the concept, but what of 13 -amp plugs complete with 13 -amp still blow, usually with time to spare-
the realisation? The realisation was fuses; in my book it ought to be a but not always-so be careful if the
the sale of plugs already fitted with a criminal offence. current exceeds the nominal value for
13 -amp fuse, with no thought of the an appreciable period of time.
equipment to be protected, and Rules of Thumb Fusing equipment is essential, and
certainly with no thought of giving There are regulations which, if one the above maligned 13 -amp plug,
advice to the hapless user, who cheer- cares to study them, and perhaps which let me repeat is fundamentally
- fully fitted the plug onto anything and more important, if one can understand sound in concept, may very well prove
everything, and thereby, albeit quite the legalistic jargon, will outline the to be better than nothing at all. But the
innocently, created potential hazards precise measures to be adopted. Such margin of safety is so much greater
to life limb and property. pedantic accuracy is by no means when just a little time is taken to work
Now why should a 13 -amp essential, and a few simple rules of out a few simple maths, and then use
hazard? thumb will enable all equipment to be the fuses most appropriate to the
In order to answer this, we have to fused such that the maximum of pro- application.
ask the question: "what is a fuse and tection can be obtained. Until the authorities see fit to ban
why is it fitted, and where?" The The first rule of thumb is to use a the sale of plugs complete with 13 -amp
answer is that a fuse is a specially fuse value no larger than is necessary, fuse and also offer concrete and
designed weak link placed in series the value being calculated by dividing simple advice on choosing the most
with any circuit to protect that circuit the wattage by the voltage. appropriate fuse, it is up to the intend-
and the user should the current exceed Here we come up against a practical ing user to help himself. Its very
a specified value. And this is where the difficulty, that of obtaining suitably simple and well worth while.
conceptual realisation of the 13 -amp rated fuses; the lowest current rated
plug has so dismally failed, in my fuse is the 1 -amp fuse, and here we
opinion, because the equipment may are talking strictly of the 13 -amp plug
not draw 13 amps, and in many cases itself. So, perforce, we must use a
will draw significantly smaller currents. 1 -amp fuse even if the calculated
Let us return, momentarily, to the current is significantly lower, and this
13 -amp plug, and consider its implica- value will be perfectly safe.
tions. Now we know that the total However, mains surges, or equip-
consumption of any equipment is the ments having higher current consump-
wattage, and the wattage in turn is tions than calculated, or fuses having
given by multiplying the current drawn a lower rupturing current than marked,
by the voltage applied. Conversely, the may cause the fuse to blow, even
current drawn can be calculated by though there is no actual fault in the
dividing the wattage by the voltage, equipment. It is therefore prudent to
and the voltage can be calculated by add a contingency allowance to the
dividing the wattage by the current. calculated rating, and a value between
The nominal mains voltage in the 50 per cent and 100 per cent is normal.
UK is 240 volts, within a tolerance So if your calculated current is, say, 1
decided by the CEGB, but the actual amp, use a fuse of 14- amps or even 2
tolerance can be greatly influenced by amps. But no higher.
the loading on the "spur" and upon
the time of day or evening. For example, An Exception
I live in the country, and my own mains An exception to the rule involves
voltage drops quite significantly when inductive, capacitive, or tungsten
all the neighbourhood ladies, bless circuits, where for a finite time a
'em, are indulging their culinary current greater, or much greater, than
prowessesl To continue: 13 amps calculated flows, and then reduces to "When you come home, will you carry on
times 240 volts gives a wattage of 3,120, making your special gadget that minimises the
the calculated value. risk of accidents in the home?"
