Modulation of Plant Defense System in Response To
Modulation of Plant Defense System in Response To
Modulation of Plant Defense System in Response To
At different stages throughout their life cycle, plants often encounter several pathogenic
microbes that challenge plant growth and development. The sophisticated innate plant
immune system prevents the growth of harmful microbes via two interconnected
defense strategies based on pathogen perception. These strategies involve microbe-
associated molecular pattern-triggered immunity and microbial effector-triggered
immunity. Both these immune responses induce several defense mechanisms for
restricting pathogen attack to protect against pathogens and terminate their growth.
Plants often develop immune memory after an exposure to pathogens, leading to
systemic acquired resistance. Unlike that with harmful microbes, plants make friendly
interactions with beneficial microbes for boosting their plant immune system. A spike in
recent publications has further improved our understanding of the immune responses in
Edited by:
Zuhua He,
plants as triggered by interactions with microbes. The present study reviews our current
Center for Excellence in Molecular understanding of how plant–microbe interactions can activate the sophisticated plant
Plant Sciences (CAS), China
immune system at the molecular level. We further discuss how plant-microbe interaction
Reviewed by:
boost the immune system of plants by demonstrating the examples of Mycorrhizal and
Yang Bai,
Max Planck Institute for Plant Rhizobial association and how these plant-microbe interactions can be exploited to
Breeding Research, Germany engineer disease resistance and crop improvement.
Suomeng Dong,
Nanjing Agricultural University, China Keywords: plant immunity, innate immunity, microbe-associated molecular pattern-triggered immunity, effector-
triggered immunity, mycorrhiza-induced resistance, beneficial microbes
Resna Nishad
Plants encounter a wide range of microorganisms throughout their lifetime, and their interactions
Specialty section: with these microorganisms can be either beneficial or deleterious, resulting in the establishment
This article was submitted to of mutualistic or pathogenic interactions, respectively (Thrall et al., 2007; Rodriguez et al., 2019).
Plant Pathogen Interactions, To respond to various beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms, plants can modulate their
a section of the journal innate immune system based on the mechanism induced by the microbes and exhibit appropriate
Frontiers in Microbiology
responses (Pieterse et al., 2014). Plants possess a sophisticated immune response strategy that
Received: 26 November 2019 can be expressed either constitutively or following a microbial challenge. Once a microorganism
Accepted: 20 May 2020
overcomes these protectant barriers, it establishes a consistent interaction with the plant, leading to
Published: 03 July 2020
either a beneficial association or a disease.
Citation: Mutualistic associations can induce immune responses against other microorganisms. In
Nishad R, Ahmed T, Rahman VJ
addition, detrimental microbial associations trigger immune system induction but against
and Kareem A (2020) Modulation
of Plant Defense System in Response
themselves. Although various pathogens exist in the surrounding soil, water, and air, the total loss
to Microbial Interactions. of a crop to disease is not common. This reflects the plant’s defense systems and natural biocontrol
Front. Microbiol. 11:1298. processes to control pathogens. Recently, the role of beneficial non-pathogenic microbes in the
doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01298 defense priming of host plants has been reported (Dey et al., 2014; Martínez-Hidalgo et al., 2015;
Singh et al., 2016), which suggest that plant immunity is lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are examples of conserved MAMPs
induced if a successful interaction is achieved via non- present in microbes.
pathogenic microbes. Mycorrhizal and rhizobial associations are Given that MTI is an important immune response in plants,
important examples of immune responses induced by beneficial great attention has been paid to understand the recognition
microbial associations. However, detailed studies are warranted mechanism of MAMPs by PRRs and the complex network
to understand how the mutualistic plant–microbe association underlying signaling events. PRRs usually are plasma membrane-
induces plant immunity to develop new disease control measures bound proteins such as receptor-like kinases (RLKs) or receptor-
in the field of agriculture. The use of beneficial microbes to like proteins (RLP) with extracellular domains. FLAGELLIN-
induce plant defense response against pathogenic microbes will INSENSITIVE 2 (FLS2) and elongation factor-Tu (EFR) are PRRs
be an ecofriendly alternative to hazardous chemical pesticides in that recognize flagellin epitope (flg22) and bacterial elongation
disease management. This review discusses various types of plant factor-Tu epitope (elf18), respectively (Bauer et al., 2001; Zipfel
defense responses modulated by plant interactions with diverse et al., 2006). Chitin elicitor receptor kinase 1 (CERK1) is another
microbial communities and outlines the possible strategies to example of a PRRs that perceives fungal chitin and bacterial
boost plant immunity. peptidoglycan (Miya et al., 2007; Willmann et al., 2011).
