Starch in Cucurbita Maxima
Starch in Cucurbita Maxima
Starch in Cucurbita Maxima
Structures and physicochemical properties of starch isolated from fruit (pepo) of seven winter squash cultivars (Cucurbita maxima D.)
were studied. Squash starches exhibited the B-type X-ray diffraction pattern and had most granules with diameters of 1.5–2.5, 6–8, and
11–13 mm. Squash amylopectin had more long branch chains (25.4–29.3% DPR37), and squash starch had relatively small absolute amylose
contents (12.9–18.2%). Squash starch amylopectins had weight-average molecular weights ranging from 2.03 to 3.22!108 g/mol, gyration
radii of 294–337 nm, and unusually low polydispersity (1.21–1.81). Isoamylase-debranched amylopectins showed average chain-length
varied from DP 26.5 to 28.1. Squash starches had onset gelatinization temperature ranging from 60.6 to 63.5 8C and enthalpy changes (DH)
from 15.9 to 17.4 J/g. Retrogradation rate for squash starches ranged from 41 to 55% after 7 days at 4 8C. Squash starch pastes, measured by
using a Rapid Visco-Analyzer, had peak viscosity of 174–233 RVU, final viscosity of 193–244 RVU, and setback of 79–100 RVU, with
pasting temperature of 65.6–68.8 8C.
q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Starch; Starch structure; Starch function; Amylose; Amylopectin; Winter squash; Pumpkin; Cucurbit
1. Introduction et al., 2001; Corrigan, Irving, & Potter, 2000; Culpepper &
Moon, 1945; Cumarasamy, Corrigan, Hurst, & Bendall,
Starch is the major carbohydrate in plant storage organs. 2002; Daniel, Brecht, Sims, & Maynard, 1995; Harvey,
Starch structures and physicochemical properties have Grant, & Lammerink, 1997; Hurst et al., 1995; Merrow &
been characterized for storage organs of many plant Hopp, 1961; Schales & Isenberg, 1963; Smittle, Hayes, &
families. However, Cucurbitaceae, which includes squash Williamson, 1980).
and pumpkins, have had little published results on fruit Sugimoto, Yamashita, Oomori, et al. (1998), investigated
(pepo) starch characteristics, despite the fruit dry matter fruit starch properties of one cultivar each of Cucurbita
starch content ranging from !3% (Corrigan, Hurst, & maxima D. and C. moschata D. during development. Squash
Potter 2001; Schales & Isenberg, 1963) to O60% (Hurst, starch was shown to exhibit a B-type X-ray pattern, granule
Corrigan, Hannan, & Lill, 1995; Merrow & Hopp, 1961). diameter of 2.9–8.8 mm, amylose content ranging from 14 to
Studies have shown that texture of squash fruit is related to 23%, and onset gelatinization temperature of 62–66 8C.
its starch content and possibly starch properties (Corrigan Starch granules were also reported to have a larger diameter
range (3–35 mm) for the same C. maxima D. cultivar
(Yoshida, 1989). Starch content and granule size variation
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C1 515 294 9892; fax: C1 515 294 8181. between external and internal cellular layers of the fruit
E-mail address: (J.-l. Jane). were also reported (Yoshida, 1989).
Present address: Cereal Products and Food Science Unit, National
Center for Agricultural Utilization Research, Agricultural Research
There are few cultivars of squash with limited starch
Service, United States Department of Agriculture, 1815 N. University properties characterized. To our knowledge, there has been
Street, Peoria, IL 61604, USA. no report on starch retrogradation, phosphorus content
0144-8617/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
154 D.G. Stevenson et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 59 (2005) 153–163
of starch, absolute amylose content, and amylopectin with ethanol, and then recovered by filtration using What-
structures such as molecular size, gyration radii, man No. 4 filter paper. Purified starch cake was dried in a
and amylopectin branch chain-length distribution in any convection oven at 35 8C for 24 h.
