Synchronouus MachinesElectrical Machines - 526-746

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Electrical Machines

Synchronous Generators
or Alternators 6
Chapter Objectives
After the completion of this unit, students/readers will be able to understand:
What are the basic principles on which working of synchronous machine depends ?
How emf is induced in a synchronous generator.
Why stationery armature and revolving field system is preferred for large synchronous
What is the function and material of different parts of a synchronous machine ?
Where and why synchronous generators of salient or non-salient pole type construction are
How magnetic poles of synchronous machines are excited.
What are various types of windings used in synchronous machines, viz. single-phase and three-
phase, concentrated and distributed, single-layer and double-layer, full-pitched and short-pitched,
concentric, lap and wave winding?
What is the meaning of different terms used while preparing different winding schemes viz. coil,
coil pitch, pole pitch, electrical and mechanical angle, slot pitch, phase spread etc.
What are coil span and distribution factors and their significance.
Various factors on which induced emf in an alternator depends.
How revolving field in set-up in the stator core of a 3-phase wound machine
What is Ferrari’s principle and its importance?
Why the alternators are rated in kVA?
What is armature resistance and leakage reactance?
What is armature reaction and how it is affected by the type of load (resistive, inductive or
What is the effect of armature reaction on the terminal voltage or induced emf of an alternator?
How to draw a simplified equivalent circuit of an alternator?
What is voltage regulation and how it is affected by the power factor of the load?
How to perform open-circuit and short-circuit test on a synchronous generator?
What is ampere-turn (or mmf) method for determining voltage regulation of a synchronous
What is zero power factor (or Potier method) of determining voltage regulation of a synchronous
What power is developed by a cylindrical synchronous generator?
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 501

What is two-reactance concept for salient pole synchronous machines?

How to determine direct axis synchronous reactance (Xd) and quadrature axis synchronous
reactance (Xq)?
What are transients in alternators?
What is the meaning of sub-transient, transient and direct reactance?
What are the various losses in an alternator?
Why alternator are heated-up during working and how these are cooled down?

In an AC system voltage level can be increased or decreased (as per requirement) very easily with
the help of a transformer, therefore, this system is exclusively used for generation, transmission and
distribution of electric power. The mechanical power or energy is converted into electrical power
or energy with the help of an AC machine called alternator or synchronous generator. However,
when the same machine can be used to convert electrical power or energy into mechanical power
or energy, then it is known as a synchronous motor. Thus, the same machine can be operated as a
generator or as a motor and in general, it is called as a synchronous machine. In fact, it is a machine
which rotates only at synchronous speed (NS = 120 f/P) under all conditions. To understand the
construction, working and performance of the machine its study is divided into number of main
topics as chapters, to be followed.
In this chapter, the readers will go through various topics related to this machine when working
as a synchronous generator or alternator.

6.1 General Aspects of Synchronous Machines

A machine in which the following relation is maintained for its satisfactory operation is called a
synchronous machine (The machine may work as a generator or motor):
120 f PN S
NS = or f =
P 120
where NS is the synchronous speed in rpm; f is the supply frequency and
P is the number of poles of the machine.
When the machine is to work as a generator, it has to run at synchronous speed (NS) to generate
power at certain frequency (f), called power frequency. In India its value is 50 Hz, whereas in the
USA it is kept at 60 Hz.
When the machine works as a motor, it can rotate only at synchronous speed (NS) since the magnetic
poles are locked with the revolving field. If the machine fails to rotate at synchronous speed, it is
palled out of step and stops.
Hence, synchronous machine (generator or motor) is a machine which only runs at synchronous
speed and maintains the relation;
NS = 120 f /P rpm
502 Electrical Machines

6.2 Basic Principles

A synchronous machine is just an electro-mechanical transducer which converts mechanical energy
into electrical energy or vice-versa. The fundamental phenomenon which make these conversions
possible are :
(i) the law of electro-magnetic induction and (ii) law of interaction.
(i) Law of electromagnetic induction: This relates to the production of emf, i.e., emf is induced in
a conductor whenever it cuts across the magnetic field (see Fig. 6.1). This is called Faraday’s
first law of electromagnetic induction.
(ii) Law of interaction: This law relates to the phenomenon of production of force. or torque i.e.,
whenever a current carrying conductor is placed in the magnetic field, by the interaction of the
magnetic fields produced by the current carrying conductor and the main field, force is exerted
on the conductor and torque is developed (see Fig. 6.2).

Fig. 6.1 Generator principle Fig. 6.2 Motor principle

Generator action Motor action

Fig. 6.3 Generator action Fig. 6.4 Motor action

1. In generator action, the rotation is due to 1. In motoring action, the rotation is due to electro-
mechanical torque, therefore, Tm and Z are in the magnetic torque, therefore, Te and Z are in the
same direction. same direction.
2. The frictional torque Tf acts in opposite direction 2. The frictional torque Tf acts in opposite direction
to rotation Z. to rotation Z.
3. Electromagnetic torque Te acts in opposite direction 3. Mechanical torque Tm acts in opposite direction to
to mechanical torque Tm so that ZTm = ZTe + ZTf . electromagnetic torque Te so that ZTe = ZTm + ZTf .
4. In generator action, an emf is induced in the 4. In motoring action, current is impressed to the
armature conductors which circulates current in armature against the induced emf (e), therefore
the armature when load is connected to it. Hence, current flows in opposite direction to that of
e and i both are in the same direction. induced emf.
5. In generator action, E > V 5. In motor action, E < V
6. In generator action, the torque angle T is leading. 6. In motoring action, the torque angle T is lagging.
7. In generator action, mechanical energy is converted 7. In motoring action, electrical energy is converted
into electrical energy. into mechanical energy.
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 503

6.3 Generator and Motor Action

In generator action, an emf is induced in the armature conductors when they cut across the magnetic
field. On closing the circuit, current flows through the armature conductors which produces another
field. By the interaction of this field and main field a force is exerted on the conductor which acts is
opposite direction to that of rotation. It is this force against which the relative motion of conductors
has to be maintained by the mechanical power supplied by the prime-mover, thus the mechanical
power is converted into electrical power.
In motor action, a current is supplied to the machine which flows through the armature conductors.
The armature conductors produce a field which interacts with the main field. Thus, a force is exerted
on the conductors and rotation takes place (i.e., torque is developed). Once rotation occurs, an emf
is induced in the conductors due to relative motion. This emf acts in opposite direction to the flow
of current. The flow of current has to be maintained against this emf by applying external voltage
source thus electrical power is converted into mechanical power.

6.4 Production of Sinusoidal Alternating emf

When a conductor or coil cuts across the magnetic field an emf is induced in it by the phenomenon
called electromagnetic induction. This can be achieved either by rotating a coil in the stationary
magnetic field or by keeping the coil stationary and rotating the magnetic field. (The magnetic field
can be rotated by placing the field winding on the rotating part of the machine).
For illustration see Figs. 6.5(a) and (b), two positions of a coil rotating in a stationary magnetic
field are shown. Whereas, in Figs. 6.5(c) and (d), two positions of a rotating electro-magnet in a coil
placed on stationary armature are shown. At first instant, the emf induced in the coil is zero since
flux cut by the coil is zero. However, at second instant, the emf induced in the coil is maximum (say
positive). The two instants t1 and t 2 are marked on the wave diagram shown in Fig. 6.5(e). In one
revolution the induced emf completes one cycle and its wave shape is shown in Fig. 6.5(e).

Fig. 6.5 (a to d) Generation of alternating emf, (e) Wave shape of alternating emf
504 Electrical Machines

6.5 Relation between Frequency, Speed and Number of Poles

In Fig. 6.6, a machine is shown having P number of poles on the rotor revolving at a speed at Ns rpm
When a conductor passes through a pair of poles one cycle of emf is induced in it.

Fig. 6.6 One cycle is produced when a coil passes through a pair of poles

? No. of cycle made per revolution = P

No. of revolutions made per second =
? No. of cycles made per second = No. of cycles/revolution × No. of revolutions/s

N PN s
f= P ¥ s = cycles/s or Hz
2 60 120

6.6 Advantages of Rotating Field System over Stationary Field System

Only in small synchronous machines the field system is placed on stator and armature winding on
rotor, but in larger machines, the field winding is placed on the rotor and armature winding is placed
on the stator. The rotating field and stationary armature system is preferred over stationary field and
rotating armature system.
Following are the important advantages of rotating field system over stationary field system:
(i) The armature winding is more complex than the field winding. Therefore, it is easy to place
armature winding on stationary structure.
(ii) In the modern alternators (synchronous generators), high voltage is generated, therefore, heavy
insulation is provided and it is easy to insulate the high voltage winding when it is placed on
stationary structure.
(iii) The size of the armature conductors is much more to carry heavy current, therefore, high
centrifugal stresses are developed. Thus, it is preferred to place them on stationary structure.
(iv) The size of slip rings depends upon the magnitude of flow of current, therefore, it is easy to
deliver small current for excitation, through slip rings of smaller size when rotating field system
is used.
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 505

(v) It is easier to build and properly balance high speed rotors when they carry the lighter field
(vi) The weight of rotor is small when field system is provided on rotor and as such friction losses
are produced.
(vii) Better cooling system can be provided when the armature is kept stationary.

6.7 Constructional Features of Synchronous Machines

The important parts of a synchronous machine are given below:
1. Stator 2. Rotor 3. Miscellaneous
1. Stator: The outer stationary part of the machine is called stator; it has the following important
(i) Stator frame: It is the outer body of the machine made of cast iron and it protects the inner
parts of the machine. It can be also made of any other strong material since it is not to
carry the magnetic field. Cast iron is used only because of its high mechanical strength.
(ii) Stator Core: The stator core is made of silicon steel material. It is made from number of
stamping which are insulated from each other. Its function is to provide an easy path for
the magnetic lines of force and accommodate the stator winding.
(iii) Stator Winding: Slots are cut on the inner periphery of the stator core in which three-phase
or one-phase winding is placed. Enamelled copper is used as winding material.
2. Rotor: The rotating part of the machine is called rotor. From construction point of view, there
are two types of rotors named as
(i) Salient pole type rotor; (ii) Non-salient pole type rotor.
(i) Salient pole type rotor: In this case, projected poles are provided on the rotor. The cost
of construction of salient pole type rotors is low, moreover sufficient space is available
to accommodate field winding but these cannot bear high mechanical stresses at high
speeds. Therefore, salient pole
type construction is suited
for medium and low speeds
and are usually employed
at hydro-electric and diesel
power plants as synchronous
generators. Since the speed of
these machines (generators)
is quite low, to obtain the
re qu i red f re quency, t he
machines have large number
of poles as shown in Figs. 6.7
and 6.8. To accommodate
such a large number of poles,
these machines have larger
diameter and small length. Fig. 6.7 Salient pole type alternator.
506 Electrical Machines

For a speed of 200 rpm (alternators coupled with water turbines) the diameter of the
machines is as large as 14 metre and length is only 1 metre. The salient pole type rotor
has the following important parts:

Fig. 6.8 Parts of rotor of salient pole alternator

(a) Spider: Spider is made of cast iron to provide an easy path for the magnetic flux. It
is keyed to the shaft and at the outer surface, pole core and pole-shoe are keyed to it
[see Fig. 6.9(a)].
(b) Pole core and pole shoe: It is made of laminated sheet material [see Figs. 6.8
(b) and 6.9(b)]. Pole core provides least reluctance path for the magnetic field and pole
shoe distributes the field over the whole periphery uniformly to produce sinusoidal
wave form of the generated emf.

Fig. 6.9 (a) Spider Fig. 6.9 (b) Pole core pole shoe

(c) Field winding or Exciting winding: Field winding [see Fig. 6.8 (c)] is wound on the
former and then placed around the pole core. DC supply is given to it through slip
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 507

rings. When direct current flows through the field winding, it produces the required
magnetic field.
(d) Damper winding: At the outermost periphery, holes are provided [see Fig. 6.9 (b)] in
which copper bars are inserted and short-circuited at both the sides by rings forming
damper winding.
Generally, the segments on individual poles are joined together to form common rings
resulting in a short-circuited squirrel cage winding similar to that used in induction
machines with squirrel cage rotors. Salient pole machines are frequently provided with
a damper winding on the rotor to damp rotor oscillations during transient-conditions
and to facilitate smooth operation under unbalanced load conditions.

Fig. 6.10 Salient pole type alternator mounted vertically at hydro-electric power plant (half-sectional view)

At hydro-electric power plants, usually, salient pole type alternators are placed with
their shafts in vertical position, as shown in Fig. 6.10.
(ii) Non-salient pole type rotor: A non-salient pole alternator is shown in Fig. 6.11. In this
case, there are no projected poles but the poles are formed by the current flowing through
508 Electrical Machines

the rotor (exciting) winding. Non-salient pole type construction is suited for the high
speeds. The steam turbines rotate at a high speed (3000 rpm). When these turbines are
used as prime-mover for this machine working as a generator, a small number of poles
are required for given frequency. Hence, these machines have smaller diameter and larger
length. Non salient pole type rotors have the following parts:
(a) Rotor core: Rotor core is made of silicon steel stampings. It is keyed to the shaft. At
the outer periphery slots are cut in which exciting coils are placed. It provides an easy
path to the magnetic flux.
(b) Rotor winding or Exciting winding: It is placed in rotor slots and current is passed
through the winding in such a way that poles are formed according to the requirement
(see Fig. 6.12).

Fig. 6.11 Non-salient pole type alternator Fig. 6.12 Non-salient pole type rotor

3. Miscellaneous Parts: The following are few important miscellaneous parts;

(i) Brushes: Brushes are made of carbon and these just slip over the slip rings. DC supply is
given to the brushes. From brushes current flows to the slip rings and then to the exciting
(ii) Bearings: Bearings are provided between the shaft and outer stationary body to reduce
the friction. The material used for their construction is high carbon steel.
(iii) Shaft: Shaft is made of mild steel. Mechanical power is taken or given to the machine
through shaft.

Some Special Features of Salient and Non-salient Structures

Usually the salient pole field structure has the following special features:
(i) These are of larger diameter and shorter length.
(ii) Usually, 2/3rd of the pole pitch is covered by the pole shoes
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 509

(iii) To reduce eddy current losses, the poles are laminated.

(iv) The machine having such structure are employed with hydraulic turbines or with diesel engines
which are usually operated at low speeds (100 to 375 rpm)
The non-salient field structure has the following special features.
(i) They are of smaller diameter and of very long axial length.
(ii) Robust construction and noiseless operation.
(iii) Less windage (air-resistance) loss.
(iv) Better in dynamic balancing.
(v) High operating speed (3000 rpm).
(vi) Nearly sinusoidal flux distribution around the periphery, and therefore, gives a better emf
waveform than that obtainable with salient poles field structure.
(vii) There is no need of providing damper windings (except in special cases to assist in synchronising)
because the solid field poles themselves act as efficient dampers.

Air-gap and its Significance

A very small air-gap increases the stray-load loss and synchronous reactance Xd. A large air-gap
needs larger excitation current. Therefore, a compromise has to be made. Generally the ratio of air-
gap to the pole pitch is between 0.008 and 0.02.

6.8 Excitation Systems

Since the field winding is on rotor, a special arrangement is necessary to connect DC source to the
field. In small size synchronous machines, generally the field winding is excited from a separate
DC source through sliprings and brushes. Sliprings are metal rings completely encircling the shaft
of the machine, but insulated from it. A brush rides and slips over each slipring. The positive end of
a DC voltage source is connected to one brush and negative end is connected to another brush. In
large machines, various schemes are employed to supply DC excitation to the field winding. Some
of the most important excitation systems are given below:

6.8.1 DC Exciters
This is a conventional method of exciting the field windings of synchronous generators. In this method,
three machines namely pilot exciter, main exciter and the main 3-phase alternator are mechanically
coupled and are therefore, driven by the same shaft. The pilot exciter is a DC shunt generator feeding
the field winding of a main exciter. The main exciter is a separately-excited DC generator which
provides the necessary current to the field winding of the main alternator through brushes and slip
rings as shown in Fig. 6.13.
This conventional method of excitation suffers from cooling and maintenance problems associated
with slip rings, brushes and commutator with the higher rating alternators. The modern excitation
systems have been developed by eliminating the sliding contacts and brushes. This has led to develop
static and brushless-excitation systems.
510 Electrical Machines

Fig. 6.13 Circuit diagram of DC exciter

6.8.2 Static Excitation System

In this method, the excitation power for the main alternator field is drawn from output terminals
of the main 3-phase alternator itself. For this purpose, a three-phase transformer T1 steps down the
alternator voltage to the desired value. This three-phase voltage is fed to a three-phase full wave
bridge rectifier using thyristors. The firing angle of these thyristors is controlled by means of a
regulator which picks up the signal from alternator terminals through potential transformer PT and
current transformer CT as shown in Fig. 6.14. The controlled DC power output from thyristor unit is
delivered to the field winding of main alternator through brushes and slip rings as shown in Fig. 6.14.

Fig. 6.14 Circuit diagram of a static exciter

While initiating the process of static excitation, first of all, field winding is switched on to the
battery bank to establish field current in the alternator. The alternator speed is adjusted to rated
speed. When the output voltage from alternator is built up sufficiently, the alternator field windings is
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 511

disconnected from battery bank and is switched on to the thyristor bridge output. Sufficient protection
devices are installed in the static excitation scheme for any possible fault in the excitation system.
The advantages of static excitation are as follows:
1. Its response time is very small about 20 m sec.
2. It eliminates the exciter windage loss and commutator, bearing and winding maintenance.
3. As the excitation energy is taken from alternator terminals itself, the excitation voltage is directly
proportional to alternator’s speed. This improves the overall system performance.

6.8.3 Brushless Excitation System

Figure 6.15 shows a simplified diagram of a brushless excitation system. The excitation system
consists of an alternator rectifier main exciter and a pilot exciter (permanent magnet generator PMG).
Both the main exciter and pilot exciter are driven directly from the main shaft. The main exciter
has a stationary field and a rotating armature, which is directly connected, through silicon rectifiers
S1, to the main alternator field. Thus the sliprings and brushes are eliminated. The main exciter’s
field is fed from a shaft driven PMG, having rotating permanent magnets attached to the shaft and
a stationary 3-phase armature. The AC output of PMG is rectified by three-phase full-wave phase
controlled thyristor bridges. The thyristor assembly is usually housed in removable drawers, which
can be taken out easily for repair. The thyristor bridges are controlled by a set of dual firing circuits
operating in parallel.

Fig. 6.15 Brushless excitation system for synchronous generator

The base excitation is controlled by an input setting to the thyristor gating circuits. This control
signal is derived from the PMG via a regulated DC supply, which also serves the regulator logic
circuitry. The regulator controls excitation by supplying a buck-boost control signal, which adds
algebraically to the base setting. The regulator elements also comprise of solid state circuits.
This excitation system has a short time constant and a response time of less than 0.1 second.
512 Electrical Machines

Section Practice Problems

Short Answer Type Questions
Q.1. How will you define a synchronous machine?
Ans. An AC machine that rotates only at synchronous speed NS is called a synchronous machine. Its
satisfactory operation depends upon the relation.
NS = 120f
Q.2. What is a synchronous motor? State its working principle.
Ans. An AC machine that converts electrical power or energy into mechanical power or energy and rotates
only at synchronous speed is called synchronous motor.
The basic principle of operation of a synchronous motor is torque development by the alignment of
two fields. In this machine the two fields are magnetically locked and rotor is dragged by the stator
revolving field.

Q.3. Broadly, suggest the construction of synchronous machines?

Ans. Usually large size machines have stationary armature and rotating field system because of economy
and simple designing.
As for as construction of rotor is concerned, there are two types of synchronous machines namely,
(i) Salient pole type
(ii) Non-salient pole type

Q.4. What can be the maximum speed of synchronous machines operating at 50 Hz?

Ans. 3000 rpm, since minimum number of poles can be 2 and Ns = 120f = 120 ¥ 50 = 3000 rpm .
P 2
Q.5. Which type of rotor is used in high speed alternators?
Ans. Non-salient pole type rotors are used in high speed alternators.

Q.6. Mention the major advantages and disadvantages of salient pole type rotor construction.
Ans. Advantages:
1. These are cheaper in cost in comparison to non-salient pole type rotor construction.
2. They provide more space to accommodate field winding
These cannot be operated at high speeds due to heavy mechanical stresses.

Q.7. Where do you suggest to apply salient pole type of alternators and non-salient pole type of
Ans. (i) Salient pole type alternators are operated at low speeds and are coupled with water turbines at
hydro-electric power plants and with diesel engines at diesel power plants. These machines have
large number of poles, larger diameter and smaller length.
(ii) Non-salient pole type alternators are operated at high speeds and are coupled with steam turbines
at thermal power plants. These machines have less number of poles, smaller diameter and larger

Q.8. Why are the pole core and pole shoes laminated?
Ans. To reduce eddy current losses.
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 513

Q.9. Why the core of turbo-alternators in long with smaller diameter?

Ans. The turbo-alternators are operated at high speed. They carry less number of poles (only 2 or 4) which
can be accommodated in smaller rotor diameter but to produce desired flux for generation of required
power, core length has to be increased.

Q.10. At what voltage, usually, the field winding of an alternator is excited?

Ans. 250 V or 125 V DC.

Q.11. What are the different methods by which excitation is provided in synchronous machines ?
Ans. 1. By DC exciters
2. By static excitation system.
3. By brushless excitation system.

6.9 Armature Winding

In the large synchronous machines, stationary part is the armature. On the inner periphery of the
stator core, number of slots (mostly open parallel sided slots) are provided. In these slots armature
winding is placed.

6.10 Types of Armature Winding

Various types of winding schemes can be adopted to wound the armature of an alternator, a few of
them are given below:
1. Single-phase and poly-phase windings: When only one winding is placed on the armature
and only one emf is obtained at the output, winding is called single-phase winding.
When more than one windings are placed on the armature and emfs induced are more than one,
displaced from each other by some angle, the winding is called poly-phase winding. Mostly
three-phase winding is provided on the armature.
2. Concentrated and distributed windings: When one slot per pole or slots equal to the number
of poles are employed, the windings thus obtained are called concentrated windings. Such
windings give maximum induced emfs for given number of conductors but the wave form of
induced emf is not exactly sinusoidal.
When number of slots per poles are more than one, the windings thus obtained are called
distributed windings. Such windings give slightly less than maximum induced emf for a given
number of conductors but the wave form of induced emf is more sinusoidal.
3. Single layer and double layer windings: When only one coil side is placed in a slot, the winding
is called single layer winding. However, when two coil sides are placed in one slot, one over
the other, the winding is called double layer winding.
4. Full pitched and short pitched windings: When the two coil sides of the same coil are 180
electrical degrees apart, the winding is called full pitch winding. When the two sides of the
same coil are less than 180 electrical degrees apart, the winding is called short pitch winding.
The emf induced in each coil is maximum with full pitch winding scheme is employed whereas
514 Electrical Machines

emf induced in the short pitch winding is less than that. However, short pitch winding is preferred
over full pitch winding because of the following reasons:
(i) It decreases the length at the end-connections and thus amount of copper required is saved.
(ii) It reduces the slot reactance and thus improves the wave shape of the generated emf, i.e., the
generated emf can be made to approximately sinusoidal more easily by properly chording
the winding.
(iii) It reduces or eliminates distorting harmonics in the wave form of generated emf
The only disadvantage of short pitch winding is that a few more turns are used to obtain the
same voltage as it would be induced in full pitch winding.
5. Concentric (or spiral), Lap and Wave windings: When each group of coils under a pole is
arranged into a sort of concentric shape i.e., when the current flow is traced through one such
properly connected set of coils that the conductors seem to form a spiral around a portion of
the core (see Fig. 6.16) the winding is called concentric or chain or spiral winding. This type
of winding scheme is preferred for large diameter, low speed synchronous machines.

Fig. 6.16 Concentric winding

In the alternators, the lap and wave windings give the same emf as long as the other conditions
are the same. In case of lap winding as shown in Fig. 6.17, coils or coil sides overlap the other
consecutively and connections are made. Whereas in wave winding, as shown in Fig. 6.18 the
coils are always forward connected. The connections of a lap winding are simpler to that of the
wave winding, therefore lap winding is exclusively used.

Fig. 6.17 Lap winding

Synchronous Generators or Alternators 515

Fig. 6.18 Wave winding

6.11 Important Terms Used in Armature Winding

Some of the important terms used in the armature winding are given below:
(i) Electrical angle: When a conductor passes through a pair of poles, one cycle of emf is induced
in it. Thus a pair of poles represents an angle of 360 electrical degrees.
There is a perfect relation between electrical and mechanical angle.
Electrical angle = Mechanical angle × Pair of poles.
(ii) Pole pitch: Distance between two neutral axis (or similar points) of adjacent poles is called
poles pitch. The pole pitch can be expressed as number of slots per poles or electrical degrees
(i.e., 180° elect.), refer to Fig. 6.20.
If S is the number of slots on the whole periphery of armature and P is the number of poles,
Pole pitch = No. of slots per pole = S/P.
(iii) Coil: Two conductors placed in the two slots displaced by pole pitch (in full pitch winding) or
less than pole pitch (in short pitch winding), connected at one side by the end connections form
a single turn coil as shown in Fig. 6.19(a). When number of turns are connected in series and
each side (coil side) is placed in the slot, it is called a multi-turn coil as shown in Figs. 6.19(b)
and (c). The multi-turn coil is shown in Fig. 6.19(d) by a single line diagram.

Fig. 6.19 Single and multi-turn coils

516 Electrical Machines

(iv) Coil pitch or coil span: The distance between two active sides of a coil is called coil span. It
is expressed in terms of number of slots or electrical degrees. Refer to Fig. 6.20.

Fig. 6.20 Distributed winding

(v) Slot pitch: The distance between centre points (or similar points) of two consecutive slots or
teeth is called slot pitch. It is expressed in electrical degrees. Refer to Fig. 6.20.

slop pitch, D = 180º

No. of slots/pole
(vi) Phase spread: The angle or space of pole face over which coil sides of the same phase are spread
is called phase spread, as shown in Fig. 6.20. In a distributed winding, the conductors of one
phase under one pole are spread in number of slots so that each phase has equal distribution.
In a three phase winding:

Phase spread = 180 = 60 electrical degrees

or Phase spread = No. of slots/pole/phase

Example 6.1
Draw a developed winding diagram for a 4 pole,
1-phase synchronous machine when (i) the winding is
single layer concentrated in one slot (ii) the winding is
single layer and distributed in three slots per pole.

(i) The developed winding diagram is shown in Fig.
(ii) The developed winding diagram is shown in Fig.
Fig. 6.21 Single layer concentrated winding
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 517

Fig. 6.22 Single layer distributed winding

Example 6.2
Draw a single-layer, full-pitch, distributed lap-winding for a 3-phase, 4-pole, 24-slot armature.


No. of slots per pole = 24 = 6

Slot pitch, D = 180 º = 180 º = 30 º electrical.
No. of slots/pole 6
First phase starts with T1 in a first slot, then second phase will start with T2 from slot No. 5, since
second phase is to start after 120 electrical degrees i.e., 120/30 = 4 slots, i.e., after a gap of 4 slots
and so on.
The winding diagram is shown in Fig. 6.23.

Fig. 6.23 Single-layer, full-pitch, distributed lap-winding

518 Electrical Machines

T1 – 1 – 7 – 2 – 8 – 13 – 19 – 14 – 20 – T1c – Phase-I
T2 – 5 – 11 – 6 – 12 – 17 – 23 – 18 – 24 – T2c– Phase-II
T3 – 9 – 15 – 10 – 16 – 21 – 3 – 22 – 4 – T3c – Phase-III

Example 6.3
Draw a double-layer, full-pitch, distributed lap-winding (for one-phase only) for a 3-phase, 4-pole,
48-slot armature of an alternator. Give the winding scheme for all the three phases:


Pole pitch = 48 = 12 slot

No. of slots/pole/phase = 48 = 4
For full-pitch winding, the upper conductor of first slot will be connected with lower conductor
of (1 + 12 = 13) thirteenth slot and the lower conductor of 13th slot will be connected with upper
conductor of (13 – 11 = 2) 2nd slot and so on, as per the following scheme. The upper conductors of
each slot are represented as (1, 2, 3,…, 48) and lower conductor is represented as (1c, 2c, 3c,…, 48c)
The winding scheme for the three phases is given below:

The developed winding diagram is shown in Fig. 6.24

Example 6.4
Draw a double-lay, short-pitch (5/6),distributed lap-winding (for one-phase only) for a 3-phase,
4-pole, 48 slot armature of an alternator. Also give the winding scheme for all the three phases.

Pole pitch = 48 = 12 slot
No. of slots/pole/phase = 48 = 4 slot
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 519

Winding is short pitches, coil span = 5 ¥ 12 = 10 slot

Upper conductor of 1st slot is to be connected with the lower conductor of (1 + 10 = 11) eleventh
slot and the lower conduct or 11th slot is to be connected with upper conductor of 2nd slot (11 – 9 =
2) and so on.
The winding scheme of the three phases is given below:

The developed winding diagram is shown in Fig. 6.25

Section Practice Problems

Numerical Problems
1. Draw a developed winding diagram for (i) six-pole, one-phase synchronous machine having single layer
winding concentrated in one slot (ii) four-pole, one-phase synchronous machine having single layer
winding distributed in two slots.
2. Draw a single-layer, full-pitch, distributed lap-winding for a three-phase, six-pole, 36-slot armature.
3. Draw double-layer, full-pitch, distributed lap-winding (only for one-phase) for a three-phase, four-pole,
36-slot armature of an alternation. Give the winding scheme for all the three phases.
4. Draw a double-layer, short-pitch (coil is short-pitched by one slot), distributed lap winding (only for one
phase) for a three-phase, four-pole, 36-slot armature. Give the winding scheme for all the three phases.

Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1. What do you mean by one-phase and three-phase winding?
Ans. When only one winding is placed in the armature and only one emf is obtained at the output, the winding
is called a single-phase winding.
Electrical Machines

Fig. 6.24 Developed winding diagram of a double-layer, full-pitch, distributed lap-winding for a 3-phase, 4-pole, 48-slot armature

Fig. 6.25 Develop winding diagram of a double-layer, short-pitch (5/6), distributed lap-winding for a 3-phase, 4-pole, 48-slot armature.
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 521

When three windings are placed on the armature and three emfs are obtained at the output which are
displaced by an angle of 120 degree electrical, the winding is called three-phase winding.

Q.2. What do you mean by single-layer and double-layer winding?

Ans. When only one coil side is placed in a slot, the winding is called single layer winding. However, when
two coil sides are placed in one slot, one over the other, the winding is called double layer winding.

Q.3. Why do we prefer short-pitched winding?

Ans. Short pitch winding is preferred over full pitch winding because of the following reasons:
(i) It decreases the length at the end-connections and thus amount of copper required is saved.
(ii) It reduces the slot reactance and thus improves the wave shape of the generated emf i.e., the generated
emf can be made to approximately sinusoidal more easily by properly chording the winding.
(iii) It reduces or eliminates distorting harmonics in the wave form of generated emf

Q.4. What is difference between electrical and mechanical angle?

Ans. A pair of poles represents an angle of 360 electrical degrees but the physical angular displacement i.e.,
mechanical angle depends upon number of poles on the machine. There is a perfect relation between
electrical and mechanical angle.
Electrical angle = Mechanical angle × Pair of poles.

6.12 Coil Span Factor

In a full pitch winding the coil span or coil pitch is always equal to the pole pitch which is equal to
180 electrical degrees. When the coil span is less than 180 electrical degrees, the winding is called
short pitched or fractional pitch or chorded winding as shown in Fig. 6.26.

Fig. 6.26 Short pitched winding Fig. 6.27 Phasor diagram

Let ‘e’ be the induced emf in each of the two sides of the same coil. For a full pitch winding the
emf induced in two sides of the coil i.e., OA and AB are 180 electrical degrees apart as shown in Fig.
27. However, when the winding is short pitched by an angle E electrical degrees, the emf induced in
the two sides of the coil are OA and AC, i.e., (180 – E) electrical degrees apart of shown in Fig. 6.27.
For a full pitch winding,
Total induced emf in the coil = OA + AB = e + e = 2e
522 Electrical Machines

For a short pitch winding,

Total, induced emf in the coil = OC = OD + DC
= OA cos E/2 + AC cos E/2 (where AD is A on OC)
= e cos E/2 + e cos E/2
= 2 e cos E/2
The ratio of induced emf in a coil when the winding is short pitched to the induced emf in the
same coil when it is full pitched is called a coil span factor or pitch factor or chorded factor and
it is generally denoted be Kc. It is always less than unity.
2e cos b / 2
? Coil span factor, Kc = = cos b / 2

6.13 Distribution Factor

In a concentrated winding, all the conductors of any one phase, which lie under a single pole, are
placed in a single slot. When the conductors of one phase, which lie under a single pole, are placed
in several slots, the winding is called distributed winding. A distributed winding is shown in Fig.
6.28 in which there are 12 slots per pole for a three-phase winding or four slots per pole per phase.
In a distributed winding, the number of coils representing each phase are connected in series and
is called a coil group.

Fig. 6.28 Distributed winding

The emfs induced in the conductors lying in two adjacent slots is similar in wave shape and
magnitude but there is a phase difference between them. This phase difference is equal to the angular
displacement between two adjacent slots, i.e., slot pitch.
For the winding scheme considered here,

Slot pitch = 180∞ electrical degrees = 180∞ = 15∞ elect.

No. of slots/pole 12
Let there be m coils connected in series in a coil group placed in adjacent slots and D be the angle
between two adjacent slots in electrical degrees.
The emfs induced in the coil group are shown vectorially in Fig. 6.29.
Where m = No. of slots/pole/phase = 4

and D= 180∞ = 15∞ elect.

No. of slots/pole
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 523

AB = BC = CD = DE
= emf induced in each coil side.
AE = Vector sum of emfs of m coils.

Fig. 6.29 Phasor diagram

A, B, C, D and E are the points laying on the circle of radius r having centre at point ‘O’. Drop a
perpendicular on AB at F and on AE at G from point ‘O’.
Now AF = FB
and AB = AF + FB = 2AF
In right angle triangle OAF,
AF = r sin D/2
? AB = 2r sin D/2
Total induced emf in the coil group when all the coil sides are concentrated in one slot.
ea = Arithmetic sum of the induced emf in each coil
= AB + BC + CD + DE = 4 AB

= m × AB = 2m r sin a
Now AG = GE
and AE = AG + GE = 2GE
In right angle triangle OGE,

GE = r sin ma
? AE = 2GE = 2r sin ma
Total induced emf in the coil group when the winding is distributed in number of slots to the
induced emf in the coil group when the winding is concentrated in one slot is called a distribution
factor or breadth factor and it is generally denoted by Kd . It is always less than unity.
524 Electrical Machines

ev 2r sin ma sin ma
? Distribution factor, Kd = = 2 = 2
ea 2 mr sin a m sin a
2 2

6.14 Winding Factor

The combined effect of coil span factor and distribution factor is known as winding factor. In fact,
winding factor is the product of coil span factor and distribution factor.
Kw = Kc × Kd

6.15 Generation of Three-phase emf

In a three-phase system, there are equal voltages (or emfs) of the same frequency having a phase
difference of 120°. These voltages can be produced by a three-phase AC generator having three
identical windings (or phases) fixed on the some spindle and displaced by 120° electrical. When
these windings are rotated in a stationary magnetic field as shown in Fig. 6.30(a) or when these
windings are kept stationary and the magnetic field is rotated [see Fig. 6.30(b)], an emf is induced
in each winding or phase. These emfs are of same magnetic and frequency but are displaced from
one another by 120° electrical.
Consider three identical coils a1 a2, b1 b2 and c1c2 mounted on the rotor as shown in Fig. 6.30
(a) or placed on the stationary armature as shown in Fig. 6.30 (b). Here, a1, b1 and c1 are the start
terminals, whereas, a2, b2 and c2 are finish terminals of three coils. It may be noted that a phase
difference of 120° electrical is maintained between the corresponding start terminals a1, b1 and c1.
Let the three coils mounted on the same axis be rotated (or the magnetic field system be rotated
keeping coils stationary) is ant i-clockwise direction at Z radians/second, as shown in Fig. 6.30(a)
and (b) respectively. Three emfs are induced in the three coils respectively. Their magnitude and
direction, at this instant are given below:
(i) The emf induced in coil a1 a2 is zero and is increasing in the positive direction as shown by
wave a1 a2 in Fig. 6.30(c).
(ii) The coil b1 b2 is 120° (electrical) behind the coil a1 a2 The emf induced in this coil is negative
and is becoming maximum negative as shown by the wave b1 b2 in Fig. 6.30(c).
(iii) The coil c1c2 is 120° (electrical) behind b1 b2 or 240° (electrical) behind a1 a2 The emf induced
in this coil is positive and is decreasing as shown by wave c1 c2 in Fig. 6.30(c).
Phasor diagram: The emfs induced in three coils are of the same magnitude and frequency but are
displaced by 120° (electrical) from each other as shown in phasor diagram [see Fig. 6.30(d)]. These
can be represented by the equations:
ea1a2 = Em sin Zt

( ) =E
eb1b2 = Em sin w t - 2p
3 m sin (Zt – 120°)

ec1c2 = Em sin (w t - 4p ) = E m sin (Zt – 240°)

Synchronous Generators or Alternators 525

Fig. 6.30 Generation of three-phase emfs

6.16 emf Equation

Let P = No. of poles;
I = Flux per pole in Wb;
N = Speed in rpm;
f = frequency in Hz;
Zph = No. of conductors connected in series per phase
Tph = No. of turns connected in series per phase
Kc = Coil span factor;
Kd = Distribution factor
Flux cut by each conductor during one revolution = P I Wb

Time take to complete one revolution = 60 second

Pf Pf N
Average emf induced per conductor = =
60 / N 60
526 Electrical Machines

Average emf induced per phase,

Pf N Pf N Ê Z ph ˆ
= ¥ Z ph = ¥ 2Tph ÁË∵ Tph = 2 ˜¯
60 60

= 4 × I × Tph × PN = 4 I f Tph
R.M.S. values of emf induced per phase,
Eph = Average value × form factor
Eph = 4 I f Tph × 1·11
= 4·44 I f Tph volt
Taking into consideration the coil span factor (KC) and distribution factor (Kd) of the winding.
Actual emf induced per phase
Eph = 4·44 Kc Kd I f Tph volt

6.17 Wave Shape

The flux distribution in the air-gap of an alternator is not well distributed. moreover, if the winding
is concentrated and full-pitched, the wave shape of the induced emf is not sinusoidal.
The wave shape can be made sinusoidal by proper designing of salient pole shoes and using short-
pitch and distributed winding.

6.18 Harmonics in Voltage Wave Form

The harmonics in the output voltage wave form are developed due to non-sinusoidal wave form of
the field flux. These are also developed due to variation in the reluctance of the air-gap because of
slotting of stator core.

Suppression of Harmonics
Harmonics can be suppressed or eliminated by various methods as mentioned below:
(i) By well distributing the armature winding.
(ii) By using short-pitched winding.
(iii) By skewing the poles by one slot-pitch.
(iv) By using fractional slot winding.
(v) By using slightly larger air-gap length to increase the reluctance.

Example 6.5
What will be the number of poles of a 3-phase, 50 Hz synchronous generator running at a speed of
187.5 rpm. Which type of prime mover would you suggest for this machine?
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 527

Frequency, f = 50 Hz
Speed, Ns = 187·5 rpm

= 120 ¥ 50 = 32 (Ans.)
120 f
NS 187 ◊ 5
Since the speed of the synchronous generator is very low the prime-mover would be a water turbine
(hydraulic-turbine). For such a large number of poles the machine would be a salient-pole type.

Example 6.6
The armature coils of a 3-phase, 4-pole, 24-slot alternator are short pitched by one slot. Determine
(i) distribution factor and (ii) pitch factor.

No. of phases = 3; No. of poles, P = 4

No. of slots = 24; No. of slots per pole = 24 = 6

Slot pitch, D = 180∞ = 180 = 30∞ elect.
No. of slots/pole 6

No. of slots/pole/phase, m = 24 = 2
sin ma sin 2 ¥ 30
? Distribution factor, Kd = 2 = 2 = 0·9659 (Ans.)
m sin a 2 sin 30
2 2
Angle by which the coil is short pitched, E = D = 30°

= cos 30∞ = 0·9659 (Ans.)

? Pitch factor or coil span factor, Kc = cos
2 2
Example 6.7
Determine the distribution and coil span factor of a 4-pole, 3-phase alternator having 36-slots
which carries a short-pitched winding with a span of 8 slots.

No. of poles, P = 4; No. of slots = 36
No. of phases = 3; Coil span = 8 slots (short pitch winding)

Slot pitch, a = 180∞ = 180∞ ¥ 4 = 20∞

No. of slots/pole 35

No. of slots/pole/phase, m = 36 = 3
sin ma sin 3 ¥ 20
Distribution factor, Kd = 2 = 2 = 0·9598 (Ans.)
m sin a 3 sin 20
2 2
528 Electrical Machines

Coil span for full pitch winding = No. of slots = 36 = 9

No. of poles 4
No. of slots by which the coil is short pitched = 9 – 8 = 1
Angle by which the coil is short pitched = 1 × a = 20°

Pitch factor, Kc = cos = cos 20 = 0·9848 (Ans.)
2 2
Example 6.8
A 3-phase, 20-pole, 50Hz alternator has single-layer winding with full-pitch coils. The coils are
connected in 60° phase group and each coil is having six turns. If the flux per pole is 0.025 Wb,
determine the rms value of emf induced per phase.

No. of poles, P = 20; Frequency, f = 50 Hz
No. of slots = 180; Flux per pole, I = 0·025 Wb
No. of turns/coil = 6; Coil span factor, Kc = 1 (full-pitch winding)
Winding is single layer, full-pitched, thee-phase

No. of slots/pole/phase, m = 180 = 3

20 ¥ 3
Slot pitch, D = 180∞ = 180∞ ¥ 20 = 20∞ (elect.)
No. of slots/pole 180

sin ma sin 3 ¥ 20
Distribution factor, Kd = 2 = 2 = 0 ◊ 9598
m sin a 3 sin 20
2 2
No. of turns per phase, Tph = 180 ¥ 6 = 360
Induced emf/phase, Eph = 4·44 Kc Kd I f Tph
= 4·44 × 1 × 0·9598 × 0·025 × 50 × 360 = 1917·7 V (Ans.)

Example 6.9
Calculate the no-load terminal voltage of a 3-phase, 8-pole, star connected alternator running at
750 rpm having following data:
Sinusoidally distributed flux per pole = 55 m Wb
Total No. of armature slots = 72
Number of conductors/slot = 10
Distribution factor = 0·96
Assume full pitch windings.
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 529

No. of poles, P = 8; Speed, Ns = 750 rpm
Flux, I = 55 × 10 –3 Wb; No. of slots = 72
No. of conductors/slot = 10; Distribution factor, Kd = 0·96
For full pitch winding,
Coil span factor, Kc= 1
Distribution factor is given, therefore, it is not to be calculated

No. of turns/phase, Tph = 72 ¥ 10 = 120


= 8 ¥ 750 = 50 Hz
PN s
Supply frequency, f =
120 120
Emf induced per phase, Eph = 4·44 K c Kd f I Tph
= 4·44 × 1 × 0·96 × 50 × 55 × 10 –3 × 120 = 1406·6 V
Since the alternator is star connected;
No-load terminal voltage, EL = 3 E ph = 3 ¥ 1406 ◊ 6 = 2436·3 V (Ans.)

Example 6.10
Calculate the voltage per phase for a 3-phase 1500 rpm, 4-pole alternator having a double layer
winding with 16 turns per coil. The slots per pole per phase are 8 and the coil span is 20 slots. The
phase spread is 60° and the flux per pole is 25·8 × 10 –3 weber.

No. of poles, P = 4
Speed, Ns = 1500 rpm
No. of slots/pole/phase, m = 8
Coil span = 20 slots
Flux per pole, I = 25·8 × 10 –3 Wb
Pole pitch = No. of slots/pole = m × No. of phases = 8 × 3 = 24
No. of slots by which coil is short pitched = pole pitch – coil span = 24 – 20 = 4 slots

Slot pitch, D = 180∞ = 180∞ = 7 ◊ 5∞ elect.

No. of slots/pole 24
Angle by which the coil is short pitched,
E = 4 × a = 4 × 7·5 = 30°
? Coil span factor, Kc = cos = cos 30 = 0 ◊ 9659
2 2
530 Electrical Machines

sin ma sin 8 ¥ 7 ◊ 5
Distribution factor, Kd = 2 = 2 = 0 ◊ 5 = 0 ◊ 9556
m sin a 8 sin 7 ◊ 5 0 ◊ 5232
2 2
Supply frequency, f = PNs = 1 ¥ 1500 = 50 Hz
120 120
For double layer winding:
No. of conductors/slot = 16 + 16 = 32 (double layer)
No. of slots/phase × 32
No. of turns/phase, Tph =
m × No. of poles × 32 8 ¥ 4 ¥ 32
= = = 512
2 2
Emf induced per phase: Eph = 4·44 Kc Kd f I Tph
= 4·44 × 0·9659 × 0·9556 × 50 × 25·8 × 10 –3 × 512
= 2706·77 V (Ans.)

Example 6.11
What will be the rms value of emf induced per phase in 3-phase, 6-pole, star-connected alternator
having a stator with 90 slots and 8 conductors per slot? The flux per pole is 4u10 –2 Wb and it runs
at a speed of 1000 rpm. Assume full-pitched coils and sinusoidal flux distribution.

No. of poles, P = 6; No. of phases = 3 (star connected)
No. of slots = 90; No. of conductors/slot = 8
Speed, Ns = 1000 rpm Flux per pole, I = 4 × 10 –2 Wb
Coil span factor, Kc = 1 (coil is full pitched)

No. of turns/phase, Tph = 90 ¥ 8 = 120

No. of slots/pole/phase, m = 90 = 5
Slot pitch, D = 180∞ = 180∞ ¥ 6 = 12∞ (elect.)
No. of slots/pole 90

sin ma sin 5 ¥ 12
Distribution factor, Kd = 2 = 2 = 0 ◊ 9567
m sin a 5 sin 12
2 2

= 6 ¥ 1000 = 50 Hz
PN s
Frequency, f =
120 120
Generated emf/phase, Eph = 4·44 Kc Kd I f Tph
= 4·44 × 1 × 0·9567 × 4 × 10 –2 × 50 × 120
= 1019·4 V (Ans.)
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 531

Terminal voltage at no-load = 3 ¥ E ph (star connections)

= 3 ¥ 1019 ◊ 4 = 1765·7 V (Ans.)

