(Joseph F. C. DiMento) The Global Environment and
(Joseph F. C. DiMento) The Global Environment and
(Joseph F. C. DiMento) The Global Environment and
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DiMento, Joseph F.
The global environment and international law / Joseph F. C.
DiMento.—1st ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliograpical references and index.
isbn 0-292-71620-6 (cloth : alk. paper)—isbn 0-292-71624-9
(pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Environmental law. International. I. Title.
k3585 .d54 2003
Donald N. Michael (in Memoriam)
Joseph L. Sax
I’m hopeful . . . and this is important to us as a species . . . we
tend to do the right things when we get scared.
—Octavia Butler, novelist, New York Times interview,
1 January 2000
Preface ix
Acknowledgments xi
List of Acronyms xiii
Notes 187
Bibliography 201
General Index 237
Author Index 243
Conventions Index 247
Case Index 249
Those who have followed the attempts in Rio de Janeiro, The Hague,
Nairobi, Stockholm, Montreal, Kyoto, Buenos Aires, and Johannesburg
to construct an international law of the environment have witnessed an
intense, active, colorful, fascinating, and often confusing drama. They
may have wondered whether the sometimes circuslike sessions involving
heads of state and indigenous people and observers actually can produce
what they understand to be effective law. Many legal specialists also
question the contribution of the immense outpouring of instruments
created to address global environmental degradation in the last several
This book aims to answer the question “To what extent has interna-
tional environmental law mattered?” I seek to do so in several ways. I
summarize the history of the movement in law toward regional and global
efforts to protect species, conserve resources, and stop pollution. I evalu-
ate the effectiveness of efforts found in hundreds of treaties, customary
laws, soft laws, and related international agreements. I describe the in-
struments that have been employed and the characteristics they share.
Some of the lawmaking techniques are new and innovative. They
reflect experiments to organize hundreds of nations and thousands of
cultures to confront unprecedented global challenges. International en-
vironmental law is a part of international law itself, but it also has been
a major harbinger of change in global law generally. It has been a labo-
ratory to test approaches to lawmaking and implementation that may be
more generally applicable.
Two objectives come together in the newer international environ-
mental law. One is substantive: slow down environmental harm, restore
ecological health. The other is procedural: try to do so through cooper-
ative activities that recognize and respect widely differing cultures and
value systems. These are objectives to which I was first introduced by the
people to whom I dedicate this work. Joseph Sax helped make the envi-
x The Global Environment and International Law
Many of the ideas set forth in this book evolved through conversations
with colleagues in international environmental law and policy. Among
the most important were those with Stefano Nespor, editor of Rivista
Giuridica Dell’Ambiente, an environmental law journal. Stefano also
introduced me to ELNI, the Environmental Law Network International.
Helen Ingram pointed me toward a literature that is not in the main-
stream of environmental law but should be. Gilbert Geis, as always, kept
me working in as intelligent a way as I am able. Pamela Doughman con-
tributed immeasurably throughout and centrally to the sections on the
North American Free Trade Environmental Side Agreement. Suzanne
Levesque, then a graduate student, summarized brilliantly a section of
the literature. Reviewers for the University of Texas Press offered ex-
tremely useful suggestions. UCI librarians Kay Collins and Julia Gelfand
assisted in bibliographic research. Carol Wyatt, Dianne Christianson,
and Ben Yater of UCI provided typically flawless word-processing assis-
tance. Deborah Newquist, my wife, and my no longer little ones Joseph
and Allie created an environment that allowed me to make this small
contribution to the environment. The National Science Foundation Di-
vision of Law and Social Sciences, the Canadian Government Research
Council, the Global Peace and Conflict Studies program at UCI, and the
University of California-Irvine Institute on Global Conflict and Cooper-
ation funded underlying research for sections of the work and an inter-
national workshop that generated personal contributions of Byung-Sun
Cho, Elizabeth DeSombre, Ronnie Lipschutz, Richard Matthew, Albert
Mumma, Christopher Stone, Kilaparti Ramakrishna, Prue Taylor, and
Tullio Scovazzi. Finally, my mother has never stopped supplying support
in many ways.
Dateline: The Pacific, 2030
The small island state of Mondonia was completely evacuated last
week. An 85-year-old couple whose lives the media have been fol-
lowing daily became the last people to leave this lush tropical nation.
The two were taken by helicopter from their lifelong home in the vil-
lage of Susper. The airstrip that would have been their point of de-
parture has not been in service for months, having been inundated by
the rising waters of the Pacific Ocean.
Mondonia is the most recent of several small islands to be depopu-
lated by the climate change that has resulted from what scientists
forty years ago labeled the “greenhouse effect.” The term refers to the
increase in temperatures worldwide as the result of a variety of pro-
cesses, most notably the burning of fossil fuels by humans.
At the turn of the century, Mondonia was the home of 50,000
people and a destination point for tourists who wished to experience
the delights of tropical South Sea life. Now, one tenth of its earlier
physical mass, with its splendid beaches washed away, it will be vis-
ited only by atmospheric scientists and the curious with high-powered
boats. It stands as an eerie memorial to the excesses of contemporary
industrial and consumer life.
Mondonia first felt the impact of global climate change twenty
2 The Global Environment and International Law
years ago when its modest production of foodstuffs began to drop, first
by about 5 percent a year, then in much larger amounts as areas be-
came flooded with salt water. Flash floods visited periodically. At the
same time, sections of the country were in rare periods of drought,
causing further erosion of the previously sustainable supply of crops.
Exacerbating this problem was the intrusion of salt water into the
country’s main aquifer. Mondonia’s small fishing take was eliminated
when new species, foreign to the native population, replaced the fish
that were a mainstay of the Mondonian diet. Migratory birds, forever
an indicator of changing seasons, were seldom spotted. This was fol-
lowed by reports of massive coral bleaching. About fifteen years ago,
there was a spread of several infectious diseases previously not known
on the island. Cases of encephalitis and cholera were reported in in-
creasingly large numbers. Then a series of cyclones hit, though they
had previously been very rare in the region.
There is neither a Susper nor a Mondonia, of course. But the story is not
fiction; it is an extrapolation of the best science that exists to predict en-
vironmental conditions in the next several decades. Mondonia’s story
concerns the impacts of global warming.
Some get their water delivered in barrels formerly used to store radio-
active wastes.
In the terminology of jurisprudence, the actions that law needs to tar-
get are those of misfeasance, malfeasance, and nonfeasance. Law speaks
of violations of norms within sovereign entities. Norms are to be en-
forced by sanctions and incentives. Other fields employ different terms
for the behaviors that law seeks to control. In the language of political
science they are both legal and illegal actions of individual nation-states,
regions, single actors, and collective actors. Sociology characterizes
some of the actions as organizational outputs, others are the work of
elites, still others of individuals. Economists describe the macroeffects of
individual or collective action and failure to internalize external costs
(Haas 1990, ch. 1).
My focus is on global environmental problems in their many forms.
Degradation of the great seas; destruction of the earth’s protective sys-
tems; loss of biodiversity; depletion of life-sustaining resources; trans-
port across borders, physical and ecological, of substances that injure
and kill; the end of natural beauty and cultural traditions—all are prob-
lems and all are potential targets of law. In addition, I will maintain a
focus on change, worldwide, in climate patterns and events and evolv-
ing legal responses to it.
Some modern treaties are global, some regional, and some limited to
a small number of countries. They address the full range of media (air,
water, land), pollution sources (industry, agriculture, municipal waste,
and commerce), threats (exploitation of nuclear energy, disposal of haz-
ardous material), and conservation of species as well as forest and desert
resources. Some treaties focus on certain areas or places (Antarctica, the
wetlands); others aim to organize interstate cooperation in facing envi-
ronmental challenges. Many are framework conventions that articulate
overall principles and objectives that will, if cooperation continues, be
given form and effect in later treaties. Some call for national inventories,
action programs, and reporting mechanisms. Most expect that member
countries will adopt regulations, standards, and limits at the national
level—rather than implementing through supranational authorities.
Momentum created by the Stockholm Convention led to the signing
in 1982 of the long-debated and immensely complex United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which entered into force
in 1994. It contains several environment provisions, most of which are
found in part 12. It addresses land-based sources of pollution (article
207), seabed activities within national jurisdiction (article 208), seabed
activities beyond national jurisdiction (articles 145 and 209), dumping
(article 210), vessels (article 211), the atmosphere (article 212), duties to
prevent pollution from use of new technologies and introduction of
alien species, monitoring and environmental assessment, and conserva-
tion and management of marine resources.
The inventory of treaties can be divided among those that are funda-
mentally global or multilateral, where multi connotes many countries
from many regions; those that are multilateral and regional; and those
that are bilateral, or among a small number of nation-states. The tax-
onomy is not precise, however, since global treaties do not include all
nation-states; regions are defined variously, depending on the environ-
mental problem; and bilateral agreements often add additional parties
over time. Table 2.1 lists major treaties of a large regional or global
scope. The list is not exhaustive and grows yearly. Recent foci, for ex-
ample, have been on the elimination of so-called POPs (persistent or-
ganic pollutants, such as DDT, PCBs, aldrin, endrin, and toxaphene), on
efforts to promote safe international trade in genetically modified or-
ganisms (Cartagena, the Biosafety Protocol), and on access to informa-
tion and public participation and environmental justice in environmen-
tal decisions (the Aarhus Convention).
20 The Global Environment and International Law
Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial
Bodies (New York, 18 December 1979)
Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)
(Canberra, 20 May 1980)
Regional Convention for the Conservation of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Envi-
ronment (Jeddah, 14 February 1982)
Benelux Convention on Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection and Nat-
ural Resources (Brussels, 8 June 1982)
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Montego Bay, 10 December
Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of
the Wider Caribbean Region (Cartagena de Indias, 24 March 1983)
Vienna Convention for Protection of the Ozone Layer (1985)
Single European Act (Luxembourg, 17 February 1986)
Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident (Vienna, 26 September
Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emer-
gency (Vienna, 26 September 1986)
Convention for the Protection of the Natural Resources and Environment of the
South Pacific Region (25 November 1986)
Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer (Montreal, 16 September
Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes
and Their Disposal (Basel, 22 March 1989)
Convention for the Prohibition of Fishing with Long Driftnets in the South Pacific
(23 November 1989)
London Amendments to the Montreal Protocol (29 June 1990)
Protocol on International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness Response and
Co-operation (London, 30 November 1990)
Bamako Convention (Bamako, 30 January 1991)
Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context
(Espoo, 25 February 1991)
Environmental Protection of the Antarctic Treaty (Madrid, 4 October 1991) and
Convention on the Protection of the Alps (7 November 1991)
Treaty on European Union (Maastricht, 17 February 1992)
22 The Global Environment and International Law
Rio de Janeiro
The next major milestone in modern international environmental law
was the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
(UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The so-called Earth Summit
attracted more heads of government than had ever assembled in one
place, 50,000 NGO representatives, and thousands of civil servants.
Through its Declaration on Environment and Development, it affirmed
the Stockholm Declaration and laid out twenty-seven principles to guide
environment and development. It adopted the Convention on Biologi-
cal Diversity, the Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the
Statement of Principle on Forests. It also adopted Agenda 21, itself not
a binding entity but rather a guide to implementation of the conventions
and the articulation of principles of sustainable development. The 800-
page, 40-chapter agenda addressed several themes: a bottom-up ap-
proach to environmental quality that would involve women, indigenous
peoples, and others in a participatory approach to fostering coopera-
tion; the need for open governance and for adequate information; the
need for institutional coordination; and the use of both regulatory and
market mechanisms to reach the goals of “fulfillment of basic needs, im-
proved living standards for all, better protected and managed ecosys-
tems and a safer, more prosperous future” (Preamble, ch. 1). Both envi-
ronmental protection and economic development were to be sought
through an emphasis on sustainability.
Agenda 21 established the United Nations Commission on Sustain-
able Development and the Global Environmental Facility (GEF). GEF
began in 1990 as a three-year pilot program to assist developing coun-
tries with global environmental problems by providing funding for in-
vestments and technical assistance. Global warming, biodiversity, inter-
national waters, and ozone depletion are its foci. Later, the GEF was
designated the interim operational entity for the financial mechanisms
established under the Biodiversity Convention and the Climate Change
Convention and the financing instrument for relevant activities under
Agenda 21.
Agenda 21 articulated priority areas on which UNEP should con-
centrate. One specific objective is further development and implementa-
Law Trying to Save the Earth 25
Customary Law
The boundaries of the other sources of international environmental law
are less defined than the written, signed, and ratified treaties. Nonethe-
less, they are recognized by the legal community. The two most important
are customary law and soft law. Informal tacit customs are also recog-
nized by some scholars as a distinct category (Chayes and Chayes 1995).
Those norms and rules that are customarily followed by civilized na-
tions and binding on the states make up customary international law.
Customary international environmental law includes the duty of a state
to warn other states promptly about emergencies of an environmental
nature and environmental damages to which other states may be ex-
posed. The duty to warn was called an elementary consideration of hu-
manity in the 1949 Corfu Channel case involving damage caused to
warships of the United Kingdom by the placing of mines in Albanian
The point at which a principle achieves the status of customary law is
not always clear. Several principles have widespread but not universal
recognition: the Stockholm Declaration’s principle 21 and principle 2 of
30 The Global Environment and International Law
Judicial Contributions
International Courts
International environmental law includes the opinions of international
courts, few in number and with limited authority, but of considerable
interest to those who promote an international legal presence on envi-
ronmental matters. These tribunals include the International Court of
Justice (ICJ), also called the World Court. It is the principal judicial
body of the United Nations, created by the U.N. charter in 1945 and lo-
cated at The Hague. Its fifteen members are elected by the General As-
sembly from candidates nominated by national groups (i.e., groups of
jurists in the Permanent Court of Arbitration). Since 1993 it has had the
Chamber for Environmental Matters, which has seven members. In re-
cent years the ICJ has averaged about 10 cases (rising to 25 in 1999).
Many of its opinions have addressed maritime disputes and the Law of
the Sea.
Cases can be brought before the International Court of Justice by
consensual jurisdiction, by agreement between the disputing parties, or
by agreement to a compromissory clause in a multilateral or bilateral
agreement [Statute of the International Court of Justice, article 36(1)].
Under this provision it is also possible for parties to an environmental
treaty to accept compulsory arbitration or recourse to the ICJ. Under ar-
ticle 36(2) parties to the Statute of the Court can recognize compulsory
jurisdiction on several different types of legal matters including treaty in-
terpretation. The court also can give advisory opinions to the United
Nations General Assembly and the Security Council. These are not bind-
ing, but as with such opinions by courts of other legal systems, in cer-
tain circumstances they can be as influential as a legally binding opin-
ion. Under article 41, the court also can indicate interim measures to
preserve the rights of parties to a dispute.
Other international courts with some environmental caseload are the
Law of the Sea Court, the European Court of Justice, and a few regional
treaties tribunals. Their opinions can contribute to customary law, but
they may have separate and distinct objectives, such as settling individ-
ual idiosyncratic conflicts.
The European Court of Justice (ECJ), also called the Court of Justice
of the European Communities, is composed of judges and advocates-
general who are appointed by member states for terms of six years. A
president of the court is elected from among them. The court sits in a
plenary session, if requested, in actions brought by member states or
Law Trying to Save the Earth 33
Domestic Courts
Nation-state courts play an important role in the development of inter-
national environmental law in what international lawyers call either
34 The Global Environment and International Law
“Jurisdiction” can have many meanings and denote varying degrees of
strength and reach of legal institutions. In environmental affairs there
are numerous examples of initiatives to establish international jurisdic-
tion. At one level the United Nations has jurisdiction on matters of the
environment. For example, Agenda 21 recognizes the General Assembly
as “the supreme policy-making forum that would provide overall guid-
ance to Governments, the United Nations system and relevant treaty
bodies.” As Werksman (1996, xiv) observes, however: “The General As-
sembly’s universal membership and extremely broad mandate has al-
lowed it to take up many issues of global concern. Yet it is constrained
by powers which are limited to making recommendations that are not
binding on its Member States. . . . [It] has had to rely upon subtler stuff,
primarily the sensitivity of Member States to the hortatory character of
its pronouncements, and the publicity that can attend its debates.” Al-
though “subtler stuff” has limitations, persuasion through sound analy-
sis can “make a contribution to the shaping of state behavior and the ad-
vancement of sustainable environmental development objectives at least
as valuable as the design and enforcement of new standards and regula-
tion” (Werksman 1996, xv).
