Lt105 Instruction Manual
Lt105 Instruction Manual
Lt105 Instruction Manual
Instruction manual Nordberg LT105
This instruction manual is valid for diesel engine driven Nordberg LT105 manufactured by
Nordberg. Nordberg LT105 is a portable jaw crusher unit, which is intented to be used in
recycling crushing applications in crushing plants.
Because of the continuous development of the product, the manufacturer reserves a right to alter
the technical specifications written in this manual, without any advance information.
This is the first edition published in April 1999 in Tampere, Finland.
PL 306
33101 Tampere
Puh +358-204 80 142
Fax +358-204 80 143
4/99 140529
Instruction Manual Nordberg LT105
1. PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
2. SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
6. TRANSPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
6.1 MOVING ON SITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
6.2 SELECTING THE DRIVING SPEED RANGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
6.3 DRIVING THE LT105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
7. CRUSHING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
7.1 CRUSHING LOCATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
7.2 FEEDING ARRANGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
7.3 DISCHARGE ARRANGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
7.4 CRUSHING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
7.5 CRUSHING PARAMETERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11
7.6 FEED CONTROL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
7.7 MINIMUM SETTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
7.8 CLEARING OF THE BLOCKAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14
4/99 140529
Nordberg LT105 Instruction Manual
8. MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
8.1 PERIODICAL MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
8.2 RUNNING-IN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
8.3 HYDRAULICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
8.4 FINAL DRIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
8.5 FUEL LEVEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
A Symbols
B Additional information
C Noise levels
D Recycling
E Transport drawing
140529 4/99
This instruction manual is intended to assist This instruction manual must be read and used
owners and users of Nordberg products in the by each person who works with the
proper use of the equipment. equipment, typically:
It includes important references to safe, — operations, including installation, startup,
proper and economical operation of the operation, application engineering,
equipment. Following these instructions will materi als handling, site labo ur,
help to avoid possible danger, reduce repair environmental engineering and safety
costs and breakdowns and to increase the departments.
reliability and life of the equipment. — maintenance, including inspection and
This manual must be completed by those — transport, materials handling and rigging.
instructions necessary because of existing
national mandatory rules relating to accident
prevention and environmental protection. Note that this instruction manual contains
information and instructions on several
A copy of this manual must be kept at the alternative and optional equipment. Normally
equipment’s location and made available to the machines have only some of them. Before
the operators as required. maintaining and servicing, find out which
In addition to this manual and accident alternative and optional equipment your
prevention regulations mandatory in the machine has.
country of use and at the equipment’s place of See separate instruction manuals for more
operation, generally recognized rules for safe detailed instructions when servicing the main
and professional operation must be observed. components.
There may be optional equipment which have
separate instruction manuals. Those manuals
must be read and used by each person who
works with the equipment.
This portion of the instruction manual is
intended to illustrate only basic safety The safest machine must still be operated with
procedures. Additional precautions may be care and with knowledge of its performance
necessary for the safe operation of a Crusher. capabilities. The most comprehensive safety
The information contained in this manual is program must still be followed.
Remember that on any job, YOU are the key READ THE MANUAL furnished with your
to safety. Good safety practices not only equipment to learn its operating and
protect the men around you, they are your own maintenance characteristics, capacities and
best protection. Study this manual and any limitations. Learn the location and function of
manufacturer’s operator’s manuals covering ALL controls, indicators, warning devices and
your specific equipment. Read all warning and caution instructions.
caution instructions. Practice safe operation.
DO, TOO. BE ALERT TO POSSIBLE Learn − beforehand as much about your
HAZARDS BE FORE THEY CAUS E working area as possible:
IS UP TO YOU!!! Be a good housekeeper . . . keep the floor
clean, free of oil, grease, rags, cables, chains,
DO YOU KNOW YOUR EMPLOYER’S buckets, rocks and other hazards. Keep loose
SAFETY PROGRAM? parts in a tool box. Use only non-flammable
Company safety records show that the greatest solutions for cleaning.
percentage of accidents are caused by
d isr egard of simp le safety rules. Know the weight limitations for any floors on
Know-observe!-the overall program . . . and which you will operate.
consul t your sup erv isor fo r sp ecific Know the clearances in the work area. A little
instructions when starting a job. time spent checking side and overhead
ARE YOU DRESSED PROPERLY FOR clearances, including power lines, can save a
THE JOB? lot of trouble later.
