Agronomic Practices of Seed Production
Agronomic Practices of Seed Production
Agronomic Practices of Seed Production
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4.5 Seed health ....................................................................................................................... 14
4.6 Production practices affecting seed quality ............................................................... 14
5. Agronomic practices in seed production .......................................................................... 15
5.1 Site selection & registration as a seed multiplier .......................................................... 15
5.2 Planting .............................................................................................................................. 15
5.3 Weed, pest and disease control .................................................................................... 15
5.4 Harvesting .......................................................................................................................... 16
5.5 Post-Harvest handling of seed ........................................................................................ 16
5.5.1 Seed drying ................................................................................................................ 16
5.5.4 Seed grading ............................................................................................................. 18
5.5.5 Seed storage .............................................................................................................. 18
6. Seed Systems and certification ............................................................................................ 20
6.1 Classes of seed under formal system............................................................................. 20
6.1.1 Breeder Seed ............................................................................................................. 20
6.1.2 Pre-basic seed ........................................................................................................... 21
6.1.3 Basic seed................................................................................................................... 21
6.1.4 Certified seed ............................................................................................................ 21
6.1.5 Quality declared seed.............................................................................................. 21
6.2 Seed certification ............................................................................................................. 23
6.2.1 Seed certification process ........................................................................................... 23 Seed field inspection ............................................................................................. 24 Seed sampling ........................................................................................................ 29 Seed testing ............................................................................................................ 30
7. Conclusions and recommendations ................................................................................... 33
Glossary ........................................................................................................................................ 34
References .................................................................................................................................. 36
Agricultural activities are fundamental to ensuring food security in Malawi. One of the basic units
that would boost crop production is the use of high quality seed. This can be achieved through
dissemination of messages concerning the importance of using such seeds. It is necessary for the
farming community to be aware of the processes involved in coming up with high quality seed. It
is also crucial to encourage farmers to get involved in seed multiplication in order to increase
availability of seed and access by farmers to high quality seed.
This module on seed production and handling has been developed as a training tool for
community based seed producers and inspectors under the project “Strengthening community
resilience to climate change in Blantyre, Zomba, Neno and Phalombe districts
(GCP/MLW/067/EC)” within the framework of the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA)
programme. Government extension workers and non-government organizations (NGOs) that are
involved in seed multiplication will use the module, as well as master trainers in farmer field schools
(FFS). Financial support for the development of this module has come from the European Union
(EU) through the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
It is expected that use of this module will help extension workers to effectively undertake their role
under this project, of strengthening the local seed system through safeguarding existing genetic
biodiversity for food security and disseminate appropriate seed production and handling
practices in the farmer field schools. Therefore, respective extension workers are urged to take
their roles seriously in order to achieve the intended objective of contributing towards community
resilience to climate change.
Wilkson I. Makumba
Abbreviations and acronyms
EU European union
Kg Kilogram (s)
Executive Summary
The seed production tool has been developed for community based seed producers
and inspectors under the “Strengthening community resilience to climate change in
Blantyre, Zomba, Neno and Phalombe districts project”. The project is managed by the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Department, through the Department of
Agricultural Research Services, with funding from the European Union (EU). It is envisaged
that government extension workers, non-governmental organizations and master trainers
in farmer field schools shall utilize the tool. Recognizing that seed systems forms an integral
part in access, utilization and availability of seeds in rural communities, its elements have
greatly been articulated to create awareness among rural masses involved in the sector.
It is anticipated that the seed systems shall be applied in the informal seed systems mainly
for the production of quality declared seed.
1. Introduction
Seeds are part of a plant which when planted under favorable conditions, are
capable of germinating to reproduce the original plant. Examples are grain/true
seeds (rice, maize, millet), rhizomes (ginger, some grasses), tubers (yam,
cocoyam) and stem portions such as cassava or sweet potato (Seed Act, 1996).
Improved seeds are seeds derived from the efforts of conventional plant breeding
by research scientists of participatory variety selection/participatory plant
breeding by farmers and research scientists, on station and on farm.
Seed quality expresses the extent to which a given seed lot meets the standards
for seed certification. A seed lot is an identifiable quantity of seed of one variety,
of known origin, recorded under a single reference number in a seed quality
assurance scheme. A variety in this case is a group of cultivated plants which is
characteristically distinguishable from others and when reproduced retains its
distinguishing characteristics (AfricaSeeds, 2016).
