Chapter 4-Bearing Capacity of Foundation
Chapter 4-Bearing Capacity of Foundation
Chapter 4-Bearing Capacity of Foundation
A foundation, often constructed from concrete, steel or wood, is a structure designed to
transfer loads from a superstructure to the soil underneath the superstructure. In general,
foundations are categorized into two groups, namely, shallow and deep foundations. Shallow
foundations are comprised of footings, while deep foundations include piles that are used
when the soil near the ground surface has no enough strength to stand the applied loading.
The ultimate bearing capacity, qu, (in kPa) is the load that causes the shear failure of the soil
underneath and adjacent to the footing. In this chapter, we will discuss equations used to
estimate the ultimate bearing capacity of soils. When you complete this chapter you should
be able to:
Calculate the bearing capacity of soils.
Figure 4.1: Modes of bearing failures (a) General shear (b) Local shear and (c) Punching shear.
Relative density of the soil and size of the foundation are among the major factors that affect
the mode of bearing failure likely to occur. The modes of bearing failure are generally
separated into three categories: The general shear failure (Fig. 4.1 a) is usually associated
with soils of low compressibility such as dense sand and stiff cohesive soils. In this case, if
load is gradually applied to the foundation, settlement will increase. At a certain point – when
the applied load per unit area equals to the ultimate load qu – a sudden failure in the soil
supporting the foundation will take place. The failure surface in the soil will extend to the
ground surface and full shear resistance of the soil is developed along the failure surface.
Bulging of the soil near the footing is usually apparent.
For the local shear failure (Fig.4.1 b), which is common in sands and clays of medium
compaction, the failure surface will gradually extend outward from the foundation but will
not reach the ground surface as shown by the solid segment in Fig. 4.1 b. The shear resistance
is fully developed over only part of the failure surface (solid segment of the line). There is a
certain degree of bulging of the soil.
In the case of punching shear failure, a condition common in loose and very compressible
soils, considerable vertical settlement may take place with the failure surfaces restricted to
vertical planes immediately adjacent to the sides of the foundation; the ground surface may
be dragged down. After the first yield has occurred the load-settlement curve will be steep
slightly, but remain fairly flat.
given as follows:
Where Nc, Nq and Nγ are called the bearing capacity factors and are obtained as follows:
Where ' in the first term is in radians. In the undrained conditions (cu and u 0 ):
N q 1, N c ( 32 1) 5.71 , N 0 (4.6)
N q exp( tan ' ) tan 2 (45 ' / 2) , N c cot ' ( N q 1) , N ( N q 1) tan(1.4 ' ) (4.9)
N q 1, N c ( 2) 5.71, N 0
The bearing capacity factors are graphically presented in Fig. 4.4. The shape, inclination and
depth factors are according to:
For the eccentric load, the length and width of the footing rectangle are modified to:
L’ = L – 2eL and, B’ = B – 2eB (4.9)
Where eL and eB represent the eccentricity along the appropriate directions
Equation 2.9 is sometimes referred to as the general bearing capacity equation. In the special
case of a horizontal ground surface,
qu c' N c s c d c ic bc DN q s q d q iq bq 0.5BN s d i b (4.11)
Figure 4.6 provides the relationships between Nc, Nq, and Nγ and the ' values, as proposed
by Hansen.
Since failure can take place either along the long side or along the short side, Hansen
proposed two sets of shape, inclination and depth factors.
The shape factors are:
Nq B B B
sc , B 1 ic , B , sq,B 1 iq , B sin ' , s , B 1 0.4 i , B 0.6 (4.13)
Nc L L L
Nq L L L
sc, L 1 ic , L , sq,L 1 iq , L sin ' , s , L 1 0.4 i , L 0.6 (4.14)
Nc B B B
For cu, ϕu=0 soil: s c , B 0.2 ic , B , s c , L 0 .2 ic , L (4.15)
1 2
1 i q ,i 0.5H i 0.7 H i
i c ,i i q ,i , i q ,i 1 , i ,i 1 (4.16)
Nq 1 V Acb cot ' V Acb cot '
Where the suffix i (in Eqn. 2.15) stands for B or L. 2 1 5 . 2 2 5 . A is the area of
the footing base and cb is the cohesion mobilized in the footing-soil contact area. For the
tilted base:
(0.7 0 4500 ) H i
i ,i 1 (4.17)
V Ac b cot '
In the above equations, B and L may be replaced by their effective values (B’ and L’)
expressed by Eqn. (4.9).
