IDXR7330 Group 32 Protections Adjustment Instruction
IDXR7330 Group 32 Protections Adjustment Instruction
IDXR7330 Group 32 Protections Adjustment Instruction
This instruction describes and instructs adjustment of the parameters
that form a hidden parameter group 32 in the ACS800-304/704+V992
diode supply unit. These adjustment parameters in group 32 named
“Protections” are available from software version IDXR7330. This
manual is intended mainly for adjusting protections from +V992 DSU
point of view. However the information here can be also used to adjust
LC DSU protections.
Table of contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1
Table of contents...................................................................................................................... 1
Terms and abbreviations.......................................................................................................... 1
General .................................................................................................................................... 2
Parameters............................................................................................................................... 2
Current Unbalance ................................................................................................................... 4
Current Ripple .......................................................................................................................... 4
APBU logger ............................................................................................................................ 4
These parameters form a hidden group number 32. It can be accessed
by entering pass code “32” in to parameter 16.03. This is a hidden
group because usually there is no need to change these parameters
and it is good to understand what effects each parameter has (read this
document) before modifying anything just with trial and error method.
WARNING: Fault functions should not be disabled unless it has been
analysed and concluded that the problem is caused by installation and
not by any damaged component or wrong installation.
Par Name Def Min / Max Description Adjustment
32.01 Charging time [s] 0.8 0 / 20 In resistor charged DSU (+V991 or Normally there is no
LC DSU) this time is the time, that need to change this
charging contactor is closed before value.
Main contactor is closed during
charging. In half-controlled DSU
(+V992) this time is the ramp time
from zero DC Voltage to full DC
32.02 Start delay [s] 0.2 0 / 7.5 This signal is used only in resistor As written in the
charged DSU (+V991 or LC DSU) description, this
RDY FOR LOAD (bit8) and NET OK parameter has no
(bit 10) bits of 8.01 Main Status word significance with
are set after the time defined with this +V992 DSU.
parameter. This parameter has no Normally no need to
significance in half-controlled bridge. change neither in
+V991 or LC DSU
32.03 MCB trip delay [s] 0.5 0 / 20 This parameter defines the maximum Sometimes feedback
time for main breaker/contactor via all interlocking
acknowledge after breaker/contactor takes so long that
closing command before trip. This there is a need to
time is also the maximum time of increase this delay in
open indication after units with main circuit
breaker/contactor open command breaker.
before trip. If breaker or contactor is
opened during running DSU is
tripped immediately.
32.04 DI1 trip delay [s] 5 0,5 / 3600 If RMIO DI1 input is not “high” after In some cases with
this delay from the start command LC DSU propulsion
DSU is tripped. drives this parameter
In LC DSU this input is used for had to be increased
thermal supervision. to postpone the trip.
32.06 Fan toff delay [s] 300 0,5 / This parameter is used only in +V991 Can be decreased to
30000 and +V992 DSU using CINT and 10 s in such test
CMIB boards. This parameter defines setups where fan
the running time of the module fan noise can be
after DSU is stopped. Also after minimized
power up fan is running this time. (temperature does
not rise too much -
load close to zero all
the time).
32.07 Charge cur lim [A] Num- 0/ This signal is used only in case of Normally there is no
ber of posmax half-controlled bridge (+V992) need to change this
modu- (depends If current is above this limit and DC value.
les*45 of supply voltage is not rising during charging
A unit then DSU is tripped to SHORT
3 (4)
32.09 Zero angle [deg] -9.99 -180 / 180 This parameter is used only in case Normally there is no
of half-controlled bridge (+V992) need to change this
After charging DSU is firing before value.
zero angle to avoid current
unbalance in distorted supply.
This parameter defines the pre firing
angle before zero angle.
32.10 IDC12 dif max [%] 30 0 / 600 Calculated DC current difference Normally no need to
between bridges IDC1 & IDC2. If the change.
current difference is above this limit
DSU is tripped to IDC12 DIFF
32.11 Cur unbal sel FAULT NO (1) / The value of this parameter defines Can be set to NO /
(2) FAULT the behaviour of DSU in case of ALARM in cases
(2) / current unbalance: where current
ALARM NO(1) = no current unbalance unbalance is caused
(3) supervision by a known reason in
FAULT(2) = TRIP if longer than 5 s in installation which can
LC DSU and 20s in +V991/+V992 not be solved by
ALARM(3) = ALARM if longer than 5 hardware
second modification. See
more from chapter
“current unbalance”.
32.12 Cur unbal lev [%] 30 0 / 600 Current unbalance indication level in Can be increased to
% of one bridges nominal current. keep current
The behaviour of DSU when current unbalance
unbalance is above this level is supervision in use
defined by parameter 32.11 CUR but avoid nuisance
UNBAL SEL tripping to unbalance
which happens for
known reason.
32.13 Cur ripple sel FAULT NO (1) / The value of this parameter defines Can be set to NO if
(2) FAULT the behaviour of DSU in case of there is a known
(2) / missing current bubbles when current issue causing current
ALARM is above level 32.14 CUR RIPPLE ripple faults. These
(3) LIM: can be for example
NO(1) = no current ripple supervision unbalanced phase
FAULT(2) = TRIP if longer than 5 voltages in supply or
second kVAR compensation
ALARM(3) = ALARM if longer than 1 capacitors connected
second in the supply grid.
32.14 Cur ripple lim [%] 25 0 / 600 Cur ripple supervision is activated if Normally there is no
IDC1/IDC2 current is above this limit. need to adjust the
limit. See more from
The behaviour of DSU when current chapter “current
IDC1/IDC2 is above this level and ripple”
some current bubbles are missing is
defined by parameter 32.13 CUR
4 (4)
Current Unbalance
In some installations there can be some unbalance between supply
phase currents which is not caused by any real fault in the installation.
Known issues are situations where cabling for all 6 phases for a +V992
DSU module has been made with single core cables. In these cases
also physical lay-out and length of the cables have significant role as
the capacitance between cables are affected by these. Different
capacitances cause difference to impedances between phases which
leads to difference also in the currents between phases.
Other scenario is that there is more then one diode supply unit supplied
by one 12-pulse transformer so that there are more then one
intermediate DC circuits supplied by same transformer.
Current Ripple
Current ripple protection is calculating front edges from current
waveform and can detect for example one damaged fuse or missing
phase. If for example there is power factor compensation (kVAR)
capacitors in the supply unit these can cause such distortions to
waveforms that current ripple calculation gets also distorted.
APBU logger
APBU logger, when available (n*D4 supply units) is a powerful tool to
record IDC1 and IDC2 currents of each individual module and compare
values and make calculations to trace the root cause of the fault. For
example in case of “current unbalance” APBU “last logger” is triggered
by the fault and recording from the event is stored in to the logger.
Powerful way of fault tracing is to download the data from logger and
send it to technical support to be analyzed, or analyze the data with
own pc. Instructions for use of APBU logger can be found from IHMM
lotus notes database.