Xii Chem MCQS

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XII Chem MCQ’s

Chapter 1: Periodic Classification of Elements

& Periodicity
1. Number of elements in 6th period is:
a. 34 c. 32
b. 18 d. 16
2. Triads were introduced by:
a. Newland c. Mendeleev
b. Dobreiner d. Al-Razi
3. Variable valency is shown by which of the following elements?
a. Na c. Mg
b. Co d. Al
4. Which one of the following is acidic?
a. B(OH)3 c. Mg(OH)3
b. Ca(OH)2 d. NaOH
5. Element that is found in Free State is?
a. O c. C
b. H d. None of these
6. Which of the following pair has highest conductivity?
a. Gold, Aluminum c. Silver, Copper
b. Gold, Tungsten d. Carbon, Gold
7. Smallest element in the periodic table is?
a. Hydrogen c. Lithium
b. Fluorine d. Uranium
8. Covalent hydrides are:
a. Gaseous c. Liquids
b. Solid d. Both a & c
9. Which group of elements shows greatest electrical conductivity?
a. Alkali metals c. Halogens
b. Alkaline earth metals d. Coinage metals
10. Which group has coinage metals?
a. IB c. IIIA
b. IIB d. IA
11. Hydrogen has properties similar to:
a. Alkali Metals c. Both a & b
b. Halogens d. None of these


XII Chem MCQ’s

12. Metals usually produce hydrogen gas with acids. Which of the following produces
hydrogen gas with NaOH?
a. Zn c. Al
b. Cu d. Ni
13. Who started the development of the First Periodic Table?
a. Antoine Becquerel c. Robert Boyle
b. Dimitri Mendeleev d. John Newlands
14. Hydration energy increases with:
a. With high charge density c. Size of the atom
b. Distance between nucleus and outer d. None of these
most electron


XII Chem MCQ’s

Chapter 2: S-Block Elements

1. Li is an element of group?
a. IIA c. IA
b. IIIA d. IVB
2. Sodium is prepared by:
a. Down’s cell c. Dutch’s Method
b. CastnerKeliner Process d. Nelson’s Process
3. Which of the following is unstable?
a. Li2CO3 c. Both a & b
b. MgCO3 d. Both are stable
4. Rocky crust of earth is mainly composed of?
a. Oxygen and silicon c. Oxygen and Hydrogen
b. Oxygen and carbon d. Carbon and Hydrogen
5. Melting Point of Group I-A element is ______________ than Group II – A elements?
a. Higher c. Same
b. Lower d. Varies
6. Which of the following do not occur in Free State?
a. Li c. Both
b. Mg d. None of these
7. Gypsum supplies ___________ to soil.
a. Carbon c. Nitrogen
b. Sulphur d. Calcium
8. Which of the following is not true about caustic soda?
a. It causes painful burns c. It is manufactured by Castner-Kellner
b. It has purgative smell Process
d. It is used as an anti-acid
e. Both a & c
9. Formula of Epsom salt is:
a. MgSO4 . H2O c. CaSO4 . 2H2O
b. MgSO4 . 7H2O d. PbCr2O7
10. Group I – A nad II – A are known as:
a. Alkali c. S-Block elements
b. Alkaline earth d. P-Block elements
11. The basic character of alkali metal oxides:
a. Decreases down the group c. Remains same
b. Increases down the group d. None of those
12. Which one of these reacts rapidly with water at room temperature?
a. Na c. Fe
b. Al d. Ca


XII Chem MCQ’s

13. When alkali metals react with water the fire is produced due to:
a. Ions c. Water
b. Hydrogen gas d. None of these
14. Color of Epsom salt is:
a. White c. Blue
b. Pink d. Green
15. For Alkali Metals, decrease in the ionization potential is because of the increasing.
a. Charge on the nucleus c. Size of the atom
b. Distance between nucleus and outer d. None of these
most electron
16. Which one of the following is a common mineral of calcium?
a. Feldspar c. Diamond
b. Limestone d. None of these