Cucurbita L. sp. starch. In this study, we characterized
structures and physicochemical properties of starch isolated 2.3. Starch granule morphology
from fruit of seven cultivars of C. maxima D., grown in the
same year, at the same location and using identical Starch granules, spread on silver tape and mounted on a
procedures. Structures and physicochemical properties of brass disk, were coated with gold/palladium (60/40) for all
starch will be related to their textural and eating qualities five replicates of each cultivar. Sample images were
reported elsewhere. observed at 1500! magnification under a scanning electron
microscope (JOEL model 1850, Tokyo, Japan), following
the method of Jane, Kasemsuwan, Leas, Zobel, and Robyt
2. Materials and methods (1994).
24 h in 0.625% sodium molybdate (w/v) in 1.75 N and sealed. The sample was equilibrated for 2 h and scanned
H2SO4:10% ascorbic acid (w/v) mixture (4:1) to remove at a rate of 10 8C/min over a temperature range of 10–
residual phosphorus. Duplicate analysis of each replicate 100 8C. An empty pan was used as the reference. The rate of
was conducted. starch retrogradation was determined using the same
gelatinized samples, stored at 4 8C for 7 d, and analyzed
2.7. Amylose contents using DSC as described previously (White, Abbas, &
Johnson 1989). Analysis of starch thermal properties was
Apparent amylose was determined following the carried out in triplicate for each replicate of each cultivar.
method of Takeda and Hizukuri (1987), and the iodine
affinity was determined by using a potentiometric 2.10. Starch pasting properties
autotitrator (702 SM Titrino, Brinkmann Instrument,
Westbury, NY). The absolute amylose content of starch Starch pasting properties were analyzed using a
was calculated by subtracting iodine affinity of amylo- Rapid Visco-Analyser (RVA-4, Newport Scientific, Syd-
pectin fraction from that of the defatted whole starch, ney, Australia) (Jane et al., 1999). Starch suspension (8%,
following the procedure of Lu, Jane, Keeling, and w/w, dsb, 28 g total weight) was equilibrated at 30 8C for
Singletary (1996). Amylose content of a 90% dimethyl 1 min, heated at a rate of 6.0 8C/min to 95 8C, maintained
sulfoxide (DMSO)-defatted starch sample was also at that temperature for 5.5 min, and then cooled to 50 8C
determined by treating the starch sample with concana- at a rate of 6.0 8C/min. Constant paddle rotating speed
valin A (Yun & Matheson, 1990) and measuring glucose (160 rpm) was used throughout entire analysis, except for
content, by the glucose oxidase method, of the supernatant rapid stirring at 960 rpm for first 10 s to disperse sample.
using amylose/amylopectin assay kit (Megazyme Inter- Analysis was in duplicate for each replicate of each
national Ireland Ltd, Wicklow, Ireland). Determination of cultivar.
amylose content, by both methods, was duplicated for
each squash cultivar replicate. 2.11. Data analysis
2.8. Amylopectin branch chain-length distribution All statistical significance tests were calculated by using
SAS (SAS Institute Inc., 1999) and applying Tukey
Amylopectin was fractionated using n-butanol as difference test (Ramsey & Schafer, 1996). Correlations
a complexing agent (Schoch, 1942). Amylopectin between squash starch structures and functional properties
(10 mg/ml) was debranched using isoamylase (EC were conducted using SAS (1999) and the PROC CORR
from Pseudomonas amyloderamosa) (EN102, Hayashibara function specifying use of the Pearson correlation coeffi-
Biochemical Laboratories Inc., Okayama, Japan), following cient. A 5% level of significance was used to discriminate
the method of Jane and Chen (1992). Branch chain-length correlations of importance. Means of the squash cultivars
distribution of amylopectin was determined by using an were correlated, with nZ6 or 7 depending on whether
HPAEC system (Dionex-300, Sunnyvale, CA) equipped Prizewinner provided sufficient starch for the analysis.
with an on-line amyloglucosidase (EC, from
Rhizopus mold, A-7255, Sigma Chemical Co., St Louis,
MO) post-column reactor and a pulsed amperometric 3. Results and discussion
detector (HPAEC-ENZ-PAD) (Wong & Jane, 1997).