You may need any number of special items - Be careful of dust, smoke or fog, which may
safety hat, safety shoes, safety glasses, obscure your vision.
goggles, heavy gloves, ear protective devices,
etc., - for your own protection. Find out what ARE YOU PREPARED FOR
items are required and wear them! EMERGENCIES?
Plan ahead - stay alert - operate sensibly - and
Loose clothing can catch in moving parts. you will avoid both having and causing
Keep sleeves buttoned, jackets belted and personal injury and accidental equipment
wear your special safety equipment. Keep damage. If a careless moment does cause an
warm without restricting your movement. emergency - react quickly with the tools and
Wrist watches and rings can be dangerous. skills at hand. Know the location of and how
Keep your pockets free of objects which may to use a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.
fall out.
Know where to get prompt assistance.
MACHINERY? An emergency calls for fast action.
Equipment not properly prepared for
operation is unsafe equipment. Run a careful
check at the beginning of your shift. If you find
1 DO NOT allow unauthorized personnel 6 LISTEN for and report any unusual
to operate the Crusher! noises.
2 MAKE SURE all guards and other 7 RE-CHECK alarms or other warning
protective devices are in place, secured and safety devices.
and not damaged. 8 DO NOT stand on the Crusher while
3 CHECK fluid systems: Are they at the the Crusher is running.
correct level and completely leak free? 9 DO NOT lean or place your hands on
4 CHECK every drain cock, valve and or against the tension spring while the
fitting to sure it is in place and secure Crusher is in operation.
5 Loss of pressure from low fluid levels 10 DO NOT take a chance with a defective
may lead to serious hydraulic failures. machine. REPORT IT TO YOUR
6 CRUSHER SEIZURE from lack of oil
or grease is a problem that may cause REPORT A DEFECTIVE MACHINE
accidents. Inspect your machine daily . . . check for loose,
worn or damaged parts. Report or correct any
7 NEVER tamper with safety devices. unsafe conditions immediately . . . and do not
operate the machine until they have been
8 CHECK the Crusher thoroughly for corrected.
visual defects, such as leaks, worn hoses
or loose parts. Even a minor defect can become serious . . .
report any machine defects to your supervisor.
9 INSPECT your machine according to
the operator’s manual and your STOPPING SAFELY
supervisor’s instructions. Be sure Crusher is stopped before . . . cleaning,
servicing, lubricating . . . checking belt tension
10 BEFORE STARTING walk completely . . . removing housing covers . . . working on
around your machine. Make sure there the hydraulic system . . . making repairs . . . or
is no one next to under or on the attempting to clear a plugged cavity. MAKE
machine. Warn any personnel nearby NO CHECKS, ADJUSTMENTS OR
that you are starting up. RE PAIRS OF ANY KIND WHILE
START UP SAFELY Perform maintenance with care.
1 CHECK equipment for warning tags. READ AND UNDERSTAND
2 FOLLOW the recommended starting 1 Instruction manual furnished with the
procedure as outlined in Section 5 Crusher, especially Section 5,
3 AFTER Crusher has been started, check 2 Instructions for inspection and
all gauges and instruments to be sure maintenance located in Section 5
that everything is operating properly. OPERATION and 7 PERIODICAL
4 SHUT DOWN immediately if any
3 Warning and caution plates provided on the 8 WEAR SAFETY GLASSES AND
using high pressure air.
4 Warning and caution notes in the
instruction manual. 9 WEAR GOGGLES AND
5 Lubrication guides for periodic handling molten metals; zinc, babbitt,
servicing in Section 6, LUBRICATION. lead, etc.
Before working inside a Crusher, be sure to tag when required or REDUCE exposure
and lockout the electrical controls so no one time as required.
else will start it.
Attach warning tags to prevent accidents: MEDICATION
1 If Crusher is unsafe for operation. 1 DO NOT use alcoholic beverages
before coming to work or while on the
2 If controls are being serviced. job.
3 If machine is being repaired. 2 BEWARE of medicines, tranquilizers
or other drugs which can make you
LOCKOUT ELECTRICAL SERVICE sleepy or less alert.
1 Always lockout all electrical controls
before performing any type of WORK AREA
maintenance work on the Crusher. 1 PROMOTE GOOD HOUSEKEEPING,
keep the floor clean and dry, free of
2 Provide each maintenance man with debris and tools. Oily and wet floors,
his own personal padlock and ONE key. steps and hand rails are slippery. In
CLOTHING - SAFE PRACTICE winter watch out for ice and snow. Wet
1 KEEP HANDS AND CLOTHING spots, especially near electrical
AWAY FROM MOVING PARTS. Do equipment, are dangerous.
not take chances by wearing loose 2 DO NOT let material lay and build up
sleeves, floppy ties, watches and rings. on or around the Crusher.