XII Chem MCQ’s

Chapter 3: Group III – A & IV – A Elements

1. Aluminum is ____________ agent?
a. Good oxidizing c. Weak reducing
b. Good reducing d. Both oxidizing and reducing agent
2. Aluminum is a ___________
a. Insulator c. Semi-Conductor
b. Conductor d. Photo Conductor
3. Which element of group IV-A shows inert pair effect?
a. Ge c. Si
b. Pb d. C
4. Which of the following elements of Group III is non-metallic in character?
a. B c. Tl
b. In d. Ga
5. Orthoboric acid can NOT be obtained by which of the following?
a. Metaboric acid c. Pyroboric acid
b. Tetraboric acid d. Boric anhydride
6. Solubility of Borax decahydrate at 100℃ is:
a. 63 grams c. 99.3 grams
b. 113 grams d. 58.5 grams
7. The oxidation states of boron are:
a. +1, +2 and +3 c. +1 and -1
b. -1, -2 and -3 d. +3 and -3
8. Aluminum reacts with H2SO4 to produce:
a. Al2(SO4)3 c. SO2
b. SO3 d. Al
9. What is the chemical name of SANDUR?
a. Tetraplumbic oxide c. Triplumbictetraoxide
b. Triplumbic oxide d. Lead dioxide
10. Which one of the following is metalloid?
a. C c. S
b. Si d. O
11. Borax bead test is used to separate:
a. Metallic cations c. Non-Metallic cations
b. Metallic anions d. Non-Metallic anions
12. Which element among the following forms a protective oxide coating on exposure to air?
a. Nitrogen c. Boron
b. Aluminum d. Lithium


XII Chem MCQ’s

13. Which one of the following is an Boric acid?

a. Ortho boric acid c. Meta boric acid
b. Nano boric acid d. Pyro boric acid
14. Which one of the following is an acid?
a. H3BO3 c. Ca(OH)2
b. Al(OH)3 d. NaOH
15. Which of the following is used to make container for nitric acid?
a. Iron c. Sodium
b. Aluminum d. Plastic
16. Chemical formula of powder used in carom board is?
a. NaHCO3 c. Na2CO3
b. H3BO3 d. K2CO3
17. Silicon can be obtained from which one of the following compounds?
a. Water c. Potash
b. Sand d. None
18. Ability of carbon to form long chains and rings is known as?
a. Catenation c. Adulteration
b. Supplementation d. Addition
19. Aluminum is ____________ in nature.
a. Acidic c. Amphoteric
b. Basic d. Salt
20. Boric acid is used in:
a. Washing wounds c. Detergents
b. Eye wash d. Washing Powder


XII Chem MCQ’s

Chapter 4: Group V – A & VI – A Elements

1. Which of the following does not occur in Free State?
a. Nitrogen c. Oxygen
b. Phosphorous d. Sulphur
2. Formula of laughing gas is?
a. NO c. N2O
b. NH4 d. NO3
3. H3PO3 is:
a. Weak reducing agent c. Strong oxidizing agent
b. Strong reducing agent d. Weak oxidizing agent
4. In which of the following the oxidation state of S is the highest?
a. SO2 c. H2SO4
b. SCl2 d. H2SO3
5. Which of the following has allotropic forms?
a. Oxygen c. Both
b. Sulphur d. None of these
6. In rhombic Sulphur there are ____________ atoms in each molecule?
a. 7 c. 6
b. 8 d. 9
7. H2SO4 is used in industries of?
a. Paint c. Rubber
b. Textile d. Aluminum
8. Which member of V-A group has no stable isotope?
a. Phosphorous c. Nitrogen
b. Bismuth d. Arsenic
9. Which one of the following does not have allotropes?
a. N c. As
b. P d. Sb
10. Both O2 and O3 are oxidizing agents but O3 is preferred because:
a. It is relatively unstable than O2 c. It provides Nascent oxygen
b. It provides an extra oxygen atom d. All of above
then O2
11. Which of these is not an isotope of Phosphorous?
a. Red Phosphorous c. White Phosphorous
b. Black Phosphorous d. Gray Phosphorous
12. Nitrogen has __________ oxides.
a. 2 c. 1
b. 3 d. Several


XII Chem MCQ’s

13. Copper reacts with hot concentrated H2SO4 in presence of:

a. Air c. Ammonia
b. Water d. Strong heat
14. Which one of the following is a vulcanizing agent?
a. Sodium c. Sulphur
b. Iron d. Potassium
15. Gas which has percentage equal to 78% in air is the:
a. Oxygen c. Carbon dioxide
b. Hydrogen d. Nitrogen
16. Which one of the following elements has six valence electrons?
a. O c. Cd
b. S d. Fe
17. The formula of Chile Peter Salt is:
a. NaCl c. NaOH
b. NaNO3 d. NaNO4