Example 6.12
Determine the useful flux per pole required to develop 6600 V across the terminals of a 3-phase,
star connected, 50 Hz, 4-pole alternator having 60 slots with 2 conductors per slot. The coils are
short pitched such that if one coil side lies in slot No.1 and the other lies in slot No.13. Assume a
double-layer winding.

Number of poles, P = 4; Frequency, f = 50 Hz
No. of slots = 60; No. of conductors/slot = 2
Terminal voltage, EL = 6600 V

Pole pitch = No. of slots = 60 = 15 slots

No. of poles 4
Coil pitch = 13 – 1 = 12 slots
No. of slots by which coil is short pitched = 15 – 12 = 3

Slot pitch, D = 180∞ = 180∞ = 20∞ elect.

No. of slots/pole 15
Angle by which coil is short pitched,
E = 3 × D = 3 × 12 = 36° elect.

= cos 36∞ = 0 ◊ 951

Coil span factor, Kc = cos
2 2
No. of slots/pole/phase, m = 60 = 5
sin ma sin 5 ¥ 12
Distribution factor, Kd = 2 = 2 = 0 ◊ 5 = 0 ◊ 9567
m sin a 5 sin 12 0 ◊ 5226
2 2
No. of turns/phase = 60 ¥ 2 = 20
Induced emf/phase, Eph = L = 6600 = 3810 ◊ 5 V
3 3
Now, Eph = 4·44 Kc Kd f I Tph
E ph
? Useful flux/pole, I=
4 ◊ 44 K c K d fTph

= 3810 ◊ 5
4 ◊ 44 ¥ 0 ◊ 951 ¥ 0 ◊ 9567 ¥ 50 ¥ 20
= 0·9433 Wb (Ans.)
532 Electrical Machines

Example 6.13
A three-phase, 16 pole, 50 Hz star connected alternator has 144 slots and 10 conductors per slot.
The flux per pole is 2·48 × 10 –2 weber sinusoidally distributed. The coil pitch is 2 slots short of full
pitch. Find (i) speed (ii) line emf

No. of poles, P = 16; Frequency, f = 50 Hz
No. of slots = 144; Flux/pole, I = 2·48 × 10 –2 Wb
No. of conductors/slot = 10 (3-phase, star connected)
Coil is short pitched by 2 slots
120 f 120 ¥ 50
Synchronous speed, Ns = = = 375 rpm (Ans.)
P 16
Slot pitch, D = 180∞ = 180∞ ¥ 16 = 20∞ (elect .)
No. of slots/pole 144
Angle by which the coil is short pitched,
E = 2 × v = 2 × 20° = 40°

= cos 40∞ = 0 ◊ 9397

Coil span factor, Kc = cos
2 2
No. of slots/pole/phase, m = 144 = 3
16 ¥ 3
sin ma sin 3 ¥ 20
Distribution factor, Kd = 2 = 2 = 0 ◊ 9598
m sin a 3 sin 20
2 2
No. of turns/phase, Tph = 144 ¥ 10 = 240
Generated emf/phase, Eph = 4·44 Kc Kd f I Tph
= 4·44 × 0·9397 × 9598 × 2·58 × 10 –2 × 50 × 240
= 1191·75 V
Line voltage, EL = 3E ph = 3 ¥ 1191 ◊ 75 = 2064·2 V (Ans.)

Example 6.14
A 10 MVA, 11 kV, 50 Hz, three-phase, star-connected alternator is driven at 300 rev/min. The stator
winding is housed in 360 slots and has 6 conductors per slot. The coils spanning five-sixth of a pole
pitch. Calculate:
(i) The sinusoidally distributed flux/pole required to give a line voltage of 11 kV on open circuit;
(ii) the full load current per conductor.

Rated output = 10 MVA = 10 × 106 VA
Line voltage, EL = 11 kV = 11 × 103V
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 533

Speed, Ns = 300 rpm; Frequency, f = 50 Hz

? No. of slots = 360; No. of conductors/slot = 6

Coil pitch = 5 ¥ pole pitch = 5 ¥ 180 = 150∞ elect.

6 6
Angle by which coil is short pitched, E = 180 – 150 = 30° elect.
Coil span factor, Kc = cos = cos 30 = 0 ◊ 9659
2 2

= 120 ¥ 50 = 20
120 f
No. of poles, P =
Ns 300

No. of slots/pole/phase, m = 360 = 6

20 ¥ 3
Slot pitch, D = 180∞ = 180∞ ¥ 20 = 10∞ elect.
No. of slots/pole 360

sin ma sin 6 ¥ 10
Distribution factor, Kd = 2 = 2 = 0 ◊ 5 = 0 ◊ 9561
m sin a 6 sin 10 0 ◊ 5229
2 2
No. of turns/phase, Tph = 360 ¥ 6 = 360
Induced, emf/phase, Eph = L = 11 ¥ 10 = 6350 ◊ 8 V
3 3
Now, Eph = 4·44 Kc Kd f I Tph
E ph
? Flux/pole, I =
4.44 ¥ K c K d fTph

= 6350 ◊ 8
4 ◊ 44 ¥ 0 ◊ 9698 ¥ 0 ◊ 9561 ¥ 50 ¥ 360
= 86 m Wb (Ans.)

Full load current/conductor, I =

Rated output
= 10 ¥ 106 = 524·86 A (Ans.)
3 EL 3 ¥ 11 ¥ 103
Example 6.15
The armature of a 6600 volt, three-phase, 20-pole, 300 rpm star-connected alternator has 180
slots. The flux per pole is 80 m Wb and the coil span is 160° electrical. Determine the number of
conductors in series per phase.

Line voltage, EL = 6600 V; No. of poles, P = 20
Speed, Ns = 300 rpm; No. of slot = 180
Coil span = 160° elect.; Flux per pole, I = 80 × 10 –3 Wb

= 20 ¥ 300 = 50 Hz
PN s
Frequency, f =
120 120
534 Electrical Machines

Angle by which coil is short pitched, E = 180 – 160 = 20° elect.

Coil span factor, Kc = cos = cos 20 = 0 ◊ 9848
2 2
No. of slots/pole/phase, m = 180 =3
20 ¥ 3
Slot pitch. a = 180∞ = 180∞ ¥ 20 = 20° elect.
No. of slots/pole 180

sin ma sin 3 ¥ 20
Distribution factor, Kd = 2 = 2
m sin a 3 sin 20
2 2
= 0 ◊ 5 = 0 ◊ 9598
0 ◊ 5209
Induced emf per phase, Eph = L = 6600 = 3810 ◊ 5 V
3 3
Now, Eph = 4·44 Kc Kd f I Tph
E ph
? No. of turns/phase, Tph =
4 ◊ 44 K c K d f f

= 3810 ◊ 5 = 227
4 ◊ 44 ¥ 0 ◊ 9548 ¥ 0 ◊ 9598 ¥ 50 ¥ 80 ¥ 10 -3
No. of conductors in series per phase, Zph = 2 Tph = 2 × 227 = 454 (Ans.)

Section Practice Problems

Numerical Problems
1. Calculate the coil span factor or the pitch factor for the following windings:
(a) 54 stator slots, six-poles, when coil spans 1 to 8.
(b) 42 stator slots, four-poles, coil spans 1 to 10.
(c) 96 stator slots, six-poles, coil spans 1 to 13. (Ans. 0.94; 0.925; 0.925)

2. Find the breadth factor for 3-Iwinding with 2 slots per pole per phase. (Ans. 0.96)

3. A star connected, three-phase 4 pole, 50 Hz alternator has a single layer winding in 24 stator slots. There
are 50 turns in each coil and the flux per pole is 5 mega lines. Find the open circuit line voltage.
(Ans. 3715 V )

4. The field system of a 50 Hz alternator has sinusoidal flux per pole of 0.075 Wb. Find emf generated in one
turn of the machine if the winding has a span of 150° (Electrical). (Ans. 16 V )

5. The air gap flux of a 12 pole, 3- Ialternator is 0.058 weber per pole and is distributed sinusoidally over the
pole. The stator has 2slots per pole per phase and 8 conductors per slot. The winding is a double layer
winding with a coil span of 135° electrical apart. Find the voltage generated per phase at no-load when
the machine runs at 500 rpm. (Ans. 1175 V )
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 535

Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1. Why large synchronous machines are three-phase wound?
Ans. Larger AC machines are always 3-phase wound machines because of their high efficiency and economy.

Q.2. What is the relation between electrical and mechanical angle of an electrical machine.

Ans. Electrical angle = P × mechanical angle

Q.3. Define coil pitch or coil span.
Ans. The distance between the two active sides of the same coil is called coil span, It may be described in
number of slots or electrical angle.

Q.4. What do you mean by phase spread?

Ans. Phase spread: The angle or space in which coil-sides of the same phase are spread is called phase
spread. It is represented either as number of slots or electrical angle. In 3-phase machines ;
Phase spread = No. of slots/pole/phase = 60° elect.

Q.5. Define distribution factor.

Ans. Distribution factor: The ratio of induced emf in the coil group when the winding is distributed in number
of slots to the induced emf in the same coil group when the winding is concentrated in one slot is called
distribution factor or breadth factor.

sin ma
Distribution factor, Kd = 2
m sin a
where, m is the phase spread = No. of slots/pole/phase and

D is the slot pitch = 180∞

No. of slots/pole

6.19 Production of Revolving Field

(Physical/Graphical aspect)
A resultant magnetic field having constant magnitude and fixed polarity changes its position
continuously in space is called a revolving field.
For simplicity, consider the stator of a two-pole synchronous machine or of an induction motor having
three-phase winding represented by the concentric coils a-ac, b-bc and c-cc respectively as shown in
Fig. 6.32 (a).
Let 3-phase currents having wave diagram as shown in Fig. 6.31(a) flows through the stator
winding. Current of phase-1 flows through coil a-ac, current of phase-2 flows through coil b-bc and
current of phase-3 flows through coil c-cc respectively. When three-phase currents flow through the
three-phase winding, they produce their own magnetic fields I1, I2 and I3. The phasor diagram of
the fields is shown in Fig. 6.31(b). The positive half cycle of the alternating current is considered as
inward flow of current [cross in a circle †] and negative half cycle as outward flow of current [dot
in a circle ]. It is marked in the start terminals (a, b and c) of the three coils. The direction of flow
of current is opposite in the finish terminals of the same coil.
536 Electrical Machines

Fig. 6.31 Three-phase emfs

The three fields are given by the equation;

I1 = Im sin T [where T = Zt]
I2 = Im sin [T – 120°]
I3 = Im sin [T – 240°]
At an instant t1 when T = 0, the flow of current in the start terminals of the three coils, a, b and
c is zero, negative and positive (i.e., zero, outward and inward) respectively whereas, in the finish
terminals it is opposite to that of the start terminals as shown in Fig. 6.32(a). The resultant field
produced by the stator winding and its direction Fm is shown in Fig. 6.32(a).

Fig. 6.32 Position of resultant field at instant ‘t1’

At this instant angle T is zero, therefore,

I1 = Im sin T = Im sin 0° = 0

I2 = Im sin (0° – 120°) = - 3 fm

Synchronous Generators or Alternators 537

I3 = Im sin (0° – 240°) = 3f

2 m
The field I1 is zero and the remaining fields I2 and I3 are shown vectorially in Fig. 6.32(b). Field
I2 is shown in opposite direction having magnitude 3 fm . The resultant field IR is the vector sum
of I1, I2 and I3 i.e.,

IR = f22 + f32 + 2f2f3 cos 60∞

2 2
Ê 3 ˆ Ê 3 ˆ Ê 3 ˆÊ 3 ˆ 1
or IR = ÁË 2 fm ˜¯ + ÁË 2 fm ˜¯ + 2 ÁË 2 fm ˜¯ ÁË 2 fm ˜¯ ¥ 2

or IR = 1·5 Im
At another instant t 2, where T = 90°, the direction of flow of current in coil-side a is inward and
in b and c is outward. Whereas, the flow of current in the other sides of the coils is opposite, i.e.,
in ac it is outward and in bc and cc it is inward as shown in Fig. 6.33(a). The resultant field and its
direction Fm at this instant is shown in Fig. 6.33(a). The resultant field is rotated in anti-clockwise
direction (i.e., the direction in which the supply sequence is applied to the winding, here the supply 1,
2, 3 is given to the coils a, b and c respectively) through an angle I = 90° from its previous position.

Fig. 6.33 Position of resultant field at instant ‘t 2’

At this instant, angle T is 90°, therefore,

I1 = Im sin 90° = Im
I2 = Im sin (90° – 120°) = – 0·5 Im
I3 = Im sin (90° – 240°) = – 0·5 Im
The three fields, I1, I2 and I3 are shown vectorially in Fig. 6.33(b). Fields I2 and I3 are shown in
opposite direction each having a magnitude of 0·5 Im. The resultant field IR is the vector sum of I1,
I2 and I3. Resolving the fields along the axis of field I1.
IR = I1 + I2 cos 60° + I3 cos 60°
538 Electrical Machines

or IR = Im + 0·5 Im × 0·5 + 0·5 Im × 0·5

or IR = 1·5 Im
At some other instant t3 where T = 270° the direction of flow of current in start terminals of the
three coils a, b and c is outward, inward and inward respectively, whereas in the finish terminals it
is opposite to that of the start terminals as shown in Fig. 6.34(a). The resultant field and its direction
Fm at this instant is shown in Fig. 6.34(a). The resultant field is rotated in anti-clockwise direction
through an angle T = 270° from its first position.

Fig. 6.34 Position of resultant field at instant ‘t 3’

At this instant, angle T is 270°, therefore,

I1 = sin 270° = – Im
I2 = sin (270° – 120°) = 0·5 Im
I3 = Im sin (270 – 240°) = 0·5 Im
The three fields, I1, I2 and I3 are shown vectorially in Fig. 6.34(b). Field I1 is shown in opposite
direction. The resultant field IR is the vector sum of I1, I2 and I3 . Resolving the fields along the
axis of field I1.
IR = I1 + I2 cos 60° + I3 cos 60°
or IR = Im + 0·5 Im × 0·5 + 0·5 Im × 0·5
or IR = 1·5 Im
Hence, in one cycle the resultant field rotates through one revolution. It may also be seen that when
supply from three phases 1, 2 and 3 is given to coils a-ac, b-bc and c-cc respectively, an anticlockwise
rotating field is produced. If supply to the coils a – ac, b – bc and c – cc is given from phase 1, 3 and
2 respectively, the direction of rotation of the resultant field is reversed.
Thus, to reverse the direction of rotation of rotating magnetic field, the connections of any two
supply terminals are interchanged.
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 539

Hence, it is concluded that when a three-phase supply is given to a three-phase wound stator of an
induction motor or synchronous motor, resultant field Fm of magnitude 1·5 Im is produced which
rotates in space at a constant speed called synchronous speed (Ns = 120 f /P). The direction of rotation
of the resultant field depends upon the sequence in which supply in given to the stator winding.

6.20 Ferrari’s Principle (Vector Representation of Alternating Field)

An alternating field can be represented by two vectors revolving in opposite directions at constant
speed of Z radians per second. It can be well explained with the help of Ferrari’s principle.
Ferrari’s principle states that a single alternating magnetic field is the resultant of two fields,
each of half the magnitude of alternating field, rotating in opposite direction at fixed speed, called
synchronous speed.
Consider a field Im having two components 1 and 2 each of magnitude Im /2, which are rotating
in oppose direction at a constant angular speed of Z radians/sec.

Fig. 6.35 Two-vectors revolving in opposite direction and its wave diagram

Let at start, the two components are vertically upwards i.e., along the vertical axis and the resultant
field is +Im. When Z = 90°, the resultant field is zero as shown in Fig. 6.35(ii), whereas when I =
180° the resultant field is – Im and so on.
To determine the value of resultant field at any instant (say after t seconds), the two components
make an angle I = Zt with the reference (vertical) axis
Then, the resultant field at that instant,
I = Im cos Zt
or IR = Im cos T
which is an alternating field.
540 Electrical Machines

Hence, an alternating field can be represented by two components of field having half the magnitude
rotating in opposite direction at a constant speed, called synchronous speed.
According to Ferrari’s Principle, an alternating field produced by each phase (coil) can be
represented by two components of field each having half the magnitude rotating in opposite direction
at a constant speed, called synchronous speed.

Fig. 6.36 Position of the components of the fields at various instants

Considering a coil a-ac having an axis OA. When an alternating supply is given to the coil, an
alternating field (I) is produced by the coil as shown in Fig. 6.36(a). At an instant t1, the two components
of the field 1 and 2 each of magnitude Im /2 rotating in opposite direction are represented along the
axis of the coil as shown in Fig. 6.36(b). At an instant t 2, the two components of the field are rotated
through 90° and their position is shown in Fig. 6.36(c). Similarly at an instant t 3 the position of the
two components is shown in Fig. 6.36(d).

6.21 Production of Two-phase Rotating Magnetic Field

Considering two coils a-ac and b-bc having axis OA and OB respectively displaced from each other
by 90° as shown in Fig. 6.37(b). When two-phase AC supply is given to these coils, each one of them
produces alternating field (flux) as shown in Fig. 6.37(a). Considering an instant t1, flux produced
by coil a-ac is + Im, therefore the component 1 and 2 each of value Im /2 are along the axis of coil
a-ac i.e., OA, as shown in Fig. 6.37(b).
The flux produced by the coil b-bc is zero at this instant and will become + Im after a rotation
of 90°. Accordingly the position of component 3 and 4 each equal to Im /2 is shown in Fig. 6.37(b).
At this instant, the component 2 and 4 are equal and opposite and rotating in opposite direction,
thus neutralising each other. The resultant component is the sum of 1 and 3 equal Im rotating in
anticlockwise direction i.e., the direction of the supply sequence.
Thus, it is concluded that when 2-phase supply is applied (or current flows) to a 2-phase wound
stator, resultant field of magnitude Im is set-up which rotates in space at a synchronous speed in the
direction of supply sequence.
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 541

Fig. 6.37 Position of the components of the fields at instant t1

6.22 Production of Three-phase Rotating Magnetic Field

Considering three coils a – ac, b – bc and c – cc having axis OA, OB and OC respectively as shown in
Fig. 6.38(b). When three phase supply is given to these three coils, each of them produces alternating
field (flux) as shown in Fig. 6.38(a). Considering an instant t1, flux produced by coil a – ac is + Im,
therefore the components 1 and 2 each of value Im /2 are long the axis of coil a – ac i.e., OA.

Fig. 6.38 Resultant magnetic field

The flux produced by coil b – bc will become positive maximum (+Im) after an angular rotation
of 120 electrical degrees. Therefore, one of the component (3) of the field produced by this coil,
rotating in anticlockwise direction, at this instant is along the axis of a – ac i.e., OA. Whereas, the
other component (4), rotating in clockwise direction is along the axis of coil c – cc i.e., OC.
The flux produced by the coil c – cc will become positive maximum (+Im) after an angular rotation
of 240 electrical degrees. Therefore, one of the component (5), rotating in anticlockwise direction,
at this instant is along the axis of coil a – ac i.e., OA. Whereas, the other component (6), rotating in
clockwise direction is along the axis of coil b – bc i.e., OB.
The resultant of the three components 2, 4 and 6, which are rotating in clockwise direction and
displaced by an angle of 120 electrical degrees is zero. The resultant of the remaining three components
542 Electrical Machines

1, 3 and 5 is 1·5 Im which is rotating in anticlockwise direction. It is the direction in which the supply
is given to the three phases (coils) of the machine.

Hence, it is concluded that when a three-phase supply is given to the stator of a three-phase wound
machine, a resultant field of magnitude 1 · 5 Im is produced which rotates in space at a constant speed,
called synchronous speed. The direction of rotating of the resultant field depends upon the sequence
in which supply is given to the three phases (or coils).

6.23 Rating of Alternators

The rating of all the power apparatus whether mechanical (steam or IC engines) or electrical (electrical
machines) depends upon the power which they can handle safely and efficiently under some specific
Electrical machines or apparatus are usually rated as per the load they can carry without overheating
and damaging the insulation. The rating of electrical machines is governed by the temperature rise
caused by the internal losses of the machine. The copper loss (I2 R), in the armature depends upon
the magnitude of current passing through the armature conductors and core loss depends upon the
operating voltage. Both these losses are independent of the power factor.
The power in kW is proportional to the power factor of the load which may be different for different
loads. For instant, let the rating of an alternator be 1000 kVA, at full-load it will be in position to
deliver 400, 600, 800 and 1000 kW at power factor 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 respectively. At these loads,
current supplied by the alternator will be the same and the losses will also remain the same.
The above explanation clearly shows that the rating of an alternator depends upon, the maximum
current it can deliver without overheating and the voltage for which it is designed. The pf of the load
is not considered to give its rating.
Hence, alternators are rated in kVA and not in kW.
The electrical machines and apparatus which themselves work as a load like induction motors,
ovens, heaters, refrigerators, air-conditioners, etc., are rated in kW. But the machines which are
supplying or transferring electric power like alternators, transformers etc., are rated in kVA.

6.24 Armature Resistance

The resistance per phase is armature resistance of an alternator. The resistance of a winding, depending
upon resistivity of winding material, length and area of cross-section È R = r l ˘ is called DC
ÎÍ a ˚˙
resistance of the winding. The actual or AC resistance in nearly 1·25 to 1·75 times the DC resistance.
This is because of unequal distribution of alternating current (Skin effect) over the cross-section of
the conductor. Voltage drop (IR) occurs in the winding because of this resistance which is in-phase
with the current phasor. However, the value of this resistance is very small as compared to synchronous
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 543

reactance of the machine, which is why, many times, its voltage drop effect is neglected. Heavy
copper losses occur in the machine because of armature resistance.

6.25 Armature Leakage Reactance

When current flows through the armature conductors, local fluxes are set at various places. The flux
which links with the armature winding but not with rotor field winding is called leakage flux. The
leakage flux may be divided into the following three components:
(i) Slot leakage flux: The flux which links or surrounds the armature conductors embedded in
the iron or placed in the slots but does not passes through the air gap is called the slots leakage
flux as shown in Fig. 6.39.
(ii) Air gap leakage flux: The flux which surrounds the armature conductors and passes through
the air gap (i.e., the flux which crosses from tooth to tooth in the air gap) as shown in Fig. 6.39
is called air gap leakage flux.
(iii) End-connection leakage flux: The flux which links with only the end-connections of the
armature winding is called end-connection leakage flux. It is also called as an over hang leakage

Fig. 6.39 Leakage Fluxes

The total leakage flux which links with the armature winding (conductors) gives rise to inductance.
The magnitude of the inductance is given as
L= henry
where I is the leakage flux in weber, N is the number of turns and I is the armature current. This
inductance L, when multiplied by Z gives the leakage reactance X L . Hence,
X L = ZL = 2Sf L ohm
A voltage drop (IX L) occurs in the winding because of this reactance. This voltage drop is in
quadrature to the current vector.
According, E = V + I Z = V + I ( R + jX L )
544 Electrical Machines

6.26 Armature Reaction

At no-load, the only field (mmf) acting in the synchronous machine (alternator) is the main field ‘Fm’
produced by the exciting winding. When load is connected to the alternator, current flows through
the armature conductors and produces a field (mmf) called armature field Fa. This field affects the
main magnetic field Fm.
Thus, the effect of the armature field on the main magnetic field is known as armature reaction.
The current flowing through the armature conductors depends upon the power factor of the load.
Therefore, the armature reaction will be studied at three extreme conditions of the p.f., i.e., unity,
zero lagging and zero leading.

At Unity Power Factor

Consider a two pole alternator with the poles rotating in anticlockwise direction. The three phases
are represented by concentric coils a-ac, b-bc and c-cc which are displaced by 120° electrical from
each other. Where a, b and c are the start terminals and ac, bc and cc are the finish terminals.
At an instant t1, depending upon the position of the poles, direction of induced emfs in three coils
is shown in Fig. 6.40(a) and their wave diagrams are shown in Fig. 6.40(c) (i.e., vaac, vbbc and vccc).

Fig. 6.40 Armature reaction at unity of power factor

The position of the main magnetic field Fm produced by the exciting field coils is shown in Fig.
6.40(a) as well as Fig. 6.40 (b). When a load of unity power factor is connected to the alternator,
current flows through the coils which is in phase with the induced emf as shown in Fig. 6.40(b)
and their wave diagrams are shown in Fig. 6.40 (c) (i.e., iaac, ibbc and iccc). A resultant armature field
Fa is produced by the current carrying armature conductors of magnitude 1·5 Im (where Im is the
maximum value of flux produced by the current flowing through each phase) in the direction as
shown in Fig. 6.40(b). The two fields mmfs. are shown vectorially in Fig. 6.40(d). The armature field
Fa is perpendicular of the main magnetic field Fm and produces cross-magnetising effect. It is also
clear from the position of the two fields that armature field Fa lags behind the main magnetic field
Fm by 90° causing the same effect as it is being caused by a pure inductance.
Thus, for a non-inductive load (at unit p.f.) the effect of armature reaction is cross-magnetising
i.e., it distorts the main field.
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 545

At Zero Power Factor Lagging

At an instant, t2, depending upon the position of the poles, direction of induced emfs in three coils is
shown in Fig. 6.41(a). For simplicity, the wave diagram of induced emf in coil a – ac is only shown in
Fig. 6.41(c). At this instant, induced emf in coil-side ‘a’ is zero and becoming negative. The position of
main magnetic field Fm produced by the exciting field coils is shown in Fig. 6.41(a) as well as Fig. 6.41(b).

Fig. 6.41 Armature reaction at zero lagging power factor

When a pure inductive load at zero p.f. lagging is connected to the alternator, currents will flow
through the coils, which lag behind their respective induced emfs by 90° electrical. The wave diagram
for the phase representing coil aac is shown in Fig. 6.41(c).
Accordingly, the direction of flow of current in various coil is shown in Fig. 6.41(b). A resultant
armature field Fa of magnitude 1·5 Im is produced by the current carrying armature conductors in
the direction as shown in Fig. 6.41(b). The two fields (mmfs.) are shown vectorially in Fig. 6.41(d).
The armature field Fa acts in opposite direction to that of main magnetic field Im and produces
demagnetising effect. It is also clear from the position of the two fields that armature field Fa lags
behind the main magnetic field Fm by 180° i.e., it lags by 90° because of a pure inductive load and
90° because of armature reaction.
Thus, with a pure inductive load (at zero p.f. lagging) the effect of armature reaction is
demagnetising i.e., it weakness the main field.

At Zero Power Factor Leading

At an instant t 3, depending upon the position of the poles, direction of induced emfs in the three coils
is shown in Fig. 6.42(a). Only wave diagram of induced emf in coil a – ac is shown in Fig. 6.42(c). At
this instant, induced emf in coilside ‘a’ is zero and becoming positive. The position of main magnetic
field Fm produced by the exciting field coils is shown in Fig. 6.42(a) as well as 6.42(b).
When a pure capacitive load at zero p.f. leading is connected to the alternator, currents will flow
through the coils which leads their respective induced emfs by 90° electrical. The wave diagram for
the phase representing coil a-ac is shown in Fig. 6.42(c).
Accordingly, the direction of flow of current in various coils is shown in Fig. 6.42(b). A resultant
armature field Fa of magnitude 1·5 Im is produced as shown in Fig. 6.42(b). The two fields (mmfs.)
are shown vectorially in Fig. 6.42(d). The armature field Fa acts in the same direction as that of the
main magnetic field Fm and produces magnetising effect. It is also clear from the position of the two
546 Electrical Machines

fields that the armature field Fa is in phase with the main magnetic field Fm. In fact, the armature
field was to lead the main field by 90° due capacitive load but it falls back to its original position due
to armature reaction. Hence, the armature field acts in phase with the main field.

Fig. 6.42 Armature reaction at zero leading power factor

Thus, with a pure capacitive load (at zero p.f. leading) the effect of armature reaction is
magnetising i.e., it strengthens the main field.

The above explanation reveals that
1. The armature reaction flux (Ia = 1.5 Iarm) is constant in magnitude and rotates at synchronous
2. When generator supplies a load at unity pf, the armature reaction is cross-magnetising.
3. When generator supplies a load at zero pf lagging, the armature reaction in demagnetising.
4. When generator supplies a load at zero pf leading, the armature reaction is magnetising.
5. In all the cases, if the armature-reaction flux is assumed to act independently of the main field
flux, it induces voltage in each phase which lags the respective phase current by 90°. Hence
armature reaction causes an armature reactance drop.

6.27 Effect of Armature Reaction on emf of Alternator

To see the effect of armature reaction on the emf induced in the alternator.
Let, E 0 = emf induced per phase by the main field (flux) at no-load.
Ea = emf induced per phase by the armature field (flux).
E = Net emf induced per phase i.e., resultant of E 0 and Ea.
? E = E0 + E a
When the armature is at no-load, no current flows through the armature. Thus the armature field
is zero. The main field Fm (or Im) will induce an emf E 0 which lags behind Im by 90° as shown in
6.43. Therefore, net induced emf E = E 0.
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 547

When a non inductive load is connected to the alternator, current (I) flows through the armature
conductors which is in phase with E 0 and produces an armature field Fa or Ia which lags behind the
main field by 90°. An emf Ea is induced by this field which lags behind the armature field by 90° as
shown in Fig. 6.44. Thus a resultant emf E is obtained across the armature. ( E = E0 + Ea )

Fig. 6.43 Phasor diagram at no-load Fig. 6.44 Phasor diagram for unity p.f.

When a pure inductive load is connected to the alternator, a current (I) flows through the armature
conductors which lags behind E 0 by 90°. This current produces armature field Ia which further
induces an emf Ea in the armature lagging behind Ia by 90° as shown in Fig. 6.45. Thus a resultant
emf (E = E 0 – Ea) is obtained across the armature.
When a pure capacitive load is connected to the alternator, a current (I) flows through the armature
conductors which leads the emf E 0 by 90°. This current produces armature field Ia which further
induces emf Ea in the armature lagging behind Ia by 90° but in phase with E 0 as shown in Fig. 6.46.
Thus, a resultant emf (E = E 0 + Ea) is obtained across the armature.

Fig. 6.45 Phasor diagram for zero lagging pf Fig. 6.46 Phasor diagram for zero loading

From the above discussion, it is concluded that E 0 is always in phase quadrature with the load current
I and proportional to it. It, therefore, resembles with the emf induced in an inductive reactance so that
the effect of armature reaction is exactly as if the stator winding has a reactance Xa = Ea /I. Whereas
Xa is termed as armature reaction reactance.
548 Electrical Machines

Thus, an armature reaction produces a reactance effect in the armature winding called armature
reaction reactance.

6.28 Synchronous Reactance and Synchronous Impedance

Synchronous reactance: It is fictitious reactance which has the effect equivalent to the combined
effects of both the leakage reactance and armature reaction reactance. It is represented by Xs.
X s = X L + Xa

Synchronous impedance: The vector sum of armature resistance and synchronous reactance is
known as Synchronous impedance.
It is generally represented by Zs.
Z S = R + X S = R + jX S

or ZS = R 2 + X S2

6.29 Equivalent Circuit of an Alternator and Phasor Diagram

The equivalent circuit of an alternator is shown in Fig. 6.47(a). Where,
R = Armature resistance,
X L = Leakage reactance,
Xa = Armature reaction reactance,
I = Load current
E 0 = Induced emf in the armature (voltage at no-load) and
V = Terminal voltage
(Note: All quantities are phase values in case of three-phase machines.)
i.e., X S = X L + Xa
and ZS is the synchronous impedance.

i.e., Z S = R + jX s or ZS = R 2 + X S2
The simplified equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 6.47(b), where Xs is the synchronous reactance.
From circuit diagram:
E0 = V + IZ s
Phasor Diagram: From the simplified equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 6.47(b), phasor diagram
of an alternator can be drawn. The phasor diagram depends upon the type of load. The load may be
non-inductive, inductive or capacitive.
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 549

Fig. 6.47 Equivalent circuit for alternator

The phasor diagram for non-inductive, inductive and capacitive load are shown in Fig. 6.48(a), (b)
and (c) respectively. While drawing phasor diagram, following steps are followed:
(i) Terminal voltage V is taken as the reference vector.
(ii) Load current I is drawn in phase with voltage vector V for non-inductive load. For inductive
load, it is drawn so that it lags behind the voltage vector by an angle I. Whereas for capacitive
load it leads the voltage vector by an angle I. Where I is the power factor angle.
(iii) Draw voltage drop vector IR parallel to current vector from point A.
(iv) Draw voltage drop vector IXS from point B perpendicular to vector AB since it is in quadrature
to current vector.
(v) Join point O and C, where OC is the emf E 0 which is induced due to the main field Im or the
terminal voltage at no-load and is the vector sum of V, IR and IXS.

Fig. 6.48 Phasor diagram

6.30 Expression for No-load Terminal Voltage

To deduce an expression for no-load terminal voltage, complete the phasor diagrams for various
loads as shown in Fig. 6.49.
The no-load terminal voltage E 0 is the actual induced emf in the armature produced by the main
magnetic field Im. It is the vector sum of terminal voltage at load, drop in resistance and drop in
synchronous reactance. From phasor diagram of alternator at different load conditions. we can deduce
the expression for no-load terminal voltage.
(i) For non-inductive load (unit p.f.): Considering Fig. 6.49(a), from the right angle triangle
OBC, we get,
OC2 = OB2 + BC2
550 Electrical Machines

or OC2 = (OA + AB)2 + (BC)2

or E 02 = (V + IR)2 + (IXs)2

(V | IR ) | ( IX s )
2 2
or E0 =

(ii) For inductive load (lagging p.f.): Considering Fig. 6.49(b), from the right angle triangle ODC,
we get,
OC2 = OD2 + DC2
or OC2 = (OE + ED)2 + (DB + BC)2
or OC2 = (OE + AB)2 + (EA + BC)2
or E02 = (V cos I + IR)2 + (V sin I + IXs)2

or E0 = (V cos f + IR)2 + (V sin f + IX s )2

Also in right angle triangle OFC,
OC2 = OF2 + FC2
= (OA + AH + HF)2 + (GC – GF)2
= (OA + AH + BG)2 + (GC – BH)2
E02 = (V + IR cos I + IXS sin I)2 + (IXS cos I – IR sin I)2

E0 = (V + IR cos f + IX S sin f )2 + ( IX S cos f - IR sin f )2

Fig. 6.49 Phasor diagram of different power factors

Synchronous Generators or Alternators 551

(iii) For capacitive load (leading p.f.): Considering Fig. 6.49(c), from the right angle triangle ODC,
we get,
OC2 = OD2 + DC2
or OC2 = (OE + ED)2 + (DB – BC)2
or OC2 = (OE + AB)2 + (EA – BC)2
or E02 = (V cos I + IR)2 + (V sin I – IXs)2

or E0 = (V cos f + IR )2 + (V sin f - IX s )2

Also in right angle triangle OFC,

OC2 = OF2 + FC2
= (OA + AH – HF)2 + (GC + GF)
= (OA + AH – BG)2 + (GC + BH)2
E02 = (V + IR cos f - IX S sin f )2 + ( IX S cos f + IR sin f )2

E0 = (V + IR cos f - IX S sin f )2 + ( IX S cos f + IR sin f )2

Approximate expression for no-load terminal voltage (considering G to be very small)
(i) For non-inductive load (unity pf)
OC # OB = OA + AB or E 0 = V + IR
(ii) For inductive load (lagging pf)
OC # OF = OA + AH + HF or E 0 = V + IR cos I + IXs sin I
(iii) For capacitive load (leading pf)
OC = OF = OA + AH — HF or E 0 = V + IR cos I – IXs sin I

6.31 Voltage Regulation

We have seen that because of the voltage drop in the armature resistance and synchronous reactance,
the terminal voltage of synchronous generator depends upon the load and its p.f.
The rise in terminal voltage when the given load is thrown off, the excitation and speed remaining
constant, is called the voltage regulation of a synchronous generator (alternator).
If E 0 = no-load terminal voltage and V = terminal voltage at a given load.
E0 - V
Then voltage regulation = per unit
E -V
Percentage regulation, % Reg = 0 ¥ 100
The voltage regulation is positive both at unit and lagging p.f. because this causes rise in terminal
voltage when the load is thrown off (removed). However, in case of leading p.f. the terminal voltage
may fall when the load is thrown off. Therefore, at leading p.f. voltage regulation may be negative.
552 Electrical Machines

The voltage regulation may be zero, when load and its pf may be such that
*IR cos I = IXs sin I
The voltage regulation of a synchronous generator is usually much high than that of power
transformer because of large amount of voltage drop in synchronous reactance.

6.32 Determination of Voltage Regulation

To determine the voltage regulation of smooth cylindrical rotor type alternators, the following
methods may be used:
1. Direct load test 2. Indirect Method
1. Direct load test: Direct load test is performed only on small alternators (say 5 kVA). In this
case, the alternator is run at synchronous speed with the help of a prime-moves and its terminal
voltage is adjusted to its rated value V and the load is varied until the ammeter and wattmeter
indicate the rated values at given power factor.
Then the load is removed keeping the speed and field excitation constant. At open circuit i.e.,
at no-load, the terminal voltage E 0 is recorded. Then voltage regulation is determined as under:
E0 - V
Percentage voltage regulation = ¥ 100
2. Indirect method: For large size alternator, indirect methods are used to determine voltage
regulation. These methods are:
(i) Synchronous impedance method or EMF method
(ii) Ampere-turn method or MMF method
(iii) Zero power factor method or Potier method.

6.33 Synchronous Impedance Method or emf Method

This method is based on the concept of replacing the effect of armature reaction by a fictitious
For a synchronous generator
V = E0 - I Z 3
where Z 3 = R + jXS

* The approximate expression for E0 at leading pf is

E0 = V + IR cos I – IXs sin I
E0 – V = IR cos I – IXs sin I
Voltage regulation will be zero when E0 – V = 0
? IR cos I – IXs sin I = 0
or IR cos I = IXs sin I
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 553

To determine synchronous impedance, open-circuit and short circuit tests are performed and to
determine synchronous reactance, armature resistance is measured by ammeter-voltmeter method.
By using these parameters, the regulation of the alternator can be determined at any load.

6.33.1 Determination of Synchronous Impedance

To determine the value of synchronous impedance of an alternator experimentally, the following two
tests are performed on the machine:
(i) Open circuit test (ii) Short circuit test.
(i) Open circuit test: To perform open circuit test, the terminals of the alternator are kept open and
is rotated by the prime-mover at synchronous speed. A DC supply is given to the field winding
through a rheostat. A voltmeter is connected across the terminals of the alternator to measure
open circuit voltage E and an ammeter is connected in the field circuit to measure field current
If as shown in Fig. 6.50. The field current If (excitation) is gradually varied (increased in steps)
and the voltage across the terminals of the alternator E is recorded for every change in the field
current. A graph is plotted taking If along abscissa and E along the ordinate called open circuit
characteristics (O.C.C.). The O.C.C. curve so obtained is shown in Fig. 6.52. The curve rises
steeply and then flattened due to saturation of the magnetic circuit.

Fig. 6.50 Circuit diagram for open circuit test on single and three phase alternators

Note: In case of three-phase star-connected alternator, to plot the curve phase value of the terminal
voltage E = EL / 3 is to be considered.

(ii) Short circuit test: To perform short circuit test, the terminals of the alternator are short circuited
by a thick strip or an ammeter as shown in Fig. 6.51. And its rotor is rotated by the prime-mover
at synchronous speed. The field current If is gradually increased and the short circuit current
Isc is recorded for every change in the field current with the help of ammeter connected across
the alternator terminals. A graph is plotted taking If along abscissa and Isc along with ordinate
called short circuit characteristics (S.C.C.). The S.C.C. curve so obtained is shown in Fig. 6.52
which is almost a straight line.
It should be noted that both the O.C.C. and S.C.C. curves are drawn on a common field current
If as shown in Fig. 6.52.
554 Electrical Machines

Fig. 6.51 Circuit diagram for short circuit test on single and three phase alternators

Fig. 6.52 Open circuit and short circuit characteristics

Determination of Synchronous Impedance

To determine synchronous impedance of the alternator, let OA be the extension (field current If). For
this field current OA, open circuit voltage is AB (i.e., E) and for the same field current the short circuit
current is AC (i.e., Isc). When the alternator is short circuited terminal voltage is zero. Therefore, at
short circuit, whole of the induced voltage E is being utilised for circulating the short circuit current
Isc through the synchronous impedance Zs.
? E = IscZs
Open circuit voltage
or Zs = E =
I SC Short circuit current
at the same field current.
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 555

The value of synchronous impedance is not constant. Its value is slightly high at low magnetic
saturation. An approximate graph of Zs against field current. If is drawn by the dotted line as shown
in Fig. 6.52.

Note: The value of synchronous impedance is usually determined at the field current which provides
the rated emf of the machine

6.33.2 Determination of Synchronous Reactance

To determine the value of synchronous reactance, first of all armature resistance is calculated by
voltmeter–ammeter method, circuit shown in Fig. 6.53. Since the value of armature resistance is very
small, a low DC supply voltage is connected across the terminals of a one-phase alternator. The value
Ê V ˆ
of armature resistance Á Rdc = dc ˜ is the DC resistance. The actual resistance of the armature of
Ë I dc ¯
an alternator is 1.25 to 1.75 times to that of DC resistance.

Fig. 6.53 Voltmeter–ammeter test to determine armature resistance

Therefore, R = 1.25 Rdc

Now synchronous reactance,

Xs = ( Z s )2 - ( R )2

Imp. Note: In case of three-phase, star connected alternators, DC source, ammeter and voltmeter
are connected across the terminals, then the measured resistance comes out to be the resistance
of two phases.

DC Resistance per phase,

Rdc = measured resistance

Also, all the vector diagrams are drawn considering the phase quantities whether the alternator
is single-phase or three-phase. To determine the regulation, all the quantities must be phase value.
556 Electrical Machines

6.34 Modern Alternators

When the terminals of the alternator are short circuited due to any fault (short circuit fault) short
circuit current Isc flows through the armature conductors. This current depends upon the induced
emf E 0 and the synchronous impedance Zs of the alternator i.e.,
Isc = .
This short circuit current may damage the armature winding of the alternator if ZS is very small.
Therefore, to limit the short circuit current, the modern alternators are designed for higher synchronous
impedance. The resistance cannot be increased because it would increase the losses in the machine.
Thus modern alternator are designed for higher synchronous reactance (or leakage reactance) but
smaller resistance.
The value of synchronous reactance is some times more than 20 times the armature resistance.
Therefore, for all practical purposes the voltage drop due to armature resistance is neglected as
compared to voltage drop due to synchronous reactance.

6.35 Short-Circuit Ratio (SCR)

The ratio of field current to produce rated voltage on open-circuit to the field current required to
circulate rated current on short-circuit while the machine is driven at synchronous speed is called
short-circuit ratio (SCR) of a synchronous machine.
From OCC and SCC shown in Fig. 6.54.

Fig, 6.54 OCC and SCC for an alternator

Synchronous Generators or Alternators 557

I f1
Short-circuit ratio, SCR = = OA = AE = AE = 1
Per unit voltage on open-circuit
Where AB = = Xs
AE Corresponding per unit currennt on short-circuit

? SCR = 1
Thus, SCR is just reciprocal of per unit synchronous reactance XS of the machine. The value of
synchronous reactance depends upon saturated conditions of the machine whereas, SCR is specific
and defined at rated voltage.

Significance of SCR
Smaller is the value of SCR, larger is the value of synchronous reactance which limits the short circuit
current to smaller value. But it causes difficulty during parallel operation of the machines owing to
smaller value of synchronising power.
Larger value of SCR increases the stability of the machine and improves its voltage regulation.
Usually, the SCR of a high speed non-salient pole alternators lies between 0.5 and 0.75 whereas
it lies between 1.0 and 1.5 for low speed salient pole type alternators.
Therefore, the salient pole type alternators are more stable than non-salient pole type alternators.

Example 6.16
A 1-phase 60 kVA, 220 V, 50 Hz, alternator has an effective armature leakage reactance of 0·07
ohm and negligible armature resistance. Calculate the voltage induced in the armature when the
alternator is delivering rated current at a load power factor of 0·7 lagging.

Here, Rated power = 60 kVA = 60 × 103 VA
Terminal voltage, V = 220 V
Leakage reactance, X L = 0·07 :
Load power factor, cos I = 0·7 lag; sin I = sin cos–1 0·7 = 0·7141
Full load current, I = 60 ¥ 10 = 272 ◊ 72 A

Voltage induced in the armature, E 0 = (V cos f + IR )2 + (V sin f + IX L )2

= (V cos f )2 + (V sin f + IX L )2
(since value of R is not given)

= ( 220 ¥ 0 ◊ 7)2 + ( 220 ¥ 0 ◊ 7141 + 272 ◊ 72 ¥ 0 ◊ 07 )2

= (154 )2 + (176 ◊ 19)2 = 234 V (Ans.)
558 Electrical Machines

Example 6.17
A single-phase 100 kVA, 600V, 50 Hz alternator has effective armature resistance and leakage
reactance of 0·072 and 0·18 ohm respectively. At rated terminal voltage and kVA load, determine
internal induced emf at (i) unit p.f. (ii) 0·75 p.f. lagging; (iii) 0·75 p.f. leading.

Here, Rated power = 100 kVA = 100 × 103 VA; Terminal voltage, V = 600 V
Armature resistance, R = 0·072 ohm; Leakage reactance, X L = 0·18 ohm
100 ¥ 103
Rated current, I = = 166 ◊ 67 A
(i) When the p.f., cos I = 1; sin I = sin cos–1 1 = 0

 ? Induced emf E0 = (V cos f + IR )2 + ( IX L )2

(600 ¥ 1 + 166 ◊ 67 ¥ 0 ◊ 72)2 + (166 ◊ 67 ¥ 0 ◊ 18 )


= 612·73 V (Ans.)
(ii) When the p.f., cos I = 0·75 lagging; sin I = sin cos–1 0·75 = 0·6614

  ? Induced emf, E0 = (V cos f + IR)2 + (V sin f - IX L )2

(600 ¥ 0.75 + 166 ◊ 67 ¥ 0 ◊ 72)2 + ( 600 ¥ 0 ◊ 6614 + 166.67 ¥ 0 ◊ 18 )


= (462)2 + (366 ◊ 8)2

= 629 V (Ans.)
(iii) When the p.f., cos I = 0·75 leading; sin I = sin cos-1 0.75 = 0·6614

 ? Induced emf E0 = (V cos f + IR)2 + (V sin f - IX L )2

(600 ¥ 0.75 + 166 ◊ 67 ¥ 0 ◊ 072)2 + ( 600 ¥ 0 ◊ 6614 - 166.67 ¥ 0 ◊ 18 )


= (462)2 + (366 ◊ 8)2 = 590 V (Ans.)