FLAGELLIN-INSENSITIVE 2, belonging to the RLK family,
is a well-studied PRR in Arabidopsis. FLS2 requires G protein for
innate immune signaling (Liang et al., 2016). Trusov and Botella
PLANT DEFENSE RESPONSES (2012) have reported the involvement of G protein in plant
defense, and since then researchers have vested interest toward
Innate Immunity G protein. Unlike animal G proteins, plant G proteins are self-
Plants block a majority of microbes at the front line by a activating and thus independent of G protein-coupled receptors,
non-host resistance strategy. It involves physical barriers they are coupled to receptor kinases, including FLS2 (Urano and
such as waxy cuticles, rigid cell walls, and antimicrobial Jones, 2014; Liang et al., 2016). Upon perceiving flg22, FLS2
secondary metabolites. The pathogens that successfully forms a dynamic complex by recruiting the coreceptor—BRI1-
overcome these barriers have to encounter the efficient associated receptor kinase (BAK1), receptor-like cytoplasmic
plant immune system terminating the progression of microbial kinase Botrytis-induced kinase 1(BIK1), and G protein—that
colonization. Unlike mammals, plants do not have a somatic activates defense responses (Liang et al., 2016). Liang et al.
adaptive immune system with mobile defender cells. Instead, (2018) recently reported that the regulator of G protein signaling
they depend on each cell exerting innate immunity, with 1(RGS1), a GTPase accelerating protein, maintains an inactive
systemic signals emerging from the infected cells and the state of G proteins in complex with FLS2. Flg22-induced
ability of plant cells to remember previous infections (Reimer- activation of FLS2 leads to BIK1-mediated phosphorylation
Michalski and Conrath, 2016). The currently adopted zig-zag of RGS1, which in turn results in the dissociation of RGS1
coevolutionary model describes two branches of molecular from the FLS2–G protein complex. Upon relieving the RGS1-
defense strategies (Jones and Dangl, 2006). The first branch mediated repression of G protein, positive regulation of immune
utilizes the recognition of the microbe or pathogen or signaling occurs.
damage-associated molecular patterns (MAMP/PAMP/DAMP) Upon MAMP perception, ROS burst occurs rapidly
through plant cell surface-anchored pattern recognition via RBOHD, an NADPH oxidase. BIK1 directly phosphorylates
receptors (PRRs) to induce a set of responses such as MAMP- RBOHD to prime flg22- induced ROS (Li L. et al., 2014).
triggered immunity (MTI), PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI), RBOHD produces membrane-impermeable superoxide (O− 2 ),
and DAMP-triggered immunity collectively referred to as and superoxide dismutase (SOD) converts this O− 2 into H 2 2 in
pattern−triggered immunity (PTI; Saijo et al., 2018). The apoplasts (Podgórska et al., 2017). H2 O2 enters into the cytosol
second branch utilizes the recognition of microbial effectors, and induces cytosolic Ca2+ elevation (Yuan et al., 2017).
the virulence factors that suppress MTI, through resistance Influx of extracellular Ca2+ in the cytosol (also known as
(R) proteins to initiate effector-triggered immunity (ETI). The 2+
Ca burst that is positively regulated by BIK1) is an earliest
activation of these immune responses triggers a cascade of response to MAMP perception (Jeworutzki et al., 2010). Ca2+
complex signaling events, leading to suppression of pathogen activates phospholipase C that releases a downstream secondary
attacks (Figure 1). messenger that leads to further Ca2+ release (Li L. et al., 2014).
Ca2+ binds to a sensor molecule (calmodulin or Ca2+ -dependent
MTI protein kinases). The activated sensor molecule phosphorylates
To understand the first branch of immune response, we will the protein kinase, leading to either the expression of the defense
focus on MTI. The plant membrane receptors—PRRs—recognize gene or activation of the enzyme for metabolite production.
MAMPs to induce MTI, thereby resulting in rapid calcium Ca2+ influx activates the H+ /K+ ion fluxes and also Cl− , K+ ,
influx, reactive oxygen species (ROS, also known as the oxidative and NO− 3 efflux which leads to extracellular alkanization and
burst) accumulation, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) depolarization of the plasma membrane (Jeworutzki et al., 2010).
phosphorylation cascades, cell wall alterations, and defense gene Even though Ca2+ induced immune signaling response has been
expressions (Windram and Denby, 2015; de Lorenzo et al., studied, the underlying mechanisms of PRR induced Ca2+ entry
2018). Bacterial flagellin, elongation factor, fungal chitin, and remained unclear until the recent study by Tian et al. (2019).
FIGURE 1 | Schematic representation of microbial resistance in plants MAMP (e.g., bacterial flagellin flg22 and fungal chitin) recognition by receptor-like kinases
(RLK; a PRR) triggers mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades, eventually resulting in MAMP-triggered immunity (MTI). Another PRR, receptor-like protein
(RLP, e.g., RLP23), perceives MAMP or pattern-associated molecular patterns (PAMP), and induces pattern-triggered immunity (PTI). Necrosis and
ethylene–inducing peptide 1 (NEP1)–like proteins (NLPs) are examples of PAMP, which are recognized by RLP23. To counteract plant defense responses, pathogen
release effectors into plant cells. Bacteria secrete and deliver effector proteins into plant cells via type III secretion system (T3SS), whereas fungi and oomycetes
secrete effectors via haustoria. Once plant resistance protein coiled–coil (CC) NLR (known as CNL) and Toll-interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) NLR (known as TNL)
recognize the effector activity inside the cell, effector-triggered immune responses (ETI) will be induced. The extracellular LRR protein—polygalacturonase-inhibiting
protein (PGIP)—interacts with microbial polygalacturonase (PG), which slow down the plant pectin degradation and results in the formation of oligogalacturonides
(OG), a damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMP). DAMP perception by PRR triggers DAMP-triggered immune responses (DPI).
