Bondi Junction To Chatswood: How To Use This Timetable
Bondi Junction To Chatswood: How To Use This Timetable
Bondi Junction To Chatswood: How To Use This Timetable
How to use this timetable Which Opal card is right for you?
This timetable provides a snapshot of service information in Adult – Customers 16 years or older who are not entitled
24-hour time (e.g. 5am = 05:00, 5pm = 17:00). Information to any concessions and normally pay full fare.
contained in this timetable is subject to change without notice. Child/Youth – For customers aged 4-15 (inclusive), or customers
Please note that timetables do not include minor stops, 16 years or older who hold a NSW/ACT Senior Secondary
additional trips for special events, short term changes, holiday Student Concession Card.
timetable changes, real-time information or any disruption Gold Senior/Pensioner – For eligible NSW and interstate
alerts. seniors, pensioners, war widows/ers and asylum seekers.
For the most up-to-date times, use the Trip Planner or Concession – For eligible tertiary students, job seekers,
Departures at apprentices and trainees.
Monday to Friday
Chatswood Station 06:32 06:44 06:54 07:02 07:11
Victoria Ave at Royal St, Chatswood 06:37 06:49 06:59 07:08 07:17
Penshurst St at Rosewall St, North Willoughby 06:40 06:52 07:02 07:11 07:20
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 06:41 06:53 07:03 07:12 07:21
Willoughby Rd at Hudson Ave, Willoughby 06:43 06:55 07:06 07:15 07:24
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 06:46 06:58 07:09 07:18 07:27
Wynyard Station 05:58 06:13 06:28 06:42 06:56 07:09 07:20 07:29 07:39
Town Hall Station 06:03 06:18 06:33 06:47 07:01 07:14 07:25 07:34 07:44
Oxford St at Palmer St, Darlinghurst 06:09 06:24 06:39 06:53 07:07 07:20 07:33 07:42 07:52
The Light Brigade Hotel, Woollahra 06:16 06:31 06:46 07:00 07:14 07:27 07:40 07:49 07:59
Oxford St after York Rd, Bondi Junction 06:20 06:35 06:50 07:04 07:18 07:31 07:44 07:53 08:03
Bondi Junction Station 06:22 06:37 06:52 07:06 07:20 07:33 07:47 07:56 08:06
Monday to Friday
Chatswood Station 07:19 07:27 07:35 07:45 07:55 08:05 08:15 08:26 08:36
Victoria Ave at Royal St, Chatswood 07:25 07:33 07:41 07:51 08:01 08:11 08:21 08:32 08:42
Penshurst St at Rosewall St, North Willoughby 07:29 07:37 07:45 07:55 08:05 08:15 08:25 08:36 08:46
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 07:30 07:38 07:46 07:56 08:06 08:16 08:26 08:37 08:47
Willoughby Rd at Hudson Ave, Willoughby 07:33 07:41 07:50 08:00 08:10 08:20 08:30 08:41 08:50
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 07:36 07:44 07:53 08:03 08:13 08:23 08:33 08:44 08:53
Wynyard Station 07:49 07:58 08:07 08:17 08:29 08:39 08:51 09:04 09:13
Town Hall Station 07:55 08:04 08:13 08:23 08:35 08:45 08:57 09:10 09:19
Oxford St at Palmer St, Darlinghurst 08:03 08:12 08:21 08:31 08:43 08:53 09:05 09:18 09:27
The Light Brigade Hotel, Woollahra 08:10 08:20 08:29 08:39 08:51 09:01 09:13 09:26 09:35
Oxford St after York Rd, Bondi Junction 08:14 08:24 08:33 08:43 08:55 09:05 09:17 09:29 09:38
Bondi Junction Station 08:18 08:28 08:37 08:47 08:59 09:09 09:20 09:32 09:41
Monday to Friday
Chatswood Station 08:48 08:59 09:10 09:25 09:40 09:55 10:10 10:25 10:38
Victoria Ave at Royal St, Chatswood 08:54 09:05 09:16 09:31 09:46 10:01 10:16 10:31 10:44
Penshurst St at Rosewall St, North Willoughby 08:58 09:09 09:20 09:35 09:50 10:05 10:20 10:35 10:48
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 08:59 09:10 09:21 09:36 09:51 10:06 10:21 10:36 10:49
Willoughby Rd at Hudson Ave, Willoughby 09:02 09:13 09:23 09:38 09:53 10:08 10:23 10:38 10:51
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 09:05 09:16 09:26 09:41 09:56 10:11 10:26 10:41 10:54
Wynyard Station 09:21 09:28 09:38 09:53 10:08 10:20 10:35 10:50 11:03
Town Hall Station 09:27 09:34 09:43 09:58 10:13 10:25 10:40 10:55 11:08
Oxford St at Palmer St, Darlinghurst 09:35 09:42 09:51 10:06 10:21 10:33 10:48 11:03 11:16
The Light Brigade Hotel, Woollahra 09:43 09:50 09:59 10:14 10:29 10:41 10:56 11:11 11:24
Oxford St after York Rd, Bondi Junction 09:46 09:53 10:02 10:17 10:32 10:44 10:59 11:14 11:27
Bondi Junction Station 09:49 09:56 10:05 10:20 10:35 10:47 11:02 11:17 11:30