Some treaties create jurisdiction by common agreement, while others
go beyond, providing that the parties need to submit their dispute to
some form of arbitration. Referral of the dispute to the International
Court of Justice or some other court may be mandated. Under the Con-
vention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources ar-
ticle 25, a not atypical range of options exists:
1. If any dispute arises between two or more of the Contracting Parties
concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention,
those Contracting Parties shall consult among themselves with a view
to having the dispute resolved by negotiation, inquiry, mediation,
40 The Global Environment and International Law
Whether potential parties to new instruments share understandings of
their commitments on acceptable performance, behavior, and comport-
ment is the issue of norm existence. There is now a massive and growing
attention in the legal community to norms (Downs et al. 2000; Etzioni
2000; Farkas 1998; McAdams 1997; Mueller 1989; Posner 2000; Rawls
Law Trying to Save the Earth 43
Enforceable Norms?
Many terms in international law lack precision, often intentionally. If
making domestic law is like making sausage, making international
law is like making a sausage stew. Shabecoff (1996, 142) colorfully
44 The Global Environment and International Law
(a) the geography of the basin, including in particular the extent of the
drainage area in the territory of each basin State;
(b) the hydrology of the basin, including in particular the contribution
of water by each basin State;
(c) the climate affecting the basin;
(d) the past utilization of the waters of the basin, including in particular
existing utilization;
(e) the economic and social needs of each basin State;
(f) the population dependent on the waters of the basin in each basin
(g) the comparative costs of alternative means of satisfying the eco-
nomic and social needs of each basin State;
(h) the availability of other resources;
(i) the avoidance of unnecessary waste in the utilization of waters of the
(j) the practicability of compensation to one or more of the co-basin
States as a means of adjusting conflicts among users;
(k) the degree to which the needs of a basin State may be satisfied, with-
out causing substantial injury to co-basin State. (Fuentes 1997, 338)
Fuentes adds the environmental impact of the use of the river on other
basin states as a relevant factor in establishing equitable utilization
Do all of these factors need to be assessed in each determination of
what is equitable? If a few are not, might that make for a defense by a
nation-state that has, for example, engaged in unnecessary waste (i) and
has sufficient other water resources (h)? How are the factors to be
weighted when they are internally inconsistent? The rules in fact have
been used only once and even then not for a specific allocation of water
(Beach et al. 2000).
Conversely, absolutist terms are used in international law without
Law Trying to Save the Earth 47
States and, to the extent they are able, other public authorities, inter-
national organizations, individuals, groups and corporations shall:
(a) Co-operate in the task of conserving nature through common activ-
ities and other relevant actions, including information exchange and
(b) Establish standards for products and manufacturing processes that
may have adverse effects on nature, as well as agreed methodologies
for assessing these effects;
(c) Implement the applicable international legal provisions for the con-
servation of nature and the protection of the environment;
(d) Ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not
cause damage to the natural systems located within other States or
in the areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction;
(e) Safeguard and conserve nature in areas beyond national jurisdiction.
Impacts on Sovereignty
It is generally understood that for law to be effective, compliance with
its provisions cannot be voluntary and selective. Yet selective acceptance
is common in international law, found mainly through the process of
reservation. “Reservation” as defined in the Vienna Convention, arti-
cle 2 (1)(d), means “a unilateral statement, however phrased or named,
made by a state when signing, ratifying, accepting, approving or acced-
ing to a treaty, whereby it purports to exclude or to modify the legal ef-
fect of certain provisions of the treaty in their application to that state.”
A reservation, according to article 21 of the convention, “modifies for
the reserving state in its relations with that other party the provisions of
the treaty to which the reservation relates to the extent of the reserva-
tion; and . . . modifies those provisions to the same extent for that other
party in its relations with the reserving state.” 16
Poland, as an example, made a reservation to the 1967 Convention
on Conduct of Fishing Operations in the North Atlantic:
The Government of the Polish People’s Republic does not consider it-
self bound by the provisions of Article 13, which states that any dis-
pute between two or more Contracting Governments in respect of the
interpretation or application of the Convention may, at the request of
any of the parties to the dispute, be submitted to arbitration or placed
before the International Court of Justice for settlement. The Govern-
ment of the Polish People’s Republic states that submitting the dispute
to arbitration as well as placing it before the International Court of
Justice requires the consent of all parties concerned in the dispute in
each individual case.
One blatant attempt to use a reservation involved the 1990 amend-
ments to the CITES. Just before the period for entering reservations was
to expire, the United Kingdom and other nations entered a reservation
that excluded application of an endangered species ban to Hong Kong.
Only through the organized efforts of NGOs was sufficient pressure
brought so that the United Kingdom backed away and allowed the res-
ervation to expire. Interestingly, it was through other elements of inter-
Law Trying to Save the Earth 49
national law that the reservation was derailed: the NGOs had petitioned
for an independent and formal legal opinion about the matter (Sands
1995b, 162).
Sovereignty is clearly compromised under some instruments of inter-
national environmental protection. Nation-states, for instance, may be
empowered to act outside the boundaries of their sovereign territory.
The Brussels Convention on Intervention on the High Seas in Case of Oil
Pollution Casualties, as an example, codifies the right of the coastal state
to act beyond the limits of the territorial seas in cases of major pollution
or threat of pollution caused by maritime casualties.17 The Law of the
Sea Convention has sufficient characteristics of a hard law created, im-
plemented, and enforced by suprasovereign entities that its consider-
ation involved an extraordinarily long period of discussion and contro-
versy. It is “the only example of a global instrument which envisions the
protection of the marine environment from the broadest perspective,
and which at the same time, clarifies the question of the extent of the
coastal states’ authority in the various maritime areas” (Scovazzi and
Treves 1992, 150). The Montreal Protocol also notably limited sover-
eignty; it adopted simplified majority decision making and precluded
Perversely from the point of view of international environmental pro-
tection, the worldwide movement toward free trade can compromise na-
tional sovereignty exercised to achieve environmental goals. It does so
by allowing challenges to environmental laws that aim to have impacts
outside the individual nation-state. This applies to both the extraterrito-
rial reach of domestic law and the laws of regions, such as the European
community. In world organizations, the WTO, formerly the General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), allows members to challenge
domestic environmental laws of other nations using the argument that
they create artificial barriers to trade.
Theoretically, free trade challenges are not an insurmountable prob-
lem for environmental law, and some of the newer-generation regimes
have even built environmental protection into trade agreements. To a
modest degree this is true under NAFTA and some other trade institu-
tions described in Chapter 4, but the threat of international trade agree-
ments to environmental law persists. Although worldwide concern with
environmental protection is high, interest in free trade historically is
more powerful globally. Policymakers, politicians, and business people
generally accept the assumption that free trade promotes environmental
protection. Pro-trade commentators assert that liberalized trade creates
50 The Global Environment and International Law
what happens when the rules are broken. We must not confuse the
pathology of law with law itself. (78)
Young (1979) has gone so far as to argue that arrangements featuring
enforcement as a means of eliciting compliance are not useful in interna-
tional society, and that retaliation risks the breakdown of cooperation.
Fundamentally, the goal of any legal institution is to achieve compliance
with a set of norms.18 When the objective of law is so stated, a wide
range of ideas on means of influencing behaviors or achieving social
control comes forward. Enforcement is joined, and in the views of some
theorists even supplanted, by management notions.
Many international negotiations conclude that there are more effec-
tive means of achieving compliance than through the use of strict sanc-
tions and enforcement. Agenda 21 encourages nation-states to create
systems aimed at full implementation. Similarly, the 1993 Lucerne ECE
(Economic Commission for Europe) Ministerial Declaration urges con-
tracting parties to environmental conventions to adopt
noncompliance procedures (NCPs) which (1) aim to avoid complex-
ity; (2) are nonconfrontational and transparent; (3) leave the compe-
tence for making decisions to the determination of the contracting
parties; (4) allow contracting parties to consider what technical and
financial assistance may be required within the context of the specific
agreement; and (5) include a transparent and revealing reporting sys-
tem and procedures as agreed to by the parties. (Handl 1994, 327) 19
Under the Montreal Protocol’s NCP, one or more parties may initiate
a complaint about another party’s compliance; or the noncomplying
party or the protocol’s secretariat may begin the procedure.20 The Im-
plementation Committee then reviews the matter and reports its finding,
including recommendations, if any, to the Meeting of the Parties. The
review by the Implementation Committee seeks to achieve an amicable
settlement respecting the provisions of the protocol. The committee can
recommend the provision of appropriate assistance to the noncomply-
ing party, the issuance of cautions, or the suspension of rights and privi-
leges under the protocol. Where a party’s inability to comply suggests a
general problem, the committee may also recommend “an adjustment of
normative parameters” (Handl 1994, 328).
The primary purpose of the NCP is to help a party come into com-
54 The Global Environment and International Law
For more than a century, nation-states have adopted international envi-
ronmental instruments that aim to have the force of law. They are of var-
ious types: global, multilateral, regional, and bilateral within the treaty
regime; court-made and customary law; and soft law. They vary in the
extent to which they affect national sovereignty and establish jurisdic-
tion. Some law reflects fairly consensual international norms. Other in-
struments are vague about norms to be enforced. Some are weak on
ways to enforce such norms. Certain provisions—strong in articulation
of compliance-promoting requirements—are not fully implemented.
Meaningful sanctions exist in some regimes; for other treaties the sanc-
tions described are quite different from those actually imposed.
The short history of global environmental law hints that its evolution
may be more aggressive than in other areas. “International environ-
mental policy is at the forefront of many progressive developments that
prefigure more general trends in public international law, a relatively
primitive legal system whose limitations in responding to the pressing
demands of globalization are apparent” (Wirth 1999, 927). Several of
those developments explain the extent to which the law has been effec-
tive, a subject to which I return explicitly in Chapter 4.
may pollute and degrade as they try to sustain their very existence. They
destroy resources and disrupt environmental systems as they consume
well beyond sustenance levels. They do so also through the way they
govern and serve themselves. Of course, people motivated to behave
with a focus on the environment as a priority are also the source of
environmental stewardship.
There were as of the early nineties approximately 37,000 transnational
corporations worth, collectively, $2 trillion (Fowler 1995). Surely in the
following decade these numbers increased. Large enterprises that do
commerce in many nations (loosely clustered under the term “multi-
national corporation,” or MNC) lead many lists of the targets of inter-
national environmental law. Many people associate these giant, concen-
trated, wealthy entities that engage in business transnationally with
deforestation, oil spills, destruction of species, degradation of the air
and water, and especially with ozone- and oxygen-depleting substances
and greenhouse gas emissions. MNCs often engage on a massive scale in
exploitation of raw materials, resource cultivation, or extraction; man-
ufacturing with nonrenewable resources or the nonsustainable use of
renewable resources; environmentally unsound waste disposal, packag-
ing, and distribution; marketing aimed at creating demand for nonre-
newable or inefficiently renewable resources; and wasteful production.
Modern views about the impact of corporate enterprise on the inter-
national environment vary. There is no question that MNCs have been
responsible for major environmental catastrophes, their new language
of green management and enlightened business practice notwithstand-
ing. They export risk, such as when a transnational or multinational
corporation decides in its production strategy to site dangerous indus-
trial activities in distant locations, for example, to locate chemical pro-
duction involving tetrachlorodibenzoparadioxine in Seveso or methyl
isocyanate in Bhopal (Scovazzi and Treves 1992, 25).
each applying its own laws or its own choice-of-law rules” (Rubin 1994,
12). In this understanding, MNCs may actually desire international en-
vironmental standards, codified in law, both to lessen their liability and
to communicate information as to what is socially acceptable.
MNC decisions about support of or opposition to proposed environ-
mental regulation (and later the manner corporations choose to pro-
mote or to resist even relatively impotent implementation mechanisms)
can have mammoth effects on the environment. Consider, for example,
the histories of packaging law (Golub 1996b), recycling law in general,
and detergent production regulation. Different nation-states have con-
trolled disposal practices of major companies very differently, and the
effects on bodies of water through, for example, eutrophication and on
land through landfill contamination are dramatic.
Positive Behaviors
These assessments differ radically from descriptions of the new environ-
mental or green management that has become the strategy of choice at
some multinationals. They also differ greatly from what many giant cor-
porations say about themselves, sometimes accurately and relatively ob-
jectively, sometimes, as an American judge chided, using “flowery cor-
porate happy-talk” to portray (inaccurately) its environmental record
to shareholders.1 There are numerous examples of innovative multi-
national environmental protection actions. Transnational corporations
generally have better records in regard to environment, health, and
safety concerns than do local or state-owned companies in developing
countries (Fowler 1995). They tend to favor standardization of environ-
mental regulations across nation-states, even if it is at a higher level of
harmonization than some of the rules enforced in individual markets.
UNEP describes environmental advances by several MNCs and notes
they are not “reflected widely in the practices of small and medium-sized
companies that form the backbone of economies in many countries”
(Global Environment Outlook 1997, 3).
UNEP, in collaboration with the International Chamber of Com-
merce, has recognized some companies as leaders in environmental
management. In 2000, they were Aluminium Bahrain, Brazil’s Cellulose
S.A., the Canadian-based International Forest Products Ltd., HiPP of
Germany, BSES in India, Israel’s Nesher-Israel Cement Enterprises, the
Japanese firm Tokyo Electric Power, Altos Hornos de Mexico S.A.,
Law’s Targets 63
was created by the ban on leaded gas. The manufacture and sale of
higher priced pesticides followed restrictions on DDT use.
Then there are headline-grabbing individual decisions and programs.
Ford Motor Company finances Conservation International’s research in
the Pantanal on the conversion of cattle ranches into private reserves and
on other wildlife management activities (Friedman 1998). Chevron has
joined a partnership with the World Wildlife Fund to protect flora and
fauna around the Kikari oil fields of Papua, New Guinea. Home Depot
announces that it will stop selling products made from wood from areas
that are environmentally sensitive. Unilever, a major purchaser of frozen
fish, helps fund the Marine Stewardship Council. British Petroleum lim-
its its emissions of greenhouse gases, expressing a concern over global
warming not articulated by its major competitors. It later commits to a
voluntary reduction of emissions of these gases to 10 percent below
1990 levels by 2010. Daimler Chrysler drops out of an industry consor-
tium that opposes regulatory restrictions to achieve climate stabiliza-
tion. The Chemical Manufacturers Association in the United States and
the Canadian Chemical Producers Association push Responsible Care,
pledging to make environmental health and safety a priority for all
products and processes (Farha 1990, 394). Toyota, General Motors,
and Honda begin development of a hybrid vehicle to curb emissions of
greenhouse gases (International Environment Reporter, 27 October
1999, 886). Shell International, Suncor Energy Inc., Ontario Power
Generation, Alcan (a Canadian aluminum company), and Pechiney Ca
Frena create a partnership with environmental groups to reduce emis-
sions of greenhouse gases 15 percent below 1990 levels by 2010 (Inter-
national Environment Reporter, 25 October 2000, 831).
Collections of businesses and industry groups can also wield consid-
erable influence on markets that affect environmental quality. Dow
Jones in September 1999 created a new set of indices, the Dow Jones
Sustainability Group Indexes, with a market capital value of $4.3 tril-
lion. The indices allow tracking of industrial and financial performance.
Indices are both global and regional (International Environment Re-
porter, 15 September 1999, 757). Japan may list products linked to
global climate change and greenhouse gas reductions on its commodi-
ties exchange (Aritake 2000). Also, while controversial among environ-
mentalists, some market theorists suggest that the type of environmen-
tal performance reporting that major companies have undertaken can
translate into stockholder and company attention to environmental im-
Law’s Targets 65
Green management also has the potential to improve the firm’s rela-
tionships with government regulators. It can increase both customer and
employee satisfaction. Insurance may be less expensive, especially lia-
bility coverage, and related business world advantages may be reaped.