The depth factors are expressed in two sets:
For D/B 1 & D/L 1:
g c 1 g q g 1 0.5 tan
0 , (4.25)
For cu, ϕu soil: (4.26)
bc 1
, bq e 2 tan ' , b e 2.7 tan ' (4.27)
For cu, ϕu soil: (4.28)
Where η tilted base angle and β sloping ground angle
A square footing 1.5m is to be constructed in sand with c’ = 0, ' =400. The thickness of the
footing is 0.45m and its top surface is level with the horizontal ground surface. The footing is
subjected to a central vertical force of 700kN and a central horizontal force (parallel to the
sides) of 210kN. Find the ultimate bearing capacity by a) Meyerhof’s and b) Hansen’s
equations. (Note that Terzaghi’s equations are not applicable for inclined loads). The unit
weight of the sand is 18kN/m3.
Re-do example 4.3 assuming that the groundwater level is at the footing level (0.45m below
the ground surface). The saturated unit weight is 21kN/m3.
Figure A1
He proposed that for a rectangular footing of width B and length L, the base area should be
modified with the following dimensions:
B’ = B – 2eB and L’ =L - 2eL (4.31)
Where B’ and L’ are the modified width and length, eB and eL are the eccentricities in the
directions of the width and length, respectively. From your course in mechanics you should
recall that
My Mx
eB and e L (4.32)
where P is the vertical load, and My and Mx are the moments about the y and x axes,
respectively, as shown in Fig. A1.
The maximum and minimum vertical stresses along the x axis are:
P 6eB P 6eB
max 1 and min 1 (4.33)
and along the y axis are:
P 6eL P 6eL
max 1 and min 1 (4.34)
Since the tensile strength of soils is approximately zero, min should always be greater than
zero. Therefore, eB & eL should always be less than B/6 & L/6, respectively. The bearing
capacity equations are modified for eccentric loads by replacing B with B’.
A footing 2 m square is located at a depth of 1m below the ground surface in a deep deposit
of compacted sand, ' =300, c’=0, and sat =18 kN/m3. The footing is subjected to a vertical
load of 500 kN and a moment about the Y-axis of 125 kN・m. The ground water table is 5 m
below the ground surface. Use Meyerhof’s bearing capacity equation and calculate the factor
of safety. Assume the soil above the ground water is also saturated.
the estimated ultimate load. Each load increment is held until settlement ceases. The final
settlement at the end of each loading increment is recorded. The test should be conducted
until the soil fails, or at least until the plate has gone through 25 mm of settlement.
qu ( F ) qu ( P ) (4.35)
where qu(F) & qu(P) are ultimate bearing capacity of foundation and plate, respectively. Eqn.
(4.35) implies that the bearing capacity in clays is independent of plate size.
For tests in sandy soil,
qu ( F ) qu ( P ) F (4.36)
Where BF and BP stand for width of foundation and plate, respectively
There are several problems associated with the plate load test. The t `est is reliable if the
soil layer is thick and homogeneous, local conditions such as a pocket of weak soil near the
surface of plate can affect the test results but these may have no significant effect on the real
footing, the correlation between plate load results and real footing is problematic, and
performance of the test is generally difficult.
c N ' ; c N 2 (Liao and Whitman, 1985) (4.37)
c N 0.77 log10 ' ; c N 2, z' 0 24 kPa (Peck et al., 1974) (4.38)
Where cN is a correction factor for overburden pressure, and z' 0 is the effective overburden
pressure in kPa. A further correction factor is imposed on N values if the groundwater level is
within a depth B below the base of the footing. The groundwater corr3ection factor is:
1 z
cW (4.39)
2 2( D B)
Where z is the depth to the groundwater table, and D and B are the footing depth and width. If
the depth of the groundwater table is beyond B from the footing base cW = 1. The corrected N
value is:
N cor c N cW N
Meyerhof (1956, 1974) proposed the following equations to determine the allowable bearing
capacity qa from SPT values.
qa S e N co r k d B 1.22 m (4.40)
B 0.305
qa S e N cor kd B > 1.22 m (4.41)
25 B
B 0.305
qa S e N cor kd B > 1.22 m (4.43)
25 B
Binder (material passing through No. 4 (0.425mm) sieve) is added for soil dominated
by gravel (from 75mm – 1mm). Where the soil is predominantly cohesive, granular
soil is imported and blended with the site soil.
It usually requires much more granular materials to stabilize cohesive deposits than
binder for cohesion-less deposits and as result other stabilizing methods are usually
used for clayey soils.
This method usually uses some kind of rolling equipment to achieve particle packing
for both cohesion-less and cohesive soils and is usually the most economical.
(a) (b)
[c] [d]
Used in combination with drainage, it is primarily taken to reduce future settlement
but may also be used to increase shear strength.