Example 6.18
A single-phase, 500 V, 50 Hz alternator produces a short-circuit current of 170 A and an open circuit
emf of 425 V when a field current of 15A passes through its field winding. If its armature has an
effective resistance of 0.2 ohm, determine its full-load regulation at unity pf and at 0.8 pf lagging.

Here, Rated power = 50 kVA = 50 × 103 VA
Terminal voltage, V = 500 V; Armature resistance, R = 0·2 ohm
Short circuit current, Isc = 170 A; Open circuit emf, E = 425 V

Synchronous impedance, Zs = E = 425 = 2 ◊ 5 ohm

I SC 170
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 559

Synchronous reactance, Xs = ( Z s )2 - ( R )2 = ( 2 ◊ 5 )2 - ( 0 ◊ 2 )2 = 2·492 ohm

Full load current, I = 50 ¥ 10 = 100 A
When p.f. cos I = 1; sin I = 0

E0 = (V cos f + IR )2 + ( IX S )2

= ( 500 ¥ 1 + 100 ¥ 0 ◊ 2 )2 + (100 ¥ 2 ◊ 492 )2

= 576.63 V
E0 - V
% Reg. = ¥ 100 = 576 ◊ 63 - 500 ¥ 100
V 500
= 15·326% (Ans.)
When p.f. cos I = 0·8 lagging; sin I = sin cos–1 0·8 = 0·6

E0 = (V cos f + IR)2 + (V sin f + IX S )2

= ( 500 ¥ 0 ◊ 8 + 100 ¥ 0 ◊ 2 )2 + ( 500 ¥ 0 ◊ 6 + 100 ¥ 2 ◊ 492 )2

= ( 420 )2 + ( 549 ◊ 2 )2 = 671 ◊ 62 V
E0 - V
% Reg. = ¥ 100 = 671 ◊ 62 - 500 ¥ 100
V 500
= 34·35% (Ans.)

Example 6.19
A three-phase star-connected alternator has an armature resistance of 0·1 ohm per phase. When
excited to 173·3 V line voltage and on short circuit the alternator gave 200 A. What should be the emf
(in line terms) the alternator must be excited to, in order to maintain a terminal potential difference
of 400 V with 100 A armature current at 0·8 power factor lagging?

Here, open circuit emf (line value), EL = 173·3 V
Armature resistance per phase, R = 0·1 ohm
Short circuit current, Isc = 200 A
Terminal voltage (line value), VL = 400 V
Armature current, I = 100 A

Open circuit emf (phase value), E = 173 ◊ 3 = 100 V


Synchronous impedance/phase, Zs = E = 100 = 0 ◊ 5 ohm

I sc 200

Synchronous reactance/phase, Xs = Z s2 - R 2 = ( 0 ◊ 5)2 - ( 0 ◊ 1)2 = 0 ◊ 4899 ohm

560 Electrical Machines

Terminal voltage/phase. V= = 400 = 231 V
3 3
Load p.f., cos I = 0·8; sin I = sin cos–1 0·8 = 0·6
No-load terminal voltage/phase.

E0 = (V cos f + IR)2 + (V sin f + IX s )2

(231 ¥ 0.8 + 100 ¥ 0 ◊ 1)2 + ( 231 ¥ 0 ◊ 6 + 100 ¥ 0 ◊ 4899 )


= 70.4 V
No-load terminal voltage (line value) = 3 E0 = 3 ¥ 270 ◊ 3 = 468·4 V (Ans.)

Example 6.20
A three-phase star connected 1200 kVA, 3300 V, 50 Hz, alternator has armature resistance of 0·25
ohm per phase. A field current of 40 A produces a short circuit current of 200 A and an open circuit
emf of 1100 V between lines. Calculate regulation on full load 0·8 power factor lagging.

Here, Rated power = 1200 kVA = 1200 × 103 VA
Terminal line voltage, VL = 3300 V (star connected)
Armature resistance, R = 0·25 :
At field current of 40 A;
Short circuit current, Isc = 200 A

Open circuit emf (phase value), E(ph) = 1100 = 635 ◊ 1 V

E( ph )
Synchronous impedance, Zs = = 635 ◊ 1 = 3 ◊ 175 W
I sc 200

Synchronous reactance, Xs = Z s2 - R 2 = (3 ◊ 175)2 - ( 0 ◊ 25)2 = 3 ◊ 175 W

Full load, current, I = 1200 ¥ 10 = 210 A
3 ¥ 3300
Terminal phase voltage, V= = 3300 = 1905 ◊ 2 V
3 3
Power factor, cos I = 0.8; sin I = sin cos–1 0·8 = 0·6
Open circuit terminal voltage (phase value),

E0 = (V cos f + IR)2 + (V sin + IX s )2

(1905 ◊ 0 ¥ 0.8 + 210 ¥ 0 ◊ 25)2 + (1905 ◊ 2 ¥ 0 ◊ 6 + 210 ¥ 3 ◊ 175)


= 2400 V
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 561

E0 - V
% Reg. = ¥ 100 = 2400 - 1905 ◊ 2 ¥ 100 = 25·98% (Ans.)
V 1905 ◊ 2
Example 6.21
A three-phase, star connected, 20 MVA, 11 kV, 50 Hz alternator produces a short-circuit current
equal to full-load current when a field current of 70 A passes through its field winding. The same
field current produces an emf of 1820 V (line to line) on open circuit. If the alternator has a resistance
between each pair of terminals as measured by DC is 0.16 ohm and the effective resistance is 1.5
times the ohmic resistance, what will be its full-load regulation at (i) 0.707 pf lagging and (ii) 0.8
pf leading.

Here, Alternator is three-phase, star connected;
Rating of alternator = 20 MVA = 20 × 106 VA
Terminal voltage (line value), VL = 11000 V
Open circuit emf (line value), EL = 1820 V
Resistance between two terminals = 0·16 ohm

Resistance measured/phase = 0 ◊ 16 = 0 ◊ 08 ohm

Effective resistance/phase, R = 1·5 × 0·08 = 0·12 ohm
Open circuit emf (phase value), E = = 1820 = 1050 ◊ 8 V
3 3

Full load circuit, I = 20 ¥ 166 = 1049 ◊ 7 A

3 ¥ 11000
Short circuit current, Isc = I = 1049·7 A

Synchronous impedance/phase, Zs = E = 1050 ◊ 8 = 1 ◊ 001 ohm

I sc 1049 ◊ 7

Synchronous reactance/phase, Xs = ( Z s )2 - ( R )2
= ( 0 ◊ 001)2 - ( 0 ◊ 12 )2 = 0·994 ohm
Terminal voltage (phase value), V = = 11000 = 6351 V
3 3
(i) When p.f., cos I = 0·707 lagging; sin I = sin cos–1 0·707 = 0·707
No-load terminal voltage (phase value),

E0 = (V cos f + IR )2 + (V sin f + IX s )2

(6351 ¥ 0.707 + 1049 ◊ 7 ¥ 0 ◊ 12)2 + ( 6351 ¥ 0 ◊ 707 + 1049 ◊ 7 ¥ 0 ◊ 994 )


= (4616)2 + (5533 ◊ 5)2 = 7206 V

562 Electrical Machines

E0 - V
% Reg. = ¥ 100 = 7206 - 6351 ¥ 100 = 13·46% (Ans.)
V 6351
(ii) When p.f. cos I = 0·8 leading; sin I = 0·6
No-load terminal voltage (phase value),

E0 = (V cos f + IR )2 + (V sin f + IX s )2

(6351 ¥ 0.8 + 1049 ◊ 7 ¥ 0 ◊ 12)2 + ( 6351 ¥ 0 ◊ 6 + 1049 ◊ 7 ¥ 0 ◊ 994 )


= (4616)2 + (2767)2 = 5381 ◊ 8 V

E0 - V
% Reg. = ¥ 100 = 5381 ◊ 8 - 6351 ¥ 100 = – 15·26% (Ans.)
V 6351
Example 6.22
Estimate the synchronous impedance for an 11 kV, three-phase, 50 Hz, 20 MVA alternator which
develops rated emf on no-load with a field current of 20 A. A field current of 12 A produces a short
circuit current equal to rated current.

Rated power = 20 MVA = 20 × 106 VA
Line voltage, VL = 11 kV = 11000 V (three-phase connections)
At field current of 20 A;
No-load emf E(L) = rated voltage = 11000 V (line value)
At field current of 12 A;

Short circuit current = rated full load current = 20 ¥ 106 = 1049.73 A

3 ¥ 11000
At field current of 20 A;

Short circuit current, Isc = 20 ¥ 1049 ◊ 73

(SCC is a straight line curve) = 1749·54 A
E0 ( L )
Phase value of no-load emf, E 0 = = 11000 = 6351 V
3 3
Synchronous impedance, Zs = = 6351 = 3·63 : (Ans.)
I sc 1749.54
Solution by using j-notation (polar method)

Example 6.23
A three-phase, star-connected, 10 kVA, 230 V alternator has an armature resistance of 0.5 : per
phase and a synchronous reactance of 1.2 : per phase. Calculate the percent voltage regulation
at full load at power factors of (a) 0.8 lagging, (b) 0.8 leading, (c) Determine the power factor such
that the voltage regulation becomes zero on full load.
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 563

Here, Rating = 10 kVA; R = 0.5 :; XS = 1.2 :
Full-load current, IL = kVA ¥ 1000 = 10 ¥ 10 = 25.1 A
3 ¥ VL 3 ¥ 230
Phase current, I = IL = 25.1 A
Rated voltage per phase, V = = 230 = 132.8 V
3 3
Considering V as reference phasor, V = V –0 º = 132.8 –0 º = 132.8 + j 0
Synchronous impedance, Z s = R + jXS = 0.5 + j1.2 = 1.3 –67.38 ” W
(a) When power factor is 0.8 lagging
I = I – - cos -1 0.8 = 25.1 – - 36.87 ” A
E0 = V + I Z s
= (132.8 + j0) + (25.1 – - 36.87 ”) (1.3 –67.38 ”)
= 132.8 + 32.63 –30.51” = 132.8 + 28.1 + j 1.6.56
= 160.9 + j16.56 = 161.75 –5.87 ”
E0 - V
Voltage regulation = ¥ 100 = 161.75 - 132.8 ¥ 100
V 132.8
= 21.8% (Ans.)
(b) When power factor is 0.8 leading
I = I – + cos -1 0.8 = 25.1 – 36.87 ” A
E0 = V + I Z s
= 132.8 + (25.1 – 36.87”) (1.3– 67.38 ”)
= 132.8 + 32.63 – 104.25”
= 132.8 - 8 + j 31.62 = 124.8 + j 31.62
= 128.74 –14.2 ” V
E0 - V
Voltage regulation = ¥ 100 = 128.74 - 132.8 ¥ 100
V 132.8
= – 3.06% (Ans.)
(c) For zero regulation, let Ibe the required power-factor angle.
 ? I = I–f = 25.1 –f A
E0 = V + I Z s
= 132.8 + (25.1 ‘ I ) (1.3 ‘67.38q)
= 132.8 + 32.63 ‘ (I + 67.38q)
= 132.8 + 32.63 cos (I + 67.38°) + j 32.63 sin (I + 67.38°)
564 Electrical Machines

E02 = [132.8 + 32.63 cos (I + 67.38)]2 + [32.63 sin (I + 67.38)]2

E0 - V
Voltage regulation = pu
For zero voltage regulation E 0 = V = 132.8 V
? (132.8)2 = [132.8 + 32.63 cos (I + 67.38°)]2 + [32.63 sin (I + 67.38)]2
or (132.8)2 = (132.8)2 + 2 × 132.8 × 32.63 cos (I + 67.38°)
+ (32.63)2 cos2 (I + 67.38°) + (32.63)2 sin2 (I + 67.38°)
(132.8)2 = (132.8)2 + 2 × 132.8 × 32.63 cos (I+ 67.38°) + (32.63)2

or cos (I+ 67.38°) = -32.63 = -0.12285 = cos 97 ”

2 ¥ 132.8
? I = 97° – 67.38° = + 29.62
and cos I= 0.8692 leading (Ans.)

Example 6.24
A three-phase, star-connected, 10 kVA, 400V 50Hz alternator has armature resistance of 0.5 ohm/
phase and synchronous reactance 10 ohm/phase. Determine its torque angle and voltage regulation
when it supplies rated load at 0.8 pf lagging.
Here, Rated power = 10 kVA; R = 0.5 : X5 = 10 : cos I= 0.8 lagging
Rated load current, IL = 10 ¥ 10 = 14.4 A
3 ¥ 400
Rated phase current, I = IL = 14.4 A
Z S = R + jXS = 0.5 + j10 = 10.012 –87º W
Rated phase voltage, V = = 400 = 230.9 V
3 3
Taking phase voltage V as reference phasor,
? V = V –0 º = 230.9 –0 º = (230.9 ± j 0) V
At 0.8 lagging power factor
Current, I = I – - cos -1 0.8 = 14.4 – - 36.87 ” A
E0 = V + I Z s
= 230.9 + j0 + (14.4 – - 36.87∞) (10.012) –87∞)
= 230.9 + 144.2 –50.13∞ = 230.9 + 92.4 + j 110.6
= 323.3 + j110.6 = 341.7 –18.9∞ V
? E 0 = 341.7 V
Torque angle between V and E 0 is G = 18.9° (leading)
E0 - V
Voltage regulation = = 341.7 - 230.9 = 0.4798 pu (Ans.)
V 230.9
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 565

Section Practice Problems

Numerical Problems
1. A single-phase, 2200 V, 50 Hz, 40 kVA alternator produces a short-circuit current of 200 A and an open
circuit emf of 1160 V when a field current 40A passes through its field winding. Calculate the synchronous
impedance and reactance if its armature has an effective resistance 0.5 ohm. (Ans. 5.8 ohm, 5.77 ohm)

2. A three-phase star connected alternator has an armature resistance of 0.1 ohm per phase. When excited
to 860 V line voltage and on short-circuit the alternator gave 200 A. What should be the emf (in line terms)
the alternator must be excited to, in order to maintain a terminal p.d. of 400 volt with 100 ampere armature
current at 0.8 p.f. lagging. (Ans. 452 V)

3. A 600 volt, 60 kVA, single-phase alternator has an effective armature resistance of 0.3 ohm. An exciting
current of 5 ampere produces an emf of 400 volt on open circuit and an armature current of 200 ampere
on short circuit. Calculate:
(i) the synchronous impedance and synchronous reactance.
(ii) the full load regulation with 0.8 p.f. lagging. (Ans. 2 :, 2.974 :, 24.81%)

4. A three-phase, star-connected, 1000 kVA, 3000 V, 50 Hz alternator produces a short-circuit current of 200
A and an open circuit voltage of 1040 V with the same field current 40 A. if its armature has an effective
resistance of 0.2 ohm per phase, calculate full-load percentage regulation of the machine at a pf of 0.8
lagging. (Ans. 24·34%)

5. A three-phase, star-connected, 1000 kVA, 3300 V, 50 Hz alternator produces a short-circuit current of 200
A and an open circuit voltage of 1040 V with the same field current 40 A. It its armature has an effective
resistance of 0.2 ohm per phase, calculate full-load regulation of the alternator at a pf of 0.8 lagging and
0.8 leading. (Ans. 19.9%, –11.8%)

Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1. What are the different modes of operation of a synchronous machine?
Ans. Operation of synchronous machines: A synchronous machine may operate independently or in parallel
with other machines. Accordingly, their operation is called;
(i) First mode of operation: The mode of operation in which a synchronous machine works
independently is called its first mode of operation. In this case, machine works only as a generator.
(ii) Second mode of operation: The mode of operation in which a synchronous machine works in parallel
with other machines or connected to the infinite bus bars is called second mode of operation. In
this case, a machine may work as a generator or motor.

Q.2. What is armature leakage reactance?

Ans. Due to leakage fluxes like slot leakage flux, air gap leakage flux, end-connection leakage flux etc., the
armature winding has some inductance (L) in each phase which offers leakage reactance (XL = 2S f L)
and is called armature leakage reactance.

Q.3. What do you mean by armature reaction reactance?

Ans. In fact, in synchronous generators the armature reaction produces the same effect as if a reactance is
connected in series with the winding and hence is called armature reaction reactance.
566 Electrical Machines

Q.4. Write down the expression for no-load terminal voltage for resistive, inductive and capacitive load.
Ans. Expression for No-load terminal voltage

For resistive load, E0 = (V + IR )2 + (IX s )2

For inductive load, E0 = (V cos f + IR )2 + (V sin f + IX s )2

For capacitive load, E0 = (V cos f + IR )2 + (V sin f - IX s )2

Q.5. In short tell how to determine synchronous impedance of an alternator.

Ans. Determination of synchronous impedance: It is determined by performing open circuit and short circuit
test on the alternators.
By performing open circuit test, a curve between field current (If ) and open circuit voltage or induced
emf (E-phase value) is drawn.
By performing short circuit test, a curve between field current (If ) and short circuit current (Isc – phase
value) is drawn.

Then, synchronous impedance, Zs = E at the same If .

Q.6. Name different methods used to determine voltage regulation of an alternator.
Ans. Voltage regulation of an alternator can be determined by the following methods:
(i) Synchronous impedance method or emf method.
(ii) Ampere-turn method or mmf method
(iii) Zero power factor method or Potier method.

6.36 Assumptions Made in Synchronous Impedance Method

The following assumptions are made in synchronous impedance method:
1. The synchronous impedance is considered to be constant.
In fact, it is constant only when OCC an SCC are straight line. But above the Knee-point of OCC,
when the saturation starts, the value of synchronous impedance starts decreasing. Hence, the
synchronous impedance obtained under test conditions is usually larger than actual value. This
is the major source of error of determining voltage regulation of an alternator by synchronous
impedance method.
2. The flux under test conditions is considered to be the same as that under load conditions.
The same value of field current is not producing the same flux always. When the armature is
short circuited, the armature current lags behind the generated voltage by almost 90°, hence
armature reaction produces demagnetising effect. This reduces the degree of saturation further.
The actual resultant flux is reduced which reduces the generated emf. These conditions are
different from those when the machine is actually loaded. Hence, the synchronous impedance
obtained under test condition is usually larger than actual value. This causes a source of error
while determining voltage regulation of an alternator by this method.
3. The effect of armature reaction flux is usually replaced by a voltage drop proportional to the
armature current.
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 567

This assumption also causes errors because the shift of armature flux varies with the power
factor and the load current.
4. The magnetic reluctance to the armature flux is considered to be constant regardless of the
power factor.
Although, this assumption is substantially true for non-salient pole type alternators because
air-gap in these machines is uniform. But in case of salient pole type alternators, the position of
armature flux relative to field poles varies with the power factor. This assumption also introduces
considerable error.
Hence, it is found that the regulation determined by using synchronous impedance method is
higher than the actual value.

6.37 Ampere-turn (or mmf) Method

The synchronous impedance method is based on the concept of replacing the effect of armature
reaction by a fictitious reactance. Accordingly, some assumptions were made. But due to those
assumptions, the voltage regulation obtained by that method was higher than the actual value.
In ampere-turn or mmf method, the effect of armature leakage reactance is to be replaced by an
equivalent additional armature reaction mmf. This additional mmf is combined with the armature
reaction mmf.
To determine the regulation of an alternator by mmf method, the following information is required.
(i) The resistance of the stator winding per phase.
(ii) Open-circuit characteristics at synchronous speed.
(iii) Short-circuit characteristics.
All these informations can be obtained by performing the same tests as preformed in emf method
i.e., open circuit test, short circuit test and ammeter–voltmeter method for finding armature resistance.
The open circuit and short circuit characteristics are shown in Fig. 6.54, where field current If1; is
determined to give rated voltage V on no-load, neglecting armature resistance drop, the field current
If2 is determined to cause short-circuit current, equal to full load current, on short circuit.
On short circuit, the field excitation If 2, balances the impedance drop in addition to armature
reaction on full load. But, as we know that R is usually very small and X L is also small for low voltage
on short circuit, so impedance drop can be neglected. Hence pf on short circuit is almost zero lagging
and the field amp-turns are used entirely to overcome the armature reaction. Therefore, If 2 , gives
demagnetising amp-turns at full load.
Now, let us consider that the alternator is supplying full load cur rent at a pf of cos I. Draw a line
OA representing If1 to give full load rated voltage, V [actually it is equal to V + I R cos I] as shown
in Fig. 6.55. Then draw AB at an angle (90° ± I) representing If2 to give full load current on short
circuit; + ve sign for lagging pf and -ve sign for leading pf. Now find field current If measuring OB,
which will give open-circuit EMF E 0, which can be determined from OCC.
Then percentage regulation can be determined from the relation,
E0 - V
% Regulation = ¥ 100 .
568 Electrical Machines

Fig. 6.55 Phasor diagram at different power factors

This method of determining synchronous impedance is known as optimistic method since it

gives values lower than actual values. It is because the excitation to overcome armature reaction is
determined on unsaturated part of the magnetising curve.

Example 6.25
The open-circuit test data of a 500 kVA, 4000 volt, 8 pole, 3-phase, 50 Hz alternator is:
ATs, per pole 2000 3000 3560 5000 6200 7000 8000
Terminal voltage 1990 2900 3400 4000 4400 4590 4800
The equivalent armature reaction expressed in ampere-turn per pole is 1.1 × ampere conductors
per pole per phase. There are 240 conductors per phase in series. If the inductive voltage drop 8%
on full load and the resistance drop is negligible. Then determine (i) Short circuit characteristic (ii)
field excitation and regulation for full load at 0-8 p. f. lagging.

Converting three-phase terminal line voltage into phase values, we have
1990 , 2900 , 3400 , 4000 , 4400 , 4800 = 1150, 1675, 1963, 2310, 2540, 2650, 2770
3 3 3 3 3 3

Phase voltage, V = 4000 = 2310 V

Synchronous Generators or Alternators 569

Open-circuit characteristic is drawn by taking ATs per pole along the abscissa and voltage per
phase along the ordinate, as shown in Fig. 6.56.

Full load current I = kVA ¥ 1000 = 500 ¥ 1000 = 72 A.

3 ¥ VL 3 ¥ 4000
Armature reaction ATs per pole per phase for full load,

= 1.1 × ampere conductors per pole per phase

= 1.1 ¥ I ¥ Z = 1.1 ¥ 72 ¥ 240 = 2376

P 8
Inductive drop = Leakage reactance drop = 8 ¥ 4000 = 185 volt
100 3

Fig. 6.56 OCC and SCC as per data

The field ATs or simply field current that is obtained from OCC is used to overcome the effects of
armature reaction and leakage reactance. The ATs 2376 are the field ATs for balancing the armature
reaction. The field ATs to balance or overcome the leakage reactance can be read off from the OCC
graph corresponding to leakage reactance drop of 185 volt and it comes out to be 370 ampere turn.
? Short circuit field ATs = 2376 + 370 = 2746 ATs.
570 Electrical Machines

So the SCC is drawn with two points, one the origin (0,0) and second point is (2746, 72), These
two points are joined, hence we get a straight line.
To determine total ampere-turns, proceed as follows:
Draw the phasor diagram as shown in Fig. 6.57. where terminal phase voltage V is taken as reference
vector and current lags behind this voltage by an angle 36.87° (I = cos–1 0.8 = 36.87°). Here, resistance
drop is zero and drop in leakage reactance IXs is 185 V which leads the current vector by 90°.

E= (V cos f + IR)2 + (V sin f + IX s )2

= (2310 ¥ 0.8 + 0)2 + (2310 ¥ 0.6 + 185)2 (since R = 0)

= 2525 V
From the OCC curve the field ATs corresponding to 2425 volt are 5500
These field ATs, (oa) are drawn at right angle to E as shown in Fig. 6.57. The armature reaction
ATs (2376) only are drawn parallel opposition to current I i.e., ab as shown in the Fig. 6.57. The
angle between oa and ab, is (90 + I). (‘Gbetween E and V is neglected being small). The resultant
vector ob is given as below:

ob = oa 2 + ab2 - 2oa ¥ ab ¥ cos (90 + 36.87 ”)

= (5500)2 + (2376)2 + 2 ¥ 5500 ¥ 2376 ¥ cos (53.13”)

= (5500)2 + (2376)2 + 2 ¥ 5500 ¥ 2376 ¥ 0.6 = 7180 AT (Ans.)

Corresponding to 7180 AT, the emf Eo from the OCC curve is 2700 volt and lags the ob by 90°
as shown.
E0 - V
% age regulation = ¥ 100 = 2700 - 2310 ¥ 100 = 16.88% (Ans.)
V 2310

Fig. 6.57 Phasor diagram

Example 6.26
The following test results were obtained on a 345 kVA, three-phase, 6600 volt, star connected non
salient pole type alternator.
Open circuit characteristics.
Terminal voltage in volt 1400 2100 5600 6600 7240 8100
Exciting current in ampere 20 30 46.5 58 76.5 96
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 571

Short circuit characteristics:

Stator current 35 A with an exciting current of 50 A. Leakage reactance on full load is 8% Neglect
armature resistance.
Calculate the exciting current (for full load) at p.f. 0-8 lagging and at unity.

Reducing all line voltages to phase voltage, for a star connected machine.
1400 , 2100 , 5600 , 6600 , 7240 , 8100 = 808, 1212, 3233, 3810, 4180, 4676
3 3 3 3 3 3
Plot the OCC as shown in Fig. 6.58

Fig. 6.58 OCC and SCC of the alternator

Plot the SCC from the given data. It is a straight line as shown in Fig. 6.58..

Leakage reactance drop = 8% = 8 ¥ 6600 = 304.8 volt

100 3

Terminal voltage (phase value), V = 6600 = 3810 V is taken as reference vector. Since armature
resistance is neglected, there is only leakage reactance drop.

? IXS = 304.8 volt (leads the current vector by 90°)

Full-load current, I = kVA ¥ 1000 = 345 ¥ 1000 = 30 A

3 VL 3 ¥ 6600
For pf 0.8 lagging
For pf 0.8 lagging, current logs behind terminal voltage V by an angle I = cos–1 0.8 = 36.87°, as
shown in vector diagram
572 Electrical Machines

E= (V cos f + IR)2 + (V sin f + IX S )2

= (3810 ¥ 0.8 + 0)2 + (3890 ¥ 0.6 + 304.8)2 = 4000 V

IX S cos f
Phase difference between E and V is G = sin–1 = sin -1 304.8 ¥ 0.8 = 3.5”
E 4000
From OCC graph, corresponding to 4000 volt, the field current is 62 ampere.
This excitation (If1) is called normal excitation which is drawn at right angles to E. This is
represented by vector oa.
From short-circuit characteristic, corresponding to full load current of 30 A, the exciting current
is 42.85 A. This excitation (If2) is in phase opposition with the current I and represents the field
excitation of armature reaction and leakage reactance drop. The vector (ab) is drawn in parallel to
current vector in phase opposition to balance the effect of armature reaction.
Now, the resultant of these two vectors is given by ob whose magnitude (If) is calculated as follows.
ob2 = oa2 + ab2 – 2oa × ab × cos (90 + I + G )
= (62)2 + (42.85)2 – 2 × 62 × 42.85 × cos (90 + 36.87° + 3.5°)
= 3844 + 1800 + 2 × 62 × 42.85 × cos (49.63°)
ob = 3844 + 1800 + 2 ¥ 62 ¥ 42.85 ¥ 0.64 = 95 A
If, it is required to find the regulation, then corresponding to this field excitation the open circuit
voltage Eo can be read off from the OCC curve. This voltage Eo always lags the excitation ob by 90°
as shown in Fig. 6.59.

Fig. 6.59 Phasor diagram

For Unity p.f.

For unity pf, the current I is in phase with the terminal voltage V and the leakage reactance drop
IXS equal to 304.8 volt is drawn at right angle to the current I or at right angles to voltage vector V,
as shown in Fig. 6.60.
Hence from the vector diagram opt, we have

E= V 2 + ( IX S )2 = (3810)2 + (304.8)2 = 3822 V

Phase difference between E and V is say Gc

Synchronous Generators or Alternators 573

 Gc = sin -1 = sin -1 304.8 = 4.58∞
E 3822
Corresponding to 3822 V, the field excitation from OCC curve is 59.8 A

Fig. 6.60 Phasor-diagram

Full load current at unity p.f.

I = 345 ¥ 1000 = 30 A
3 ¥ 6600
From short circuit characteristic 30 A corresponds to exciting current of 42.85 A

Now oac is drawn at right angles to E and is equal to 59.8 A. Now acbc equal to 42.85 A is drawn
parallel to current vector. The vector obc is the vector sum of oac and acbc.

obc = oa 2 + a ¢b ¢2 - 2oa ¢ ¥ a ¢b ¢ ¥ cos (90 + q )

= (59.8)2 + (42.85)2 + 2 ¥ 59.8 ¥ 42.85 ¥ cos 85.44∞

= 76.25 A (Ans.)
Again if it is required to find the regulation then corresponding to this field current of 76.25 A
the open-circuit voltage Eo can be determined which always lags the excitation obc by 90°.
Eo - V
? % age regulation = ¥ 100
Example 6.27
The data for open circuit characteristics of a 3.3 kV, 1500 kVA star-connected, three-phase alternator
running at 760 rpm is given below:
Terminal Voltage (V): 1500 2200 2700 3200 3550 3800 41100 4100 4150
Field AT, per pole: 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
The number of turns per phase is 55. The resistance measured between terminals is 0.5 ohm and
leakage reactance per phase is 1.5 ohm. Assume that the armature reaction ampere turns per pole
are equal to 1 4 times ampere turns per pole per phase. The ratio of effective resistance to measured
resistance is 1.4.
Determine the percentage regulation when full load at normal voltage and at p. f. 0 8 lagging is
switched off and the speed of the alternator increases to 770 rpm
574 Electrical Machines

Changing the line voltages into phase voltages, we have,
1500 , 2200 , 2700 , 3200 , 3550 , 3800 , 4000 , 4100 , 4150
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3, 3
866, 1270, 1560, 1848, 2050, 2190, 2310, 2370, 2400
Plot the OCC curve by taking field ATS along the x-axis and terminal phase voltages along the
y-axis as shown in Fig. 6.61.

Fig. 6.61 OCC as per data

Full load current, If l = kVA ¥ 1000 = 1500 ¥ 1000 = 263 A

3 VL 3 ¥ 3300
Resistance between terminal = 0.5 :.

In star connected windings, the resistance per phase = 0.5 = 0.25 W .

Effective resistance per phase, R = l.4 × 0.25 = 0.35 :

Leakage reactance per phase,

X L = l.5 :
The phasor diagram is shown in Fig. 6.62. for finding the voltage E. The terminal voltage V is
taken as reference phasor.

Rated phase voltage, V = 3.3 ¥ 1000 = 1905 V


E= (V cos f + IR)2 + (V sin f + IX s )2

= (1905 ¥ 0.8 + 263 ¥ (0.35)2 + (1905 ¥ 0.6 + 263 ¥ 1.5)2

Synchronous Generators or Alternators 575

= (1616)2 + (1537.5)2 = 2230 V

Corresponding to 2230 volt, the field ampere turns from OCC curve is 7150 ATs.

Fig. 6.62 Phasor diagram

Armature reaction ATs per pole per phase are = 1.4 × ATS per pole per phase
I ¥ Turns per phase
= 1.4 × = 1.4 ¥ 263 ¥ 55 = 2525 ATs
No. of poles 8
The field ATs as obtained from the OCC curve corresponding to normal open circuit voltage are
called no-load ATs. These ATs (oa) are drawn at right angle to the voltage vector OE. The armature
reaction ATs per pole per phase (2525) is drawn parallel opposition to load current I. i.e., ab is drawn
parallel opposition to I. The resultant of oa, and ab is given by ob. The angle between oa and ab is
(90 + I)

? ob = oa 2 + ab2 - 2oa ¥ ab ¥ cos (90 + 36.87 ” )

= (7150)2 + (2525)2 + 2 ¥ 7150 ¥ 2525 ¥ cos (53.13” )

= (7150)2 + (2525)2 + 2 ¥ 7150 ¥ 2525 ¥ 0.6 = 8900 ATs

Corresponding to 8900 ATs, the open circuit voltage Eo is 2380 from the OCC curve.
Hence when the load is switched off the open circuit voltage is 2380 volt.
Now the speed has increased from 760 to 770 rpm but we need to have open circuit voltage
corresponding to 760 rpm, therefore E 0 corresponding to 760 rpm,

Eo = 2380 ¥ 760 = 2350 V

Eo - V
% age Regulation = ¥ 100 = 2350 - 1905 ¥ 100 = 23.4% (Ans.)
V 1905
576 Electrical Machines

Solution by using polar method

Example 6.28
When an open circuit and short circuit tests were performed on a three-phase, star-connected, 1000
kVA, 2000 V, 50 Hz alternator, the following results were obtained:
Field current (in ampere): 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
O.C. terminal voltage (in volt): 800 1143 1500 1760 2000 2173 2350 2476 2600
S.C. armature current (in ampere): — — 200 250 300 — — — —
The armature effective resistance per phase is 0.2 :.
Draw the characteristic curves and determine the full-load percentage regulation at (a) 0.8 power
factor lagging, (b) 0.8 power factor leading. Also draw the phasor diagrams.

The OCC and SCC are shown in Fig. 6.63.
The open circuit phase voltage in volt are
800 , 1143 , 1500 , 1760 , 2000 , 2173 , 2350 , 2476 , 2600 ;
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
or = 462, 660, 866, 1016, 1155, 1255, 1357, 1430, 1501

Fig. 6.63 OCC and SCC as per data

Synchronous Generators or Alternators 577

Full-load phase voltage V = 2000 = 1155 V


Full load line current, IL = kVA ¥ 1000

3 ¥ VL

= 1000 ¥ 1000 = 288.7 A

3 ¥ 2000
Full-load phase current, I = IL = 288.7 A

(a) At power factor 0.8 lagging (neglecting leakage reactance since not given)

E = V + I R = 1155 + (288.7 – - cos -1 0.8) ¥ 0.2

= 1155 + (57.74 × 0.8 – j57.74 × 0.6)

= 1155 + 46.2 – j34.64

= 1201.2 – j 34.64 = 1201.7 ‘–1.65° V

Here G = –1.65° V

From the OCC, the field current required to produce the voltage of 1201.7 V is 32 A. Therefore
oa = I f1 = 32 A. This current leads the voltage vector OE by 90° or leads the terminal voltage

vector OV by (90 – G = 90 – 1.65° = 88.35°) 88.35°.

I f1 = I f1 –90 º -1.65º = 32 –88.35º = (0.92 + i31.98) A

From the SCC, the field current required to produce full-load current of 288.7A is 29 A. Therefore
ob = I f2 = 29 A. For cos I= 0.8, I= 36.87°

From the phasor diagram shown in Fig. 6.64.

Fig. 6.64 Phasor diagram

578 Electrical Machines

I f2 = I f2 –180 º -f = 29 –180 º -36.87 º

= 28º –143.13º A = –23.2 + j17.4

I f = I f2 + I f1 = – 23.2 + j17.4 + 0.92 + j31.98
= – 22.28 + j49.38 = 54.18 ‘114.3° A

From the OCC, the open circuit phase voltage corresponding to the field current of 54.18 A is
1555 V.

Eo - V
? Percentage voltage regulation = ¥ 100 = 1555 - 1155 ¥ 100 = 34.63% (Ans.)
V 1155
(b) At power factor 0.8 leading
E = V +IR
= 1155 + (288.7 ‘+cos–1 0.8) × 0.2
= 1155 + 46.2 + j34.64
= 1201.2 + j34.64 = 1201.7 ‘+1.65° V.
From the phasor diagram shown in Fig. 6.65.

Fig. 6.65 Phasor diagram

I f1 = I f1 –90 º + d = 32 –90 º +1.65 = 32 –91.65º A

= – 0.92 + j31.98 A
I f2 = I f2 –180 º + f

= 29 –180 º +36.87 º = 29–216.87 º A = –23.2 – j17.4 A

I f = I f2 + I f1 = -0.92 + j 31.98 - 23.2 - j17.4

= –24.12 + j14.58 A = 28.18 ‘31.15° A

From the O.C.C., the open-circuit phase voltage corresponding to a field current of 28.18 A is
1120 V.
Eo - V
Percentage voltage regulation = ¥ 100 = 1120 - 1155 ¥ 100 = –3.03% (Ans.)
V 1155
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 579

6.38 Zero Power Factor or Potier Method

The regulation obtained by synchronous impedance (or emf) method and ampere-turn (or mmf)
method is based on the total synchronous reactance i.e., (the sum of reactance due to armature
leakage flux and due to armature reaction effect). This introduces error due to vectorial addition of
magnetic fluxes. Whereas, the zero power factor method is based on the separation of reactances
due to leakage flux and that due to armature reaction flux, therefore, it gives more accurate results.
For determining voltage regulation by this method, the following data is required:
(i) effective resistance of armature winding
(ii) open-circuit characteristic
(iii) field current to circulate full-load current in the stator and
(iv) zero-power factor full-load voltage characteristic—a curve plotted between terminal voltage
and field current while the machine is being running on synchronous speed and delivering
full-load current at zero power factor.
The first three requirements can be fulfilled by performing open circuit test, short circuit test and
resistance measurement test, as discussed earlier. The curve of zero power factor characteristic can
be obtained by taking various steps as explained below:
1. The machine is rotated at rated synchronous speed by a prime-mover.
2. A pure inductive load (variable load reactors or an under-excited synchronous motor) is connected
across the armature terminals and the excitation or field current of the alternator is raised so
as to cause flow of full-load armature current.
Usually, the alternator is loaded by an under-excited synchronous motor while plotting zero
pf full-load curve.
3. The value of the reactance is then increased step by step in such a way that the excitation
current is adjusted to a value that causes full-load rated armature current to flow. In the process,
the armature terminal-voltages are varied from 125 % to 25 % of the rated voltage in steps,
maintaining the speed and rated armature current constant throughout the test.
4. Note down the armature terminal voltages and excitation currents at each step.
5. Draw a curve between terminal voltage and excitation current, as shown in Fig. 6.66. It gives
the zero power factor (lagging) characteristic.
Now, the zero power factor (lagging) characteristic can be used for obtaining the Potier reactance,
it is sufficient to determine the point representing rated armature current and rated voltage. This is
indicated by point B in Fig. 6.66.
From OCC and zero power factor curve, it reveals that there is a definite relationship between
the zero power factor (lagging) characteristic and an open-circuit characteristic of an alternator. The
zero power factor characteristic curve is of exactly the same shape, as that of OCC but it is shifted
vertically downward by leakage reactance drop I X L and horizontally, by the armature reaction mmf.
Zero power factor full-load voltage-excitation characteristic can be drawn by knowing two points
A and B. Point A is obtained from a short-circuit test with full-load armature current. Hence OA
represents excitation (field current) required to overcome demagnetising effect of armature reaction
and to balance leakage reactance drop at full load. Point B is obtained when full load current flows
through the armature but wattmeter reads zero.
580 Electrical Machines

Fig. 6.66 OCC of the alternator with zero pf full-load curve

From point B, line BC is drawn equal and parallel to AO. Then a line is drawn through C parallel
to initial straight part of OCC (parallel to extended OG), intersecting the OCC at D. BD is joined
and a perpendicular DF is dropped on BC. The triangle BFD is imposed at various points of OCC
to obtain corresponding points on the zero factor curve.
In triangle BDF the length BF represents armature reaction excitation and the length DF represents
leakage reactance drop (I XL)*. This is known as Potier reactance voltage drop and the triangle is
known as Potier triangle. The Potier reactance is given, as
DF (voltage drop per phase)
XP =
Zero power current per phase
It is observed that in case of cylindrical rotor machines, Potier reactance is nearly equal to armature
leakage reactance, but in case of salient pole machines, the magnetising circuit is more saturated and
the armature leakage reactance is smaller than the Potier reactance.

Potier Regulation Diagram

To determine voltage regulation, Potier regulation diagram is drawn as follows:
(i) OV is drawn horizontally to represent terminal voltage, V on full load and OI is drawn to
represent full load current at a given power factor. (say lagging).
(ii) Draw VE perpendicular to phasor OI and equal to reactance drop (IX L), neglecting resistance
(iii) Join OE, where OE represents generated emf E.
(iv) From OCC find field excitation If 1 corresponding to generated emf E.
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 581

(v) Draw oa = If 1 perpendicular to phasor OE to represent excitation required to induce emf OE on

open circuit.
(vi) Draw ab = If 2 parallel to load current phasor OI to represent excitation equivalent to full-load
armature reaction.
(vii) Join ob = If which gives total excitation required. If the load is thrown off, then terminal voltage
will be equal to generated emf corresponding to field excitation ob = If .
Hence, emf E 0 may be determined from OCC corresponding to field excitation ob = If. Where,
the phasor E0 will lag behind phasor ob by 90°. Here, EE0 represents voltage drop due to armature
reaction. Now regulation can be obtained from the relation.
E0 - V
% Regulation = ¥ 100

Fig. 6.67 Phasor diagram

Example 6.29
The following test results were obtained when these were performed on a 15 MVA,
11 kV, three-phase, 50 Hz, star-connected alternator:
Field AT per pole in thousand 5 10 15 18 25 30 35 40 45 50
Open-circuit line emf in kV 2.9 5.0 7.0 8.1 10.0 11.1 11.9 12.7 13.3 13.65
Full-load current, zero power
factor test, line pd in kV — — — 0 — — — — 10.0 —
Find the armature reaction ampere-turns, the leakage reactance and the regulation for full load at
0.8 pf lagging. Neglect resistance.

From the given data, draw OCC between phase voltage and field current. Full-load zero power factor
curve is drawn, taking point A (18, 0) and point B (45, 10.2 ) being known. From the triangle BDF
drawn in Fig. 6.68.
Armature reaction ampere turns = BF = 15000 AT/pole. (Ans.)

Full-load reactance drop = DF = 11.15 – 10 = 1.15 kV = 1150 volt

Leakage reactance drop per phase, IX L = 1150 = 664 V

582 Electrical Machines

Fig. 6.68 OCC and Z pf triangle as per data

Full-load current = 15 ¥ 106 = 787 A

3 ¥ 11000
Leakage reactance per phase, X L = = 664 = 0.844 W
I 787
The phasor diagram is shown in Fig. 6.69, where

OV = Terminal phase voltage = 11000 = 6351 V

VE = 1150 volt representing reactance drop

OE = E = (V cos f + IR)2 + (V sin f + IXs )2

Since cos I = 0.8 lag: sin I = sin cos–10.8 = 0.6 and R = 0

E= (6351 ¥ 0.8)2 + (6351 ¥ 0.6 + 664)2 = 6770 V

Ê ˆ
Excitation corresponding to 6770 V Á = 11727 V ˜ is 33000 AT
Ë 3 ¯
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 583

Draw oa equal to 33000 AT, perpendicular to OE.

Draw ab = 15000 AT parallel to current vector OI

Total ampere turns, ob = (oa 2 + ab2 - 2oa ¥ ab ¥ cos(90∞ + 36.87∞)

= (33000)2 + (15000)2 - 2 ¥ 33000 ¥ 15000 ¥ cos 126.87∞

= 43680 AT

Induced emf corresponding to 43680 AT = 13200 V = 7621 V

E0 - V
% Reg = ¥ 100 = 7621 - 6351 ¥ 100 = 20% (Ans.)
V 6351

Fig. 6.69 Phasor diagram

Example 6.30
Determine the voltage regulation by zero power factor method of a 500 kVA, 6600V, three-phase,
star-connected alternator having a resistance of 0.075 ohm per phase, when delivering a current
of 500 A at power factor (i) 0.8 lagging (ii) 0.707 leading and (iii) unity. The alternator has the
following open circuit and full-load zero power factor curves:
Field current in A: 24 32 50 75 100 125 150
Open circuit terminal voltage in V: 1400 — 4500 6400 7500 8100 8400
Saturated curve, zero pf in V: 0 0 1900 4200 5750 6750 7100

The OCC and ZPFC are plotted as shown in Fig. 6.70. At rated terminal voltage of 6600 V , draw
a horizontal line at B. Take BC = OA = 32A.
This field current OA is the field current required to circulate full-load current on short circuit.
Draw a line CD parallel to OG (the initial slope of OCC) to meet OCC at D. From point D draw a
perpendicular DF on the line BC. Here BCD is the Potier’s triangle.
From Potier’s triangle,
Field current required to overcome armature reaction on load = FB = 26A
584 Electrical Machines

and FD = 800 = 462 V


Fig. 6.70 OCC and Z pf as per data

Where FD represents voltage drop in leakage reactance at full-load current of 500 A (given)
Now, IX L = 462

? X L = 462 = 0.924 W
Draw the phasor diagram, as shown in Fig. 6.71, where,

OV = terminal phase voltage, V = 6600 = 3810 V

(i) When pf. cos I = 0.8 lagging; sin I = sin cos–1 0.8 = 0.6

OE = E = (V cos f + IR)2 + (V sin f + 1 X L )2

= (3810 ¥ 0.8 + 500 ¥ 0.075)2 + (3510 ¥ 0.6 + 500 ¥ 0.924)2

Synchronous Generators or Alternators 585

= (3085)2 + (2748)2 = 4131 V

From OCC, the field current corresponding to 4131 V (i.e., 7156 V )

oa = I f1 = 92 A (it leads vector OE by 90°)

Fig. 6.71 Phasor diagram for lagging pf

Field current corresponding to armature reaction

ab = I f2 = BF = 23 A (it is parallel to load current OI)

Total field current If = Ob = oa 2 + ab2 - 2oa ¥ ab ¥ cos (90∞ + 36.87∞)

= (92)2 + (23)2 - 2 ¥ 92 ¥ 23 cos 126.87∞

= 8464 + 529 + 2539 = 107.4 A
Corresponding to this field current of 107.4A, the terminal voltage from OCC is 7700 V (line

Eo = 7200 = 4446 V (phase value)

E0 - V
% Reg = ¥ 100 = 4446 - 3810 ¥ 100 = 16.69% (Ans.)
V 3810
(ii) When p.f., cos I1 = 0.707 leading; sin I1 = sin cos–1 0.707 = 0.707; I1 = 45° leading.
The phasor diagram is shown in Fig. 6.72.