2 WEAR EYE PROTECTION when 3 STORE dangerous fluids in a suitable
handling fuel, cleaning fluid, oil or place - away from unauthorized
3 WEAR A RESPIRATOR when 4 NEVER start a diesel or gasoline engine
required. within an enclosed area unless there is
4 WEAR SAFETY GLASSES when adequate ventilation. Exhaust fumes can
drilling, grinding or hammering metal. kill!
6 WEAR HARD HAT AND SAFETY 2 Keep all tools and equipment free of
SHOES, when required. dirt, oil and grease. Do not drop or toss
7 WEAR GLOVES to protect your
hands when changing cables. 3 Use hoisting equipment for heavy lifting.
8 Check for broken, defective or missing 3 High pressure oil can be dangerous.
parts and replace them. Keep equipment USE QUALITY PARTS
clean and free of dirt and oil so you can A replacement part for any item should always
spot loose or defective parts. be of comparable SIZE, TYP E AND
9 When using cables to move a load, be QUALITY - as the part being discarded.
sure cables are of adequate size and REPORT NECESSARY REPAIRS
replace any worn, badly frayed, broken If your daily check uncovers any item that
or kinked ones. Check end connections need attention - repair, replacement or
for wear. adjustment - REPORT IT NOW!
FIRE HAZARDS The most minor defect could result in more
1 DO NOT smoke while refueling - or serious trouble - IF THE MACHINE IS
when handling fuel containers. OPERATED.
2 SHUT OFF engine when refueling - Only perform the work you’re authorized to
and use extra caution if engine is hot. do. Do not attempt repairs you do not
3 WHEN pouring fuel into the tank, understand.
ground the funnel or spout against the Only work on equipment you thoroughly
filler neck to avoid static electric spark. understand - a pressure-loaded part, if
4 DO NOT use gasoline or diesel fuel carelessly released could injure anyone in its
for cleaning parts. Good commercial, path.
non-flammable solvents are preferred. Remember you are entrusted with the
5 DO NOT smoke while using cleaning operation and maintenance of a highly
solvents. valuable piece of equipment TREAT IT AS
6 DO NOT let greasy, oily rags
accumulate in poorly ventilated area.
Store oily rags and other combustible
material in a safe place.
7 NEVER use an open flame to check
fuel, battery electrolyte or coolant levels
. . . or to look for hydraulic leaks
anywhere on the equipment.
Use a flashlight!
8 KNOW where fire extinguishers are
kept - and how they operate - and for
The safety procedures mentioned here do not
eliminate all safety hazards found in the area
of crushing plants. However, they do highlight
some of the procedures which have been found
through long experience to improve safety
conditions around Crushers and crushing
plants. Nordberg will welcome inquiries
regarding other suggested safety procedures
for use around their Crushers and related
Proper safety precautions start with the initial
installation of the Crusher. Crushers are driven someone working below. Do not fasten the
either by V-belts or by direct couplings to operator’s platform to the Crusher.
Crusher-sheaves in particular are designed for BE LOCKED OUT WHENEVER ANYONE
maximum rim speeds. If these speeds are IS WORKING ON IT. Each maintenance man
exceeded it is possible that the sheave could who normally works on a Crusher should be
explode and cause severe injury or even death. provided with his own personal padlock with
only one key. When he works on any assembly
Since the speed of the Crusher is quite of the Crusher, he should use this padlock to
important for proper operation, most V-belt lock out the electrical controls for the Crusher.
drive guards usually have a small opening It is most important that only one key be
immediately opposite the center of the crusher provided for the lock and that key must be in
drive shaft so that a tachometer can be inserted the pocket of the person who is working on the
to occasionally check the speed of the Crusher. If more than one person works on the
eccentric shaft. This opening should be Crusher, each should have his own lock and
covered with an access door or hatch. key at separate lockout stations for the controls
OPERATOR’S PLATFORM of the Crusher. Accidental start-up of crushing
Since periodic inspection and maintenance equipment with men in the immediate area can
must be performed on each Crusher, IT IS be responsible for many accidents on what was
IMPORTANT THAT SOME TYPE OF supposedly a "clear" machine.