In plant cell, calmodulin blocks CNGC2-CNGC4 Ca2+ channels by resistant genes recognize these effectors or their activity
and remains closed in the resting state. Upon pathogen attack, and induce ETI (Dangl and Jones, 2001). NLR proteins belong
BIK1 phosphorylates C-terminal cytosolic domain of CNGC4 to signal transduction adenosine triphosphatases (ATPases)
and activates the channel, which results in the increased cytosolic with numerous domains (STANDs) including a conserved
calcium concentration (Tian et al., 2019). tripartite domain structure that contains a conserved central
Mitogen-activated protein kinase activation occurs in a few NB and oligomerization domain, a C-terminal LRR domain,
minutes (2–3 min after flg22 perception) within the same and a non-conserved N-terminal domain. The central NB
time frame as the Ca2+ burst. MAPK activation leads to and oligomerization domain can be further divided into
phosphorylation of ethylene (ET)-dependent transcription factor a helical domain (HD1), a winged-helix domain (WHD),
(TF), activation of ET responsive genes, and synthesis of ET and an NB domain (NBD). NLR proteins are divided into
(Jagodzik et al., 2018). Bigeard et al. (2015) have extensively two groups based on their N-terminal domain: coiled coil
reviewed MAPK-triggered immunity in plants. MAPK activation (CC)–NLRs and Toll-interleukin-1 receptor (TIR)–NLRs. CC-
leads to phosphorylation of several TFs that regulates several containing NLR are called as CNLs and TIR domain containing
genes such as those involved in salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic NLRs known as TNLs.
acid (JA), and ET signaling as well as antimicrobial compound The activation of plant NLRs cease pathogen proliferation by
production. Finally, this complex signaling network results inducing different immune responses including Ca2+ signaling,
in plant-induced defenses. FLS2 receptor complex-induced nitric oxide and ROS production, alteration in membrane
signaling mechanism is illustrated in Figure 2. For clarity, trafficking, transcriptional reprogram of defense genes, and
Arabidopsis thaliana FLS2 has been considered as a model. program cell death called hypersensitive response (Grant et al.,
2000; Gao et al., 2013; Caplan et al., 2015). JA and SA
ETI accumulation, antimicrobial molecule and hydrolytic enzyme
To counteract MTI, pathogen releases effector protein into production, and callose deposition at the site of infection are also
the host cell that leads to effector-triggered susceptibility. detected as a result of effector perception.
Intracellular immune receptors, namely nucleotide binding (NB) Plant NLRs function as molecular switch with ADP-bound
leucine rich -rich repeat (LRR) receptor (NLR) proteins, encoded autoinhibited “off ” state and ATP-bound activated “on” state
FIGURE 2 | Schematic representation of MAMP-PRR-induced signaling events. Upon flg22 (MAMP) perception by FLS2 (PRR), an immune response complex is
rapidly formed. The receptor complex (FLS2, BIK1, BAK1, and G protein) perceives flg22 and induces active FLS2–BAK1 receptor complex formation and
BIK1-dependent phosphorylation of RGS1, which results in dissociation of RGS1 from G proteins and FLS2. The release of RGS1 from G protein leads to the
spontaneous conversion of GαGDP into GαGTP . Ca2+ influx occurs as an earliest response of MAMP perception. Ca2+ influx activates H+ /K+ exchange. Ca2+
activates phospholipase C that releases a downstream secondary messenger, leading to further release of Ca2+ . The activation of phospholipase C (PLC) either by
G protein or Ca2+ leads to the breakdown of phosphatidyl-4, 5-bisphosphate into diglyceride (DAG) and inositol 3-phosphate, eventually causing structural
instability. BIK1 phosphorylates the NADPH oxidase (RBOHD), leading to reactive oxygen species burst. The activated sensor molecule phosphorylates the protein
kinase that leads either to expression of the defense gene or activation of the enzyme for metabolite production. MAPK cascade leads to phosphorylation of
transcription factor (TF) and activation of salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), and ethylene (ET) signaling. Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade also
result in production and secretion of antimicrobial compounds.