2. Production practices
The crop tolerates heat and relatively dry weather conditions. The pea contains
good quality protein that will complement the protein present in other cereal
grains. Leaves are valuable vegetables (mtambe) that provide vitamins and
minerals. Seeds are of different colours including cream, white and brown.
Cowpea requires hot, moderately wet conditions and does well in loam, sandy
and other well-drained soils. Average yields for both pure and mixed cropping
range from 300 to 600 kg per hectare, with a potential yield of up to 2000 kg per
hectare, in pure stand.
Time of planting
For pure stand, farmers in the lakeshore areas and Shire valley should plant
with the first planting rains. Pure stand is recommended for seed production
as it ensures seed purity.
In medium and high altitude areas where there is need to escape excessive
damage by diseases and insect pests, farmers should plant in January and
early February. Preventing pest and disease attack is the best agronomic
practice in terms of pest and disease management. In this regard, when
pests and diseases attack plants in the later stages of crop growth, there is
little effect on crop production.
Plant population
a) Pure stand
The seed rate for all types under pure stand is 10 to 16 kg per hectare.
i) Weed control
The crop should be free of weeds during the first 3 weeks for good
and early establishment. Weeds usually compete with the target
crop for soil nutrients, air and photo active radiation. It is therefore
important to eliminate this competition.
Flower and pod borers (Maruca tesstulalis) and pod sucking bugs
(Anopicnemis curvipes) if present can cause losses of up to 100
Aphids and leafhoppers can be controlled by spraying Dimethoate
(Rogor) 20 WP at the rate of 34 g for 14 litres of water for knapsack
sprayer, or 34 g for 1 litre of water for ULV sprayer, or Dimethoate 40
EC at the rate of 17 ml for 14 litres of water for knapsack sprayer, or
17ml for 1 litre of water for UVL sprayer.
Flower and pod borers, foliage thrips and sucking bugs can be
controlled by spraying Carbaryl 85 WP at the rate of 85 g for 14 liters
of water for knapsack sprayer or 85 g for 1liter of water for UVL
Planting cowpea in between maize stations reduces asochyta blight
pressure on cowpeas.
The crop can also be attacked by Cowpea Yellow Mosaic Virus Disease
and can be controlled by using resistant varieties like Sudan 1 and IT82E-
Present average yields range from 400 to 800 kg per hectare. Potential yields of
up to 2,500 kg per hectare can be obtained in a pure stand.
Field preparation
Field preparation should be done before the first planting rains. Prepare ridges at
75 cm or 90 cm apart. Fields should be properly tilled to conserve soil and water.
Time of planting
To achieve higher yields, planting should be done with the first planting rains.
Seed dressing
All seeds should be treated with a fungicide seed dressing, such as Thiram, before
planting in order to control seed borne and soil-borne diseases.
Weed control
The field should be weed free especially in the initial stages of establishment to
prevent competition between the crop and weeds for soil nutrients, air and photo
active radiation.
Without exception, all early maturing pigeon peas have to be sprayed twice
between 50 percent and full flowering, and twice between 50 percent and full pod
to control insect pests. Aphids can be controlled by spraying Dimethoate.
Disease control
The only major disease is the Fusarium wilt (Fusarium udum). The disease can only be
controlled by use of resistant varieties. In this case, use Sauma or Kachangu varieties
which are resistant to Fusarium. Use of these varieties can help to contain the spread
of the disease.
Harvest the dry pods and stack them to complete drying. Thresh and clean the
grain. Dust the grain with Actellic Super dust at the rate of 25 g to 50 kg of grain to
control storage pests.
Grain may be put in bags or other clean containers. Store them on a clean and cool
dry place to prevent rotting and growth of fungi, which lead to increase in aflatoxin
2.3 Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum): mchewere
Pearl millet is a tall grass, which is cultivated for its grain. It usually grows between
1.5 – 2.5 m tall, and some varieties even reach up to 5m. The stem is often
branched and in many cases with several branches arising from the rootstocks.
Leaves are slightly hairy long and narrow. Flowers are cylindrical heads up to 20
cm long, greenish white at first (due to style) turning dirty yellow-brown (due to
anthers) then grey as grain matures.
Field preparation
Early land preparation is recommended. All shrubs, weeds and stumps must be
removed and soil clods broken and smothered out. Ridges should be spaced at
90cm apart for unimproved varieties or 75 cm apart for improved varieties.