GOOK REVIEWS 22. 275, 281. 571, 667 C -R Substitution Box March 1978 429
BOX IT 889 EE 100W Power Slave June 1978 546
Enlarger Timer October 1977 I3
BRIGHT IDEAS 20. 63. 66, 115, 172, 242, 290, 351,
408, 454, 490. 744, 756, 822, 880 Fish Attractor June 1977 44
Fuzztone July 1977 44, 89
COUNTER INTELLIGENCE by Paul Young 63, 224, 296, Mains Delay Switch April 1978 429
384, 579. 611, 652, 750, 814. 884 Mains Tester May 1978 546
CROSSWORD by D. P. Newton 343, 384, 429. 484, 547, Physics is Fun November 1977 180
61 I, 667, 747, 814, 884 Probophone September 1977 113
EE SPECIAL REPORT Quagmire July 1978 628, 696
CRYSTAL SET 753 Soil Moisture Moniter June 1977 44, 89
ELECTRONIC DOORBELL 292 Teach -In '78 Part Six March 1978
682 Teach -In '78 Part Seven April 1978
The Audiotest March 1978 429
WONDERBOARD 820 Touch Switch July 1977 44
EDITORIAL 6, 56, 102. 152, 198, 254, 310, 366, 422. 478, Treasure Locator October 1977 113
534, 590, 646, 712, 778, 848 V.H.F Portable Radio November 1977 180
EVERYDAY NEWS 338, 406. 458. 514, 566, 620. 674. 738, RADIO WORLD by Pat Hawker G3VA 748, 812, 886
810. 870
JACK PLUG AND FAMILY by Doug Baker 39, 81, 130. READERS LETTERS 27, 89. 13D. 275, 347, 372, 454. 513,
224, 296, 351, 412, 454, 495, 575, 610, 693, 750, 803, 863 632, 680, 754, 825
PLEASE TAKE NOTE: SHOP TALK by Brian Terrell 13, 67, 108, 174, 207, 262,
Automatic Phase Box December 1977 412 342, 373, 595
by Dave Barrington 433. 485, 547, 595, 653, 720
Capacitance Unit September 1977 89, 412
Car System Alarm February 1978 790. 857
Chaser Light Display February 1978 412 SQUARE ONE 19, 83, 112. 173, 220, 291, 340, 752. 789. 864
MAINS TRANSFORMERS 220 volt Input. Type 1, 24 volt Tapped at 14 volt 1 amp
a Et -30 (P&P 25p). Type 2, 22-0-22 volt 500mA E1 60 (PAP 25p). Type 3, 45 volt
6 amp £4 50 (P&P 95p). Type 4, 20 volt 2 amp Twice 10 volt 1 amp Twice £4.50 MINI
(P&P 95p). Type 5, 45 volt 2 amp 45 volt 500MA it £3 50 (P&P 85p).
400mW GOOD UNMARKED ZENERS 3 6re, 6-8v. 10v, Ilv,12v, 13v, 16a, 18v, 24s,
30v. 33v. 36 volt. All at 10 for 40p.
Please add 20p for post and packing, unless otherwise stated, on U.K. orders under E2.
Overseas enters a: cos.
25 The Strait, Lincoln LN2 1JF Tel, 20767
Total 130 for £3-75
WATER LEVEL ALERT 14005 Polystyrene capacitors. 10 each value
All components Inc. earpiece, verO, from 10pF to 10,000pF. E12 series 5%
160V. Total 370 for E12.30
studding, cable and 2 boxes 115 x 75 x K006 Tantalum bead capacitors. 10 each of
36mm. £3:95 (without boxes £2.75) the following: 0:1, 0.15. 0-22, 0-33, 0.47,
VEHICLE IMMOBILISER 0:68, 1. 2-2, 3-3, 4.7, 6-8, all 35V; 10.25
15116 22116 33.110 47j6 10013. Total 170
All parts including relay but not PCB tants for £14.20
£2.00 1(007 Electrolytic capacitors 25V working PHONE 01-672 3137/672 9080
small physical size. 10 each of these pop- MANUFACTURERS OF QUALITY AMPLIFICATION AND LIGHTING
MICROPHONE AMPLIFIER ular values: I. 2-2, 4-7, 10, 22, 47, 100uF. CONTROL SYSTEMS
Ail compartments including case and Total 70 for £3.50
hardware £2-00 K008 Extended range, as above, also
including 220, 470 and 1000uF. Total 100 for
E.E. 20+20 TUNER
K021 Miniature carbon film 5% resistors,
CR25 or similar. 10 of each value from 1OR
We can supply all parts required except to 1M, E12 series. Total 610 resistors, MOO
the components for the RF unit for aperox. K022 Extended range, total 850 resistors
£40. Send SAE for detailed list. from IR to 10M 58-30
K041 Zener diodes, 400rnW BZY88,
CAR FLASHER etc. 10 of each value from 2'7V to 36V.