XII Chem MCQ’s

Chapter 5: The Halogens & The Noble Gases

1. The reduction of which of the following produces Hydrofluoric acid?
a. XeF2 c. XeF6
b. XeF4 d. All of the above
2. Bleaching powder is __________ agent?
a. Oxidizing c. Both a & b
b. Reducing d. None of these
3. Which of the following bleaching powder’s formula?
a. Ca OCL2
b. Ca(CIO)4 d. Ca(CIO)2
c. Ca2(CIO)2 e. Ca(Cl2O)2
4. Which of the following is a component of a TEAR GAS?
a. Bromine c. Chlorine
b. Fluorine d. Argon
5. From the following which is used as bleaching agent:
a. Fluorine c. Bromine
b. Chlorine d. Iodine
6. Which halogen is used as a refrigerant?
a. F c. Br
b. Cl d. I
7. _______________ is used in electric light bulbs, in fluorescent tubes, in radio tubes and Geiger
a. Radon c. Argon
b. Neon d. Both a & b
8. What is the heat of vaporization of radon?
a. 1.77 c. 18.0
b. 9.7 d. 6.5
9. Which of the following halogen does not form stable oxyacids?
a. Cl c. Br
b. F d. I
10. The order of decreasing power as an oxidizing agent is:
a. F2> Br2> Cl2> I2 c. F2<Cl2<Br2< I2
b. F2> Cl2> Br2> I2 d. F2< Br2< Cl2< I2
11. Which of the following formula of Potassium permanganate?
a. KMnO4 c. KMnO2
b. K2MnO d. None of these
12. Which of the following has highest boiling point?
a. He c. Ar
b. Ne d. Kr


XII Chem MCQ’s

13. Which of the following show halogens?

a. F to At c. C to Sn
b. N to Bi d. H to Cs
14. Fluorine is reactive due to its:
a. Low ionization potential c. Low electro negativity
b. Low dissociation energy d. Large size
15. Oxides of xenon are formed from:
a. XeF6 c. XeF2
b. XeF4 d. All of these
16. Percentage of Chlorine present in bleaching powder is:
a. 5 – 10 c. 35 – 40
b. 20 – 25 d. 90
17. What is the chief ore of fluorine?
a. Cryolite c. Dolomite
b. Fluorspar d. Both a & b
18. Sulfur with HI acts as a:
a. Strong oxidizing agent c. Strong reducing agent
b. Weak oxidizing agent d. Weak reducing agent
19. Noble gases have?
a. High ionization energy c. Zero ionization energy
b. Low ionization energy d. None of these
20. Which of the flowing is the highest oxidizing agent?
a. F2 c. Br2
b. Cl2 d. I2
21. Which halogen is present in Teflon?
a. Chlorine c. Fluorine
b. Bromine d. Iodine
22. Which of the following can be bleached using Bleaching powder?
a. Cotton c. Silk
b. Wool d. All of these


XII Chem MCQ’s

Chapter 6: Transition Elements

1. Transition elements are colored because of:
a. d-d transition c. p-p transition
b. d-p transition d. s-d transition
2. d-d transitions in transition metals gives?
a. Crystalline Structure c. Hardness
b. Characteristic color d. Higher reactivity
3. Transition elements are colored in which type of compounds?
a. Ionic c. Both a & b
b. Covalent d. None of these
4. Which of the following has the lowest boiling point?
a. Titanium c. Manganese
b. Chromium d. Vanadium
5. Which of the following doesn’t has an incomplete d-orbital?
a. Ag c. Cu
b. Au d. All of these
6. Which element of 5 group doesn’t have unpaired valence electrons in d-sub shell?

a. V c. Ta
b. Nb d. La
7. Which is NOT true about K2Cr2O7?
a. Blue crystalline solid c. Strong oxidizing agent
b. Not soluble in water d. Used in formation of lead chromate
8. Acidified K2Cr2O7 is also called:
a. Ceramic acid c. Dichromate
b. Chromic acid d. None of these
9. Which is not true about transition metals?
a. They can make colored complexes c. They have only one valency
b. They can be used as a catalyst d. They are d block elements
10. Number of unpaired electrons in ferrous ion is:
a. 2 c. 5
b. 3 d. 4
11. Which metal is not attracted by magnet?
a. Copper c. Iron
b. Zinc d. Nickel
12. Which element does not show magnetic properties?
a. Zn c. Co
b. Fe d. Mn


XII Chem MCQ’s

13. Which of the following is the reason that iron is the most abundant elements?
a. Oldest metal c. Less Stability
b. Binding energy d. Ferromagnetic