Planting time
Plant with first planting rains when 25 mm rainfall has fallen, to take advantage of
entire rainy season.
Split the ridge 2.5 cm deep, plant five seeds into the groove every 40 cm,
and cover the ridge. Initial planting of five seeds will help a farmer in case
there is poor germination. Farmers still stand a chance of having some
emerged seedlings.
Thin to two seeds per station when seedlings are 15 cm high or 2 weeks after
seedling emergence. Thinning will ensure that there is good plant
population, which in turn leads to optimum yields. Good plant population
prevents completion among crop plants for sunlight and nutrients.
Pearl millet may be planted in fallows or side of the ridge to give better crop
establishment in marginal rainfall areas.
Seed rate
4 kg per hectare
Fertilizer application
Most important pests of pearl millet are birds. Birds should be scared away
right from head formation to harvesting.
Timely harvesting minimizes weevil attack in the field, grain damage and
After harvesting, dry the grain well to about 12.5 percent moisture content
and store in dry structures.
Treat the grain with Actellic Super or Super Grain Dust at the rate of 25 g per
50 kg bag of Pearl Millet.
Before starting to fill the crib (nkhokwe), clean and remove all old grains,
which may harbour some pests. Sprinkle evenly some Actellic Super and
Super Grain Dust on the side and floor of the ‘nkhokwe’ roughly at the rate
of one sachet (40 g) for every 3 sq. m.
Sorghum is mainly cultivated for its edible grain. It originated from northern Africa
and now widely cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Sorghum is
typically an annual crop, but some cultivars are perennial. It usually grows in
clumps that may reach over 4 m high. The grain is small ranging from 3 to 4 mm
in diameter. Sweet sorghums are cultivars that are primarily grown for foliage,
syrup production and ethanol and are usually taller than grain cultivars. Sorghum
leaf and blade are broader than in pearl millet. Sorghum grains are of various
colours ranging from white to red and dark brown.
Planting and plant population
Plant with first planting rains to take advantage of the entire rainy season.
Five seeds per station thinned to two seeds per station. Planting five seeds
ensures that there are still seedlings despite situations of poor germination.
Thinning to two plants helps to ensure that there is proper plant population
which optimizes yields.
Seed rate
5 kg per hectare
Ridge spacing
75 – 90 cm
30 – 45 cm
Fertilizer Application
Pests and diseases
Most important pests of sorghum are birds. Birds should be scared away
right from head formation to harvesting.
Leaf bright is the most common disease. This disease can be prevented by
storing dry harvested seeds to at least 12.5 percent moisture content and
treating with Actellic super dust.
To be done when crop has reached physiological maturity (25 -30 percent
moisture content).
Timely harvesting prevents heavy weevil attack, continued bird attack and
3. Agronomic practices
Planting Time
Dry planting from late October to mid-November or plant with the first
planting rains.
Fertilizer application
Store in a cool, dark and well-ventilated place, where they will keep fresh.
Yams should be stored loose and not in plastic bags.
Keep them out of exposure to direct sunlight or temperatures of around
Source: Guide to Agricultural Production in Malawi 2002/2003.
4. Seed quality
A high quality seed is the desire of every farmer because it is from him or her that
a good plant springs. The following are some of the attributes of good seed
This is the trueness-to-type of seeds to the variety of interest. Genetic purity has a
direct effect on final yield.
This is a proportion of normal seedlings out of the total planted seeds. Farmers
would want to plant seeds that are going to germinate and produce good
seedlings. Anyone buying seeds has to ensure that they has good germination
percentage. Certified seed sold in shops has labels, which indicate germination
percentages. It is therefore important for farmers to check the labels before
purchasing the seed.
The moisture level of the seeds determines the storability. Well-dried seeds are
crucial in maintaining viability of seeds. Seeds should be dried. Moisture content
of a seed sample is the loss in weight when dried, or the amount of water
collected when it is heated. Moisture content is a very important factor in seed
because it influences the period seed remains viable. High moisture content at
harvest increases seed threshing damage, while in storage viability decreases
rapidly when moisture is high because it promotes mould growth, heating
damage, ageing and increases insect damage.
This attribute looks at whether seeds are free from seed-borne diseases and insect
pests. Considering the attributes listed above, a high quality seed has high
genetic purity, high physical purity, high germination capacity, and is free from
diseases and pests. Refer to sections 2.1 and 2.2.3 for control of pests and diseases.
