Accounting For Assets, Impairments and Grants
Accounting For Assets, Impairments and Grants
Accounting For Assets, Impairments and Grants
will learn
What you
IAS 36 – Impairment of assets
IAS 2 - Inventories
IAS 38
Intangible assets
IAS 38
IAS 38 excludes:
• Internally generated goodwill, Brands, customer lists
• Staff
• Account receivable
• "It is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the entity
• The item's cost can be measured reliably".
Intangibles Application of research
findings for commercial
1. technically feasible
2. intention to
Costs to acquire Research complete
new scientific costs Development 3. ability to sell asset
knowledge costs 4. probable benefits
5. can complete project
6. can measure reliably
Expense out
Initial Subsequent
Cost Cost model
Amortize No Amortization
The company started a new R&D project on 1 January 20X5, incurring $1.6 million costs during the research
phase, which lasted until 31 August 20X5. From that date, average development costs incurred on the project
were $750,000 per month.
On 1 November 20X5, the management of Moor Labs Co became confident that the project would be a
commercial success and make good profits. The project is still in development at 31 December 20X5.
Capitalised development expenditure is amortised at 25% per annum using the straight line method.
What amount is recognised as an expense in terms of R&D in the year ended 31 December 20X5?
IAS 36
Impairment of assets
An item of plant has a carrying amount (based on historical cost) of $124,000 and a value in use of $117,000.
The price the asset could achieve at auction is expected to be $127,000 and fees of 10% would be incurred
on a sale.
The carrying amount of the CGU is compared with its recoverable amount. Any impairment loss is allocated:
3. To other assets of the CGU (that are within the scope of IAS 36) on a pro rata basis.
Exercise 5.3
A CGU comprises goodwill with a carrying amount of $20,000, PPE with a carrying amount of $150,000,
Intangible assets with a carrying amount of $50,000 and net current assets with a carrying amount of
$90,000. The recoverable amount of the CGU is $250,000. The recoverable amount of the PPE is its value in
Sydney Co acquires an asset at a cost of $200,000 on 1 July 20X7. A government grant of $50,000 is
received towards the purchase on the same date. The asset has a useful life of 10 years.
Determining cost FIFO