Strategy Intervention To Prevent and Reduce Postpartum Depression: A Systematic Review
Strategy Intervention To Prevent and Reduce Postpartum Depression: A Systematic Review
Strategy Intervention To Prevent and Reduce Postpartum Depression: A Systematic Review
Vol. 14, No. 3, Special Issue 2019 This is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Systematic Review
M. Elyas Arif Budiman, Supiah Ningsih Juita Sari, Winda Kusumawardani and Dhona Sutopo
Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Cite this as: Budiman, M. E. A, Sari, S. N. J, Kusumawardani, W & Sutopo, D. (2019). Strategy Intervention to Prevent and
Reduce Postpartum Depression: A Systematic Review. Jurnal Ners, 14(3si), 292-297.
doi: | 293
The development of CBT is not only limited to the is positive. This can improve maternal and infant
internet. The CBT program can also be applied with a health (Shamshiri et al., 2017). Although raising
combination of other interventions such as when the children is considered to be an important
results of the research that show that the integration responsibility, relatively little attention is paid to
of counseling programs focused on cognitive- believing that effective parenting is not a natural
behavioral in prenatal care can be effective at ability but that it needs to be studied. Parent-centered
improving the mental health of pregnant women psychotherapy is a promising intervention used to
(Ramezani, Khosravi, Motaghi, & Hamidzadeh, 2016). treat perinatal depression and to help the mothers to
Another study applying CBT was focused on CBT get involved in parenting. Research clearly shows that
combined with systemic family therapy. It improved involving new parents can increase the role of
depression and sleep quality in the patients with mild caregiving and it is also a process of preventing the
to moderate postpartum depression (Hou et al., occurrence of depression in postpartum mothers
2014). (Nanzer et al., 2012).
The development of interventions continues not Using an intervention to reduce postpartum
only to develop CBT. One intervention that teaches depression does not only involve feelings and
clients to focus on their experiences also teaches them cognition but it can also be a training process as a
to be aware of the sensations, thoughts and feelings form of diversion to prevent depression, one of which
experienced that can also be developed into is writing. Postpartum writing activities have also
interesting interventions combined with others. One carried out research. This study shows that
of the results of the research showed that both the expressive writing can be an early universal
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Group intervention and its low cost is useful for preventing
Intervention and Adjunctive Treatment interventions postpartum suffering in women (Carla, Caravita,
had a clinically significant effect on the participants. Ionio, Milani, & Valtolina, 2015).
In addition, the impact of the Mindfulness-Based
Cognitive Therapy Group Intervention as well as the DISCUSSION
Adjunctive Treatment intervention is that it is
This systematic review provides evidence of the
beneficial in the acute phase and disease maintenance
effectiveness of health interventions in relation to
phase as evidenced by the symptom stability at three
preventing and reducing postpartum depression. The
months, especially with depressive symptoms
review results explain that there are 15 out of 19
(Shulman et al., 2017). Other studies also explain that
intervention options that can be used to prevent and
mindfulness can be combined with stress
reduce postpartum depression. The results of this
management training; this study shows that these
review are certainly useful for nurses, both clinical
results indicate that adjuvant detached mindfulness
nurses and community mental health nurses. The
and stress management training are effective
nurse can apply one of the health interventions as a
interventions to reduce postpartum depression
form of prevention of the incidence of postpartum
(Ahmadpanah et al., 2017).
depression. Clinical nurses can conduct quality
Mental health education can be done in any order.
interventions and have the innovations tailored to the
It can have a formal or informal structure and it can
development of information and technology in an
be addressed to individuals or groups. Health
effort to prevent and reduce the symptoms of
education can be done in various forms. An
postpartum depression. The application of health
educational program is centered on the activities that
interventions can prevent a better condition in the
can be done, one of which is counseling. Health
postpartum mothers who experience postpartum
education in the form of counseling is urgently
needed for a woman who experiences postpartum
Mental health and emotional well-being are
depression where research shows that sexual
important for the health of postpartum mothers.
counseling can help reduce stress, anxiety, and
Some studies have explained that the emotional
depression in women who suffer from sexual
health of the post-research mothers greatly
problems during the postpartum period (Zamani,
influenced the development of the children, the health
Roudsari, & Moradi, 2017).This study explains that
of the mother physically and psychologically and their
the counseling process has a positive impact on the
contribution to their welfare. However, these studies
decrease in depressions experienced by postpartum
cannot be generalized. Bias may occur. This can be
mothers. (Ahmadpanah et al., 2017)
caused by the non-homogeneous measurement
In addition to several existing interventions,
parameters as well as the non-homogeneous research
cooperation between the nurses and their families
samples. Developmental research is better and an
through home visits has also been shown to improve
easy and flexible intervention is needed. In addition,
health, well-being and independence in the face of low
extraction needs to be considered during the process
income conditions. The first experience of becoming
of assessing the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
a parent, especially for a woman who has just given
birth, is poignant (W.Stuart, 2013).The opinion of the IMPLICATION IN NURSING PRACTICE
stratum was also in accordance with the results of the
study which explained that giving postpartum home The results of the research reviewed critically in this
visits can affect postpartum depression in a way that systematic review indicate that there are viable | 295
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