Production practices that affect seed quality can be categorised into two,
namely agronomic and post-harvest practices. Environmental stresses such as
nutrient deficiency, water shortage and grading that come about due to poor
crop management, can lead to low seed quality.
5. Agronomic practices in seed production
Choice of land for seed production has to be taken into strict consideration. Poor
choice of land is the genesis of non-compliance in seed production. Farmers
should choose a site with fertile soils and which is easily accessible. Farmers should
also look at a number of factors such as history of the land and isolation distances.
After careful selection of land for seed production, potential seed multipliers need
to register with the Seed Services Unit. This is the first stage in recognizing a farmer
as a seed multiplier. Details of registration of seed growers are indicated in section
5.2 Planting
Farmers must practice recommended agronomic practices that ensure that the
fields are weed free and that pests and diseases are prevented or controlled.
Recommended pesticides should be used. Refer to the Malawi Guide to
Agricultural Production and Natural Resources Management of the Ministry of
Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development.
5.4 Harvesting
Harvesting of seed crops needs to be done at the right time. Untimely harvesting
may also compromise the quality of seed. Harvesting too early or too late is not
good in seed production. This module is developed for a number of crops. Refer
to the Guide to Agricultural Production or your Agricultural Extension
Development Officer/Coordinator for more information on recommended
agronomic practices.
Post-harvest handling has a very significant influence on the outcome of the seed
laboratory results as it influences breaking of cotyledons of the seeds, affects the
biochemical activities in the seed in terms of poor drying and affects the presence
of inert materials in the seeds. Post-harvest handling of seed such as threshing,
drying and processing determine the quality of seed. Failure to clean the seed
results in poor quality. When the seed is harvested, a seed multiplier needs to
grade, weigh, pack and label it. A seed inspector will then collect a sample for
laboratory testing. The inspector will only sample if the seed lot is visually uniform
or is homogeneous.
Seed needs to be thoroughly dried before storage. Drying ensures that the seed
is stored with an ideal moisture content. Moisture content has a big impact on the
storability of seeds. High moisture content accelerates biochemical activities and
facilitates establishment of fungi on seeds. Various crops have different ideal
moisture contents at which they can be stored. For details of moisture content,
refer to Table 2.1. This moisture content is measured in the laboratory with moisture
metres or ovens. However, farmers have their own ways of determining the
moisture content of seeds. For instance, some farmers fill a transparent jar with
seeds and some salt. The jar is closed and placed in direct sunlight. After some
minutes, they collect the jar and observe. If the salt in the jar gets wet, it means
the seed is not well dried.
Natural drying, which mostly includes sun drying, is the most common technique
used for drying seed. It is the traditional way of drying seed grains using energy
from the sun. The sun’s heat and wind take away moisture from grains. Natural
drying is the most inexpensive technique of drying as farmers use the readily
available natural energy from the sun. However, there is contamination from dirt.
In artificial drying, forced air circulation and heat facilitate the drying of grains. A
good example of artificial drying is the use of solar dryers. During solar drying, heat
produced by solar dryers facilitates drying. In this case, an equipment is used to
capture the sun’s radiation in order to harness the radioactive energy for drying.
When an artificial source of heat is used for drying, there must be a good source
of aeration to complement the heat, as evaporation of moisture from a surface
also requires air motion to carry away the moisture.
Activity 1
Ask farmers about the ways they dry their crops. Discuss with them the suitability of these crop-
drying techniques with regard to seeds. Ask them if they dry seeds on iron sheets, rocks, in dambos
etc. Give them expert advice.
Please note that drying seeds on iron sheets or rocks negatively affects the seed viability as
biochemical processes in a seed are disturbed because enzymes in the seed get denatured.
Grading is one of the important stages in seed crop handling. During grading,
farmers need to remove seeds of different colours, shrivelled, rotten, cracked or
broken and other seed varieties. The way a farmer grades his/her seed
determines the outcome of the purity analysis.
Storage environment has an impact on seed viability. Many farmers use granaries,
sacks and warehouses for grain. Farmers should store seeds in new sacks that are
well dried, graded, cleaned and placed in a good storage space. The bags
should be stacked on pallets in a well-ventilated room. Sacks for seed need to be
well sealed in such a way that there will be no spillage of seed. When sealing a
50 kg bag, fold the bag mouth inwards to some depth at least 5 cm to create a
“valve” so that the seed does not spill out when handling or transferring the bags.
