Case Studies of Multi-Storey Wood-Frame Construction in USA: Kevin C. K. Cheung
Case Studies of Multi-Storey Wood-Frame Construction in USA: Kevin C. K. Cheung
Case Studies of Multi-Storey Wood-Frame Construction in USA: Kevin C. K. Cheung
in USA
Kevin C. K. Cheung, Dr, PE, Director of Technical Services, Western Wood Products Association, Portland, USA
Greenhouse Theater Indoor pool & spa type can stand three stories plus an
additional floor when sprinklered.
Crafts Garden dining Fitness The hotel was designed in seismic
ctr. zone 3. The City of Vancouver build-
Atrium Formal dining ing authorities required the engineer
to design the building to withstand
kitchen 145 km/hour winds with an exposure
Lobby D classification.
R-2 Occupancy A-3 Occupancy
in residential areas Entry in public areas
Roof load was at 122 kgf/m2, floor live
load was 195 kgf/m2, 292 kgf/m2 for
decks, and stairs and corridors were
(5-Story section)
designed at 488 kgf/m2.
Fig. 5: Floor plan of the Gatesworth project (photocredit: Arthur J. Sitzwohl & Associates)
The engineer specified all 38 mm
thick S-Dry (maximum 19% moisture
the surfaces. To prevent this potential content) solid sawn lumber for studs,
problem, four bearing lines through plates, and sills of No. 2 grade or better
the cross section of the building were DF-L. Larger 90 mm and 140 mm thick
used. The interior corridor partitions lumber used to support loads around
were designed as bearing walls to sup- windows and balconies called for No.1
port the roof and floor trusses. The grade DF-L. Window headers were
centre corridors were then bridged 140 mm × 241 mm No. 1 grade DF-L,
with 38 mm × 184 mm lumber. Each while the plan uses 90 mm × 235 mm
half of the roof was trussed separately No. 2 grade DF-L, unless otherwise
with a gap provided at the ridge to noted.
Fig. 6: Gatesworth project completed allow for any movement that might
take place. This arrangement virtually Glulam members used were 140 mm
eliminates the potential for cracks on × 302 mm 24F-V8, 130 mm × 356 mm
through the alignment of the vertical the interior finishes due to differential 24F-V8, and architectural grade was
bearing members, on the ends of each shrinkage. specified for all exposed uses, and in-
floor truss, to the vertical load-carrying dustrial grade when enclosed. Wood
studs directly below. This reduced the I-joists used were 241 mm and 302 mm
load on the horizontal members. Case Study IV: Heathman Lodge
in depth, and 68 mm × 302 mm para-
The floor members were 610 mm deep The Heathman Lodge is an Alpine style lam members were also used. Pine logs
parallel-chord trusses, except for the four-storey wood-frame hotel found used were 305 mm, 406 mm, 457 mm
joists supporting the first floor. The in the growing southwest Washington and 610 mm in diameter.
38 mm × 286 mm first floor lumber State City of Vancouver (Fig. 7). The
lodge has 121 oversized guest rooms The structure is divided into four
joists were blocked with short vertical areas, sections A through D. Each
pieces under the bearing walls. This ar- plus 22 suites, meeting and banquet
rooms spreading almost 11 148 m2. has a two-hour fire-separation wall
rangement takes advantage of wood’s dividing the areas. All corridors are
negligible longitudinal shrinkage and protected with a 1-hour fire-resistive
allows the vertical blocking to carry rated assembly. The ceiling is one
the load if the 38 mm × 286 mm joists hour fire-resistive rated using 16 mm
shrink across their width. thick type X gypsum with RC-1 resil-
In most cases, wood floor trusses were ient channel. The wood I-joist floor
hung from the steel beam to avoid dif- joists are covered with 25 mm thick
ferential shrinkage between wood and gypcrete over 19 mm thick tongued-
steel. Commercial brick anchors were and-grooved plywood subfloor on the
used between the wood-frame and first three floors.
brick veneer, which allowed for a dif-
Shear walls are found mostly at exte-
ferential movement of 25,4 mm or less.
rior walls and at the corridors. The roof
Movements between the ceiling and Fig. 7: Heathman Lodge (Vancouver, framing material used prefabricated
the interior partitions near the middle Washington, USA) – a four-storey engineered trusses spaced 610 mm on-
of the building can result in cracks on wood-frame hotel centre. Roof trusses are designed for