Monday to Friday
Chatswood Station 10:53 11:08 11:23 11:38 11:53 12:08 12:23 12:38 12:53
Victoria Ave at Royal St, Chatswood 10:59 11:14 11:29 11:44 11:59 12:14 12:29 12:44 12:59
Penshurst St at Rosewall St, North Willoughby 11:03 11:18 11:33 11:48 12:03 12:18 12:33 12:48 13:03
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 11:04 11:19 11:34 11:49 12:04 12:19 12:34 12:49 13:04
Willoughby Rd at Hudson Ave, Willoughby 11:06 11:21 11:36 11:51 12:06 12:21 12:36 12:51 13:06
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 11:09 11:24 11:39 11:54 12:09 12:24 12:39 12:54 13:09
Wynyard Station 11:18 11:33 11:48 12:03 12:18 12:33 12:48 13:03 13:18
Town Hall Station 11:23 11:38 11:53 12:08 12:23 12:38 12:53 13:08 13:23
Oxford St at Palmer St, Darlinghurst 11:31 11:46 12:01 12:16 12:31 12:46 13:01 13:16 13:31
The Light Brigade Hotel, Woollahra 11:39 11:54 12:09 12:24 12:39 12:54 13:09 13:24 13:39
Oxford St after York Rd, Bondi Junction 11:42 11:57 12:12 12:27 12:42 12:57 13:12 13:27 13:42
Bondi Junction Station 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45
340 Chatswood to Bondi Junction
Monday to Friday
Chatswood Station 13:08 13:23 13:38 13:53 14:07 14:23 14:39 14:53 15:04
Victoria Ave at Royal St, Chatswood 13:14 13:29 13:44 13:59 14:13 14:29 14:45 14:59 15:10
Penshurst St at Rosewall St, North Willoughby 13:18 13:33 13:48 14:03 14:17 14:33 14:49 15:03 15:14
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 13:19 13:34 13:49 14:04 14:18 14:34 14:50 15:04 15:15
Willoughby Rd at Hudson Ave, Willoughby 13:21 13:36 13:51 14:06 14:20 14:36 14:52 15:06 15:17
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 13:24 13:39 13:54 14:09 14:23 14:39 14:55 15:09 15:20
Wynyard Station 13:33 13:48 14:03 14:18 14:32 14:48 15:04 15:18 15:29
Town Hall Station 13:38 13:53 14:08 14:23 14:37 14:53 15:09 15:23 15:34
Oxford St at Palmer St, Darlinghurst 13:46 14:01 14:16 14:31 14:45 15:01 15:17 15:31 15:42
The Light Brigade Hotel, Woollahra 13:54 14:09 14:24 14:39 14:53 15:09 15:25 15:39 15:50
Oxford St after York Rd, Bondi Junction 13:57 14:12 14:27 14:42 14:56 15:12 15:28 15:42 15:53
Bondi Junction Station 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 14:59 15:15 15:31 15:45 15:56
Monday to Friday
Chatswood Station 15:14 15:24 15:34 15:44 15:54 16:06 16:18 16:28 16:39
Victoria Ave at Royal St, Chatswood 15:20 15:30 15:40 15:50 16:00 16:12 16:24 16:34 16:45
Penshurst St at Rosewall St, North Willoughby 15:24 15:34 15:44 15:54 16:04 16:16 16:28 16:38 16:49
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 15:25 15:35 15:45 15:55 16:05 16:17 16:29 16:39 16:50
Willoughby Rd at Hudson Ave, Willoughby 15:27 15:37 15:47 15:57 16:07 16:19 16:31 16:41 16:52
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 15:30 15:40 15:50 16:00 16:10 16:22 16:34 16:44 16:55
Wynyard Station 15:39 15:49 15:59 16:09 16:20 16:33 16:45 16:55 17:07
Town Hall Station 15:44 15:54 16:04 16:14 16:25 16:38 16:51 17:01 17:13
Oxford St at Palmer St, Darlinghurst 15:52 16:02 16:12 16:22 16:33 16:46 16:59 17:10 17:22
The Light Brigade Hotel, Woollahra 16:00 16:10 16:20 16:30 16:41 16:55 17:08 17:19 17:31
Oxford St after York Rd, Bondi Junction 16:03 16:14 16:24 16:34 16:45 16:59 17:12 17:23 17:35
Bondi Junction Station 16:06 16:17 16:27 16:37 16:48 17:02 17:15 17:26 17:38
Monday to Friday
Chatswood Station 16:50 16:58 17:09 17:21 17:33 17:44 17:54 18:04 18:14
Victoria Ave at Royal St, Chatswood 16:56 17:04 17:15 17:27 17:39 17:50 18:00 18:10 18:20
Penshurst St at Rosewall St, North Willoughby 17:00 17:08 17:19 17:31 17:43 17:54 18:04 18:14 18:23
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 17:01 17:09 17:20 17:32 17:44 17:55 18:05 18:15 18:24
Willoughby Rd at Hudson Ave, Willoughby 17:03 17:11 17:22 17:34 17:46 17:57 18:07 18:17 18:26
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 17:06 17:14 17:25 17:37 17:49 18:00 18:10 18:20 18:29
Wynyard Station 17:18 17:26 17:37 17:49 18:01 18:12 18:22 18:32 18:38
Town Hall Station 17:24 17:32 17:43 17:55 18:07 18:18 18:28 18:37 18:43
Oxford St at Palmer St, Darlinghurst 17:33 17:41 17:52 18:04 18:16 18:26 18:36 18:45 18:50