The three components required for just E24 series. Total 280 for £15-30
80p 1(042 As above but 5 of each value £8-70
See our halt -page ad. elsewhere in this All mains primary: 12-0-12V 5OrriA 85p;
issue for details. 100mA 95p; to £2:50. 6-0-6V 100mA
NOTE; A more detailed list of carts 85p; 12A £2-40. 9-0-9V 75mA 85p: to
suppli ed in these and other kits is available £2.10. Multitapped type 0-12-15-20-24-
on receipt of a SAE. 30V, 1A £&95; 2A £5-35; 3A £6 90; 20V
2fA £.3-80: 25V 1iA, £2.25; 12V 13A £4;
Kits of last month's projects still available. 24V 5A £7.50; 0 22 34 41V 4A £7.50: 7" x 9" x 1-k" ULTRA QUALITY HIGH POWER 5" x 5" x
20V it 300mA twice £2.50; 12V 2 250mA
twice £2-00
New D.C. Coupled Design
"DOING IT W847 Low profile PC mntg 10 :/ 33
6V coil, SPCO 3A contacts. 93p
W832 Sub. min type. 10-419: 10mm 12V
coil DPCO 2A contacts £1.15
20mm Featuring -Electronic Short Open and Thermal Overload Protection.
Brief Spec. -Input Sensitivity 0.775 v. R.M.S. at 25K Ohms.
Frequency Response 20114 20 KHz. T.H.D. at full power 0-196.
Hum and Noise -100 elEt Relative full output.
DIGITALLY" W701 6V SPCO 1A contacts 20 / 30 :.- 25mm
Only 56p
W817 11 pin plug in relay, rated 24V ac,
but works well on 6V DC. Contacts 3 pole
T.D. 500 300W into 2 Ohms. 220W into 4 Ohms. 140W into
8 Ohms. £45-00
This new series which started last month cio rated 10A, 95p Power P.S.300 £30,00
is bound to be a big success. We supply a W819 12V 1250R DPCO 1A contacts.
complete set Of parts (as we did for last Size 29,, 22 :._ 18mm. min plug-in type 72p £26.25
years' Teach -in series) for just £19.75 + W839 50V at (24V DC) coil. 11 pin plug in T.D.150 150W into 4 Ohms. 100W into 8 Ohm
ET post for the Electronic Test Bed, and type. 3 pole cio 10A contacts. Only 85p Power supply P.S. 150 £1850
52.75 for additional parts required for W845 Open construction mains relay.
first 6 parts. 3 sets 105 c/o contacts. £1 -20 T.D. 150 60 Version 60W into 8 Ohrns. 40W into 15 Ohms £17.75
Send SAE for our relay list -84 types listed
and illustrated. Power supply P.S.60 £15.50
The GREENWELD Note- P.S. 300 will drive 2 T.D. 150 amplifiers
Amplifier Kit HEAT SINK OFFER All output rating, are R.M.S. continuous sine wave output.
Copper TOS sink 17mm dia x 20mm. 10 for
Ideal for the beginner to make, this kit is 40p; 100 for £3; 1000 for £25
complete right down to the last screw!! TO ORDER BY POST
Easily constructed on the PCB provided, make Cheques -FO 5 ;5a-ix:le ILIAC (EE108)or quote Access/Barclay Card No 0Ne
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from a crystal cartridge. Battery version Size 36 18" 2005. Hundreds of uses
51-75. or with transformer for mains around the home. 100 sheets for £1-50. rm-
operation 53-95 Box of 1500 for £19 TUAC LTD., (EEI , 119 CHARLMONT ROAD, LONDON SW17 9AB.
