This document discusses the classification, naming, physical properties, preparation, and chemical properties of alcohols, phenols, thiols, and ethers. It classifies alcohols based on the number and location of hydroxyl groups. It provides IUPAC and common naming rules for these compounds and discusses their solubility, boiling points, and melting points. Methods for preparing primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols are outlined, including reduction, hydration, and Grignard reactions. Key chemical properties covered include salt formation, dehydration, replacement of hydroxyl groups, and oxidation reactions.
This document discusses the classification, naming, physical properties, preparation, and chemical properties of alcohols, phenols, thiols, and ethers. It classifies alcohols based on the number and location of hydroxyl groups. It provides IUPAC and common naming rules for these compounds and discusses their solubility, boiling points, and melting points. Methods for preparing primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols are outlined, including reduction, hydration, and Grignard reactions. Key chemical properties covered include salt formation, dehydration, replacement of hydroxyl groups, and oxidation reactions.
This document discusses the classification, naming, physical properties, preparation, and chemical properties of alcohols, phenols, thiols, and ethers. It classifies alcohols based on the number and location of hydroxyl groups. It provides IUPAC and common naming rules for these compounds and discusses their solubility, boiling points, and melting points. Methods for preparing primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols are outlined, including reduction, hydration, and Grignard reactions. Key chemical properties covered include salt formation, dehydration, replacement of hydroxyl groups, and oxidation reactions.
This document discusses the classification, naming, physical properties, preparation, and chemical properties of alcohols, phenols, thiols, and ethers. It classifies alcohols based on the number and location of hydroxyl groups. It provides IUPAC and common naming rules for these compounds and discusses their solubility, boiling points, and melting points. Methods for preparing primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols are outlined, including reduction, hydration, and Grignard reactions. Key chemical properties covered include salt formation, dehydration, replacement of hydroxyl groups, and oxidation reactions.
• Classification of Alcohols • Naming Alcohols, Phenols, Thiols and Ethers • Physical Properties Contents • Preparation of Alcohols • Chemical Properties • Important Alcohols • Society and culture Alcohols, Phenols, Thiols Classification of Alcohols A – according to the number of –OH group (hydroxyl group) • Monohydric Alcohols – contain only one –OH group, ex. CH3CH2OH (ethyl alcohol) • Dihydric Alcohols – contains 2 –OH group, ex. Ethylene glycol HOCH2CH2OH • Trihydric Alcohols – contains 3 -OH group, ex. Glycerol Classification of Alcohols B – according to the location of the –OH group (hydroxyl group) Naming Alcohols • IUPAC • The rules for naming alkanes is applied with the addition of: • Characteristics ending is “ol” • Position of the –OH is indicated by the lowest number Naming Phenols Naming Thiols Naming Ether Physical Properties Physical Properties Physical Properties • Solubility table of simple alcohols and ethers Physical Properties Preparation of Alcohols A. Primary Alcohols q Displacement of Halide ion RCH2X + HOH RCH2OH + HX qReduction of carbonyl group R-C=O RCHO + LiAlH4 RCH2OH ether as catalyst (same rxn with carboxylic acid, esters) qHydration of Olefins H2C=CH2 + H2O CH3CH2OH H2SO4 as catalyst qDeborane Method CH3CH2CH=CH2 + B2H6 2(CH3CH2CH2CH2)3B 2(CH3CH2CH2CH2)3B + H2O2 6CH3CH2CH2CH2OH + H3BO3 qGrignard Reaction RMgX + HCHO RCH2OMgX RCH2OMgX + HOH RCH2OH + Mg(OH)X qFermentation of Sugar Sucrose Glucose CH3CH2OH + HOH Preparation of Alcohols B. Secondary Alcohols q Reduction of Ketones CH3COCH3 + LiAlH4 4CH3CHOHCH3 in ether q Hydration of Olefins CH3CH=CH2 + HOH CH2CHOHCH3 in H2SO4 q Grignard Reaction (all other aldehydes except for formaldehyde HCHO) CH3CHO + RMgX CH3CHOMgX + HOH CH3CHOH-R +Mg(OH)X Preparation of Alcohols C. Tertiary Alcohols Chemical Properties of Alcohols • Salt Formation (RCH2OH + Na RCH2ONa + H2) • Dehydration (CH3CH2OH + CaC2 CH3CH2OH + acetylene + Ca(OH)2) • Test for water in ROH • Replacement of hydroxyl group with halides • With PX3 • With SOCl2 • With Lucas Reagent • Oxidation Reactions • Esterification Reaction