The Light Brigade Hotel, Woollahra 17:42 17:50 18:01 18:13 18:24 18:34 18:44 18:52 18:57
Oxford St after York Rd, Bondi Junction 17:46 17:54 18:05 18:17 18:28 18:38 18:47 18:55 19:00
Bondi Junction Station 17:49 17:57 18:08 18:20 18:31 18:41 18:50 18:58 19:03
Monday to Friday
Chatswood Station 18:24 18:34 18:46 19:01 19:21 19:42 20:02
Victoria Ave at Royal St, Chatswood 18:30 18:40 18:52 19:07 19:27 19:47 20:07
Penshurst St at Rosewall St, North Willoughby 18:33 18:43 18:55 19:10 19:30 19:50 20:10
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 18:34 18:44 18:56 19:11 19:31 19:51 20:11
Willoughby Rd at Hudson Ave, Willoughby 18:36 18:46 18:58 19:13 19:33 19:53 20:13
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 18:39 18:49 19:01 19:15 19:35 19:55 20:15
Wynyard Station 18:48 18:58 19:09 19:23 19:43 20:03 20:23 20:43 21:03
Town Hall Station 18:53 19:03 19:14 19:28 19:47 20:07 20:27 20:47 21:07
Oxford St at Palmer St, Darlinghurst 19:00 19:10 19:21 19:34 19:53 20:13 20:33 20:53 21:13
The Light Brigade Hotel, Woollahra 19:07 19:17 19:28 19:40 19:59 20:19 20:39 20:59 21:19
Oxford St after York Rd, Bondi Junction 19:10 19:20 19:31 19:43 20:02 20:22 20:42 21:02 21:22
Bondi Junction Station 19:13 19:23 19:33 19:45 20:04 20:24 20:44 21:04 21:24
Monday to Friday
Wynyard Station 21:23 21:43 22:03 22:23 22:43 23:03 23:23
Town Hall Station 21:27 21:47 22:07 22:27 22:47 23:07 23:27
Oxford St at Palmer St, Darlinghurst 21:33 21:53 22:13 22:33 22:53 23:13 23:33
The Light Brigade Hotel, Woollahra 21:39 21:59 22:19 22:39 22:59 23:19 23:39
Oxford St after York Rd, Bondi Junction 21:42 22:02 22:22 22:42 23:02 23:22 23:42
Bondi Junction Station 21:44 22:04 22:24 22:44 23:04 23:24 23:44
340 Chatswood to Bondi Junction
Chatswood Station 07:31 07:49 08:04 08:19 08:34
Victoria Ave at Royal St, Chatswood 07:36 07:54 08:09 08:24 08:39
Penshurst St at Rosewall St, North Willoughby 07:39 07:57 08:12 08:27 08:42
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 07:40 07:58 08:13 08:28 08:43
Willoughby Rd at Hudson Ave, Willoughby 07:42 08:00 08:15 08:30 08:45
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 07:44 08:03 08:18 08:33 08:48
Wynyard Station 06:02 06:32 07:02 07:32 07:52 08:11 08:26 08:41 08:56
Town Hall Station 06:07 06:37 07:07 07:37 07:57 08:16 08:31 08:46 09:01
Oxford St at Palmer St, Darlinghurst 06:12 06:42 07:12 07:42 08:02 08:21 08:36 08:51 09:06
The Light Brigade Hotel, Woollahra 06:18 06:48 07:18 07:48 08:08 08:28 08:43 08:58 09:14
Oxford St after York Rd, Bondi Junction 06:21 06:51 07:21 07:51 08:11 08:31 08:46 09:01 09:17
Bondi Junction Station 06:23 06:53 07:23 07:53 08:13 08:33 08:48 09:04 09:20
Chatswood Station 08:48 09:03 09:18 09:33 09:48 10:03 10:18 10:33 10:48
Victoria Ave at Royal St, Chatswood 08:54 09:09 09:24 09:39 09:55 10:10 10:26 10:41 10:56
Penshurst St at Rosewall St, North Willoughby 08:57 09:13 09:28 09:43 09:59 10:14 10:30 10:45 11:00
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 08:58 09:14 09:29 09:44 10:00 10:15 10:31 10:46 11:01
Willoughby Rd at Hudson Ave, Willoughby 09:00 09:16 09:31 09:46 10:02 10:17 10:33 10:48 11:04
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 09:03 09:19 09:34 09:49 10:05 10:20 10:36 10:51 11:07
Wynyard Station 09:11 09:27 09:42 09:57 10:13 10:28 10:44 10:59 11:15
Town Hall Station 09:16 09:32 09:47 10:02 10:18 10:33 10:49 11:04 11:20
Oxford St at Palmer St, Darlinghurst 09:23 09:39 09:54 10:09 10:25 10:40 10:56 11:11 11:27
The Light Brigade Hotel, Woollahra 09:31 09:47 10:02 10:17 10:34 10:49 11:05 11:20 11:36
Oxford St after York Rd, Bondi Junction 09:34 09:50 10:06 10:21 10:38 10:53 11:09 11:24 11:40
Bondi Junction Station 09:37 09:53 10:09 10:24 10:41 10:56 11:12 11:27 11:43
Chatswood Station 11:03 11:18 11:33 11:48 12:03 12:18 12:33 12:48 13:03
Victoria Ave at Royal St, Chatswood 11:11 11:26 11:41 11:57 12:13 12:28 12:43 12:58 13:13
Penshurst St at Rosewall St, North Willoughby 11:15 11:30 11:46 12:02 12:18 12:33 12:48 13:02 13:17
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 11:16 11:31 11:47 12:03 12:19 12:34 12:49 13:03 13:18
Willoughby Rd at Hudson Ave, Willoughby 11:19 11:34 11:50 12:07 12:23 12:38 12:53 13:07 13:22
