Improved Plant Regeneration in Cowpea Through
Improved Plant Regeneration in Cowpea Through
Improved Plant Regeneration in Cowpea Through
Cowpea is a highly recalcitrant nutrient-rich leguminous vegetable crop. Efforts to genetically transform cowpea with insect-resistant
genes remains a challenging task due to lack of an efficient regeneration system. We have established an efficient regeneration system
in cowpea through shoot meristem. Shoot meristems were isolated from embryos that were precultured for 3-5 days on Murashige
and Skoog (MS) medium containing 8.9 μM benzylaminopurine (BA). The isolated shoot meristems were cultured on MS medium
containing 0.89 μM BA. After 3-4 weeks, multiple shoots were separated from the explant and cultured on half-strength MS medium
for elongation and rooting. More than 90% of the regenerants formed roots. The rooted plantlets were transferred first to peat pellets
and subsequently to the greenhouse. The plants were allowed to flower and set seed. The efficiency of regeneration in all four cultivars
ranged from 76-87%, demonstrating a significant improvement over the published protocols (1-32%). At least six to seven plantlets
were obtained from each meristem. The protocol using shoot meristems is simple, efficient, rapid and genotype-independent and may
be amenable for transformation through particle bombardment.
Key words: Vigna unguiculata, shoot meristem, regeneration, transformation, legumes
solidified with 3 g L-1 phytagel (Sigma, USA) and autoclaved shoots could be seen from the cut end of the meristem. After 3-4
at 1 kg cm-2 for 20 min. Media (50 mL) were dispensed into weeks, individual shoots were separated from each meristem and
20- by 100-mm sterile Petri dishes (Falcon, Becton Dickinson transferred to half-strength MS medium for elongation and rooting.
Labware, USA). The cultures were maintained at 25 ± 2 0C with Among the different concentrations tried, MS medium containing
a 16-h photoperiod (25-40 μmol cm-2 s-1). All growth regulators
0.89 μM BA produced more shoots (3.2 shoots per meristem) than
were filter sterilized before adding to the media. Embryos were
isolated and precultured either on MS basal medium or MS other concentrations. To improve the number of multiple shoots,
medium containing BA (8.9 μM) (Table 1). After 3-5 days, the embryos were precultured on higher concentration of BA (8.9
shoot meristems (0.5-1 mm) were carefully isolated and cultured μM) for 3-5 days and the isolated shoot meristems were cultured
on MS media with different concentrations of BA (0.4-22.2 μM) on different concentrations of BA (Table 1). Significantly, more
for three week. After three weeks, the regenerated multiple shoots plants were regenerated after transfer to MS medium containing
were transferred to elongation and rooting medium (half-strength 0.89 μM BA from all four cultivars tested, indicating the positive
MS with no growth regulators). Plantlets with well-developed effect of preculture in inducing multiple shoots (Fig. 1A). More
roots were removed from the culture medium, the roots washed
than six shoots per meristem were regenerated from all four
thoroughly with tap water, and transferred to peat pellets [Jiffy-
7, Jiffy Products (N.B.) Ltd., Shippagan, Canada] for initial cultivars with the preculture on BA (8.9 μM) medium. Increasing
acclimatization. The plantlets were covered with plastic wrap the concentration of BA beyond 0.89 μM in the culture media
to maintain high humidity for first few days. Gradually the resulted in callus growth that significantly reduced the number
humidity was reduced by slowly removing the plastic wrap and of multiple shoots. The addition of other cytokinins such as
the hardened plants were transferred to the greenhouse [24-28ºC, zeatin and kinetin in the regeneration media also led to callus
16/8 h (day/night) photoperiod supplemented by sodium halide growth from shoot meristems, thereby significantly reducing the
lights]. Plants were allowed to flower and set seed. The root tips number of shoots (data not shown). Shoots were separated and
of the regenerated plants were collected in cold distilled water,
transferred to half-strength MS medium for elongation (Fig. 1B)
kept at 40C for 24 h and then fixed in Farmer’s fixative (3:1 95%
ethanol: glacial acetic acid). The root tips were squashed with and rooting. More than 90% of the regenerants formed roots in the
carbol fuchsin and observed under a microscope. half-strength MS medium (Fig. 1C). The regenerated plants with
roots were initially transferred to peat pellets for hardening. Only
Results 50% of the plants survived during hardening. After 10-12 days of
Shoot meristems (0.5-1 mm) were carefully isolated from hardening, the surviving plants were transferred to the greenhouse
precultured embryos and cultured on different concentrations (Fig. 1D). No phenotypic and chromosomal abnormalities (2n =
of BA (Table 1). After 3-5 d of culture, newly formed multiple 22) were noticed.
Table 1. Effects of benzylaminopurine (BA, μM) on shoot regeneration from cultured meristems in cowpea
Genotype Preculture medium Culture medium Explants forming shoots (%) Number of shoots per explant†
Early Scarlet MS MS 56.25 1.16 j
MS MS + 0.4 BA 59.37 2.62 f,g,h,i,j
MS MS + 0.9 BA 60.94 3.24 c,d,e,f,g
MS MS + 2.2 BA 59.37 2.83 e,f,g,h,i
MS MS + 4.4 BA 51.28 2.37 f,g,h,i,j
MS MS + 8.9 BA 69.58 2.16 g,h,i,j
MS MS + 13.3 BA 60.35 1.89 h,i,j
MS MS + 22.2 BA 68.71 1.22 j
MS + 8.9 BA MS + 0.4 BA 70.89 4.87 b,c
MS + 8.9 BA MS + 0.9 BA 72.33 6.73 a
MS + 8.9 BA MS + 2.2 BA 76.82 5.45 b
MS + 8.9 BA MS + 4.4 BA 74.02 4.21 c,d,e
Coronet MS MS 72.66 1.99 g,h,i,j
MS MS + 0.9 BA 73.08 3.34 d,e,f,g,h
MS + 8.9 BA MS + 0.9 BA 87.65 6.89 a
MS + 8.9 BA MS + 2.2 BA 86.23 5.32 b
Quick Pick MS MS 81.23 1.89 h,i,j
MS MS + 0.9 BA 83.78 3.87 c,d,e,f
MS + 8.9 BA MS + 0.9 BA 86.66 6.46 a
MS + 8.9 BA MS + 2.2 BA 85.62 5.12 b
AR87-43568 MS MS 75.83 1.71 i,j
MS MS + 0.9 BA 79.21 3.43 c,d
MS + 8.9 BA MS + 0.9 BA 84.02 6.29 a
MS + 8.9 BA MS + 2.2 BA 82.17 5.18 b
means followed by the same letters are not significantly different based on Duncan’s multiple range test (P<0.05).
42 Improved plant regeneration in cowpea through shoot meristema
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