PA-100 anion exchange analytical column (250!4 mm, 3.1. Starch granule morphology
Dionex, Sunnyvale, CA) and a guard column were used for
separating debranched amylopectin samples. Gradient pro- Scanning electron micrographs show that squash starches
file of eluents and operating conditions were described of all cultivars have granules ranging mainly from 1.5–2.5,
previously (McPherson & Jane, 1999). Debranched amylo- 6–8 and 11–13 mm in diameter (Fig. 1). Squash starches
pectin was also analyzed by using a HPSEC equipped with a exhibited a mixture of spherical and polyhedral granules with
RI detector to determine the presence of extra-long branch some dome-shaped granules that had larger diameters on
chains (Yoo & Jane, 2002a). HPAEC-ENZ-PAD and HPSEC average. Yoshida (1989) reported that starch granules in the
analysis was duplicated for each replicate of each cultivar. endocarp region of squash fruit flesh had compound starch
granules, which was not found in the remainder of the fruit.
2.9. Thermal properties of starch The dome-shaped indented starch granules in our study were
more likely resulted from shrinkage of swollen granules than
Thermal properties of starch were determined by using a from compound starch. Squash starch granules displayed
differential scanning calorimeter (DSC-7, Perkin-Elmer, many surface indentations. Large granules of Whangaparoa
Norwalk, CT) (Jane et al., 1999). Approximately 2 mg of Crown (Fig. 1G), Lakota (Fig. 1C), Prizewinner (Fig. 1D)
starch (dry starch basis, dsb) was precisely weighed in an and Sweet Mama (Fig. 1E) had less incidence of indenta-
aluminum pan, mixed with 6 mg of deionized water tions, whereas Delica (Fig. 1A), Kurijiman (Fig. 1B)
156 D.G. Stevenson et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 59 (2005) 153–163
Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrographs of Delica (A), Kurijiman (B), Lakota (C), Prizewinner (D), Sweet Mama (E), Warren Scarlet (F) and Whangaparoa
Crown (G) squash fruit starches (scale barZ10 mm).
and Warren Scarlet (Fig. 1F) frequently showed indentations. diameters up to 35 mm, but we did not observe granule
Whangaparoa Crown and Prizewinner had a high incidence diameter above 14 mm.
of indentations in medium-size starch granules. Granule
indentations could be due to non-uniform growth within 3.2. Crystalline structure
starch granules or collapse during drying. The granule size
distribution observed in our study was in agreement with that Squash starches all exhibited B-type X-ray diffraction
reported by Sugimoto, Yamashita, Suzuki, Morishita, and patterns (Fig. 2). Prizewinner, Warren Scarlet, Whanga-
Fuwa (1998b). Yoshida (1989) reported starch granule paroa Crown, Kurijiman, and Delica all had an additional
D.G. Stevenson et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 59 (2005) 153–163 157
Table 1
Iodine affinities, apparent amylose, absolute amylose contents, and amylose content measured using concanavalin A (Con A) for squash fruit defatted starches
Cultivar Iodine affinity Apparent amylose Absolute amylose Amylose (%) content
content (%)a content (%)b measured by Con Ac
Whole starch Amylopectin fraction
Delica 5.51ab 1.89ab 27.8ab 18.2 12.4
Kurijiman 5.63a 2.35ab 28.3a 16.5 12.6
Lakota 4.45b 1.65b 22.3b 14.0 10.2
Prizewinner 5.31ab 2.73a 26.4ab 12.9 7.9
Sweet Mama 5.02ab 2.33ab 24.9ab 13.2 9.1
Warren Scarlet 5.41ab 1.84ab 27.1ab 17.9 11.4
Whangaparoa Crown 5.48ab 1.96ab 27.9ab 18.0 11.8
PZ0.03d PZ0.02 PZ0.03 PZ0.007e PZ0.07
Values with different letters denote differences at the 5% level of significance for each comparison between cultivars in the respective column.