Externally, among the best-known international initiatives to pro-
mote green management are those of the International Standards Or-
ganization and those of the European Community (the first nongov-
ernmental, the second involving international environmental law). The
International Standards Organization or International Organization
for Standardization (ISO) is a Geneva-based body, composed of about
120 entities. It is the official standard-setting and labeling body recog-
nized by the World Trade Organization and other international agen-
cies. Members are governmental institutions or organizations that have
been incorporated through the public law. ISO’s budget is provided by
corporate members and by governments. Given its makeup, ISO is
sometimes referred to as a quasigovernmental entity, but that is not a
precise term and the organization is not a government, although its pro-
cedures, which include voting by all member countries, resemble gov-
ernmental processes. For example, a draft international standard be-
comes an international standard if 75 percent of the voting members
support it.
The ISO 14000 series is its environmental management element. The
aim of the standards, recommended by a technical committee composed
of industry, government representatives, and some NGOs, is to encour-
age environmental management and to rely on market forces to effect
environmental performance improvement, aided by environmental im-
pact analysis and auditing. Other elements of the 14000 series are prod-
uct life cycle assessment and environmental product labeling. ISO
14000 standards are action-forcing in that they require a firm to do
several things to be certified: articulate an environmental policy, cre-
ate senior management commitment and an organizational structure
and training and implementation systems, and monitor whether the firm
is actually making progress as measured by environmental performance.
Among the requirements under EMAS (the European Union envi-
ronmental management regulation that became effective in 1995) are:
an inventory of environmental impacts of production processes, a writ-
ten corporate environmental policy, a program to track performance
that uses environmental measures, and the audits and other activities of
a full management system. In the European law, a company must meet
these requirements to be certified, and to maintain certification it must
68 The Global Environment and International Law
Computers can lessen the need for virgin products, and rapidly avail-
able information about inventories can decrease demand for storage
space and decrease spoilage. Ease of modeling can promote control of
harmful emissions. Computers can dramatically increase the flow of
ideas on environmental protection strategies, on new laws and their
potential effectiveness, and on appropriate sustainable technologies.
E-based networks can make for the rapid dissemination and effective use
of environmental management systems. Telecommuting, evaluated one
way, consumes much less energy than working at the office or factory.
A person at home reportedly uses about a third as much energy as an
office worker (Hemminger 2000). In recent years, the proliferation of
e-commerce overall has been accompanied by a slowing of growth in en-
ergy consumption.
To be sure, there is another possible scenario. The work-at-home fig-
ure does not account for the impacts the at-home worker may have in
nonwork ways. The rapidity with which e-commerce allows consump-
tion can accelerate the use of natural resources. Per capita shopping may
increase online. High-technology industries themselves have challenging
environmental problems, including the risks of contamination from the
use of solvents in the production process. Considerable waste accrues
with the rapid obsolescence of computer devices. It is becoming com-
mon now for families to have half a dozen old machines sitting unused
and awaiting disposal. Will the equipment enter landfills and compete
with other waste, will it be dumped in the Third World, or will it be used
in the production of a new generation of machines? The paperless soci-
ety seems far away as word-processing equipment allows for numerous
printed drafts. “Our ignorance about this is deep and profound and our
knowledge superficial and consists mainly of ideology,” concluded
Braden Allenby, an AT&T executive at a symposium on e-commerce
and the environment (Hemminger 2000, 21).
It is not only with the multinational enterprise that international law
concerns itself. Companies doing business exclusively within a nation-
state also affect the global environment. Large multinational companies
may have the potential to do massive environmental harm or good, but
individual companies, even those with small numbers of employees and
with charters in only one country, can also have a considerable effect on
environmental quality. The Harvard Business Review reported that
Law’s Targets 73
Ironically, nations that make policy and law to promote global environ-
mental quality also often are a major source of international environ-
mental challenges. National governments destroy the international en-
vironment in many ways. They undertake regionally or globally
destructive military tests. They engage in environmentally devastating
Law’s Targets 79
wars. They fail to warn of incidents that have serious transboundary en-
vironmental and environmental health effects. They aggressively pursue
policies that favor nonsustainable energy use, exploiting resources for
short-term economic gain. Through their export credit agencies, they
promote investments in developing countries that increase air polluting
emissions (World Resources Institute 2000).4 They support commercial
activities at home that have insidious long-term effects on resources and
people across national lines, destroying seas or countrysides.
Governments fail to act in situations in which the linkages to environ-
mental degradation are less direct, such as in setting transportation fees
for recycling, establishing energy taxes on various fuel sources, and re-
moving subsidies for forms of nonsustainable development. They refuse
to enforce their own environmental law. They ignore assessments of en-
vironmental impacts of major public works and private development
actions. They place ill-informed cultural clichés over rational analysis
of consumer behaviors that destroy species. They allow transboundary
movements of dangerous and risky materials to places that cannot pro-
cess the received hazards and toxics. They allow their flags to fly on com-
mercial vessels that disgorge polluting emissions into the land and water.
They permit uses on fragile lands that cannot be sustained. Finally, they
take positions in international fora that favor destructive activity in nat-
ural resource or wildlife sectors over more environmentally protective
It must be noted, however, that governments also can be the major
source of environmental protection. They pass domestic environmental
laws, of course, and that is fundamental. They have almost limitless po-
tential for environmentally protective programs. Take some examples:
Germany contemplates an electronics recycling ordinance for the col-
lection of old appliances and the dismantling and reuse of components.
That country alone has 2 million tons of discarded electronic products a
year (International Environment Reporter, 4 March 1998). It also pro-
poses proliferation of environmentally acceptable technology in its an-
nual (more than $40 billion) investment program (Schmitt-Roschmann
2000). European cities, this time led by Italy, develop an approach to car-
sharing to stem the high use of second vehicles among households (Inter-
national Environment Reporter, 27 October 1999, 889). National gov-
ernments create certification programs, such as Switzerland’s for wood
products from sustainable forests, that encourage use of environmentally
sensitive commercial and consumer products (International Environ-
ment Reporter, 15 September, 761). In the United States, New Jersey
80 The Global Environment and International Law
An effective international environmental law recognizes the myriad
sources of environmental degradation, from the poor rural villager to the
multinational corporate entity. It reflects an understanding of the relative
seriousness of impacts. It understands how behaviors manifest them-
selves, across borders, multinationally, regionally, and globally. It also
creates incentives for beneficial environmental behavior of people and
groups, exploiting the models they have created. It does so while priori-
tizing environmental harm within other public policy concerns, including
recognition of cultural diversity, deep poverty, and social welfare.
It is common to reach conclusions about this body of law that point to
its weaknesses, its lacunae, its failures. Koskenniemi (1996, 236) illus-
trated the tendency:
At the regional level, assessments are more varied but still critical.
Johnson and Corcelle (1992, 340) conclude about the European Union:
Generally speaking, numerous weaknesses and gaps in the imple-
mentation of environmental directives have been noted by the Com-
mission: often inclusion of these directives in national law is delayed;
they are often only partially incorporated; in practice, the directives
have been considered as recommendations, rather than provisions
having a restrictive legal power; in some cases even the decisions of
the Court of Justice recognizing an infraction on the part of a Mem-
ber State, have not been followed.
Enforcement procedures within the European Community, both at na-
tional and at community levels, are ineffective (Sands 1995a); defini-
tions within European law remain elusive; and it is characterized by
“messiness in certain areas and absurdities in others,” although the case
with European waste law may ultimately make for a more balanced as-
sessment (Tromans 2001, 156).
In a criticism that she generalizes to the UNEP, Kutting (1994, 238)
notes the potential weakness of focusing on compliance rather than the
effectiveness of international environmental law. About the Mediter-
ranean Action Plan (MAP) she observes, “If cooperation rather than im-
plementation is seen as the aim of MAP, it can be described as a suc-
cessful agreement. Unfortunately, cooperation without implementation
does not improve the state of the marine environment. Thus, MAP lacks
effectiveness.” Explicitly addressing progress in environmental terms,
John Carroll (1988, 276) concluded of the International Joint Commis-
sion that “in broader societal concerns of water and air pollution, it has
achieved little of significance when measured against getting the prob-
lem solved, and that should be the only real measure.”
Some observers attend to the weakest parts of treaties and generalize
therefrom. They see vague definitions such as the undeveloped “ecosys-
tem approach” in the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Ma-
rine Living Resources (Redgwell 1999); loopholes, such as through bi-
lateral agreements in the Basel Convention; incentives to defect from the
Montreal Protocol and absence of effective compliance-promoting
mechanisms; failure to address air pollution emissions from vessels un-
der MARPOL and related regimes; creation of polarization rather than
consensus with the Straddling Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Treaty
and its failure to address protection of the 90 percent of the world’s
fisheries within the 200-mile exclusive economic zones of coastal na-
An Accounting 87
In many contexts the obligations are not defined with precision, and
much uncertainty persists as to their essential components. . . . As
found in treaty regimes, [however,] there is little doubt that these ob-
ligations have legal force for the parties to them. To that extent the
obligations they impose are strictly speaking justiciable, notwith-
standing their general imprecision. . . . As independent legal duties,
procedural obligations are likely to influence the behaviour of even
the most reluctant of States.
Assessments of soft law, customary law, and framework law also
vary. The campaign to control high-seas pelagic driftnet fishing through
nonbinding legal means “seems to have succeeded” (Rothwell 2000,
145). U.N. resolutions are being reevaluated with increasing respect for
their effectiveness (Shelton 2000). The International Law Commission
concluded that “there is overwhelming support for the doctrine of equi-
table utilization as a general guiding principle of law for the determina-
tion of the rights of States in respect of the non-navigational uses of in-
ternational watercourses” (Nollkaemper 1996, 44). But Nollkaemper
characterized the doctrine as “highly indeterminate,” based on an un-
wieldy weighting of seventeen factors. It is “an open-ended framework
for political compromise without an independent legal identity. . . . The
flexibility of the principle means that it easily dwindles into a ‘might-is-
right’ paradigm” (46). Bergesen and Botnen (1996) conclude that the
activities of the Commission on Sustainable Development have re-
mained in a very preliminary stage. Kaplan (1991) concludes that cus-
tomary law has not been able to address adequately the challenge of sub-
seabed nuclear waste disposal.
moted. Abatement measures for ODSs have been adopted. those sub-
stances now include CFCs, halons, carbon tetrachloride, methyl chloro-
form, fully halogenated CFC, HCFC, hydrobromide fluorocarbons,
and methyl bromide. A permanent funding entity is in place and trade
restrictions can be imposed for noncompliance. Member countries com-
mit to establish licensing systems for trade, and a mechanism for avoid-
ing disputes and settling them when they are not avoidable, the non-
compliance procedure has been initiated. The regime adopted the
revolutionary concept in international law of simplified majority deci-
sion making, and no reservation is allowed. The ozone regime, in addi-
tion to the state parties, includes the Meeting of the Parties, the Imple-
mentation Committee, and the UNEP Ozone Secretariat, which is
empowered, among other matters, to initiate a formal dispute resolution
procedure, a first in international law (Yoshida 1999).
Ambassador Richard Benedick, who led the United States participa-
tion in the negotiations for the Vienna Convention and the Montreal
Protocol, said that negotiations were characterized by “a sense of his-
tory making.” At the conclusion of the negotiation of the Montreal Pro-
tocol, Mostafa Tolba, the UNEP executive director whose strong per-
sonality had helped build support for substantive commitments in the
protocol, stated that “the environment can be a bridge between the
worlds of East and West, and of North and South. . . . This Protocol is
a point of departure . . . the beginning of the real work to come”
(Benedick 1991, as cited in Hunter, Salzman, and Zaelke 1998, 214).
This agreement was achieved despite the lack of measurable evidence of
damage to the ozone layer at the time (545).
In the United States, many organizations that have used large amounts
of substances regulated by the Montreal Protocol are now exemplary in
their compliance, especially McDonald’s (no more CFCs in packaging),
Whirlpool (CFC-free refrigerants), and the U.S. military (phaseout of
halons in fire-fighting equipment)(World Resources Institute 1996).
There have been some problems associated with the incentive-based
mechanisms for industrial compliance, most notably the black market in
chlorofluorocarbons. DeSombre (2000 –2001) argues that changing eco-
nomic, technological, and regulatory conditions will reduce the magni-
tude of the problems over time.5 Other challenges, however, are not based
on bad faith but are simply reflections of capacity to implement. The
United Kingdom, for example, faced with destroying CFCs in the foam of
millions of refrigerators, lacks adequate facilities to perform the task
(Tracey 2001).
Meanwhile, measurements of CFCs in the atmosphere indicate con-
tinued growth in absolute terms but a decrease in the rate at which CFCs
are added to existing levels.6 Evidence from the U.S. National Aero-
nautics and Space Administration and the National Oceanic and Atmo-
sphere Administration shows that the loss of stratospheric ozone con-
tinues to affect all latitudes outside the tropics, with areas near the South
Pole experiencing the greatest losses.7
The worst year to that point for the size of the ozone hole was 1998
(Environmental News Network, 7 October 1998). Because tempera-
tures in the stratosphere over the South Pole were warmer in 1999, the
ozone hole did not grow as large as it did in 1998 (Associated Press,
7 October 1999). Global climate change is expected to contribute to the
size of the ozone hole. Although global climate change is anticipated to
increase average temperatures near the earth’s surface, it is expected to
decrease temperatures in the stratosphere. Colder temperatures in the
stratosphere create conditions conducive to larger losses in stratospheric
ozone due to CFCs and other ozone-depleting substances (Environmen-
tal News Network, 7 October 1998).
talists, (3) the economic benefits of early action, and (4) the need for rec-
ognition of the impacts on developing countries.
There have been criticisms of the regime. There is a risk of noncom-
pliance with its rules because it is not everywhere clear what compliance
means (Yoshida 1999). Norms are not well defined. Furthermore, choice
of the World Bank as the main implementing agency of the fund has been
strongly attacked because, allegedly, the bank continues to fund projects
that use technologies that rely on ozone-depleting substances. The bank
also reportedly established markets in the south for destructive, obsolete
technologies (Greenpeace 1994). The financial assistance mechanism
sets a precedent and creates expectations for similar subsidies in other
environmental agreements. A demand by developing countries for finan-
cial and technical help may be construed as a failure to take responsi-
bility for a share of the costs of protecting the global environment. In a
political atmosphere in some nations of waning support for overseas de-
velopment assistance, these demands can weaken diplomatic support for
international environmental agreements. Furthermore, if the assistance
decreases the amount of profit obtainable from research investment in
replacement substances, it will reduce the incentive for industrialized
countries to develop new technologies and undermine research efforts in
developing nations as well. Provision of subsidies may also result in per-
verse rewards for developing countries to increase production of ODSs
in the short run. China exploited such an opportunity for short-term
gains from ODS production (DeSombre 2000 –2001). Finally, although
experts differ, some observers feel that illegal CFC trade is inevitable and
will continue because of problems inherent in the regime, such as ex-
emptions for recycled CFCs (Clapp 1997) and a grace period for devel-
oping countries (Papasavva and Moomaw 1997).
The Montreal Protocol with its amendments is a historic precedent. In
the face of a severe global environmental problem steeped in scientific
uncertainty, industrialized and developing nations agreed to an innova-
tive arrangement. One of the new principles set forth by the protocol is
the idea that nations should take precautions against plausible environ-
mental threats even if irrefutable evidence of their existence is not yet
forthcoming. Another principle applies to the distribution of costs and
benefits across nations that bear common but differentiated responsibil-
102 The Global Environment and International Law
ities for past and future threats to the global environment. This ap-
proach is characterized by differentiated commitments among signatory
nations and technology transfer to assist developing nations to reduce
the environmental damage that their industrialization is likely to cause.
Because of the development of a black market in ozone-depleting sub-
stances, the ozone layer is unlikely to stabilize as soon as scientists had
predicted. As subsequent provisions of the agreement come into force,
however, black-market demand is expected to subside. Also of central
concern to policymakers in the international arena are the possible
countervailing effects of controls on certain climate-change gases.