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Everyday Electronics, December 1978
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Hardware, Cases, Part Kits and Full Kits. A compre-
hensive service to the E.E. Constructor. PRICES inc-
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79 11-09
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Insitu Transistor Tester E021 85. 1.22 2.44 79 5.10 Complete Kit including CASE with Screen printed facia
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Short Wave Radio E025
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LOGIC PROBE. July 78. 42.29 inc. case. case. TRIPLE MAGNIFIER. £1.15. F.M. TUNER MODULE -feeds any
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New Series -complete kit or separate Parts IN STOCK NOW fur FAST DELIVERY
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FLASHMETER. May 78.48-67. case extra FUZZTONE UNIT. July 77. 05.68 less
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POCKET TIMER. April 78. 02-82 inc. ADD-ON CAPACITANCE UNIT. Sept CHART. Follow this educational series.-starttoday-and learn about digital electronics.
case. 77. 44.46 Ina. case. SEND £22-95 for the TTL TEST BED. £375 for ADDITIONAL COMPONENTS (6 months).
The best pre -amplifier in the U.K The superiority of the CPR 1 is probably
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There is no provision for tone controls. CPR 1 size is 138 It 60 a 20mm. Supply to CE 608 60W/8 ohms 35-0-35v £16-311 KIT .......£324g
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able in two ver-
Suitable for nearly all moving -coil cartridges. Sensitivity 70/170uV switchable CE 1708170W/8 ohms 60-0-604 £31 90 sions-one uses
Tel: (0533) 537722
on the p.c.b. This module brings signals from the now popular low output TOROIDAL POWER SUPPLIES standard compo-
moving -coil cartridges up to 3.5mV (typical signal required by most pre-amo CPS1 for 2 X CE608 or 1 CE 1004 £14-47 nents, and the
disc inputs). Can be powered from a 9V battery or from our REG 1 regulator CPS2 for 2 ir CE 1054 or 2/4 X other (the S) uses
board. CE 608 £1 682 MO resistors
CPS3 for 2 x CE 1008 or 1 X where necessary All prices shown are UK only and
REG 1-POWER SUPPLY CE 1704 £17.-66 andtantalum capa- include VAT and post. COD 901) extra,
The regulator module, REG 1 provides 15-0-15v to power the CPR 1 and MC T. CPS4 fort x CE 1008 £15 31 citors.
It can be used with any of our power amp supplies or our small transformer TR 6. CPS5 for 1 x CE 1708 £2268 CPRI £29 49
£100 limit. Export :s no problem. please
The power amp kit will accommodate it. CPS6 fort x CE 1704 or 2 x CE CPRIS 539.98 write for specific Quote. Send large SAE
CE 1708 or 3 International Reply Coupons for
HEATSINKS 1.23 08 mot ste-so
POWER AMPLIFIERS MCIS £2949 detailed information.
Light duty. 50mm. 2°C/W £1 30
It would be pointless to list in so small a space the number of recording studios, Medium newer, 100mm, POWER SUPPLY
educational and government establishments. etclwho have been usinoCRIMSON 1 4°C/W £2.20 REGI .... £6.75
amps satisfactorily for quite some time. We have a reputation for the highest Disco/group. 150mm, 1 1°C)W 5285 TR6 £1-75
quality at the lowest prices. The power amp is available in five types, they all Fan, 80rrim. state 120 or 240v.... £1850 BRIDGE
have the same specification: T.H.D. typically 01% any pOwor 1 kHz El Ohms; Fan mounted on two drilled DRIVER, BPI Distributor
T.I.D. insignificant; slew rate limit 25V/uS; signal to noise ratio 110dB; frequency 100mm heatsinks, 2 x 4°C/W. Obtain up to 340W
response 1011.-35kHz. -3dB; stability unconditional; protection-drives any 65°C max. with two using 2 s 170W
load safely: sensitivity 775inV (250mV or 100mV on request); size 120 x 80 X modules. £2916 amps and this BOX 12035: S-750 12
25mm. THERMAL CUT-OUT. 70°C.. Et 90 module EDI £510 UPPSALA 12, SWEDEN"
Published approximately the third Friday of each month by 1PC Magazines Ltd.. PleetwaY House. larringdon Et, London E044AD. Printed in England by Index Printers Ltd., Dunstable, Beds. Sole Agents
for Australia and New Z-1 -ind-Gordon and vetch (A/Sia) Ltd. South Africa-Central News Agency Ltd. Subscriptions: Inland £9.50, Overseas 59.50 per annum payable to 1PC Services, Oaklield House, Perry -
mount Road, Haywards Heath, Sussex. Everyday Electronics is sold subject to the following conditions namely that it shallnot, without the written consent of thePubliehers first given, be lent, resold, hired out
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A. Marshall (London) Ltd. Dept. EE Head Office mail order: Kingsgate House, Kingsgate Place, NW6 4TA. Tel: 01-624 0805.
