Research Title: at The End of The Lesson You Should Be Able To

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Research Title


In conducting research, one of the struggles of a research student is

to formulate a working title. Working titles could be subjected to change as a
researcher goes on with his/ her research journey. In order to do this, one
must read a lot from different literatures and studies about their topic of
interest, identify problems related to this and be guided with their purpose
and formulate questions that they need to be solved and from then on
formulate their working titles.
In this module, you will be guided in formulating a research title based

on the standards and using a funneling method.

At the end of the lesson you should be able to:

 Identify the topic of interest

 Follow the funneling method
 Describes a good research title
 Writes a research title
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the answer
sheets provided.
_____1. In writing research titles, the following are to be considered EXCEPT ____
I. The title should not be too long and too detailed
II. The title should be concise, not too broad nor too narrow
III. The title should be composed of 12-15 words excluding the articles
IV. It should be written all caps and in an inverted pyramid form at the title page
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II, III and IV

_____2. Which of the following terms are not encouraged to be included in the
research title?
A. Factors, Extent and Status
B. Assessment, Evaluation, study of
C. Both A and B
D. Either A or B

_____3. In the research title, which part is not always required to be included?
A. time frame or period
B. Independent and dependent variables
C. locale or setting
D. respondents

_____4. Which of the following pushes you to exert considerable effort in finding a solution
to it and you are incapable of answering?
A. Research topic
B. Research problem
C. Research question
D. Research title

_____5. Which of the following could be the research question of the study
entitled “Modular Learning Modality and Academic Performance of Senior High
School Students of Baco National High School”?
A. What is the status of implementation of Modular Learning Modality to Senior High
School Students in Baco National High School?
B. Is there a significant difference in the modular learning and online modality
Performance of Senior High School Students in Baco National High School?
C. Is there a relationship between online learning modality and performance of
Senior High School Students in Baco National High School?
D. What is the impact of different learning modalities in the performance of Senior
High School, Students of Baco National High School?

_____6. Which of the following research topics should avoided?

A. Controversial Topics & hard to investigate subjects
B. Highly technical subjects & vague subjects
C. Too broad subjects & too narrow subjects
D. All of the above
_____7. Which of the following research titles has a descriptive research design?
A. A study on the personal and professional qualities of teachers
B. The impact of K-12 Curriculum on the Issue on Employability of Graduates
C. The CPA passing percentage of Selected Universities: Towards developing
an Accountancy Review Program
D. Research Program and Its effects on the Proficiency Level of SHS Students
in Research

_____8. In the title study “Higher order thinking skills in Reading and Academic
Performance of Freshmen in St. Anthony College of Calapan, Academic year 2019
-2020” which is/ are the variable/s of the study?
A. HOTS in reading and Academic Performance
B. Academic year 2019 - 2020
C. Freshmen
D. St. Anthony College of Calapan
_____9. Which of the following tools is used in narrowing down research topics and in
the formulating research titles?
A. CARS Model
B. Funnelling Method
C. Scientific method
D. IMRAD format

_____10. Which of the following could be a good source of a research topic?

I. mass media & internet
II. book, peer-reviewed journals, government publications
III. Professional periodicals & general periodicals
IV. Previous reading assignments & experiences
A. I & II C.I,II,& III

Directions: Fill-in the spaces in the crossword puzzle below. Refer to the description
of the concepts at the right side. Write your answer on your worksheet.
Directions: Identify the elements of the following research titles: (If one of the elements is not
present in the title, indicate N/A or not applicable)

1. Higher order thinking skills in Reading and Academic performance of Freshmen in St.
Anthony College of Calapan, Academic year 2019 -2020

a. Research Problem / Subject Matter __________________________________________

b. Setting or Locale of the study _______________________________________________
c. Respondents / participants __________________________________________________
d. Time / Period____________________________________________________________

2. Level of Acceptability of Worksheets for Film Clippings by the teachers of English in Divine
Word College of Calapan 2019 - 2020

a. Research Problem / Subject Matter __________________________________________

b. Setting or Locale of the study _______________________________________________
c. Respondents / participants __________________________________________________
d. Time / Period____________________________________________________________

3. Awareness on Traffic Rules and Regulations of Tricycle Operators and Drivers Association
in San Vicente East, Calapan City

a. Research Problem / Subject Matter __________________________________________

b. Setting or Locale of the study _______________________________________________
c. Respondents / participants __________________________________________________
d. Time / Period____________________________________________________________
In writing a research, the title will serve as an overview. The title consists of the
information of the research study. The title summarizes the main idea or ideas of the study. It
will reflect the coverage of the study from the design, variables, respondents, setting and
There are guidelines to follow in the formulation of the research title as well as
indicators that a formulated research title is a good research title.