XII Chem MCQ’s

Chapter 7: Fundamentals Principles of

Organic Compounds
1. Which of the following is/are organic?
a. Protein c. Both a & b
b. Carbohydrates d. None of these
2. The coal used for domestic purposes is:
a. Lignite c. Bituminous
b. Anthracite d. Sub Bituminous
3. Isomerism is:
a. Same molecular formula but different structure
b. Same molecular formula and same structure
c. Different molecular formula but same structure
d. None of these
4. Which process is used to produce volatile compounds?
a. Reforming c. Polymerization
b. Cracking d. Distillation
5. The type of isomerism in which the position of functional group is called?
a. Tautomerism c. Cis Transformation
b. Metamerism d. Functional group isomerism
6. Example of metamerism is:
a. Dimethyl ether and methyl alcohol c. Diethyl ether and methyl propyl
b. 1 – butene and 2 – butene ether
d. n-pentane and iso-pentane
7. Carbonyl group present in:
a. Glycol c. Dihydride alcohol
b. Glycerol d. None of these
8. Na, Ca & Mg are:
a. Organic c. Inorganic non-metals
b. Inorganic metals d. Organic metals
9. Proton transfer within a molecule is known as:
a. Position isomerism c. Metamerism
b. Tautomerism d. Isomerism
10. Which of the following is not a isomer of other three:
a. 2,2 – Dimethyl pentane c. 2, 3 – Dimethyl pentane
b. 2 – Methylhexane d. 2, 2 – Dimethyl butane


XII Chem MCQ’s

11. Which of the following has shortest C – C bond length?

a. Acetylene c. Benzene
b. Methyl Alcohol d. Methane

Chapter 8: Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

1. Which metal is used to form alkanes from alkyl halides?
a. Zn c. Both
b. Na d. None of these
2. KOLBE’s method is used to prepare?
a. Ethane c. Ethyne
b. Ethene d. All of these
3. In which of the following C – C bond length is the minimum?
a. Alkane c. Benzene
b. Alkene d. Same length in all
4. If 2 – butene is treated with hot KMnO4, the product is:
a. Butanoic acid
b. Propanoic acid
D .none
c. Butyric acid

5. Formula of Thionyl chloride is:

a. SCl3 c. SOCl2
b. S2Cl2 d. SOCl3
6. The IUPAC name of the compound having structural formula CH3 – CH(OH) – COOH is:
a. 2 – hydroxypropanoic acid c. a – hydroxyl propanoic acid
b. Lactic acid d. Both a & b
7. Boiling point of heptane is:
a. 140 c. 200
b. 160 d. 98
8. Which one of these is/are gases?
a. Methane c. Propane
b. Ethane d. All of these
9. When CH2 = CH2 reacts with a halogen acid, the product formed is:
a. Alkyl halide c. Alkyl
b. Alkane d. Alkene
10. Which gas among the following cannot be dried by bubbling in H2SO4?
a. Ammonia gas c. Ethyne
b. HCl gas d. Oxygen gas
11. Acetylene with Cl2 gives:
a. 1, 2 – dichloropropane b. 1, 1, 2, 2 – tetrachloroethane


XII Chem MCQ’s

c. Ethane dichloride d. 1, 1, 2, 2 - tetrachloromethene

12. Sp hybridization is found in which of the following?
a. Ethane c. Ethyne
b. Ethene d. None of these

13. Which one of the organic compound is most reactive?

a. Alkane c. Alkene
b. Alkyne d. None of these
14. What is Lindiar Catalyst?
a. Fe2O3 and Al2O3 c. Pd, CaCO3 and Lead salts
b. Al2O3, SiO2, Cr2O3 d. Charcoal
15. Which one of the following has the least C – C bond length?
a. Benzene c. Ethene
b. Ethane d. Ethyne
16. Formula of propene is:
a. C2H5 c. C4H8
b. C3H6 d. C6H6
17. In alkanes all carbon atoms are linked by ___________ bonds?
a. Double c. Triple
b. Single d. Alternative
18. Which one of the following is saturated hydrocarbon?
a. Octane c. Decane
b. Nonane d. All of these