Retail Sales London: 40-42 Cricklewood Bdwy, NW2 3ET. Tel: 01-452 0161/2. Telex:21492. London:325 Edgware Rd., W2. Tel: 01-723
4242. Glasgow: 85 West Regent St., G2 2QD. Tel: 041-332 4133. Bristol: 1 Straits Pde., Fishponds Rd., BS16 2LX. Tel: 0272 654201.
2N3390 0.50 2N3905 0.18 2N5086 0.30 2N6107 0.45 40161 1.00 BC1686 0-13 BC184LC 0 15 BC303 0-54 BD139 0.43 130530 0-55
TRANSISTORS 2N3391 0.40 2143906 0.13 2145087 0.30 2N6108 0.55 40102 1-00 BC168C 0-13 BC212 a 15 BC307 0-16 130140 0.43 130535 0-70
214606 0-39 2N2195A 0.40 21433914 0.45 2144031 0.55 2N5088 0.30 2146109 0.55 AF106 0.60 15C1698 0-13 8C2124 0.I5 3C3074 0.16 BD181 1.90 80536 0.70
214697 0.31 2142217 0.55 2143392 0.17 2144032 0.65 2145089 0.30 2616111 0-49 AF109 0.52 13C169C 0-13 BC21213 0 15 BC3678 0.10 130182 2.20 80537 0.74
214698 0.49 2142218 0.35 2143393 0.17, 2N4036 0.72 2145190 0.65 21461211'0.41 BC107 0.16 BC177 0-22 8C2121 0-18 BC308 016 B0183 2.35 130538 0.77
214699 0.58 2N2218A 0.38 2613394 0-17 2144037 0-60 2145191 0.75 2116122 0-44 BC107A 0.16 BC177A 022 BC212LA a 18 8C3085 0.16 130187 0.95 130539 0.60
2N706 0.30 2142210 048 2143405 0-19 2144058 0.22 2145192 0.80 2N6123 0.48 BC107B 0.16 8C177B 0.25 BC212LB 0-18 BC309A 0.16 130235 0.46 80540 0.60
2N7064 0.30 21422794 0.39 2143396 0.19 2144059 017 2145193 0.75 2N0124 0-45 BC108 0.16 130178 0.22 BC213 0 15 8C3098 0.16 1302313 0-44 BDX14 1.32
214708 0.30 2N2220 0.39 2N3397 0.19 2614060 0-22 2615194 0.80 2616125 0.47 BC1084 0.16 BC1784 0.25 BC213A 0.15 13C309C 0.16 BD237 0.44 BDXIO 1.90
214718 0.30 2142221 0.25 2143438 0.85 2144061 0.19 2145195 0.97 40361 0-65 BC108B 0.16 BC1788 0.35 non 0.15 BC327 0.22 BD238 0.44 BDY20 1.10
2N7184 0-54 21422214 0.25 2143440 0.75 2144062 0.20 2145245 0.37 40362 055 BC108C 0.17 BC179 0.25 BC213C 0.15 BC328 0.20 802394 044 BDY55 1.90
2N720A 0-85 2112222 0.25 2143441 0.92 2N4064 1.35 2145246 0.39 40363 1-45 BC109 0.14 8C1794 0.25 BC213L 0-17 BC337 0.20 BD239C 0-59 BOY56 2.10
2N722 0-45 2/422224 0.25 2613442 1.45 2144074 2-65 2145247 0.44 40408 042 8C10913 0.17 BC1798 0.25 BC213LA 0.17 BC338 0-23 BD240A 0.49 BF115 0.39
261727 0.50 2N23139 0.27 2143638 0.17 2N4121 0.27 2145248 9-44 40409 042 BC109C 0.18 BC179C 0.260C213L8 0.17 BC547 0.13 BD240C 0.59 8E160 0.33
261914 0.38 21423694 0.27 21436384 0.17 2144122 0.27 2145294 0.44 40410 0.82 BC140 0.30 BC182 012 BC213LC 0.17 8C5474 0-13 1302414 0-49 6E161 0-65