The strings used for sealing the bag should extend to the opposite end with about
5 to 10 cm to allow for sealing by inspectors with government seals. Recycling of
sacks is strictly prohibited.
Poor storage conditions not only affect the seed viability, but also increase
chances of development of mycotoxins such as aflatoxin. Aflatoxins are
considered as a serious health hazard and are prevalent in crops such as maize,
groundnuts and rice. Moulds that cause aflatoxin grow exponentially in hot and
humid conditions (Hell et al., 2010). Storing well-dried seed in a well-dried space
can therefore help to reduce the build-up of aflatoxin.
Since pests whose respiratory activities can lead to diseases can easily attack
seed in storage, farmers need to treat the stored seed with recommended
pesticides as stipulated in the Guide to Agriculture Production to control pests
and diseases.
Activity 2
Provide farmers with a quantity of a particular crop species, 50 kg sacks, strings and sewing
material (needle or any improvised material). Ask them to demonstrate how they usually seal their
bags. If they did not do it right somewhere, demonstrate the correct method to them. Emphasise
sealing and leaving a 5 to 10 cm length of the string at the end.
6. Seed Systems and certification
There are mainly two types of seed systems namely formal and informal seed
The informal seed system, also known as the farmer seed system, does not have
public sector regulation. Seed is exchanged among farmers or sold on the local
market. In this system, farmers grow and use their own grown seed without any
supervision from the regulatory authority. Farmers can use whatever crop species,
including landraces.
Quality Declared Seeds
6.1.2 Pre-basic seed
Pre-basic seed is produced from breeder’s seed. It is used for production of basic
seed, and sometimes certified seed, depending on particular seed certification
Basic seed is produced from pre-basic seed and is used for production of certified
Certified seed is produced from basic seed. This class of seed is used for
production of grain. Thus if farmers plant certified seed, they will harvest grain
which will be used for consumption or sale, but not as seed.
Quality Declared Seed (QDS) system was introduced by Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to improve the quality of seed being
offered for sale in countries where human and physical resources for quality
control are limited especially in countries whose seed regulatory systems are still
at infancy (FAO, 2006). It was established to help communities where the formal
seed system may not work very well. QDS was introduced in 1993, but revised in
2006. In this system, it is the responsibility of farmers and seed companies to ensure
seed quality, while the government plays a monitoring role. In this scheme, apart
from authorized Seed Service Unit, other government officers such as extension
staff may be used for inspection.
According to FAO (2006), the QDS system recognizes the following three types of
Varieties developed through conventional breeding technologies such
as MH 18 (maize), CG7 (groundnuts), Makwacha (soybean) or Pilira
Local varieties evolved over time under particular agro-ecological
conditions and adapted to local conditions (“land race” or “ecotype”)
such as Kanjelenjele (maize), Kalisele (groundnuts) or Chikope chanyani
(bambara nuts).
Varieties developed through alternative plant breeding approaches
such as participatory variety selection such as Kayera, Kadziunde or
Makata (bambara nut).
It should be noted that the QDS system was not established to compete with the
already existing seed systems in countries.
6.2 Seed certification
Seed certification is a quality assurance system whereby seed meant for use or
sale is inspected and tested. In simple terms, it is a process of certifying seed. Only
seed in the formal system is certified. In the formal system, the crop variety of the
seed of interest has to be released and registered in the variety catalogue in order
for the seed to start getting into the certification process. Respective plant
breeders in the recognised research institutions such as Department of
Agricultural Research Services (DARS) mainly do the release of varieties after crop
variety evaluations. The data on how much better the crop performs in relation
to other crops, morphological and physiological characteristics and adaptability
among others is necessary before release.
Seed certification is implemented by the Seed Services Unit (SSU), under the DARS
in the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development based on the
Seed Act (1996). The unit is mandated to ensure that high quality seed of released
varieties is made available to the farming community.
Seed certification involves a number of activities to ensure that a high quality seed
is produced at the end of the day. The activities include seed grower registration,
seed field inspection, seed sampling and testing.