(Hu et al., 2013). Intracellular interaction between CC or TIR Even though plant NLRs induce program cell death similar to
and LRR keep the NLR protein in an inactive state. Direct animal NLR, the signaling mediator such as caspases have not
or indirect recognition of effector triggers opening of NLR been identified in plants. However, it was not known whether
protein, alters intramolecular interaction, relieves inhibition, plant NLR oligomerize upon activation. The recent report of
and causes exchange of ADP for ATP, followed by activation of Arabidopsis coiled-coil (CC)–NLR protein HOPZ-ACTIVATED
NLR protein which triggers downstream signaling (Zhang et al., RESISTANCE 1 (ZAR1) forming oligomeric state or the
2017; Kourelis and van der Hoorn, 2018). NLR mutation and “resistosome” provided the insight of plant NLR function (Wang
swap experiments support the key role of variable C-terminal et al., 2019a,b). ZAR1 indirectly recognizes the bacterial effector
LRR domain in the effector recognition (Krasileva et al., 2010; proteins through an association with pseudokinase known
Ravensdale et al., 2012). as resistance-related kinase 1 (RKS1). ZAR1-RKS1 complex
NLR induce ETI either by directly recognizing effectors or indirectly recognizes Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris
indirectly recognizing host proteins that have been modified by effector AvrAC (uridylyl transferase). AvrAC first uridylylates
effector activity (Dodds et al., 2006; Ade et al., 2007; Wang PBS1-like protein 2 (PBL2), a receptor-like cytoplasmic kinases
et al., 2019a,b). In indirect recognition model, NLR protein (RLCK), it is a decoy protein. Uridylylated PBL2 (referred as
either recognize effector modified host target protein known PBL2UMP ) binds to the ZAR1-RKS1 complex which triggers
as guardee, that is bound to and monitored by NLR protein, conformational change in NB domain and enables ADP to release
or recognize effectors modified plant decoy protein that mimic from inactive ZAR1 which results in nucleotide depleted ZAR1
host target protein (Chung et al., 2014; Li M. et al., 2014; (ZAR1- RKS1-PBL2UMP complex). The ZAR1- RKS1-PBL2UMP
Ntoukakis et al., 2014). Many identified guardee have key complex is still in inactive state; hence, a second signal is required
immune related function such as signaling whereas decoy protein for its activation. ATP or dATP activates ZAR1- RKS1-PBL2UMP
has no measurable resistant function. complex and acts as a best candidate molecule to trigger the
FIGURE 3 | Schematic representation of transition of ZAR1 (a CC-NLR) from inactive to active oligomeric state. ZAR1 maintain inactive state in cells through the
contact of pseudokinase RKS1 and ADP molecule. AvrAC effector from the bacteria uridylate PBL2 (a decoy protein) to PBL2UMP . Uridylation enable binding of
PBL2UMP to RKS1, which cause conformational change, NBD rotate outward, and consequently ADP release from ZAR1. Then ATP or dATP bind to ZAR1-
RKS1-PBL2UMP complex, which further results in second conformational change, fold switching of CC domain. Oligomerization of this complex form pentameric
ZAR1- RKS1-PBL2UMP . As a consequent of structural change, amphipathic α helix release from very N-terminal of ZAR1 and form funnel shaped structure. This
structure may promote ZAR1 association with plasma membrane and result in cell death by affecting plasma membrane integrity.
second signaling step that leads to the oligomerization of the NLR pathogen for the second time in the SAR state activates an
protein. ATP or dATP binding induces second conformational effective immune response (Conrath, 2006) and possibly provides
change which results in NBD rearrangement and restructuring long-lasting protection ranging from weeks to a month and
of CC domain. Then the complex forms a wheel-like pentameric sometimes throughout an entire season. Tissue necrosis caused
active “resistosome.” A funnel-shaped structure formed from by the plant pathogen induces SAR either as a part of HR or as a
the α helices of oligomeric CC domains is essential for plasma symptom of a disease. One of the characteristic features of SAR
membrane association activities and immune signaling. Plasma is the spread of increased resistance to the distal uninoculated
membrane associated resistosome can affect integrity of plasma plant organs on the challenged plant (Adam et al., 2018). Another
membrane or ionic homeostasis (Wang et al., 2019a,b; Figure 3). feature of SAR is its activity against a wide and distinctive range
of pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, oomycetes, and viruses.
SAR is evidence for the existence of plant memory.
SYSTEMIC ACQUIRED RESISTANCE Metabolites such as SA and pipecolic acid (Pip) are vital for
(SAR) SAR, with each one activating different sets of defense-related
genes (Bernsdorff et al., 2016). Recent research demonstrates
Previously challenged (primed) plants exhibit a greater resistance that pathogen induced L-lys catabolic pathway, which generates
against subsequent challenges via a phenomenon known as the N-hydroxypipecolic acid (NHP) from Pip, is central of
systemic acquired resistance (SAR). Encountering with the plant SAR, and flavin-dependent-monooxygenase1 (FMO1) is
a key regulator in the pathway (Chen et al., 2018; Hartmann den Ackerveken, 2011). Transcriptional reprogram of host plants
et al., 2018). NHP is found systemically accumulated upon by pathogen effector molecules to suppress immunity has also
microbial attack. Exogenous application of NHP in Arabidopsis been reported, with transcription activator-like (TAL) effectors
is also found inducing resistance against bacteria and oomycetes. from Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae binding specifically to
Hence metabolic engineering of pipecolic acid pathway in plants promoter sequences called TAL effector binding elements in rice
can be a promising strategy for enhanced disease resistance Xa5 genes to activate transcription of susceptibility genes such as
(Chen et al., 2018). OsSWEET11 and OsSWEET14 (Mak et al., 2013).