Apparent amylose contents were averaged from two analyses for each of five replicates. Values were calculated from dividing iodine affinity by a factor of
Absolute amylose contents were averaged from two analyses for each of five replicates. Values were calculated by subtracting iodine affinity for the
amylopectin fraction from the iodine affinity for the whole starch, divided by a factor of 0.199.
Amylose contents measured by concanavalin A were averaged from two analyses for each of five replicates.
P represents the probability of F-statistic exceeding expected for each comparison between cultivars in the respective column.
Conservative Tukey test was unable to detect differences between individual cultivars.
158 D.G. Stevenson et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 59 (2005) 153–163
(Jane, Kasemsuwan, Chen, & Juliano, 1996; Kasemsuwan chain-length at DP 13–14. The chain-length distribution of
& Jane, 1996; Lim, Kasemsuwan, & Jane, 1994). amylopectin is summarized in Table 3. Average amylopectin
chain lengths varied from DP 26.5 to 28.1 for the squash
3.5. Amylopectin molecular weight and size cultivars and were not significantly different. However,
proportions of branch chains of different chain-lengths were
Average molecular weight, gyration radii, and dispersed significantly different (Table 3). The different chain-length
density of squash starches are shown in Table 2. Squash distributions correlated with properties of the starches as
starch weight-average molecular weight (Mw) ranged from discussed in Section 3.9. The greater contents of short branch
2.03 to 3.22!108 g/mol for the seven squash cultivars; chains (DP 6–12, 12.6–16.7%) of squash amylopectin than
there was no significant difference between cultivars. that of other B-type amylopectin (8.5–12.3%) (Jane et al.,
Squash amylopectin M w is comparable with other 1999) may contribute to the greater density of dispersed
starches of the B-type polymorphism, ranging from 1.7 to squash amylopectin. HPSEC chromatograms of debranched
3.4!108 g/mol (Yoo & Jane, 2002b). Squash amylopectins squash amylopectin showed only two distinct peaks of short
displayed substantially lower polydispersity (Mw/Mn) than and long branch chains; there were no extra-long branch
did amylopectin of other sources (Stevenson, 2003). The chains (DPw720), as in cereal amylopectin (Yoo & Jane,
polydispersity of Lakota, Prizewinner, Whangaparoa Crown 2002a) detected (Stevenson, 2003).
and Sweet Mama amylopectin ranged between 1.21 and
1.30 (Table 2), indicating highly uniform in size of the 3.7. Thermal properties
amylopectin molecules. Gyration radius of amylopectin was
not significantly different between the squash cultivars. Thermal properties of native squash starches are shown
Prizewinner and Whangaparoa Crown amylopectins, dis- in Table 4. Three buttercup squash cultivars, Delica,
persed in aqueous solutions, were somewhat denser than Kurijiman and Sweet Mama, showed similar onset gelati-
other squash cultivars, but differences were not significant nization temperatures (To), which were higher than others.
(Table 2). The density of the dispersed squash amylopectin The ranges of gelatinization temperature (TcKTo) (ROG) of
(10.1–12.2 g/mol/nm3) was larger than that of the B-type squash starches were the smallest comparing with other
non-waxy amylopectin (2.9–5.3 g/mol/nm 3) but was starches (Jane et al., 1999). Biliaderis, Maurice, and Vose
comparable to that of the ae-waxy maize amylopectin (1980) suggested that the greater the degree of amylopectin
(11.2 g/mol/nm3) (Yoo & Jane, 2002b). branching, the wider the melting temperature range. Our
results demonstrated a negative relationship between the
3.6. Amylopectin branch chain-length distribution ROG and the long branch chains of DPR37. The reduction
in ROG by increasing number of branch chains of DPR37
HPAEC-ENZ-PAD chromatogram of debranched amy- can be attributed to cooperative gelatinization induced by
lopectin of each squash cultivar is shown in Fig. 3. the long branch chains that extended through multiple
Chromatograms show that all squash starches have peak clusters. Enthalpy changes of gelatinization for all squash
starches were similar to that of other B-type starches (Jane
Table 2 et al., 1999), and there were no significant differences
Average amylopectin molecular weight, polydispersity, gyration radius and between cultivars.