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 11:22 11:37 11:53 12:10 12:26 12:41 12:56 13:10 13:25
Wynyard Station 11:30 11:45 12:01 12:18 12:34 12:49 13:04 13:18 13:33
Town Hall Station 11:35 11:50 12:06 12:23 12:39 12:54 13:09 13:23 13:38
Oxford St at Palmer St, Darlinghurst 11:42 11:57 12:13 12:30 12:46 13:01 13:16 13:30 13:45
The Light Brigade Hotel, Woollahra 11:51 12:07 12:23 12:40 12:56 13:11 13:26 13:40 13:54
Oxford St after York Rd, Bondi Junction 11:55 12:11 12:27 12:44 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:44 13:58
Bondi Junction Station 11:58 12:15 12:31 12:48 13:04 13:19 13:34 13:48 14:02
Chatswood Station 13:18 13:33 13:48 14:03 14:18 14:33 14:48 15:03 15:18
Victoria Ave at Royal St, Chatswood 13:28 13:43 13:58 14:12 14:27 14:42 14:56 15:11 15:26
Penshurst St at Rosewall St, North Willoughby 13:32 13:47 14:02 14:16 14:31 14:46 15:00 15:15 15:30
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 13:33 13:48 14:03 14:17 14:32 14:47 15:01 15:16 15:31
Willoughby Rd at Hudson Ave, Willoughby 13:36 13:51 14:06 14:20 14:35 14:50 15:04 15:19 15:34
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 13:39 13:54 14:09 14:23 14:38 14:53 15:07 15:22 15:37
Wynyard Station 13:47 14:02 14:17 14:31 14:46 15:01 15:15 15:30 15:45
Town Hall Station 13:52 14:07 14:22 14:36 14:51 15:06 15:20 15:35 15:50
Oxford St at Palmer St, Darlinghurst 13:59 14:14 14:29 14:43 14:58 15:13 15:27 15:42 15:57
The Light Brigade Hotel, Woollahra 14:08 14:23 14:38 14:52 15:06 15:21 15:35 15:50 16:05
Oxford St after York Rd, Bondi Junction 14:12 14:27 14:42 14:56 15:10 15:25 15:39 15:53 16:08
Bondi Junction Station 14:15 14:30 14:45 14:59 15:13 15:28 15:42 15:56 16:11
340 Chatswood to Bondi Junction
Chatswood Station 15:33 15:48 16:03 16:18 16:33 16:48 17:03 17:18 17:33
Victoria Ave at Royal St, Chatswood 15:41 15:56 16:10 16:25 16:40 16:55 17:10 17:25 17:40
Penshurst St at Rosewall St, North Willoughby 15:45 16:00 16:14 16:29 16:44 16:59 17:14 17:29 17:44
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 15:46 16:01 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45
Willoughby Rd at Hudson Ave, Willoughby 15:49 16:04 16:18 16:33 16:48 17:03 17:18 17:33 17:48
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 15:52 16:07 16:21 16:36 16:51 17:06 17:21 17:36 17:51
Wynyard Station 16:00 16:15 16:29 16:44 16:59 17:14 17:29 17:44 17:59
Town Hall Station 16:05 16:20 16:34 16:49 17:04 17:19 17:34 17:49 18:04
Oxford St at Palmer St, Darlinghurst 16:12 16:27 16:41 16:56 17:11 17:26 17:41 17:56 18:11
The Light Brigade Hotel, Woollahra 16:20 16:35 16:49 17:04 17:19 17:34 17:49 18:04 18:19
Oxford St after York Rd, Bondi Junction 16:23 16:38 16:52 17:07 17:22 17:37 17:52 18:07 18:22
Bondi Junction Station 16:26 16:41 16:55 17:10 17:25 17:40 17:55 18:10 18:25
Chatswood Station 17:48 18:03 18:18 18:33 18:48 19:03 19:18 19:33
Victoria Ave at Royal St, Chatswood 17:55 18:10 18:25 18:40 18:55 19:10 19:24 19:39
Penshurst St at Rosewall St, North Willoughby 17:59 18:14 18:29 18:44 18:58 19:13 19:27 19:42
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 18:59 19:14 19:28 19:43
Willoughby Rd at Hudson Ave, Willoughby 18:03 18:18 18:32 18:47 19:01 19:16 19:30 19:45
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 18:06 18:21 18:35 18:50 19:04 19:19 19:33 19:48
Wynyard Station 18:14 18:29 18:43 18:58 19:12 19:27 19:41 19:56 20:16
Town Hall Station 18:19 18:34 18:48 19:03 19:17 19:32 19:46 20:01 20:21
Oxford St at Palmer St, Darlinghurst 18:26 18:41 18:55 19:10 19:23 19:38 19:52 20:07 20:27
The Light Brigade Hotel, Woollahra 18:34 18:49 19:03 19:17 19:30 19:45 19:59 20:14 20:34
Oxford St after York Rd, Bondi Junction 18:37 18:52 19:06 19:20 19:33 19:48 20:02 20:17 20:37
Bondi Junction Station 18:40 18:54 19:08 19:22 19:35 19:50 20:04 20:19 20:39
Wynyard Station 20:36 20:56 21:16 21:36 21:56 22:16 22:36 22:56 23:16
Town Hall Station 20:41 21:01 21:21 21:41 22:01 22:21 22:41 23:01 23:21
Oxford St at Palmer St, Darlinghurst 20:47 21:07 21:27 21:47 22:07 22:27 22:47 23:07 23:27
The Light Brigade Hotel, Woollahra 20:54 21:14 21:34 21:54 22:14 22:34 22:54 23:14 23:34
Oxford St after York Rd, Bondi Junction 20:57 21:17 21:37 21:57 22:17 22:37 22:57 23:17 23:37