OEc= Ec = (V cos f1 + IR )2 + (V sin f2 - IX L )2

= (3810 ¥ 0.707 + 500 ¥ 0.075)2 + (3810 ¥ 0.707 - 500 ¥ 0.924)2

= (2731)2 + (2232)2 = 3527 V

586 Electrical Machines

Ê ˆ
From OCC, the field current corresponding to 3527 V Á i.e. 6109 V ˜
Ë 3 ¯

oac = I ¢f1 = 72 A

Fig. 6.72 Phasor diagram for leading pf

Field current corresponding to armature reaction

acbc = I f¢2 = BE = 23 A (parallel to load current OIc)

Total field current,

If c = obc = (oa ¢)2 + (a ¢b ¢)2 - 2 oa ¢ ¥ a ¢b ¢ ¥ cos (90∞ - 45∞)

= (92)2 + (23)2 - 2 ¥ 92 ¥ 23 ¥ cos 45∞

= (8464 + 529 - 1496 = 86.6 A

Corresponding to this field current of 86.6 A, the terminal voltage from OCC is 5000 = 2887 V
B¢0 - V
%Reg = ¥ 100 = 2887 - 3810 ¥ 100
V 3810

= 24.23% (Ans.)
(iii) When pf, cos I2 = 1; sin I2 = sin cos–1 1 = 0; I2 = 0°
Draw the phasor diagram as shown in Fig. 6.73.

OEs = Es= (V + IR)2 + ( IX L )2

= (3810 + 500 ¥ 0.075)2 + (500 ¥ 0.924)2

= (3847)2 + (462)2 = 3875 V

Ê ˆ
From OCC, the field current corresponding to 3875 V Á i.e. 6712 V ˜
Ë 3 ¯
oas = I ¢¢f1 = 82 A
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 587

Fig. 6.73 Phasor diagram for unity pf

Field current corresponding to armature reaction

asbs = I ¢¢f2 = BF = 23 A

(parallel to load current OIs i.e., in phase with OV)

Total field current,

I ¢¢f = ob ¢¢ = (oa ¢¢)2 + (a ¢¢ b ¢¢ )2 - 2oa ¢¢ ¥ a ¢¢ b¢¢ ¥ cos (90 ± 0)

= (80)2 + (23)2 - 0 = 85.2 A

Corresponding to this current of 85.2A, the terminal voltage from OCC is 6750 = 3897 V

Eo¢¢ - V
% Reg = ¥ 100 = 3897 - 3810 ¥ 100 = 2.26% (Ans.)
V 3810
Example 6.31
An open circuit, short circuit and load zero power factor tests are performed on a 6-pole, 440 V, 50
Hz, three-phase star-connected alternator. The effective ohmic resistance between any two terminals
of the armature is 0.4 :. and the test results are tabulated below:
Field current (A) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 18
O.C. terminal voltage (V) 70 156 220 288 350 396 440 474 530 568 592 610 —
S.C. line current (A) — 11 — 22 — 34 40 46 57 69 80 — —
Zero p.f. terminal voltage (V) — — — — — — 0 80 206 314 398 460 504
Determine the regulation at full-load current of 40 A at 0.8 power factor lagging using
(a) synchronous impedance method,
(b) mmf method,
(c) Potier-triangle method


Armature resistance per phase = 1 ¥ 0.4 = 0.2 W

Terminal voltage per phase, V = 440 = 254 V
588 Electrical Machines

The O.C.C., S.C.C. and ZPFC are plotted as shown in Fig. 6.74.

Fig. 6.74 OCC and Z pf triangle

(a) Synchronous Impedance Method

For a field current of 7 A the open-circuit phase voltage is 440 V and the short circuit current
is 40 A. Therefore the synchronous impedance
O.C. phase voltage for field current of 7A
Zs =
S.C. current for field current of 7A

= 440/ 3 = 6.351 W
Xs = Z s2 - R 2

= (6.35)2 - (0.2)2 = 6.348 W

Synchronous Generators or Alternators 589

pf1 cos I = 0.8 lagging; I = cos–1 0.8 = 36.87° lag.; sin I = sin 36.87° = 0.6
The phasor diagram in shown in Fig. 6.75.

E= (V cos f + IR)2 + (V sin f + IX s )2

= (254 ¥ 0.8 + 40 ¥ 0.2)2 + (254 ¥ 0.6 + 40 ¥ 6.348)2

= (211.2)2 + (406.32)2 = 458 V

Voltage regulation = E - V = 458 - 254

V 254
= 0.803 pu = 80.3% (Ans)

Fig. 6.75 Phasor diagram for lagging pf (syn. impedance method)

(b) MMF Method

Form the given data, the field current required to give the rated phase voltage of 254 V is 7A.
Therefore oa = I f1 = 7 A. (perpendicular to vector OE) is drawn in phasor diagram shown in

Fig. 6.76.

Fig. 6.76 Phasor diagram (mmf method)

590 Electrical Machines

Field current required to give full-load current of 40 A on short circuit is ab = If 2 = 7A.

(parallel to vector OI)

Total field current, If = I 2f1 + I 2f2 + 2 I f1 I f2 cos (90 + f )

= (7)2 + (7)2 - 2 ¥ 7 ¥ 7 cos (90 + f ) = 12.52 A

Terminal voltage corresponding to this field current 580 = 334.86 V

Eo – V 334.86 – 254
Voltage regulation, Reg = = = 0.3183 pu = (31.83%) Ans
V 254
(c) Zero-Power Factor Method
Referring to Fig. 6.74.
Draw a horizontal line at rated phase voltage of 440 / 3 = 254 V to meet the ZPFC at B. On
this line take a point C such that
BC = OA = 7A = field current required to circulate full-load current on short circuit.
Through C draw CD parallel to OG (the initial slope of the O.C.C.) to meet the O.C.C. at D.
Draw the perpendicular DF on the line BC. From the Potier triangle BCD we have DF = leakage
impedance voltage drop
and BF = field current required to overcome armature reaction on load
From curves shown in Fig. 6.74,

DF = 75 = 43.3 V , BF = 6.0 A

? IX L = 46, X L = 43.3 = 1.08 :

E= (V cos f + IR)2 + (V sin f + IX L )2

= (254 ¥ 0.8 + 40 ¥ 0.2)2 + (254 ¥ 0.6 + 40 ¥ 1.08)2

= (211.2)2 + (195.6)2 = 288V = 498.8 V


From O.C.C. the field current corresponding to 498.8 = 288 V is 9 A.

This current I f1 = oa = 9A leads OE by 90°
The field current If 2 = ab = 6A is drawn parallel to current vector OI. The phase difference
between oa and ab is (90° + 36.87°) = 126.87°)

? If = ob = I 2f1 + I 2f2 - 2 I f1 I f2 cos (90∞ + f )

= (9)2 + (6)2 - 2 ¥ (9) ¥ 6 ¥ cos 126.87∞ = 13.5 A

Synchronous Generators or Alternators 591

From O.C.C., corresponding to a field current of If = 13.5 A,

Open circuit terminal voltage is 590 = 341 V

Eo - V
? Voltage regulation = = 341 - 254 = 0.3455 pu = 34.55% (Ans.)
V 254

Fig. 6.77 Phasor diagram (Z pf method)

Section Practice Problems

Numerical Problems
1. The open circuit and short circuit test readings of a single-phase 500V,50 kVA alternator having an
armature resistance of 0.2 ohm are given below:
Open circuit emf (in V) 125 250 370 480 566 640
Short circuit current (in A) 73 146 220 – – –
Field current (in A) 5 10 15 20 25 30
Determine full-load voltage regulation at
(i) Unity p.f. (ii) 0.8 lagging p.f. and
(iii) 0.8 leading p.f. using ampere-turn method (Ans. 7.6%; 18.4%; – 9% )

2. A 4160 V, 3500kVA, 50Hz, three-phase alternator gave the following test results at open circuit:
Field current (in A) 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Open circuit line emf (in V) 1620 3150 4160 4750 5130 5370 5550 5650
Full-load current flows at short circuit when a current of 200A flows through the field winding
Neglecting the armature resistance determine full-load voltage regulation of the alternator at 0.8 pf
lagging by using
(i) Synchronous impedance method. (ii) Ampere-turn method.
Also comment on the results. (Ans. 91.7%; 30.7%)

3. A 5 MVA, 6600 V, 50Hz, three-phase star connected alternator has the following test data.
Field current (in A) 32 50 75 100 140
592 Electrical Machines

OC line voltage (in V) 3100 4900 6600 7500 8300

Line voltage zero pf (in V) 0 1850 4250 5800 7000
Neglecting armature resistance, determine the voltage regulation of the alternator by zero power factor
method. (Ans. 3.33%)

Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1. Which methods are used to determine the voltage regulation of an alternation?
Ans. The methods are (i) synchronous impedance (or emf ) methods, (ii) Ampere-turn (or mmf ) methods
and (iii) Potier (or zero power factor) method.

Q.2. Which method of determining voltage regulation gives pessimistic value?

Ans. Synchronous impedance (or emf ) method

Q.3. Which characteristic curves are required to be plotted for Potier method of computing voltage
Ans. OCC, SCC and zero power-factor full load voltage characteristic curves are required to be plotted.

6.39 Power Developed by Cylindrical Synchronous Generators

The simplified equivalent circuit of a cylindrical rotor synchronous generator is shown in Fig. 6.78,
V = Terminal voltage (phase value) E = Excitation voltage (phase value)
I = armature or load current/phase I = pf angle (lagging)
G = load angle between V and E
The phasor diagram for the machine for inductive load is shown in Fig. 6.79.
Synchronous impedance,

Z s = R + jX s = Z s –q s …(i)

and Ts = tan -1

Fig. 6.78 Equivalent circuit Fig. 6.79 Phasor diagram with lagging pf
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 593

Taking terminal voltage V (phase value) as reference vector,

V = V ± j 0 = V –0 …(ii)

and E = E –d …(iii)

E = V + I Zs …(iv)

or I = E -V …(v)

6.39.1 Power Output of an AC Generator (in Complex Form)

Sog = Pog + j Qog = V I * ….. (vi)

È E –o - V –0 ˘ *
È ˘
= V Í E - V ˙ =V– 0 Í ˙
Î Zs ˚ Î Z s –q s ˚
È ˘
= V – 0 Í E –(d - q s ) - V – ( -q s ) ˙
Î s Z s ˚
È ˘
= V – 0 Í E –(q s - d ) - V – q s ˙
Î s Z s ˚
= VE –(q s - d ) - V –q s
Zs Zs
Pog + jQog = VE [cos (q s - d ) + j sin (q s - d )] - V (cos q s + j sin q s )
Zs Zs
È 2 ˘ È 2 ˘
= Í VE cos (q s - d ) - V cos q s ˙ + j Í VE sin (q s - d ) - V sin q s ˙ …(vii)
Î Zs Zs ˚ Î Zs Zs ˚

6.39.2 Real Power Output of an AC Generator

Considering real part of the eqn. (vii), we get,
Pog = VE cos (q s - d ) - V cos q s
Zs Zs

where cos Ts = R and Ts = 90 – Ds …(viii)

Pog = VE cos [90 - (a s + d )] - V ¥ R
Zs Zs Zs
= VE sin (d + a s ) - V 2 ¥ R …(ix)
Zs Zs
È 2 ˘
Pog = 3 Í VE sin (d + a s ) - V 2 R ˙ (for 3-I generators)
ÍÎ Z s Z s ˙˚
594 Electrical Machines

6.39.3 Reactive Power Output of an AC Generator

From eqn. (vii), we get
Qog = VE sin (q s - d ) - V sin q s
Zs Zs
2 X
= VE sin [90 - (a s + d )] - V ¥ s
Zs Zs Zs
= VE cos (d + a s ) - V 2 ¥ X s …(x)
Zs Zs
È 2 ˘
Qog = 3 Í VE cos (d + a s ) - V 2 ¥ X s ˙ (for 3-I generators)
ÍÎ s Zs ˙˚

6.39.4 Power Input to an AC Generator (in Complex Form)

Sig = Pig + j Qig = E I * …(xi)

È E –d - V –0o ˘ *
È ˘
= E Í E - V ˙ = E– d Í ˙
Î Zs ˚ Î Z s –q s ˚
È ˘
= E – d Í E –(d - q s ) - V – - q s ˙
Î s Z s ˚
È ˘
= E – d Í E –(q s - d ) - V – q s ˙
Î s Z s ˚
= E –q s - EV –q s + d
Zs Zs
2 2
Pig + jQig = E cos q s + j E sin q s - EV cos (q s + d ) - j EV sin (q s + d )
Zs Zs Zs Zs
2 2
= E cos q s - EV cos (q s + d ) + j E sin q s - j EV sin (q s - d ) …(xii)
Zs Zs Zs Zs

6.39.5 Real Power Input to an AC Generator

Considering real part of the eqn. (xii), we get
Pig = E cos q 3 - EV cos (q s + d )
Zs Zs
= E ¥ R - EV cos [90 ” -(d - a s )]
Zs Zs Zs
= E 2 R - EV sin (d - a s ) …(xiii)
Zs Zs
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 595

È 2 ˘
Pig = 3 Í E 2 R - EV sin (d - a s ) ˙ (for 3-I machine)
ÍÎ Z s Z s ˙˚

6.39.6 Reactive Power Input to an AC Generator

From eqn. (xii), we get,
Qig = E sin q s - EV sin (q s + d )
Zs Zs
2 X
= E ¥ s - EV sin [90 - (d - a s )]
Zs Zs Zs
= E 2 X s - EV cos (d - a s ) …(xiv)
Zs Zs

È 2 ˘
Qig = 3 Í E 2 X s - EV cos (d - a s ) ˙ (for – 3I machine)
ÍÎ Z s Z s ˙˚
Mech. power input to the AC generator
Pi(mech.) = Pig + friction and windage loss + Core loss

6.39.7 Condition for Maximum Power Output

Output power basically depends upon load (or torque) angle G. Therefore, condition for maximum
power output is obtained, when
dPog d 2 Pog
=0 and <0
dd Pd 2
Differentiating the equation of real power output with respect to G and equating it to zero, we get.

d È EV sin (d + a ) - V 2 R ˘ = 0
Í s ˙ …(xv)
dd ÍÎ Z s Z s2 ˙˚
As E, V, Zs and R are constant
EV cos (d + a ) = 0 or cos (G + Ds) = 0
or G+ Ds = 90° or G = 90° – Ds
or G= Ts …(xvi)
Thus, the output power will be maximum, when load angle, G = impedance angle Ts
The maximum output power can be obtained by substituting this value in the given equation, i.e.,
Po(max.) = EV sin (90 - a s + a s ) - V R
Zs Zs
= EV - V R …(xvii)
Zs Zs
596 Electrical Machines

6.39.8 Condition for Maximum Power Input

To obtain this condition, put
d Pig d 2 Pig
=0 and <0
dd dd 2
Differentiating the equation of real power input with respect to G and equating it to zero, we get,

d È E2 EV sin (d - a ) ˘ = 0
Í 2R+ s ˙ …(xviii)
ds ÍÎ Z s Zs ˙˚
EV cos (d - a ) = 0 or cos (G – Ds) = 0
or G– Ds = 90° or G= 90° + Ds
or G= 90° + (90 – Ts) or  G= 180° – Ts …(xix)
Thus, the input power will be maximum, when

load angle, G = 180° – impedance angle Ts

The maximum input power can be obtained by substituting the value of G in given equation of
power input, i.e.,
Pi(max) = E 2 R + EV sin [180∞ - q s - (90∞ - q s )]
Zs Zs
2 2
= E 2 R + EV sin 90∞ = E R + EV …(xx)
Zs Zs Zs Zs

6.39.9 Power Equations, when Armature Resistance is Neglected

When armature resistance is neglected, R = 0; Zs = Xs; Ds = 0.
Real power output [Considering equation (ix)]

Pog = VE sin d ….(xxi)

Reactive power output [Considering equation (x)]
Qog = VE cos d - V …(xxii)
Xs Xs
Real power input [Considering equation (xiii)]

Pig = EV sin d = pog …(xxiii)

Reactive power input [Considering equation (xiv)]
Qig = E – EV cosd …(xxiv)
Xs Xs
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 597

Also, Po(max) = EV = Pi (max) …(xv)

Example 6.32
A 762 kVA, 2200 V, 50 Hz, three-phase, star connected alternator has an effective resistance of 0.6
ohm per phase. A field current of 30 A produces a full-load current on short circuit and a line to
line emf of 1039 V on open circuit. Determine the power angle of the alternator when it delivers full
load at 0.8 p.f. lagging. Also determine SCR of the alternator.

Here, Rating= 762 kVA; VL = 2200 V; f = 50 Hz; three-phase
R = 0.6 :, If = 30 A; Isc = Ifl; Eoc( s ) = 1039 V

cos I = 0.8; sin I= sin cos–1 0.8 = 0.6

Isc = I f l = 762 ¥ 1000 = 200 A ; V = L = 2200 = 1270 V

3 ¥ 2200 3 3

Eoc(phase) = 1039 = 600 V

Zs = = 600 = 3 W ; Xs = Z s2 - R 2 = (3)2 - (0.6)2 = 2.94 W
I sc 200

E= (V cos f + IR)2 + (V sin f + IX s )2

= (1270 ¥ 0.8 + 200 ¥ 0.6)2 + (1270 ¥ 0.6 + 200 ¥ 2.94)2

= (1136)2 + (1350)2 = 1764 V

Power developed per phase

EV sin d = kVA ¥ 1000 ¥ cos f or 1764 ¥ 1270 sin d = 762 ¥ 1000 ¥ 0.8
Xs 3 2.94 3

? sin G = 762 ¥ 1000 ¥ 0.8 ¥ 2.94 = 0.267

3 ¥ 1764 ¥ 1270
G = sin–1 0.267 = 15.47° (Ans.)

SCR of the alternator = 1 = 1 = 0.34 (Ans.)

Xs 2.94

6.40 Two-Reactance Concept for Salient Pole Synchronous Machines

In case of a multi-polar cylindrical rotor machine, the airgap is uniform and therefore, its reactance
remains the same, irrespective of the rotor position. The effect of armature reaction, fluxes and
voltages induced can, therefore, be treated in a simple way with concept of a synchronous reactance
and taking it as constant for all positions of field poles with respect to the armature. But in case of
598 Electrical Machines

a salient pole synchronous machine, the air-gap is non-uniform due to which its reactance varies
with the rotor position. Therefore, a salient pole machine possesses two axes of geometric symmetry
(i) field pole axis, called direct axis or d-axis and
(ii) axis passing through the centres of the inter-polar space, called the quadrature axis or q-axis,
These axes are shown in Fig. 6.80. In case of a cylindrical rotor machines, there is only one
axis of symmetry (pole axis or direct axis).


S N or
+ + ++ + + d-Axis

Fig. 6.80 Representation of d-axis and q-axis

Thus, for salient pole machines, the reluctance of the magnetic paths on which the induced emf
depends, acts differently along the direct axis and quadrature axis. The reluctance of the direct axis
magnetic circuit is due to yoke and teeth of the stator, air-gap, and pole shoe and core of the rotor. In
quadrature axis, the reluctance is mainly due to large air-gap in the interpolar space.
Thus it is observed that because of non-uniformity of the reluctance of the magnetic paths, the
mmf of the armature is divided into two components namely:
(i) a direct acting component and (ii) a quadrature (or cross) component.
We have seen that when armature current is in phase with the excitation voltage E the entire mmf
of the armature acts at right angles to the axis of the salient poles and, therefore, all the armature
mmf is in quadrature. But, if the armature current is in quadrature with the excitation voltage E, the
entire mmf of the armature acts directly along the magnetic axis of the salient poles. Hence, all of
the armature mmf is either added or subtracted from the mmf of the salient pole field. However when
the phase difference between armature current and excitation voltage, is of some angle in between 0
and 90°, the armature mmf will have both a direct acting and a quadrature component. The direct-
acting component is proportional to the sine of the phase angle between the armature current and
excitation voltage, whereas the quadrature (or cross) component is proportional to the cosine of the
phase angle between the armature current and the excitation voltage.
The two reactance concept is similar to the synchronous impedance concept where the effect of
armature reaction is taken into account by means of equivalent armature reactance voltage. Since,
there is difference in the reluctance of the magnetic paths upon which the two components of the
armature mmf act, the value of the equivalent reactance for the direct component of armature mmf
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 599

is greater than the value of the equivalent reactance for the quadrature component of the armature
mmf. Thus the two-reactance concept for salient-pole machines replaces the effect of armature
reaction by two fictitious voltages. These reactance voltages are respectively Id X ad and IqXaq, where
Id and Iq are the components of the armature current along direct and quadrature axis respectively.
Each of these components of armature current also, produce a leakage-reactance voltage caused by
the armature leakage flux. However, the armature leakage reactance exists is assumed to have the
same value X L for both components of the armature current, Therefore, synchronous reactance for
each component of the armature mmf is as follows:
Synchronous reactance for direct axis,

Xd = Xad + X L

Synchronous reactance for quadrature axis,

Xq = Xaq + X L
The voltage equation for each phase of the armature based on the two-reactance concept,
V = E 0 - I R - I d X d - I q Xq

Usually, for salient pole synchronous machines Xq = 0.6 to 0.7 times Xd whereas in cylindrical
rotor machines Xq = Xd

6.40.1 Determination of Xd and Xq by Low Voltage Slip Test

To determine the value of Xd and Xq. a low voltage slip test is performed on the machine, as described
Step-I: The circuit is arranged as shown in Fig. 6.81.

Fig. 6.81 Circuit for low-voltage test

Step-II: A three-phase balanced reduced voltage (say V volt) is applied to the stator winding of the
unexcited machine operating at a speed little less than its synchronous speed (slip being less than 1%).
Step-III: Using oscillographs, measure and draw the wave shapes of the voltage applied across
armature winding, current flowing through it and the voltage induced in the field winding (see Fig.
Theory: When low voltage V is applied to the stator winding, a current I flows through it which
produces stator mmf. This stator mmf moves slowly relative to the poles and induces an emf in the
circuit at slip frequency.
600 Electrical Machines

When the axis of the poles and axis of the armature reaction mmf wave coincide, the armature
mmf acts through the field magnetic circuit. The voltage applied to the armature is then equal to drop
caused by the direct component of armature reaction reactance and leakage reactance.

Fig. 6.82 Wave diagrams for applied voltage and armature current

When the armature reaction mmf is in quadrature with the field poles, the applied voltage is equal
to the leakage reactance drop plus the equivalent voltage drop of the corresponding field component.
Accordingly, the value Xd and Xq is determined from the oscillograph record as mentioned below :
Maximum voltage Minimum voltage
Xd = and Xq =
Minimum current Maximum current

6.41 Construction of Phasor Diagram for Two-Reaction Concept

To construct the phasor diagram for two reaction concept, the values of Xd and Xq must be known.
The following steps are used in sequence to draw a phasor diagram:
(i) Taking voltage phasor as a reference vector, the current phasor OI is drawn lagging behind the
voltage vector by an angle I depending upon the load conditions as shown in Fig. 6.83.

Fig. 6.83 Phasor diagram of a salient pole alternator

Synchronous Generators or Alternators 601

(ii) From the extreme point of the voltage phasor a line parallel to current phasor OI and equal to
IR is drawn.
(iii) From the extreme point of the phasor IR a line perpendicular to current phasor OI and equal to
IXq is drawn
(iv) Draw a line from the origin O passing through the extreme point of IXq phasor. This line gives
the direction of excitation voltage E 0.
(v) Knowing the direction of E 0 the currents ld and Iq are drawn and their values are determined.
(vi) From extreme point of vector IR, draw a vector IdXd perpendicular to Id and IqXq from the
extreme point of vector IdXd, as shown in Fig. 6.83, perpendicular to Iq.
(vii) By adding vectorially IdXd and Iq Xq to extremity of phasor IR, the magnitude of excitation
voltage E 0 is determined.
The angle T between E 0 and I is called the internal power factor angle whereas, the angle G
between E 0 and V is called the load or power angle.
The phasor diagram is redrawn in Fig. 6.84 taking E 0 in horizontal direction.
From Fig. 6.84

Fig. 6.84 Phasor diagram of an alternator with two reaction concept

Id = I sin TIq = I cos T

In right ‘triangle BFE,
–BFE = q (since line BF is perpendicular to phasor OI and line EF is perpendicular to phasor
E 0. Again redrawing the phasor diagram with extended lines is shown in Fig. 6.85.

Fig. 6.85 Phasor diagram considering armature

602 Electrical Machines

From 'OGF

tan T= GF = GB + BF = HA + BF
V sin f + IX q
= (for* generating action) …(i)
V cos f + IR
V sin f - IX q V sin f + IX q
= or T= tan -1 …(ii)
V cos f - IRa V cos f + IRa
Load angle G = T– I (for* generating action)
For lagging power factor, angle I is taken as +ve but for leading power factor it is taken as –ve.
Usually, the value armature resistance is so small as compared to reactance that it is neglected,
then the phasor diagram becomes as shown in Fig. 6.86.The load angle G can be determined directly
as below:

Fig. 6.86 Phasor diagram neglecting armature resistance

G = T– I (generating action)

or T= I+ Gin general …(iii)
Direct-axis component, Id = I sin T= I sin (I + G) …(iv)
Quadrature axis component, Iq= I cos T = I cos (I+ G) …(v)
V sin G = IqXq = I cos T Xq = IXq cos (I + G) …(vi)
= IXq (cos Icos G– sin Isin G)
or V sin G= IXq cos I cos G – IXq sin Isin G
or V = IXq cos I cot G – IXq sin I
or IXq cos I cot G= V + IXq sin I
IX q cos f
or tan G= …(vii)
V + IX q sin f

V sin f - IX q
* For motoring action, tan T =
V cos f - IR
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 603

If R is neglected, E 0 = V cos G+ IdXd …(viii)

If R is considered, E 0 = V cos G+ IR cos T + IdXd = V cos G + IqR + IdXd …(ix)
*Note: For motoring action, all the equations will be as mentioned below:
G = I– Tor T = I– G
 Id = I sin (I – G)
Iq = I cos (I– G)
V = IXq cos I cot G + IXq sin I
IX q cos f
tan G=
V - IX q sin f
E 0 = V cos G – IdXd (when R is neglected)
E 0 = V cos G – IR cos T – Id Xd (when R is considered)

6.42 Power Developed by a Salient Pole Synchronous Generator

(Neglecting mechanical losses)
Power developed per phase,
Pd = Power output (Pout) per phase
= VI cos Iconsidering that R or copper loss is negligible
Referring Fig. 6.86
IqXq = V sin G …(i)
IdXd = E 0 – V cos G …(ii)
Also I cos I= Id sin G+ Iq cos G
Therefore, power developed per phase, P = VId sin G + VIq cos G
Substituting values of Id and Iq, we get,
E - V cos d V sin d
P = V. 0 sin d + V . cos d
d q
E V 2 2
= 0 sin d - V sin d cos d + V sin d cos d
d d q
E V È ˘
= 0 sin d + V 2 Í 1 - 1 ˙ sin d cos d
X Í Xq X ˙
d Î d˚

E V 2È ˘
= 0 sin d + V Í 1 - 1 ˙ sin 2d
X 2 ÍX X ˙
d Î q d˚
604 Electrical Machines

For 3-phase synchronous generators, power developed will be,

3E V 2È ˘
P= 0 sin d + 3V Í 1 - 1 ˙ sin 2d
X 2 ÍX X ˙
d Î q d˚
From the above expression, it is very clear that power developed consists of two terms, the first
term representing power due to excitation and the second term represents the reluctance power i.e.,
power due to salient rotor construction. In case of a cylindrical rotor machine Xd = Xq and hence the
second term becomes zero and the power is given by the first term only.

Example 6.33
A three-phase star-connected salient pole synchronous generator is driven at a speed slightly less
then synchronous speed with open circuited field winding. Its stator is supplied from a balanced
three-phase supply. Voltmeter connected across the line gave minimum and maximum readings
of 2810 and 2830 volt. The line current varies between 365 and 280 ampere. Find the direct and
quadrature axis synchronous reactances per phase. Neglect armature resistance.

Maximum voltage = 2830 V
Minimum voltage = 2810 V
Maximum current = 365 A
Minimum current = 280 A
Direct-axis synchronous reactance, per phase, Xd
Maximum voltage / Phase
Minimum current
= 2830 = 5.83 W (Ans)
3 ¥ 280
Quadrature synchronous reactance, per phase,
Minimum voltage / phase
Xq =
Maximum current
= 2810 = 4.44 :(Ans)
3 ¥ 280
Example 6.34
A three-phase, 3300 V, 50 Hz, star-connected alternator has an effective resistance of 0.5 :/phase.
A field current of 30 A produces full-load current of 180 A on short-circuit and a line to line emf of
1000 V on open circuit. Determine
(i) the power angle of the alternator when it delivers full-load at 0.8 pf (lag)
(ii) the SCR of the alternator.

Here, VL = 3300 V: Ifl = I =180 A: If = 30 A: EOL =1000 V; R = 0.5 : / phase
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 605

Phase voltage, V = = 3300 = 1905 V
3 3
OC phase voltage
Synchronous impedance per phase, Zs = for the same field current
SC current per phase

= 1000 / 3 = 3.21 :
Synchronous impedance per phase, Xs = Z s2 - R 2 = (3.21)2 - (0.5)2 = 3.165 :

cos I =0.8 lagging; sin I = sin cos-10.8 = 0.6

Open-circuit voltage per phase, E = (V cos f + IR )2 + (V sin f + IX e )2

= (1905 ¥ 0.8 + 180 ¥ 0.5)2 + (1905 ¥ 0.6 + 180 ¥ 3.165)2

= (1614)2 + (1712.7)2 = 2353 V

Power output per phase, P = V I cos I = 1905 uu = 274320 W

Power developed per phase due to field excitation

P = EV sin d neglecting losses

sin G= s = 274320 ¥ 3.165 = 0.1937
EV 2353 ¥ 1905
(i) Power angle of alternator G = sin–1 0.1937 = 11.17° (Ans.)

(ii) SCR of alternator = 1 = 1 = 0.316 (Ans.)

X 3.165
Example 6.35
A three-phase, star-connected salient pole, alternator at 4.5 MVA, 6000 V, has a resistance of 2%
and leakage reactance of 10%. A field current of 60 A produces short-circuit armature current equal
to full-load current. The armature cross-reaction per armature turn is half of the direct reaction.
The open-circuit characteristic is as follows:
Field current in ampere 30 50 75 100 140
Terminal voltage in volt 2906 4700 6600 7500 8300
Find the percentage regulation on full load at a power factor of 0.8 (lagging)

Converting terminal line voltage to phase voltages:
Field current in A: 30 50 75 100 140
O.C. phase voltage in V: 2906 / 3 4700 / 3 6600 / 3 7500 / 3 8300 / 3
1678 2714 3810 4330 4792
The OCC is drawn as shown in Fig. 6.87
606 Electrical Machines

Fig. 6.87 OCC as per data Fig. 6.88 Phasor diagram

The phasor diagram for full load 0.8 power factor (lagging) is drawn as shown in Fig. 6.88,

where, OA = V = 6000 = 3464 V (phase value) = 100%

AB = 1.5% drawn parallel to current vector OI
BC = 10% drawn quadrature to OI
OC = is the vector sum of OA, AB and BC

E = OC (100 + 1.5 cos f + 10 sin q )2 + (10 cos f  1.5 sin f )2

= (100 + 1.5 ¥ 0.8 + 10 ¥ 0.6)2 + (10 ¥ 0.8  1.5 ¥ 0.6)2

3464 ¥ 107.43
= (107.2)2 + (7.1)2 = 107.43% = = 3721.5 V
From OCC the field excitation corresponding to 3721.5 V, I = 70A.
Now, draw vector OD perpendicular to OC (i.e., E) to represent excitation required to induce E,
equivalent to 70A.
Draw DE = 60A, parallel to OI, to represent excitation equivalent to full-load armature reaction
on short circuit.
The vector DE is divided at X such that DX = K. DE where K is the ratio of the cross- reaction to
the direct reaction per ampere-turn. In this case K = 0.5 therefore, DX = EX.
Now draw a line OX and extend it. Draw a perpendicular from E on this line to meet at F. Then
OF is the exciting current required to balance the direct reaction (DG), to balance cross-reaction
(GF) and full load exciting field (OD).
By measurement OF = 113 A
The emf generated corresponding to excitation of 113 ampere = 4700V

Percentage regulation = 4700 - 3464 ¥ 100 = 35.7% (Ans.)

Synchronous Generators or Alternators 607

Example 6.36
A three-phase alternator has a direct axis synchronous reactance of 1.0 pu and a quadrature axis
synchronous reactance of 0.65 pu per phase. When the machine is operating at full load at a pf of
0.8 lagging, draw the phase diagram and estimate from there (i) the load angle and (ii) pu no-load
emf. Neglect armature resistance.

Here, Xd = l.0 pu; Xq = 0.65 pu; cos I = 0.8 lagging
Terminal voltage, V = 1.0 pu
Armature current, I = 1.0 pu
Now, cos I = 0.8; sin I = sin cos–10.8 = 0.6
(i) The phasor diagram is (shown in Fig. 6.89)

Fig. 6.89 Phasor diagram

From rt. angle triangle OIF

V sin f + IX q
tan T  IF = IA + AF =
OI OI V cos f

= 1 ¥ 0.6 + 1 ¥ 0.65 = 1.5625

1 ¥ 0.8
and T= tan–1 1.5625 = 57.38°
(ii) Load angle, G= T– I= 57.38° – 36.87° = 20.51° (Ans.)
Direct-axis component of current, Id = I sin T= 1 × sin 57.38° = 0.8423 p u
No-load emf, E 0 = V cos G + IdXd
= 1.0 × cos 20.51° + 0.8423 × 1.0 = 1.7789 (Ans.)

Example 6.37
The direct and quadrature axis synchronous reactances of a three-phase, 6.6 kV, 4 MVA, 32 salient
pole alternator are 9 and 60 ohm respectively. Determine its regulation and excitation emf needed
to maintain 6.6 kV at the terminals when supplying a load of 2.5 MVA at 0.8 pf lagging. What
maximum power can this alternator supply at the rated terminal voltage if the field becomes open
circuited? Neglect armature resistance.
608 Electrical Machines

Here, VL = 6600V; cos I = 0.8 lagging; Xd = 9:; Xq = 6:

Terminal voltage per phase, V = 6600 = 3810 V


Armature current, I = 2.5 ¥ 106 = 273.37 A

3 ¥ 6600 ¥ 0.8
I= 0.8; sin I= sin cos–10.8 = 0.6
IX cos f
Now, tan G=
= 273.37 ¥ 6 ¥ 0.8 = 0.2737
V + IX sin f 3810 + 273.37 ¥ 6 ¥ 0.6
or G = tan–1 0.2737 = 15.3°
Angle, T= I+ G = 36.87 + 15.3 = 52.17°
Direct-axis component of current, Id = I sin T = 273.37 sin 52.17° = 216 A
Excitation voltage per phase, E 0 = V cos G + IdXd
= 3810 × cos 15.3° + 216 × 9 = 5619 V
Excitation voltage (line value) = 3 ¥ 5619 = 9732 V (Ans.)

Percentage regulation = 5619 - 3810 ¥ 100 = 47.48% (Ans.)

V2 È 1 ˘
When the field is open-circuited, the power developed = L Í - 1 ˙ sin 2d .
2 ÍX X ˙
Î q d˚
The power developed will be maximum for sin 2G = 1 and so the maximum power, that the
alternator can supply at the rated terminal voltage, with field open-circuited.

V2 È 1 ˘ (6600)2
È 1 - 1 ˘ = 1210000 W or 1.21 MW (Ans.)
= L Í - 1 ˙ =
2 ÍX X ˙ 2 ÍÎ 6 9 ˙˚
Î q d˚

Example 6.38
A 3-phase, star connected, 10 kVA, 400 V, salient pole alternator with direct and quadrature axis
reactances of 15 ohm and 8 ohm respectively, delivers full-load current at 0.8 power factor lagging.
Calculate the excitation voltage, neglecting resistance.

Here, VL = 400 V; 10 kVA; Xd = 15 :; Xq = 8 :; cos I = 0.8 lagging

Terminal voltage per phase, V = 400 = 231 V


Armature current, I = kVA ¥ 1000 = 10 ¥ 1000 = 14.43 A

3V 3 ¥ 400
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 609

cos I 0.8; sin I = sin cos–10.8 = sin 36.87° = 0.6

IX cos f
Now, tan G =
= 14.43 ¥ 8 ¥ 0.8 = 0.3076
V + IX sin f 231 + 14.43 ¥ 8 ¥ 0.6
Load angle, G = tan–1 0.3076 = 17.1°
Angle, T= G+ I= 17.1° + 36.87° = 53.97°
Direct-axis component of current, Id = I sin T= 14.43 × sin 53.97° = 11.67 A
Excitation voltage, E 0 = V cos G + IdXd = 231 cos 17.10° + 11.67 × 15
= 396 V
Excitation line voltage, E 0L = 3 ¥ 396 = 686 V (Ans.)

Example 6.39
The armature of a three-phase, star-connected, 10 kVA, 400 V, 50 Hz salient pole alternator has
a resistance of 1 ohm per phase. Its direct and quadrature axis reactances are 15 ohm and 9 ohm
respectively. The machine is delivering rated load at rated voltage and pf 0.8 lagging. If the load angle
is 17°, find (i) The direct axis and quadrature axis component of armature current. (ii) excitation
voltage of the generator.

Here, VL = 400 V; R = I :; Xd = 15 :; Xq = 9 :; cos I = 0.8 lagging; G = 17°
cos I = 0.8 lagging; I = cos–10.8 = 36.87°; sin I = sin 36.87° = 0.6

Terminal voltage per phase, V = 400 = 231 V


Armature, I = kVA ¥ 1000 = 10 ¥ 1000 = 14.43 A

3V 3 ¥ 400
Phaser diagram is shown in Fig. 6.90.

Fig. 6.90 Phasor diagram

V sin f + IX q
Determination of angle T, tan T= GF = GB + BF =
OG OH + HG V cos f + IR
610 Electrical Machines

= 231 ¥ 0.6 + 14.43 ¥ 9 = 1.3475

231 ¥ 0.8 + 14.43 ¥ 1
T = tan–1 1.3475 = 53.42°
Direct-axis component of armature current, Id = I sin T= 14.43 sin 53.42° = 11.59 A (Ans.)
Quadrature-axis component of armature current, Iq = I cos T = 14.43 cos 53.42° = 8.6 A (Ans.)
Excitation voltage, E 0 = V cos G + IqR + IdXd
= 231 cos 16.15° + 8.6 × 1 + 11.59 × 15
= 221.88 + 8.6 + 173.85 = 404.33 V
EOL = 3 ¥ 404.33 = 700 V (Ans.)

Section Practice Problems

Numerical Problems
1. A three-phase star-connected salient pole synchronous generator is driven at a speed slightly less than
synchronous speed with open circuited field winding. Its stator is supplied from a balanced three-phase
supply. Voltmeter connected across the line gave maximum and minimum readings of 2820 and 2800 volt.
The line current varies between 275 and 360 ampere. Find the direct and quadrature axis synchronous
reactances per phase. Neglect armature resistance. (Ans. 5.92 ohm, 4.5 ohm)

2. A three-phase, star-connected salient pole, alternator at 5000 kVA, 6 kV, has a resistance of 1.5% and
leakage reactance of 10%. A field current of 60 A produces short-circuit armature current equal to full-
load current. The armature cross-reaction per armature turn is half of the direct reaction. The open-circuit
characteristic is as follows:
Field current in ampere 25 50 75 100 140
Terminal voltage in volt 2340 4700 6600 7500 8300
Find the percentage regulation on full load at a power factor of 0.8 (lagging) by mmf method.
(Ans. 23.94%)

3. The direct and quadrature axis synchronous reactances of a three-phase, star connected, 3500 kVA,
6600 V, 32-pole salient pole alternator are 9.6 and 6 ohm, respectively, when measured by the slip test.
If armature resistance is neglected, determine; (i) Regulation and excitation emf required to maintain the
rated voltage at the terminals when delivering a load of 2500 kW at 0.8 pf lagging. (ii) What maximum
power can this machine supply at the rated terminal voltage if the field becomes open-circuited?
(Ans. 1361 kW )

4. A 10 kVA, 4380 V, 50 Hz, three-phase, star-connected salient pole synchronous generator has direct axis
and quadrature axis reactances of 12 : and 8 : respectively. The armature has a resistance of 1 : per
phase. The generator delivers rated load at 0.8 pf lagging with the terminal voltage being maintained at
rated value. If the load angle is 16.15°, determine.
(i) the direct axis and quadrature axis components of armature current,
(ii) excitation voltage of the generator. (Ans. 12.14 A, 9.14 A; 633 V )
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 611

Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1. What is the use of slip test performed on an alternator?
Ans. It is performed to determine the value of synchronous reactance for direct axis Xd and synchronous
reactance for quadrature axis Xq.

Q.2. Why two reaction theory is applied only to salient pole synchronous machines?
Ans. In case of salient pole machines, the air-gap is not uniform and its reactance varies with the rotor
position. Because of this non-uniformity of the reactance of the magnetic paths, the mmf of the armature
is divided into two components called direct-acting component along the field pole axis i.e direct-axis
and quadrature-component along the axis passing through the centre of the two consecutive salient
poles i.e., quadrature axis.

Q.3. What are the factors on which the power angle d depends?
Ans. The power angle d depends upon the following factors:
(i) Supply voltage (ii) armature current
(iii) load power factor and (iv) quadrature component of synchronous reactance.

Q.4. How the value of SCR affect the stability limit?

Ans. We know Xd =, smaller the value of SCR, larger is the value of Xd. Now maximum power output of a
machine is inversely proportional to Xd.
Hence, larger the value of Xd lower will be the stability.
Thus, smaller the value of SCR lower will be the stability limit.

6.43 Transients in Alternators

A sudden change in the operating conditions of an alternator causes transients. Transients may occur
due to
(i) Switching
(ii) Sudden change of load
(iii) Short –circuiting (either line-to line or line to neutral or short circuiting of all the terminals)
The short-circuiting of thermals may develop severe mechanical stresses on the armature winding
which may damage the machine or its prime-mover.
Therefore, it is desirable to analyse the synchronous machines under such conditions to predict
the possible conditions that may occur due to these abnormal operations.
The complete analysis of transient conditions that may occur due to short – circuiting is quite
extensive and beyond the scope of this book. However, we shall limit our discussions regarding this
phenomena to the extent that how to determine the short-circuit transient currents and the reactance
that limit these currents.
The analysis of transients depends upon two fundamental facts i.e.,
(i) The current in an inductive circuit cannot change instantly and
(ii) The theory of constant flux linkages which states that flux linkages cannot change with a closed
circuit having zero resistance and no source.
612 Electrical Machines

Consider a three-phase alternator running at synchronous speed with its DC field excitation,
without any load. When a short-circuit occurs at its terminals, the resulting currents in the three
phases will develop as shown in Fig. 6.91.

Fig. 6.91 Wave diagram of currents on the three-phases

The armature current in each phase has an AC as well as DC component. The AC component
corresponds to the armature current required to oppose the time varying flux produced by the field
winding as it rotates and the DC component corresponds to the initial flux linkages exist at the
instant of short circuit. The net resultant of these currents produces the armature flux linkages. Each
phase of armature keeps its initial flux linkages constant. The similar effects occur in the rotor field
winding and these actions occur simultaneously.
Most of the synchronous machines have damper winding which has resistance, self-inductance
and mutual inductance with respect to armature and field windings. This winding also affects the
short circuit currents.
The transient conditions (currents) do not remain indefinitely. These tend to decay due to resistance
of armature and field winding, as shown in Fig. 6.92.
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 613

Fig. 6.92 Symmetrical short-circuit stator current in synchronous machine

As the voltage at the three phases are 120° out of phase, the short circuit occur at different voltages
at the three phases. Accordingly the AC component of currents, at the instant of short circuit, is
different in each phase. As a result the DC component of armature current is also different in each
phase. The total initial current in about 1.5 times AC component of current.
As shown in Fig. 6.92, the AC component of current can be divided into three distinct periods
(i) Subtransient period: During one cycle or so, the AC current is very large and falls very rapidly.
This period of time is called subtransient period and the rms value of AC current flowing during
this period is called sub-transient current (Is). This current is developed due to the effect of
both damper and field winding. It falls quickly with a time constant Tds
(ii) Transient period: After sub-transient period, the current continues to fall but at slow rate till it
attains a steady value. This period of slow decay is called transient period and the rms value
of AC current during this period is called transient current (Ic). it is caused in the field winding
at the instant of short circuit. The time constant of transient period (Tdc) is much longer (nearly
5 times) than the sub-transient time period. It is because the time constant of field winding
circuit is much longer than damper winding circuit.
(iii) Steady state period: After transient period, the short circuit current reaches a steady state value
ISC It persists as long the circuit is not opened by some protective device.
It is possible to observe the three periods of current if the rms value of AC component is plotted as
a function of time on a semi-log scale, as shown in Fig. 6.93. Accordingly, it is possible to determine
the time constants Tds and Tdc from such a plot.

6.43.1 Sub-transient, Transient and Direct-Reactance

Sub-transient current Is is the rms value of the initial current which occur at the instant of short
circuit (i.e., oa 2 ) the corresponding value of reactance is known as direct axis sub-transient
reactance (Xds).
614 Electrical Machines

The transient current envelope cuts the y-axis at point b (see Fig. 6.92). Ic is the rms value of
transient current (i.e., ob 2 ) and the corresponding value of reactance is called direct axis transient
reactance (Xdc).
Similarly, the rms value of the current represented by intercept oc (i.e., oc 2 ) is known as steady
state short circuit current ISC and the corresponding reactance is called the direct axis reactance Xd.
Thus Xd s = = … (i)
I" oa
Xd c = = …(ii)
I’ ob
Xd = = …(iii)
I SC oc

Fig. 6.93 Graph for transient current

Where EO is the rms value of the open circuit voltage per phase.
Also, Is = o ; I ¢ = o and I = o
X d¢¢ X d¢ SC
The rms value of current at any time t [i.e., I (t)] after short circuit can be determined by the equation
-t / Td¢¢ -t / Td¢
I(t) = ( I ¢¢ - I ¢)e + ( I ¢ - ISC ) + ISC …(iv)

Example 6.40
A three-phase, 11kV 100 MVA synchronous generator is running at synchronous speed with rated
voltage at no-load. Suddenly, a short circuit fault develops at its terminals, the per unit reactances are
Xds = 0.15; Xdc = 0.25; Xd = 1.0
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 615

The time constants are Tds = 0.05 s and Tdc = 1.2 s and the initial DC component in such that
the total current is 1.8 times of the initial AC component of current. Find
(i) AC component of current at the instant of short circuit
(ii) total current at the instant of short circuit
(iii) AC component of current after 2 cycles
(iv) AC component of current after 4 s

Here, VL = 11 kV; rating = 100 MVA; Tds = 0.05 s; Tdc =1.2 s

Xds = 0.15 pu; Xdc = 0.25 pu; Xd = 1.0 pu

Base current (full-load) = MVA ¥ 106 = 100 ¥ 106 = 5248.6 A

3 ¥ VL in kV ¥ 103 3 ¥ 11 ¥ 103
(i) Sub-transient current i.e., AC component of current at the instant of short circuit,

Is = E = 1.0 = 6.667 pu = 6.667 u5248.6 = 34991 A (Ans.)