Guidelines in the formulation of research title (Faltado III, 2016):

1. The title must contain the subject matter or the research problem, setting or research
locale, respondents and participants of the study and time or period when the study was
2. The title should be concise, not too broad nor too narrow. A title which is too short
often uses words which are too broad and it does not tell the reader what is being studied.
3. The title should be composed of 12-15 words excluding the articles. A good title
contains the fewest possible words needed to adequately describe the content and/or purpose
of the research paper.
4. The terms such as “An assessment of”, “An investigation of”, “An evaluation of”, “A
study of” and other similar terms should be avoided. This is already implied in the study and
mentioned in the scope and delimitation. Avoid: “A Study to Investigate the…”, “A Review of
the…….”. These phrases are obvious and generally unnecessary unless they are necessary
to convey the scope, intent, or type of a study.
5. Title which is more than one line should be written in an inverted pyramid in the title
page, and should be written in capital letters.
6. The title should not be too long and too detailed. If the title is too long, this usually
indicates that there are too many unnecessary words.

Characteristics of a good research title:

1. Clearly gives information about the content
2. Gives readers some idea about the content of the research paper
3. Should be in a phrase
4. Straightforward
5. Without punctuation marks at the end of the title
6. Uses italics instead of underline and quotation marks
To apply the concepts you’ve learned from the characteristics and components of a
good research title, let us analyze the following titles:

General Academic Strand (GAS)

Sample 1: Disaster and Risk Reduction Management Program and Level of Student’s
Preparedness of Bucayao National High School of Calapan City
a. Research Problem / Subject Matter: Disaster and Risk Reduction Management
Program and level of Student’s Preparedness
b. Setting or Locale of the study: Bucayao, Nationa High School Calapan City
c. Respondents / participants: Students of BNHS

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)

Sample 2: Readiness level and Proficiency level of Senior High School Students in Research
at Bansud National High School, School year 2019-2020
a. The research Problem / Subject Matter: Readiness level and proficiency level
b. Setting or Locale of the study: Bansud National High School
c. Respondents / participants: Senior High School Students
d. Time / Period: School year 2019 – 2020

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Sample 3: Health Risks and Anxieties experienced by Medical Personnel of Oriental Mindoro
Provincial Hospital
a. Research Problem / Subject Matter: Health Risks and Anxieties
b. Setting or Locale of the study: Oriental Mindoro Provincial Hospital
c. Respondents / participants: Medical Personnel

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)

Sample 4: Human Resource Management Strategies of Owners and Job Satisfaction of
Employees in Selected Fast Food Restaurant in Calapan City
a. Research Problem / Subject Matter: Human Resource Management Strategies of
Owners and Job Satisfaction of Employees
b. Setting or Locale of the study: Calapan City
c. Respondents / participants: Owners and Employees

Technical – Vocational Livelihood

Sample 5: Status of Implementation of Project CLICKS (Creating Literacy in Computer
Knowledge and Skills) and its effects on performance of Senior High School Students in
Empowerment Technology of San Teodoro National High School
a. Research Problem / Subject Matter: Status of Implementation of Project CLICKS
(Creating Literacy in Computer Knowledge and Skills) and its effects on performance
b. Setting or Locale of the study: San Teodoro National High School
c. Respondents / participants: Senior High School Students

Sports Track
Sample 6: Special Sports Clinic Program and Performance of Student Athletes of Oriental
Mindoro National High School, School Year 2017 – 2019.
a. Research Problem / Subject Matter: Special Sports Clinic Program and Performance
of Student Athletes
b. Setting or Locale of the study: Oriental Mindoro National High School
c. Respondents / participants: Student Athletes
d. Time / Period: School Year 2017 – 2019

Arts and Design

Sample 7: Status of Tribal Dance Enculturation and Level of Assimilation of Millennial
Mangyan Students of the Second District of Oriental Mindoro
a. Research Problem / Subject Matter: Status of Tribal Dance Enculturation and Level
of Assimilation
b. Setting or Locale of the study: Second District of Oriental Mindoro
c. Respondents / participants: Millennial Mangyan Students

In some titles, you may notice that the time/ period was not included in some titles
because it will be indicated already in the scope and delimitation of the study which you will
learn in Module 8.
Now that you have identified the characteristics of a good research title, the next
question is how you are going to formulate your research title. In order to help you, we will use
the funneling method. Funneling is the process of narrowing possible ideas into specific
research question or purpose. It will help the researcher to transform the big picture or real
world problem to manageable research study. This method follows a deductive approach
which narrows down research topic to research problem, specific objective or purpose of the
study and that will lead to the formulation of the research title.
Before formulating the title, the
researcher will think of research topic of their
interest which is connected to their strand. A
research topic is the broad subject matter
addressed in the study. For example, climate
change, COVID 19 pandemic, online selling,
sports clinic, contemporary arts, and Web design
and animations.
After choosing a research topic, think of
the research problem that you want to address in
your research topic. Research problem is the one
Figure 1: Funneling Method (Bender, 2017) which makes you worry and pushes you to exert
considerable effort in finding a solution for it; you
are incapable of answering.