2149113 0.33 2142646 0.80 2143702 0.14 2144123 0.19 2145295 0.44 40411 3.10 BC141 0.32 801824 0-12 8C214 0-17 8C54713 0.13 BD241C 0.65 BF167 0-37
204917 0.38 2142847 1-56 2N3703 0.14 2N4124 0.19 2145296 0.44 40594 0.87 BC147 0.13 BC162B 0-13 BC214B 0.17 8C548 0.13 BD242A 0.55 BF173 0-37
2N918 9.45 2142903 1.80 2143704 6.14 2144125 0.19 2145298 0.44 40595 0.98 13C14713 0.13 BC182L 0.15 BC214C 6.17 BC549 0.14 BD242C 0.62 BF177 0-27
214929 0.37 2142904 0.31 2N3705 0.14 2514126 0.19 2145447 0.16 40673 0.80 BC148 0-13 8C18214 0.15 BC214L 0.13 13C54913 0-14 802434 0.65 BF178 0-27
2149294 0.37 2N29044 0.31 2143706 0.14 2144284 0.38 2615448 0.16 40669 1.30 BC1488 013 BC182L13 0-15 BC214L13 0.18 BC549C 0-15 80243C 0.87 BF179 0.33
214930 0.37 2142905 0.31 2143707 0.14 2144286 0.22 2145449 0.20 AC126 0.48 BC148C 0.13 BC183 0.12 BC214LC 0.18 8C557 0-14 802444 0.70 BM0 0-37
2N9304 0.05
21429054 0-31 26/3708 0.12 2144287 0-22 2145457 048 AC127 0.48 BC149 019 8C183A 0.12 BC2378 0.15 BC558 0.13 80244C 0.87 BF181 0.37
2N1711 0.30
2N2908 0-25 2143709 0.12 2N4288 0.22 2145458 0.35 AC128 048 BC149C 0-15 0C1838 0.13 8C2384 0.13 BC559 0.15 602454 0.69 BF182 0-37
2141889 0.30
21429064 0.25 2143771 2.16 2144289 0.22 2145459 0.32 AC151 0.43 BC157A 015 acme 0-13 BC2388 0.13 BCY70 0.21 BD245C 045 BF183 0 44
261/890 0.30
2612907 0.25 2143772 2.20 2144347 2.20 2615460 0-65 AC152 0-54 BC158A 9.15 BC183L 0.15 BC238C 0.13 8CY71 0.26 B02464 0.72 8E184 0-41
2141893 0.30
2142907.4 0-25 2143773 3-15 2144348 2.65 2N5484 0.37 AC153 0-59 8C15813 0.15 BC1E3LA 0.15 BC2398 0.16 BCY72 0.18 BD246C 0-93 135-185 0.37
2142102 0-50 2142923 0.17 2143189 0-36 2144918 0.65 2615485 0.40 AC153K a 59 BC159.4 0.17 BC183LB 8.15 BC239C 0.17 00115 0.83 130433 0-44 13E194 0-16
2612192 0.58 2142924 0.17 2143820 0-39 2144919 0.70 2145486 0.40 AC176K 0.70 0C1598 0.17 BC1831C 0.15 BC257A 0.18 BD131 0-55 80434 0.46 8E195 0.16
2612193 0.50 2142925 0.19 2/43821 0.96 2144920 0.83 2145490 0.64 AC176 a 54 BC100 0-38 3C184 0.12 BC25813 0-19 BD132 0-75 BD435 0.48 8F196 0-16
2N21934 0.52 2142926 0.17 2613900 0-28 2144021 0.54 2645492 0.64 AC187 0-59 BC161 .0-38 BC1848 0.13 -8C25913 0.19 80135 0.40 80430 0.46 BF197 0-19
2142104 0.42 2N3023 0.25 2143901 0.30 2144922 0.60 2145494 8.65 AC187K 0.65 13C167 0.13 8C184C -0.13 BC300 0-43 130136 0.40 50437 0.55 BF198 0-19