X d¢¢ 0.15
(ii) Total current (AC plus DC) at the instant of fault

= 1.8 u Is = 1.8 u 34991 = 62983 A (Ans.)

Transient current, Ic = E = 1.0 = 4.0 pu = 4.0 u5248.6 = 20994.4 A

X d¢ 0.25
Steady-state short circuit current,

ISC = E = 1.0 = 1.0 pu

X d 1.0
= 1.0 u 5248.6 = 5248.6 A

(iii) The AC component of current after time (t)

-t / Td¢¢ -t / Td¢
I(t) = ( I ¢¢ - I ¢)e + ( I ¢ - ISC )e + ISC

Here t = 2 = 0.04 s
I(t) = (34991 - 20994.4)e -0.04 / 0.05 + (20994.4 - 5248.6)e -0.04 / 1.2 + 5248.6

= 6288.7 + 15229.3 + 5248.6 = 26766.6 A (Ans.)

(iv) When t = 4 s

I(t) = (34991 - 20994.4)e -4 / 0.05 + (20994.4 - 5248.6)e -4 / 1.2 + 5248.6

= 0 + 561.4 + 5248.6 = 5810 A (Ans.)

616 Electrical Machines

6.44 Losses in a Synchronous Machine and Efficiency

A synchronous machine is used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy or vice-versa.
While doing so, the whole of input energy does not appear at the output but a part of it is lost in the
form of heat in the surroundings. This wasted energy is called losses in the machine.
These losses affect the efficiency of the machine. A reduction in these losses leads to higher
efficiency. Thus, the major objective in the design of a synchronous machine is to reduce these losses.
The various losses occurring in a synchronous machine can be sub-divided as:
1. Copper losses.
2. Iron losses.
3. Mechanical losses
4. Stray losses
1. Copper losses: The various windings of the synchronous machine such as armature and field
winding are made of copper and have some resistance. When current flows through them, there
will be power loss proportional to the square of their respective currents. These power losses
are called copper losses.
In general, the various copper losses in a synchronous machine are:
(i) Armature copper loss = I2 R
(ii) Field winding copper loss = If2 Rf
(iii) Brush contact loss = I2 Rb
The brush contact loss is generally included in field winding copper losses.
2. Iron losses: The losses which occur in the iron parts of the DC machine are called iron losses
or core losses or magnetic losses. These losses consist of the following:
(i) Hysteresis loss: Whenever a magnetic material is subjected to reversal of magnetic flux,
this loss occurs. It is due to retentivity (a property) of the magnetic material. It is expressed
with reasonable accuracy by the following expression:
Ph = Kh V f Bm
where, Kh = hysteresis constant in J/m3 i.e., energy loss per unit volume of magnetic material
during one magnetic reversal, its value depends upon nature of material;
V = volume of magnetic material in m3.
f = frequency of magnetic reversal in cycle/second and
Bm = maximum flux density in the magnetic material in tesla.
It occurs in the armature (stator core). To minimise this loss, the armature core is made
of silicon steel which has low hysteresis constant.
(ii) Eddy current loss: When flux linking with the magnetic material changes (or flux is cut
by the magnetic material) an emf is induced in it which circulates eddy currents through
it. These eddy currents produce eddy current loss in the form of heat. It is expressed with
reasonable accuracy by the expression:
Pe = KeVf 2t 2 B2m
where, Ke = constant called co-efficient of eddy current, its value depends upon the nature
of magnetic material;
t = thickness of lamination in m;
V, f and Bm are the same as above.
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 617

The major part of this loss occur in the armature core. To minimise this loss, the armature
core is laminated into thin sheets (0·3 to 0·5 mm) since this loss is directly proportional
to the square of thickness of the laminations.
3. Mechanical losses: As the field system of a synchronous machine is a rotating part, some power
is required to overcome:
(i) Air friction of rotating field system (windage loss).
(ii) Friction at the bearing and friction between brushes and slip rings (friction loss).
These losses are known as mechanical losses. To reduce these losses proper lubrication is done
at the bearings.
4. Stray losses. In addition to the iron losses, the core losses are also caused by distortion of the
magnetic field under load conditions and losses in insulation of armature and field winding, these
losses are called stray lasses. These losses are also included while determining the efficiency
of synchronous machines.
Efficiency of a synchronous Generator
The ratio of output power to the input power of a synchronous generator is called its efficiency.
Output Input - Losses
Efficiency, K = = = 1 - Losses
Input Input Input
Also, K=
Output + Losses

6.45 Power Flow Diagram

The power flow diagram for a synchronous machine working as a generation is shown in Fig. 6.94

Fig. 6.94 Power flow diagram

6.46 Necessity of Cooling

In the synchronous machine, following are the main losses;
(i) Copper losses (ii) Iron losses (iii) Mechanical losses.
Because of these losses heat is produced which increases the temperature of the machine. This
rise in temperature deteriorates the dielectric strength and ability to withstand mechanical stresses
of the insulation. Thus it reduces the life of insulation on which life of machine depends. The rise
in temperature further increases the losses and reduces the efficiency. Hence the rise in temperature
618 Electrical Machines

is very harmful for the electrical machines. Therefore, various means are adopted to dissipate this
heat into the atmosphere and to reduce the temperature of machine. At a stage when the rate of heat
production becomes equal to the rate of heat dissipation, final temperature is achieved. Hence, to
keep the temperature of the machine within the limits, efficient cooling method is necessary.

6.47 Methods of Cooling

Cooling methods of synchronous machine are broadly divided into;
(i) Open-circuit cooling (ii) Closed-circuit cooling
(i) Open-Circuit Cooling: In an open-circuit cooling system, a machine is cooled by the intake
of cold air taken from atmosphere, which passes through the machine and is expelled into the
To prevent clogging of the machine with dust which air always contains, a filter may be mounted
at the air intake, but it must be frequently cleaned. However, the filter increases the resistance
to air flow, requiring addition fan power.

Fig. 6.95 Open circuit cooling

In this method, fans are mounted on the rotor shaft which induces a stream of air flow into the
machine. The air enters the machine from one side and leaves at the other. Air flows axially
and radially in the machine and cools it (see Fig. 6.95). In bigger machines separate fans are
driven by the independent motor are employed to circulate more air and improve the cooling
(ii) Closed-Circuit Cooling: The closed-circuit cooling
system is one in which the same volume of air
passes through a closed circuit. It passes through the
alternator, becomes heated, then it passes through air
cooler, where it is cooled down and again circulated
through the alternator by a forced fan as shown in Fig.
6.96. The air thus circulates in a closed system. The
closed-circuit cooling system is widely used with large
synchronous generators.
In closed-circuit cooling system not only air, but also
other gases may be used for cooling of large synchronous
Fig. 6.96 Closed circuit cooling
generators. At present hydrogen at a pressure of 3–4
atmosphere is mainly used.
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 619

Hydrogen cooling has a number of valuable advantages over air cooling as mentioned below;
1. The heat conductivity of hydrogen is 7 times greater than that of air and as a result the surface
heat-transfer coefficient is 1·4 times greater than air. Hydrogen, therefore, cools a machine more
effectively and a machine of higher output can be built with smaller dimensions.
2. Hydrogen is 14 times lighter than air. Hence, the windage losses, which in high speed machines
make up the bulk of the total losses, decreases to about one-tenth of the losses when air is used.
This results in the increase in efficiency of the machine.
3. With the use of hydrogen, when the corona phenomena occurs ozone gas is not liberated to
cause intense oxidation of the insulation. Thus the service life of insulation is improved.

6.48 Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance and routine inspection techniques conserve and prolong the life of electric
machinery. Synchronous machines with general purpose ball or roller bearings require periodic
lubrication while those equipped with self-lubricating “lifetime” bearings require no lubrication at
all. It may be noted that in lubricating electric machinery (synchronous machines), excessive oiling is
just as damaging as insufficient lubrication. Hence, periodic and appropriate lubrication is required.
In synchronous machines, the brushes and sliprings also require periodic maintenance in addition
to lubrication. The sliprings must be checked and cleaned periodically for dust sticking on its surface.
Care must be taken that there should not be any type of oil leakage onto the stator. This may
cause insulation breakdown of stator winding.
The body temperature and insulation temperature must be recorded frequently. Its value must
fall within the prescribed limits.

Section Practice Problems

Numerical Problems
1. A three-phase, 11kV 100 MVA synchronous generator is running at synchronous speed with rated voltage
at no-load. Suddenly, a short circuit fault develops at its terminals, the per unit reactances are
Xds= 0.12; Xdc = 0.25; Xd = 1.0
The time constants are Tds = 0.04 s and Tdc = 1.1 s and the initial DC component in such that the total
current is 1.5 times of the initial AC component of current. Find
(i) AC component of current at the instant of short circuit
(ii) total current at the instant of short circuit
(iii) AC component of current after 2 cycles
(iv) AC component of current after 5 s (Ans. 43738 A: 65608 A: 28800 A: 5416 A)

Short Answer Type Questions

Q1. What do you mean by transient conditions in alternators?
Ans. A sudden change in the operating conditions of an alternator causes transients.
620 Electrical Machines

Q.2. When the alternator terminals are suddenly short-circuited due to any fault, what do you mean by
subtransient, transient and steady state period
Ans. Subtransient period: During one cycle or so, the AC current is very large and falls very rapidly, this
period is called subtransient period (Tds)
Transient period: After subtransient period, the current continues to fall but at slow rate till it attains
steady value, this period between subtransient and steady state period is called transient period (Tdc).
Steady state period: After transient period, the current attains a steady value (ISC) till the fault is removed
this period is called steady state period.

Q.3. What are the losses in a synchronous machine?

Ans. 1. Copper loss 2. Iron loss
3. Mechanical loss 4. Stray loss

Q.4. What are the methods of cooling of synchronous machines?

Ans. (i) Open circuit cooling (ii) Closed-circuit cooling.

Review Questions
1. Deduce the relation between number of poles frequency and speed of an alternator.
2. A Synchronous machine (generator or motor) is named as synchronous machine, why?
3. Name the various part of a synchronous machine. Give the function and material used for each of them.
4. Give the constructional details of cylindrical rotor alternator.
5. Explain the difference between salient pole and cylindrical pole type of rotor used in alternators. Mention
their applications.
6. Explain why the stator core of an alternator is laminated.
7. The Synchronous generators employed at hydro-electric power plant have larger diameter and smaller
length, why?
8. The Synchronous generators employed at steam power plants have smaller diameter and larger length,
9. List the advantages of making field system rotating and armature stationary in case of a alternator.
10. What is meant by ‘full pitch’ and ‘fractional pitch’ windings?
11. What are the advantages of using, ‘fractional pitch’ windings?
12. What is meant by distribution factor and how does it effects the generated emf of an alternator.
13. What are the advantages of using distributed winding in alternators.
14. Explain distribution factor and pitch factor in AC winding.
Explain the terms ‘breadth factor’ and ‘Pitch factor’ in case of alternator winding.
15. Why are double layer windings preferred over single layer winding in AC machines?
16. In case of AC system, give reasons why special efforts are made to ensure that the generated emf has a
sine wave.
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 621

17. The magnitude of induced emf in a synchronous generator decreases by employing short pitched and
distributed winding but still it is preferred, why?
18. The outer frame of a synchronous machine may not be made of magnetic material (cast iron), state why?
19. Derive an expression for induced emf for an alternator.
20. Prove that a three-phase supply when given to a three-phase winding produces a rotating magnetic field
of constant magnitude.
21. State what is the effect of armature current in an alternator on the main field:
(i) When it is in phase with the no-load induced emf
(ii) When it lags the no-load emf by 90°.
(iii) When it leads the no-load emf by 90°.
22. Explain the term (Armature reaction). Explain armature reaction both at lagging power factor and leading
power factor.
23. A pure inductive load is connected to a three-phase synchronous machine. Show by current and flux
distribution in the machine and vector diagram, the effect of this load on the terminal voltage.
24. State the causes of voltage drop in an alternator.
25. Explain the term synchronous impedance of an alternator.
26. Draw the open circuit and short circuit characteristics of a synchronous generator. Explain the shape of
the characteristics.
27. Draw the equivalent circuit of an alternator.
28. Draw the vector (phasor) diagram of a loaded alternator for unity, lagging and leading power factor.
29. Using phasor diagram, show how will you determine the induced emf in an alternator when the terminal
voltage. armature resistance drop and armature reactance drop are known. Consider that the load is
delivered at (i) unity pf, (ii) lagging pf and (iii) leading pf.
30. Name the factors responsible for making terminal voltage of an alternator less than induced voltage.
Explain them.
31. What do you understand by ‘Voltage regulation’ in the case of alternator?
32. Explain synchronous reactance and synchronous impedance in case of an alternator. How do they effect
the regulation of an alternator?
33. Modern alternators are designed to have large leakage reactance and very small armature resistance
34. Alternators do have negative regulation, state and explain why?
35. Draw the load characteristics of an alternator for different load power factor and describe it.
36. What do you mean by short-circuit ratio (SCR )? Show that SCR is reciprocal of synchronous impedance
in pu.
37. Why do the modern alternators are designed with a high value of SCR?
38. Describe how OC and SC tests are performed on an alternator in the laboratory. How will you be in position
to determine voltage regulation from these test?
39. Describe the mmf method of determining the voltage regulation of an alternator.
40. Make a comparison between synchronous impedance method and ampere-turn method of determining
voltage regulation of an alternator which method will you prefer and why?
622 Electrical Machines

41. Explain the experimental method of separating stator leakage reactance drop and drop due to armature
reaction, when the alternator is loaded.
42. Describe the Potier method of determining the voltage regulation of an alternator.
43. Define and explain two reaction theory applicable to salient pole alternators.
44. Describe the method of determining direct and quadrature axis reactance of a salient pole synchronous
45. What do you understand by the terms direct-axis synchronous reactance and quadrature-axis synchronous
reactance of a three-phase salient pole synchronous generator?
46. Describe the experimental method for determining the direct-axis and quadrature axis synchronous
reactances of a salient pole alternator.
47. Using two reaction theory, derive an expression for finding voltage regulation of a salient pole alternator.
Also draw the phasor diagram.
48. Describe the slip test method for determining the value of direct-axis and quadrature-axis synchronous
reactances of a synchronous machine.
49. Draw the phasor diagram of a salient pole synchronous generator delivering a load at lagging pf and
explain it.
50. Derive an expression for the power developed by a non-salient pole alternator as a function of power
angle, neglecting armature resistance.
51. Derive an expression for power developed by a salient pole alternator as a function of load angle.
52. A salient pole alternator is supplying power at its rated value with lagging power factor, draw and explain
its phasor diagram, also show that
2 È ˘
P = EV sin d + V Í 1 - 1 ˙ sin 2 d
Xd 2 Î Xq X d ˚
53. Which losses incur in a synchronous generator? How these losses are determined?
54. Why do we need to cool down the alternators? Describe the different methods by which alternators are
cooled down.
55. What are the advantages of hydrogen as a cooling medium as compared to air?
56. What precautions are taken while using hydrogen as a cooling medium for cooling of synchronous

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In an alternator the eddy current and hysteresis losses occur in
(a) Iron of field structure only (b) Iron of armature structure only.
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of above.
2. Which of the following prime mover is least efficient?
(a) Gas turbine (b) Petrol Engine
(c) Steam Engine (d) Diesel Engine.
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 623

3. The rotors preferred for alternators coupled to hydraulic turbines are

(a) salient pole type (b) cylindrical rotor type
(c) solid rotor type (d) any of above.
4. Stator of an alternator consists of
(a) an iron core (b) stator winding
(c) both a and b above (d) none above
5. An alternator having 8 poles rotating at 250 rpm will have
(a) 60 Hz (b) 50 Hz
(c) 25 Hz (d) 50/3 Hz
6. What is the largest size of alternator being manufactured in India.
(a) 110 MVA (b) 210 MVA
(c) 250 MVA (d) 500 MVA
7. An exciter is nothing but a
(a) DC shunt motor (b) DC series
(c) DC shunt generator (d) DC series generator
8. The rating of alternators is usually expressed in
(a) full load current (b) Horse power
(c) kVA (d) kW
9. For a three-phase, 4-pole alternator the winding is placed in 96 slots. The No. of slots/pole/phase will be
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 8 (d) 16
10. The number of electrical degrees completed in one revolution of a six pole synchronous generator is
(a) 120 (b) 360
(c) 720 (d) 1080
11. RMS value of voltage generated per phase in an alternator is given by:
(a) Eph = 4·44 Kc Kd N f f (b) Eph = 4·44 Kc Kd N f
(c) Eph = 4·44 Kc Kd N2 f f (d) Eph = 1·11 Kc Kd N f f
12. If the speed of an alternator is changed from 3000 rpm to 1500 rpm the generated emf/phase will become
(a) double (b) unchanged
(c) half (d) one fourth
13. In which of the following cases the wave form generated will be close to sine wave form.
(a) distributed winding with short pitch coils (b) distributed winding with full pitch coils
(c) concentrated winding with full pitch coils (d) same in all above.
14. A alternator has its field winding on the rotor and armature winding on the stator. When running under
steady state conditions its air gap field is
(a) stationary with respect to rotor.
(b) rotating at synchronous speed in the direction of rotor rotation.
(c) rotating at synchronous speed with respect to rotor,
(d) both a and b.
15. When a balanced three-phase distributed armature winding carries three-phase balanced currents, the
strength of the resultant rotating magnetic field is
(a) three times the amplitude of each constituent pulsating magnetic field.
(b) double to the amplitude of each constituent pulsating magnetic field.
624 Electrical Machines

(c) equal to the amplitude of each constituent pulsating magnetic field.

(d) one and half times the amplitude of each constituent of pulsating magnetic field.
16. Synchronous reactance of an alternator represents
(a) armature reaction reactance and leakage reactance.
(b) leakage reactance and field winding reactance.
(c) field winding reactance and armature reaction reactance
(d) a reactance connected in series with a synchronous generator.
17. The armature reaction effect in a synchronous machine depends on
(a) Terminal voltage. (b) Power factor of the load.
(c) Speed of the machine. (d) Type of prime-mover
18. For a leading pf load on an alternator implies that its voltage regulation shall be
(a) positive. (b) negative.
(c) zero. (d) any one of these.
19. Unbalanced three-phase stator current cause
(a) vibrations. (b) heating of rotor.
(c) double frequency currents in the rotor. (d) all of the these.
20. In a synchronous generator
(a) the open-circuit voltage (OC) lags the terminal voltage by an angle known as power angle.
(b) the OC voltage leads the terminal voltage by an angle known as power factor angle.
(c) the OC voltage leads the terminal voltage by an angle known as power angle.
(d) the OC voltage leads the terminal voltage by an angle known as power factor angle.
21. For Potier diagram, the zero power factor characteristic can be obtained by loading the alternator using
(a) lamp load. (b) water load.
(c) synchronous motor as load. (d) DC motor as load.
22. Curve A and B in the figure denote open circuit and full load zero power
factor characteristics of a synchronous generator. Where Q is a point on
the Z pf characteristics at 1.0 pu voltage. The vertical distance PQ in the
figure gives the voltage drop across
(a) synchronous reactance.
(b) armature reaction reactance.
(c) leakage reactance.
(d) Potier reactance.
23. By performing slip test we can determine
(a) slip.
(b) positive-sequence reactance and negative-sequence reactance.
(c) direct-axis reactance and quadrature axis reactance.
(d) sub-transient reactance.
24. In a slip test the direct-axis reactance (Xd) of a star- connected salient pole alternator is determined by
(a) Vmax / Imax (b) Vmin / Imax
(c) Vmax / Imin (d) Vmin / Imin
25. When a three-phase alternator is suddenly short circuited at its terminals, the initial value of short-circuit
current is limited by
Synchronous Generators or Alternators 625

(a) subtransient reactance Xds. (b) transient reactance Xdc.

(c) synchronous reactance XS. (d) sum of Xds, Xdc and XS.
26. If Xd, Xcd and Xds are steady-state d-axis synchronous reactance, transient d-axis reactance and
subtransient d-axis reactance of a synchronous machine respectively, then
(a) Xd < Xdc < Xds. (b) Xds < Xdc < Xd.
(c) Xdc > Xds > Xd. (d) Xd > Xds > Xdc.
27. The phase sequence of a three-phase AC generator will be reversed if
(a) the field current is reversed keeping the direction of rotation same,
(b) the field current remains the same but the direction of rotation is reversed.
(c) the field current is reversed and the number of poles is doubled.
(d) the number of poles is doubled without reversing the field current.
28. An alternator is delivering load to infinite busbar. Its prime mover suddenly shutdowns. The alternator
(a) continue to work as generator but the direction of rotation will be reversed
(b) come to standstill.
(c) continue to work as synchronous motor with same direction of rotation.
(d) start working as induction motor.
29. A synchronous generator is feeding power to an infinite bus and supplying power at UPF. If its excitation
is now decreased it will feed
(a) the same power but at leading pf.
(b) the same power but lagging pf.
(c) more power at unity pf.
(d) less power at unity pf.

Keys to Multiple Choice Questions

1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. d 6. d 7. c 8. c 9. c 10. d
11. a 12. c 13. a 14. d 15. d 16. a 17. b 18. d 19. d 20. c
21. c 22. a 23. c 24. c 25. a 26. b 27. b 28. c 29. a
Electrical Machines

Parallel Operation
of Alternators 7
Chapter Objectives
After the completion of this unit, students/readers will be able to understand:
Why alternators are required to be operated in parallel?
What are requirements for parallel operation of alternators?
What conditions are required to be fulfilled for proper synchronising?
What are the different methods by which alternators are synchronised?
How load is shifted from one alternator to the other?
How load is shared between the alternators?
What is synchronising current, power and torque?
What is the effect of change is input power, excitation, reactance and governor’s characteristics?
What is hunting? What are its ill-effects? And how it can be reduced? Working of synchronous
machine depends?

To meet with the ever increasing demand of electrical power, it is economical and advisable to run
number of generating units in parallel. Although a single larger unit used to meet with the demand
is more economical but it reduces the reliability. In fact, there are a number of good reasons to
use number of smaller units operating in parallel to meet with the existing demand. In the present
scenario, not only the number of units placed at one generating station are operated in parallel rather
all the other units placed at the other generating stations which are interconnected are also operating
in parallel with each other.
In this chapter, we shall study different aspect of parallel operation of alternators or synchronous

7.1 Necessity of Parallel Operation of Alternators

To meet with the demand of electrical power, a variety of generating stations hawing large capacity
have been erected. In the modern generating stations, where huge power is generated, several
alternators are operated in parallel.
Parallel Operation of Alternators 627

When number of alternators are connected to same bus-bars, they are called to be connected
in parallel.
Such practice is considered necessary for the following reasons:
1. Physical size: The output power of modern power stations is so high that it is difficult to build
a single unit of that capacity.
2. Reliability or continuity of service: Several small units are more reliable than a single large unit
because if one unit fails, the continuity of supply can be maintained by operating the other units.
3. Repair and maintenance: Repair and maintenance of a unit is more convenient and economical
if a large number of smaller units are installed at the power station.
4. Size and cost of stand-by unit: Since each unit is of smaller size, the cost of stand by unit is small.
5. Extension of power plant: The additional unit can be installed as and when the load demand
6. Operating efficiency: Moreover, the load on the power station varies greatly both during day and
night as well as during the different seasons. Thus the number of units operating at a particular
time can be varied depending upon the load at that time. This keeps the machines loaded upto
their rated capacity and hence results in increase in efficiency of operation as the efficiency of
an electrical machine is maximum at or near rated capacity.

7.2 Requirements for Parallel Operation of Alternators

The following are the requirements for the parallel operation of alternators:
1. Output voltage rating: The output voltage rating of all the alternators must be the same
2. Output frequency: The rated speed of all the machines should be such that they produce the
same frequency (f = PN/120).
3. Output wave shape: The output wave form of all the alternators must be the same, although
their kVA rating may be different.
4. Speed-load characteristics: The drooping speed-load characteristics of the prime-movers of
the alternators should be the same so that alternators share the load in their proportion as per
their output (kVA) rating.
5. Impedance triangles: The impedance triangles of the alternators should be identical for successful
parallel operation.

7.3 Synchronising Alternators

The procedure of connecting an alternator in parallel with another or with common bus-bars to
which a number of alternators are already connected, is called synchronising of alternators.

7.4 Conditions for Proper Synchronising

For proper synchronising of alternators, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
1. The terminal voltage of the incoming alternator must be equal to that of the bus-bar voltage.
628 Electrical Machines

2. The voltage of the incoming alternator should be in phase opposition to the bus-bar voltage.
This implies that there will be no circuiting current between the windings of the alternators
already connected to bus-bars and the incoming alternator.
3. The speed of the incoming alternator must be such that its frequency is equal to that of bus-bar
4. In case of three-phase alternators the phase of the incoming alternator must be identical with
the phase of the bus-bars. In other words, the phase sequence of the incoming alternator must
be same as that of the bus-bars.
Before studying the practical method of synchronising the alternators, we must be clear about the
situation that will arise if the above conditions are not achieved. Considering only two single-phase
alternators connected to the common bus-bars operating in parallel as shown in Fig. 7.1. A load is
connected to the bus-bars. There are two circuits to which current can be supplied by the alternators.
One circuit is the external load and the other is local internal circuit i.e., synchronous impedance
of the two alternators.

Fig. 7.1 Two 1-phase alternators connected in parallel

For the external circuit (i.e., load), the terminal voltage of the two alternators are equal and in
phase with each other as shown in Fig. 7.2 (a) and the alternators share the load current as per their
respective ratings.
Considering first and second condition, for correct synchronising, the terminal voltage of the
incoming alternator must be equal and opposite (180° out of phase) to the voltage of the alternator
already connected to the bus-bars with respect to the internal circuit as shown in Fig. 7.2 (b). Thus
the resultant voltage is zero and no current circulates in the internal circuit. But if these conditions
are not fulfilled i.e., the two voltages are not equal to each other in magnitude as shown in Fig. 7.2
(c), a resultant voltage Er appears which will result in a circulating current Is in the local circuit.
This circulating current lags behind the resultant voltage Er by 90° since the opposition of the local
Parallel Operation of Alternators 629

circuit is only synchronous reactance of the two alternators as resistance is neglected. Moreover, the
circulating current will load the two alternators, without supplying any power to the external load.
Another condition can be when the voltage of second alternator is equal to the bus-bar voltage
in magnitude but it is not out of phase by 180°, as shown in Fig. 7.2 (d). In this case also a resultant
voltage Er acts to circulate current Is in the internal circuit of the alternators.

Fig. 7.2 Phasor representation of terminal voltages of two alternators

Considering third condition, for correct synchronising, the frequency of the incoming alternator
must be the same as that of the frequency of the alternator already connected to the bus-bars i.e.,
the vectors representing the two voltages must rotate at the same speed. But if this condition is not
fulfilled, one of the vectors rotates at speed higher or lesser than the other vector (say vector V2 is
rotating at a speed higher than vector V1). The position of the two vectors at different three instants
is shown in Fig. 7.3. Thus, the voltages of the two alternators will come in phase and go out of phase.
This will happen at the rate equal to the difference of the frequencies of the two alternators. Because
of this for local circuit, the resultant voltage Er varies from zero to double the voltage (V1 + V2) and
circulates variable current in the local circuit.

7.5 Synchronising Single-phase Alternators

Synchronising of single-phase alternators is generally done by using lamps called lamp methods.
There are two methods, namely, (i) Dark lamp method (ii) Bright lamp method.

7.5.1 Dark Lamp Method

An alternator A is already connected to the bus-bars as shown in Fig. 7.4. Alternator B is of the
synchronised to the bus-bars. This is done with the help of two lamps L1 and L2 connected across
the main switch (synchronising switch) of alternator B as shown in Fig. 7.4.
630 Electrical Machines

Fig. 7.3 When frequency of the incoming alternator is more than the existing

Fig. 7.4 Synchronising of 1-phase alternators

The prime-mover of alternator B is started and its speed is brought up near to the rated speed.
The field winding of the alternator is then excited by DC source. The excitation is then increased to
raise the voltage of the alternator equal to that of the bus-bar voltage.
Parallel Operation of Alternators 631

If the frequency of the incoming alternator B is not equal to the frequency of alternator A,
already connected to the bus-bars (i.e., f b ≠ fa), a phase difference will exit between the voltages.
This phase difference will be continuously changing, and therefore, the current flowing through
the local circuit (shown dotted) and the synchronising lamps L1 and L2 will go on changing. As a
result the lamps will become alternately bright and dark which produces flickering of lamps. The
frequency of flickering of lamps will be equal to the difference of frequencies ( f b – fa or fa – f b)
of the two alternators. The flickering of the lamps will be rapid when there is large difference in
frequencies and slow when the frequencies are nearly equal. To reduce the flickering, the speed of
incoming alternator is adjusted..
If the voltage of incoming alternator is not equal to or in phase opposition to the bus-bar voltage,
a resultant voltage will appear across the two lamps L1 and L2. Thus, the lamps will not be totally
dark. The voltage can also be checked by connecting voltmeters across the two alternators as shown
in Fig. 7.4. The voltage of the incoming alternator is made equal to the bus-bar voltage by adjusting
its excitation.
Hence, to synchronise the alternator to the bus-bars, its speed is adjusted until the lamps flickering
reduces to almost zero and, its terminal voltage is made equal to the bus-bar voltage by adjusting
the excitation. Then synchronising switch is closed in the middle of the dark period.

The lamps can be dark even though a considerable voltage may exist across their terminals; therefore,
it is difficult to judge the correct instant of zero voltage in the dark lamp method. Keeping in view of
this difficulty, some engineers prefer to synchronise the alternators by bright lamp method because
of the fact that lamps are much more sensitive to change of voltages at their maximum brightness
than when they are quite dark.

7.5.2 Bright Lamp Method

In this method, the two lamps L1 and L2 are cross connected as shown in Fig. 7.4. When the voltage
of the incoming alternator C is equal to the bus-bar voltage, the voltage across the two lamps will be
double to that of alternator C. The synchronising switch is closed in this case when the two lamps
are equally bright i.e., in the middle of the bright period.

7.6 Synchronising Three-phase Alternators

For synchronising of three-phase alternators, two methods are used i.e., (i) By using lamps, (ii) By
using synchroscope.
Usually, low voltage alternators are synchronised by using three lamps. Depending upon the
connections by which three lamps are connected across the terminals of the incoming alternator and
bus-bars, the incoming alternator is switched-ON to the bus-bars at a particular instant. Accordingly,
the lamp methods are named as (i) Three dark lamps method and (ii) Two bright and one dark lamp
632 Electrical Machines

7.6.1 Three Dark Lamps Method

An alternator A is already connected to the bus-bars as shown in Fig. 7.5. Alternator B is to be
synchronised by three-dark lamps method. In this case lamp L1 and L2 and L3 are connected across
R–Rc, Y–Yc and B–Bc terminals of the synchronising switch, respectively, where RYB are the bus-bar
terminals and RcYcBc are the terminals of incoming alternator B.
The voltages of the bus-bars and the incoming alternator are shown vectorially in Fig. 7.6. If the
voltages are equal, the frequencies are identical and the phase sequence is correct, the voltage across
all the three lamps will be zero. Under this condition the lamps are completely dark. This is the ideal
condition for closing the synchronising switch.
When the frequency of the incoming alternator is different from that of bus-bar frequency and the
remaining conditions are satisfied, then the three lamps will flicker in unison. At any instant, when
the frequency of the incoming alternator is less than the bus-bar frequency, the voltage across the
three lamps L1, L2, L3 is shown in Fig. 7.7. The frequency of flickering depends upon the difference
between the frequency of alternator B and the bus-bar frequency (i.e., f b – fa). However, if the
phase sequence is not correct the three lamps will flicker one after the other instead of flickering
simultaneously. Then the phase sequence should be corrected by interchanging any two leads to
the incoming alternator at the synchronising switch. The flickering of lamps can be minimised by
adjusting the speed of the prime mover of the incoming alternator.

Fig. 7.5 Synchronising of three-phase alternators by using lamps

If the voltage of the incoming alternator is not equal to that of bus-bar voltage and the other
conditions are fulfilled, all the lamps will flow with equal brightness and will continue to attain the
Parallel Operation of Alternators 633

same brightness. The ideal condition can be achieved by adjusting the excitation of the incoming
alternator B.
The disadvantage of this method is that a lamp can be dark even though a considerable voltage
may exist across its terminals and if the alternators are connected at this instant, this may cause
considerable disturbance to high speed turbine-driven alternator. Therefore, in this case voltmeter is
also connected across the synchronising switch as shown in Fig. 7.5. The other disadvantage of this
method is that the flickering of lamps does not indicate whether the incoming alternator is slow or
fast. These difficulties are eliminated in two bright and one dark lamp method.

Fig. 7.6 Phasor diagram when V2 = V1; f 2 = f1 and phase sequence is incorrect

Fig. 7.7 Phasor diagram when V2 = V1 and phase sequence is correct but f 2 < f1

7.6.2 Two Bright and One Dark Lamp Method

Consider alternator C to be synchronised by two bright and one dark lamp method. In this case
lamp L1 is connected across R – R¢, lamp L2 is connected across Y – B¢ and lamp L3 across B – Y¢
as shown in Fig. 7.5.
The bus-bar voltages OR, OY and OB and the voltage of incoming alternator OR¢, OY¢ and OB¢
are shown vectorially in Fig. 7.8. If the voltages are equal, the frequencies are identical and the phase
sequence is correct, the voltage across L1 will be zero and across L2 and L3 will be line value (VL)
as shown in Fig. 7.8. Under this condition lamp L1 will be completely dark and the lamps L2 and L3
will be equally bright. This is the ideal condition for closing the synchronising switch.
634 Electrical Machines

When the frequencies of the incoming alternator are different from that of bus-bar frequency and
the remaining conditions are fulfilled, then the three lamps will flicker alternately (i.e., one after
the other in sequence). There can be two different conditions i.e., either the incoming alternator is
running too fast or too slow.
If the incoming alternator C is running too fast, then the vector diagram R¢Y¢B¢ will rotate faster
than RYB. Because of this voltage across lamp L1 is increasing, across L2 is decreasing and across L3
is increasing as shown in Fig. 7.9. representing two instants (a) and (b). The lamps will then become
bright or flicker one after the other in the order L3, L1, L2, L3, L1, L2, etc. To distinguish the sequence
of flickering of lamps, the lamps are generally placed on the vertices of an equilateral triangle as
shown in Fig. 7.10.

Fig. 7.8 Phasor diagram when V2 = V1; f 2 = f1 Fig. 7.9 Incoming alternator is running
and phase sequence is correct two fast (f 2 > f1)

Fig. 7.10 Lamps placed on the vertices of an equilateral triangle

On the other hand, if the incoming alternator is too slow, then the vector diagram RcYcBc will rotate
slower than RYB. Because of this, voltage across lamp L1 is increasing, across L2 is increasing and
across L3 is decreasing as shown in Fig. 7.11. But in this case, lamps will become bright or flicker
one after the other in the order L2, L1, L3, L2 L1, L3, etc., as shown in Fig. 7.12.
Thus in case of two bright and one dark lamp method, the sequence of flickering of the lamps will
indicate whether the incoming alternator is too fast or too slow, accordingly the speed is adjusted
to minimise the flickering of the lamps.
However, if the phase sequence is not correct all the three lamps will flicker in unison. Then the
phase sequence should be corrected by interchanging any two leads of the incoming alternator at
the synchronising switch.
Parallel Operation of Alternators 635

Fig. 7.11 Incoming alternator is running two slow Fig. 7.12 Lamps placed on the
vertices of an equilateral triangle

If the voltage of the incoming alternator is not equal to that of bus voltage and the other conditions
are satisfied, all the lamps will flow with different brightness and will continue to attain the same
brightness. The ideal condition can be achieved by adjusting the excitation of the incoming alternator.
Thus when the flickering frequency is minimised to zero, lamp L1 is totally dark and L2 and
L3 are equally bright the synchronising switch should be closed.
The lamp methods are only suitable for small low voltage alternators. For large capacity, high
voltage alternators, a sychroscope is almost invariably used for synchronising.

7.7 Synchronising Three-phase Alternators using Synchroscope

High voltage alternators are generally synchronised with the help of synchroscope.
A synchroscope is an instrument which has been devised, with a rotating pointer and a fixed index.
The pointer indicates whether the incoming machine is slow or fast. In fact, it shows the precise instant
of synchronisation when the paralleling switch should be closed. Synchroscopes are manufactured
in a variety of designs such as polarised-vane type, moving iron type and crossed-coil type.
In simplest form, a synchroscope utilises a split phase arrangement to give a rotating field which
is excited by the incoming alternator.
When the two machines differ in frequencies, the reaction of the two fields produces rotation.
A pointer connected to the rotor moves over the dial face and indicates the phase positions of the
alternators. In this method of parallel operation two additional bus-bars, known as synchronising
bus-bars are necessary by means of which synchroscope is connected through potential transformers
(P.T.) to the two alternator to be synchronised and to the main bus-bar as shown in Fig. 7.13. The
secondary windings of the potential transformers are connected to the synchronising bus-bars.
The incoming alternator is arrowed to run at its rated speed and its voltage is adjusted equal to the
main bus-bars voltage. The two plugs are inserted in the secondaries of the potential transformers
so that the synchroscope is acted upon by the voltages of both the incoming alternator and the main
bus-bars. The greater the difference in frequency between bus-bars and the incoming alternators.
636 Electrical Machines

The greater will be the movement of the pointer. If the incoming alternator runs slower the pointer
rotates in anti-clockwise direction and if the incoming alternator runs faster its pointer rotates in
clockwise direction.

Fig. 7.13 Synchronising of three-phase alternators by using synchroscope

The speed of the incoming alternator is now adjusted until the pointer assumes a vertical position
and thus indicates that the two alternators can be put into synchronism. At this instant 3 pole paralleling
switch P.S. is closed.

7.8 Shifting of Load

After fulfilling all the necessary conditions of synchronising, the synchronising switch is closed
and the alternator is said to be connected in parallel with the other alternators already connected to
the bus-bars, by closing the synchronising switch. The incoming alternator is connected in parallel
with the existing alternator but at this instant, the incoming alternator is not delivering any load
(current) to the bus-bars. The load is shifted from the existing alternator to the incoming alternator
by increasing the mechanical power input to the prime-mover of the incoming alternator and
simultaneously reducing the mechanical power input to the prime-mover of existing alternator. In
case of steam machines this may be readily done by admitting more steam (by opening the steam
inlet valve) to the steam-turbine of incoming alternator and simultaneously closing the steam valve
of existing alternator. Thus, any load can be shifted to incoming alternator from existing alternator.
Generally it is shifted as per their respective ratings.
If the existing alternator is to be disconnected from the bus-bars the process continues till whole
of the load is shifted to the incoming alternator as indicated by the ammeter and wattmeters in the
circuits. Then the line circuit breaker (main switch) and field breaker (field switch) of the existing
alternator are opened.
Parallel Operation of Alternators 637

The most important point, to be emphasised, is that load cannot be shifted from one machine to
the other by adjusting the excitation. Once the alternator is connected to the bus-bars, the change in
excitation only changes the power factor of the alternator it does not affect the load sharing.

7.9 Load Sharing between Two Alternators

Consider two alternators I and II with identical speed/load characteristics are connected in parallel
with a common terminal voltage V and delivering power to a load, as shown in Fig. 7.14.

Fig. 7.14 Alternator I and II operating in parallel delivering load

Let E1 and E 2 be the induced emf/phase of the two machines I and II, respectively, Z S1 and
Z S2 be the impedance/phase of two machines I and II, respectively, whereas I1 and I2 be the current
supplied by the two machines, respectively.
Z = load impedance/phase

Now, V = E 1 - I 1 Z S1 = E 2 - I 2 Z S 2

E2 - V
I 1 = E1 - V and I 2 =
Z S1 Z S2

I = I 1 + I 2 = E1 - V + E 2 - V
Z S1 Z S2
Also, V = I 1 Z = ( I 1 + I 2 )Z

Also, V = E1 - V + E 2 - V
Z Z S1 Z S2
E1 + E 2
È1 1 1 ˘ E E Z Z S2
VÍ + + ˙ = 1 + 2 or V = S1
Î Z Z S1 Z S2 ˚ Z S1 Z S2 1 + 1 + 1
Z Z S1 Z S 2
E1 - E 2
Circulating current on no-load, I C =
Z S1 + Z S 2
638 Electrical Machines

Example 7.1
A lighting load of 2000 kW and a motor load of 4000 kW at 0.8 pf lagging are supplied by two
alternators operating in parallel. If one of them is delivering a load of 2400 kW at 0.95 pf lagging,
what will the output and pf of the other alternator.

Lighting load, P1 = 2000 kW
Power factor, cos I1 = 1; tan I1 = tan cos–1 1 = 0
Motor load, P2 = 4000 kW
Power factor, cos I2 = 0·8 lag; tan I2 = tan cos–1 0·8 = 0·75
Power supplied by machine ‘A’, PA = 2400 kW
Power factor of machine ‘A’ cos IA = 0·95; tan IA = tan cos–1 0·95 = 0·3287
Reactive of lightning load, Pr1 = P1 tan I1 = 0
Reactive of power of motor load, Pr2 = P2 tan I2 = 4000 × 0·75 = 3000 kVAR
Total load, P = P1 + P2 = 2000 + 4000 = 6000 kW
Total reactive power, Pr = Pr1 + Pr2 = 0 + 3000 = 3000 kVAR
Reactive power of machine ‘A’, PrA = PA tan IA = 2400 × 0·3287 = 788·84 kVAR
Power supplied by machine ‘B’ PB = P – PA = 6000 – 2400 = 3600 kW
Reactive power of machine ‘B’, PrB = Pr – PrA = 3000 – 788·84 = 2211·16 kVAR

= 2211 ◊ 15 = 0 ◊ 6142
? tan IB =
PB 3600
Power factor of machine ‘B’, cos IB = cos tan–1 0·6142 = 0·852 lag
Hence output of second machine is 3600 kW at p.f. 0·852 lagging (Ans.)
Example 7.2
Two synchronous generators are running in parallel and supply a lighting load of 600 kW and a
motor load of 707 kW at 0.707 pf lagging. If one of the machine is supplying 900 kW at 0.9 pf lagging,
what load at what pf is supplied by the other machine?

Lighting load, P1 = 600 kW
Motor load, P2 = 707 kW
Motor load p.f., cos I2 = 0·707 lagging
Power supplied by machine ‘A’, PA = 900 kW
Power factor of machine ‘A’, cos IA = 0·9 lagging
Power factor of lighting load, cos I1 = 1
? Reactive power of lighting load, Pr1 = 0
Parallel Operation of Alternators 639

cos I2 = 0·707; tan I2 = tan cos–1 0·707 = 1

Reactive power of motor load, Pr2 = P2 tan I2 = 707 kVAR
Total load, P = P1 + P2 = 600 + 707 = 1307 kW
Total reactive power, Pr = Pr1 + Pr2
= 0 + 707 = 707 kVAR
cos IA = 0·9; tan IA = tan cos–1 0·9 = 0·4843
Reactive power supplied by alternator ‘A’,
PrA = PA tan IA = 900 × 0·4843 = 435·89 kVAR
Power supplied by alternator ‘B’ PB = P – PA = 1307 – 900 = 407 kW (Ans.)
Reactive power supplied by alternator ‘B’,
PrB = Pr – PrA = 707 – 435·89 = 271·11 kVAR

= 271 ◊ 11 = 0 ◊ 6661
? tan I2 =
PB 407
Power factor of alternator ‘B’, cos IB = cos tan–1 0·6661 = 0·8322 lagging (Ans.)

Example 7.3
Two similar 400V, three-phase, 50 Hz, alternators share equal power jointly delivered to a balance
three-phase, 50 kW, 0·8 p.f. lagging load, If p.f. of one machine is 0·95 lagging, find the current
supplied by the other machine.

Total load, P = 50 kW
Load p.f., cos I = 0·8 lagging
Terminal voltage, V = 400 V
cos I = 0·8; tan I = tan cos–1 0·8 = 0·75
Reactive power of the load, Pr = P tan I = 30 × 0·75 = 37·5 kVAR

Load on each machine, PA = PB = 50 = 25 kW

cos IA = 0·95; tan I = tan cos–1 0·95 = 0·3287
Reactive power supplied by machine A,
PrA = PA tan IA = 25 × 0·3287 = 8·217 kVAR
Reactive power supplied by machine ‘B’.
PrB = Pr – PrA = 37·5 – 8·217 = 29·283 kVAR

= 29 ◊ 283 = 1 ◊ 1713
? tan IB =
P 25
Power factor of machine ‘B’, cos IB = cos tan–1 1·1713 = 0·6493 lagging
640 Electrical Machines

current supplied by machine ‘B’, IB =

= 25 ¥ 1000 = 55·574 A (Ans.)
3 V cosf B 3 ¥ 400 ¥ 0 ◊ 6493
Example 7.4
Two alternators A and B are operating in parallel, supplying single phase power at 2300 V to a load
of 1200 kW whose power factor is unity. Alternator A supplies 200 A at 0·9 p.f. lagging. Determine
for alternator B (i) power; (ii) current; (iii) power factor.

Total power supplied, P = 1200 kW
Terminal voltage, V = 2300 V
Current supplied by alternator A, IA = 200 A
Power factor of alternator A, cos IA = 0·9 lagging
Power supplied by alternator A, PA = IAV cos I = 200 × 2300 × 0·9 W = 414 kW
cos IA = 0·9; tan IA = tan cos–1 0·9 = 0·4843
Reactive power supplied by alternator A,
PrA = PA tan IA = 414 × 0·4843 = 200·5 kVAR
Total reactive power, Pr = 0 (∵ p.f. is unity)
Reactive power supplied by alternator B,
PrB = Pr – PrA = 0 – 200·5 = – 200·5 kVAR
Active power supplied by alternator B, PB = P – PA = 1200 – 414 = 786 kW (Ans.)