CONVENIENT FOR THE MAINTENANCE Crushers, like any other type of mechanical
MEN WHO MUST INSPECT AND WORK equipment, require norm al peri odic
ON THE CRUSHER. A good operator’s maintenance if the operator is to get the most
platform constructed of "solid" floor plate for his money from the use of the machine.
should have hand railings, toe plates and wire One of the most flagrant Crusher safety
mesh or expanded metal between the platform violations is the use of inadequate and unsafe
and the top of the hand railing to prevent tools lifting equipment. Although a Crusher is not a
from dropping off the platform and hitting finely tuned piece of equipment, such as an
automobile engine, the internal parts of a quickly vaporize the hydraulic fluid as it
Cr usher should be assembled and reaches the atmosphere. This vaporized fluid
disassembled with crane facilities that have the can quickly become a mass of flames, resulting
capability of gently and slowly lifting and in severe burns for personnel in the immediate
lowering the various parts that make up a area. ALL MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL
MATERIALS HANDLING DEVICES Then adequate precautions be made to avoid
SUCH AS CABLES, SLINGS, SPREADER contact with these components. Rubber lined
BARS, ETC. SUBTRACT THE WEIGHT OF hoses are not immune to the torch cutting
ALL THESE TO FIND THE TRUE WEIGHT equipment which is used in normal plant
OF THE LOAD THAT CAN BE HANDLED maintenance procedures.
SAFELY. Chain falls should be considered
only as a last resort to assemble and CONVEYOR BELTS
disassemble a Crusher. When it comes to DO NOT USE CONVEYOR BELTS AS
safety, the best should be used. WALKWAYS. Conveyor belts leading to and
from the Crusher should be provided with
MOBILE CRANES walkways alongside the conveyor. Always
WHEN USING A MOBI LE CRANE, provide hand rails along the conveyor belt
ALWAYS OP ERATE WITHIN THE walkway as an added safety precaution.
TIPPING. Safe ratings are based on operating If the crushing plant consists of portable
the crane on firm, level ground; outriggers equipment, that is, crushing and screening
should be properly extended and/or lowered equipment mounted on trailers, trailer footing
whenever possible. Avoid fast swings, hoists or cribbing is extremely important for safe
or sudden braking; these can cause overloads. operation. Check your footing. Your machine
Do not handle large, heavy loads in strong should be on a solid and level a footing as
winds. possible. Use heavy timber mats as needed.
Trailers must be raised so that trailer wheels
When moving your crane, check bridges do not touch the ground. Place screw jacks at
before crossing, make sure they will support each corner of the trailer or as near the corner
the weight of the machine. Check clearances as possible. All four jacks must be an equal
under bridges for overhead electrical lines or distance from each end. Adjust each jack until
any overhead obstruction. the unsupported portion of the trailer beams
stop vibrating or until vibrations are reduced
Check your hitcher, be sure he’s clear before to a minimum. NEVER leave your trailer in a
starting lift. Make certain he securely attaches low spot where rains may wash out your
the load. footing.
One of the most frequently used tools around FOOTING FOR STABILITY
the Crusher is the cutting torch. Crushers
which ar e equi pped wi th hydraulic When moving your trailer, check bridges
components should have these components before crossing, make sure they will support
depressurized and adequately covered with the weight of the machine. Check clearances
flame-proof material so that sparks, weld under bridges, for overhead lines or any
spatter, etc., cannot reach these areas. overhead obstruction. NEVER TRAVEL
Ruptured high pressure hydraulic lines will WITH NEAR-CAPACITY LOADS, CHECK
1. Diesel engine
2. Tracks
3. Crusher
4. Feeder
5. Main conveyor
6. Side conveyor (optional)
7. Magnetic separator (optional)
A. Charging
B. Coolant temperature
C. Oil pressure
D. Hydr. oil temperature
E. Hydr. oil level
F. Hydr. oil filter
G. Glowing
1. Emergency stop
2. Capacity
3. Feeder stop
4. Feeder start
5. Setting (optional)
Check the crusher V-belt tensions. The belt 5.2 STARTING THE DIESEL ENGINE
deflection is 22 mm (4/5") and the force is 50
N (figure 5.1.3). Start the diesel engine as follows:
1. Turn the main switch on.
Ensure that the machine is operated only in 2. Turn the key switch to "ON" position.
safe manner and when in good mechanical 3. Make sure that the safety and emergency
condition. Ensure that the machine is standing circuit is operational.
properly and will not overturn. 4. Make sure that the temperature and level
The operation of the machine must only be of the coolant water in the diesel
allowed, when all necessary protective and engine are normal.
safety devices, e.g. guards, emergency stop 5. Wait the self moutoring period. (10s.)
devices, silencers, aspirators etc. are in place When charging voltage & oil pressure
and in operating condition. light are on.