density of squash fruit starches Squash starches, after being stored at 4 8C for 7 days,
Cultivara Mw!108 Polydisper- Rz r showed greater degrees of retrogradation than other starches
(g/mol)b sity (Mw) (nm)c (g/mol/nm3)d (Table 5) (Jane et al., 1999). Among the squash starch
Delica 2.41 1.44 310 8.1 cultivars, Lakota, Sweet Mama and Warren Scarlet
Kurijiman 2.03 1.81 294 8.0 displayed the greatest degrees of retrogradation. Prizewin-
Lakota 3.16 1.21 324 9.3 ner had the lowest percentage retrogradation, which
Prizewinner 3.22 1.23 317 10.1
agreed with its largest content of short branch chains
Sweet Mama 2.54 1.30 311 8.4
Warren Scarlet 2.91 1.35 337 7.6 (16.7% DP 6–12 and 1% DP 3–5).
Whangaparoa 2.70 1.29 304 9.6
Crown 3.8. Pasting properties
PZ0.12e PZ0.27 PZ0.11 PZ0.15
Data were obtained from two injections each of all five replicates. Pasting properties of squash starches are shown in Table 6.
Starch samples were dissolved in 90% DMSO solution and precipitated Peak viscosity of Lakota and Prizewinner starches were
with 5 vol. ethanol. Freshly prepared starch aqueous solution (100 ml; higher than that of others. Pasting temperature of squash
0.8 mg/ml) was injected to HPSEC system. starches was only 4–6 8C higher than respective To, which
Weight-average molecular weight.
z-Average radius of gyration.
could be attributed to the absence of phospholipids and the
Density is equal to Mw =R3z . low amylose content, facilitating the granule swelling after
P represents the probability of F-statistic exceeding expected for each gelatinization. The final viscosity of the squash starch was
comparison between cultivars in the respective column. similar to that of potato starch, but was higher than that of
D.G. Stevenson et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 59 (2005) 153–163 159
Fig. 3. Relative peak area distributions of Delica, Kurijiman, Lakota, Prizewinner, Sweet Mama, Warren Scarlet and Whangaparoa Crown squash fruit
amylopectins analyzed by using a HPAEC-ENZ-PAD. Error bars represent standard error of the mean for each individual DP from two analyses of five
replicates. DP, degree of polymerization.
Table 3
Branch chain-length distributions of squash fruit amylopectins
Grouping of degree of polymerization (DP) numbers followed that of Hanashiro, Abe, and Hizukuri (1996). Values with different letters denote differences at
the 5% level of significance for each comparison between cultivars in the respective column.
P represents the probability of F-statistic exceeding expected for each comparison between cultivars in the respective column.
160 D.G. Stevenson et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 59 (2005) 153–163
Table 4
Thermal properties of native squash fruit starches
Values were calculated from three analyses for each of five replicates. Values with different letters denote differences at the 5% level of significance for each
comparison between cultivars in the respective column.
Starch samples (w2.0 mg, dsb) and deionized water (w6.0 mg) were used for the analysis; To, Tp, Tc and DH are onset, peak, conclusion temperature, and
enthalpy change, respectively.
Range of gelatinization is equal to TcKTo.
P represents the probability of F-statistic exceeding expected for each comparison between cultivars in the respective column.
most A-type starches (Jane et al., 1999). Setback viscosity of But it is positively correlated to onset gelatinization
all squash starches is higher than that of most other starches, temperature of retrograded starch (ToR) (rZ0.73, PZ0.05),
with exceptions of cattail millet, mungbean and green leaf which reflected the participant of amylose in the retro-
canna starches (Jane et al., 1999). High setback indicates that gradation and co-crystallized with amylopectin. Absolute
amylose forms network with amylopectin. amylose content was positively correlated to amylose
content measured by concanavalin A, but negatively
correlated to pasting peak viscosity, breakdown and final
3.9. Structure–property correlations
viscosity. The negative relationship between the apparent
amylose content and peak and final viscosity is in agreement
Correlation coefficients among selected squash starch
with previously reported (Blennow, Bay-Smidt, & Bauer,
structures and functional properties are shown in Table 7.