Bondi Junction Station 20:59 21:19 21:39 21:59 22:19 22:39 22:59 23:19 23:39
Wynyard Station 23:36
Town Hall Station 23:41
Oxford St at Palmer St, Darlinghurst 23:47
The Light Brigade Hotel, Woollahra 23:54
Oxford St after York Rd, Bondi Junction 23:57
Bondi Junction Station 23:59
Sunday & Public Holidays
Chatswood Station 07:30 07:45 08:00 08:15 08:29
Victoria Ave at Royal St, Chatswood 07:35 07:50 08:05 08:20 08:34
Penshurst St at Rosewall St, North Willoughby 07:37 07:52 08:08 08:23 08:37
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 07:38 07:53 08:09 08:24 08:38
Willoughby Rd at Hudson Ave, Willoughby 07:39 07:54 08:11 08:26 08:40
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 07:41 07:56 08:13 08:28 08:43
Wynyard Station 05:59 06:29 06:59 07:29 07:49 08:05 08:22 08:37 08:52
Town Hall Station 06:03 06:33 07:03 07:33 07:53 08:09 08:26 08:41 08:56
Oxford St at Palmer St, Darlinghurst 06:07 06:37 07:07 07:37 07:57 08:13 08:30 08:45 09:01
The Light Brigade Hotel, Woollahra 06:13 06:43 07:13 07:43 08:03 08:19 08:36 08:51 09:07
Oxford St after York Rd, Bondi Junction 06:16 06:46 07:16 07:46 08:06 08:22 08:39 08:54 09:10
Bondi Junction Station 06:17 06:47 07:17 07:47 08:07 08:23 08:40 08:55 09:12
340 Chatswood to Bondi Junction
Monday to Friday
Bondi Junction Station 05:53 06:05 06:17 06:30 06:40 06:50 07:00 07:10 07:20
Oxford St before York Rd, Bondi Junction 05:55 06:07 06:19 06:32 06:42 06:52 07:03 07:13 07:23
St Matthias Anglican Church, Paddington 05:58 06:10 06:22 06:35 06:45 06:55 07:06 07:16 07:26
Taylor Square, Darlinghurst 06:05 06:17 06:29 06:42 06:52 07:02 07:13 07:23 07:33
Town Hall Station 06:11 06:23 06:35 06:48 06:58 07:08 07:19 07:29 07:40
Wynyard Station 06:17 06:29 06:41 06:54 07:04 07:14 07:25 07:36 07:47
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 07:13 07:23 07:34 07:46 07:57
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 07:18 07:28 07:40 07:52 08:03
Penshurst St opp MacMahon St, North 07:20 07:30 07:43 07:55 08:06
Chatswood Station 07:27 07:37 07:50 08:03 08:14
Monday to Friday
Bondi Junction Station 07:30 07:38 07:48 07:57 08:07 08:17 08:27 08:38 08:49
Oxford St before York Rd, Bondi Junction 07:33 07:41 07:51 08:00 08:10 08:20 08:30 08:41 08:52
St Matthias Anglican Church, Paddington 07:37 07:45 07:55 08:04 08:14 08:24 08:34 08:45 08:56
Taylor Square, Darlinghurst 07:45 07:54 08:05 08:14 08:24 08:34 08:44 08:54 09:04
Town Hall Station 07:52 08:02 08:13 08:22 08:32 08:42 08:52 09:02 09:12
Wynyard Station 07:59 08:09 08:20 08:29 08:41 08:51 09:01 09:10 09:19
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 08:09 08:19 08:30 08:40 08:52 09:02 09:11 09:19 09:27
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 08:15 08:25 08:36 08:46 08:58 09:08 09:17 09:25 09:33
Penshurst St opp MacMahon St, North 08:18 08:28 08:39 08:49 09:01 09:11 09:20 09:28 09:36
Chatswood Station 08:26 08:36 08:47 08:57 09:09 09:19 09:28 09:36 09:44
Monday to Friday
Bondi Junction Station 09:04 09:19 09:34 09:49 10:03 10:17 10:32 10:47 11:02
Oxford St before York Rd, Bondi Junction 09:07 09:22 09:37 09:52 10:06 10:20 10:35 10:50 11:05
St Matthias Anglican Church, Paddington 09:10 09:25 09:40 09:55 10:09 10:23 10:38 10:53 11:08
Taylor Square, Darlinghurst 09:18 09:32 09:47 10:02 10:16 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15
Town Hall Station 09:26 09:40 09:55 10:10 10:24 10:38 10:53 11:08 11:23
Wynyard Station 09:32 09:46 10:01 10:16 10:30 10:44 10:59 11:14 11:29
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 09:40 09:54 10:09 10:24 10:38 10:52 11:07 11:22 11:37
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 09:46 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:44 10:58 11:13 11:28 11:43
Penshurst St opp MacMahon St, North 09:49 10:03 10:18 10:33 10:47 11:01 11:16 11:31 11:46
Chatswood Station 09:57 10:11 10:26 10:41 10:55 11:09 11:24 11:39 11:54
Monday to Friday
Bondi Junction Station 11:17 11:32 11:47 12:02 12:17 12:32 12:47 13:02 13:17
Oxford St before York Rd, Bondi Junction 11:20 11:35 11:50 12:05 12:20 12:35 12:50 13:05 13:20
St Matthias Anglican Church, Paddington 11:23 11:38 11:53 12:08 12:23 12:38 12:53 13:08 13:23