A method undertaken to remove soil water and to speed up settlements under
Densification using vibratory equipment:
The method uses some type of vibrating probe, which is inserted into the soil mass
and withdrawn.
Densification is particularly useful in sand, silty sand, gravelly sand deposits with Dr
less than about 50 to 60 percent.
Use of in-situ reinforcement:
The treatment produces composite ground. Trial spacing is chosen and column of
material such as stone, sand, cement, or lime is inserted in the excavated soil and
The drilled diameters usually range in between 600mm and 800mm and depth of 4m
to 8m.
Injection of a viscous fluid to reduce the void ratio (and k) or to cement rock cracks.
Most commonly, the viscous fluid is a mix water and water or water and lime, and/or
with additives such as fine sand, bentonite clay, or fly ash.
Synthetic fabric that is sufficiently durable to last a reasonable length of time in the
hostile soil environment.
Because of their tensile strength, geotextiles are sometimes placed over weak (poor
bearing capacities) soils to form reinforcement. Generally, a layer of controlled fill is
placed over the geotextile, thereby creating a form of composite that spans over the
weak soil.
Chemical stabilization:
It involves use of chemical stabilizers (also termed chemical grouting). It is seldom
employed because of cost.
The more commonly used chemical agents are phosphoric acid, calcium chloride, and
sodium silicate (or water glass).
Various chemicals added to a soil may yield one but more likely a number of changes
in a soil formation: (i) reduce permeability of the soil (e.g. in dam construction,
excavation infiltration). (ii) Increase soil strength. (iii) Increase bearing capacity (IV)
decrease settlement. (v) Produce a stiffening of loose sand formation and thus
minimize undesirable effects, such as from vibrations.
4.5 Bearing Capacity of Footings on slopes:
Before construction of footings on sloping ground, the stability of the slope itself must be
investigated. Footings should not be constructed on slopes which are unstable.
They should also be avoided on slopes where slow creep of the superficial material takes
place. The stability of a stable slope may be endangered by the addition of footings. Hence
the stability of footings must be investigated both before and after construction of footings.
Footings on sloping ground:
Should have sufficient edge distance (minimum 2 to 3ft) as protection against erosion.
Should be carried below the depth of frost penetration.
Should be carried below the top (organic) soil, miscellaneous fill, abandoned
foundation, and debris.
The bearing capacity of footings on sloping ground may be determined by the following
equation (Meyerohf’s, 1957):
q=CNcq+0.5γ BNq
Where Ncq and Nq vary with the slope of the ground, the relative position of the footing and
the angle of internal friction
Example 4.8:
Determine the Dimensions of a square footing necessary to sustain an axial column load of
850kN as shown in the figure below, given that Df=2m, γ=19.1 kN/m3, if
a) An allowable presumptive bearing pressure of 150kN/m2 is used.
b) Cu=40kN/m2; C’=7.5kN/m2; ϕ’=22.50.
Recorded N 9 12 15 14 21 18 22 24 19 21 25 20 16
Example 4.11:
A Building is to be constructed over a site that has the soil stratification shown in Fig 4.14.
A. Determine the area of a square footing that can safely transfer the load from the
B. Determine the corresponding total settlement for the footing area proportioned above.
Check if the load can be transferred without excessive settlement. Is an isolated footing the
Ground water table exists at a depth of 5.0m below the ground surface. Use
Example 4.12:
A square footing is shown in figure below. Determine the safe gross allowable load (factor of
safety=3) that the footing can carry. Use any two bearing capacity equations.
Example 4.13:
A square footing is shown in figure 4.16. Determine the safe gross allowable load (factor of
safety=3) that the footing can carry. Use Terzaghi bearing capacity equations for general
shear failure.
Given: ρsat=1980kg/m3, ϕ =25, ρ=1800kg/m3 ,C=23.94kN/m2, B=1.8m, Df=1.2m,
Fig 4.16
Example 4.14:
Figure 4.17, this shows a shallow strip foundation on the top a slope.
Slope (Sand)
β =15o, C’=0 kN/m2 ϕ =40o, γ=15kN/m3
Estimate the allowable bearing capacity. Use factor of safety of 4.
Fig 4.17
Example 4.15:
A square footing of 4m width is shown in the figure 4.18. The footing is subjected to an eccentric
load. For the following cases, determine the gross allowable load that the footing could carry. Use
Meyerhof’s bearing capacity procedure and safety of factors=4.
Given: Df=3m, x=y=0.5m, ϕ =25, ρ =1800kg/m3 , C=23.94kN/m2
Fig 4.18