21421944 0-45 2143054 0.72 2143903 0-20 2144923 0-75 2145496 0.67 AC188 0 54 13C16713 0-13 BC184L 0 -IS 8C301 0-43 130137 0.41 130438 0.55 8F199 0 19
2142195 0-40 2143055 0-75 2143904 0.18 2144924 1.15 2616027 0.64 4C188K 0.65, BCI68A 0.13 BC184LB 0.15 BC302 0.37 80138 0.41 80529 0.40 BF224J 0-22
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LM340124 0.88 LM1841N 1.90 7443704 TL080CP 1.25 74C86N 0-64 7453N 0-22 7418514 1-50
LM341P5 els LM1845N 1-50 5 45 TL081CP 0-90 4014 1-00 40288 0-92 4049 0 96 4068 0 27 4086 0-89 - 74CUN 4 39 74.54N 0.22 _
LM341P1211-80 LM1848N 198 TAA630 2 60 TL082CP 1-10 CMOs,
S, 4015 1-05 40298 1-10 50508 0.85 40698 0 24 403913 2-10 74 90N 0-85 746061 0-22 441.85AN 1 50
LM341P150-60 LM185ON 1.90 TA4960 3.90 TLO83CN 140 4000 0-22 4016 0.52 4030 0.34 4051E1 0-85 407013 0 135 409361 1.00 7493N 0-85 7470N 0.46 741884N 3-25
LM3411.240.110 1M188914 4-90 744970 4-20 TL084CN 1.45 400113 0.22 401713 1.05 40318 2-25 4052B 0.86 40718 0 24 4094 240 74C95N 1.04 7472N 0.30 74189N 2-60
LM348N 0.95 LM3301N 0.60 TAA611B2 50 4002 0-22 401813 105 403513 1.30 40538 0.98 4072 0 27 4095 1-30 74C107N 1.22 7473N 0.44 7419014 1.40
LM358N 0.60 LM3302N 0.55 TAA621 2-50 LF355N 040 4006 1-25 40198 0-52 4037 1-20 4054 1.0 407313 0 24 4096 1.30 74C15014 4-14 7474N
LM360N 3.00 LM3401N 0-55 1-446614 LF356N 0-80 0.22 40208 115 40416
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4007 0-85 4055 1.65 4075B 0-24 4097 4.65 74C151N 2.47 74
LM37014 3.30 LM3900N 0.61 1-65 LF357N 6.69 40085 0.99 4021 1-05 404213 0-86 4056 1.65 40768 0.9914090 1.00 74C154N 3-68 747661 0.45 7419214 1-20
LM37111 235 1.14390514 1.15 TAA661131.45 4009 0.58 40228 100 4043 1.05 74193N 1.20
1.20 74C157N 2.21 9.90
LF13201N 3-00 4059 6.00 4077 0-70 451013 7460N
LM350if 045 LM3909N 0-73 144700 4.50 4010 0.53 409-1B 0-22 4044 1.00 406013 1.14 4078 0-27 74016014 1.11 7481N 1.00 74196N 1.20
LM373N 3.35 LM3911N 1.10 T4493041 45 LF13331N 3.00 40118 0.22 4024B 0 76 1-75
4045 1.76 4083 1-30 40818 0.24:4511
1M7805K 1.75
LM7812K 1-75
TAD100 2.00
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LF1$741N 0-55
4012 0-22 40256 0 22
401313 0.52 40278 0-55
404613 1.50
4047B 0.96 4067
406613 0-75
0-27 ,4516
0-89 i 451813
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