6. Turn the key switch to start position and
Before starting the machine, ensure that there wait untill the diesel motor starts.
are no persons in the area whose safety may be NOTE: 20 sec glowing delay.
endangered! Walk around the machine and
ensure that there is nobody on, by or below the
machine. Warn everybody in the vicinity NOTE! Hold the key switch at start position
before starting. untill diesel engine starts.
Figure 5.5.2. Ensure that the suction valves of the hydraulic tank are open.
Figure 6.3.3 The LT105 can be moved in either direction using drive controls
NOTE! Make sure that there is nobody in the If no crushing is required, stop the engine as
area before driving. Avoid sudden and instructed in chapter 5.3.
unpredictable moves while driving.
If you start crushing, see section 5.2.
Driving speed can be regulated by adjusting
the engine speed between min - max rpm, Some hints to make turning the LT105
using the throttle. easier:
NOTE ! During longer moves (over 100 m / — LT105 turns easier on hard than soft
328 f) LT105 must be driven feeder end first. ground.
That is to keep the track chain tight and to — If the LT105 can not be turned when
prevent the chain from jumping over drive driving uphill, drive a short way
pulley teeth. downhill turning the unit at the same
NOTE! During longer mo ves observe — If unit is equiped with three speed
hydraulic oil temperature continuously. Oil ranges the best turning with slow &
temperature should not exceed 90°C(194°F). krowl speeds
If the oil is too hot, it may damage the seals.
— Low loader, min capacity 40 t.
6.5 DRIVING ONTO/OFF LOW The LT105 may be driven onto the trailer
LOADER/TRAILER forwards or backwards depending on trailer
Drive LT105 onto and off loader/trailer very
Fix suitable ramp against the trailer so that the
maximum inclination does not exceed 1 in 4
when driving the LT105 up onto the trailer.
The LT105 should be located near the material The location where the crusher is to be placed
pile to make loading easy and fast. Shape the must be even. The machine must not sway.
feed material pile with the wheel loader or The surface below the crusher must be leveled
excavator so that it is in small area and high off. Spread some fine material on the ground,
enough for easy loading (figure 7.1.1). then rub it smooth (figure 7.1.3). After that
make it solid by driving the LT105 forward
The location of the discharge pile must be and back on location (figure 7.1.4).
chosen so that it doesn’t cause any danger to
workers or passers-by. Ensure that there is
enough space for the discharge pile, discharge
machinery (wheel loader or excavator) and
lorry (figure 7.1.2).
Figure 7.1.1 Shape the material pile first Figure 7.1.2 General arrangement of the site.
Figure 7.1.3 Spread some fine material on the Figure 7.1.4 Make the ground solid by driving
ground, then rub it smooth. the LT105 forward and back on location.
Whilst crushing the LT105 must be level. The For service purposes it is good to have a hole
maximum inclination allowed is 1 degree under the LT105 (figures 7.1.7).
sideways and 2 degrees lengthways (figures
7.1.5 and 7.1.6).
max. 1°
Figure 7.1.5 During crushing the maximum Figure 7.1.6 During crushing the maximum
inclination allowed is 1 degree sideways. inclination allowed is 2 degrees lengthways.
Figure 7.1.7 Make a hole under the LT105 for
service purposes.
The LT105 can be loaded with an excavator
or wheel loader.
— Wheel loader
— Stack conveyor
— Additional process
— Lokotrack (secondary) h
— Turn hydraulic output switch/on — Turn hydraulic output switch/on
— Remove transport locking — Remove crushing position. Lockink
Lift slightly conveyor to allow easy pin at their places
locking pin removed Lift slightly conveyor to allow easy
— Turn the conveyor drivehead to locking pin removed
crushing position — Lower the conveyor drivehead to
— Mount locking pins at their places. transport position
Head of the pin must be inside the — Mount transport lockings at their
conveyor frame places
— Reset trip wire switchies. — Switch hydraulic output switch OFF
Adjust tighness if needed
— Secure side rubber position at the
both joint
— Switch hydraulic output switch OFF
NOTE! Drive the LT105 extremely carefully to low bed due to reduced ground clearance at
coveyor end.