In addition to the flexibility that allows the regime to incorporate an
evolving scientific consensus and the regime’s use of innovative strategies
to promote compliance, a few other factors help explain the consider-
able success of the Montreal Protocol. The goals of the agreement are
clear, precise, and straightforward, and their realization is subject to ob-
jective evaluation. Entry into the agreement was not a major obstacle to
the agreement’s creation. Through an innovative multilateral fund, sup-
port has been adequate to help meet defined goals. The Secretariat and
its subsidiary bodies have been professional and effective. The approach
to dispute resolution is clear, recognizing increasing outside assistance if
required. The regime builds on ever-developing political acceptability
linked to the private sector’s recognition of the importance of the ODS
problem and industry’s role in creating substitutes.
of its catchment area, and its depth in parts exceeds 2 kilometers. The
only ocean outlet to this gigantic water resource is the narrow and shal-
low 19-mile-long Bosporus Channel, established as an international sea
lane under a 1936 convention. The environmental problems associated
with the Black Sea are immense, and its environmental management is
a formidable task.
While scientists analyze and debate just exactly how serious the situ-
ation is, pollution and ecological degradation of the Black Sea is on al-
most every list of major environmental problems in the world.
Under the Soviet system (which in a sense was an international effort,
albeit a peculiarly centralized one), a large number of specialists in all
areas of relevance to water-body management worked on Black Sea en-
vironmental problems; however, connections between their work and
official decision making were not strong. As a Georgian retrospective
summarized: “National environmental legislation was often based upon
objectives and standards which were too strict to be enforced or were
not linked to effective economic instruments such as fines or permit
charges. As a result of years of isolation, many institutions lacked the
modern equipment and know-how necessary to face the challenge of
providing reliable information on the state of the environment itself”
(Republic of Georgia 1996). The problems were even greater than this
summary suggests, involving lack of coordination among the Soviet
states and their neighbors, lack of public participation, nontransparency
of decision making, and absence of other factors that promote imple-
mentation, such as a modern regulatory approach, technical assistance,
and adequate funding.
The environmental problem in the Black Sea is multifaceted, ranging
from loss of landscape to the extinction of species. The Black Sea’s
ecosystem has changed “irreversibly” (Global Environment Facility
1997, 139), and by the early nineties, terms such as “dead,” “close to
collapse,” and “unholy mess” were common descriptors of the status of
this giant and beautiful natural resource. Widespread pollution discour-
ages or destroys recreation, tourism, biodiversity, fishing, and water
quality. The destruction of the fish species alone in the sea is “one of the
greatest ecological catastrophes” of our time (Woodard 1997).
The riparians include Turkey and nations whose cleanup technologies,
monitoring stations, and environmental laboratories are in considerable
disrepair. As the watershed area (the drain) for more than thirty rivers,
the sea receives the effluents of 160 million people from seventeen na-
tions, one third of Europe. It is also polluted by oil and the radiation fall-
104 The Global Environment and International Law
out from the accident at Chernobyl and, by some accounts, by heavy met-
als including chrome, copper, mercury, lead, and zinc (Sampson 1995).8
A great quantity of organic matter from rivers feeds the Black Sea. In
the Bosporous Strait alone the untreated sewage of 10 million people is
regularly dumped, and that represents only about 6 percent of the pol-
lutants received into the Black Sea (Sampson 1996). Dissolved oxygen
cannot complete the process of decomposition. Organic material strips
oxygen from sulfate ions, creating hydrogen sulfide, a toxic gas. The
Black Sea “is the single largest reservoir of hydrogen sulfide and the
biggest natural anoxic basin in the world. To a depth of 150 –200 me-
ters, the sea is teeming with life, but below that level, the water is
‘anoxic’ or ‘dead.’” With no oxygen there are no fish, shellfish, or bac-
teria (Global Learn 1996), a condition that in part dates back to the
waning of the last ice age as rising waters from the Mediterranean en-
tered the Black Sea basin (Ballard 2001).
The loss of biodiversity is a major problem resulting from eutrophi-
cation, “clearly the main ecological concern in the Black Sea” (Global
Environment Facility 1997). Eutrophication is the overfertilization of a
water body with nitrogen and phosphorous compounds. In the Black
Sea, that results from fertilizers and urban and industrial sewage. An
overproduction of phytoplankton and reduced sea grass and algae result
in a concomitant loss of crustaceans, fish, and mollusks. Besides, Mne-
miopsis leidyi was introduced into the region by accident from the east-
ern seaboard of America in the ballast water of a ship. This jellyfish-like
species consumes fish larvae and tiny animals that small fish feed on.
The species reached a mass of 900 million tons, which is ten times the
annual fish harvest worldwide. Many fish species were pushed to ex-
tinction, and the fish catch in the sea degenerated to 250,000 tons in
1991 from a total of 850,000 tons less than a decade earlier. One esti-
mate is that the number of fish species in the sea dropped from around
25 to only 3 to 5 in the ten-year period from 1986, when the sea had five
times the fish production of the Mediterranean, to 1996.9 Giant stur-
geon are endangered, other sturgeon species are depleted, and many
other species are either depleted or in serious decline. In addition to pol-
lution effects, sturgeon and shad cannot run upstream to breed because
of damming of the big rivers that drain into the sea.
Tanker and operational accidents have been sources of oil pollution
(about 45,000 tons annually), as has the direct dumping of solid waste
into the sea or onto wetlands. The pollution from rapid oil industry de-
velopment (1,500 tankers and tens of thousands of other cargo boats car-
An Accounting 105
rying 32 million tons of oil pass through the Bosporous Straits in each di-
rection annually), sedimentation, beach erosion, and the overall absence
of coastal zone conservation are also strongly felt. About 82 million tons
of hazardous and explosive materials also pass through the strait each
year (Moore 2000).
to make the Black Sea program largely a “dead letter” (Oldson 1997,
519). Finally, as in many other regional treaties, dispute resolution
methods are not developed.13
There are some other countervailing forces in the region that make
prospects for the refinement and implementation of new regimes more
promising. Among them are:
1. Scientific findings on the nature and scope of the environmental chal-
lenge: The search for better data, more precise models, better equip-
ment to test models, and basic science to underpin the models is an
opportunity for cooperation recognized by most actual and potential
participants in the Black Sea processes. The region has a rich resource
of scientific expertise. Besides, the international community, environ-
mentally progressive nation-states, and U.N. organizations have tar-
geted the Black Sea as an area deserving major contributions of tech-
nical expertise and funding.
2. Shared perspectives: The Black Sea has had immense historical im-
portance for each of the riparians. Common understandings on the
environmental challenge may be more readily achieved than on other
matters of international policy, on which cultural, ethnic, and reli-
gious differences make consensus difficult. Also, there is increasing
interest, shared by each of the riparians, in economic development.
The relative success of the Black Sea Economic Program, a parallel re-
gional effort, demonstrates that trade and commerce may be effective
vehicles for promoting cooperation.
3. Further, the Black Sea regime, at least de jure, recognizes new prin-
ciples of international environmental law. Numerous new NGOs are
rapidly appearing in the region. Removing obstacles to their partici-
pation in decision making may be an effective means for reaching en-
vironmental goals, more so than creating official new government
structures (Laurence D. Mee in UNDP et al. 1998) or adopting addi-
tional agreements. Under evolving national and transboundary legal
systems, this may mean granting legal standing to parties, individu-
als, and NGOs not formerly recognized in the decision-making struc-
tures of some of the member-states.14
4. Epistemic communities may further develop. Epistemic communities
are communities without borders— of scientists, lawyers, engineers,
or other specialists. Their members share core beliefs and under-
standings and have strong alignments with objectives that transcend
An Accounting 109
BSEP incorporates, at least at a rhetorical level, elements of a new under-
standing of transboundary interaction structured by international envi-
ronmental law. It institutionalizes procedures that can be the core of pro-
ductive linkages among Black Sea nations, the type of ongoing iteration
essential to international cooperation. International law has made a pre-
liminary modest contribution to improving the region’s environmental
quality. Sound environmental management of the Black Sea, however,
110 The Global Environment and International Law
way, the cargo was illegally dumped, and the ship arrived in Singapore
unburdened (International Environment Reporter, 14 October 1987,
504; Allen 1995; Gudofsky 1998).
Other cases involve developed nations as victims. In 1983, 41 barrels
of topsoil contaminated with dioxin were found in a barn in northern
France. They were products of a notorious chemical plant explosion
that had occurred in Seveso, Italy, years earlier, materials transported
without notice across European national boundaries (Abrams 1990).
The bizarre world of hazardous waste pollution results from a number
of factors. Few sites are capable of proper disposal of hazardous waste, as
political opposition holds up their construction. Additionally, the nature
of the facilities needed makes sanctioned disposal very expensive. Most
significant, the opportunities for immense profit are considerable, as the
cost of disposal in industrialized nations can be 50 times that in
developing nations (Hunter, Salzman, and Zaelke 1998, 858). Disposal
cost in Africa in the eighties averaged between $2.50 and $50 per ton;
in OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)
countries it ranged up to $2,000 per ton (Krueger 1998; Tolba and Rum-
mel-Bulska 1998). In 1988 Guinea-Bissau was offered $600 million, an
amount five times that nation’s gross national product, to accept private
companies’ toxic wastes from Europe and the United States.
ardous and other wastes and seeks to make transport a matter of public
record. “Hazardous” is defined by the originating, receiving, and tran-
sit countries. The goal is to protect human health and the environment
from the dangers of such wastes. The principle underlying the conven-
tion is that wastes should be disposed of in the state where they were
generated. Basel ultimately seeks to have parties take appropriate mea-
sures to ensure that the generation of hazardous and other waste is re-
duced to a minimum. The convention restates the right of every state to
ban the entry or disposal of foreign hazardous wastes in its territory [ar-
ticle 4(1)], either by reference to categories set out in an annex (1), un-
less they do not possess the characteristics listed in another annex (3),
or if so classified by national legislation (article 1). Exports to Antarc-
tica are prohibited (article 4.6).
Many obligations also apply to “other wastes,” listed in annex 2,
which encompasses household wastes or residue from the incineration
of such wastes (article 1). Radioactive wastes and wastes discharged
from the normal operation of ships so long as they are regulated by
other international instruments are not covered by Basel. Subsequent to
a period of controversy and confusion, the fourth Conference of the Par-
ties (COP-4), in 1998, clarified somewhat which wastes are covered by
the convention so that recyclable materials including scrap paper and
scrap metal are not wastes under Basel.
Other annexes (8 and 9) now list waste by classification. Countries
exercising their right to prohibit the import of hazardous wastes are to
inform the other parties and to provide information on any national
legislation pertaining to the definition of hazardous wastes (article 3).
Each party must prohibit the export of such wastes to any state that
has notified the party of its prohibition (article 4). Under Basel, “dis-
posal” is broadly defined to include not only disposal but also recov-
ery and recycling. Countries may enter regional agreements with non-
party countries. Thus, for example, the United States, although not a
party to the treaty, can continue to trade in recyclable wastes with
OECD countries.
Any waste transported or disposed of in contravention of the con-
vention is considered an illegal traffic and can be made a criminal offense
[articles 4(3), 4(4), and 9], although the convention does not contain en-
forcement provisions and relies on parties to take domestic measures.
Movement of waste is permitted only if the generating state does not
have the technical capacity or sites suitable for its disposal or if the im-
porting state needs the waste as raw material for industries engaged in
114 The Global Environment and International Law
swer the question of who should pay for damages (Hackett 1990). Crit-
ics question the wisdom of imposing fault on nation-states rather than on
multinational corporations that violate the convention. A more effective
regime would focus on building capacity to help all countries to manage
and dispose of wastes safely rather than on the relatively rare sensational
incidence of illegal transboundary transport (Hunter, Salzman, and
Zaelke 1998). Furthermore, the Secretariat based in Geneva has limited
supervisory functions and is underfunded (Krueger 1998), and the Trust
Fund established in 1992 suffers from late and missing payments.
Moreover, aspects of the convention counter the overall objectives of
the agreement. For example, the preamble includes vague language:
“Convinced that hazardous wastes and other wastes should, as far as is
compatible with environmentally sound and efficient management, be
disposed of in the State where they are generated” and “Taking into ac-
count also the limited capabilities of the developing countries to manage
hazardous wastes and other wastes.” Similar phrases appear throughout
the agreement: “take such steps as are necessary” [4(2)(c)], “to the max-
imum consistent with the environmentally sound and efficient manage-
ment of such wastes” [4(2)(d)], “shall take appropriate legal, adminis-
trative and other measures” [4(4)], “in accordance with other criteria to
be decided by the Parties” [4(9)(c)]. The definition of hazardous waste
itself is problematic since the convention allows nation-state variability
in definition.
The convention’s early versions were laden with such ambiguities and
loopholes. The classification scheme for wastes is susceptible to diver-
gent interpretation and engenders confusion (Schneider 1996, 268), al-
though at COP-4 a list drawn up by a technical working group was ac-
cepted. There is insufficient involvement of NGOs (Schneider 1996) and
no executive body for enforcement (Jaffe 1995). Cusack (1990, 420) has
been wide-ranging in criticism: “The Basel Convention has legitimized
the international toxic waste game and proclaimed industrial nations
the winners. . . . Supporters . . . are not challenging the fundamental
bipolar economic inequities that force Third World nations to accept
shipment of toxic wastes.”
Furthermore, the ban under decision 3/1 does not reflect a true con-
sensus among developing countries. It unreasonably assumes that all
non-OECD countries are and will remain incapable of processing re-
cyclable wastes (Grout 1999), leading some countries and analysts to
conclude that needy economies will be deprived of the benefits of re-
An Accounting 117
By regulating the transport of hazardous waste and requiring prior
informed consent from importing nations, the Basel Convention facili-
tates the collection of information on the location of dangerous material.
Although it does not reflect a true consensus and it contains a number
of ambiguities, Basel provides an increasingly standardized definition of
hazardous waste and a clear mechanism for determining enforcement
jurisdiction. Its Secretariat has performed its modest obligations rela-
tively effectively. The convention itself is designed to allow ease of en-
try. More difficult issues are subject to later amendments by parties
who find its goals palatable. Nongovernmental organizations have not
been uniformly pleased with Basel’s progress, but they have de jure been
given rights as observers. The Basel Convention does not yet, however,
protect developing countries from the risk of becoming colonized by
other people’s hazardous waste. Nor does it substantially alter the eco-
nomic incentives that make such a scenario attractive to unscrupulous
individuals. It does not fully address the polluter-pays principle. Nor
does it utilize the most advanced understandings of the law’s compliance-
promoting potential.
Despite its initial enthusiasm and its early signing of the Basel Con-
vention, as of December 2001 the United States has not yet enacted do-
mestic implementing legislation. Here as in other areas of international
law, the question arises whether a treaty bypassed by the world’s lead-
ing power can be effective. In the case of Basel, considerations are
unique and countervailing. Because the United States is responsible for
such a large proportion of the world’s hazardous waste [e.g., in 1995 it
produced 279 million tons of hazardous waste and exported 226,000
tons of it (U.S. EPA 1998)], its failure to ratify the Basel Convention can
undermine the treaty’s potential to operate effectively. In any event, re-
fusal to participate weakens the ability of the United States to influence
international environmental law on waste transport.
The absence of the United States may also reduce the amount of haz-
ardous waste that can be legally transported across national boundaries.
Recall that parties to the Basel Convention are prohibited from trans-
porting hazardous waste to or from nonparties unless a separate agree-
An Accounting 119
ment with the nonparty has been made. Such agreements must be com-
patible with the Basel agreement if they predate Basel, or they must re-
quire procedures that are more stringent than Basel if they postdate
Basel. Parties are required to notify the Basel Secretariat of the existence
of agreements between parties and nonparties. Where agreements or
arrangements have not been made, the nonparty status of the United
States prevents the possibility of legal transport of hazardous waste be-
tween the United States and other nations. The United States has entered
into a multilateral agreement among OECD countries regarding recy-
clable wastes and bilateral agreements with Canada, Mexico, Malaysia,
and Costa Rica (U.S. EPA 1998).16
Incentives for U.S. ratification are limited. Only 1 percent of U.S. haz-
ardous waste is exported, and 95 percent of that 1 percent goes to Can-
ada and Mexico. Ratification may make the United States more suscep-
tible to private legal actions both by domestic parties and foreign
plaintiffs under the Alien Tort Statute (Rogus 1996). Changes in do-
mestic law needed prior to ratification (including in the U.S. Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act) are complex and cumbersome.
intended to protect dolphins from harm from certain kinds of nets used
in tuna fishing, constituted an unacceptable barrier against Mexican
trade. In addition, trade liberalization raised the possibility that pollut-
ing industries would flee jurisdictions with high environmental stan-
dards for lax jurisdictions, resulting in a net increase in pollution from
a global perspective and greater unemployment in communities intent
on protecting air, water, and soil from contamination.