XII Chem MCQ’s

Chapter 9: Aromatic Hydrocarbons

1. n-Heptane can be converted into benzene by catalysts:
a. Al2O3, SiO2, Fe2O3 c. Al2O3, SiO2,, Cr2O3
b. SiO2, K2O, Cr2O3 d. None of these
2. Which type of hybridization takes place in benzene?
a. Sp3 c. Sp
b. Sp 2 d. Sp2 and Sp3
3. Benzene with nitrating mixture gives?
a. Nitro benzene c. Nitro methane
b. Nitro toluene d. Acrylonitrile
4. The reaction of benzene with bromine gives?
a. Alkyl bromide c. Bromo-phenol
b. Hydrogen bromide d. Bromo-cyclohexane
5. Benzene is prepared in laboratory by distillation of phenol with:
a. H2O2 c. Ethyl bromide
b. Zn dust d. HOCl
6. Which of the following statements is incorrect about benzene?
a. All of the carbon atoms are sp hybridized
b. The carbon – carbon bond lengths are all the same
c. It has delocalized electrons
d. The carbon – hydrogen bond lengths are all the same
e. All twelve atoms lie in the same plane
7. How many Dewar structure of Benzene are present?
a. 2 c. 4
b. 3 d. Infinite
8. Friedel craft’s reaction gives?
a. Benzene c. Toluene
b. Nitrobenzene d. Alkene
9. Benzene when reacted with chlorine in ultraviolet rays produces:
a. Hexacholorcyclohexane c. Benzotrichloride
b. P-dichlorobenzene d. Benzalchloride
10. Boiling point of Benzene is:
a. 70.3 b. 80.1


XII Chem MCQ’s

c. 133 d. 79.41
11. The hybridization of benzene is:
a. Sp3 c. Sp
b. Sp2 d. None of these

12. Stability of benzene is due to ___________.

a. Alternate double bonds c. Double bonds
b. Electrons’ cloud d. Delocalization of electrons
13. C6H5 is:
a. Phenyl c. Ethyl
b. Methyl d. Hexyl


XII Chem MCQ’s

Chapter 10: Alkyl Halides

1. Catalyst used in preparation of alkyl halide from alcohol is?
a. Platinum/charcoal c. Rock salt
b. LiH4 d. ZnCl2
2. Alcohols react with aqueous acid to produce alkyl halides in presence of:
a. ZnCl2 c. SO2
b. KOH d. Pyridine
3. NH3 is a:
a. Nucleophile c. Electrophile
b. Neutrophile d. Electrolyte
4. When Grignard reagent reacts with H2O, which of the following is formed.
a. Parent alkane c. Alcohol
b. Alkyl halide d. All are possible
5. In alkyl halide, the halide ion has ____________ charge on it when attached to C atom.
a. Positive c. Partial positive
b. Negative d. Partial negative
6. Reaction are Grignard reagent are mostly:
a. Exothermic
b. Endothermic
c. Room temperature
d. Is highly reactive by both endothermic and exothermic
7. Which one of the following can act as nucleophile?
a. Diethyl ether c. Acylium ion
b. Anilinium ion d. Dicholoro methylene carbine
8. Which of the following is true about SN2 reactions?
a. They follow a two-step bimolecular mechanism
b. They do not undergo arrangements
c. Methyl and primary substrates react faster than secondary and tertiary substrates
d. The rate of the reactions depend on both the substrate and nucleophile concentration
9. Grignard reagent when added to dry ice gives:
a. Primary Alcohol c. Tertiary Alcohol
b. Alkyl Halide d. Carboxylic Acid
10. Grignard’s reagent on hydrolysis give:


XII Chem MCQ’s

a. Lower Hydrocarbon c. Alcohols

b. Higher Hydrocarbon d. Alkyl Halides
11. Alkyl Halides that go through SN1 reactions are:
a. Primary c. Tertiary
b. Secondary d. All of these

12. Which of the Alkyl Halide is most reactive?

a. R – F c. R – Br
b. R – Cl d. R – I
13. Tertiary alkyl halides follow which of the following mechanism when attacked by a
a. SN2 c. Both SN1 and SN2
b. SN1 d. None of these