Several metabolites that are involved in long-distance In addition to host immunity failure, processes such as
signaling have been identified. Methyl esters of SA (MeSA), attraction to and attachment of the pathogen to the host plant,
dicarboxylic acid, azelaic acid (AzA), and abietane diterpenoid allowance of room for infection structures in the plant cell, and
dehydroabietinal (DA) are some examples of such types of provision of food for the pathogen can contribute to increased
metabolites. It is known that SA is needed to establish systemic plant susceptibility to pathogen (Lapin and Van den Aclerverken,
resistance in distal tissues, and MeSA and DA promote SA 2013). Plant signals promote pathogen development, and this
accumulation in distal leaves. AzA and Pip primes the faster has been widely studied in different plants. Gene expression
and stronger accumulation of SA (Shah and Zeier, 2013). The studies on germinating spores of Colletotrichum higginsianum, a
first convincing evidence for the indispensable role of SA in hemibiotrophic fungus, revealed the effects of host plant signals
SAR came from studies on transgenic tobacco and Arabidopsis on early pathogen development. Transcription of more than
plants that constitutively express bacterial SA hydroxylases. 1,700 genes was induced upon C. higginsianum spore attachment
These plants were unable to accumulate elevated concentrations onto the host plant surface compared with that upon attachment
of SA and consequently could not secure systemic resistance onto an artificial polystyrene surface (O’Connell et al., 2012).
following challenge with necrotizing pathogens (Gaffney et al., Some plant-derived chemicals such as alcohols, aldehydes, fatty
1993; Delaney et al., 1994) possibly because of the destruction acids, and flavonoids attract plant pathogens, promote their
of the SA signal. Pathogen-induced SA signal travels across plant attachment, and finally induce the formation of penetration
cells and activates signal transduction, eventually activating SAR- structures known as appressoria (Lapin and Van den Aclerverken,
inducing gene expression and increasing resistance to subsequent 2013). The release of flavonoids from the plant roots attracts
infection (Gruner et al., 2013). soil-borne pathogens such as Phytophthora spp. (Morris and
Ward, 1992). Plant hormones such as ET from ripening fruits
can induce spore germination and appressorium formation in
HOST IMMUNITY FAILURE LEADING TO C. gloeosporioides (Kolattukudy et al., 1995). Thus, the plant
PLANT DISEASES signal-motivated attraction of pathogenic microbes to the plant
provides a favorable environment for pathogens to cause diseases.
Because each plant species has the natural ability to recognize and Some pathogens manipulate the host cellular machinery
react to pathogen attacks and to resist most potential pathogens by producing toxic substances such as HC toxin that is a
(León and Montesano, 2013), plant diseases are not common histone deacetylase inhibitor produced by the phytopathogenic
in natural ecosystems, particularly in the agroecosystem. Then, fungus Cochliobolus carbonum, which reprograms the host
what causes host immunity failure to precipitate disease? Once transcriptional response to pathogen challenge in maize, causing
a pathogen overcomes the host plant’s defenses, it can harness ineffective immune defense response (Walley et al., 2018). Before
the plant’s primary production and reproduce, and in most cases, practicing the transfer of beneficial microorganisms to the field,
this leads to striking disease symptoms (Jones and Takemoto, extensive studies must be conducted to ensure that beneficial
2004). Conversely, when the plant resistance framework restricts microorganisms do not acquire such a toxin gene from a
the growth of pathogens, no disease symptoms occur. Immune pathogen by horizontal gene transfer.
system failure permits further entrance into the host plants by
the attacking pathogens. Pathogens have evolved to develop
effector proteins and other small molecules to stifle the MAMP-
activated defenses (Jones and Dangl, 2006; Zheng et al., 2012) MUTUALISTIC PLANT–MICROBIAL
so that the pathogen establishes effector-triggered susceptibility ASSOCIATION AND INDUCED PLANT
by suppressing MTI (Pel and Pieterse, 2013). Effectors can IMMUNE RESPONSE
also manipulate host target proteins to disable the plant
immune system. Such examples include an effector from In addition to innate immunity and SAR, plants develop
phytoplasma bacteria that binds to host Teosinte branched another type of induced immune response via mutualistic
1/Cincinnata/proliferating cell factor (TCP)/TFs to inhibit JA association with friendly microbes. This response is achieved by
synthesis (Sugio et al., 2011). Effectors secreted from oomycetes providing a shelter for friendly beneficial microbes within the
inhibit host extracellular defense enzymes and suppress host plant body, thus gaining resistance against harmful microbes.
defense by interfering with plant processes inside the host cell, The beneficial microbes synthesize toxins against invading
with the AVR3a effector from Phytophthora infestans stabilizing harmful microbes and protect the plant from pathogenic
ubiquitin ligase to prevent hypersensitive-like host cell death, diseases. This type of plant–microbe interaction is often called a
allowing further cell ingress by the pathogen (Stassen and Van symbiotic association. Associations with mycorrhiza, rhizobium,
and endophytic microbes are some examples of mutualistic rhizobacteria to upregulate immune responses against pathogens.