Despite controversy, negotiations for NAFTA were completed in Au-
gust 1992. Signed four months later, NAFTA created the world’s largest
free trade zone, containing 370 million people and more than $6.5 tril-
lion in goods and services each year.17 Reflecting political pressures,
NAFTA was the first trade agreement to address the environment di-
rectly. It contains provisions governing environment and investment [ar-
ticles 1114 and 2101(3)], food and safety standards (chapter 7), and
other environmental standards (chapter 9). It also lists three interna-
tional environmental agreements that take precedence over NAFTA,
particularly in regard to dispute resolution procedures (article 104).
These are the Montreal Protocol, the Convention on International Trade
in Endangered Species, and the Basel Convention on Hazardous Wastes.
Many influential environmental groups felt that NAFTA had not ad-
equately addressed environmental issues.18 In addition, the processes set
up under NAFTA were seen as insufficiently transparent and represen-
tative and, therefore, undemocratic (Greenpeace 1993). Some environ-
mentalists began shifting focus to negotiations for the side agreement,
seeing it as a vehicle to remedy some of NAFTA’s omissions.
ment laxity. Mexico can argue that its failure to enforce the law results
from a commitment of its limited resources to more pressing problems.
Imposing trade sanctions against a country that failed to enforce its en-
vironmental laws is a protracted and cumbersome process (Charnovitz
1994b, 270); it takes, at a minimum, 755 days from the initiation of a
complaint. Even then the agreement lacks any real commitment to ac-
tion beyond consultation. Nonetheless and somewhat ironically, both
private environmentalists and the JPAC expressed grave disapproval to
the CEC of “secret negotiations” in 1999 over possible change in the
guidelines for submissions under articles 14 and 15 on enforcement
matters. Although flawed, the guidelines could only be made weaker by
party intervention without involvement by the NGO communities.22
Facing the strong and nontransparent dispute resolution processes
under NAFTA proper, the side agreement does not achieve a balance be-
tween promoting trade and protecting the environment. The NAFTA
processes allow companies to challenge imposition of environmental
protections that they interpret as disguised barriers to trade. If such bar-
riers are found by an appointed panel, the government enforcing those
rules faces significant costs, payments that would not be likely under do-
mestic laws on infringement of property rights.23
By other, positive accounts, the side agreement is an initiative that
meets critical criteria for effective international environmental law.
The submission process does focus international attention on the en-
vironmental records of the parties. Although specific CEC conclusions
may not dramatically affect the outcome of any one case, the attention
that Mexico, Canada, and the United States receive regarding enforce-
ment positively influences their decisions regarding environmental pro-
tection. Submissions can also foster cooperation among challenging en-
tities. Jointly, Canadian, Mexican, and U.S. NGOs have brought several
of the CEC complaints. What’s more, although individual challenges
may lack merit or be considered trivial (one asserted that the construc-
tion of a paved, multipurpose bicycle path through the Jamaica Bay
Wildlife Refuge, in Queens, New York, will “destroy critical habitat for
endangered and threatened species and . . . result in the taking of mi-
gratory birds”), the dozens of actions add up to a report card and force
governments to review environmental policy implementation. If the par-
ties make even a modest commitment to continuing implementation, the
agreement “will directly and durably undermine the idea that environ-
mental enforcement is a reserved domestic jurisdiction solely with the
exclusive sovereignty of the parties. . . . That is not very far from saying
126 The Global Environment and International Law
The Environmental Side Agreement, one part of the institutional
arrangement that evolved from the NAFTA considerations, has achieved
some important goals and retains a promise for achieving greater envi-
ronmental protection. Several factors help explain its relative success. It
has benefited from the parties’ agreement on appropriate science to aid
in decision making and the generation of scientific information through
cooperative efforts. It has allowed for considerable NGO involvement.
It has taken environmental impact assessment seriously, both in its con-
stituent actions, including review of a party’s activities when challenged
under submissions, and also as a fundamental element of the regime’s
architecture: the environmental impacts of NAFTA, difficult to concep-
tualize let alone measure, are nonetheless a fundamental spotlight of the
CEC’s concerns.
To the extent that the agreement has been disappointing, certain fac-
tors have been at play. NGO involvement in the public advisory com-
mittee has been inefficient at times. The means of promoting compliance
that NGOs emphasize are not innovative. Rather, they rely on a cum-
bersome adversary process with almost meaningless sanctions, them-
An Accounting 127
mate research. This suggestion led to the creation of the World Climate
In 1987 the World Commission on Environment and Development,
formed by the United Nations General Assembly, issued Our Common
Future (the Brundtland Commission Report). In its wake the IPCC built
on the World Climate Programme foundation, endorsing sustainable de-
velopment. Popular concern over global climate change grew from other
events, including the success of the Montreal Protocol, the North Amer-
ican heat wave and drought in 1988, press coverage of the concept
(Time magazine named Earth the “Planet of the Year”), a number of im-
portant consensus-building international conferences, the release of the
IPCC’s First Assessment Report in 1990 (Bodansky 1997a), and, in
1998, the devastation caused by Hurricane Mitch in the Caribbean and
Central America (COP-4 1999).
The Second World Climate Conference, held in November 1990 in
Geneva, attracted 137 nations and the European Community. It marked
the arrival of global climate change on the worldwide political agenda.
Participating nations were unable to endorse specific targets for reduc-
ing emissions, but they did agree on a number of concepts, including the
view that global climate change is a “common concern of humankind”
and that equity and the principle of “common but differentiated re-
sponsibilities” should figure prominently in future negotiations. They
also endorsed the precautionary principle, an evolving notion of pre-
ventive policy, and stressed the importance of sustainable development.
The “Declaration of the Second World Climate Conference” recorded
these and other areas of agreement.
In December 1990 the United Nations General Assembly created the
Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) for the Framework
Convention on Climate Change (FCCC). One hundred and fifty nations
signed up. The INC was charged with producing a draft consensus doc-
ument in time for the 1992 Rio Conference. They had less than a year
and a half to make their deadline.
Through the five negotiating sessions of the INC, several innovative
policy mechanisms were proposed. A carbon tax imposed by each mem-
ber state, emissions trading, and joint implementation 27 were among the
most important and popular, although controversial, ideas. Fairness
questions arose over each of these proposals. The negotiations proved
too contentious to enable the INC to include firm limits on emissions by
the time of the Rio Conference. Most prominently, the United States re-
fused to agree to stabilize emissions at 1990 levels by the year 2000.28
An Accounting 131
the regime would be met. On the one hand, and as characterized by much
of the news media, the meetings were a failure (Corriere della Sera,
26 November 2000; International Herald Tribune, 27 November 2000).
The percentage of a nation’s goals that could be met by use of the flexi-
bility mechanisms, the extent to which sinks could be counted against
emissions limitations, and the nature and application of compliance-
promoting mechanisms divided the participants. Blame was assigned var-
iously to the refusal of the Americans to recognize the need for at least
some changes in their profligate use of energy, to the inflexibility of the
European Union or the failure of their lead nation (France) to compre-
hend details of the highly technical proposals, to the extreme proposals
made by the Saudis for compensating oil-exporting nations that would be
economically hurt by decreased reliance on fossil fuels, or to the inertia
of less developed nations that continued to insist that they need do little
to solve the problem since they do not cause it.
With the inauguration of George W. Bush as president, the United
States decided that it was not interested in the Kyoto Protocol because
that instrument was “fatally flawed.” Nonetheless, when 180 nations
met again in Bonn in July 2001 to complete COP-6, 178 of them reached
a compromise agreement. Attributed in part to the persistent efforts of
the chairman of the conference and the willingness of Europe to make
concessions to Japan, the conference agreed to several points. Emission
credits will be earned for carbon sinks and can include revegetation and
management of grazing lands, forests, and croplands, but sinks can ac-
count for only a fraction of a nation’s target. Developed parties are to
refrain from using nuclear facilities in their CDMs. Rights to emit will
be tradable; those nations that do not meet their own targets can pur-
chase rights from those that have exceeded theirs. The flexibility mech-
anisms all are to be supplemental to domestic actions. The aim of the
program to address noncompliance with emission limitations will be to
insure “environmental integrity,” not “reparation of damage to the en-
vironment,” a phrase that was deleted from the regime’s language. En-
forcement was limited to the notion of increasing emission reductions in
a later phase for every ton emitted above a party’s target. Three new
funds were created that will assist developing countries: an adaptation
fund, one for assisting with implementing climate-related measures, and
a third for the least developed countries. In November 2001 COP-7 met
in Marrakech, where steps were taken (based on a compromise between
Japan, Russia, Canada, and Australia on one side and the European
Union on the other) to develop a compliance-promoting mechanism and
to determine credit mechanisms under the flexibility programs.
An Accounting 135
• The supreme body of the climate change regime is the Conference of the Par-
ties (COP).The COP comprises all the states that have ratified the convention. It
promotes and reviews implementation of the convention. It will periodically
review existing commitments in light of the convention’s objectives, new sci-
entific findings, and the effectiveness of national climate change programs.
The COP can adopt new commitments through amendments and protocols.
• A secretariat makes arrangements for sessions of the convention bodies, as-
sists parties in implementing their commitments, provides support to ongoing
negotiations, and works with the secretariats of other international bodies, no-
tably the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC).
• Financial mechanisms provide funds on a grant or a concessional basis.
ultimately will call for the control and management of global warming.
Innovations offered include the flexibility devices. Market mechanisms
are generously recognized. Furthermore, the regime attracts the partici-
pation of many nations by requiring little of them and provides for their
reporting before they need to commit to controls.
The Secretariat has performed in a professional manner, and the Con-
ference of the Parties strategy has been able to respond to some, al-
though not all, challenges to ongoing cooperation. It recognizes the need
in international environmental law for indefinite iterations among coun-
tries to resolve differences. Overall the COP approach reflects a general
ability of even large numbers of nation-states to work over long periods
of time toward cooperative outcomes. The regime has credible and im-
pressive links to the evolving scientific information base. There is an ap-
propriate adoption of principles of soft law, including the precautionary
principle and that of common but differentiated responsibilities of coun-
tries. Definitions are relatively clearly articulated, and a financial mech-
anism is being provided. Furthermore, the design builds on an evolving
acceptance by the private sector of the problem and the alternatives to
its control.
Yet there are very large weaknesses. Ease of entry is countered by ease
of exit, as the decisions by the United States and later Australia to aban-
don the Kyoto process demonstrated dramatically. Emission limitations
are both unrealistic in the short run and inadequate in the long run. It is
not clear what ultimately will be done to enforce obligations, reflecting
a desire to avoid difficult choices about what must be done. The same
can be said for the consideration of regulatory measures and for what
many consider inevitable, a global carbon tax. Some acceptable ap-
proaches under the flexibility devices may be in conflict with interna-
tional trade law.35
Most fundamentally, the regime has not evolved to influence suffi-
ciently, through any means, consumption by the billions of sources of
greenhouse gases, and it lacks an acceptable position on equity in seek-
ing changes in consumer patterns. Climate change affects people differ-
entially in terms of location, age, and income (Miller, Sethi, and Wolff
2000). Unless there are compensatory strategies generated for the effects
of cutbacks on the poor, the very young and very old, and certain geo-
graphic groups, opposition to across-the-board requirements to limit
consumption could be significant.36
An Accounting 139
This chapter lays out conditions that are expected in the policy world in
which international environmental law evolves. They address the func-
tions of science in the law, the roles of private industry, and perspectives
on how to attain desirable international outcomes. The chapter then
presents a set of recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the
law, recognizing the considerable challenges of fostering change in com-
plex systems.
By several criteria the development of international environmental
law has been impressive. Increasingly sophisticated instruments have
been drafted. Much of the world community has accepted principles
that reflect progressive, scientifically based understandings of environ-
mental protection. Several regimes have focused on ways of successfully
implementing principles of protection. Compliance-promoting ideas
have been offered and employed.
Despite these overall positive conclusions, as elaborated in the last
chapter, the record is rather mixed. For every few successes (reductions
in whaling and in the production of ozone-depleting substances, for in-
stance), there is a failure or at least a relatively weak initiative, such as
BSEP or the Forestry regime. Principles are often co-opted to favor in-
terests incompatible with environmental protection. Some instruments
are ratified but very incompletely implemented. Other initiatives, pos-
sessing characteristics of effective law, are insufficiently funded.
An evaluation of the success of international environmental law must
include an analysis of effects on the physical environment itself, the con-
crete challenge that is the subject of the initiatives. When so understood,
the question is empirical, one that in most cases is not sufficiently mod-
eled and understood. Results come from assessments of physical pa-
rameters and from expert judgments, the former being the most signifi-
cant benchmark. As Chapter 4 noted, it is a benchmark that also is
142 The Global Environment and International Law
The Greening of Geopolitics
ment plans” (Timoshenko and Berman 1993, 39). In 1983 UNEP’s role
in pursuing sustainability was recognized by the World Commission on
Environment and Development (the Brundtland Commission), which
gave the term general use. The idea was to reorient major international
organizations through improved coordination and cooperation toward
sustainable development (Timoshenko and Berman 1993). Brundtland
defined this as “development that meets the needs of the present with-
out compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs.” UNEP in its fifteenth Governing Council attempted to clarify the
idea: “Progress towards national and international equity, as well as the
maintenance, rational use and enhancement of the natural resource base
that underpins ecological resilience and economic growth.”
UNEP introduced the concept into planning for environmental law.
The first long-term Programme for the Development and Periodic Review
of Environmental Law (the Montevideo Programme) was prepared by a
meeting of senior government environmental law experts in 1981 (Timo-
shenko and Berman 1993, 40). After Rio, the United Nations Com-
mission on Sustainable Development was created with the power to
recommend policies to the U.N. Economic and Social Council. Nation-
states have also institutionalized efforts to adopt sustainability as a pol-
icy anchor. The United States, for example, formed the 25-member Pres-
ident’s Council on Sustainable Development. In 1988, 22 directors of
U.N. agencies and programs met to plan and to coordinate their activities
to promote sustainability (Caldwell 1990, 82).
The 1992 Biodiversity Convention defines sustainable development
in its biological context: “The use of components of biological diversity
in a way and at a rate that does not lead to the long-term decline of bi-
ological resources, thereby maintaining its potential to meet the needs
and aspirations of present and future generations.” Both it and the Cli-
mate Change Convention can be seen as making sustainability part of
positive law. The WTO’s constitutional instrument refers to “optimal
use of the world’s resources in accordance with sustainable develop-
ment” (Uruguay Round 1994).
The sustainability concept avers that “the environment and economic
growth need not be in conflict . . . without protection of ecological sys-
tems, global economic decline . . . [is] inevitable. Conversely, without
economic progress, elimination of poverty, satisfaction of the material
wants of people of the developing countries, and extension of human
rights, efforts to protect nature and the earth’s life-support systems . . .
[are] doomed to failure” (Shabecoff 1996, 4).
Notions of sustainability will continue to motivate the development
International Environmental Law 145
of international law, but whether they will help create effective law
will depend on whether common meanings linked to making the en-
vironment a priority are adopted. As used so far, there has been con-
siderable skepticism. Howard Mann argues that all international law
should “be seen as being for sustainable development, rather than hav-
ing the legal community struggle to define a new, separate or overarch-
ing branch of law—international law of sustainable development”
(Sands 1995b, 67). Sustainable development, furthermore, is a concept
that can invite “an overly anthropocentric and instrumental interpre-
tation,” which can lead to a “development-oriented view of environ-
mental resources” (Handl 1994, 312, fn 43). It can be applied politi-
cally: “sustainable” means based on participation of local interests, but
those interests may or may not conserve resources for future genera-
tions. The literature on indigenous resource exploitation suggests that
these forms may generally be more sustainable, but the record is not
clear. Some indigenous patterns are environmentally destructive, and
“local” participation no longer equates with “indigenous” in many
parts of the world (Sirola 2001). Locals may be among those most fo-
cused on short-term gains that derive from exploitation. Articulating
high-sounding terms such as “sustainability” may also divert interna-
tional efforts to achieve consensus on more practical matters, matters
backed by science and politically acceptable, which can be effectively
implemented in the mid-run. The most severe critique of sustainability
holds that the environmental movement can be the handmaiden of
forms of polluting development based on assertions that such develop-
ment is green.
