Sun Position Calculator
Sun Position Calculator
Sun Position Calculator
By using this spreadseet, the user agrees to hold Bill Gottesman and Precision Sundials LLC harmless for any errors in this sp
suffered from relying on the results given by this spreadsheet.
The formulas used are from Astronomical Algorithms, 2nd edition, by Jean Meeus. Most calculations are based on Chapter 25
accuracy" method which is reported to be accurate to 1/100th of a degree, or about 3 seconds of time.
Except for the light yellow "data input" boxes, each sheet is locked to prevent you from accidentally corrupting the calculations.
view the method for calculation, you can unlock any sheet by selecting Tools > Protection > Unlock sheet, and entering the pas
sheet. To view hidden calculations, select columns "D" through "O", and then Format > Cells > Number > General.
Caution: The Azimuth and Altitude sheets use an iterative method which can introduce
minor errors near solar noon, solar midnight, and unpredictably at other times. For best
accuracy, do not rely on these results until they have been confirmed with the Position Calc. West
sheet, which uses a direct, non-iterative method.
Westward Azimuths
are positive
Unlock Password is "instructions" (+)
mless for any errors in this spreadsheet, and any for consequences
ns are based on Chapter 25, "Solar Coordinates," and use the "low
Azimuth Definition
West East
Meeus, Chapt 27.
2007 Enter Year
-5 Enter Time Zone e.g. Enter -5 for Eastern Time Zone; 0 for London; +1 for Germany
Celestial Event Date & Time
Spring Equinox (DST) 3/20/07 8:08:28 PM
Summer Solstice (DST) 6/21/07 2:07:12 PM
Autumnal Equinox (DST) 9/23/07 5:52:05 AM
Winter Solstice 12/22/07 1:08:51 AM
Per Meeus, accurate to within 1 minute of VSOP87 theory. Starting in 2007, Spring Equinox occurs during DST in USA.
Degrees or Deg:Min:Sec
Input Longitude -73.22 (Longitudes west of Greenwich, e.g. USA, are negative)
Enter Time Zone -5 e.g. Enter -5 for Eastern Time Zone; 0 for London; +1 for Germany
Degrees or Deg:Min:Sec
Input Latitude: 44.476 (Southern Latitudes are negative)
Input Longitude -73.221 (Longitudes west of Greenwich, e.g. USA, are negative)
Omega (nutation factor) Ω
#VALUE! Latitude #VALUE! (Confirms latitude and longitude both in degrees and degrees:minutes:seconds)
#VALUE! Longitude #VALUE!
5/1/1932 Date (MM/DD/YYYY) T Julian Centuries Lo Mean Long
21:05:00 Enter Time (HH:MM:SS)
yes Daylignt Savings?: Type "Yes" or "No"
15.263411995809 Declination
#VALUE! Solar Time
03:02 EoT (minutes:seconds) North
#VALUE! Theta in Degrees
Sun's Azimuth #VALUE! #VALUE!
True (Celestial) Altitude
of sun
Apparent (Refracted)
#VALUE! #VALUE! Azimuth Definition
Altitude of sun #VALUE! #VALUE! West East
Omega (nutation factor) Ω
M Mean Anomaly
Equation of Center (C) True Longitude () εo Obliquity of Ecliptic
Input Longitude -73.221 (Longitudes west of Greenwich, e.g. USA, are negative)
#VALUE! Latitude #VALUE! (Confirms latitude and longitude both in degrees and degre
#VALUE! Longitude #VALUE!
Caution: This Altitude sheet uses an iterative method which can introduce minor errors near solar noon, solar midnight, and
unpredictably at other times. For best accuracy, do not rely on these results until they have been confirmed with the Position
Calc. sheet, which uses a direct, non-iterative method. #VALUE!
The sun reaches a given altitude twice a day (but only once for solar
noon and solar midnight). Some altitudes are never reached in a
given day.
#VALUE! Declination (degs) #VALUE!
#VALUE! Azimuth (degs) #VALUE!
#VALUE! Civil Time #VALUE!
#VALUE! EoT (minutes:seconds) #VALUE! #VALUE!
Unlock Password is "altitude" #VALUE!
can enter True or Apparent altitude.
; 0 for London; +1 for Germany
cally adjusts
West #VALUE!
East #VALUE!
#VALUE! South
#VALUE! Azimuth=0
(Longitudes west of Greenwich, e.g. USA, are negative(Longitudes west of Greenwich, e.g. U
(Longitudes west of Greenwich, e.g. USA, are negative)
This sheet calculates the time and altitude for a given date and azimuth the sun.
Enter Time Zone -5 e.g. Enter -5 for Eastern Time Zone; 0 for London; +1 for Germany
Degrees or Deg:Min:Sec
Input Latitude: 45 (Southern Latitudes are negative)
Input Longitude -73.22 (Longitudes west of Greenwich, e.g. USA, are negative)
#VALUE! Latitude #VALUE! (Confirms latitude and longitude both in degrees and degrees:mi
#VALUE! Longitude #VALUE!
10/8/2007 Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
Caution: This Azimuth sheet uses an iterative method which can introduce minor errors near solar noon, solar
midnight, and unpredictably at other times. For best accuracy, do not rely on these results until they have been
confirmed with the Position Calc. sheet, which uses a direct, non-iterative method. #VALUE!
e; 0 for London; +1 for Germany
degssolar noon, solar
se results untilAzimuth in degs
they have been North Azimuth in degs
Azimuth Definition
(Longitudes west of Greenwich, e.g. USA, are negative(Longitudes west of Greenwich, e.g. U
on a given day, depending on date and location on a given day, depending on date and
Azimuth in degs
True (Celestial) Altitude in Apparent (refracted) Difference due to refraction
degrees Altitude in degrees In D:M:S (in degrees) In D:M:S:
0.5 0.916731814803455 0:55:00 0.416731814803455 0:25:00