XII Chem MCQ’s

Chapter 11: Alcohol, Phenol & Ethers

1. Melting point of methyl alcohol is:
a. -97℃ c. -100℃
b. -89℃ d. -23℃
2. 2-methyl 2-propanol is:
a. Secondary butyl alcohol c. Primary butyl alcohol
b. Tertiary butyl alcohol d. Quaternary butyl alcohol
3. IUPAC name of wood spirit is:
a. Ethanol c. Propanol
b. Methanol d. None of these
4. Melting point of methyl alcohol is:
a. -97.6℃ c. -64.7℃
b. -37.6℃ d. -94.6℃
5. Ethers are very good:
a. Solvent c. Reducing agent
b. Oxidizing agent d. Dehydrating agent
6. Phenol is derived from?
a. Benzene c. Alcohols
b. Carboxylic acid d. Aliphatic compounds
7. 25 to 35 degree centigrade temperature is good fr which of the following process?
a. Dow’s method c. Fermentation
b. Preparation of formain d. Methanol
8. The reactivity of alcohol when O – H bond break:
a. Tertiary Alcohol < Secondary Alcohol < Primary Alcohol
b. Primary Alcohol > Secondary Alcohol > Tertiary Alcohol
c. Primary Alcohol > Secondary Alcohol < Tertiary Alcohol
d. Tertiary Alcohol > Primary Alcohol > Secondary Alcohol
9. Which of the following process is not use for the preparation of alcohol?
a. Reaction of alkyl halide with Grignard reagent
b. Hydration of alkene
c. Reaction of Grignard reagent from aldehyde
d. From water gas
10. Phenol is reduced to benzene on reaction with:
a. Zn b. NaOH


XII Chem MCQ’s

c. KMnO4 d. HCl
11. Which is more soluble in ethanol?
a. Propane c. Calcium carbonate
b. Chlorine d. Potassium chloride
e. Iron
12. Which of the following is not soluble in ethanol?
a. Resins and varnishes c. Rubbers and plastics
b. Soaps and varnishes d. Dyes and drugs
13. Which of the following are not usually named using IUPAC system?
a. Alkenes c. Ethers
b. Alkanes d. Alcohols
14. Ethanol and Methanol can be separated by:
a. Cannizzaro’s reaction c. Iodoform test
b. Lucas test d. Tollen’s test
15. Alkoxides react with alkyl halide to form?
a. Ether c. Carboxylic acid
b. Ester d. Alcohol
16. Phenol, alcohol and ethers are the derivatives of?
a. Carboxylic acid c. Organic derivatives of water
b. Alkenes d. Benzene
17. Phenol has all characters except?
a. Can be reduced to benzene c. Acidic in nature
b. Insoluble in water d. Used as a disinfectant
18. Alkyl groups in ethers are connected by?
a. An oxygen atom c. A nitrogen atom
b. A carbon atom d. A benzene ring
19. Boiling point of C2H5OH is high than phenol because:
a. Its polar c. Both a & b
b. Presence of intermolecular H-bond d. Its flammable
20. The aromatic compound having the functional group “OH” attached to it is?
a. Carbolic acid c. Alcohol
b. Phenol d. None of these
21. Propane – 1 - ol when combines with HCl in the presence of ZnCl2, it gives:
a. 1 – Chloropropane c. Dichloropropane
b. 2 – Chloropropane d. 1 - Chloropropane
22. With which of the following alcohols do not react to form alkyl halides?
a. HCl c. Br2
b. SOCl2 d. PCl3
23. Methyl alcohol is used for production of:
a. Dyes b. Drugs


XII Chem MCQ’s

c. Perfumes d. Antifreeze
24. Boiling point of Ethyl Alcohol is?
a. 20.2℃ c. 80.1℃
b. 100℃ d. 78.3℃

25. Methylated spirit is ________% methanol and __________% ethanol:

a. 5 and 95 c. 60 and 40
b. 20 and 80 d. 50 and 50


XII Chem MCQ’s

Chapter 12: Aldehydes & Ketones

1. Ketones undergo reaction with which compound in the presence of acid to form oximes?
a. Hydroxy methane c. Phenyl hydrazine
b. Hydroxyl amine d. None of these
2. Metaformaldehyde is a result of?
a. Condensation c. Polymerization
b. Reduction d. Oxidation
3. In Cannizaro’s reaction out of two moles, one makes salt of an acid the other makes:
a. Ester c. Carboxylic acid
b. Alcohol d. Alkane
4. Oxidation of alcohol converts it into?
a. Aldehyde c. Alkane
b. Tertiary Alcohol d. Carboxylic Acid
5. What should be added to methane to produce HCN?
a. Ammonia c. Water
b. Nitrogen d. H+
6. Aldehyde is prepared industrially by air oxidation of ethylene using catalyst?
a. NaCN + HCl c. 20% H2SO4 + 1%HgSO4
b. PdCl2 + CuCl2 d. K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4
7. Which one of the following is used in making Iozenges?
a. Methanol c. Acetone
b. Acetaldehyde d. Formaldehyde
8. IUPAC name of propionaldehtde is:
a. Methanal c. Propanal
b. Acetaldehyde d. Butanal
9. Paraldehyde is formed by:
a. Formaldehyde c. Acetone
b. Acetaldehyde d. None of these
10. Ketones and aldehydes are reduced in the presence of catalyst:
a. Pd c. R – Mg – X
b. Al2O3 d. SOCl2