= -200 ◊ 5 = -0 ◊ 225
tan IB =
PB 786
Power factor of alternator B, cos IB = cos tan–1 (– 0·255) = 0·969 leading (Ans.)

= 786 ¥ 10
PB 3
Current supplied by alternator B, IB = = 352·67 A (Ans.)
V cosf B 2300 ¥ 0 ◊ 969
Example 7.5
Two three-phase, 6600 V, star-connected alternators working in parallel are supplying the following
(i) 1500 kW at p.f. 0·75 lagging;
(ii) 1000 kW at p.f. 0·8 lagging;
(iii) 800 kW at p.f. 0·9 lagging;
(iv) 500 kW at unity power factor.
If one of machine is delivering a load of 1800 kW at 0·85 p.f. lagging, what will be the output,
armature current and p.f. of the other machine.

Active power of load (i), P1 = 1500 kW
Parallel Operation of Alternators 641

p.f. cos I1 = 0·75 lagging; tan I1 = tan cos–1 0·75 = 0·8819

Reactive power of load (i), Pr1 = P1 tan I = 1500 × 0·8819 = 1322·85 kVAR
Active power of load (ii), P2 = 1000 kW
p.f. cos I2 = 0·8 lagging; tan I2 = tan cos–1 0·8 = 0·75
Reactive power of load (ii), Pr2 = P2 tan I2 = 1000 × 0·75 = 750 kVAR.
Active power of load (iii), P3 = 800 kW
p.f. cos I3 = 0·9 lagging; tan I3 = tan cos–1 0·9 = 00·4843
Reactive power of load (iii), Pr3 = P3 tan I3 = 800 × 0·4843 = 387·44 kVAR
Active power of load (iv), P4 = 500 kW
p.f. cos I4 = 1; tan I4 = tan cos–1 1 = 0
Reactive power of load (v). Pr4 = P4 tan I4 = 0
Total active power, P = P1 + P2 + P3 + P4
= 1500 + 1000 + 800 + 500 = 3800 kW
Total active power, Pr = Pr1 + Pr2 + Pr3 + Pr4
= 1322·85 + 750 + 387·44 + 0 = 2460·29 kVAR
Active power of machine A, PA = 1800 kW
p.f. cos IA = 0·85 lagging; tan IA = tan cos–1 0·85 = 0·6197
Reactive power of machine A, PrA = PA tan IA = 1800 × 0·6197 = 1115·46 kVAR
Active power of machine B, PB = P – PA = 3800 – 1800 = 2000 kW (Ans.)
Reactive power of machine B, PrB = Pr – PrA
= 2460·29 – 1115·46 = 1344·83 kVAR

= 1344 ◊ 83 = 0 ◊ 6724
tan IB =
PB 2000
Power factor of machine, B, cos IB = cos tan–1 0·6724 = 0·8298 lagging (Ans.)

Armature current, IB =
= 2000 ¥ 103
3VB cosf B 3 ¥ 6600 ¥ 0 ◊ 8298
= 210·84 A (Ans.)

Example 7.6
Two alternators working in parallel supply the following loads:
(i) Lighting load of 600 kW;
(ii) Inductive load of 800 kW at 0·9 p.f. lagging;
(iii) Capacitive load of 800 kW at 0·8 p.f. leading.
One alternator is supplying 1000 kW at 0·85 p.f. lagging. Calculate the kW output and p.f. of the
other alternator.
642 Electrical Machines

S. No. Load Power (P) p.f. tan I Reactive Power
in kW cos I Pr = P tan I
(i) Lighting load 600 1 0 0
(ii) Inductive load 800 0·9 lagging 0·4843 387·44 kVAR
(iii) Capacitive load 800 0·8 leading 0·75 – 600 kVAR

Total active power, P = P1 + P2 + P3 = 600 + 800 + 800 = 2200 kW

Total reactive power, Pr = Pr1 + Pr2 + Pr3 = 0 + 387·44 – 600 = – 212·56 kVAR
Active power supplied by alternator A, PA = 1000 kW
p.f. cos IA = 0·85 lagging; tan IA = tan cos–1 0·85 = 0·61974
Reactive power alternator A, PrA = PA tan IA = 1000 × 0·61974
Reactive power of alternator A, PrA = PA tan IA = 1000 × 0·61974 = 619·74 kVAR
Active power supplied by alternator B,
PB = P – PA = 2200 – 1000 = 200 kW (Ans.)
Reactive power supplied by alternator B,
PrB = Pr – PrA = – 212·56 – 619·74 = – 832·3 kVAR

= - 832 ◊ 3 = -0 ◊ 6932
tan IB =
PB 1200
Power factor of alternator B, cos IB = cos tan–1 (– 0·6936) = 0·8217 leading (Ans.)

Example 7.7
Two single-phase alternators are connected in parallel and supplying current to a load at a terminal
voltage of 11000 ‘qV$lternator-1 has an induced emf of 13000 ‘qV and a reactance of 3ohm
whereas alternator-II has an emf of 13500 ‘15° V and a reactance of 4 ohm. What will be the current
supplied by each alternator.

Here, V = 11000 –0∞ V; E1 = 13000 –20∞ V
E 2 = 13500 –15∞ V; X S1 = 3W and XS2 = 4 W
Current supplied by alternator-I

= 13000 –20∞ – 11000 –0∞

E1 – V
I1 =
X S1 3–90∞
12216 + j 4446 – 11000 1216 + j 4446
= =
3 –90∞ 3 –90∞
4609 – 77.7∞
= = 1536 ‘– 12.3° A (Ans,)
3 –90∞
Parallel Operation of Alternators 643

Current supplied by alternator-II

= 13500 –15∞ – 11000 –0∞

E2 – V
I2 =
X S2 4 –90∞
13500( cos 15∞ + j sin 15∞) - 11000( cos 0∞ - j sin 0∞)
4 –90∞
13040 + j 3494 – 11000
4 –90∞
510 + j 3494 3531–81.69∞
4 –90∞ 4 –90∞
= 882.75 ‘– 8.08° A (Ans.)

Example 7.8
Two single phase alternators having induced emf E1 and E2 and impedance Z1 and Z2 are connected
in parallel and supplying a load of impedance Z.
(i) Represent the terminal voltage in terms of alternators emfs E1 and E2 and admittances Y, Y1
and Y2.
(ii) If E1 = 220 V, E 2 = 230 V, Z = 3 + j 4 and Z 1 = Z 2 = (0.2 + j 0.8) ohm , determine the
terminal voltage, circulating current at no-load and power delivered by each alternator in kW.

We know, terminal voltage in given by the relation
E1 + E 2
V = Z S1 Z S2
1 + 1 + 1
Z Z S1 Z S2

We also know that admittance, Y = 1

? 1 = Y ; 1 = Y and 1 = Y
S1 S2
Z S1 Z S2 Z

?Terminal voltage, V = E 1 Y S1 + E 2 Y S 2 (Ans.)

Y + Y S1 + Y S 2
Give that Z = (3 + j 4) ohm; Z S1 = Z S 2 = (0.2 + j 0.8 ) ohm; E 1 = 220 V; E 2 = 230 V

Y = 1 = 1 ¥ 3 - j 4 = 3 - j 4 = (0.12 - j 0.168) mho

Z 3 + j 4 3 - j 4 32 + 42

Y S1 = Y S 2 = 1 = 1
Z 0.2 + j 0.8

1 0.2 - j 0.8
= ¥ = (0.2425 - j 0.97) mho
0.2 + j 0.8 0.2 - j 0.8
(220 + 230)(0.2425 - j 0.97)
V = E 1 Y S1 + E 2 Y S 2 =
Y + Y S1 + Y S 2 ( 0. 12 - j 0.168) + 2(0.2425 - j 0.97)
644 Electrical Machines

109.125 - j 436.5
= = 450 – - 76∞ = 205.2 – - 2∞ volt (Ans)
(0.605 - j 2.108 2.193– - 74∞
= (205.075 – j7.16) V
Circulating current at no-load

IC = E 2 - E1 = 230 - 220 = 10 = 10
Z S1 + Z S 2 2(0.2 + j 0.8) 0.4 + j1.6 1.65–76∞
= 6.06 ‘–76°A (Ans)
Current supplied to the load by alternator I

I 1 = E1 - V = ( E1 - V )Y S1 = (220 - 205.075 + j 7.16)(0.2425 - j 0.97)

Z S1
= (14.925 + j 7.16) (0.2425 – j 0.97) = (16.55 ‘+25.63°) (1‘–76°)
= 16.55 ‘– 50.37°A
Current supplied to the load by alternator II

I 2 = E 2 - V = ( E 2 - V )Y S 2 = (230 - 205.075 + j 7.16)(0.2425 - j 0.97)

Z S2
= (24.925 + j 7.16) (0.2425 – j 0.97) = (25.93 ‘+16°) (1‘-76°)
= 25.93 ‘–50° A
Power delivered by alternator I
P1 = V I 1 = (205.2 – - 2∞) (16.55 ‘–50.37°) = 3396 ‘– 52.37
= (2073.5 – j 2.69) VA = 2073.5W = 2.0735 kW (Ans)
Power delivered by alternator II
P2 = V I 2 = (205.2 ‘– 2°) (25.93 ‘– 50°) = 5321‘– 52°
= (3276 – j 4.193) VA = 3276 W =3.276 W (Ans)

Example 7.9
A three-phase,10 MVA, 11 kV, 50 Hz alternator hawing 10% reactance is connected to a substation
by a line having a reactance of 3.8 : Another three-phase 20 MVA, 11 kV, 50 Hz alternator having
15% reactance is connected to the same substation through a line having a reactance of 4.1 :. The
substation is supplying a load of impedance (50 + j40):.
If the generated emf of alternator I and II is 10 kV and 12 kV, respectively, and the emf of alternator I
leads the emf of alternator II by 10° electrical, what will be the current delivered by each alternator.

The circuit shown in Fig. 7.14.

Phase voltage, E = 11000 = 6351 V

Parallel Operation of Alternators 645

Rated full-load current of alternator-I,

I1 = 10 ¥ 106 = 525 A
3 ¥ 11 ¥ 103

Fig. 7.14 Circuit diagram

Rated full-load current of alternator-II

I2 = 20 ¥ 106 = 1050 A
3 ¥ 11 ¥ 103

Now, I1 X S1 = 10% of 6351 or X S1 = 10 ¥ 6351 = 1.2 W

100 525

I 2 X S 2 = 15% of 6351 or X S2 = 15 ¥ 6351 = 0.9 W

100 1050
Effective impedance/reactance of alternator-I and line,
Z1 = X1 = X L1 + XS1 = 3.8 + 1.2 = 5 :; Z 1 = j 5 ohm
Effective impedance reactance of alternator-II and line,
Z2 = X 2 = X L 2 + X S 2 = 4.1 + 0.9 = 5 W; Z 2 = j 5 ohm
Load impedance, Z = (50 + j 40) ohm = 64.03 ‘q
Considering emf of alternator-II i.e., E2 as reference vector,

E 2 = 12000 –0∞ = 6928–0∞ = (6928 + j 0) V


E1 = 10000 –10∞ = 5774 –10∞ = (5686 + j1003) V

Applying Kirchhoff’s second law to the closed circuit a b c d e f a and b c d e b, respectively, we get,
I 1 Z 1 + ( I 1 + I 2 )Z = E …(i)
I 2 Z 2 + ( I 1 + I 2 )Z = E 2 …(ii)
646 Electrical Machines

Subtracting eqn. (ii) from (i), we get,

I 1 – I 2 = E1 – E 2 (since Z 1 = Z 2 or X1 = X 2 = 5 W)
(5686+j1003) – (6928+j 0) –1242 + j1003
= =
j5 j5
= (200.6 + j 248.4) A …(iii)
Adding eqn. (i) and (ii), we get,
(5686 + j1003) + (6928 + j 0)
I 1 + I 2 = E1 + E 2 =
2 Z + Z1 2(50 + j 40) + j 5
12614 + j1003 12654 + –4.54∞
= =
100 + j85 131.25–40.36∞

= 96.41– - 35.82∞
= (78.18 - j 56.42) A …(iv)
Adding eqn.(iii) and (iv), we get
I 1 = (139.39 + j 98) A = 170.4 –35∞ = 170.4 A (Ans.)
I 2 = (65.7 + j152.4) A = 166 –66.67∞ = 166 A (Ans.)

Section Practice Problems

Numerical Problems
1. A lightning load of 2500 kW and a motor load of 5000 kW at a p.f. of 0·707 are supplied by two alternators
running in parallel. If one machine is supplying a load of 4000 kW at a p.f. of 0·8 lagging, what is the kW
output and p.f. of the other machine? (Ans. 3500 kW, 0·8682 lagging)

2. The following loads are supplied by two alternators running in parallel:

(i) Lighting load of 400 kW; (ii) 800 kW at p.f. of 0·8 lagging;
(iii) 800 kW at p.f. of 0·8 leading; (iv) 200 kW at p.f. of 0·9 lagging;
If one alternator is supplying a load of 1200 kW at 0·9 p.f. lagging, calculate the kW output and p.f. of the
other alternator. (Ans. 1000 kW, 0·9 leading)

3. Two single-phase alternators are connected in parallel and supplying current to a load at a terminal voltage
of 11000 ‘0°V. Alternator-1 has an induced emf of 13000 ‘20° V and a reactance of 3 ohm whereas
alternator-II has an emf of 13500 ‘15° V and a reactance of 4 ohm. What will be the current supplied by
each alternator. (Ans. 2700 ‘–21.8°; 2500‘– 0° $)

Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1. Why are synchronous generators put in parallel?
Ans. Synchronous generators are put in parallel for high efficiency of operation, better reliability, convenience
in repair and maintenance, extension of power plant capacity, etc.
Parallel Operation of Alternators 647

Q.2. What conditions are required to be fulfilled for parallel operation of alternators?
Ans. Terminal voltage, frequency and the phase (or phase sequence) of the incoming alternator must be the
same as that of the existing alternator or the bus-bars.

Q.3. For synchronising of three-phase alternators; which method is preferred, dark lamp method or
one-dark and two-bright lamp method?
Ans. One-dark and two-bright lamp method is preferred.

Q.4. How load in shifted to the incoming alternator?

Ans. After synchronising the incoming alternator to the bus-bars of the existing alternator, the input power
to the incoming alternator is increased whereas to the existing alternator is decreased gradually.

7.10 Two Alternators Operating in Parallel

When the two alternators are operating in parallel as shown in Fig. 7.15 under stable equilibrium,
they share the total load in proportion to their ratings or equally if both are identical. Any tendency
on the part of one to pull out of synchronism because of change in load or excitation is immediately
counteracted by the production of a synchronising current (hence synchronising torque) which pulls
it back to synchronism.
Let us study the effect of change in input power change in excitation or change in speed of the

Fig. 7.15 Two alternators operating in parallel

7.11 Synchronising Current, Power and Torque

When the two identical alternators are in exact synchronism, the emfs of two alternators E1 and E2
are equal and in exact phase opposition, as shown in Fig. 7.16 (a), as far as the local circuit of the
alternators in concerned. No circulating current flows through the local circuit.
If the induced emfs. of the two alternators are equal but due to some reason the emf of the second
alternator E2 fall back by an angle T (electrical radians) as shown in Fig. 7.16 (b), then a resultant emf
Er acts in the local circuit and causes flow of current known as synchronising current.
648 Electrical Machines

Fig. 7.16 Phasor diagram of two alternators operating in parallel

Resultant emf, Er = 2E cos È 180 - q ˘ (∵ E1 = E2 = E)

ÍÎ 2 ˙˚

( )
= 2E cos 90 - q = 2E sin q
2 2

= 2E q = E · T (since T is very small)

Er E
Synchronising current, Is = = r
Zs Xs
Since resistance is very small as compared to synchronous reactance. Here ZS is the combined
impedance of the two alternators. However, if an alternator is connected to infinite bus-bars, it is
the impedance of only one alternator. The synchronising current Is lags behind the resultant emf Er
by 90° as shown in Fig. 7.16 (b).

? Synchronising current, Is = Eq

Synchronising Power
In the above case, because of synchronising current, first alternator will supply extra power known
as synchronising power.
Synchronising power, Ps = E1 Is cos I1 (per phase)
= E1Is (∵ I1 is very small)
= E Is (since E1 = E)
= E Eq = E q
Xs Xs
Synchronising power for three-phase = 3Ps = 3 E q watt
Parallel Operation of Alternators 649

Synchronising Torque
Let Ts be the synchronising torque in Nm and Ns be the synchronous speed in rpm, then total
synchronising power;
2p N s
3Ps = Ts ¥
3Ps ¥ 60
? Synchronising torque, Ts = Nm
2p N s

7.12 Effect of Change in Input Power of One of the Alternators

When two identical alternators are operating in parallel, they supply equal current to the load at the
same power factor. Both the alternators have same reactance and induced emfs. Under such conditions,
all the quantities are shown vectorially in Fig. 7.17 for the local circuit of the two alternators.

Fig. 7.17 Phasor diagram with ideal conditions,

If input power (steam supply or water supply or fuel supply) to alternator ‘A’ is increased, it will
increase the torque angle G1 to G1c (since input power is proportional to Gneglecting losses). Thus the
emf E1 of the alternator ‘A’ attains a new position as shown in Fig. 7.18 and a resultant emf Er appears
across the local circuit which circulates synchronising current Is. This synchronising current lags
behind the resultant emf Er by 90°. The current-delivered by alternator ‘A’ increases to I1¢ and the
current delivered by alternator ‘B” decreases to I 2¢ . The power factor of the two alternators also
changes to cos f1¢ and cos f2¢ , respectively.

Fig. 7.18 Phasor diagram when input to one of the alternator is increased
650 Electrical Machines

Fig. 7.19 Power triangle representation

Thus, the increase in power input to prime-mover of alternator ‘A’, increases the kW output of
alternator ‘A’ and decreases that of alternator ‘B’ by the same amount. If this process is continued,
a point may reach where output power of alternator ‘A’ becomes more than the total load supplied,
then the alternator ‘B’ instead of supplying load will start drawing power from alternator ‘A’. Hence,
the alternator A will start working as a motor. The load sharing diagram of the two alternators is
shown in Fig. 7.19 (b).

7.13 Effect of Change in Excitation of One of the Alternators

If the excitation of alternator ‘A’ is increased from E1 to E1c, a resultant voltage Er (i.e., E1c – E2) appears
across the local circuit and circulates a synchronising current Is. This current lags behind the resultant
voltage Er by 90° and acts almost in quadrature with the voltage vector. Therefore, it does not affect
the active component of current delivered by the two alternators. The resultant currents delivered by
the two alternators are I1c and I2c as shown in Fig. 7.20. The power factor of the two alternators also
changes in cos I1cand cos I2crespectively.
Thus, the increase in excitation of alternator ‘A’ does not affect the kW loading of the two alternators
but it affects the power factor and reactive power of the two alternators. When the excitation of

Fig. 7.20 Phasor diagram when excitation of one of the alternator is increased.

‘A’ is increased, the reactive power (kVAR1) shared by this alternator will increase while the
reactive power (kVAR2) shared by alternator ‘B’ will decreased by the same amount. The load sharing
diagram of the two alternators is shown in Fig. 7.21.
Parallel Operation of Alternators 651

Fig. 7.21 Power triangle representation

7.14 Effect of Reactance

When two alternators are running in parallel, the emf of one alternator acts opposite to the emf of
the other alternator with respect to their local circuit. As such one machine runs as a synchronous
motor with respect to the other. Due to any reason, if the input supply to one of the machine is cut-
off, it is quite evident that it would draw a wattful current from the other machine to run as a motor.

(a) Machines having negligible resistance (b) Machines having negligible reactance
with respect to reactance with respect to resistance
Fig. 7.22 Pharos diagram for the internal circuit of two synchronous machine operating in parallel

Considering that the two machines are having only resistance and negligible reactance. Their
emfs E1 and E2 are practically in phase opposition, as shown in Fig. 7.22(a) and their resultant emf
Er is in quadrature with E1 and E2. The synchronising current IS [ IS = Er /(R1 + R2)] will be in phase
with Er but in quadrature with E1 and E2. Hence, no real power is transferred from one machine to
the other since the synchronising current is the wattless current (needs help for synchronisation).
Now, considering that the two machines are having large reactance as compared to resistance.
The synchronising current IS will lag behind the resultant voltage Er by 90° as shown in Fig. 7.22
(b), this synchronising current IS will develop a real power E1 IS cos q which will be delivered by
one machine to the other, Hence, one machine works as a generator and the other works as a motor.
This causes the machine to restore synchronism.

From the above discussions, it is concluded that machines must have high reactance for satisfactory
parallel operation of synchronous generators.
652 Electrical Machines

7.15 Effect of Governors’ Characteristics on Load Sharing

The speed-load characteristics of the prime-movers of the alternators are drooping curves as shown
in Fig. 7.23 the curve shows that the speed or frequency of an alternator decreases with the load.
Governors are usually employed with the generator prime-movers which act on the centrifugal
principle. The moment, there in drop in speed caused by the increase in load, the valve mechanism
operates and brings the speed back to its rated value.

Fig. 7.23 Speed-load characteristics of synchronous generators

In Fig. 7.23 The speed-load characteristics of three alternator I, II and III each of same rating
(say 5 MVA), are shown. The speed-load characteristics of alternator I and II are identical but that
of alternator III are different.
Let us see how speed-load characteristics affect the load sharing when they are connected is
parallel. Consider that alternator I and II are operating in parallel and both of them are supplying
their rated full load of 4MW (say the pf of the load is 0.8 lagging). If the load on the system decreases
( say from 8MW to 6MW), as shown in Fig. 7.23 (a) the frequency of both the alternators increases
momentarily but equal load (3MW each) is shared by them.

Fig. 7.24 Load shared by two alternators running in parallel.

Parallel Operation of Alternators 653

Now, consider that alternator I and III are operating in parallel and both of them are supplying
their rated full load of 4MW (say the pf of the load is 0.8 lagging). If the load on the system decreases
(say from 8 MW to 6MW), as shown in Fig. 7.24(b), the frequency of both the alternators increases
momentarily but they are not sharing the load equally, alternator I is sharing less load than the
alternator III as shown in Fig. 7.24 (b).
Hence, it is concluded that the speed-load characteristics play their role. Therefore, the governess
placed on the alternators must be very sensitive so that they bring the alternators to operate at their
rated frequency and share the load as per their rating.

7.16 Hunting
When a synchronous machine is loaded, the rotor poles slightly fall back in position with respect to
the stator field (poles) by an angle G known as power angle or torque angle or retarding angle. As
the load is gradually increased, this angle G also increases gradually so as to produce more torque
for coping with the increased load. If the load is suddenly thrown off, angle G decreases suddenly
and the rotor poles are pulled into almost exact opposition to the stator poles, but due to inertia of
rotor and rotor poles travel too far. They are then pulled back again, and so on, thus oscillations are
set up around the equilibrium position, corresponding to new load.
The oscillation of the rotor about its equilibrium position is known as hunting.
Hunting effect produces heavy mechanical tresses in the machine parts particularly on the bearings.
Therefore effort are made to prevent hunting
The hunting (oscillations) can be prevented by providing damper winding on the rotor pole faces
in case of salient pole alternators. This damper winding consists of number of copper or aluminium
bars embedded into the slots provided on the outer periphery of the pole shoes and then short circuited
by end rings. When hunting takes place, there is relative motion of the rotor with respect to the stator
field, which sets up eddy currents in this winding which flow in such a way that it suppresses the
oscillations. Hunting can also be reduced by placing heavy flywheels on the shaft and putting dash-
pots on the engine governors.
However, non-salient pole of alternators used in steam-fed power plants do not have the tendency
to hunt.
The hunting also occurs when the machine operates as a motor. In this case also because of
sudden change in load oscillations are set up in the rotor called hunting; which can be prevented by
providing damper winding on the rotor.

Example 7.10
Determine the synchronising power and synchronising torque per mechanical degree of rotor
displacement at no-load of a 2.5 MVA, three-phase, six-pole synchronous generator connected to
6000V, 50Hz bus-bars. The synchronous reactance of the machine is 5 ohm per phase.

Here, rating of alternator = 2.5MVA; VL = 6000V; P = 6; XS 5 : f = 50Hz

Phase voltage, E = V = = 6000 = 3464 V
3 3
654 Electrical Machines

Rotor displacement in electrical degree = Mech. angle ¥ P = 1 ¥ 6 = 3∞

2 2
Electrical angle in radians, q ¥ 3 ¥ p = 0.0524

= 120 ¥ 50 = 1000 rpm

120 f
Synchronous speed, Ns =
P 6
Synchronising power for three-phase alternator,
2 3 ¥ (3464)2 ¥ 0.0524
Ps = 3E q = = 377258 W
Xs 5
= 377.258 kW (Ans.)

Ps ¥ 60 377258 ¥ 60
Synchronising torque, Ts = =
2p N s 2p ¥ 1000

= 3603 Nm/ (Ans.)

Example 7.11
A three-phase, 6 MVA, 50Hz alternator has a synchronous reactance of 0.4 pu. it is running at
1500 rpm and excited to give 11kV. Calculate the synchronising torque for per degree mechanical

Here, Rating of alternator = 6 MVA; f = 50 Hz; EL = 11 kV NS= 1500 rpm; XS= 0.4 pu
Phase voltage, E = L = 11000 = 6351 V
3 3
MVA ¥ 106 6 ¥ 106
Full-load current, I = = = 315 A
3 EL ¥ 103 3 ¥ 11 ¥ 103
Now, IXS = 0.4 of 6351
0.4 ¥ 6351
? XS = = 8.065 :
120 f 120 ¥ 50
No. of poles of the machine, P = = = 4
NS 1500

Rotor displacement in electrical degree = displacement in mechanical degree × P = 1 ¥ 4 = 2∞

2 2
Rotor displacement in radian, T = 1 ¥ = 0.0349 electrical
synchronising power for three-phase machine
2 3 ¥ (6351)2 ¥ 0.0349
PS = 3E q = = 523731 W
XS 8.065
PS ¥ 60 523731 ¥ 60
Synchronising torque, TS = = = 3334 Nm (Ans.)
2p N 2 p ¥ 1500
Parallel Operation of Alternators 655

Example 7.12
What will be synchronising power developed in a three-phase synchronous generator for one
mechanical degree of displacement from its equilibrium position. The synchronous generator
is connected to 11 kV infinite bus-bars and having the following data: Rated capacity =5 MVA;
Frequency, f = 50 Hz; Number of poles, P = 8; synchronous reactance = 25%
Also determine the corresponding value of the synchronising torque.

Phase voltage, E = = 11000 = 6351 V
3 3

Full-load current, I = MVA ¥ 106 = 5 ¥ 106 = 263 A

3 ¥ EL ¥ 103 3 ¥ 11 ¥ 103

Now, IXS = 25% of 6351 or XS = 25 ¥ 6351 = 6.05 W

100 ¥ 263

Rotor displacement in electrical degree = Mech. degree × P = 1 ¥ 8 = 4

2 2
Rotor displacement in radian, T = 4 ¥ p = 0.0698
2 3 ¥ (6351)2 ¥ 0.0698
Synchronous power, PS = 3E q =
XS 6.05
= 1396328 W (Ans.)
= 120 ¥ 50 = 750 rpm
120 f
Synchronous speed, NS =
P 8
P ¥ 60 1396328 ¥ 60
Synchronising torque, TS = S = = 17778 Nm (Ans.)
2p N S 2p ¥ 750
Example 7.13
A three-phase, star-connected, 3300 V alternator is connected to the bus-bars. Another 3000 kVA,
six-pole, three-phase, star-connected alternator running at 1000 rpm with 30% reactance is to
be synchronised to the same bus-bars. Calculate the synchronising current and power per one
mechanical degree of displacement and the corresponding synchronising torque.

Alternator is three-phase, star connected
Rating of alternator, = 3000 kVA = 3000 × 103 VA
No. of poles, P = 6
Synchronous speed, Ns = 1000 rpm
Terminal voltage (line value), VL = 3300 V

Terminal voltage (phase value), V = 3300 = 1905 ◊ 26 V

Full load current, I = 3300 ¥ 10 = 524 ◊ 86 A
3 ¥ 3300
656 Electrical Machines

Synchronous impedance, Zs = 1905 ◊ 26 = 3 ◊ 63 ohm

524 ◊ 86

Synchronous reactance, Xs = 30% of Zs = 30 ¥ 3 ◊ 63 = 1 ◊ 089 ohm


Angular displacement in elect. degrees, T = mech. degree × pair of poles = 1° × 6 = 3∞


Angular displacement in radians, T = 3 ¥ p = 0 ◊ 05236


Synchronising current, Is = Eq = 1905 ◊ 26 ¥ 0 ◊ 5236 = 91·6 A (Ans.)

Xs 1 ◊ 089
Synchronising power = 3 Is V = 3 × 91·6 × 1905·26 = 523·6 kW (Ans.)
Synchronising power
Synchronising torque, Ts =
2p N s / 60
= 523 ◊ 6 ¥ 10 ¥ 60 = 5000 Nm (Ans.)
2p ¥ 1000
Example 7.14
The governors of the two 50 MVA, three-phase alternators operating in parallel. are set in such a
way that the rise in speed from full-load to no-load is 2% in one machine and 3% in the other. The
characteristics being straight lines in both cases. If each machine is fully loaded when the total
load is 100 MW (unity pf), what will be the load on each machine when load is reduced to 75 MW.

For parallel operation of two alternators having same number of poles, the speed of both should be
the same. When each machine is fully loaded, the operating points are A and B (see Fig. 7.25). When
the total load is reduced to 75 MW, let the speed rises to some value x% of the full load speed. Now
the operating points of alternator I and II are shifted to F and E.

Fig. 7.25 Frequency-load characteristics of two alternators

From similar triangles ACO and ECG

? EG = AO ¥
Parallel Operation of Alternators 657

3– x 3– x
= 50 ¥ = 50 – ...(i)
3 3
From similar triangles BDO and FDG
OD – OG 2–x
or FG = BO ¥ = 50 ¥ = 50 – 25 x ...(ii)
OD 2
Adding (i) and (ii)

(EG + GF) = 50 - 50 x + 50 – 2 x

or 75 = 100 - 125 x
or x = 0·6
From equation (i), load shared by alternator II

EG = 50 - 50 ¥ 0 ◊ 6 = 50 - 10 = 40 MW (Ans.)
From equation (ii), load shared by alternator I.
FG = 50 – 25 × 0·6 = 35 MW (Ans.)

Example 7.15
The two alternators I and II having a full-load capacity of 500 kW each are operating in parallel.
Their speed regulation is 100% to 104% and 100% to 105% from full-load to no-load, respectively.
How they will share a load of 600 kW. Also find the load at which one machine ceases to supply
any load?

When each alternator is operating at full-load, the operating points are A and B, as shown in Fig. 7.26
When the total load is reduced to 600 kW, let the speed be raised to (100 + x)% Now the operating
points of alternator I and II are E and F.

Fig. 7.26 Speed-load curves as per data

658 Electrical Machines

From similar triangle AOD and EGD

EG = GD or EG = AO ¥ OD - OG

or EG = 500 ¥ 4 - x = 500 – 125 x …(i)

From similar triangle AOD and EGD
FG = GC or FG = BO ¥ OC - OG

or FG = 500 ¥ 5 - x = 500 – 100 x …(ii)

Adding eqn.(i) and (ii), we get,
EG + FG = 500 – 125 x + 500 – 100 x
600 = 1000 – 225 x

225 x = 1000 – 600 or x = 400 = 1.78

From eqn. (i), load shared by alternator I

EG = 500 ¥ 4 - 1.78 = 277.78 kW (Ans)

Load shared by alternator II, FG = 600 – 277.78 = 322.22 kW (Ans)
When load reduces to DFc, one of the alternator i.e., alternator I will cease to deliver load.
From similar triangles OBC and DF’C, we get,
DF ¢ = DC

or DFc = DC u OB = 1 u 500 = 100 kW (Ans)

OC 5
Example 7.16
The governors of two identical three-phase alternators operating in parallel are set such that the
frequency of first alternator drops uniformly from 50 Hz on no-load to 48 Hz on full-load of 25 kW,
whereas, in second alternator the frequency drops uniformly from 50 Hz on no-load to 47 Hz on
full-load of 25 kW. How will they share a load of 30 kW.

The frequency-load curves of both the alternators I and II are shown in Fig. 7.27.
When each machine is fully loaded, their operating points are A and B, respectively. When the
load of the system is 30 kW, let the operating points of the two machines be E and F, respectively.
At this instant, let the load shared by alternator I  be x kW, then;
Considering similar triangles OAC and OEG
OG = OC or OG = EG ¥ OC
or OG = x ¥ 2 = 2 x …(i)
25 25
Parallel Operation of Alternators 659

Fig. 7.27 Frequency-load curves of the alternators as per data

Considering similar triangles ODB and OGF

OG = OD or OG = GF ¥ OD
or OG = (30 - x ) ¥ 3 = 90 - 3 x …(ii)
25 25
Equating eqn. (i) and (ii), we get
2 x = 90 – 3 x or 2 x = 90 – 3 x
25 25
or 2x + 3x = 90 or x = 90 = 18 kW
Load shared by alternator I = 18 kW (Ans.)
Load shared by alternator II = 30 – 18 = 12 kW (Ans.)

Example 7.17
The drop characteristics of the governors of two alternators having rating 300 MW and 400 MW
operating in parallel are of 3% and 4%, respectively. If the generators operate at no-load at 50 Hz.
What will be the frequency at which they would operate with a total load of 600 MW. Also comment
on the results.

The frequency-load curves of both the alternators I and II are shown in Fig. 7.28

Fig. 7.28 Frequency-load curves of the alternators as per data

660 Electrical Machines

Al full-load,

50 ¥ 3
Frequency of alternator I = 50 – = 48.5 Hz
50 ¥ 4
Frequency of alternator II = 50 – = 48 Hz
When each machine is fully loaded, the operating points are A and B, respectively. When the load
on the system is 600 MW let the frequency be x Hz.

Considering similar triangles OAC and OEG

EG = AC or EG = OG ¥ AC
or EG = (50 - x ) ¥ 300 = 10000 – 200 x …(i)
(50 - 48.5)
Considering similar triangles ODB and OGF
GF = DB or GF = OG ¥ DB
or GF = (50 - x ) ¥ 400 = 10000 – 200x …(ii)
(50 - 48)
Adding eqn. (i) and (ii), we get
EG + GF = 10000 – 200 x + 10000 –200 x
or 600 = 20000 – 400 x (Since EG + GF = 600 MW)
or 400x = 19400
or x = 48.5 Hz (Ans.)
With the given drooping characteristics, the two alternators will not be in position to take-up load
more than 600 MW

Section Practice Problems

Numerical Problems
1. Determine the synchronising power and synchronising torque per mechanical degree of rotor displacement
at no-load of a 2000 kVA, three-phase, eight-pole synchronous generator connected to 6000V, 50Hz bus-
bars. The synchronous reactance of the machine is 4 ohm per phase. (Ans. 628.64 kW, 8000 Nm)
2. What will be synchronising power developed in a three-phase synchronous generator for one mechanical
degree of displacement from its equilibrium position. The synchronous generator is connected to 3.3 kV
infinite bus-bars and having the following data: Rated capacity = 3 MVA; Frequency, f = 50 Hz; Number of
poles, P= 6; synchronous reactance = 25% Also determine the corresponding value of the synchronising
torque. (Ans. 6.28.4 kW, 6000Nm)
3. A 750 kVA, 3300 V, 8 poles, three-phase 50 Hz, alternator runs in parallel with other alternator. Its
synchronous reactance is 24%. Find the synchronising current, power and torque of one mechanical
degree displacement. (Ans. 38·16A, 218·12 kW, 2777·23 Nm)
Parallel Operation of Alternators 661

4. Two three-phase 40 MW synchronous generator I and II are operating in parallel. Their speed regulation
is 100% to 104% and 100% to 103% from full-load to no-load, respectively. How they will share a load
of 60 MW. Also find the load at which one machine ceases to supply any load?
(Ans. 31.43 MW, 28.57 MW, 10 MW)
5. The settings of governors of two identical three-phase alternators are operating in parallel are such that
the frequency of first alternator drops uniformly from 50 Hz on no-load to 48 Hz on full-load of 20 kW,
whereas, in second alternator the frequency drops uniformly from 50 Hz on no-load to 47.5 Hz on full-load
of 20 kW. How will they share a load of 30 kW. (Ans. 13.33 kW, 16.67 kW)

Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1. The synchronous generators with larger air-gap have higher synchronising power, why?
Ans. A large air-gap offers a large reluctance to the armature mmf and reduces the armature reaction. This
reduces the value of synchronous reactance. Since synchronising power is inversely proportion to
synchronous reactance, the smaller synchronous reactance will develop higher value of synchronising

Q.2. Will an increase in excitation of an alternator connected to infinite bus-bars increase its real power
Ans. No, real power generation will not be affected, it will remain the same.

Q.3. What do you understand by synchronising power and what is its significance?
Ans. When the equilibrium of a synchronous generator connected to infinite bus-bars in disturbed due to any
reason, a synchronising current flows through it which develops synchronising power. The tendency
of the synchronising power is to bring the machine back in to synchronism.

Q.4. How can the load sharing between the alternators operating in parallel be changed?
Ans. The load sharing between the alternators operating in parallel can be changed by adjusting the input
power to their prime-movers.

Q.5. Do the non-salient pole type of alternators employed at steam power plants have a tendency to
Ans. No, they don’t have the tendency to hunt.

Q.6. What are the causes of hunting in synchronous machines?

Ans. In synchronous machines, hunting occurs due to sudden change in load on the machine.

Review Questions
1. Explain what you understand by Infinite Bus-bars.
2. What are the advantages of connecting alternators in parallel? What conditions are required to be fulfilled
before connecting an alternator in parallel with the existing alternators?
3. What is the necessity of parallel operation of alternators? What conditions are required to be satisfied
before connecting an alternator to the infinite bus-bars.
4. What are necessary conditions for parallel operation of three-phase alternators?
662 Electrical Machines

State the necessary conditions which must be satisfied before an incoming alternator is switched ON
with other alternator already working in parallel.
5. What is meant by synchronising? What are the various methods of synchronisation. Explain any one of
6. Describe “One dark and two bright” lamp method of synchronising two three-phase alternators.
7. Explain the term synchronising. Discuss any one methods of synchronising of 1-phase alternators.
8. Explain with diagram any one method of synchronising of two three-phase alternators
9. What are the advantages of connecting the three synchronising lamps in a manner so as to give one dark
and two birght instead of all dark at a time while synchronising an alternator?
10. Discuss the use of synchroscope in the parallel operation of three-phase alternators.
11. An alternator has just been synchronised and is floating on the bus-bars. What steps will you take to make
it share load? Justify your answer with the help of a phasor diagram.
12. What steps should be taken before an alternator is switched off from infinite bus-bars?
13. Derive an expression for synchronising power and torque when two alternators are running in Parallel.
14. Two identical alternators are running in parallel sharing equal load. What is the effect on their load sharing
(i) Field excitation of one of the alternators is increased.
(ii) Input power of one of the alternators is increased.
15. Explain the effect of change in excitation of a synchronous generator connected to an infinite bus-bars.
16. If two alternators are operating in parallel, what is the effect on the phasor of their induced emf of
increasing the torque of one of the prime mover driving one of them. Show that the resultant emf produces
a circulating current called synchronising current and the action of this current is such that it makes the
parallel operation of alternators a conditions of stable equilibrium.
17. Two alternators with negligible synchronous reactances as compared to their resistances are Connected
in parallel. Will they be in position to run successfully? Justify you answer.
18. Explain the factors that affect the load sharing between the two synchronous generators running in
19. What do you understand by ‘power angle’ of a synchronous generator? Will it increase or decrease if the
input to the prime-mover of the machine connected to infinite bus-bar is Increased? Justify your answer.
20. Drive the condition for maximum power output of a synchronous generator connected to an infinite bus
and operating at constant excitation.
21. “Synchronous reactance is necessary for the flow of synchronising power’. Justify the statement.
22. How does change in the excitation of the alternator connected to infinite bus-bars affect the operation?
23. How does change in the driving torque of the alternator connected to infinite bus-bars affect the operation.
24. “It is desirable to adjust the frequency of the incoming machine slightly higher than that of the bus with
which it is to be connected”. Justify the statement.
Parallel Operation of Alternators 663

25. What do you understand by hunting in synchronous generators? What are the ill-effects of hunting. How
hunting can be minimised?

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The speed of prime mover for an alternator is maintained constant by
(a) filters (b) coupling
(c) brakes (d) governors
2. Two alternators are operating in parallel. What will happen when the excitation of A is increased?
(a) alternator will burn out (b) wattless component will change
(c) power output will reduce (d) the machines will stop
3. Two alternators A and B have the same % age impedance. They will share any additional load.
(a) equally (b) in proportion to their pf
(c) in proportion to their kVA rating (d) in proportion to their speed.
4. Which of the following is not an essential conditions for parallel operation of two alternators?
(a) identical terminal voltage for two machines
(b) same phase sequence for two machines
(c) same kVA rating for two machines
(d) same frequency of voltage generated.
5. A common load is supplied by two identical alternators A and B running is parallel. Both of them are
having identical excitations and steam supplies to their prime-movers. Now, if the steam supply to the
prime-mover of generator A is increased compared to B with field excitation kept unchanged, then.
(a) Active power of A will remain the same but the reactive power will increase.
(b) Active power of A will decrease while the reactive power will increase.
(c) both active and reactive components of power of generator A will increase.
(d) active power contribution of A will increase but reactive power contributions of both will remain
6. Synchronising current means
(a) The total current supplied to the load by the alternators operating in parallel.
(b) The current circulating in the local circuit of two alternators operating in parallel which brings the
alternators in synchronism once they are out of it.
(c) The current supplied by the synchronous generator.
(d) All of the above.
7. An inductive load is shared by two identical synchronous generators A and B equally, if the excitation of
alternator A is increased.
(a) Alternator A will deliver more current and alternator B will deliver less current.
(b) Alternator B will deliver more current and alternator A will deliver less current.
(c) both will continue to deliver same current.
(d) both will deliver more current.
8. The governor droop characteristics of two 300 MW and 400 MW alternators appearing in parallel are 4%
and 5%, respectively. If the alternators operate at no-load at 50 Hz, the frequency at which they would
operate with a total load of 600 MW is
(a) 48.06 Hz. (b) 47.06 Hz.
(c) 49.66 Hz. (d) 47.66 Hz.
664 Electrical Machines

9. Two alternators each having 4% speed regulation are working in parallel. Alternator 1 is rated 12 MW and
alternator 2 is rated 8 MW. When the total load is 12 MW, the load shared by alternators 1 and 2 would
be, respectively
(a) 4 MW and 8 MW. (b) 8MW and 4 MW.
(c) 4.8 MW and 7.2 MW. (c) 12 MW and zero.
10. The following data pertaining to two alternators working in parallel and supplying a total load of 75 MW:
Machine 1: 50 MVA with 5% speed regulation
Machine 2: 75 MVA with 5% speed regulation
The load sharing between machine 1 and 2 will be
(a) 45 MW and 30 MW (b) 40 MW and 35 MW
(c) 35 MW and 40 MW (d) 30 MW and 45 MW
11. An infinite bus-bar has
(a) constant voltage. (b) constant frequency.
(c) constant current (d) both (a) and (b).

Keys to Multiple Choice Questions

1. d 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. d 6. b 7. a 8. a 9. c 10. d
11. d
Synchronous Motors 665


Synchronous Motors 8
Chapter Objectives
After the completion of this unit, students/readers will be able to understand:
What is the basic principle of operation of a synchronous motor?
How synchronous motor operates on load?
How to determine relation between supply voltage V and excitation voltage E.
What are the different torques developed in a synchronous motor?
How to draw a power flow diagram of a synchronous motor?
What is the effect of change in excitation when load on the machine is kept constant?
What is the effect of change in load when excitation is kept constant?
What are V-curves and inverted V-curves.
What are the different methods by which a synchronous motor is made self-starting?
How a synchronous motor is used to improve the pf of a system?
What are the important characteristics and applications of synchronous motors?
How synchronous motors are compared with induction motors?

The same synchronous machine can be used as a generator or as a motor. When it converts mechanical
power or energy into electric power or energy, it is called a synchronous generator. On the other hand,
when it converts electric power or energy into mechanical power or energy, it is called a synchronous
For instance, if two alternators A and B are operating in parallel and the power input to one of
the alternator say ‘A’ is increased, it starts delivering more power. Since the demand of the load is
unaltered, the alternator ‘B’ will thus be relieved off load by an equal amount. If this process is
continued till output power of alternator ‘A’ becomes more than the total load supplied, then the
alternator ‘B’ instead of supplying power starts receiving power from the bus-bars. Thus, the machine
starts working as a motor. However, when two alternators A and B (or any number of alternators) are
operating in parallel and the driving force (power input) of any one of them is removed, it continues to
run as a motor by receiving power from the other alternator (or bus bars).
Thus, the machine starts working as a motor and is called synchronous motor.
666 Electrical Machines

Hence, a synchronous machine can be operated as a generator (called alternator or synchronous

generator) or a motor (called synchronous motor).

Fig. 8.1 Synchronous motor with exciter

Note: The construction of synchronous motor is same as that of synchronous generator or

alternator. In fact, the same machine can be operated as a generator or as a motor.

8.1 Working Principle of a Three-phase Synchronous Motor

When a 3-phase supply is given to the stator of a 3-phase wound synchronous motor, a revolving
120 f
field is set up (say in anticlockwise) which rotates at a synchronous speed (NS = ). This field
is represented by the imaginary stator poles. At an instant as shown in Fig. 8.2(a), the opposite poles
of stator and rotor are facing each other (for simplicity two-pole machine is considered). As there is
a force of attraction between them, an anticlockwise torque is produced in the rotor as the rotor poles
are dragged by the stator revolving poles or field.
After half a cycle, polarity of the stator poles is reversed whereas the rotor poles could not change
their position due to inertia. Thus, like poles are facing each other and due to force of repulsion a
clockwise torque is produced in the rotor as shown in Fig. 8.2 (b).
Hence, the torque produced in a 3-phase synchronous motor is not unidirectional and as such
this motor is not self-starting.
However, if rotor of synchronous motor is rotated by some external means at the start so that it
also reverses its polarity as the polarity of stator poles is reversed after half a cycle as shown in Fig.
Synchronous Motors 667

8.2(c). A continuous force of attraction between stator and rotor poles exists. This is called magnetic
locking. Once the magnetic locking is obtained, the rotor poles are dragged by the stator revolving
field (imaginary poles) and a continuous torque is obtained. As the rotor poles are dragged by the
stator revolving field, hence the rotor rotates at the same speed as that of stator revolving field, i.e.,
synchronous speed.
Thus, a synchronous motor only runs at a constant speed called synchronous speed.