Figure 7.4.1 Turn the side conveyor down by connecting driver control to plug located
in hydraulic module
Turn the side walls of the feed hopper up and Turn the rear wall of the feed hopper up. Lock
lock them with the wedges and chains (figure it first with lower wedge. Then fasten the
7.4.2). Fasten the first wedge of the right hand upper wedges and lock them with bolts (figure
side from the service platform and the left 7.4.3).
hand side standing on the tracks. Don’t go
under the wall. Remove the transport locking of the feeder
figure 7.4.4).
Figure 7.4.3 Turn the rear wall of the feed Figure 7.4.4 Remove the transport locking of
hopper up the feeder.
See the crusher instruction manual for further
The material flow under the feeder grizzles
can be directed to the main conveyor 3
(fig.7.5.1), to the optional side conveyor
(fig.7.5.2) or to the optional screen deck
(fig.7.5.3). Turn the lever to change the flow
direction. When using center position, lock the
lever with a bolt.
Figure 7.5.3 The material flow is screened and
directed either to the side conveyor (passing)
or to the main conveyor.
The feeder can be stopped and restarted again Increase the capacity, i.e. the speed of the
during the crushing process. The starting and feeder by turning the "capacity" regulator
stopping buttons of the feeder are located in slowly clockwise until the desired feeder
the control box on the service platform. If the speed has been reached.
machine has radio control (optional), the Decrease the capacity, i.e. the feeder speed by
feeder can be started and stopped with radio turning the regulator counterclockwise.
NOTE! When the process is running, the
Stop and restart the feeder as follows: automatic control takes care of stopping and
1. Stop the feeder during the crushing restarting the feeder if the crusher speed
process by pressing the "feeder stop" decreases or the level indicator (optional) of
button. the crusher gives an alarm.
2. Restart the feeder after it has stopped NOTE! Feeder’s too big feeding capacity can
completely by pressing the "feeder cause falling of rocks over the flanks of
start" button. hoppers.
Note! Never try to clear the blockage with the Always stop the machine (feeder, crusher,
excavator. conveyors and engine) before removing
metal from it. Ensure that it can not be started
If the crusher stops, follow these instructions: during removing metal from it.
— Stop the process immediately Use the hook to remove iron bars and wires.
— The machine is equipped with the over run Be very careful not to hurt yourself. Never use
panels that can be used to overrun hook when the machine is running.
interlocks and use separately the crusher,
feeder, main conveyor and magnetic
separator without starting the whole
process. The buttons are located in the
separate overrun controlbox. The device
will run when the swich is turned on down
and stop immediately when the switch
turned off.
— The engine rpm. must be adjusted
manually to max. From cable control unit.
— Feeder speed can not be adjusted, It runs
at max speed.
— Connect the overrun controlbox.
— Make sure the main conveyor is running.
— Clear the blockage by swinging the
crusher pitman to both directions until it
turns over on reverse direction.
In recycling applications the metal objects NOTE! The crushing process must be
should be removed from the feed before stopped when using the hydraulic output. The
entering the crusher. hydraulic output switch must be in STOP
position before restarting the side conveyor
A man should stand beside the feeder and and the feeder.
collect the metal pieces. Be very careful when
touching the feed material. The feeder must INTERMEDIATE CABLE FOR
be stopped when removing large objects. SECONDARY UNIT
Never go to the feeder. Unit is equipped with 6-pin socket allowing
The most efficient way is to prepare the feed information transfer between primary and
material and remove all the metal from it secondary unit. Socket X140 has three
before loading it to the LT105. different functions:
The optional magnetic separator can be used Intermediate cable is optional. (Order no:
for the removal of small metal objects. 923909)
Carry out periodical maintenance according to given operating hours rather than given period.
Note: Grease lubrification specification NLGI EP 2.
Every 12 months
Every 6 months
When needed
Every 12 months
Every 6 months
When needed
Check the side guide plates and the
protection rubber of the toggle plate.
Every 12 months
Every 6 months
When needed
Check for any wear on the contact
surfaces between the side plates and X
cheek plates.
Lubrification 10g/200h/bearing X
Every 12 months
Every 6 months
When needed
Check the fixing bolts of all
Change oil X
See the crusher instruction manual for further — Teboil Tebo Hydraulic Oil 32 S
In su mmer time e.g. in hot climate
conditions, when the ambient temperature
8.3 HYDRAULICS exceeds +35°C(95°F), the use of a special
hydraulic oil of ISO VG 68 class is
Basic requirements for the hydraulic oil
recommended. The max. allowable operating
temperature with this oil type is about
— viscosity index should be min. 150 +90°C(194°F) and min. allowable
— min. viscosity 16 cSt at operating starting temperature is about -10°C
temperature (14°F).