During seed grower registration, a farmer registers with any office of the Seed
Certification and Quality Control Unit at Chitedze, Bvumbwe, Lunyangwa and
Lifuwu Research Stations. A farmer provides information regarding:
Name of grower
Address of the farm
Type of crop
Crop variety to be planted
Class of seed
Seed source(in this case a grower produces a receipt from the institution
or person where the seed was acquired)
Land history
Seed should be acquired from a reliable and known source. A seed inspector
usually officially verifies it during registration by checking the receipts, labels or
certificate numbers and containers. A crop will not be registered if the source is
questionable. Farmers can register at Chitedze, Bvumbwe, Lunyangwa, and
Lifuwu Research Stations.
Inspectors will visit a farmer’s field to verify particulars of the land. Land verification
helps to confirm the history of the field meant for seed production. The inspector
will also confirm the location and accessibility of the field. Farmers have to make
sure that the field is accessible and accessibility considers safety of an inspector
to visit the field and the ability to travel. A farmer must ensure that the seed crop
is not being planted on a field that carried a similar crop in the preceding season.
Crop rotation is important to avoid variety contamination and disease incidents.
Seed inspection is one of the seed certification activities that help ensure purity
of seed. Seed inspectors visit seed fields as one way of ensuring high quality seed
production. Once a farmer registers as a seed grower, a government seed
inspector comes to the field to do the following:
Confirm the crop information provided during seed grower registration and
the correct location of the field
Authenticate the seed sown to produce the crop.
Origin and identity of parent seed
Confirm information on the cropping history of the seed field and verify
whether the seed field meets the prescribed land requirements
Detect and quantify any admixtures and other crop plants of other varieties
of the same species
Assess noxious weed contamination
Check the isolation distance
Assess the general crop condition in the field including crop
Management (Fig. 1)
Assess other species contamination.
Figure 1: Suggested walking patterns for field inspection (Zambia Seed Technology Hand book, 1995)
Figure 2: A seed inspector inspecting soybean field
Inspectors will check the isolation distance of the seed field. Isolation distance,
which tells how far the seed field is from similar crop species, is very helpful as it
prevents pollen contamination and mixing of seeds through dispersal. Farmers
therefore, must ensure that the seed crop field is isolated (separated) from any
other variety of the same crop to avoid cross-pollination and mechanical
admixtures. Isolation distance varies from crop to crop.
Source: Seed Services Unit
Field management
Farmers have to follow the agronomic practices of the crop when multiplying
seed. Seed inspectors will check on crop stand and hygiene of the field. Growers
should refer to Guide to Agricultural Production manual and other appropriate
production manuals. Poor crop stand, lack of vigour or uniformity, weeds, or
anything, which may hinder accurate inspections, can lead to rejection of the
field. Crop hygiene is very crucial in seed production as it helps to reduce
transmission of plant diseases. Table 3 below shows maximum allowable seed
borne disease incidence.
In addition, a field for seed production should be weed free to prevent admixture
and also allow easy movement of inspectors and farmers. Noxious weeds should
not be allowed in the field. Farmers should prevent as much as possible, weeds
that are difficult to differentiate from the main crop of interest, for example,
Echinochloa crusgalli (Nadanga) and red rice in rice seed multiplication. All the
off-types should be rogued off. Table 4 below shows permitted off-types for
different crops.
Activity 3
Organize farmers in groups and take them to fields of any specific crop varieties. Let them
walk through the fields while observing morphological or physiological traits, isolation distance,
volunteer plants, and field hygiene. Let them look at among other things, flower colour, hair
colour, leaf shape, panicle colour and branching angle. Discuss with them the differences. Let
them select a particular area or a few rows and determine the number of plants. Let them
count the number of plants showing off-type traits comparative to the variety of interest. Plants
differing in observable traits from the variety of interest are off-types.
If the figures are beyond the maximum permitted off-type percentage, the field should be
Farmers should bear in mind that a seed inspector might visit their field at any time
of crop growth. However, there are certain crop growth and development stages
that are so significant to inspection as the plants will show clearly distinguishable
traits. Farmers can also use these timings for their own field inspection. In this
regard, seed crop field inspections are recommended to be conducted in three
stages of crop development. These stages are as follows:
Pre-flowering stage
Flowering stage
Post flowering stage
In some crops such as maize, inspections are also done on harvested seed lots.
After the field inspection, an inspector produces a report. The report will give
details of whether to proceed as a grower or whether to regard the field as grain
if it does not meet the minimum seed field standards. Tables 3 and 4 show
maximum allowable disease infestation in seed fields.