plant–microbe interactions and induce plant immune response. Cameron et al. (2013) proposed a four-phase spatiotemporal
model to describe the overall mechanism involved in the
mycorrhizal association and MIR. The first phase is the release
Mycorrhizal Association and Its Role in of plant root exudates such as sugars, amino acids, phenolic
Plant Immune Response compounds, and other secondary metabolites, which attract soil
Plant–mycorrhizal association is one of the examples of microorganisms to the roots. More importantly, root exudates
mutualistic association that plays an important role in comprising strigolactones have the ability to recruit AMF to plant
stimulating plants immune response against soil-borne roots (Akiyama et al., 2005). In the second phase, the plant exerts
diseases and pests (Sanchez-Bel et al., 2016). In response an immune response against AMF. This immunity induction is
to colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), based on the recognition of the AMF’s MAMPs using the plant’s
plants develop an enhanced defensive strategy known as PRRs, thereby enhancing SA accumulation and triggering the
mycorrhiza-induced resistance (MIR; Cameron et al., 2013). immune response (Zhang and Zhou, 2010).
AMF suppresses plant diseases and pests through induced The next phase is the suppression of plant immunity by
systemic resistance (ISR; Jung et al., 2012; Song et al., 2015). MIR mycorrhizae and the recruitment of mycorrhizosphere bacteria.
shares features of pathogen-induced SAR and non-pathogenic Immunity suppression by AMF is similar to that in the process of
rhizobacterium- ISR. plant–pathogenic fungus association, wherein pathogenic fungi
From the plant’s perspective, the mycorrhizal fungus is an alien suppress plant immunity by secreting specific effectors and
“non-self ” organism, and plants may recognize it as a pathogen subsequently establishing a successful infection (de Jonge et al.,
and exhibit an immune response, which the fungus then has 2011). Furthermore, AMF exerts immune suppression through
to overcome to establish a successful interaction. Given that calcium/calmodulin kinase DMI3, which represses early-acting
AMF lives within the plant, the colonization process is similar to defense genes (Siciliano et al., 2007). AMF reportedly induces the
infection by a biotrophic pathogen and hence the initial defense production of the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) to boost
responses induced against these two classes of microorganisms its own colonization of the host root system via suppressing the
are similar (Pieterse et al., 2012). Increases in SA production SA-dependent defense response (Ton et al., 2009). Although SA
occur in the root following AMF colonization, along with induction is suppressed during successful AMF colonization, the
accumulation of defensive products such as hydrolytic enzymes fact that the initial SA response can lead to production of long-
and ROS as well as activation of the phenylpropanoid pathway, distance SAR signals could be the basis of SA-based defense (Heil
albeit at a lower level than that during the plant–pathogen and Ton, 2008; Conrath, 2011).
interaction (Fester and Hause, 2005; Scheler et al., 2013). The last phase of the four-phase spatiotemporal mycorrhizal
Compared with the plant–pathogen interaction, the model is mycorrhizosphere development and ISR. The
mutualistic response generated during AMF colonization is successful mycorrhizal association enhances the transport of
spatiotemporally limited, suggesting that control operates over photosynthates to the roots and influences the sugar-dependent
the immune response and the establishment of mutualism signaling pathways (Smith and Smith, 2011). Taken together,
(Garcia-Garrido and Ocampo, 2002). Nevertheless, increases this activity and improved phosphate uptake by mycorrhizae
in SA concentration have been reported to have a negative change the composition of root exudates. These changes enhance
effect on AMF colonization (de Roman et al., 2011). Therefore, rhizobacterial recruitment and subsequently mycorrhizosphere
for successful establishment of an AMF association, inhibition development (Jung et al., 2012). Similar to that with AMF,
of some SA-regulated responses is essential, as described for rhizobacteria comprise MAMPs that activates MAMP-induced
other mutualistic associations (Dumas-Gaudot et al., 2000). immune responses (Berendsen et al., 2012). Thus, MIR is the
In this manner, the secretory effector proteins from AMF result of a direct plant response against arbuscular mycorrhizal
interfere with the host plant immune system by suppressing colonization and an indirect response against rhizobacteria,
SA-dependent defense reactions (Kloppholz et al., 2011). The which inhabit the mycorrhizosphere (Cameron et al., 2013),
upregulation of other phytohormones, such as JAs, also plays a indicating the involvement of ISR induced by bacteria in MIR.
central role in the establishment and maintenance of the AMF Systemic priming of both ET- and JA-inducible defenses has
mutualistic association (Hause et al., 2007). Once a successful frequently been reported in both ISR and MIR (Van der Ent
association is established between the AMF and the plant, the et al., 2009). Cameron et al. (2013) proposed that JA-dependent
induced JA plays an important role in MIR (Yogendra et al., defense priming during MIR is the result of ISR elicited by
2015). AMF-colonized plants are more resistant to necrotrophic rhizobacteria. A schematic representation of mycorrhization and
pathogens (Pozo et al., 2009) and more susceptible to biotrophic MIR is presented in Figure 4.