Nonetheless, different meanings of sustainability need not counter ef-
fective international environmental actions based on law. Doughman
(1999), in a study of the use of the term by multilateral development
banks, governments, NGOs, and the private sector in regard to water
infrastructure projects in Mexico, suggested that variations may pro-
mote communication and, eventually, cooperation. There are more di-
rect implications for an international environmental law. Critical analy-
sis of such phrases (“ecosystem-based analysis,” “privatization,” and
“environmental management” are similarly imprecise) is essential and is
available in work by NGOs and in the academic literature. These gen-
eral terms are a starting point for discussions of specific choices by
states; they can be a means of bringing negotiators together at a high
level of generality. They can provide ideas for joint setting of a research
agenda, and they may stimulate consideration of specific strategies that
environmental law can promote.
146 The Global Environment and International Law
tal health perspective does not offer the last word on “the broader cul-
tural, social, and economic dimensions that are of wide concern to the
public and many NGOs” (Nelkin, Sands, and Stewart 2000, 526). Lab-
oratories that seek to learn more about the dynamics of genetic modifi-
cation may be controversial when sited in developing nations without
environmental impact assessment guidelines.
These and other disagreements, including skepticism about the exis-
tence of objective science when economic and regulatory implications of
results are great, help explain the very different domestic laws on the
regulation of genetically modified organisms.1
The dynamic among science, policy, and law may be more complex
in the context of certain environmental problems. As Levesque (2000),
following Litfin, explained for the function of scientific information in
transboundary resource management between Canada and the United
Y2Y does not derive its power from the guidance of a consensus-
based epistemic community of scientists or from the ability to coor-
dinate consensual action based on a body of objective, value-free
facts. Instead, the network’s power is derived from its ability to
achieve consensus-based collaboration by interpreting and framing
scientific information and knowledge in ways that reinforce and sup-
port network interests, identities and goals.
International Environmental Law 149
Other than the idiosyncratic Montreal Protocol, there are few ex-
amples of science driving international action, although in many more in-
stances science has played a large role in promoting new official actions.
Diplomats do rely on scientists, including government-appointed
experts, to undertake risk assessments and to relate policy options to
effective risk management (Weiss 1992). Putting it more gently than
some critics, Weiss noted that “on the one hand, this gives govern-
ments confidence in the outcomes, which is essential; on the other it may
invite what has been termed ‘negotiated science,’ a matter about which
some of the international scientific community have been particularly
Negotiations for the climate-change convention illustrate some of the
processes of science and policy interaction. From the perspective of in-
ternational environmental lawmaking, two expectations about scientific
consensus need to be critically addressed. First, the science on climate
change’s causes, its effects, and approaches to successful intervention
will continue to converge. Second, science will drive an effective inter-
national legal response.
Convergence is occurring for some of the science. Recent independent
studies confirm that there are changes in the earth’s outgoing long-wave
radiation spectrum, that there is a warming trend in the surface temper-
ature over the past 20 years, that ocean temperatures are rising, that the
thickness of Arctic sea ice is declining, that the Greenland ice sheet is
melting, that the ice-free season has gotten longer in the past century,
and that the Himalayas are warming.
The Third Assessment Report in 2001 made several reaffirmations of
the IPCC’s earlier work and added new findings. It characterized its re-
sults with qualitative descriptions of their certainty. The panel stated
with high confidence (i.e., with a 67–95 percent judgmental estimate)
that recent regional changes in temperature have had discernible effects
on many physical and biological systems and that some social and eco-
nomic systems have been affected by the increasing frequency of floods
and droughts.
Other IPCC conclusions also suggest convergence but underscore
considerable gaps in knowledge that relates to policy response. There
was high confidence in the prediction of a significant disruption of
ecosystems. Large-scale changes in oceans will include increases in sea
surface temperature and mean global sea level, decreases in sea ice cover,
and changes in salinity, wave conditions, and ocean circulation. Heat
waves in urban populations, increased stress on coral reefs, and in-
150 The Global Environment and International Law
need for the precautionary principle. Others consider this position not
only unjustified but also unscientific and dangerous, pointing as Nespor
(2000 –2001) does to the history of poor prediction in the environmen-
tal policy arena. Nespor’s examples include miscalculation of coal and
oil reserves, gross underestimation of food production, overly dire state-
ments about deforestation and the contribution of chemicals to car-
cinogenesis, as well as exaggerated assessments of the process of de-
sertification. Furthermore, advocacy of particular lifestyles may be
driving interpretations of data and decisions on environmental policy.
Aggressive precaution with costly side effects on economies and other
social goals may follow.
Still, science may lead to greater cooperation in international envi-
ronmental matters in another way. Although the science on a particular
question may not be compelling, the entry into public discussion of sci-
entific considerations of environmental problems has been dramatic; it
may suggest a more general interest in actions to preserve environmen-
tal resources than either the scientific community or governments ac-
tively promote. In tracing the impressive growth of a sector of world so-
ciety concerned with the environment, the “rise of scientific discourse
and association has been central. It universalized and legitimated earlier
and narrower conceptions of the environment as the locus of either sen-
timent or particular resources” (Meyer et al. 1997, 645). States may be
pushed farther into international cooperation despite the mainline ob-
jectives of preserving sovereignty that they would seek absent popular
domestic concern.
The implications of these observations are straightforward. In the
limited number of circumstances of clear and consensual scientific ap-
preciation of an environmental impact link, law will be able to guide
nation-state movement to select among control strategies. In other situ-
ations, negotiators will face choices where values other than environ-
mental protection are salient and where science is the basis of compet-
ing, not converging, advocacy.3
dramatic ways (loss of another species of once abundant fish). Some, such
as global warming, will take years if not decades to register as insults.
The history of the performance of international environmental law is
one of common characteristics, but it is not explainable by a single
dynamic (Flores 2002). Remarkably particular at times, generally ap-
plicable at others, are factors that promote successful treaty making
and implementation. Some are unique to the environmental circum-
stances, so that addressing them in policy for a different problem will
not be useful. Others—those identified by managerial and participa-
tion-centered analyses of why nations comply, those of the regime theo-
rists among political science, and those from organizational theory—
are relevant to many efforts to influence complex behaviors. Their
insights combine to approximate a midlevel theory (Merton 1967) of ef-
fectiveness of international environmental law. That theory generates
some shared recommendations.
Recommendations build on knowledge of what works in the interna-
tional community. These are not particularly ambitious. The most am-
bitious strategies are not only unrealistic but are also, in many cases, un-
desirable. Some should not be implemented. For example, I do not
advocate creation of centralized supranational authorities with strong
powers. Prerequisites for them to be effective and fair do not exist in-
ternationally. Citizens must be watchful of centralizing authority in their
own states, and they need to be triply concerned about delegating au-
thority upward to organizations that do not possess records that merit
assumption of such power. Unfortunately, some elements of the less ef-
fective United Nations agencies remain cases in point.
Considerable progress has already been made. It provides the back-
drop for evaluating just how much change recommendations require. As
Edith Brown Weiss (1992, 11–12) wrote, “The provisions in the new
agreements are generally more stringent than in the previous ones; the
range of subject matters is broader; and the provisions for implementa-
tion and review are more sophisticated. One encouraging observation
from this experience is that the learning curve demonstrated in interna-
tional environmental law is unexpectedly steep.”
Although learning by nations has been smooth, implementation has
not. Furthermore, each successive attempt to assure implementation and
compliance will be scanned with ever more vigilance; nations wonder if
the benefits of entering international regimes are worth the sacrifices.
The U.S. Senate’s Byrd-Hagel resolution (U.S. Senate 1997) during the
Kyoto negotiations is instructive. It opposes U.S. signing of climate
156 The Global Environment and International Law
Part of the problem was also a cultural rift, negotiators on both sides
said. The European Union, where Green Party politics is a driving
force, never found a way to compromise with the United States,
where the environmental movement is increasingly working with in-
dustries to influence change. “It is extremely difficult to negotiate be-
tween groups where political cultures are so different,” Dominique
Voynet, the French Environment Minister and a Green Party mem-
ber, told the plenary sessions.
It is clear, however, that interacting with people over time in struc-
tured settings entered to achieve a generally accepted outcome is more
useful for creating common understandings of how to get to goals (or
how to refine them) than, say, having small groups in hierarchical situ-
ations dictate ends and means through resort to their own views. The
numbers of people who must be influenced are in the tens of thousands.
To the extent that all regions wisely use and coordinate resources, meet
regularly, focus on leading environmental problems, and mutually
choose strategies that can influence behavior, a relatively small percent-
age of the world population can be significant. “Interaction breeds loy-
alties both to persons and more often to causes that may transcend a
particular representative’s instructions and especially the vaguely ex-
pressed directives that emanate from most governments in respect of in-
ternational political enterprises far from home” (Szasz 1992, 74).
Conversely, small numbers of powerful actors who choose not to par-
ticipate in lawmaking can seriously counter environmental protection.
The global climate treaty and the treaty on the international banning of
land mines are important illustrations. Realpolitik analyses consider
these efforts weak in the face of U.S. refusal to engage actively. For some
law challenges it remains an open question whether progress is possible
without a reorientation of a treaty-making style that aims to impose and
persuade rather than to cooperate and create.
proven effective for pollution control, they are less useful for resolution
of problems associated with management, protection, and conservation
of natural resources, “particularly when a large number of different
groups and people use these resources.” Part of the reason the applica-
bility of command and control is seen as limited is that environmental
issues are said to have developed from “simple (local, attributable,
quantifiable, easy-to-solve, low-risk, and with short time horizons) to
complex (global, non-attributable, non-quantifiable, difficult-to-solve,
high-risk, and with long time frames)” (131). The comparison may be
too stark and incomplete, but this conclusion (simple to complex) is use-
ful for sorting out the approaches that work under specified conditions
and for specified environmental problems. Many environmental prob-
lems in the past clearly were high risk and had long time horizons mea-
sured by environmental impact perseverance. Also, some were not eas-
ily attributable; witness the morass in assigning liability under the U.S.
Superfund law. It serves little purpose to say that today’s environmental
problems are nonattributable. As I have tried to demonstrate in this
book, they are not all attributable to the same sources, but attribution
can be made. Further, many of the problems to be addressed manifest
themselves not globally but in transboundary and regional contexts.
Mainstream regulatory efforts have long histories in domestic settings
and in a few international settings.6 They provide certain advantages in
selective and strategic applications where states have sufficiently agreed
on objectives. As Downs and his colleagues remind us, we know quite a
bit about the impact of enforcement coupled with managerial variables
such as transparency. They contrast this knowledge with “ideas and rel-
ative prices,” which are not well-specified strategies that direct policy-
makers to ways to increase compliance. “We know relatively little about
how to use ideas to change preferences about discount rates, consump-
tion versus savings, or the environment” (Downs, Rocke, and Barsoom
1996, 398).
One must look critically at the wholesale rejection of regulatory ap-
proaches. Where do they originate? To what are they compared? They
arise in part from frustration with implementation, but implementation
is often attempted by agencies that have excessive mandates and limited
resources. Problems are not always inherent in the strategy itself. Some-
times command and control is theoretically contrasted with economic
incentives, self-regulatory activities, environmental management, and
managerial thinking, which have limited histories and lack evaluation
with real world complexity.
International Environmental Law 163
Criminal Court (the Rome Conference) adopted the Rome Statute of the
International Criminal Court. The statute’s preamble affirmed “that the
most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole
must not go unpunished and that their effective prosecution must be en-
sured by taking measures at the national level and by enhancing interna-
tional cooperation.” Article 1 established an International Criminal
Court at The Hague that “may exercise its functions and powers . . . on
the territory of any State Party and, by special agreement, on the territory
of any other State” (article 4).
Crimes within the jurisdiction of the court are limited to the most se-
rious international offenses, such as genocide. War crimes (article 8) for
which the court has jurisdiction include, as relevant to the environment,
“extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by
military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly” and “in-
tentionally launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will
cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians or damage to civilian
objects or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural en-
vironment which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete
and direct overall military advantage anticipated.”
Among the laws that the court will consult are applicable treaties and
the principles and rules of international law, including the established
principles of the international law of armed conflict. In certain circum-
stances it will also apply general principles of law derived by the court
from national legal systems, including, as appropriate, the laws of states
that would normally exercise jurisdiction over the crime. This language
could encompass domestic environmental crime statutes.
Certainly, some actions merit response with criminal sanctions. The
application of penal law philosophically and from a policy perspective
needs to be treated seriously for general deterrence purposes in cases of
repeated violations.
The symbolic value of the criminal sanction can be immense. As it
does at the domestic level, it can communicate the importance to the in-
ternational community of deliberate destruction of environmental re-
sources. It can set out lines beyond which no civilized nation or one of
its constituent entities or one of its residents can go. One such line is in
the draft articles of the International Law Commission, which includes
criminal responsibility for “a serious breach of an international obliga-
tion of essential importance for the safeguarding and preservation of the
human environment.” Another factor equates serious deliberate envi-
ronmental degradation with a violation of human rights. In the human
International Environmental Law 167
rights sphere, there is close to consensus that criminal sanctions are ap-
propriate for punishment of violations.
Use of the criminal sanction internationally must be viewed with very
modest expectations. Among the few instances where international law
has resorted to criminal sanctions, only a small number have been suc-
cessful. In certain limited circumstances the world community can mo-
bilize itself to locate alleged perpetrators of heinous international envi-
ronmental crimes, achieve jurisdiction over them, subject them to fair
and impartial trials, and apply meaningful criminal sanctions if the ac-
cused are found guilty. Strategies should be contextual. For deliberate
destructive actions aimed at securing an unfair advantage or at meeting
a military strategic objective, resort to a seated or an hoc criminal tri-
bunal is merited. But those conditions will be rare.
For other enforcement goals, continued movement toward civil lia-
bility is more advisable. There have been some promising steps. UNEP
encourages states to develop a civil liability regime. The 1982 Jeddah
Regional Convention on the Protection of the Red Sea and the Gulf of
Aden Environment introduced its consideration. The Law of the Sea
Convention, in article 235(3) of the 1982 UNCLOS, has gone perhaps
as far as any international instrument in this area:
With the objective of assuring prompt and adequate compensation in
respect of all damage caused by pollution of the marine environment,
States shall co-operate in the implementation of existing international
law and the further development of international law relating to re-
sponsibility and liability for the assessment of and compensation for
damage and the settlement of related disputes, as well as, where ap-
propriate, development of criteria and procedures for payment of ad-
equate compensation, such as compulsory insurance or compensa-
tion funds.
In 1997 the Institute of International Law adopted a resolution de-
claring that the “breach of an obligation of environmental protection es-
tablished under international law engages responsibility of the State (in-
ternational responsibility), entailing as a consequence the obligation to
reestablish the original position or to pay compensation.” It called for
environmental regimes “to include specific rules on responsibility and li-
ability” and “strict liability of operators as the normal standard.”
Once adequate substantive liability rules are put into law, they must
be accessible. In 1960 the Paris Convention and in 1963 the Vienna
Convention required victims of nuclear damage to make claims in fora
168 The Global Environment and International Law
extremely far from the point of damage. [By their terms they do not
clearly allow for claims for environmental damage, although increased
acceptance of that view has been noted (Sands 1995a, 161).] In the Bho-
pal disaster, releases of a toxic chemical from a Union Carbide factory
in India led to the death of thousands and injury to hundreds of thou-
sands. There legal liability and access to justice were problems in India
and the United States.