XII Chem MCQ’s

11. Simplest aromatic aldehyde has ___________ number of hydrogen atoms.

a. 5 c. 7
b. 6 d. 8
12. Tollen’s test is used for the detection of:
a. Aldehydes c. Carbonyl group
b. Ketones d. None of these

13. Methyl Magnesium Bromide reacts with formaldehyde. The product will be:
a. Methyl Alcohol c. Ethyl Alcohol
b. Acetone d. Ethane
14. Ketone can be prepared by oxidation of which one of the following?
a. Primary alcohol c. Tertiary alcohol
b. Secondary alcohol d. None of these
15. Meta formaldehyde molecule has ______ Oxygen atoms.
a. One c. Three
b. Two d. Four
16. In which of the following reaction alkyl ketones are converted into carboxylic acid with one
carbon atom less than the parent compound?
a. Haloform c. Aldol
b. Cannizzaro d. None of these
17. Odour of formaldehyde is:
a. Pungent c. Pleasant
b. Aromatic d. Obnoxious
18. IUPAC name of formaldehyde is:
a. Ethanal c. Ethanol
b. Methanal d. Meth l alcohol


XII Chem MCQ’s

Chapter 13: Carboxylic Acids

1. Which one of these is a soluble carbohydrate:
a. Fructose c. Cellulose
b. Starch d. Amylase
2. Which of the following is used as coagulation for latex in rubber industry?
a. Acetic acid c. Ethyl alcohol
b. Amino acid d. Rayon
3. Carboxylic acids can be prepared by action of _______________ and carbon dioxide.
a. Sodium hydroxide c. Alcoholic KOH
b. Grignard’s reagent d. Alkaline KMnO4
4. To get the carboxylic acids containing C atoms less than C atoms in parent aldehyde we do
hydrolysis of:
a. alkanenitrile c. Esters
b. Amino acids d. Amides
5. If 2-butene is treated with KMnO4 the product formed will be:
a. Butanoic acid c. Butyric acid
b. Propanoic acid d. Acetic acid
6. For preparation of carboxylic acid, alkyl nitrile is required. Alkyl nitrile can be prepared by
treating KCN with:
a. Alkyl halide c. Water
b. Alcohol d. Acetaldehyde
7. Which of the following is not a use of acetic acid?
a. As a coagulant for latex in rubber c. Used in silvering of mirrors
industry d. None of these
b. Manufacture of pickles
8. Vinegar is basically __________ acid:
a. Acetic c. Formic
b. Citrus d. Butyric
9. Acetic acid is used in making:
a. Leather shoes b. Rubber shoes


XII Chem MCQ’s

c. Plastic shoes d. None of these

10. Which one has fruity smell?
a. Alcohol c. Esters
b. Ethers d. Carboxylic acids
11. Which one is the carbonyl protecting group?
a. Carboxylic acid c. Alcohol
b. Ester d. Amino derivatives

12. What is the least number of carbon atoms in amino acids?

a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4
13. There is double bond in oleic acid between carbon numbers:
a. 7 – 8 c. 10 – 11
b. 8 – 9 d. 9 – 10
14. What is correct order of acidic strength?
a. Carboxylic acid > alcohols > phenol > water
b. Carboxylic acid > phenol > water > alcohol
c. Water > alcohol > carboxylic acid > phenol
d. Phenol > alcohol > water > carboxylic acid
15. In esterification, alcohol reacts with:
a. Acetaldehyde c. Carboxylic acid
b. Halogens d. None of these
16. Chemical formula of Malonic acid:
a. C3H8O4 c. C2H2O4
b. C6H12O6 d. C3H4O4
17. Lysine is a __________ amino acid.
a. Acidic c. Neutral
b. Basic d. Amphoteric
18. Amino acids are prepared by?
a. Streakers synthesis c. Dow’s method
b. Williamson’s synthesis d. Sabatier Sender’s synthesis
19. Amino acid is usually known by:
a. Common name c. Both a & b
b. IUPAC name d. None of these
20. Which of the following is branched amino acid?