pathogens, and these observations can be explained by the role
of JA in defense against necrotrophs and of SA in defense against
biotrophs (Robert-Seilaniantz et al., 2011). In AMF associations, Rhizobial Associations and the Role of
SA-dependent responses are suppressed, whereas JA-dependent Rhizobacteria in Plant Immune Response
responses are activated. Plants recognize beneficial rhizobial microbes, including
After establishing a successful association with a plant, AMF symbiotic and non-symbiotic microbes, as alien just as they
recruit root-associated bacteria such as plant growth-promoting may recognize mycorrhizae as pathogens. Unless these microbes
FIGURE 4 | Schematic representation of mycorrhization and mycorrhiza-induced resistance. Strigolactone in plant root exudates recruits arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
(AMF) to the plant. Upon recognition of mycorrhizal microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs), pattern recognition receptors (PRR) induce MAMP-triggered
immunity (MTI) and systemic priming of salicylic acid (SA)-dependent defenses. Mycorrhizal effector-induced ABA represses SA priming and suppresses MTI.
MAMP-triggered calcium spiking results in the activation of Ca2+ /calmodulin kinase DMI3, which represses early defense gene expression and promotes
mycorrhization. The successful mycorrhizal association results in chemical alteration of exudates, rhizobacterial recruitment, and mycorrhizosphere development.
Mycorrhiza-induced systemic resistance is the result of ethylene (ET)- and jasmonic acid (JA)-dependent defenses exerted by mycorrhizosphere bacteria.
actively interfere with the plant immune system, they cannot TF that induces the rhizobial nod gene (nodule gene). This
establish successful associations with the host plant. Bacterial nod gene is required for lipochitooligosaccharide (Nod factor,
flagellin (MAMP) induces a defense response during the NF) synthesis. NF induces root nodule formation; NFs and
Rhizobium-legume mutualism that does not persist for more their host receptors (Nod factor receptors, NFRs or Nod factor
than 24 h due to a strong suppressive mechanism exerted by the perception, NFPs) are required for nodule organogenesis and
bacteria. In mutualistic rhizobial associations, rhizobia induce root hair infection (Kouchi et al., 2010). Rhizobium bacterium
MTI, which is found to be suppressed during the later stages infects the legume through root hair and infection threads;
of root nodule formation and the underlying mechanism for furthermore, NF helps root hair to re-enter the cell cycle and
which has not yet been clearly defined. The suppression of enhance the spread of rhizobia in the cortex. After infection, root
plant immunity during the initial phase of mutualism has been nodule harbors a striking number of rhizobia in root nodules
recently reported (Zamioudis and Pieterse, 2012). Succinoglycan, (Oldroyd et al., 2011). Beyond organogenesis, the nodulation
an exopolysaccharide (EPS) produced by bacteria, is proposed (nod) factor (NF) plays a crucial role in immune suppression,
to suppress plant immune defense during the initial phase thereby partly suppressing MTI (Liang et al., 2013). NF may affect
of mutualism (Jones et al., 2008). EPS suppresses MTI by the strength of local induction of the SA-signaling pathway via
chelating calcium (Aslam et al., 2008), an important signal hormonal cross talk, given that the presence of NF increases the
molecule in MTI. levels of cytokinins and auxins in cortical cells (Oldroyd and
Root nodule is the result of the interaction between the Downie, 2008; Pieterse et al., 2009). Besides NFs, rhizobia use
flavonoid excreted from the host plant and NodD, a rhizobial the type 3 secretion system (T3SS) to suppress MTI by secreting
FIGURE 5 | Schematic representation of rhizobial mutualism and plant immunity modulation. Root exudates recruit Rhizobium to the plant root. Flavonoids activate
the nod gene transcription factor NodD and enhance nod factor (NF) production and ttsI expression. TtsI expression results in effector molecule production that
suppresses the host defense signals. Some effector molecules cause effector-triggered immunity (ETI) in the host. Intracellular receptor for NLR recognizes the
effector and activates ETI. NF induces root nodule formation and successful Rhizobium–plant association after interacting with their host receptors (Nod factor
receptors, NFRs or Nod factor perception, NFPs). Upon recognition of rhizobial flagellin [microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs)], pattern recognition
receptors (PRR) induce microbe-associated molecular pattern-triggered immunity (MTI); however, NF partially suppresses microbe-associated molecular
pattern-triggered immunity (MTI) by affecting salicylic acid (SA) production via hormonal cross talk. The plant recognizes Rhizobium as a pathogen and induces MTI,
which results in ethylene (ET)-, and jasmonic acid (JA)-dependent defenses. Bacteria secrete 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase enzyme to
target the precursor of ET and suppress ET production, thereby affecting ethylene-induced defense. Rhizobium association does not affect the JA-dependent
signaling pathway, indicating its major role in induced systemic resistance (ISR) and conferring immunity in distal as well as local cells.