In general, movement toward a more formal understanding of the re-
sponsibilities of nations and the private sector adds an element of seri-
ousness to the statements countries sign about the environment. Re-
quired is (Sands 1995a):
The establishment of procedural safeguards, presumptions, rules of
evidence and interpretation which define the legal process, including
the notions of fault, accountability and blameworthiness. . . . Such
settlement may be weak in that there are no police to enforce it. But
as it inevitably creates a norm (instead of applying one) . . . (quoting
Sir Robert Jennings) “A plea that X is depleting the ozone layer may
be legally less effective than a plea that, in so doing, X is not only de-
pleting the ozone layer but also, being in breach of the 1985 Vienna
Convention on the Ozone Layer, is in breach of the general inter-
national law of treaties and of its cardinal principle of pacta sunt
Hortatory approaches to increase compliance also deserve further
use. These small steps can have a greater potential to be effective in cer-
tain circumstances than that of sanctioning efforts. For example, if a
member of the International Labor Organization fails to carry out a rec-
ommendation of the commission, the International Labor Conference
may take any action “it may deem wise and expedient to secure com-
pliance therewith.” Reports may be required from the members and ex-
amined by a committee of experts. The experts may note with “con-
cern” or “regret” the implementation status of a country. Annually, a
committee of experts may single out serious cases of noncompliance or
violation. This negative publicity holds promise for improving the be-
havior of a member state—and even a nonmember state (Koskenniemi
1996, 246).
Hortatory statements when emphasized by respected spokespeople
or energetic diplomats can also make a difference in the world’s reac-
tions to suggested legal reforms. The leadership styles of Mostafa Tolba
of UNEP and Maurice Strong are effective. Personality cannot be
International Environmental Law 169
NGO Involvement
A proper role for NGOs must be created, but what status should non-
governmental organizations be granted in negotiating treaties and in
meetings of the parties? 7 How formal a role in implementation should
they assume? The amount of authority given to nonofficial actors is an
important international policy matter.
Since citizen participation became widespread in the sixties in the
War on Poverty in the United States, it has become a goal impossible to
deny. It has meant creating roles for individuals and groups who do not
have official governmental positions so that they can become involved in
decision making. Citizens engage in activities ranging from commenting
in public hearings to serving on committees that have specified govern-
mental authority. Examples of the use and misuse of this approach are
legion in both the social and environmental movements.
In the newer generation of activities, organized private citizens with
interests in the international environment and NGOs or environmental
NGOs have places at the table with negotiators and decision makers.
They (1) advise representatives to treaty making in written and verbal
forms, (2) introduce scientific background materials, and (3) engage dis-
pute resolution processes by bringing actions against parties or entities
within parties for failure to meet the objectives of a treaty.
Unofficial actors may help official representatives recognize and build
on innovative strategies for policy development and implementation.
They may be active locally in suggesting and implementing policies that
are state treaty responsibilities. They may influence green attitudes to-
ward risky behavior and promote consumer practices that enhance the
viability of legal instruments (Drumbl 1999). NGOs may offer examples
for national and international action. Greenpeace and other environ-
mental NGOs have for several decades suggested policies outside the
boundaries of official national positions, but they are influential in mak-
ing countries’ positions more environmentally aggressive. Internal poli-
tics may constrain the stances taken by nation-states at international
meetings. Politics may be short-term and shortsighted and not represen-
tative of even the subject country’s interests. The posture of the United
States during the Earth Summit negotiations was a “textbook illustra-
170 The Global Environment and International Law
NGOs can contribute distinctive skills and resources that promote in-
ternational cooperation, and they may enhance the abilities of states to
regulate globally (Charnovitz 1998b), but the “long-term effects of
NGO participation on the international system are not clear. Wider par-
ticipation is not an unmitigated good. While NGO participation eases
political pressures (often from the same groups) and enhances the abil-
ity of states to create and maintain international regulatory rules, such
participation brings with it dangers of capture, missed opportunities,
and slower, more complex negotiations” (Raustiala 1997a, 737). In
short, for environmental lawmaking, “civil society is not inherently
‘good’ and state power ‘bad.’” (726).
Several other caveats exist. NGO participation usually heightens in-
fluence of the developed nations to the further disadvantage of the Third
World. Purely logistically the large numbers of NGOs may be difficult to
accommodate. Where not prohibitively numerous, NGO commentary
may be irrelevant or it may displace useful negotiation by states. Ac-
commodating numerous NGO positions may result in “least common
denominator” policy positions or harmonization downward of interna-
tional rules (Raustiala 1997b). Sometimes NGO presence does not add
fresh and necessary perspectives; rather, certain NGOs exist for exclu-
sionary or nationalistic purposes. Others, especially in regions with im-
mense competition for limited external resources, work mainly to pro-
mote their own goals. They may, as in the Caspian Sea region, effect a
“negative civil society” that is no more than a “counter-productive wel-
fare program” (Sievers 2001, 394). Nearby, BSEP head Laurence Mee
stated (in UNDP et al. 1998, iii):
Where are the Black Sea NGOs in all of this? Sadly, their role is often
as weak as the governmental agencies. In many cases, they are discon-
nected from the “grass roots” of society and have become special in-
terest “clubs” of individuals who huddle together shielding themselves
from the outside world. . . . It sometimes surprises me . . . that so much
energy is put into meetings rather than “hands on” activities.
If international law is to behave more like other law, NGOs should
not be decision makers. Their views should be solicited, and they should
be given adequate time, within reason, to present to official bodies. But
NGOs are self-appointed and not necessarily democratically represen-
tative, although they must respond to the values and concerns of their
members. They should not be able to bootstrap themselves into posi-
tions filled by people who must meet the stringent appointment and re-
172 The Global Environment and International Law
Secretariat Design
Administrative entities for multilateral environmental agreements
(MEAs) must be custom designed to help solve specific global environ-
mental problems. Ultimately law, domestic or international, is imple-
mented by organizations created by legislation or treaties, funded and
staffed by political actors. A focus on institutional characteristics is es-
sential for effective international environmental law. Proper design
avoids excessive routinization of international law, an outcome that has
taken place in some national environmental agencies. At the same time
it is also important to provide for needed processes and standard oper-
International Environmental Law 175
is to assure that information exchange is full, open, and prompt, but sec-
retariats must earn the reliance that nation-states put on them to care
properly for sensitive and proprietary information (Susskind 1994b).10
Although a single world environmental organization is not useful, in-
ternational environmental law can be strengthened by organizational
improvements. Existing secretariats, part of a regime of law, need to
convert their missions to concrete actions that address environmental
quality. To do so, several secretariat characteristics are important. Flex-
ibility in responding to environmental problems and to changing infor-
mation is high on the list. Perceived legitimacy of the secretariat is im-
portant—by those who must be managed whether they be nations, oil
companies, farmers, tourists, or ordinary daily consumers of environ-
mentally sensitive products. Openness to public input and transparency
of decision making are significant attributes. Operational capability (the
wherewithal, in human and economic terms, to carry out a program) is
essential as well. Without those resources the best designs can be
stymied. Good professionals without considerable financial resources
are more effective overall than inexpert professionals with flush re-
sources. Ultimately, given the immense challenges of cleaning world
oceans, stopping global warming, saving endangered species, and pre-
venting waterborne environmental health disasters, both accomplished
people and considerable funds are necessary.
Creating effective secretariats admittedly is a tall order. Limitations
and gaps are typically not the fault of staff or a function of mistakes in
design. The issue is much larger than individual personalities or ele-
ments of organizational structure.
Effective models are not known for confronting challenges that affect
hundreds of nations, using different languages, accepting responsibility
differentially, emphasizing drastically different values, in facing a task
that requires addressing multiple issues. To be sure, theorists have of-
fered approaches to dealing with uncertainties, ambiguities, knowledge
gaps, varying risk assessments, and other characteristics of complex
problems. They speak of “future-responsive-societal-learning” (Michael
1973) and transactive management. As recommended earlier, some of
these strategies need to be tried, but there is little empirical review of
them, and as Italian Nobel prizewinner Carlo Rubbia noted, “there is
not a mature decision-making structure that is capable of governing
global environmental emergencies, to make decisions in the interests
of all.” 11
A focus related to organizational design is on the growth of the
178 The Global Environment and International Law
parties providing data rose to 73, well above the 18 that had reported
by 1992. European Union law provides several incentives to promote
cooperative movement toward environmental goals.12 Elsewhere, the
Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of
Environmental Modification Techniques, the Barcelona Convention for
the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution, and the
Cartagena Convention for the Protection and Development of the Ma-
rine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region offer new ideas on
technology transfer and technical assistance for developing countries.
They address the terms under which transfer is to take place, the role of
patent and other intellectual property rights, and innovative develop-
ment and enhancement of endogenous technologies of developing coun-
tries (Susskind 1994b, 123).13
A fully functioning environmental protection regime that exploits
economic forces requires some changes in international property law
under which it is now difficult to establish and protect rights. It will be
necessary in climate change and in other areas of international commons
regulation to develop structures to facilitate the exchange of rights in or-
der to enforce rights (Esty 1999). The more difficult a problem is to com-
prehend and the broader the spread of harm, however, the more difficult
it is to internalize externalities (a fundamental property goal) and to
achieve collective action (1546). Thus environmental law and policy ex-
perts should emphasize incentives and property concepts that foster en-
vironmental improvements and technology transfer. Environmental ed-
ucation (including preambles to policy instruments) should recognize
that developed countries are polluting out of proportion to their num-
bers, violating fundamental but not yet legally recognized property no-
tions. Relevant is Garrett Hardin’s conclusion about commons proper-
ties: for certain problems “mutual coercion mutually agreed upon” is
essential. Customary law also provides that the “principle of permanent
sovereignty over natural resources requires each state to respect all other
states in the use of their natural resources, which inherently includes the
obligation not to cause transboundary pollution” (Perez 1996, 1212).14
When the task is clear and depends less on major policy concerns of
a state than on availability of resources, direct economic assistance is
reasonable. Dependence on incentives, however, can communicate that
nations have an obligation to comply with international environmental
standards only if they are subsidized. Incentives without greater in-
volvement in attempts to build capacity in developing countries can be
counterproductive. The funding commitments in the Montreal Proto-
180 The Global Environment and International Law
col, the FCCC, and the Biodiversity Conventions are narrow means of
capacity building. Attempts to increase the number, strength, compe-
tence, and constellation of governmental and NGO actions; to make rel-
evant information more available; and to foster institutional relation-
ships are superior. “True capacity-building involves a reconfiguration of
political, economic, and social institutions; in some cases, it may even
require these institutions to be created outright” (Drumbl 1999, 304).15
Some environmentalists do not accept that the less developed coun-
tries must be subsidized for movement toward environmental protec-
tion; development patterns of the industrialized nations are not an enti-
tlement of all nations. In fact, some say, they were a mistake. What is
needed is not a guilt-ridden policy that fosters further global destruc-
tion; rather, programs should admit the failures of the past and move
forward both in the first and third worlds with less destructive consumer
and development patterns. Incentives, subsidies, and technology should
nonetheless be made available through international legal instruments.
There is some possibility that replication of destructive patterns will oc-
cur, but the next generation of international environmental protection
must be aware of the limitations of law to influence behaviors that are
among the most fundamental of the species. If Third World countries
are forced to choose between economic development and environment,
the economy will prevail. Movement in the direction of enhanced pro-
tection can come only through realistic steps that recognize a politics
that is not driven (in the absence of egregious environmental disasters)
by environmental concerns alone. Thus subsidies and other incentives
should be parts of treaties. In return, the treaties should create expecta-
tions of increased contributions by the south and be contingent on mea-
surable progress by those nations.16
Trade Sanctions
Powerful forces of the market should be recognized in creating and im-
plementing multilateral environmental agreements. The relationship be-
tween economics and international environmental stewardship is no-
where more important than in consideration of the use of trade
sanctions. They are implicated in global environmental law in two crit-
ical ways. Trade sanctions may be employed to reach environmental ob-
jectives (trade-related environmental measures, or TREMS), and they
are employed in trade agreements to punish alleged misuse of environ-
mental law.
International Environmental Law 181
The NAFTA regime takes some steps but does not go far enough in
integrating trade and environmental goals with regard to phytosanitary
provisions. On food and safety, NAFTA emphasizes the autonomy of
each signatory to establish its own sanitary and phytosanitary standards
and the right to vary them by region, provided the standards are based
on “scientific principles” (chapter 7). Chapter 7 also requires an im-
porter of goods from a less rigidly regulated region to prove with scien-
tific principles that the imported goods meet the safety requirements of
the more restrictive region. Other sections of NAFTA [chapter 9 and
article 904(2)] extend the assurance of autonomy from sanitary and
phytosanitary to more general environmental standards. In contrast to
the former, other environmental standards need not be justified by sci-
entific principles. NAFTA provides access to formal dispute resolution
procedures for certain food and safety and environmental claims. Other
articles (760, 762) encourage notification and cooperation among the
three parties.
The European Union has quite environmentally friendly trade rules.
It has well-developed institutions that allow NGO involvement and,
based on qualified majority voting, permit nations with strong environ-
mental policies to promote them aggressively in the face of free trade
challenges (Steinberg 1997). The EU has allowed dozens of actions har-
monizing sanitary and phytosanitary measures upward. It permits mem-
ber states to ban imports not produced according to EU environmentally
sensitive processes and production methods. In certain cases the ban
may be mandatory.
The EU serves as an excellent model for future trade-environment
agreements. I also recommend establishing objective panels (as objective
as they can be in these matters) composed of both trade and environ-
ment experts who give their views on the environmental intervention.
They can determine, for instance, whether a rule is based on the best
available expertise in the environmental sciences. Is it as narrowly ap-
plied as possible to achieve its aims? The burden of proof should take
into consideration all relevant factors, including the nation’s environ-
mental record. In rare situations where conflicts cannot be resolved, re-
sort could be to the environmental chamber of the ICJ.
The link between trade and the environment must put greater em-
phasis on the environment. In a world where trade regimes now regu-
larly trump environmental concerns, to call for greater coordination and
parity between environment and free trade is impotent without a major
new commitment of states to create that parity. To make this recom-
mendation meaningful, environmental ministries must be raised to a
184 The Global Environment and International Law
status comparable to that of trade and commerce. Along the way, changes
in international rules on investment may further the environmental
agenda; they “could turn out to be the very tool for allowing policy mak-
ers to escape their ‘prisoner’s dilemma’ and pave the way for solutions
out of the race-to-the-bottom-scenario at the trade-and-environment-
interface” (Deimann, 1999, 37). Finally, as more world citizens begin to
understand trade organizations like the WTO, more balance with non-
trade societal goals is needed. Trade law “must be interpreted in light of
other rules of public international law” (Pauwelyn 2001, 577). Spe-
cifically the WTO should be pressed to pursue trade goals by emphasiz-
ing international negotiation over sanctioning (Oesterle 2001; Char-
novitz 2001).
Application of these recommendations must be realistic about the
potential for change among international law’s many subjects, from
the individual to the multinational organization. Patterns that have cre-
ated global environmental degradation are entrenched and not readily
changeable with either encouraging statements or commands without
controls and enforcement.
Some degrading actions are rational responses to systems that do not
sufficiently charge for violations. Others stem from poverty. As a Mexi-
can environmental planner said, “It is not easy to sell local citizens on a
dimly perceived environmental benefit, when the alternative can put
food on the poor family’s table. . . . A mature turtle is worth $50 to a
poacher for its meat, skin, and eggs, and it takes him an hour of work
in the cool night air to get one. To earn that much in another way, he’d
have to work two weeks at minimum wage harvesting watermelons in
the hot sun. What would you prefer?” (Kraul 1997). International envi-
ronmental law must go beyond adjusting the perceived costs of a viola-
tion. It must create benefits of compliance as well.
Recommendations must also address capacity to promote consensus
about ownership of global resources. As the tortuous negotiations over
the Law of the Sea made clear, agreement on international property
rules will not come quickly, but in areas as divergent as demarking zones
of territorial control and addressing the effects of deregulation and pri-
vatization, understandings of ownership effects can assist a move toward
international cooperation.
Building on the concept of resources of all humankind, a system is
International Environmental Law 185
2. The Prince-Bishop of Basel and the King of France in 1781 entered a con-
vention to protect game birds and forests (Van Heijnsbergen 1997).
3. “Bering Sea Fur Seals Arbitration” (Great Britain v. United States), re-
printed in J. Moore, International Arbitrations. History, 755 –961 (Wash-
ington, D.C.-Government Printing Office, 1898.
4. http://fletcher.tufts.edu /multi /chrono.html.