— max. viscosity 1000 cSt at starting
temperature Attached some examples of oil brands
meeting these requirements:
Unless otherwise mentioned, the factory fill — BP Energol SHF 68
oil is a special hydraulic oil of ISO VG 46 — Mobil DTE 16
cl ass. Th e m ax . all owab le o perat ing — Teboil Tebo Hydraulic Oil 68
temperature with this oil type is about +80°C
(176°F) and m in. al lowabl e start ing
temperature is about -20°C(-4°F), which Oil amount is 400 litres (105.7 gal) .
makes it suitable for use all year round in 8.3.1 HYDRAULIC ADJUSTMENTS
most operating conditions.
All components are set to operate at optimal
Attached some examples of oil brands speed. If adjustments is needed it is allowed
meeting these requirements: only for Nordberg authorizet person.
— BP Energol SHF 46 Factory set speeds:
— Esso Univis N 46
— Shell Tellus Oil T 46 Crusher 300 rpm
— Teboil Tebo Hydraulic Oil 46 Main conveyor 1,7-2,0 m/s
— Mobil DTE 15 (5,6-6.6 f/s)
Side conveyor 2,4-2,6 m/s
(7,7-8,5 f/s)
In winter time e.g. in cold climate conditions, Magnet conveyor 1,5-1,7 m/s
when the operating temperature of the oil stays (4,9-5,6 f/s)
below +60°C (140°F), the use of a special
hydraulic oil of ISO VG 3 2 class is
recommended. The max. allowable operating
temperature with this oil type is about +65°C
(149°F) and m in. al lowabl e start ing
temperature is about -30°C (86°F).
Attached some examples of oil brands
meeting these requirements:
— BP Energol SHF 32
— Esso Univis N 32
— Mobil DTE 13
— Shell Tellus Oil T 32
Change final drive oil after first 150 operating The fuel level can be checked from the fuel
hours. After that every 1500 operating hours. gauge in the control panel (figure 8.5.1). Fuel
Oil amount is 4.5l (1.2 gal). Oil quality is ISO tank capasity 600l (160gal).
VG 220.
8.8 Tracks
— Check track chains are properly Frame
tensioned (figure 8.8.1). Adjust as Check the welded structure for cracks or weld
necessary. See the correct chain failures, and carry out any necessary repairs as
deflection in the drawing 8.8.1. soon as possible.
Measure in the middle of main pulley
and idler. To tension tracks pump Track shoe bolt torque
more grease into regulating cylinder — With lubricant:
with a grease gun. Correspondingly, 304-358 Nm / 220-259 lbs/Ft
the tracks are loosened by letting
grease flow out through the opened
grease nipple and moving the — Without lubricant:
Lokotrack if needed. 365-430 Nm / 264-311 lbs/Ft
— Check track shoes for damage.
FIGURE 8.8.1 Check track chains are properly tensioned. The correct deflection (X) is 35 mm
Only skilled and experienced mechanics must Do not check for leaks with a bare hand, use
be allowed to service the plant. suitable cleaning cloth.
In any work related to the operation, Never adjust any hydraulic valve beyond the
adaptation to manufacture, conversion or pressure recommended by the manufacturer.
adjustment of the Lokotrack and its safety
equipmen t, as wel l as to inspection, Always ensure adequate ventilation when
maintenance and repair, observe starting and running the engine in a confined area.
stopping procedures in accordance with the
Instruction Manual and any indications Remember that some solvent qualities may
relating to maintenance work! cause skin irritation and may be extremely
inflammable. Avoid breathing of solvent
Secure extensively, as far as necessary, the fumes.
area of maintenance works!
Service facilities must be kept clean. Oil and
In case the Lokotrack is completely switched water can make floors slippery and highly
off during maintenance and repair works, it dangerous. Avoid severely soiled clothing,
must be safeguarded against unexpected they can be a fire hazard.
switchin g-o n. Lo ck -up main starting
equipment, draw off keys and affix a hazard Keep the Lokotrack and equipment free from
pictorial at the main switch. oil spillage and dust. A clean machine reduces
the fire risk and simplifies visual checks for
Smoking and any open flame is prohibited in components requiring attention.
the immediate area of the machine when
refuelling or servicing the fuel system. Be careful when using pressure cleaning
equi pment. Even low pressures and
In case of fire: temperatures can damage wire insulation.