type III effectors; the same system is employed by pathogenic Pieterse, 2012). Given that ET signaling is an important factor
bacteria for functioning in terms of virulence (Zamioudis and in MTI, some bacteria target ET-dependent defense mechanisms
Pieterse, 2012). The interaction between flavonoid and NodD by secreting the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC)
was found to activate ttsI expression, a type III secretion gene deaminase enzyme that targets ACC, the precursor of ET, to
transcriptional activator, and this results in production of effector suppress ET production in plants (Glick et al., 2007; Millet
molecules [nociception receptor (Nop) proteins] that suppress et al., 2010). The other mechanism employed by non-mutualistic
host immunity (Okazaki et al., 2013; Gourion et al., 2015). microorganisms is the elevated production of phytohormones;
A schematic representation of rhizobial mutualism and plant this mechanism has been reported to negatively cross talk with
immunity modulation is presented in Figure 5. the prime SA-signaling pathway and affect the immune response
MAMP-triggered immunity elicited against non-symbiotic (Verhage et al., 2010).
beneficial microbes was found to be suppressed during the The induced JA/ET signaling pathway plays an important
early stage of colonization with the help of MAMPs such role in ISR induced by beneficial microorganisms, whereas
as LPS and effector molecules such as EPS (Zamioudis and the SA-induced pathway plays a similar major role in SAR
induced by pathogens. However, some questions, such as how the against themselves. These immune responses include induction
plant permits rhizobial growth to generate an immune defense of defense related metabolites in plants, which suppress plant
response, still need to be resolved. Rhizobial colonization shares pathogen. However, detailed studies are warranted to understand
few similarities with pathogen infection. Rhizobia use the T3SS the mechanism underlying beneficial microbe-induced plant
to modify their host range, and the same process is identified immunity and pathogen-induced immunity for the development
with pathogenic bacteria in terms of virulence function. As of suitable biocontrol agents.
observed in the case of the mycorrhizal association, the induced Exploitation of natural plant defense mechanisms provides
resistance in rhizobial association may be the after effect of novel methods for achieving better disease management.
induced MTI, wherein rhizobial microbes utilize some negative Enhanced production of PRRs and integration of R proteins
responses against elevated SA and ET production to establish the in plants via engineering can boost microbe recognition ability
association. Simultaneously, they do not exert any adverse effect of plants. Multiple disease resistant plant varieties can be
on the JA-dependent signaling pathway, indicating that JA plays generated by joining the integrated proteins from various
a major role in ISR as well as in imparting systemic immunity NLRs, which recognize different effectors, into a single NLR.
in distal cells (Zamioudis and Pieterse, 2012; Singh et al., 2016). Overexpression of polygalacturonase inhibitor proteins (PGIT)
Several rhizobacteria have been reported to induce ISR against or xylanase inhibitor proteins (XIP) in plants can induce
insect herbivores in plants (Zebelo et al., 2016). resistance by acting against the pathogen producing virulence
factors such as polygalacturonase or xylanase, respectively (Sun
et al., 2018; Zhu et al., 2019). Overexpression of intermediate
PERSPECTIVE components of defense signaling pathways is another method
for enhancing plant immunity. Overexpressions of hydrolytic
During the course of their lifetime, plants are exposed to
enzymes in plants, which target microbial cell wall, and secondary
pathogenic microbes such as fungi, oomycetes, bacteria,
metabolites, which act as antimicrobial components, are other
phytoplasmas, nematodes, and viruses. Regardless of these
widely accepted strategies.
continuous hostilities with pathogenic microbes, effective
Application of plant-based antimicrobial secondary
colonization is the exception rather than the rule in the
metabolites is another promising strategy for pathogen control.
natural world owing to the strength of plant immune systems
Metabolite production and extraction is more convenient in
(Piasecka et al., 2015). Plants are also continuously interacting
suspension culture than the whole living plant. Hence large-scale
with beneficial microbes, which also make an important
production of secondary metabolites in plant suspension culture
contribution to plant defense activity. Plants are the ultimate
by manipulating biochemical pathways via metabolic engineering
energy source for most organisms; therefore, they have evolved
and their application on plants in the field can overcome negative
highly efficient survival strategies with a strong immune system
impact of chemical control.
that is activated constitutively or after pathogen induction
(Panstruga et al., 2009).
Although chemical control agents like fungicides and
pesticides can efficiently fight against plant pathogens, they AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
constitute severe environmental hazards. Therefore, the
ecofriendly biocontrol strategies are becoming widely accepted RN and TA conceived and wrote the manuscript. VR and AK
promising alternatives to promote plants to fight pathogens. contributed in editing and revising the manuscript. All authors
The plant-associated microbe dependent biocontrol strategies contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.
efficiently suppress pathogen by either directly antagonizing
pathogens or enhancing plant resistance. Encouraging the
colonization of antagonistic microorganisms in the premises of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the plant can inhibit pathogen attack by producing antimicrobial
compounds or by niche exclusion. This study was supported by GSRA (Grant GSRA2-1-0608-
Application of beneficial microbes can induce rapid and 14021) from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of
strong immune responses in plants without triggering responses Qatar foundation).
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