Taylor Square, Darlinghurst 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30
Town Hall Station 11:38 11:53 12:08 12:23 12:38 12:53 13:08 13:23 13:38
Wynyard Station 11:44 11:59 12:14 12:29 12:44 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 11:52 12:07 12:22 12:37 12:52 13:08 13:23 13:38 13:53
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 11:58 12:13 12:28 12:43 12:58 13:14 13:29 13:44 13:59
Penshurst St opp MacMahon St, North 12:01 12:16 12:31 12:46 13:01 13:17 13:32 13:47 14:02
Chatswood Station 12:09 12:24 12:39 12:54 13:10 13:26 13:41 13:56 14:11
340 Bondi Junction to Chatswood
Monday to Friday
Bondi Junction Station 13:32 13:46 13:59 14:14 14:29 14:43 14:55 15:07 15:17
Oxford St before York Rd, Bondi Junction 13:35 13:49 14:02 14:17 14:32 14:46 14:58 15:10 15:20
St Matthias Anglican Church, Paddington 13:38 13:52 14:05 14:20 14:35 14:49 15:01 15:14 15:24
Taylor Square, Darlinghurst 13:45 13:59 14:12 14:27 14:42 14:56 15:09 15:22 15:32
Town Hall Station 13:53 14:07 14:20 14:35 14:50 15:05 15:18 15:31 15:41
Wynyard Station 14:00 14:14 14:27 14:42 14:57 15:12 15:25 15:38 15:48
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 14:08 14:22 14:35 14:50 15:05 15:20 15:33 15:46 15:56
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 14:14 14:28 14:41 14:56 15:11 15:26 15:39 15:52 16:02
Penshurst St opp MacMahon St, North 14:17 14:31 14:44 14:59 15:14 15:29 15:42 15:55 16:05
Chatswood Station 14:26 14:40 14:53 15:08 15:23 15:38 15:51 16:04 16:14
Monday to Friday
Bondi Junction Station 15:28 15:39 15:47 15:57 16:07 16:17 16:27 16:37 16:47
Oxford St before York Rd, Bondi Junction 15:31 15:42 15:50 16:00 16:10 16:20 16:30 16:40 16:50
St Matthias Anglican Church, Paddington 15:35 15:46 15:54 16:04 16:14 16:24 16:34 16:44 16:54
Taylor Square, Darlinghurst 15:43 15:54 16:02 16:12 16:22 16:32 16:42 16:52 17:02
Town Hall Station 15:52 16:03 16:11 16:21 16:31 16:41 16:51 17:01 17:12
Wynyard Station 15:59 16:11 16:19 16:29 16:39 16:49 16:59 17:10 17:21
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 16:08 16:20 16:28 16:38 16:48 16:58 17:08 17:19 17:31
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 16:14 16:26 16:34 16:44 16:54 17:05 17:15 17:26 17:38
Penshurst St opp MacMahon St, North 16:17 16:29 16:37 16:47 16:57 17:08 17:18 17:30 17:42
Chatswood Station 16:26 16:38 16:46 16:56 17:06 17:17 17:27 17:39 17:51
Monday to Friday
Bondi Junction Station 16:57 17:06 17:16 17:26 17:36 17:47 17:57 18:08 18:23
Oxford St before York Rd, Bondi Junction 17:00 17:09 17:19 17:29 17:39 17:50 18:00 18:11 18:26
St Matthias Anglican Church, Paddington 17:04 17:13 17:23 17:33 17:43 17:54 18:04 18:15 18:30
Taylor Square, Darlinghurst 17:12 17:21 17:31 17:41 17:51 18:02 18:12 18:23 18:37
Town Hall Station 17:22 17:33 17:43 17:53 18:03 18:12 18:21 18:32 18:46
Wynyard Station 17:31 17:42 17:52 18:02 18:12 18:21 18:30 18:41 18:53
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 17:41 17:52 18:02 18:12 18:22 18:31 18:40 18:51 19:03
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 17:48 17:59 18:09 18:19 18:29 18:38 18:47 18:58 19:09
Penshurst St opp MacMahon St, North 17:52 18:03 18:13 18:23 18:33 18:42 18:51 19:02 19:12
Chatswood Station 18:01 18:12 18:22 18:32 18:42 18:50 18:59 19:10 19:20
Monday to Friday
Bondi Junction Station 18:39 18:54 19:09 19:27 19:47 20:07 20:27 20:47 21:07
Oxford St before York Rd, Bondi Junction 18:42 18:57 19:12 19:30 19:49 20:09 20:29 20:49 21:09
St Matthias Anglican Church, Paddington 18:45 19:00 19:15 19:33 19:52 20:12 20:32 20:52 21:12
Taylor Square, Darlinghurst 18:52 19:07 19:21 19:39 19:58 20:18 20:38 20:58 21:18
Town Hall Station 18:59 19:14 19:28 19:46 20:04 20:24 20:44 21:04 21:24
Wynyard Station 19:06 19:21 19:35 19:53 20:09 20:29 20:49 21:09 21:29
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 19:15 19:30 19:44 20:01 20:17 20:37
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 19:21 19:36 19:49 20:06 20:22 20:42
Penshurst St opp MacMahon St, North 19:24 19:39 19:52 20:08 20:24 20:44
Chatswood Station 19:32 19:47 19:59 20:15 20:31 20:51
Monday to Friday
Bondi Junction Station 21:27 21:47 22:07 22:27 22:47
Oxford St before York Rd, Bondi Junction 21:29 21:49 22:09 22:29 22:49
