Fil-Estate Properties, Inc. vs. Homena-Valencia
Fil-Estate Properties, Inc. vs. Homena-Valencia
Fil-Estate Properties, Inc. vs. Homena-Valencia
Effects and Application of Laws there being no vested rights in the rules of procedure.
Non-Retroactivity of Laws (Art. 4) Amendments to procedural rules are procedural or remedial
Fresh Period Rule, Neypes Doctrine
in character as they do not create new or remove vested
Fil-Estate Properties, Inc. vs. Homena-Valencia, 555 rights, but only operate in furtherance of the remedy or
SCRA 345, G.R. No. 173942 June 25, 2008 confirmation of rights already existing.
Tinga, J. Neypes bears the pursued retroactive effect, to wit:
FACTS Procedural law refers to the adjective law which prescribes
rules and forms of procedure in order that courts may be
Private respondent Sullian Sy Naval et. al. in 1998 filed a able to administer justice. Procedural laws do not come
case against petitioner Fil-Estate Properties seeking the
within the legal conception of a retroactive law, or the
recovery of land which petitioner had alleged taken
possession by constructing their golf course project within general rule against the retroactive operation of statutes,
the vicinity of her property. Petitioners failed to attend the they may be given retroactive effect on actions pending and
pre-trial and only respondent presented evidence before undetermined at the time of their passage and this will not
RTC of Aklan. The RTC rendered a decision in favor of violate any right of a person who may feel that he is
Naval of which Fil-Estate Properties moved for adversely affected, insomuch as there are no vested rights
reconsideration filed on 10 May 2000, thirteen (13) days in rules of procedure. The “fresh period rule” is a
after petitioners received their copy of the RTC’s decision.
procedural law as it prescribes a fresh period of 15 days
On 26 July 2000, the RTC issued an order denying the
motion. Petitioners alleged in their petition that they within which an appeal may be made in the event that the
received the order denying the motion for reconsideration motion for reconsideration is denied by the lower court.
on 11 August 2005. They filed a Notice of Appeal on 25 Following the rule on retroactivity of procedural laws, the
August 2005, or beyond the reglementary period to perfect “fresh period rule” should be applied to pending actions,
the appeal which is 15 days from receipt of the RTC’s such as the present case.
Decision (this is because the 15 day fresh period from the
denial of the Motion for Reconsideration or Neypes Also, to deny herein petitioners the benefit of the “fresh
Doctrine was promulgated on September 14, 2005). Thus, period rule” will amount to injustice, if not absurdity, since
the RTC denied the appeal and was sustained by the the subject notice of judgment and final order were issued
Supreme Court in its decision dated October 15, 2007.
two years later or in the year 2000, as compared to the
Fil-Estate filed a Motion for Reconsideration on November notice of judgment and final order in Neypes which were
19, 2007 questioning the Supreme Court’s decision. It issued in 1998. It will be incongruous and illogical that
argued that following the Court’s 2005 decision in Neypes parties receiving notices of judgment and final orders
v. Court of Appeals, their Notice of Appeal was perfected issued in the year 1998 will enjoy the benefit of the “fresh
on time, that is, within fifteen (15) days from their receipt period rule” while those later rulings of the lower courts
of the RTC’s order denying their motion for such as in the instant case, will not.
reconsideration. Neypes has established a new rule
whereby an appellant is granted a fresh 15-day period,
calculated from receipt of the order denying the motion for It is deemed that the challenges raised by petitioners against
reconsideration, within which to complete the appeal. Fil- the correctness of the RTC’s decision and its subsequent
Estate argued that since they received the RTC’s order resolution on the motion for reconsideration as
denying their motion for reconsideration on 11 August inappropriate for this Court to decide. Such issues may very
2005, following Neypes, they were entitled to a new 15- well be tackled in petitioners’ appeal before the Court of
day period, i.e., until 26 August 2005 or one (1) day after
Appeals. After all, as is now conceded, the appeal was
they had posted the full appellate docket fees, to perfect the
appeal on August 25, 2005. timely filed and the existence of such appeal would, per
Section 1, Rule 65, bar the certiorari action from correcting
Motion for reconsideration is filed on the decision of the errors which may be reversed on appeal. Besides, the
Supreme Court. resolution of such issues requires a certain level of factual
determination, especially as to the circumstances
ISSUE surrounding the resignation of the counsel who had initially
1. Whether or not the rule of “fresh period” announced
appeared in behalf of the petitioners, the service of the
in Neypes could retroactively apply in cases where the
period for appeal had lapsed prior to 14 September 2005 order resetting the pre-trial and all subsequent notices of
when Neypes was promulgated. trial to petitioners after private respondent had been
allowed to present evidence ex parte. Unlike the Court of
RULING Appeals, this Court is not a trier of facts.
Yes. It should be observed that the general rule on
procedural laws may be given retroactive effect to actions
Digested by:
By: Estenzo, Den Carlo
WHEREFORE, the motion for reconsideration is
GRANTED and the instant petition is GRANTED IN
PART. Rulings of the Court of Appeals and the RTC are
Digested by:
By: Estenzo, Den Carlo