XII Chem MCQ’s

21. Which one of the following is neutral amino acid?

a. Alanine c. Valine
b. Glycine d. All of these
22. Chemical formula of Malonic acid is?
c. (CH3)2CHCN (CH3)3COH

23. Which of the following is not an aromatic compound?

a. Phthalic acid c. Picric acid
b. Tartaric acid d. Salicyclic acid
24. Solubility of carboxylic acids in water decrease with:
a. Increase in molecular mass c. Both a & b
b. Decrease in molecular mass d. None of these
25. Acetic acid is used in treatment of?
a. Ear canal infection c. Abdominal pain
b. Pneumonia d. Vomiting
26. Acetic acid is used in curing of?
a. Meat c. Vegetables
b. Fish d. Both a & b


XII Chem MCQ’s

Chapter 14: Macromolecules

1. Fe2+ is a cofactor of:
a. Chrome oxidase c. Glucose 6 phosphate
b. Carbonic anhydrase d. Both a & b
2. Plastic cannot be recycled by:
a. Depolymerization c. Deformation
b. Transformation d. None of these
3. Adipic acid and Hexamethyline diamine combine to form?
a. Nylon – 6, 6 c. Polystyrene
b. Epoxy Resin d. Polyvinyl chloride
4. Following is the structure of:

a. Glucose c. Steroid
b. Lysine d. Androgens
5. Formula of fructose is:
a. C6H12O6 c. C5H10O5
b. (C6H12O6)n d. C5H10O6
6. Three different polymers are polymerized to form:
a. Copolymer c. Homopolymer
b. Terpolymer d. None of these


XII Chem MCQ’s

7. Which of the following is a disaccharide?

a. Sucrose c. Raffinose
b. Lactose d. Dextrin
8. PVC is created from which halogen
a. Fl c. Cl
b. Br d. I
9. Which of the following has less amount of protein?
a. Potato c. Egg
b. Milk d. Fruit
10. Teflon contains which of the following halide?
a. Chlorine c. Fluorine
b. Bromine d. All of these
11. Polymer having a characteristics odor and mostly used as an adhesive material is:
a. Polyvinyl chloride c. Ploride
b. Poly styrene d. Polyvinyl acetate
12. Monomers of Nylon 6, 6 is/are:
a. Caprolactam c. Hexamethylene diamine
b. Adipoyl chloride d. Both b & c
13. Which of the following can be used as a source of energy?
a. Lipids c. Both a & b
b. Carbohydrates d. None of these
14. Which of the following is not a part of the human diet?
a. Glucose c. Fructose
b. Sucrose d. Cellulose
15. Which of the following enzyme is used for conversion of Starch into Sugar?
a. Zymase c. Amylase
b. Invertase d. Yeast


XII Chem MCQ’s

Chapter 15: Common Chemical Industries in

1. Percentage of nitrogen in urea is:
a. 92% c. 46%
b. 68% d. 48%
2. The zone where moisture is removed and clay is broken down into Al2O3, SiO2, Fe2O3 is:
a. Burning zone c. Drying zone
b. Cooling zone d. Decomposition zone
3. In paper industry, sodium sulphite is buffered with:
a. Sodium carbonate c. Sodium acetate
b. Sodium hydroxide d. Both a & b
4. Which can be used as a liquid fertilizer?
a. Urea c. Potassium phosphate
b. Ammonia d. Diammonium phosphate
5. What is the nature of “hydrated tricalcium aluminate” (3Ca . Al 2O3 . 6H2O) in the setting of
a. Hardened mass c. Colloidal Gel
b. Hardened Gel d. Liquid
6. Aluminum nitrate is not used for:
a. Rice c. Cotton
b. Corn d. Wheat
7. Which of the following is a Macro-nutrition?
a. Boron c. Iron
b. Copper d. Nitrogen
8. How many grams of micro nutrients are needed by 1 acre of land?
a. 100 – 1000 c. 6 – 200
b. 200 – 500 d. 20 – 30
9. Ammonium nitrate contain nitrogen:
a. 82% c. 20%
b. 46% d. 35%
10. Which is not woody raw material?
a. Popular c. Fir
b. Hard work d. Rag


XII Chem MCQ’s

11. What is used in cement manufacture?

a. Limestone c. Potassium Oxide
b. Starch d. Clay
e. Both a & b

12. Which organic acid is used in pulping of wood for paper?

a. Formic acid c. Propanoic acid
b. Acetic acid d. Stearic acid


XII Chem MCQ’s


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