St Matthias Anglican Church, Paddington 21:32 21:52 22:12 22:32 22:52
Taylor Square, Darlinghurst 21:38 21:58 22:18 22:38 22:58
Town Hall Station 21:44 22:04 22:24 22:44 23:04
Wynyard Station 21:49 22:09 22:29 22:49 23:09
340 Bondi Junction to Chatswood
Bondi Junction Station 05:57 06:27 06:57 07:17 07:37 07:52 08:07 08:22 08:38
Oxford St before York Rd, Bondi Junction 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:20 07:40 07:55 08:10 08:25 08:41
St Matthias Anglican Church, Paddington 06:02 06:32 07:02 07:22 07:42 07:57 08:12 08:27 08:44
Taylor Square, Darlinghurst 06:08 06:38 07:08 07:28 07:48 08:03 08:18 08:33 08:50
Town Hall Station 06:15 06:45 07:15 07:35 07:55 08:10 08:25 08:40 08:57
Wynyard Station 06:20 06:50 07:20 07:40 08:00 08:15 08:30 08:45 09:02
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 08:08 08:23 08:38 08:53 09:10
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 08:13 08:28 08:43 08:58 09:15
Penshurst St opp MacMahon St, North 08:15 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:17
Chatswood Station 08:21 08:36 08:53 09:08 09:25
Bondi Junction Station 08:53 09:08 09:23 09:38 09:53 10:08 10:23 10:38 10:53
Oxford St before York Rd, Bondi Junction 08:56 09:11 09:26 09:41 09:56 10:11 10:26 10:41 10:57
St Matthias Anglican Church, Paddington 08:59 09:14 09:29 09:44 09:59 10:14 10:29 10:45 11:01
Taylor Square, Darlinghurst 09:06 09:21 09:36 09:51 10:06 10:21 10:36 10:52 11:08
Town Hall Station 09:13 09:28 09:43 09:58 10:13 10:28 10:43 10:59 11:15
Wynyard Station 09:18 09:33 09:48 10:03 10:18 10:33 10:48 11:04 11:20
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 09:26 09:41 09:56 10:11 10:26 10:41 10:56 11:12 11:28
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 09:31 09:47 10:02 10:17 10:32 10:47 11:02 11:18 11:34
Penshurst St opp MacMahon St, North 09:34 09:50 10:05 10:20 10:35 10:50 11:05 11:21 11:37
Chatswood Station 09:42 09:58 10:14 10:29 10:44 10:59 11:14 11:30 11:46
Bondi Junction Station 11:08 11:23 11:38 11:53 12:08 12:23 12:38 12:53 13:08
Oxford St before York Rd, Bondi Junction 11:12 11:27 11:42 11:57 12:12 12:27 12:42 12:57 13:12
St Matthias Anglican Church, Paddington 11:16 11:31 11:46 12:01 12:16 12:31 12:46 13:01 13:16
Taylor Square, Darlinghurst 11:23 11:38 11:53 12:08 12:23 12:38 12:53 13:09 13:24
Town Hall Station 11:30 11:46 12:01 12:16 12:31 12:46 13:01 13:17 13:32
Wynyard Station 11:35 11:51 12:06 12:21 12:36 12:51 13:07 13:23 13:38
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 11:43 11:59 12:14 12:29 12:44 12:59 13:15 13:31 13:46
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 11:49 12:05 12:20 12:35 12:50 13:05 13:21 13:37 13:52
Penshurst St opp MacMahon St, North 11:52 12:08 12:23 12:38 12:53 13:08 13:24 13:40 13:55
Chatswood Station 12:02 12:18 12:33 12:48 13:03 13:18 13:34 13:50 14:05
Bondi Junction Station 13:23 13:38 13:53 14:08 14:23 14:38 14:53 15:08 15:23
Oxford St before York Rd, Bondi Junction 13:27 13:42 13:57 14:11 14:26 14:41 14:56 15:11 15:26
St Matthias Anglican Church, Paddington 13:31 13:46 14:01 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30
Taylor Square, Darlinghurst 13:39 13:54 14:09 14:23 14:38 14:53 15:07 15:22 15:37
Town Hall Station 13:47 14:02 14:17 14:31 14:46 15:01 15:15 15:30 15:45
Wynyard Station 13:53 14:08 14:23 14:37 14:52 15:07 15:21 15:36 15:51
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 14:01 14:16 14:31 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:29 15:44 15:59
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 14:07 14:22 14:37 14:51 15:06 15:21 15:35 15:50 16:05
Penshurst St opp MacMahon St, North 14:10 14:25 14:40 14:54 15:09 15:24 15:38 15:53 16:08
Chatswood Station 14:20 14:35 14:50 15:04 15:19 15:34 15:47 16:02 16:17
340 Bondi Junction to Chatswood
Bondi Junction Station 15:38 15:53 16:08 16:23 16:38 16:53 17:08 17:23 17:38
Oxford St before York Rd, Bondi Junction 15:41 15:56 16:11 16:26 16:41 16:56 17:11 17:26 17:41
St Matthias Anglican Church, Paddington 15:45 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45
Taylor Square, Darlinghurst 15:52 16:07 16:22 16:37 16:52 17:07 17:22 17:37 17:52
Town Hall Station 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 18:00