5. Formally called “Protection of Artistic and Scientific Institutions and His-
toric Monuments Treaty Between the United States of America and other
American Republics” (http://fletcher.tufts.edu /multi /chrono.html).
6. Influential newspapers paid only modest attention. New York Times,
18 May 1938, 4 June 1938, 25 June 1938.
7. Churchill and Ulfstein (2000, 625), for example, speak of “autonomous in-
stitutional arrangements” that are distinct from intergovernmental organi-
zations (IGOs) in that they are “more informal and more flexible, and often
more innovative in relation to norm creation and compliance.”
8. Sands et al. (1994, 25) categorize the history slightly differently, identifying
“at least four distinct periods” of international environmental law: from bi-
lateral fisheries treaties to 1945, from the creation of the United Nations to
Stockholm, from Stockholm to 1992 and the UNCED, and thereafter “the
period of integration: when environmental concerns should, as a matter of
international law and policy, be integrated into all activities.”
9. U.S. Constitution, Art II, sec 2, giving the president the power “by and with
the consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Sena-
tors present concur.”
10. The EU was formerly the European Community, created under the Treaty
Establishing the European Economic Community, 25 March 1957, 298
UNTS 3 (1958), commonly called the Treaty of Rome. It became the EU by
the Treaty of the European Union, Maastricht, 7 February 1992. The EC has
international legal personality, and the EU encompasses it, the European
Coal and Steel Community, and the European Atomic Energy Community.
The EU also encompasses the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the
Justice and Home Affairs (Jaquemont 2001).
11. The International Law Commission in 1994 prepared a draft statute for a
Permanent International Criminal Court. In July 2002, enough nations had
signed the resulting agreement made in Rome (discussed in Chapter 5) for it
to enter force. There is little expectation, however, that this will be a com-
mon forum for environmental issues.
12. Japan Whaling Ass’n v. American Cetacean Society, 478 U.S. 221 (1986),
pp. 229 –230.
13. Some environmental regimes, as we shall see, bear little relationship to gen-
eral international law. Compliance control replaces the more traditional
processes of dispute settlement, violation, and sanction. Implementation is a
financial or technical issue addressed through consultation and help, instead
of being viewed normatively; blameworthiness and punishment are irrele-
vant. Although many environmental treaties, for example, contain a clause
on the settlement of disputes, there is little belief that compliance can be ad-
Notes to Pages 41–53 189
dressed through a fault and attributability regime, such as under the legal
doctrine of state responsibility. Criticisms of international law in general are
well summarized by Koh (1997), who describes the attacks by many legal
philosophers including Hans Kelsen, John Austin, and H. L. A. Hart. Koh
also points out that in 1789 Jeremy Bentham coined the term “inter-national
law,” which rejected “the monistic vision of a single, integrated transna-
tional legal system in favor of a notion that the public law of nations oper-
ates on a separate horizontal plane for states only” (2609).
14. Southern Bluefin Tuna (Australia and New Zealand v. Japan) http://www
.worldbank.org/icsid//bluefintuna/award080400.pdf, 4 August 2000.
15. Handelskwekerj GJ Bier v. Mimes de Potasses d’Alsace.
16. A party may also register a declaration simply stating that despite acknowl-
edging that convention procedures have been followed, it does not accept a
regulation. Japan, Norway, and the former USSR used this entity to reject
the zero whaling quotas of the IWC in the 1980s (Lyster 1985).
17. 29 November 1969, completed by a London protocol of 2 November 1973.
18. Compliance may not be truly significant in itself in all regimes. Some in-
ternational agreements are entered only when a nation-state understands that
it will be in its interest to, convenient to, easy to comply: “We do
not know what a high compliance rate really implies. Does it mean that even
in the absence of enforcement states will comply with any agreement from the
set of all possible agreements, or does it mean that states only make agree-
ments that do not require much enforcement” (Downs, Rocke, and Barsoom
1996, 383). Toward one major goal, environmental improvement, some ob-
servers conclude that low compliance with challenging standards
is superior to high compliance with lesser standards (Victor, Raustiala,
and Skolnikoff 1998; Mitchell 1996). Still others conclude that “even perfect
compliance with a strong regime is . . . not a sufficient condition for achiev-
ing policy goals defined in terms of biophysical impact” (Miles et al. 2001, 7).
19. See Declaration by the Ministers of the Environment of the Region of the
United Nations Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) and the Member of the
Commission of the European Communities Responsible for the Environ-
ment, 7 para. 22.1 (30 April 1993).
20. The provisions of the treaty illustrate the sensitivity, caution, and deference to
sovereignty with which international environmental treaties are written. Ar-
ticle 10(3) of the Vienna Convention reads: “The Parties shall make every ef-
fort to reach agreement on any proposed amendment to this Convention by
consensus. If all efforts at consensus have been exhausted, and no agreement
reached, the amendment shall as a last resort be adopted by a three-fourths
majority vote of the Parties present and voting at the meeting, and shall be
submitted by the Depository to all Parties for ratification, approval or ac-
ceptance.” Article 8 of the Montreal Protocol walks softly as well: “Non-
Compliance. The Parties, at their first meeting, shall consider and approve
procedures and institutional mechanisms for determining non-compliance
with the provisions of this Protocol and for treatment of Parties found to be
in non-compliance.”
190 Notes to Pages 62–97
did not rule that this submission is beyond its purview; rather in Decem-
ber 1999 it requested a response from the United States.
21. As of June 2002, a total of 34 citizen submissions on enforcement matters
had been filed with the CEC, and five factual records had been ordered.
Three factual records had already been completed and released: SEM-96-
001 “Cozumel,” SEM-97-001 “B.C. Aboriginal Fisheries,” and SEM-98-
007 “Metales y Derivados.” Submissions have varied considerably. As noted
in the text, “Cozumel” involved challenges to the environmental evaluation
process of a public harbor terminal for tourist cruises on the Island of
Cozumel in Quintana Roo, Mexico. In the fisheries submission the submit-
ters alleged that the Canadian government is failing to enforce a section of
the Fisheries Act and to utilize its powers pursuant to another law to ensure
the protection of fish and fish habitat in British Columbia’s rivers from on-
going and repeated environmental damage caused by hydroelectric dams.
22. In June 2000 the council approved a new role for the JPAC in reviewing is-
sues about the submissions process.
23. The conflict has arisen in a number of cases. One involved Canada’s attempt
to ban the cross-border movement of hazardous wastes, including PCBs.
Operating under the provisions of NAFTA chapter 11, a dispute resolution
panel indicated that Canada’s regulation treated a U.S. business differently
from Canadian investors. Another case involved the claim of a Canadian
business, Methanex Corportation, that the United States must pay almost
$1 billion because California planned to remove the toxic chemical MTBE
(methyl tertiary butyl ether) from gasoline to prevent water contamination.
A third involved U.S. attempts to regulate Mexican truck movement into the
United States in a broad manner rather than on a case-by-case basis. Alleg-
edly, the United States was limiting access for safety reasons. In yet another
conflict, an American firm recovered millions in damages against Mexico for
that country’s attempts to regulate a waste disposal facility. See the discus-
sion on trade and the environment in Chapter 5.
24. IPCC assesses scientific, technical, and socioeconomic information relevant
for the understanding of the risk of human-induced climate change. It does
not carry out new research or monitor climate-related data. It bases its as-
sessment on published and peer-reviewed scientific technical literature.
From “About IPCC,” http://www.ipcc.ch, accessed 21 July 1999.
25. Carbon emissions per capita per year were 5.3 metric tons in the United
States (the highest per capita carbon dioxide emission rate in the world),
1.0 metric ton in Argentina, and 0.1 metric ton in Paraguay. The average for
industrial nations was 3.1 metric tons (Herber and Raga 1995, quoting
World Resources Institute 1991).
26. The U.S. Energy Department has predicted that for the near future, U.S.
emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases from
energy use will grow faster than previously expected (New York Times,
13 November 1997).
27. The distinction between trading and joint implementation arose after the
first COP vowed to ban trading as a means of meeting quantitative commit-
ments under the joint implementation provisions of the framework (Driesen
1998, fn. 181).
Notes to Pages 130–138 195
28. According to one estimate (International Energy Agency), this and related
decisions suggested that by the beginning of the millennium U.S. emissions
would be 16 percent higher than they were in 1990 (Driesen 1998).
29. From FCCC article 3.3: “The Parties should take precautionary measures to
anticipate, prevent, or minimize the causes of climate change and mitigate its
adverse effects. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage,
lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing
such measures.”
30. The 39 annex 1 parties include Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Can-
ada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, European Community,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan,
Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, New
Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Slova-
kia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and United States of America.
31. Article 4.2(g): “Any Party not included in Annex I may, in its instrument of
ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, or at any time thereafter,
notify the Depositary that it intends to be bound by subparagraphs (a) and
(b) above. The Depositary shall inform the other signatories and Parties of
any such notification.” See also article 12.4: “Developing country Parties
may, on a voluntary basis, propose projects for financing, including specific
technologies, materials, equipment, techniques or practices that would be
needed to implement such projects, along with, if possible, an estimate of all
incremental costs, of the reductions of emissions and increments of removals
of greenhouse gases, as well as an estimate of the consequent benefits.”
32. “Sinks” are locations or chemical configurations that result in effective re-
moval of pollution from biological, chemical, and physical processes. For
example, forests act as a sink for carbon dioxide.
33. Although the COP process replaced the INC, the INC continued to meet up
until the first COP (COP-1) to facilitate start-up issues of the FCCC (Bo-
dansky 1997b, sec 4.1.5).
34. The Kyoto Protocol specifies, among other requirements, that only projects
that provide “a reduction in emissions by sources, or an enhancement of re-
movals by sinks, that is additional to any that would otherwise occur” may
be used to meet annex 1 reduction commitments (article 6.1.b).
35. Countries that provide subsidies for energy-efficient products could be in
conflict with the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures of
WTO rules, although there is an environmental protection exception. Most-
favored-nation treatment may be inconsistent with a multilateral regime al-
lowing trading only among parties to the Kyoto Protocol. The regime’s
compliance rules can, however, be promoted in ways that are technically
consistent with WTO principles. They can be designed so as to avoid being
considered a “service” and to not be “differentiated by their country of ori-
gin.” More satisfying and more compatible with progressive international
law is the conclusion that efforts to promote climate stabilization are exempt
from the WTO restrictions— even if they look like trade activities, which,
were they not so motivated, may confront challenges (Wiser 1999; Camp-
bell 2000b). Certainly this will require creation of some means of monitor-
196 Notes to Pages 138–154
ing CDM activity. More important, it will require some trust in nation-states
that are asserting this exemption.
36. Domestic policies considered in national law that are promising include ex-
pansion of federal weatherization assistance, location-efficient mortgages,
recovery of inefficient cars and appliances, expansion of emergency man-
agement agency activities, and federal provision of health insurance (Miller,
Sethi, and Wolff 2000).
economies. International law can help determine whether hot air is now
property to which the transition nations are entitled. Furthermore, should
the notion of hot air be generalized to developing nations because they have
not been responsible for generating the climate change problems (Batruch
1999)? If hot air is property, how much should it be worth? What market
should set the value? It is, in any event, highly unrealistic to think that West-
ern nations would willingly create sufficient funds to funnel billions of dol-
lars into Russia for this commodity (Raustiala 2000b). At COP-6 an Indian
professor raised the issue of ownership of the atmosphere, which can be both
sink and source; he wondered who might get credit if the lower parts were
declared to be a sink for methane.
15. Choosing strategies that are driven by incentives does not obviate the need
for several other important steps in international law. Terminology in the
amendment to the Montreal Protocol illustrates that reliance on economic
incentives creates its own set of implementation challenges: “The parties
shall establish an Executive Committee to develop and monitor the imple-
mentation of specific operational policies, guidelines and administrative
arrangements, including the disbursement of resources, for the purpose of
achieving the objectives of the Multilateral Fund. The Executive Committee
shall discharge its tasks and responsibilities, specified in its terms of refer-
ence as agreed by the Parties, with the co-operation and assistance of the In-
ternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank), the
United Nations Environmental Programme, the United Nations Develop-
ment Programme or other appropriate agencies depending on their respec-
tive areas of expertise.”
16. Customary international law binds states to cooperate in the protection of
the environment (Scovazzi and Treves 1992, 27) independent of economic
exchanges. Principle 24 of the Stockholm Declaration declares, “Interna-
tional matters concerning the protection and improvement of the environ-
ment should be handled in a cooperative spirit by all countries, big or small,
on an equal footing. Cooperation through multilateral or bilateral arrange-
ments or other appropriate means is essential to effectively control, prevent,
reduce and eliminate adverse environmental effects resulting from activities
conducted in all spheres, in such a way that due account is taken of the sov-
ereignty and interests of all States.” The obligation to cooperate manifests
itself as “a duty to act in good faith,” to meet the mutual interests of the
states directly concerned and the general interest of the international com-
munity. The North Sea Continental Shelf case, a judgment of the ICJ (Re-
ports 1969, 47), held that the parties are under an obligation not merely to
go through a formal process of negotiation but also to conduct themselves
so that the negotiations are meaningful (Scovazzi and Treves 1992, 27).
17. The EU has called for trade sanctions against countries that do not ratify the
POPs convention (Rollin 2000).
18. The U.S. Ethyl Corporation settled for $13 million a dispute with Canada
wherein the company claimed that a Canadian fuels additive act was a bla-
tant domestic protectionist measure. A NAFTA tribunal in November 2000
Note to Page 182 199
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Nordquist, J. 61 Sands, Philippe, 8, 26, 30, 41, 42, 49,
51, 86, 89, 145, 148, 168, 188n.8
Oesterle, Dale, 184 Schmalensee, Richard, 127
Okowa, Phoebe, 88, 92, 174 Schmitt-Roschmann, Verena, 79
Oldson, William, 108 Schneider, William, 115, 116
O’Reilly, James, 115, 117 Schram, Stokke, 89,
Ostrom, Elinor, 8 Scott, Gary, 30
Oxman, Bernard, 90 Scovazzi, Tullio, xi, 49, 50, 59, 89,
Oye, Kenneth, 63 198n.16
Ozturk, E., 107 Sethi, Gautam, 138, 196n.36
Shabecoff, Philip, 8, 43, 57, 90, 143,
Pallemaerts, Marc, 83 144, 150, 163, 164, 170, 172
Palmer, G., 164 Shelton, Dinah, 93
Papasavva, Stella, 101 Siegal, Charles, 43
Pauwelyn, Joost, 30, 184 Sievers, Eric, 153, 171, 192n.11
Pearce, Frank, 60 Simos, Evangelos, 193n.17
Pearson, Charles, 61 Sims, Holly, 97, 100
Perez, Fran, 179 Sirola, Paula, 145
Perlez, Jane, 50 Sjoberg, Helen, 175
Petsonk, C., 99 Skolnikoff, Eugene, 91, 189n.18
Philbrick, Nathaniel, 77, 78 Smith, Turner, 8
Plant, Jon, 65 Spengler, Katherine, 76
Porter, Michael, 66 Sprouse, Terry, 121
Posner, Eric, 42 Steinberg, Richard, 183
Pressman, Jeffrey, 153 Stenzel, Paulette, 70
Prinn, Ronald, 127 Stevens, William, 178, 196n.2
Stewart, Richard, 148
Raga, Jose, 194n.25 Stone, Christopher, xi, 8, 91, 124,
Ramakrishna, Kilaparti, xi, 9 172
Raustiala, Kal, 8, 91, 171, 189n.18, Strong, Maurice, 150, 169
198n.14 Susskind, Larry, 8, 84, 89, 158, 177,
Rawls, John, 42 179
Redgwell, Catherine, 86, 89 Switzer, Jacqueline, 8
Revkin, Andrew, 150, 160, 196n.2 Szasz, Paul, 8, 43, 161
246 The Global Environment and International Law
Framework Convention on Climate 49, 53, 89, 92, 96, 149, 176, 178,
Change, 24, 85, 130 –131, 181 179, 181, 198n.15
fur seals arbitration, 30 tuna cases, 30, 119 –120, 157; South-
ern Bluefin Tuna (Australia and
Gabcikovo-Nagymaros, 90 New Zealand v. Japan), 189n.14