2001; Collado & Corke, 1997; Jane et al., 1999; Kuno,
Correlation coefficients are given in the text when not
Kainuma, & Takahashi, 2000; Wang, White, & Pollak,
included in Table 7. Apparent amylose content of squash
starches was negatively correlated to amylopectin chain
Squash amylopectin Mw was negatively correlated to
lengths of DP 13–24 and DP 25–36 and pasting peak
polydispersity, average amylopectin branch chain-length,
viscosity, breakdown, final viscosity and setback viscosity.
and amylopectin branch chains of DPR37, but positively
Table 5 Table 6
Thermal properties of retrograded squash fruit starches Pasting properties of squash fruit starches measured by Rapid Visco-
Cultivara Native starch Analyzer
To (8C) Tp (8C) Tc (8C) DH (J/g) % Retro- Cultivara Peak Break- Final Set- Pasting
gradation viscosityb downb viscosityb backb tempera-
Delica 36.3 54.0 64.5 8.1ab 46.6ab ture (8C)
Kurijiman 36.6 54.5 64.8 7.8ab 45.8ab Delica 174.8b 52.2 206.9 84.3 68.8
Lakota 35.2 53.3 65.4 8.9a 53.3a Kurijiman 179.2ab 63.1 195.3 79.2 67.8
Prizewinner 36.6 54.8 64.3 6.5b 40.8b Lakota 232.8a 88.7 243.8 99.7 67.2
Sweet 35.1 52.4 65.0 9.5a 54.7a Prizewinner 225.1a 76.7 244.3 95.8 66.5
Mama Sweet Mama 205.2ab 66.6 231.6 93.0 68.4
Warren 36.0 52.6 65.5 8.8ab 53.4a Warren 176.8b 52.6 217.5 93.2 68.0
Scarlet Scarlet
Whanga- 35.6 53.3 65.0 8.2ab 49.8ab Whangaparoa 173.7b 65.4 193.1 84.6 65.6
paroa Crown
Crown PZ0.01c PZ0.26 PZ0.49 PZ0.70 PZ0.16
PZ0.25b PZ0.31 PZ0.59 PZ0.008 PZ0.002
Values with different letters denote differences at the 5% level of
Values with different letters denote differences at the 5% level of significance for each comparison between cultivars in the respective
significance for each comparison between cultivars in the respective column.
column. a
8% (w/w) starch suspension.
a b
Same starch samples after gelatinization (see Table 4) were left for Viscosity measured in Rapid Visco-Analyzer units (RVU), 1 RVUZ12
7 days at 4 8C and rescan using DSC. centipoise.
b c
P represents the probability of F-statistic exceeding expected for each P represents the probability of F-statistic exceeding expected for each
comparison between cultivars in the respective column. comparison between cultivars in the respective column.
Table 7
Correlation coefficients (r!100) for selected squash starch structural and functional properties
ApA, apparent amylose content; AbA, absolute amylose content; Acon, amylose content measured by concanavalin A; Mw, weight-average amylopectin molecular weight; PMw, polydispersity (Mw/Mn); Rz, gyration radius; DS,
density; CL, average amylopectin branch chain-length; DP13–24, proportion of amylopectin branch chain-lengths DP 13–24; DP25–36, proportion of amylopectin branch chain-lengths DP 25–36; DPR37, proportion of
amylopectin branch chain-lengths DPR37; DPR26, proportion of amylopectin branch chain-lengths DPR26 measured by HPSEC; To, onset gelatinization temperature; ROG, range of gelatinization temperature; DH,
enthalpy change of gelatinization; PV, peak viscosity; BK, breakdown; FV, final viscosity; SB, setback; PT, pasting temperature. *0.05 and **0.01 level of significance.
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