— Move the Lokotrack away from the Check wiring for signs of abrasion damage or
dangerous area chaffing. This can cause short circuits and fire.
— Stop the engine
— Turn off the main switch Check hydraulic hoses for abrasion damage or
— Start fire fighting and give the alarm if chaffing.
Never weld or gr ind containers of
Diesel fuel is flammable - do not use as inflammable liquids.
cleaning fluid. Use solvents of accepted
quality only. Always have a fire extinguisher on hand when
carrying out welding or grinding operations.
Always stop the engine during maintenance
unless it is mentioned in the instruction Noti fy the location and use of fire
manual to keep the engine running. extinguishers.
Charging circuit
Starter circuit
— Check and tighten connections regularly.
Normally the starter circuit requires little
— The alternator requires only periodic attention, but all components should be kept
attention. clean and electrical connections tight. The
batteries are an essential part of the electrical
It is important to strictly follow the system and are required to be kept fully
instructions for protecting the alternator: charged, clean and topped up properly to
maintain the acid level. Battery cables must
— Do not remove battery cables or any other also be checked for tightness and kept clean
connections in the charging circuit while and greased.
the engine is running.
— Whenever the batteries are charged using If any welding is to be done on the machine,
an external source, the earth lead to the care must be taken to protect sensitive
frame must be disconnected from the electrical equipment.
battery. When reconnecting batteries,
using jumper leads or a charger, be sure to — Stop the engine.
identify the correct polarities.
— Turn the main switch OFF.
— Always disconnect the batteries when
servicing the electrical equipment of the — Disconnect the earth lead to the batteries.
— Fasten the earth cable of the welding
— Do not cause a short circuit in any part of apparatus as close to the part to be welded,
the system, nor take a test reading with an as possible and make sure that no welding
instrument with low internal resistance. current is able to pass through any bearings
or electrical equipment.
If auxiliary batteries are used to assist engine
start, make sure that:
Engine stops
Emergency stop button has been pushed Check
Engine coolant water level too low (1 minute delay) Add water
Crusher stops
Belts broken Change belts
Feeder stops
Crusher cavity full and the level
switch (option) gives alarm Empty cavity
1. General symbols
13. Running hours 14. Lifting point 15. Noise signal 16. Level
17. Belt conveyor 18. Feeding 20. Check 21. Max. temperature
2. Electric symbols
3. Lights
4. Engine
5. Starting of engine
5. Fuel refill
5. Fuel
5. Oil filter
6. Engine oil
7. Cooler system
8. Transmission oil
9. Hydraulic oil
If a dangerous situation occurs, pull the nearest emergency stop cable or push an emergency stop
button. After pulling an emergency stop cable, the trip switch will remain engaged and a signal
light will show. To reset, push the button in the switch. To reset an emergency stop button, pull
the red button to its outer position. Before restarting the machine ensure the area is clear around
the unit and that no one will be endangered by your action. Start the machine according to the
instruction manual.
Waste materials, such as oil, battery acids and cleaning fluids etc. must be removed carefully
using suitable containers to prevent any hazard to people, animals or environment. The hazardous
material must be removed to a suitable waste collection plant for disposal or recycling.
The Manufacturer has not provided this machine with a fire extinguisher, and recommends that
the user equips the machine with an extinguisher of a type approved by his local authorities.
Inflammable materials used in the construction and use of this machine include: diesel and
lubricating oils, conveyor belting and skirts, electrical cables and fittings, etc.
Whenever a machine is taken out of use, being dismantled or disposed of, all hazardous materials,
such as oils, battery acids, fuels etc. must be carefully removed first to eliminate any danger to
life and the environment. The hazardous materials must be removed to a suitable waste collection
plant for disposal or recycling. Dispose of the machine so that there is no danger to life or the
Noise levels in excess of 85 dBA around the Lokotrack while running are shown in the diagram
below. Ear protection must be worn in this area.
If the machine is used for recycling, pay attention to the following:
Break the feed material small enough and cut the metal bars to 0.5 - 1 metres long depending
on the machine. Too long bars may damage the conveyor belt.
Remove the metal objects from the feed, if possible. At least remove the loose metal. The
metal objects larger than the crusher setting must not enter the crusher. When removing the
metal objects be very careful. Never go to the feeder when the machine is running. Observe
the feed material. Never let the uncrushable objects enter the crusher.
Be very careful when clearing the blocking. Stop the machine and use safety valve or switch
during clearing.