Wynyard Station 16:06 16:21 16:36 16:51 17:06 17:21 17:36 17:51 18:06
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 16:14 16:29 16:44 16:59 17:14 17:29 17:44 17:59 18:14
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 16:20 16:35 16:50 17:05 17:20 17:35 17:50 18:04 18:19
Penshurst St opp MacMahon St, North 16:23 16:38 16:53 17:08 17:23 17:38 17:53 18:06 18:21
Chatswood Station 16:32 16:47 17:02 17:17 17:32 17:47 18:02 18:14 18:29
Bondi Junction Station 17:53 18:08 18:23 18:38 18:53 19:08 19:23 19:38 19:58
Oxford St before York Rd, Bondi Junction 17:56 18:11 18:26 18:41 18:56 19:11 19:26 19:41 20:01
St Matthias Anglican Church, Paddington 18:00 18:14 18:29 18:44 18:59 19:14 19:29 19:44 20:04
Taylor Square, Darlinghurst 18:07 18:21 18:36 18:51 19:06 19:21 19:36 19:51 20:11
Town Hall Station 18:15 18:29 18:44 18:58 19:13 19:28 19:43 19:58 20:18
Wynyard Station 18:21 18:35 18:50 19:04 19:19 19:33 19:48 20:03 20:23
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 18:29 18:43 18:58 19:12 19:27 19:41 19:56 20:11
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 18:34 18:48 19:03 19:17 19:32 19:46 20:01 20:16
Penshurst St opp MacMahon St, North 18:36 18:50 19:05 19:19 19:34 19:48 20:03 20:18
Chatswood Station 18:44 18:58 19:12 19:26 19:41 19:55 20:10 20:25
Bondi Junction Station 20:18 20:38 20:58 21:18 21:38 21:58 22:18 22:38 22:58
Oxford St before York Rd, Bondi Junction 20:21 20:41 21:01 21:21 21:41 22:01 22:21 22:41 23:01
St Matthias Anglican Church, Paddington 20:24 20:44 21:04 21:24 21:44 22:04 22:24 22:44 23:04
Taylor Square, Darlinghurst 20:31 20:51 21:11 21:31 21:51 22:11 22:31 22:51 23:11
Town Hall Station 20:38 20:58 21:18 21:38 21:58 22:18 22:38 22:58 23:18
Wynyard Station 20:43 21:03 21:23 21:43 22:03 22:23 22:43 23:03 23:23
Sunday & Public Holidays
Bondi Junction Station 05:57 06:27 06:57 07:17 07:37 07:53 08:07 08:22 08:37
Oxford St before York Rd, Bondi Junction 05:59 06:29 06:59 07:19 07:39 07:55 08:09 08:24 08:39
St Matthias Anglican Church, Paddington 06:01 06:31 07:01 07:21 07:41 07:57 08:12 08:27 08:42
Taylor Square, Darlinghurst 06:06 06:36 07:06 07:26 07:46 08:02 08:17 08:32 08:48
Town Hall Station 06:12 06:42 07:12 07:32 07:52 08:08 08:23 08:38 08:54
Wynyard Station 06:16 06:46 07:16 07:36 07:56 08:12 08:27 08:42 08:58
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 08:04 08:20 08:35 08:50 09:06
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 08:08 08:24 08:39 08:54 09:10
Penshurst St opp MacMahon St, North 08:10 08:26 08:41 08:56 09:12
Chatswood Station 08:15 08:31 08:47 09:02 09:19
Sunday & Public Holidays
Bondi Junction Station 08:51 09:07 09:22 09:38 09:53 10:08 10:23 10:38 10:53
Oxford St before York Rd, Bondi Junction 08:53 09:09 09:24 09:40 09:55 10:11 10:26 10:41 10:56
St Matthias Anglican Church, Paddington 08:56 09:12 09:27 09:43 09:58 10:14 10:29 10:44 10:59
Taylor Square, Darlinghurst 09:02 09:18 09:33 09:49 10:05 10:21 10:36 10:51 11:06
Town Hall Station 09:08 09:24 09:39 09:55 10:11 10:27 10:42 10:57 11:13
Wynyard Station 09:13 09:29 09:44 10:00 10:16 10:32 10:47 11:02 11:18
Willoughby Rd near Garland Rd, Naremburn 09:21 09:37 09:52 10:08 10:24 10:40 10:55 11:10 11:26
Penshurst St near Laurel St, Willoughby 09:25 09:41 09:57 10:13 10:29 10:45 11:01 11:16 11:32
Penshurst St opp MacMahon St, North 09:27 09:43 09:59 10:15 10:31 10:47 11:03 11:18 11:34
Chatswood Station 09:35 09:51 10:07 10:23 10:39 10:55 11:12 11:27 11:43
340 Bondi Junction to Chatswood
Shopping Willoughby
Sydney St
urst St
Stanley St
St on
Garland Rd
Falcon St Military Rd
Miller St
Warringah Fwy
Sydney CBD
North Station
King St
Elizabeth St
Clarence St
Market St
George St
York St
Pitt St
Park St William St
Druitt St
College St
Town Hall
Station Bathurst St
York St
Castlereagh St
Sydney Liverpool St
Clarence St
Western Dstr
Goulburn St
King St
College St
Market St
St Vincent’s Bondi Jn
Elizabeth St
Hospital Paddington
George St
Pitt St
Oxford St Junction
Flinders St
Crown St
Oxford St Westfield
Newland St
Bus route Centre
Centennial Bondi
340 Bus route number
Park Junction
Bus route start/finish
Metro station Diagrammatic Map
Train station Not to Scale