Fig. 8.2 Representing working principle with initial torque

8.2 Effect of Load on Synchronous Motor

When a synchronous motor is connected to the lines and started by some external means, it starts
rotating at synchronous speed. If the motor is running at no-load and has no losses (ideal condition),
then the induced emf E is equal and opposite to applied voltage V as shown in Fig. 8.3(a) and the
stator and rotor poles are in line with each other as shown in Fig. 8.3(b). The resultant emf and hence
the current drawn by the motor is zero. Thus, the motor is said to be floating on the lines.

Fig. 8.3 Synchronous motor on no-load (ideal condition)

However, in actual machine some losses are always present with the result induced emf E falls
back by an angle G0 relative to the stator poles as shown in Fig. 8.3(b). This causes a resultant voltage
Er across the armature circuit and motor draws no-load current I0 (I0 = Er /Zs) from the mains. This
no-load current lags behind the resultant voltage by an angle T where T = tan–1 S ; XS is the
668 Electrical Machines

synchronous reactance and R is the resistance of armature (stator winding). Since resistance is very
small as compared to synchronous reactance, therefore angle T is nearly 90°. The power drawn by
the motor at no-load is VI0 cos I0 which is sufficient to meet with the losses and make the motor
running continuously at synchronous speed.


ws S
E Er

O f0 V
I0 +S
(a) Phasor diagram (b) Position of poles with displacement

Fig. 8.4 Synchronous motor at no-load (considering losses)

However, when load is applied through the shaft on the motor, the rotor poles fall back a little
more (angle G) relative to stator poles as shown in Fig. 8.5(b). Hence the torque angle increases to G
with the increase in load. This increases the resultant voltage Er which in turn increases the current
I (I = E r /Zs) drawn by the motor from the mains.
Thus, a synchronous motor is able to supply power to the increased mechanical load, not by decrease
in speed, but by shifting the position of the rotor poles with respect of the stator poles or field.

Fig. 8.5 Synchronous motor at load

When load applied on the shaft of the motor is further increased, the induced, emf E falls back
further. Hence load angle (torque angle) G increases with the increase in load. When G increases the
resultant voltage Er increases and so the armature current I. If too great mechanical load is applied
to the synchronous motor, the rotor is pulled out of synchronism, after which it comes to stand still.
This maximum value of torque that a motor can develop without losing its synchronism is called
pull-out torque.
Synchronous Motors 669

8.3 Equivalent Circuit of a Synchronous Motor

The equivalent circuit of a synchronous motor is the same, in all respects, as that of a synchronous
generator, the only difference is that the direction of power flow is reversed in this case, as shown
in Fig. 8.6. In the equivalent circuit
V = Voltage applied to the armature (phase value)
I = armature current (phase value)
R = effective armature resistance in ohm per phase
XS = synchronous reactance per phase
E = excitation voltage (phase value)
ZS = synchronous impedance per phase
If = exciting or field current
where, Z S = R + jX S = R 2 + X S2 – tan -1 S ohm
For synchronous motor:
V = E + I Z s = E + I ( R + jX S ) = E + IR + jIX S …(i)

or E = V - I Z s = V - I ( R + jX S ) = V - IR - jIX S …(ii)

Fig. 8.6 Equivalent circuit

8.4 Phasor Diagram of a Synchronous Motor (Cylindrical Rotor)

A 3-phase cylindrical rotor synchronous motor may operate at different power factors i.e., lagging,
unity or leading. Accordingly its phasor diagram is drawn with the help of above equations.

(i) Phasor Diagram for Lagging Power Factor

The phasor diagram may be drawn by considering equation E = V - IR - jIX s .
The phasor diagrams are shown in Fig. 8.7(a) and (b).
To draw the phasor diagram, proceed as follows:
1. Supply voltage V (phase value) is taken as reference vector such that OA = V.
2. Armature current I lags behind the voltage vector by an angle I for lagging p.f. such that
OI = I.
670 Electrical Machines

3. Draw phasor AB = –IR in phase opposition to current phasor as shown in Fig. 8.7(a) or draw
phasor AD = –IXS perpendicular to current phasor but is opposite direction as shown in
Fig. 8.7(b).
4. Draw phasor BC = – IXS perpendicular to current phasor but in opposite direction as shown
in Fig. 8.7(a) or draw phasor DC = –IR in phase opposition to current phasor as shown in
Fig. 8.7(b).
Hence, E = V - I Z S or V = E + IZ S
5. Join OC, which represents phasor E i.e., induced emf per phase.
6. The phase difference between V and E i.e., angle G is known as power angle or torque angle.

Fig. 8.7 Phasor diagram for lagging PF

(ii) Phasor Diagram at Unity Power Factor

1. Draw reference phasor OA = V (supply phase value)
2. Draw current phasor OI = I in phase with OA.
3. Draw phasor AB = –IR in phase opposition to current phasor as shown in Fig. 8.7(a) or draw
phasor AD = –IXS perpendicular to current phasor but in opposite direction as shown in
Fig. 8.7(b).
4. Draw phasor BC = – IXS perpendicular to current phasor but in opposite direction as shown
in Fig. 8.8(a) or draw phasor DC = –IR in phase opposition to current phasor as shown in
Fig. 8.8 (b).
5. Join OC, which represents phasor E i.e., induced emf per phase.

Fig. 8.8 Phasor diagram for unity pf

Synchronous Motors 671

6. The phase difference between V and E i.e., angle G is known as power angle or torque angle.
Hence, E = V - I Z S or V = E + I Z S

(iii) Phasor Diagram for Leading Power Factor

1. Draw a reference phasor OA = V (supply voltage phase value)
2. Draw current phasor OI = I leading the phasor OA (i.e., V) by an angle I since pf cos Iis leading.
3. Draw phasor AB = –IR i.e., drop in armature resistance per phase, parallel to current phasor but
in phase opposition as shown in Fig. 8.9(a) or draw phasor AD = – IXS i.e., drop in synchronous
reactance per phase, perpendicular to current phasor but in opposite direction as shown in Fig.
4. Draw phasor BC = –IXS i.e., drop in synchronous reactance per phase, perpendicular to current
phasor but in opposite direction as shown in Fig. 8.9(a) or draw DC = –IR i.e., drop in armature
resistance per phase parallel to current phasor but in phase opposition as shown in Fig. 8.9(b).
5. Join OC, which represents phasor value of E i.e., induced emf per phase.
6. The phase difference between V and E i.e., angle G is known as power angle or torque angle.
Hence, E = V - I Z S or V = E + I Z S

Fig. 8.9 Phasor diagram for leading pf

8.5 Relation between Supply Voltage V and Excitation Voltage E

The relation between excitation voltage E (phase value) and supply voltage V (phase value) can be
determined for different power factors either by using phasor diagram or complex algebra.

Determination of a Relation by using Phasor Diagram

For lagging power factor, consider phasor diagram shown in Fig. 8.7(b).
From right angle triangle OCG
OC2 = OG 2 + CG 2 = (OF – FG)2 + (DF)2 = (OF – DC)2 + (AF – AD)2
672 Electrical Machines

E2 = (V cos I – IR)2 + (V sin I – IXS)2

or E= (V cos f - IR)2 + (V sin f - IX S )2

For unity power factor, consider phasor diagram shown in Fig. 8.8(b).
From right angle triangle OCG
or OC2 = OG 2 + CG 2 = (OA – AG)2 + CG 2 = (OA – DC)2 + DA2
E2 = (V – IR)2 + (IXS)2

or E= (V - IR)2 + ( IX S )2
For leading power factor, consider phasor diagram shown in Fig. 8.9(b)
From right angle triangle OCG.
OC2 = OG 2 + CG 2 = (OF – FG)2 + DF2 = (OF – DC)2 + (FA + AD)2
E2 = (V cos I – IR)2 + (V sin I + IXS)2

or E= (V cos f - IR)2 + (V sin f + IX S )2

Determination of Relation by using Complex Algebra

Since V is the reference vector, V = V ‘ 0° = V ± j0
Synchronous impedance, Z S = R + jXS
Armature current, I = I ‘ – I = I cos I – jI sin I (for lagging pf)
= I ‘ 0° = I ± j0 (for unity pf)
= I ‘ + I = I cos I+ jI sin I (for leading pf)
Excitation voltage is given as, E = V - I Z S
For lagging power factor (cos I)
E = V ‘ 0° – (I cos I – jI sin I) (R + jXS)
= V ± j0 – [IR cos I + j IXS cos I– j IR sin I + IXS sin I]
= (V – IR cos I – IXS sin I) – j (IXS cos I – IR sin I)
Now, E = E ‘G °

? E= (V - IR cos f - IX S sin f )2 + ( IX S cos f - IR sin f )2

IX S cos f - IR sin f
‘G = - tan -1 (lagging)
V - IR cos f - IX S sin f
Similarly, for leading power factor (cos I)

E= (V - IR cos f + IX S sin f )2 + ( IX S cos f + IR sin f )2

IX S cos f + IR sin f
‘G = - tan -1 (lagging)
V - IR cos f + IX S sin f
Synchronous Motors 673

For unity power factor (cos I = 1; sin I= 0)

E= (V - IR)2 + ( IX S )2
‘G = – tan -1 (lagging)
V - IR

8.6 Different Torques in a Synchronous Motor

The following torques of a synchronous motor are usually considered while selecting it for a particular
1. Locked-rotor torque. The minimum torque at any angular rotor position that is developed
with the rotor locked (that is, stationary) and rated voltage at rated frequency is applied to the
terminals is called locked rotor torque. This torque is provided by the stator windings.
2. Running Torque. The torque developed by the motor under running conditions is called running
torque. It is determined by the power rating and speed of the driven machine.
3. Pull-in torque. A synchronous motor is usually started as induction motor. When it runs 2 to 5
percent below the synchronous speed, DC excitation is applied and the rotor pulls into step with
the synchronously rotating stator field. The pull-in torque is the maximum constant torque at
rated voltage and frequency under which a motor will pull a connected load into synchronism
when DC excitation is applied.
4. Pull-out torque. The maximum value of torque which a synchronous motor can develop at
rated voltage and frequency without losing synchronism is called pull-out torque.

8.7 Power Developed in a Synchronous Motor (Cylindrical Rotor)

Considering circuit diagram of a cylindrical rotor synchronous motor shown in Fig. 8.6 and its phasor
diagram for lagging power factor shown in 8.7(b). Here E lags behind V by an angle G, then
V = V‘0° and E = E‘–G

Also V = E + I ZS …(8.7.1)

I = V - E = V –0∞ - E – - d
ZS Z S –q Z S –q

= V – - q - E – - (d + q )

or I * = V –q - E – (d + q ) …(8.7.2)

Power Input to Motor Per Phase

Apparent power = Active power + j Reactive power
674 Electrical Machines

Sim = Pim + jQim = V I * …(8.7.3)

È ˘
= (V –0∞) Í V –q - E –(d + q ) ˙
Î S Z S ˚
= V –q - VE – (d + q )

È 2 2 ˘ È ˘
= Í V cos q + j V sin q ˙ – Í VE cos (d + q ) + j VE sin (d + q ) ˙
Î S Z S ˚ Î S Z Z S ˚
È 2 ˘ È 2 ˘
= Í V cos q - VE cos (d + q ) ˙ + j Í V sin q - VE sin (d + q ) ˙ …(8.7.4)

Real Power Input to the Motor (Per Phase)

Taking real part of eqn. 8.7.4, we get,
Pim = V cos q - VE cos (d + q ) …(8.7.5)
= V 2 R - VE cos (d + q )

where, TS = 90° – D

? cos (G + T ) = cos [90 + (G – D)] = – sin (G– D)

? Pim = V 2 R + VE - sin (d - a ) …(8.7.6)

Reactive Power Input to the Motor (Per Phase)

Taking imaginary part of the eqn. (8.7.4), we get,
Qim = V sin q - VE sin (d + q ) …(8.7.7)
Qim = V 2 X S - VE sin (d + q )

where T = 90 – D; sin (G + T) = sin [90 + (G– D)] = cos (G– D)

? Qim = V 2 X S - VE cos (d - a ) …(8.7.8)

Power Output of Motor Per Phase

Som = Pom + jQom = E I * …(8.7.9)

Synchronous Motors 675

È ˘
= ( E – - d ) Í V –q - E –(d + q ) ˙
= VE –(q - d ) - E –q

È ˘ È 2 2 ˘
= Í VE cos (q - d ) + j VE sin (q - d ) ˙ - Í E cos q + j E sin q ˙
Î S Z S ˚ Î S Z Z S ˚
È 2 ˘ È 2 ˘
= Í VE cos (q - d ) - E cos q ˙ + j Í VE sin (q - d ) - E sin q ˙ …(8.7.10)

Real Power Output of the Motor Per Phase

Taking real part of the eqn. (8.7.10), we get,
Pom = VE cos (q - d ) - E cos q …(8.7.11)
= VE cos (q - d ) - E 2 R …(8.7.12)
where T = 90° – D; cos (T – G) = cos [90° – (G + D)] = sin (G + D)
? Pom = VE sin (d + a ) - E 2 R …(8.7.13)
In large machines, usually the value of armature resistances R is so small than the synchronous
reactance X5 that it is neglected, then T = 90°. Considering eqn. 8.7.11,
2 2
Pom = VE cos (q - d ) - E cos q = VE cos (90 - d ) - E cos 90∞
Zs Zs Xs Xs

= VE sin d …(8.7.14)
This is also known as synchronising power of the motor. For 3-phase machine,

Synchronising power, Psyn = 3 VE sin d …(8.7.15)


Reactive Power Output of the Motor Per Phase

Taking imaginary part of the eqn. (8.7.10), we get,
Qom = VE sin (q - d ) - E sin q …(8.7.16)
= VE sin (q - d ) - E 2 X S
where T = 90° – D; sin (T – G) = sin [90° – (D + S)] = cos (D + G)
676 Electrical Machines

? Qom = VE cos (a + d ) - E 2 X S …(8.7.17)
For a synchronous motor, actual power developed in the motor is Pom and the power available at
the shaft will be
Power at the shaft = Mechanical power developed – rotational losses
where Rotational losses include friction, windage and core loss.

Maximum Power Output of the Motor

For maximum power output, differentiate Pom with respect to the variable i.e., torque angle G and
put that equal to zero, i.e.,
d P = 0 and d 2 P < 0
dd om dd 2

d P = d È VE 2 ˘
Í sin (d + a ) - E 2 R ˙ = 0 …(8.7.18)
dd om dd ÍÎ Z S Z S ˙˚

? VE cos (d + a ) = 0
or cos (G + D) = 0 or G + D = 90° or G = 90° – D
or G=T …(8.7.19)
Maximum power output
2 2
Pom (max) = VE sin 90∞ - E 2 R or Pom(max) = VE - E 2 R …(8.7.20)

Neglecting armature resistance,

Pom(max) = VE …(8.7.21)

8.8 Phasor Diagrams of a Salient-pole Synchronous Motor

The voltage equation for a salient-pole synchronous motor is
V = E + IR + jIdXd + jIq Xq
V = terminal voltage (phase value); E = induced emf (phase value);
I = armature current (phase value); Id = direct axis current;
Iq = quadrature current; R = armature resistance;
Xd = direct axis reactance; Xq = quadrature reactance;
Synchronous Motors 677

(a) For Lagging Power Factor cos I

The phasor diagram at lagging pf cos Iis shown in Fig. 8.10.
OD = OA + AC + CD
V cos G = E + IqR + IdXd
BH = BC + CH
IqXq = IdR + V sin G
\ = I– G
Id = I sin \ = I sin (I– G)
Iq = I cos \ = I cos (I – G)

Fig. 8.10 Phasor diagram of a salient-pole synchronous motor at lagging power factor

After combining the above equations, we get

IXq cos (I– G) = IR sin (I– G) + V sin G
IXq (cos I cos G + sin I sin G) = IR (sin I cos G – cos I sin G) + V sin G
(V – IXq sin I– IR cos I) sin G = (IXq cos I – IR sin I) cos G
IX q cos f - IR sin f
? tan G=
V - IX q sin f - IR cos f

(b) For Leading Power Factor cos I

The phasor diagram at leading pf cos I is shown in Fig. 8.11.

Fig. 8.11 Phasor diagram of a salient-pole synchronous motor at leading power factor

As per phasor diagram shown in Fig. 8.11.

OA = E, AC = IR, BD = Iq Xq , DF = IdXd
678 Electrical Machines

OF = V, AC = AB cos \ = IR cos \ = IqR

BC = AB sin \ = IR sin \ = IdR
Also, OA = OH + HA = OH + HC – AC = OH + FD – AC
E = V cos G + IdXd – IqR
HF = CD = CB + BD
V sin G = IdR + IqXq
\ = I+ G
Id = I sin \ = I sin (I+ G)
Iq = I cos \ = I cos (I + G)
Substituting the values of Id and Iq, we get,
V sin G = IR sin (I+ G) + IXq cos (I+ I)
= IR (sin I cos G + cos I sin G) + IXq (cos I cos G– sin I sin G)
Separating the terms containing sin G and cos G, we get
(V + IXq sin I – IR cos I) sin G = (I Xq cos I + IR sin I) cos G
IX q cos f + IR sin f
? tan G=
V + IX q sin f - IR cos f

(c) Unity Power Factor

cos I= 1, I= 0°, sin I = 0

IX q
? tan G=
V - IR

Phasor Diagrams of Salient-pole Synchronous Motor Neglecting

Armature Resistance
In the modern synchronous machines or motors, the value of resistance in so small in comparison to reactance
that it is neglected. In such cases, the phasor diagram of synchronous motor are modified as shown in Fig. 8.12.
Synchronous Motors 679

Fig. 8.12 Phasor diagram of a salient-pole synchronous motor, neglecting R

8.9 Power Developed in a Salient-pole Synchronous Motor

The expressions for the power developed by a salient-pole synchronous generator derived in chapter
3 also apply to a salient-pole synchronous motor.
Real power developed per phase in watt,
2 Ê ˆ
P1I = VE sin d + V Á 1 - 1 ˜ sin 2d
Xd 2 Ë Xq Xd ¯

Real power developed by three phases in watt P3I = 3P1I

Reactive power per phase in VAR

Q1I = VE cos d - V [( X d + X q ) - ( X d - X q ) cos 2d ]
Xd 2 Xd Xd
Reactive power for three phases in VAR, Q3I = 3Q1I
All the power equations are true for both salient-pole synchronous generators and synchronous
motors. The torque angle G is positive for the generator and negative for the motor.
The expression VE sin d represents excitation power,
2 È ˘
whereas the expression V Í 1 + 1 ˙ sin 2 d represents reluctance power. Thus,
2 Î Xq Xd ˚

Excitation power per phase = sin d
2 Ê ˆ
Reluctance power per phase = V Á 1 - 1 ˜ sin 2d
2 Ë Xq Xd ¯

8.10 Power Flow in a Synchronous Motor

The power flow diagram for a synchronous machine working as a motor is shown in Fig. 8.13.
680 Electrical Machines

Fig. 8.13 Power flow diagram for a synchronous motor

Example 8.1
A 2.3 kV, 3- I star-connected synchronous motor has ZS = (0.2 + j2.2) ohm per phase. The motor
is operating at 0.5 power factor leading with a line current of 200 A. Determine the generated emf
per phase.

Solution by using phasor algebra

Supply voltage (phase value), V = 2.3 ¥ 1000 = 1328 V

Taking V as reference vector, V = V ‘0° = V ± j0
p.f., cos I = 0.5; sin cos–1 0.5 = 0.866; I = cos–1 0.5 = 60° leading.
Current, I = I ‘+ Ic= 200 ‘60°
Impedance, Z = R + jXS = (0.2 + j2.2) ohm

= (0.2)2 + (2.2)2 – tan -1 2.2 = 2.21 ‘84.8°

Now, E = V - I ZS
= (V ± j0) – [(200 ‘60°) (2.21 ‘84.8°)]
= 1328 – [442 ‘144.8°]
= 1328 – [442 cos 144.8° + j sin 144.8°]
= 1328 – [442 × (– 0.8171) + j0.5764)]
= 1328 – [–361.16 + j254.77]
= 1689.16 – j254.77 = 1708 ‘–8.58°
Generated emf/phase, E = 1708 V (Ans.)
Torque angle, G = 8.58° lagging (Ans.)

Fig. 8.14 Phasor diagram

Synchronous Motors 681

Solution by vector method

Supply voltage (phase value), V = 2.3 ¥ 1000 = 1328 V

Input current, I = 200 A
Power factor, cos I = 0.5; I = cos–1 0.5 = 60°; sin I= 0.866
Angle between Er and I, T = tan -1 = tan -1 2.2 = 84.8∞
R 0.2

Synchronous impedance/phase, ZS = R 2 + X S2 = (0.2)2 + (2.2)2 = 2.21 W

Voltage drop in impedance, i.e., Er = IZS = 200 × 2.21 = 442 V
From phasor diagram shown in Fig. 8.14.

Induced emf, E = V 2 + Er2 - 2 VEr cos (q + f )

= (1328)2 + (442)2 - 2 ¥ 1328 ¥ 442 ¥ cos(84.8∞ + 60∞)

= 1708 V (Ans.)
New, from phasor diagram,
E Er E
= or sin G = r ¥ sin (q + f )
sin (q + f ) sin d E

or sin G = 442 ¥ sin (84.8∞ + 60∞)


= 442 ¥ 0.5764 = 0.1492

Torque angle, G= sin–1 0.1492 = 8.58° lagging (Ans.)

Note: All the numerical problems can be solved by either of the two methods.

Example 8.2
A 3-phase, 400 V synchronous motor takes 60 A at a power factor of 0.8 leading. Determine the induced
emf and the power supplied. The motor impedance per phase is (0.25 + j3.2) :.


Here, Phase voltage, V = 400 = 231 V ; I = 60 A; cos I = 0.8 leading; Z = (0.25 + j3.2) :.
For leading power factor E2 = (V cos I – IR)2 + (V sin I + IXS)2

= ( 231 ¥ 0.8 - 60 ¥ 0.25) + ( 231 ¥ 0.6 + 60 ¥ 3.2 )

2 2

= (170)2 + (330)2 or E = (170)2 + (330)2

E = 371.2 V
682 Electrical Machines

Line emf = 3 ¥ 371.2 = 643 V (Ans.)

Power supplied, Pi = 3 VL I cos f

= 3 ¥ 400 ¥ 60 ¥ 0.8 = 33255 W (Ans.)

Example 8.3
A 3-phase synchronous motor of 10 kW at 1100 V has synchronous reactance of 8 :per phase. Find
the minimum current and the corresponding induced emf for full-load condition. The efficiency of
the machine is 0.8. Neglect armature resistance.
Here, Power output, P0 = 10 kW; VL = 1100 V; XS = 8 :; K = 0.8
The current in the motor is minimum when the power factor is unity, that is, cos I = 1.
motor output
Motor input =
Pi = = 10 = 12.5 kW
h 0.8

IL =
= 12.5 ¥ 103 = 6.56 A (Ans.)
3 VL cos f 3 ¥ 1100 ¥ 1
Phase voltage, V= = 1100 = 635 V
3 3
For unity power factor
E2 = V 2 + ( IX S )2 = (635)2 + (6.56 ¥ 8)2
? E = 637.25 V per phase (Ans.)

Example 8.4
A 6600 V, 3-phase, star-connected synchronous motor draws a full-load current of 80 A at 0.8 p.f.
leading. The armature resistance is 2.2 :and synchronous reactance 22 : per phase. If the stray
losses of the machine are 3200 W, determine: (a) the emf induced; (b) the output power; (c) the

V = 6600 = 3810.6 V (phase value)

I = 80 A, cos I = 0.8, sin I = 0.6; R = 2.2 : X = 22 :
For leading power factor
E = (V – IR cos I + IXS sin I) – j (IXS cos I + IR sin I)
= (3810.6 – 80 × 2.2 × 0.8 + 80 × 22 × 0.6) – j(80 × 22 × 0.8 + 80 × 2.2 × 0.6)
= 4725.8 – j1513.6 = 4962 ‘–17.76° V
Synchronous Motors 683

Induced line emf = 3 ¥ 4962 = 8594 V (Ans.)

Power input = 3 ¥ VL I cos f = 3 ¥ 6600 ¥ 80 ¥ 0.8 = 731618 W
Total copper loss = 3I2 R = 3 × 802 × 2.2 = 42240 W
Stray loss = 3200 W
Power output = power input – copper losses – stray loss
= 731618 –42240 – 3200 = 686178 W (Ans.)
Efficiency, K = = 686178 . = 0.9379 p.u. (Ans.)
input 731618
Example 8.5
A 1000 kVA, 11 kV, 3-phase star-connected synchronous motor has an armature resistance and
reactance per phase of 3.5 : and 40 : respectively. Determine the induced emf and angular
retardation of the rotor when fully loaded at (a) unity power factor, (b) 0.8 power factor lagging,]
(c) 0.8 power factor leading.


V = 11 ¥ 1000 = 6351; IL = kVA ¥ 1000 = 1000 ¥ 1000 = 52.5 A

3 3 VL 3 ¥ 11000
(a) At unity power factor
V = V –0∞ = V ± j 0
cos I = 1.0, I = 0°, I = 52.49 ‘0° A
E = V - I ( R + jX S )
= 6351 – (52.49 ‘0°) (3.5 + j40) = 6351 – (183.7 + j2099.6)
E ‘G= 6167.3 – j2099.6 = 6515 ‘–18.8° V
E = 6515 V per phase; EL = 3 ¥ 6515 = 11.284 kV (Ans.)
G = –18.8° (Ans.)
(b) At 0.8 power factor lagging
cos I= 0.8, sin I = 0.6; I = I ‘– I
E = V - I Z S = V – (I ‘– I) (R + jXS) = V – (I cos I– j I sin I) (R + jXS)
= (V – I R cos I – I XS sin I) – j(IXS cos I– IR sin I)
= (6351 – 52.49 × 3.5 × 0.8 – 52.49 × 40 × 0.6)
– j(52.49 × 40 × 0.8 – 52.49 × 3.5 × 0.6)
E ‘G = 4944 – j1569.5 = 5187 ‘–17.6° V
? E = 5187 V per phase, G= – 17.6° (Ans.)
Induced line voltage, EL = 3 ¥ 5187 = 8984 V (Ans.)
684 Electrical Machines

(c) At 0.8 power factor leading

I = I ‘I
 E = V - I Z S = V - ( I – + f ) ( R + jX S )
= (V – IR cos I + IXS sin I) – j (IXS cos I + IR sin I)
= (6351 – 52.49 × 3.5 × 0.8 + 52.49 × 40 × 0.6)
– j(52.49 × 40 × 0.8 + 52.49 × 3.5 × 0.6)
E ‘G= 7463.8 – j1790 = 7675 ‘–13.48° V
E = 7675 V per phase (Ans.)
G= –13.48° (Ans.)
Induced line voltage,
EL = 3 ¥ 7675 = 13.3 kV (Ans.)

Example 8.6
The excitation corresponding to no-load voltage of a 3-phase synchronous motor running at 1500
rpm is kept constant. Determine the power input, power factor and torque developed for an armature
current of 200 A if the synchronous reactance is 5 : per phase and armature resistance is neglected.


Supply voltage per phase, V = 3000 = 1732 V


Induced emf per phase, E = 3000 = 1732 V

Z S = R + jXS = 0 + j5 = 5 ‘ 90° :
E = V - I ZS
If V is taken as reference phasor, then for lagging power factor,
I = I–-f
E = V - (I – - f ) (5 < 90∞) = V - 5 I –(90∞ - f )
= V – 5 × 200 ‘ 90 – I
= V – 1000 [cos (90° – I) + j sin (90° – I)]
= V – 1000 (sin I + j cos I)
= (V – 1000 sin I) – j 1000 cos I
E2 = (V – 1000 sin I)2 + (1000 cos I)2
= V2 – 2V × 1000 sin I + (1000 sin I)2 + (1000 cos I)2
17322 = 17322 – 2 × 1732 × 1000 sin I+ (1000)2
Synchronous Motors 685

2 × 1732 × 1000 sin I = (1000)2

sin I= 1000 = 0.2887 ; I = sin–1 0.2887 = 16.78°

2 ¥ 1732
cos I= 0.9574 (lagging) (Ans.)
Input power pi = 3 VL I cos f = 3 ¥ 3000 ¥ 200 ¥ 0.9574
= 994959 W = 994.96 kW (Ans.)
2p N S T
Also, Pi =
Pi ¥ 60
? Torque T = = 994959 = 7712.5 Nm (Ans.)
2p N S 2p ¥ 1500
Example 8.7
A 3- I, star-connected 6600 V synchronous motor has synchronous reactance per phase of 20 :. For
a certain load the input is 900 kW at normal voltage and the induced line emf is 8500 V. Determine
the line current and power factor.


VL = 6600 V, V = 6600 = 3810.5 V ; XS = 20 :, R = 0, ZS = jXS = j20 ohm

Input, Pi = 3 VL I cos f or I cos I = 900 ¥ 10 = 78.73 A
3 ¥ 6600

Induced emf/phase E = 8500 = 4907.5 V

Since E > V, the power factor is leading
E = V -IZ
= (V + j0) – (I ‘ I) (20 ‘ 90°) = V – 20 I ‘ 90° + I
= V – 20 I [– sin I+ j cos I]
E = (V + 20 I sin I) – j (20 I cos I)
E2 = (V + 20 I sin I)2 + (20 I cos I)2
(4907.5)2 = (3810.5 + 20 I sin I)2 + (20 × 78.73)2

(3810.5 + 20 I sin I) = (4907.5)2 - (20 ¥ 75.73)2 = 4648

I sin I = 4648 - 3810.5 = 41.876

? I = I cos I + jI sin I = 78.73 + j41.876 = 89.17 ‘ 28° A
cos I = cos 28° = 0.8829 leading (Ans.)
and I = 89.17 A (Ans.)
686 Electrical Machines

Example 8.8
The resistance and synchronous reactance per phase of a 75 kW, 400 V, 4-pole, 3-phase, star-connected
synchronous motor is 0.04 : and 0.4 : respectively. Determine for full load 0.8 pf leading the open-
circuit emf per phase and gross mechanical power developed. Assume an efficiency of 92.5%.
Here, Motor output = 75 kW; VL = 400 V; P = 4; R = 0.04 :; Xs = 0.4 :
Motor output
Motor input = = 75 = 81.081 kW or 81081 watt
h 0.925
Motor input 81081
Armature current, I = = = 146.3 A
3 VL cos f 3 ¥ 400 ¥ 0.8

Supply voltage/phase, V = 400 = 231 V


Resultant voltage, Er = IZ s = 146.3 (0.04)2 + (0.4)2 = 58.81 V

Fig. 8.15 Phasor diagram

Internal phase angle, T= tan -1 = tan -1 0.4 = 84.3°
R 0.04
From phasor diagram shown in Fig. 8.15, open circuit emf/phase,

E= V 2 + Er2 - 2VEr cos (q + f )

= (231)2 + (58.81)2 - 2 ¥ 231 ¥ 58.81 ¥ cos (84.3∞ + 36.87∞)

= 70855 = 266.18 V (Ans.)

Gross mechanical power developed for all the 3 phases,
Pm = Pin – 3I2 R = 81081 – 3 × (146.3)2 × 0.04
= 78512 watt or 78.512 kW (Ans.)

Example 8.9
The effective resistance and synchronous reactance of a 2000 V, 3-phase, star-connected synchronous
motor is 0.2 : and 2.2 : respectively. The input is 800 kW at normal voltage and the generated
line emf is 2500 V. Calculate the line current and power factor.
Synchronous Motors 687


Supply voltage/phase, V = 2000 = 1155 V


Fig. 8.16 Phasor diagram

Induced emf/phase, E = 2500 = 1443 V

Internal phase angle of the motor, T = tan -1 = tan -1 2.2 = 84.8∞
R 0.2
Since induced emf is greater than supply voltage, the motor must be operating with a leading power
I = I ‘I or I = (I cos I + jI sin I)
Since power input = 3 VL I L cos f

= 800 ¥ 1000 = 231 A

Power input
or I cos I =
3 VL 3 ¥ 2000
Impedance voltage/per phase, E r = I Z s = (I cos I + j I sin I) (0.2 + j2.2)
= (231 + j I sin I) (0.2 + j2.2.)
= (46.2 – 2.2 I sin I) + j (508.2 + 0.2 I sin I)
Now from phasor diagram shown in Fig. 8.16
OA = 1155 V; AB = 1443 V; T = 84.8°
OC = 46.2 – 2.2 I sin I; BC = 508.2 + 0.2 I sin I
From the right angled 'ABC we have
AB2 = BC2 + AC2 = BC2 + (AO + OC)2
or (1443)2 = (508.2 + 0.2 I sin I)2 + [1155 – (46.2 – 2.2 I sin I)]2
or I (sin I) = 106 A

Line current, IL = I = ( I cos f )2 + ( I sin f )2 = (231)2 + (106)2

= 254.16 A (Ans.)
I cos f
Power factor, cos I = = 231 = 0.909 (leading) (Ans.)
I 254.16
688 Electrical Machines

Example 8.10
The resistance and synchronous impedance of a 400 V, 6-pole, 3-phase, 50 Hz, star-connected
synchronous motor is 0.5 : and 4: per phase, respectively. It takes a current of 20 A at unity
power factor when operating with a certain field current. If the load torque is increased until the
line current is increased to 60 A, the field current remaining unchanged, calculate the gross torque
developed and the new power factor.


Here R = 0.5 : Zs = 4 : Xs = 42 - 0.52 = 3.968 W ; I = 20 A

V = 400 = 231 V ;
At unity p.f., i.e., cos I = 1, sin I = 0
E = V – IR – jIXs
= 231 – 20 × 0.5 – j20 × 3.968 = 221 – j79.36
= 224.8 ‘–19.75° V
When load on the motor is increased, but the field current is kept constant, E remains the same.
For lagging power factor cos I,
E2 = (V cos I + IR )2 + (V sin I + IXs)2
= V2 + (IZs )2 – 2V I Zs cos (T– I)
(224.8)2 = 2312 + (60 × 4)2 – 2 × 231 × 60 × 4 × cos (T– I)
2312 + (60 ¥ 4)2 - (224.8)2
cos (T– I) = = 0.545
2 ¥ 231 ¥ 60 ¥ 4
T– I = cos–1 0.545 = 56.97°
tan T= = 3.968 = 7.936; T = tan–1 7.936 = 82.82°
R 0.5
? I= T– 56.97° = 82.82° – 56.97° = 25.85°
New power factor cos I = cos 25.85° = 0.9 (lag) (Ans.)
Motor input, Pi = 3 VL I cos f = 3 ¥ 400 ¥ 60 ¥ 0.9 = 37412 W

Total armature copper loss = 3I 2 R = 3 ¥ (60)2 ¥ 0.5 = 5400 W

Electrical power converted into mechanical power,
Pm = Pi - 3I 2 R
= 37412 – 5400 = 32012 W

= 120 ¥ 50 = 1000 r.p.m.

120 f
Synchronous speed, Ns =
P 6
2p N sT
= Pi
Synchronous Motors 689

Pi ¥ 60 32012 ¥ 60
or T= =
2p N s 2p ¥ 1000
= 305.7 Nm (Ans.)

Example 8.11
The excitation to a 2000 V, 3-phase, 4-pole, Y-connected synchronous motor running at 1500 rpm
is kept constant to produce an open-circuit voltage of 2000 V. The resistance is negligible as compared
to synchronous reactance of 3 :/phase. Determine the power input, power factor and torque
developed for an armature current of 200 A.

Here, VL = 2000 V; EL = 2000 V; I = 200 A

Supply voltage per phase, V= 2000 = 1154.7 V

2, 000
Induced emf per phase, E= = 1154.7 V
Impedance drop per phase, Er= IZs = 200 × 3 = 600 V
Internal angle, T = 90° ∵ resistance is negligible
Assuming armature current lagging behind the supply voltage by an angle I, as shown in phasor
diagram (Fig. 8.17).

Fig. 8.17 Phasor diagram

In 'AOB we have E2 = V 2 + Er2 - 2VEr cos (90∞ - f )

or 1154.72 = 1154.72 + 6002 – 2 × 1154.7 × 600 sin I

or sin I = 6002 = 0.26

2 ¥ 1154.7 ¥ 600
I= sin–1 0.26 = 15.06°
Power factor = cos 15.06° = 0.966 lagging (Ans.)
Power input = 3 VL I L cos f = 3 ¥ 2000 ¥ 200 ¥ 0.966
= 669029 W
690 Electrical Machines

Power input - copper losses in armature

or Torque developed =
2p Ns / 60
Since armature resistance is neglected, copper losses in the armature are considered to be zero

? T= 669029 = 4259 Nm (Ans.)

2p ¥ 1500 / 60
Example 8.12
A 2200 V, 3-phase, star-connected, 8-pole synchronous motor has impedance per phase equal to
(0.4 + j6) :. When the motor runs at no-load, the field excitation is adjusted so that E is made equal
to V. When the motor is loaded, the rotor is retarded by 3° mechanical. Calculate the armature
current, power factor and power of the motor. What is the maximum power the motor can supply
without falling out of step?


E = V = 2200 = 1270.2 V = Z s = (0.4 + j6) = 6.0133 ‘86.18°


 G = 3° mechanical = 3 × P = 3 ¥ 8 = 12∞ (elec.)

2 2
V –0∞ - E – - d 1270.2 –0∞ - 1270.2 – - d
I = V -E = =
Zs Z s –q 6.0133 –86.18∞
1270.2 [1 - (cos 12∞ - j sin 12∞)] 1270.2 ¥ 0.2090 –84∞
= =
6.0133 –86.18∞ 6.0133 –86.18∞
= 44.15 ‘–2.18°A
Armature current, I = 44.15 A
Power factor, cos I = cos 2.18° = 0.9993 lagging (Ans.)
Total power input = 3 VL I cos f

= 3 ¥ 2200 ¥ 44.15 ¥ 0.9993 = 168116 W = 168.116 kW (Ans.)

Total copper loss = 3I 2 R = 3 ¥ (44.15)2 ¥ 0.4 = 2339 W

Power developed by the motor = motor input – copper losses
= 168116 – 2339 = 165777 W = 165.777 kW
2 (1270.2)2
Maximum power Pmax = EV - E 2 R = 1270.2 ¥ 1270.2 - ¥ 0.4
ZS ZS 6.0133 (6.0133)2
= 250459 W = 250.459 kW (Ans.)

Example 8.13
The excitation supplied to a 3-phase, star-connected, 30 kW, 660 V, 50 Hz, 20-pole synchronous
motor operating at rated voltage is such that it generates the same emf per phase as that of the
supply voltage per phase. When loaded the motor is retarded by 3 mechanical degrees from its
synchronous position. The synchronous reactance and armature resistance are 10 : and 1 : per
Synchronous Motors 691

phase. Calculate (i) armature current per phase (ii) the power per phase and the total power drawn
by the motor from the bus and (iii) the developed power.

Here, VL = 660 V; XS = 10 :; R = 1 :; P = 20; f = 50 Hz.

Supply voltage per phase, V = 660 = 381 V

Induced emf per phase, E = 381 V (given)

Load or torque angle, G = P ¥ angle of retardation in mechanical degrees

= 20 ¥ 3 = 30∞ electrical

Impedance per phase, Zs = 12 + 102 = 10.05 W

Now from 'AOB of phasor diagram shown in Fig. 8.18

Er = V 2 + E 2 - 2VE cos d

= (381)2 + (381)2 - 2 ¥ 381 ¥ 381 cos 30∞ = 197.2 V

(i) Armature current per phase, I = = 197.2 = 19.62 A (Ans.)
Zs 10.05
From 'AOB of phasor diagram shown in Fig. 8.18.

Fig. 8.18 Phasor diagram

sin –AOB sin –OAB
381 = 197.2
sin (q + f ) sin 30∞

or sin (T + I) = 381 sin 30∞ = 0.966

or T + I = sin–1 0.966 = 75°
and T = tan -1 = tan -1 10 = 84.3∞
Re 1
692 Electrical Machines

I = 75° – T= 75 – 84.3° = –9.3° i.e., 19.3° lagging

(iii) Power per phase = VI cos I = 381 × 19.62 × cos 9.3°
= 7377 W or 7.377 W (Ans.)
Total power drawn = 3 × 7.377 = 22.313 kW (Ans.)
Power developed = Total power drawn – 3 I2 R
3 ¥ (19.62)2 ¥ 1
= 22.313 –
= 22.313 – 1.155 = 21.158 kW (Ans.)

Example 8.14
A 500 V, 6-pole, 3-phase, 50 Hz, star-connected synchronous motor has a resistance and synchronous
reactance of 0.3 : and 3 : per phase, respectively. The open-circuit voltage is 600 V. If the friction
and core losses total 1 kW, calculate the line current and power factor when the motor output is 100 hp.


Supply voltage per phase, V = 500 = 288.7 V


Induced emf per phase, E = 600 = 346.41 V

Total power developed, 3 Pmech = output + mech. loss
= 100 × 0.7355 + 1
= 74.55 kW

Power developed per phase = 74.55

= 24.85 kW
or = 24850 watt
Internal angle, T = tan -1 = tan -1 3 = 84.3∞
R 0.3

Synchronous impedance/phase, Zs = 0.32 + 32 = 3.015 W

Power developed per phase is given as
Pmech = EV cos (q - d ) - E cos q
Zs Zs
or 24850 = 346.41 ¥ 288.7 cos (84.3∞ - d ) - cos 84.3∞
3.015 3.015
or 24850 = 33170.3 cos (84.3° – G) = 3953
or cos (84.3° – G) = 0.8684
or 84.3° – G = cos– 1 0.8684 = 29.73°
Synchronous Motors 693

or G= 84.3° – 29.73° = 54.57° (lag)

From phasor diagram shown in Fig. 8.19.

E r= V 2 + E 2 - 2VE cos d

= 288.72 + 346.412 - 2 ¥ 288.7 ¥ 346.41 cos 54.57∞

= 295.6 V
Line current = Phase current, I = = 295.6 = 98.1 A (Ans.)
Zs 3.015
Again considering phasor diagram

sin (TI) = E sin d = 346.41 sin 54.57∞ = 0.9542

Er 295.6
or I + T = sin–1 0.9542 = 72.7°
or T= 72.7° – 84.3° = –11.6° lagging
? Power factor = cos 11.6° = 0.98 lagging (Ans.)

Fig. 8.19 Phasor diagram

Example 8.15
The 400 V, 50 kVA, 0.8 power factor leading delta connected synchronous motor has synchronous
reactance of 3 ohm, resistance neglected. It is supplying a 12 kW load with initial power factor of
0.86 lagging. The windage and friction losses are 2.0 kW and the core losses are 1.5 kW. Determine
the line current, armature current and excitation voltage. If the flux of the motor is increased by 20
percent determine the excitation voltage, armature current and the new power factor.

Pi = P0 + all losses; Pi = Po + Pmech + Pcore + Pelec = 12 + 2 + 1.5 + 0 = 15.5 kW
694 Electrical Machines

Now, Pi = 3 VI1 cos I

= 15.5 ¥ 10
Pi 3
? I1 = = 15 A
3 V cos f 3 ¥ 400 ¥ 0.86
Since the power factor of the motor is 0.86 lagging, the phasor armature current is given by
I 1 = I 1 – - cos -1 0.86 = 15 – - 30.68∞A

Line current IL = 3 I1 = 3 ¥ 15 = 25.98 A (Ans.)

The excitation voltage E is given by

E1 = V - I 1 Z s = V – jI1 Xs
= 400 ‘0° – j3 (15 ‘–30.68°)
= 400 ‘0° – 45 ‘90° – 30.68° = 400 – 45 ‘59.32°
= 400 – (22.96 + j38.7) = 377.04 = j38.7 = 379 ‘–5.86° V
If the flux is increased by 20%, then E will also increase by 20%.
? E2 = 1.2 E1 = 1.2 × 379 = 454.8 V
When flux is increased by 20%, the power supplied to the load remains constant,
? E1 sin G1 = E2 sin G2
sin G2 = sin d1 = 1 sin (-5.86∞) = – 0.085
E2 1.2

G2 = sin–1 (–0.085) = – 4.88°

The new armature current is given by
V - E2
I2 = = 400 –0∞ - 454.8– - 4.88∞
jX s j3

= 1 [400 - (453.2 - j 38.69)]


= 1 (-53.2 + j 38.69) = 65.78–148∞ = 21.93–58∞ A

j3 3–90∞
New power factor of the motor, cos I2 = cos 58° = 0.53 leading (Ans.)

Example 8.16
A 3-phase, 11 kV, 5000 kVA, 50 Hz, 1000 rpm star-connected synchronous motor operates at full
load at a power factor of 0.8 leading. The synchronous reactance is 60% and the resistance may
be neglected. Calculate the synchronising power and torque per mechanical degree of angular
displacement. What is the value of maximum torque and the ratio of maximum to full-load torque?

Here, Rating = 5000 kVA; f = 50 Hz; Ns = 1000 rpm; cos I = 0.8 leading;
Synchronous Motors 695

Xs = 60%; Gmech = 1°; VL = 11 kV

I = kVA ¥ 10 = 5000 ¥ 103 = 262.4 A
3 VL 3 ¥ 11 ¥ 103

= 11 ¥ 10 = 6351 V
VL 3
Phase voltage, V =
3 3
IX s % Xs V
Now, % Xs = ¥ 100 or Xs = ¥ = 60 ¥ 6351 = 14.52 W
V 100 I 100 262.4
E = V - I Z s = V – (1 ‘I) (Xs ‘90°)
= (V – IXS sin I) – jIXs cos I
= (6351 + 262.4 × 14.52 × 0.6) – j 262.4 × 14.52 × 0.8
= (6351 + 2286) – j 3048 = 8637 – j3048
= 9159 ‘–19.44°V
? E = 9159 V, G = –19.44°
PN s
Now, f=
120 ¥ f
or P= = 120 ¥ 50 = 6 ;
Ns 1000

or pair of poles, p = P = 6 = 3
2 2
Ê ˆ
Synchronising power, Psyn = Á 3VE cos d ˜ p p
Ë Xs ¯ 180

= 3 ¥ 6351 ¥ 9159 (cos 19.44∞) ¥ 3p = 593404 W (Ans.)