After farmers have graded and packed their seed, a seed inspector draws a
representative sample of the seed lot at random. The sample size drawn varies
depending on the type of crop and value. For example, a sample of maize will
weigh about 1kg while a sample of tobacco or vegetables will weigh less than
that with a very large margin. This sample is taken to the laboratory for analysis.
The results obtained from this sample represent the condition of the whole seed
Seed testing is the last stage of seed certification process prior to issuance of a
certificate. In Malawi, two tests are mandatory for a seed to be certified. These
are: Purity test and Germination Test. This is applicable to grain crops such as
cereals and legumes just to mention some. Horticultural crops that are vegetative
propagated do not undergo this stage.
During purity analysis seed analysts look at the physical purity of seeds. In this case,
they consider a number of components including pure seed, inert matter, other
seeds and other varieties. Defects such as broken or weevilled seeds are also
taken into consideration. It is for this reason that farmers need to ensure that their
seed is well graded so that it passes this test. The test is conducted in the
laboratory by seed experts. However, farmers can take some sample from their
seed storage containers and try to separate to see if the seed has been well
processed and graded.
Figure 3:
Activity 4
Organize farmers into groups and give them seed samples comprising different varieties and
crop species and non-seed materials. Let them separate and see how they are doing it. In their
separation, take note of the following: seed of interest, inert matter, other seeds, stones, other
varieties and broken or weevilled seeds.
The aim of a germination test is to ensure that the seed that will go on the market
will germinate once purchased by farmers. During this test, seeds are planted in
sand, between paper or on top of paper. The seed analysts then analyse the seed
some days after planting. They look at normal seedlings, abnormal seedlings,
dead seeds, hard seeds and fresh seeds. On seed testing certificates and seed
packs, germination percentage of the seed lot is indicated. Germination
percentage is the number of normal seedlings multiplied by 100 and divided by
the total number of seeds planted. If a germination capacity of 90 percent is
indicated, it means that out of 100 seeds a farmer will sow will give rise to 90
seedlings or good plants. This test too is done by seed experts. However, farmers
can test the performance of seed on small plots.
Figure 4:Pigeon pea (C) and groundnut (D) seed being tested for germination
Activity 5
Allow farmers to try this at home. They should get 50 to 100 seeds and plant them. Let them
record the day of planting and the day of first emergence. After a week or two, they should
count the number of seeds that have emerged and divide by the number of seeds planted.
They should then multiply these by 100. They will come up with the performance of the seed
lot. This will not be the germination test per se, but will give a farmer an indication of how their
seed or the seed they have purchased will perform once planted.
There are other tests conducted by Seed Services Unit Laboratories, but they are
not mandatory. These include moisture content and seed vigour tests.
7. Conclusions and recommendations
The QDS is applicable in the context of this project, which is promoting locally
adapted germplasm as part of climate change adaptation. It is recommended
that this training manual should be used with reference to the Guide to
Agricultural Production for the guidance on the appropriate agronomic
practices. Appropriate guidance should be sought from experts in the seed
production, such as seed inspectors from the Department of Agricultural
Research Services (DARS), para seed inspectors, and crop officers from district
agricultural offices.
“Certified seed” is seed that has undergone seed certification process and has
met the standards.
“Noxious weed” are weeds that are considered harmful to the environment
(plants and animals) and are usually designated by some regulation.
“Off-type” is a plant growing in a field but characteristically differs from the variety
“Seed certification” is a quality assurance system whereby seed meant for use or
sell is inspected and tested. In simple terms, it is a process of certifying seed. Only
seed in the formal system is certified.
“Seed dressing” is the process of treating seeds with chemicals prior to planting.
“Seed producer” is any person who either exclusively or in conjunction with any
other business produces seed for sale.
“Variety” is a group of cultivated plants which is characteristically distinguishable
from others and when reproduced retains its distinguishing characteristics.
“Volunteer plant” are plants that grow on their own without deliberately being
planted by a farmer.
FAO. 2006. Quality Declared Seed System, FAO Plant Production and Protection
paper 185, Rome, Italy
Hell, K., Mutegi, C., Fandohan, P. 2010. Aflatoxin control and prevention strategies
in maize for Sub-Saharan Africa, in the 10th International Working Conference on
Stored Product Protection, Vol. 2 (Estoril), 534–540; Green. J. Agricult. Sci 2, 280,
October 2012
Seed Act (Act no. 9). 1996. Amended Arrangement of Sections, Malawi
This document has been produced with financial assistance of the European Union. The views
expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.