14.52 180
Synchronising torque, Tsyn = = 593404
2p N s / 60 2p ¥ 1000
= 5666.6 Nm per mech degree (Ans.)

= 3 ¥ 6352 ¥ 9159 = 12018349 W

Maximum power, Pmax =
Xs 14.52
Maximum torque= = 12018349 = 114767 Nm (Ans.)
2p N s / 60 2p ¥ 1000
We know that full-load torque = maximum torque × sin G
? Ration of max. and full-load torque, i.e.,
maximum torque
= 1 = 1 = 3 (Ans.)
full load torque sin d sin 19.44∞
696 Electrical Machines

Example 8.17
A 3-phase, 100 hp, 440 V, star-connected synchronous motor has a synchronous impedance per
phase of (0.1 + j 1) :. The excitation and torque losses are 4 kW and may be assumed constant.
Calculate the current, power factor and efficiency when operating at full load with an excitation
equivalent to 500 line volt. (Assume 1 hp = 746 W)

Here ZS = 0.1 + j 1 = 1.005 ‘84.28°:, TS = 84.28°;
Phase value and V = = 440 = 254 V
3 3
and E= = 500 = 288.7 V
3 3
Output = 100 × 746 = 74600 W
Power developed = output + excitation and torque losses
= 74600 + 4000 = 78600 W
3 VE 2
We know, Po = cos (q - d ) - 3E2 R
3 (254) (288.7) 3(288.7)2 ¥ 0.1
or 78600 = cos (84.28∞ - d ) -
1.005 1.005
78600 + 24875 = 218895 cos (84.28° – G)

cos (84.28° – G) = 103475 = 0.4727 = cos 61.79∞

84.28° – G= 61.79°, G = 84.28° – 61.79° = 22.49°
E = E‘– G = 288.7 ‘– 22.49° = 266.74 – j110.4
V = V ‘0° = V ± j0 = 254 ± j0
254 + j 0 - 266.74 + j110.4
I = V -E =
Zs 1.005 –84.28∞
-12.74 + j 110.4 111.13 + – - 83.41∞
= =
1.005 –84.28∞ 1.005 –84.28∞
I = 111.13 ‘+12.3° A (Ans.)
Power factor cos I = cos 12.3° = 0.977 leading (Ans.)

Efficiency, K =
= 100 ¥ 746 = 0.9016 pu (Ans.)
input 3 ¥ 440 ¥ 11.13 ¥ 0.977
Example 8.18
A 10 MVA, 3-phase, star-connected, 11-kV, 12-pole, 50-Hz salient-pole synchronous motor has
reactance of Xd =  :, Xq = 2 :. At full-load, unity power factor and rated voltage determine.
(i) the excitation voltage,
(ii) active power,
Synchronous Motors 697

(iii) synchronising power per electrical degree and the corresponding torque,
(iv) synchronising power mechanical degree and the corresponding torque.

Here, VL = 11 kV; Rating = 10 MVA = 10 × 106 VA; P = 12; f = 50 Hz

Xd = 4 : Xq = 2 : Ns = 120 ¥ 50 = 500 rpm

Phase voltage, V = = 11000 = 6351 V
3 3
I = MVA ¥ 10 = 10 ¥ 106 = 524.86 A
3 VL 3 ¥ 11 ¥ 103
From the phasor diagram of a salient pole motor at unity p.f.
V sin G= Iq Xq and Iq = I cos G; Id = I sin G
? V sin G = (I cos G) Xq
IX q
or tan G = = 524.26 ¥ 2 = 0.1653
V 6351
or G= tan–1 0.1653 = 9.38°
? Iq = I cos G = 524.86 × cos 9.38° = 517.8 A
Id = I sin G= 524.86 × sin 9.38° = 85.54 A
(i) Excitation voltage/phase,
E = V cos G + IdXd = 6351 × 0.9866 + 85.54 × 4 = 6266 + 342 = 6608 V
Line value, EL = 3E = 3 ¥ 6608 = 11445 V = 11.445 kV (Ans.)
(ii) Active power per phase of the motor
3 VE 2 (X - X )
sin d + 3V
d q
P= sin 2d
Xd 2 X d Xq

3 ¥ (6351)2 (4 - 2)
= 3 ¥ 6351 ¥ 6608 sin 9.38 + sin 2 ¥ 9.38
4 2 4¥2
= (5130 + 4930) kW = 10060 kW (Ans.)
(iii) Synchronising power per electrical degree
È È X d - Xq ˘ ˘ p
Psyn= Í 3EV cos d + 3V 2 Í ˙ cos 2 d ˙ 180
ÍÎ d X X
Î d q ˚ ˚˙

= ÈÍ 3 ¥ 6608 ¥ 6351 cos 9.38 + 3 ¥ (6351)2 È 4 - 2 ˘ cos 2 ¥ 9.38 ˘˙ p

Î 4 ÍÎ 4 ¥ 2 ˚˙ ˚ 180

= (31054 + 28644) p kW = 1042 kW (Ans.)

698 Electrical Machines

Synchronising torque per electrical degree

Psyn 3
Tsyn = = 1042 ¥ 10 ¥ 60 = 19900 Nm (Ans.)
2p N s / 60 2p ¥ 500
(iv) Synchronising power per mechanical degree

Electrical angle = P × Mechanical angle


2 ()
1° Mech. = P × 1 = 12 ¥ 1 = 6∞ elect.
 ? Psyn/mech. degree = 6 × 1042 = 6252 kW
Corresponding synchronising torque
Tsyn/mech. degree = 6 × 19900 = 119400 Nm (Ans.)

Example 8.19
An 11 kV, 3-phase, star-connected synchronous motor is running in parallel with an infinite bus.
Its direct-and quadrature-axis synchronous reactances are 10 :and 5 : respectively. If the field
current is reduced to zero, find the maximum load that can be put on the synchronous motor. Also
calculate the armature current and the maximum power. Neglect armature resistance.
= 11 ¥ 10 = 6351 V
Here, VL = 11 kV, V =
3 3
2 Ê ˆ
P = EV sin d + V Á 1 - 1 ˜ sin 2d
Xd 2 Ë Xq Xd ¯

When the field current becomes zero, E = 0

2 Ê ˆ
? P = V Á 1 - 1 ˜ sin 2d
2 Ë Xq Xd ¯

For maximum reluctance power,

sin 2G = 1, 2G = 90 or G= 45°
2 Ê ˆ
? Pmax = V Á 1 - 1 ˜
2 Ë Xq Xd ¯

2 ( 15 - 101 ) = 2017 ¥ 10 W per phase

Total maximum power for all the three phases

= 3 × 2017 × 103 W = 6050 kW
For maximum power, G = 45° and
V cos d cos 45∞
Id = = 6351 ¥ = 449 A
Xd 10
Synchronous Motors 699

V sin d sin 45∞

Iq = = 6351 ¥ = 898 A
Xq 10
Armature current at maximum power

I= I d2 + I q2 = (449)2 + (898)2 = 1004 A

Example 8.20
A 125 MVA, 3-phase, star-connected 11 kV, 4-pole, 50 Hz synchronous motor has a reactance of
0.15 pu and negligible armature resistance. Calculate the synchronising power per mechanical
degree when it supplies full load at 11 kV and 0.8 power factor leading.

Here, Rating = 125 MVA; VL = 11 kV; Xspu = 0.15; P = 4; f = 50 Hz

I= 125 ¥ 106 = 6561 A

3 ¥ 11 ¥ 103

= 11 ¥ 10 = 6351 V
VL 3
and V=
3 3
X s in ohm
Xs pu =
V /I

or Xs = Xs pu V = 0.15 ¥ 6351 = 0.14518 W

I 6561
E = V - I ZS
= V – (I ‘I) (Xs ‘90°) = V – IXs ‘90° + I
= V – IXs [cos (90 + I) + j sin (90 + I)]
= (V + IXs sin I) – jIXs cos I
= 6350 + 6561 × 0.14518 × 0.6 – j6561 × 0.14518 × 0.8
= 6921.5 – j762 = 6963.4 ‘6.2828°
E = 6963.4 V, G= 6.2826°
Synchronising power per mechanical degree

Psyn = ( ddd P ) p 180p and P = 3VE

sin d

Ê ˆ
Psyn = Á 3VE cos d ˜ p p
Ë Xs ¯ 180

= 3 ¥ 6350 ¥ 6963.4 cos 6.2826∞ ¥ 6p
0.14518 180 )
= 95109087 W – 95.11 MW (Ans.)
700 Electrical Machines

Section Practice Problems

Numerical Problems

1. A 50 kW, 400 V, 3-phase synchronous motor is operating at full load with an efficiency of 92%. If the field
current is adjusted to make its power factor 0.8 leading, estimate the armature current. (Ans. 98A)

2. The effective resistance and synchronous reactance of a 2000 V, 3-phase, star-connected synchronous
motor are 0.2 : and 2.2 : per phase, respectively. The input is 800 kW at normal voltage and the induced
line emf is 2500 V. Calculate the line current and power factor. (Ans. 254.4A; 0.91 leading)

3. A 660 V, 3-phase, star-connected synchronous motor draws 50 kW at power factor 0.8 lagging. Find
the new current and power factor when the back emf increases by 50%. The machine has synchronous
reactance of 3: and effective resistance is negligible. (Ans. 49.2A, 0.89 leading)

4. A 3-phase, 400 V, star-connected synchronous motor draws 24 A at full-load unity power factor. If the
machine is operating at 95% efficiency. What will be the induced emf and total mechanical power developed
at full load and 0.9 p.f. leading? The synchronous impedance per phase is (0.2 + j2) :.
(Ans. 441 V;16.2 kW )

5. A 6-pole, 2200 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase, star-connected synchronous motor has armature resistance of 0.4 :
per phase and synchronous reactance of 4 : per phase. While running on no-load, the excitation has
been adjusted so as to make the emf numerically equal to and antiphase with the terminal voltage. With
a certain load torque applied, if the rotor gets retarded by 3 mechanical degrees, calculate the armature
current and power factor of the motor. (Ans. 49.57 A; 0.999 leading)

6. A 3-phase, 415 V, 6-pole, 50 Hz star-connected synchronous motor has emf of 520 V (L-L). The stator
winding has a synchronous reactance of 2 : per phase, and the motor develops a torque of 220 Nm. The
motor is operating at 415 V, 50 Hz bus-bar (a) Calculate the current drawn from the supply and its power
factor (b) draw the phasor diagram showing all the relevant quantities. (Ans. 42.12 A; 0.76 leading)

7. The effective resistance and synchronous reactance of a 3-phase, 11 kV star-connected synchronous

motor are 1 ohm and 30 ohm per phase, respectively. If it draws 50 A from the main, calculate the induced
emf for a power factor of (a) 0.8 lagging (b) 0.8 leading and (c) the power supplied to the motor.
(Ans. 5536 V; 7315 V; 762 V )

8. A 3-phase, star-connected synchronous motor is connected to 693 V lines and draws 48 kW at 0.8 pf
lagging. If its induced emf is increased by 30% without changing the power input, what will be the new
current and pf. Zs , equals (0 + j2) ohm/phase. (Ans. 46.366 A; 0.863 leading)

9. A 3-phase, star-connected synchronous motor takes 20 kW at 400 V from the mains. The synchronous
reactance is 4 : and the effective resistance is negligible. If the exciting current is so adjusted that the
back emf is 550 V, calculate the line current and the power factor of the motor.
(Ans. 33.1 A, 0.872 leading)

10. A 3-phase, 11-kV, 50-Hz, 10-pole, 200-kW star-connected salient-pole synchronous motor has Xd = 1.2
pu and Xq = 0.8 pu. It operates at rated power at 0.98 power factor leading. Determine
(a) the internal emf and the load angle.
(b) the maximum power developed. (Ans. 18553 V, 34°; 298 kW )
Synchronous Motors 701

Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1. Why the synchronous motor is not self-starting?
Why can’t a synchronous motor start by itself?
Ans. When 3-phase supply is given to the stator of a 3-phase wound synchronous motor, a revolving field is
set-up in the stator. Simultaneously, DC supply is given to the rotor which excites the poles. The stator
revolving field tries to drag the rotor poles (or field) along with it but fails to do so due to rotor inertia.
Thus, a synchronous motor is not self-starting or in other words, a synchronous motor can’t start by

Q.2. What is the speed regulation of a synchronous motor?

Ans. Speed regulation of a synchronous motor is zero, because
No load speed-full load speed N - Ns
Speed regulation = = s = zero
No-load speed Ns
Q.3. What is pull-out torque?
Ans. Pull-out torque: The maximum value to torque which a synchronous motor can develop at rated voltage
and frequency without losing synchronism is called pull-out torque.

Q.4. Why a synchronous motor runs only at synchronous speed?

Ans. Synchronous motor can run only at synchronous speed because rotor poles are magnetically locked with the
stator revolving field and the these rotor poles are dragged by the stator revolving field.

8.11 Effect of Change in Excitation

Consider a synchronous motor loaded with a constant mechanical load and normal (100%) excitation
i.e., having induced emf equal to applied voltage V in magnitude. At the given load it takes a current
of I ampere lagging behind the applied voltage V by an angle I. As load on the machine is constant,

P = VI cos I = VE sin d is constant

Here, V and XS are constant, therefore, for constant power output E sin Gand I cos I should remain
constant, i.e.,
I cos I= Constant
E sin G= Constant
Since I cos Iis constant, while drawing phasor diagram draw a horizontal dotted line passing
through the extreme point of vector OI. On the other hand, as E sin G is constant, draw a vertical line
passing through the extreme point of vector OE as shown in Fig. 8.20(a) and (b).
When the excitation is decreased, the induced emf decreases to E’ in magnitude so that E sin G
remains constant i.e., E decreases to Ec angle delta increases to Gc as shown in Fig. 8.20(a). This
increases the resultant voltage Er to E r , which is also shifted in clockwise direction. With the
702 Electrical Machines

increase in resultant voltage, current increases to I c (I c = E r / ZS). Since the phase angle T between
the resultant voltage and current is constant, therefore, current is also shifted in clockwise direction.
This increases the phase angle between voltage and current to Ic which in turn decreases the lagging
power factor cos I to cos Icmore lagging but the active component of current Ic cos Ic remains the
same i.e., i cos Ic = I cos I,
Hence with the decrease in excitation, synchronous motor draws more current from the supply
mains at lower (lagging) power factor. Thus, the Motor operates as an inductor.

Fig. 8.20 Phasor diagram at constant load

When the excitation is increased, the induced emf increases in magnitude to Es keeping Es sin
Gs to be the same as that of E sin G for constant load. This decreases the resultant voltage which is
also shifted in anti-clockwise direction. Since the phase angle T between the resultant voltage and
current is constant, current is also shifted in anti-clockwise direction and decreases in magnitude till
it comes in phase with the voltage vector as shown in Fig. 8.20(b). At this instant, the current drawn
by the synchronous motor is minimum and the power factor is maximum i.e., one.
Now, if the excitation is further increased, the induced emf increases to Eccc in magnitude. This
increases the resultant voltage to Erccc which is also shifted further in anti-clockwise direction.
Therefore, current is also shifted in anti-clockwise direction and its magnitude increases to I ccc. This
increases the phase angle between voltage and current to Iccc in opposite direction as shown in Fig.
8.19(b), which makes the power factor leading.
Thus, when synchronous motor is over excited, it draws more current at a leading power
factor from the supply mains. A synchronous motor operating under this condition is also called
synchronous condenser.
It may be noted that when excitation voltage E is changed, the torque angle G changes such that
E sin G = Ec sin Gc= Es sin Gs= Esc sin Gsc
Similarly, the active component of armature current also remains the same, i.e.,
Synchronous Motors 703

I cos I= Ic cos Ic= I s cos Is = Isc cos Isc

It is also observed that when the value of E increases, the magnitude of armature current first
decreases and then increases. The armature current is minimum at unity pf and more at lagging or
leading power factors.

Minimum Excitation
From Fig. 8.20, it is very clear that as excitation decreases, the torque angle increases. The minimum
permissible excitation, Emin corresponds to the stability limit, i.e., G = 90°.
Therefore, Emin = (where P is the power input)

8.12 V-Curves and Inverted V-Curves

While changing the excitation of a 3-phase synchronous motor, keeping the load constant, the curve
plotted between field current If and armature or load current I is called V-curve,
It is named as V-curve because its shape resembles with the shape of English alphabet ‘V’.
When the excitation of a three-phase synchronous motor taking constant power is varied, it changes
the operating power factor of the motor. If
P = 3 VI cos I

where, P = Power input.

V = Terminal voltage (phase value).
I = Armature current (phase value) and
cos I = Power factor.
then for constant power input P and terminal voltage
V, only increase in power factor causes decrease in
armature current I and vice versa. Armature current
will be minimum at unity power factor and increases
when the power factor decreases on either side
(lagging or leading).
Hence variation in excitation (field current) causes
the variation in armature current I. If we plot a curve
taking field current If on X-axis and the armature
current I on Y-axis, the curve so obtained is called
V-curve because of its shape. The V-curve at
different power inputs are shown in Fig. 8.21. Fig. 8.21 V-curves

Significance of V-Curves
V-curves are useful in adjusting the field current. By increasing the field current If beyond the level
of minimum armature current I, we can obtain leading pf. On the other hand by decreasing the field
704 Electrical Machines

current If below the level of minimum armature current I, we can obtain lagging pf. Therefore by
controlling the field current of a synchronous motor, the reactive power supplied to or consumed
from the power system can be controlled.
Thus, by changing the field current (or excitation), a synchronous motor can be used as a condenser
or inductor.

Inverted V-Curves
If we plot a family of curves between power factor and field current (If ), the curves so obtained are
called invested V-curves, as shown in Fig. 8.22, because of their shape.

Fig. 8.22 Inverted V-curves

These curves reveal that:

(i) The highest point on each of these curves indicate unity p.f..
(ii) The field current for unity pf at full-load is more than the field current for unity pf at no-load.
(iii) If the synchronous motor at full-load is operating at unity p.f., then the removal of shaft load
causes the motor to operate at a leading power factor.

8.13 Effect of Change in Load on a Synchronous Motor

A synchronous motor runs at absolutely constant speed called synchronous speed, regardless of the
load. Let us examine how change in load affects its performance.
Consider a synchronous motor operating initially at a leading power factor cos I1. The phasor
diagram for leading power factor is shown in Fig. 8.23.
Let the load on the shaft be increased. The rotor slows down momentarily since it takes some
time to settle down as per the increased power drawn from the lines. In other words, although still
rotating at synchronous speed, the rotor slips back in space as a result of increased loading as shown
in Fig. 8.23. In this process the torque angle G becomes larger and therefore the induced torque
Ê VE sin d ˆ
ÁË Tind = w X ˜¯ increases. The increased torque increases the rotor speed and the motor again

picks up the synchronous speed but with a larger torque angle G. Thus, with the increase in load, the
Synchronous Motors 705

torque angle Gincreases. But the magnitude of excitation voltage E remains constant which depends
upon field current If and speed and both of them are constant.

Fig. 8.23 Phasor diagram for leading power factor

VE sin d
Now, P= = VI cos f ,
Xs X
? E sin G = P = KP where K = s = a constant.
These expressions show that the increase in P increases E sin G and I cos ). The locus of E is
shown in Fig. 8.24. It is seen from Fig. 8.24 that with the increase of the load, the quantity jIXs goes
on increasing so that the relation V = E + jIXS is satisfied and therefore the armature current I also
increases. It is also seen from Fig. 8.24 that the power factor angle I also changes. It becomes less
and less leading and then becomes more and more lagging.

Fig. 8.24 Effect of increase in load on the operation of a synchronous motor

706 Electrical Machines

Thus, when the load on a synchronous motor is increased,

(i) the motor speed does not change, it continues to run at synchronous speed.
(ii) the torque angle G increases.
(iii) the excitation voltage E remains constant since If is constant
(iv) the armature current I drawn from the supply increases.
(v) the phase angle I first decreases in the leading region and then increases in the lagging region.
There is a limit to the mechanical load that can be applied to a synchronous motor depending
upon its rating. As the load is increased, the torque angle G increases till a stage is reached when the
rotor is pulled out of synchronism and the motor is stopped. The maximum value of torque which a
synchronous motor can develop at rated voltage and frequency without losing synchronism is called
the pull-out torque. Its value may vary from 1.5 to 3.5 times the full-load torque.

8.14 Methods of Starting of Synchronous Motors

Since a synchronous motor is inherently not self-starting, the following methods are generally adopted
to start the synchronous motor:
1. By means of Auxiliary Motor: A small induction motor called the pony motor (auxiliary motor)
is mounted on the same shaft or coupled to synchronous motor as shown in Fig. 8.25. The auxiliary
motor should have the same number of poles as that of synchronous motor or preferably one pole
pair less so that it can rotate the motor nearly at synchronous speed. First of all supply is given to the
pony motor. When it rotates the rotor of the synchronous motor near to the synchronous speed
the main switch and DC switch of the main synchronous motor are closed.

Fig. 8.25 Starting of synchronous motor by means of auxiliary motor

The rotor poles are pulled into synchronism with the rotating field (poles) of the armature (stator)
of the main motor. Then supply to the auxiliary motor is disconnected and it acts as a load on the
main motor.
Synchronous Motors 707

2. By providing damper winding: This is a most common method of starting a synchronous motor.
In this method, the motor is first started as a squirrel cage induction motor by providing a special
winding on the rotor poles, known as damper or squirrel cage winding. This damper winding consists
of number of copper bars embedded into the slots or holes provided on the outer periphery of the
pole shoes, where salient poles are employed, and then short circuiting these bars by brazing them to
end rings as shown in Fig. 8.26. In a non-salient pole machine, the damper winding conductors are
placed in the rotor slots above the main field winding and short circuited by the end rings.

Fig. 8.26 Starting of synchronous motor by providing damper winding

When the synchronous motor (armature) is connected to 3-phase supply mains, a revolving
field is set up which causes the rotor to rotate as a squirrel cage induction motor. As soon as motor
attains about 65% synchronous speed, the rotor winding is connected to DC mains (exciter) and
the rotor field is magnetically locked with the stator rotating field and the motor starts running
runs as a synchronous motor.

8.15 Synchronous Condenser

The power factor of a synchronous motor can be controlled over a wide range by adjusting its
excitation. At no-load, when the motor is over-excited it may draw the current from mains which
leads the voltage by large angle nearly 90°. Hence, the motor acts like a static capacitor and is known
as a synchronous condenser.
Thus, an over excited synchronous motor operating at no-load is called a synchronous condenser
or synchronous capacitor.
When an over excited motor is operated on the same electrical system to which some industrial
load (induction motors, induction furnaces, arc furnaces, etc.) is operating at lagging power factor, the
leading reactive power supplied by the synchronous motor compensates for the lagging reactive power
of industrial load and improves the overall power factor of the system. In large industrial plants, which
have a low lagging power factor load, it is often found economical to install an over excited synchronous
motor (synchronous condenser), even though the motor is not required to drive a load.
708 Electrical Machines

Consider an industrial load PL operating at a power factor cos I1. When an over excited motor
drawing power Pm is connected in parallel with the existing load as shown in Fig. 8.27(a), some of
the lagging reactive power of the industrial load in compensated by the leading reactive power of the
motor (i.e., Prm) which improves the over-all power factor to cos I2 as shown in Fig. 8.27(b).

Fig. 8.27 Synchronous motor as synchronous condenser

Example 8.21
The excitation of a 3-phase synchronous motor connected in parallel with a load of 500 kW
operating at 0·8 p.f. lagging is adjusted to improve the overall p.f. of the system to 0.9 lagging. If
the mechanical load on the motor including losses is 125 kW, calculate the kVA input to the
synchronous motor and its p.f.

Industrial load, PL = 500 kW
Load p.f., cos IL = lagging; tan IL = tan cos–1 0·8 = 0·75
Reactive power of the industrial load,
PrL = PL tan IL = 500 × 0·75 = 375 kVAR
Motor load, Pm = 125 kW
Total active power, P = PL + Pm = 500 + 125 = 625 kW
Power factor of total load, cos I = 0·9 lag
tan I = tan cos–1 0·9 = 0·4843
Total reactive power, Pr = P tan I = 625 × 0·4843 = 302·7 kVAR
Reactive power supplied by synchronous motor,
Prm = Pr – PrL = 302·7 – 375 = – 72·3 kVAR

Input of the motor in kVA, Pam = Pm2 + Prm


Pam = (125)2 + ( 72 ◊ 3)2

= 144·4 kVA (Ans.)
Synchronous Motors 709

Power factor of the motor, cos Im = = 125 = 0·8656 leading (Ans.)
Pam 144 ◊ 4
Example 8.22
The electric loads connected to the supply are:
(i) A lighting load of 500 kW;
(ii) A load of 400 kW at p.f. 0·707 lagging;
(iii) A load of 800 kW at p.f. 0·8 leading;
(iv) A load of 500 kW at p.f. 0·6 lagging;
(v) A synchronous motor driving a 540 kW DC generator and having an overall efficiency of 90%.
Determine the p.f. of the synchronous motor to improve the overall p.f. to unity.

The load chart is given below:
S. No. Load in kW p.f. cos I tan I Reactive power
Pr = P tan I
1. 500 1 zero zero
2. 400 0·707 lag. 1 400 kVAR
3. 800 0·8 lead. 0·75 – ve – 600 kVAR
4. 500 0·6 lag. 1·333 666·6 kVAR

Industrial load, PL = 500 + 400 + 800 + 500 = 2200 kW

Reactive power of the industrial load,
PrL = 0 + 400 – 600 + 666·6 = 466·6 kVAR
Input power to the motor, Pm = = 540 = 600 kW
h 0◊9
Total active power, P = PL + Pm = 2200 + 600 = 2800 kW
p.f. cos I = 1; tan I = tan cos–1 1 = 0
Reactive power of total load, Pr = 0
Reactive power supplied by motor, Prm = Pr – PrL = 0 – 466·6 = – 466·6 kVAR

= - 466 ◊ 6 = -0 ◊ 7777
tan Im =
Pm 600
Power factor of the motor, cos Im = cos tan–1 = 0·777 = 0·7893 leading (Ans.)

Example 8.23
A 3-phase synchronous motor takes a load of 50 kW is connected in parallel with a factory load
of 250 kW operating at a lagging power factor of 0.8. If the p.f. of overall load is required to be
improved to 0.9 lagging, what is the value of the leading kVAR supplied by the motor and at what
power factor is it working?

Factory load, PL = 250 kW
710 Electrical Machines

Power factor, cos IL = 0.8 lagging; tan IL = tan cos–1 0.8 = 0.75
Load in kVAR, PrL = 250 tan IL = 250 × 0.75 = 187.5 kVAR
Synchronous motor load, Pm = 50 kW
Total load, P = PL + Pm = 250 + 50 = 300 kW
Overall power factor, cos I= 0.9 (lagging)
Phase angle, I= cos–1 0.9 = 25.84°
Total kVAR, Pr = P tan I = P tan 25.84°
= 300 × 0.4843 = 145.3 (lagging)
Leading kVAR supplied by the motor,
Pr m = PrL – Pr = 187.5 – 145.3 = 42.2 kVAR (Ans.)

kVA supplied by the motor, Pam = Pm + Prm = 502 + (42.2)2 = 65.43 kVA
Power factor of the motor, cos Im = = 50 = 0.764 (leading) (Ans.)
Pam 65.43

Fig. 8.28 Phasor diagram

8.16 Characteristics of Synchronous Motor

A synchronous motor has the following important characteristics;
1. It is inherently not a self-starting motor.
2. For a given frequency, it operates only at one speed called synchronous speed given by the
expression NS = 120 f / P.
3. It can be operated under a wide range of power factors both lagging and leading.
4. In addition to the motor being used for mechanical load, it is also used as a power factor
improvement equipment and is known as synchronous condenser.
5. At no-load it draws a very small current from the mains to meet the internal losses of the motor.
With the increase in load, the torque angle G increases due to which motor draws more current
from the mains. After the input current reaches maximum (torque angle G in nearly 90°) no
further increase in load is possible. If the motor is further loaded it goes out of synchronism
and stops.
Synchronous Motors 711

8.17 Hunting
When a synchronous motor is loaded, the rotor poles slightly fall back in position with respect to the
stator field (poles) by an angle G known as power angle or torque angle or retarding angle. As the
load is gradually increased, this angle G also increases gradually so as to produce more torque for
coping with the increased load and the motor remains in equilibrium. If the load is suddenly thrown
off, angle G decreases suddenly and the rotor poles are pulled into almost exact opposition to the
stator poles, but due to inertia of rotor and rotor poles travel too far. They are then pulled back again,
and so on, thus oscillations are set up around the equilibrium position, corresponding to new load. If
these oscillations are too large they may throw the motor out of synchronism and stops.
The oscillation of the rotor about its equilibrium position is known as hunting.
The hunting (oscillations) can be prevented by providing damper winding or squirrel cage winding
on the rotor pole faces. This damper winding consists of number of copper bars embedded into the
slots provided on the outer periphery of the pole shoes and then short circuited by end rings. When
hunting takes place, there is relative motion of the rotor with respect to the stator field, which sets up
eddy currents in this winding which flow in such a way that it suppresses the oscillations.
The hunting may also occur when the machine is operating as an alternator. In this case also
because of sudden change in electrical output or mechanical input oscillations are set up in the rotor called
hunting; which can be prevented by providing damper winding on the rotor.
From the above discussions, the following factors are evolved:

Causes of Hunting
1. Sudden change in the load.
2. Sudden change in the field current.
3. Cyclic variation of the load torque.
4. Faults occurring in the system.

Effects of Hunting
1. The machine (generator or motor) may go out of synchronism. This is the most important
phenomenon to be avoided.
2. Large mechanical stresses may develop in the rotor shaft.
3. It increases the possibility of resonance. It happens when the frequency of torque component
becomes equal to that of the transient oscillations of the synchronous machine.
4. It increases the machine losses which may overheat the machine.
5. It may cause variations in supply voltage (generator action) producing lamp flickering.

Reduction of Hunting
1. By using damper winding: The eddy currents developed in the damper winding, damped down
the oscillations.
2. By using flywheels: The prime-mover is provided with a large and heavy flywheel which
increases the inertia of the prime-mover and helps in maintaining the motor speed constant.
712 Electrical Machines

8.18 Applications of Synchronous Motors

The following are the important applications of synchronous motors:
1. These are used to improve the power factor of large industries.
2. These are used at the substations to improve the power factor.
3. These are used to control the voltage at the end of transmission lines by varying their excitation.
When operated in this manner, it is called a synchronous phase modifier or reactor.
4. These are used to textile mills, cement factories, mining industries and rubber mills for power
These motors are mostly used to drive equipment which are operated at constant speed continuously
such as centrifugal pumps, centrifugal fans, air compressors, motor-generator sets, blowers, etc.

8.19 Comparison between Three-phase Synchronous and Induction

Se. No. Particulars Synchronous motor Induction motor
1. Magnetic excitation A synchronous motor is a doubly An induction motor is a singly-
excited machine. Its armature excited machine. Its stator winding
winding is energised from an AC is energised from an AC source and
source, whereas, its field winding is rotor is excited due to induction.
excited from a DC source

2. Speed It always runs at synchronous speed Its speed falls with the increase
and its speed is independent of load. in load and is always less than the
synchronous speed.
3. Starting It is not self-starting. It has to be run An induction motor has got self-
upto synchronous speed by some starting torque.
means before it can be synchronised
to AC supply.
4. Power factor A synchronous motor can be An induction motor operates at only
operated under wide range of power lagging power factor, which becomes
factors, both lagging and leading by very poor at light loads.
changing its excitation.
5. Major application It is usually used for power factor An induction motor is used for
correction in addition to supplying driving mechanical loads only.
torque to drive mechanical loads.
6. Efficiency It is more efficient than induction Its efficiency is lesser than that of
motor of the same output and a synchronous motor of the same
voltage rating. output and voltage rating.
7. Cost A synchronous motor is costlier The cost of an induction motor is
than an induction motor of the same less than a synchronous motor of the
output and voltage rating. same output and voltage rating.
Synchronous Motors 713

8.20 Merits and Demerits of Synchronous Motor

(i) The ease with which the power factor can be controlled. An over-excited synchronous motor
having a leading power factor can be operated in parallel with induction motors and other power
apparatus operating at lagging power factors, thereby improving the power factor of the supply
(ii) The speed is constant and independent of load. This characteristic is mainly of use when the
motor is required to drive another alternator to generate a supply at a different frequency as in
frequency changers.
(iii) Electro-magnetic power varies linearly with the voltage.
(iv) These motors can be constructed with wider air gaps than induction motors, which make them
better mechanically.
(v) These motors usually operate at higher efficiencies, especially in the low speed unity pf ranges.

(i) The cost per kW output is generally higher than that of an induction motor.
(ii) It requires DC excitation which must be supplied from external source.
(iii) The synchronous motor is inherently not self-starting motor and needs some arrangement for
its starting and synchronising.
(iv) It cannot be used for variable speed jobs as there is no possibility of speed adjustment.
(v) It cannot be started under load. Its starting torque is zero.
(vi) It has a tendency to hunt.
(vii) It may fall out of synchronism and stop when over-loaded.
(viii) Collector rings and brushes are required.
(ix) For some purposes synchronous motors are not desirable as for driving shafts in small work-
shops having no other power available for starting and in cases where frequent starting or strong
starting torque is required.

Section Practice Problems

Numerical Problems
1. A 500 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase load draws 20 A at 0.8 power factor lagging. A synchronous motor is used to
raise the power factor to unity. Calculate the kVA input to the motor, and its power factor when driving a
mechanical load of 7.5 kW. The motor has an efficiency of 85%. (Ans. 13.63 kVA; 0.6472 (leading))

2. An alternator supplying a load of 500 kW at 0.7 power factor lagging. If its power factor is required to be
raised to unity by means of an over-excited synchronous motor. At a constant armature current how much
input power is required for the synchronous motor? Find the power factor of the synchronous motor.
(Ans. 510 kVAR; Zero leading)
714 Electrical Machines

3. A substation is operating at its full load of 1000 kVA supplies a load of power factor 0..71 lagging. Calculate
the permissible additional load at this power factor and the rating of synchronous condenser to raise the
power factor to 0.87 lagging. (Ans. 225.35 kVA; 370 kVAR)

Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1. What will happen, if the excitation of a synchronous motor connected to an infinite bus-bar is varied,
load remaining constant?
What happens if the excitation of a synchronous motor is varied at constant load.
Ans. Effect of change in excitation keeping load constant on a synchronous motor
The change in excitation changes the power factor of the machine.
(i) If excitation is decreased, the power factor becomes lagging and is further reduced. The machine
behaves as an inductor and the machine is known as synchronous inductor.
(ii) If excitation is increased, the lagging power factor of the machine is improved and becomes unity. If it
is further increased, the machine starts operating at leading power factor. The machine behaves as a
capacitor and it is known as synchronous condenser.

Q.2. How a synchronous motor can be used as a synchronous condenser?

Ans. An over-excited synchronous motor draws power at leading power factor, under this condition it can
be used as a synchronous condenser.

Q.3. Why dampers are used in a synchronous motor?

Ans. In synchronous motors, dampers are used to suppress the oscillations of the rotor around its find
Q.4. How is a synchronous motor started.
How a synchronous motor is made self-starting?
Ans. A synchronous motor is not self-starting. It can be started by using either of the following methods:
1. By using an auxiliary motor: This motor is coupled to the shaft of main motor and rotates it almost at
synchronous speed. Then DC excitation is given to rotor poles of the main motor which are magnetically
locked with the stator revolving field and motor starts rotating at synchronous speed.
2. By using damper winding: Due to damper winding the synchronous motor stars rotating as a squirrel
cage induction motor. Once, it picks-up speed near to synchronous speed, DC excitation is given to the
rotor poles. Thus, the rotor poles are magnetically locked with the stator revolving field and the motor
starts rotating at synchronous speed.

Q.5. Define the term over-excitation and under-excitation with reference to synchronous machines.
Ans. Over-excitation: The excitation (field current) at which a synchronous motor operates at leading power
factor is called over-excitation.
Under-excitation: The excitation (field current) at which a synchronous motor operates at lagging power
factor is called under-excitation.
Synchronous Motors 715

Q.6. What could be reasons if a synchronous motor fails to start?

Ans. A synchronous motor may fail to start because of the following reasons:
1. Faulty connections
2. Supply voltage too low
3. One phase open circuited or short circuited
4. Wrong connections
5. High friction at the bearings
6. Field winding is not excited properly
7. Over-loaded at the start
8. Some fault in the armature or field winding
9. Poor contact of brushes at the sliprings.

Q.7. Mention the characteristic features of synchronous motor.

Ans. The main characteristic features of a synchronous motor are:
1. Synchronous motor operates only at synchronous speed.
2. It is not a self-starting motor.
3. It can be operated in a wide range of power factor both lagging and leading.
4. At no-load it draws very small current to meet with the mechanical losses.
5. It can be used to regulate the voltage of transmission lines.

Q.8. What happens when the field current of a synchronous motor is increased beyond the normal value
at constant input?
Ans. When field current of a synchronous motor is increased beyond normal it starts working at leading
power factor and is called as a synchronous condenser.

Q.9. Why synchronous motor is designated as P.F. improving device?

Ans. An over excited synchronous motor operates at leading power factor, under this condition it can improve
the power factor of the system. Hence, designated as power factor improving device.

Q.10. Show the inverted V-curve for synchronous machine.

Ans. Inverted V-Curves
If we plot a family of curves between power factor and field current (If ), the curves so obtained are called
invested V-curves, as shown in Fig. Q.19, because of their shape.

Fig. Q.19 Inverted V-curves

716 Electrical Machines

Q.11. Enumerate methods employed for cooling of 3-phase synchronous motors.

Ans. Small machines are cooled with the help of blast of air by providing a fan on the shaft. For large size
machines closed circuit hydrogen cooling is provided.

Review Questions
1. Explain the construction and principle of operation of a synchronous motor.
2. Explain why the speed of a 3-phase synchronous motor remains constant at variable loads when it is fed
from a constant frequency supply.
3. Give the principle of operation of a synchronous machine. How speed is related to frequency.
4. Explain with neat sketches the principle of operation of a 3-phase synchronous motor. Also explain why
it never runs at a speed other than synchronous speed.
5. Describe with the help of neat sketches, the principle of operation of a 3-phase synchronous motor.
6. Explain why a synchronous motor runs at synchronous speed or not at all. How can the speed of such
motor be varied?
7. What is the effect on the speed of a synchronous motor if load on it is increased ?
8. Explain the action of synchronous motor when loaded.
9. Explain clearly the effect of excitation on the performance of a synchronous motor.
10. Describe briefly the effect of varying excitation upon the armature current and power factor of a 3-phase
synchronous motor when input power to the motor is kept constant.
11. With the help of proper phasor diagrams, explain the operation of a 3-phase synchronous machine with
normal excitation under following conditions.
(i) The machine is floating on the supply bus.
(ii) The machine is working as a synchronous motor at no-load and also with load.
12. Explain effects of varying excitation on armature current and power factor in a synchronous motor. Also
draw ‘V’ curves.
13. Show with the help of phasor diagram, how change in excitation of a synchronous motor causes it to
work (i) as an inductor (ii) as a condenser.
14. Draw and explain the ‘V’-curves of a synchronous motor.
15. Draw a phasor diagram of a synchronous motor. Explain the effect of (i) change in excitation if load is
constant (ii) change in load if excitation is constant.
16. Draw the families of curves of synchronous motor at no-load and full-load showing the relation between
(i) armature current and field current (ii) power factor and field current. Using these curves explain how
the motor may be over loaded with no-load connected to its shaft
17. Explain with the help of a simplified phasor diagram how the power factor at which a 3-phase synchronous
motor operates may be varied when the motor is developing a constant torque.
18. Explain V and inverted V curves.
19. Draw and explain equivalent circuit of a synchronous motor.
Synchronous Motors 717

20. Draw and explain the phasor diagrams of a 3-phase synchronous motor when (i) it is overexcited (ii) it is
under excited
21. Draw the phasor diagrams of synchronous motor for lagging, leading and unity power factor conditions.
Name all the phasors.
22. Derive the commonly used expression for the power developed by a synchronous motor.
23. What is meant by constant power circle for synchronous motor? How is it derived?
24. Show that the locus of stator current for a constant output of 3- I synchronous motor connected to a
constant voltage, constant frequency bus-bars is a circle.
25. How does a synchronous machine act as a capacitor? Explain it with phasor diagrams.
26. What do you understand by a synchronous condenser? Explain with the help of phasor diagrams its
operation and application.
27. What is a synchronous condenser? Show the region of operation of the condenser on V-curves. Where
are synchronous condensers used?
28. Briefly describe the phenomenon of ‘hunting’ in a synchronous machine. How is it remedied?
29. With the help of a neat sketch discuss any one method of starting a synchronous motor.
30. Name different methods of starting a synchronous motor, explain any one in detail.
31. Explain the functions of a damper winding in a synchronous motor.
32. Explain two important functions served by damper winding in a synchronous motor. State applications
of synchronous motor.
33. A synchronous motor will operate at a constant speed on every load, why? Explain in detail. Make a list
of applications of a synchronous motor.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Synchronous motors are not self-starting because
(a) starters cannot be used on these machines.
(b) starting winding is not providing on these machines
(c) the direction of rotation is not reversed.
(d) the direction in instantaneous torque reverse after half cycle.
2. A pony motor is basically a:
(a) DC series motor (b) DC shunt motor
(c) double winding AC/DC motor (d) small induction motor.
3. A Synchronous Motor can be started by
(a) providing damper winding (b) pony motor
(c) DC compound motor (d) any of above
4. As compared to an Induction Motor of same size the air gap in a synchronous motor is
(a) less than half (b) half to three fourth
(c) same (d) three to five times.
718 Electrical Machines

5. A syn. motor is switched on to supply with its field winding shorted on themselves. It will
(a) not start
(b) start and continue to run as an induction motor
(c) start as Induction motor and then run as Syn. motor
(d) none of these.
6. When V is the applied voltage, the breakdown torque of a syn. motor varies as
(a) V (b) V
(c) V2 (d) 1/V
7. If one phase of a 3-phase synchronous motor is short circuited, the motor will:
(a) not start (b) run at half of synchronous speed
(c) run with excessive vibrations (d) Develops no torque.
8. A synchronous motor can develop synchronous torque
(a) only at Syn. speed. (b) while over excited
(c) when under loaded (d) Below or above Synchronous speed.
9. A three phase Syn. motor will have:
(a) no slip rings (b) two slip rings
(c) three slip rings (d) four slip rings.
10. Cage winding in a Syn. motor carries
(a) high starting and running current (b) no starting current
(c) no running current (d) no starting as well as running current
11. Syn. Watt is
(a) a unit to express the rating of syn. motors.
(b) kW as applicable to a Syn. motor
(c) the torque which under Syn. speed would develop a power of one watt
(d) none of these
12. Slip rings in a synchronous motor carry:
(a) DC (b) AC
(c) both a and b (d) no current.
13. The efficiency of a properly designed Syn. motor will usually fall in the range:
(a) 99% to 99·5% (b) 85% to 95%
(c) 75% to 80% (d) 60% to 70%
14. A Syn. motor working on leading p.f. at no-load is known as
(a) condenser (b) Syn. condenser
(c) inverter (d) convertor.
15. The maximum value of torque that a syn. motor can develop without losing its synchronism is called:
(a) slip torque (b) pullout torque
(c) breaking torque (d) syn. torque.
16. The armature current in a syn. motor will be least when p.f. is
(a) zero (b) unity
(c) leading (d) lagging
Synchronous Motors 719

17. When the field of a syn. motor is under excited, the p.f. will be
(a) zero (b) unity
(c) lagging (d) leading.
18. Operating speed of a Syn. motor can be changed to new fixed value by
(a) changing the load (b) changing the supply voltage
(c) changing frequency (d) using brakes.
19. Back emf set up in the stator of Syn motor depends on
(a) rotor speed (b) load
(c) rotor excitation (d) coupling angle.
20. The % age slip in case of syn. motor is
(a) 1% (b) 100 %
(c) 0˜5% (d) zero.
21. The speed regulation of a syn. motor is always:
(a) 1% (b) 0˜5%
(c) positive (d) zero.
22. A synchronous motor can be made self-starting by providing
(a) damper winding on rotor pole (b) damper winding on stator
(c) damper winding on stator as well as rotor (c) none of above.
23. Synchronous speed for a syn. motor is given by
(a) 200 f/p (b) 120 f/p
(c) 120 p/f (d) 120 f.p.
24. Oscillations in a Syn. motor can be damped out by:
(a) maintaining constant excitation
(b) running the motor on leading power factor
(c) providing damping bars on the rotor pole faces
(d) oscillations cannot be damped.
25. A Syn. motor has its field winding shorted and stator is supplied variable voltage. This is likely to result
(a) burning or rotor (b) motor running as Induction motor
(c) crawling of rotor (d) magnetic locking of rotor.
26. Torque angle for a Syn. Motor is
(a) the angle through which the motor lags behind the Syn. speed.
(b) the angle of lag from no-load to full load conditions.
(c) the angle between the rotating stator flux and the field produced by rotor poles.
(d) none of these.
27. A Syn. motor can be used a Syn. Capacitor when it is
(a) under loaded (b) over loaded
(c) under excited (d) over excited
28. Power developed by a syn. motor will be maximum when the load angle is
(a) zero (b) 45°
(c) 90° (d) 120°
720 Electrical Machines

29. A 3-phase induction motor draws 1000 kVA at a pf of 0.8 lag. A synchronous condenser is connected in
parallel to draw an additional 750 kVA at a power factor of 0.6 lead. The pf of the total load supplied by
the mains is
(a) unity. (b) zero.
(c) 0.6 lag. (d) 0.707 lead.
30. Squirrel cage winding is provided on a synchronous motor to make it
(a) noise free (b) self-starting
(c) cheap. (d) quick start
31. A pony motor is basically a
(a) small induction motor. (b) DC series motor,
(c) DC shunt motor. (c) double winding AC/DC motor.
32. While starting a synchronous motor its field winding should be
(a) connected to a DC source. (b) short-circuited.
(c) kept open. (d) none of the above.

Keys to Multiple Choice Questions

1. d 2. d 3. d 4. d 5. b 6. a 7. a 8. a 9. b 10. c
11. c 12. a 13. b 14. b 15. b 16. b 17. c 18. c 19. c 20. d
21. d 22. a 23. b 24. c 25. b 26. c 27. d 28. c 29. a 30. b
31. a 32. b

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