In response to research problem cite the purpose or objectives of your study then
formulate the possible questions that you would like to answer at the end of the study. From the
research questions, you will be able to get the idea of the possible research title by combining
the independent variable in questions number 1 and dependent variable in question number 2.
The following are examples of narrowing the research study in order to form a
research title at the end. Kindly analyze them for your reference for the next activities.
Sample #1
Research topic
 Learning Modality
Research problem
 Status of implementation of modular learning modality
Research Objectives
 The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of modular learning modality ( IV) to
the academic performance ( DV) of Senior High School Students in Baco National High
Research questions
1. What is the status of implementation of Modular Learning Modality to Senior High School
Students in Baco National High School?
2. What are the effects of modular learning modality to academic Performance of Senior High
School Students in Baco National High School?
Research Title
Modular Learning Modality and Academic Performance of Senior High School Students of Baco
National High School
Sample #2
Research topic
 Soil Conditioner
Research problem
 Nutrient deficient soil
Research Objectives
The purpose of this study is to enhance the soil condition physically and chemically using
soil conditioner
Research questions
1. What are the physical and chemical properties of the soil before using alternative soil
2. What are the physical and chemical properties of the soil after using alternative soil
3. Is there a significant difference in the physical and chemical properties of the soil before
and after the application of the alternative soil conditioner?
Research Title
 Physico-Chemical Analysis of Carbonized Rice Hull and Ash as Soil Conditioner
 Screening the Potential of Carbonized Rice Hull and Ash as Soil Conditioner

Sample #3
Research topic
COVID 19 Pandemic
Research problem
Health risks and anxieties encountered by medical personnel
Research Objectives
The purpose of this study is to determine the level of health risks and anxieties experienced by
medical health personnel of Oriental Mindoro Provincial hospital
Research questions
1. What is the level of health risks encountered by medical personnel of Oriental Mindoro
Provincial hospital?
2. What is the level of anxieties experienced by medical personnel of Oriental Mindoro
Provincial hospital?
3. Is there a significant relationship between the level of health risks and anxieties experienced
by medical personnel of Oriental Mindoro Provincial hospital?
4. Based
Research Title
Health Risks and Anxieties experienced by Medical Personnel of Oriental Mindoro
Provincial Hospital

Sample # 4
Research topic
Disaster Management
Research problem
Status of implementation of Disaster and Risk Reduction Management Program
Research questions
1. What is the status of implementation of Disaster and Risk Reduction Management Program
of Bucayao National High School of Calapan City?
2. What is the level of Student’s Preparedness of Bucayao National High School?
3. Is there a significant relationship between the status of implementation of Disaster and Risk
Reduction Management Program and level of Student’s Preparedness of Bucayao National
High School of Calapan City?
Research Title
Disaster and Risk Reduction Management Program and level of Student’s
Preparedness of Bucayao National High School of Calapan City
A. Directions: Follow the Funneling method in formulating your title. Fill up the
spaces provided below.
Research topic

Research problem

Research Objective

Research questions

Research Title

B. Directions: Write your research topic and write your research titles. Determine the
components of the formulated research title.
Research topic:

Research Title:

Research Problem / Subject Matter :

Setting or Locale of the study :
Respondents / participants :
Time / Period:
Directions: Complete the following statements to express your insights about this
week’s lesson.

I learned that ___________________________________________________

I realized that __________________________________________________

Directions: Identify whether the following research titles are good research titles or not. If not,
identify the incorrect component and then rewrite the title.

1. Teacher’s Perspective on Upward Evaluation in the Basic Education Department in Metro

2. The Status and Extent of Implementation of the Computer Education Program in the
Division of Oriental Mindoro, School Year 2019- 2020
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the answer
sheets provided.
_____1. In writing research titles, the following are to be considered EXCEPT
I. The title should not be too long and too detailed
II. The title should be concise, not too broad nor too narrow
III. The title should be composed of 12-15 words excluding the articles
IV. It should be written all caps and in an inverted pyramid form at the title page
A. I only C. II and III
B. I and II D. I, II, III and IV
_____2. Which of the following terms are not encouraged to be included in the
research title?
A. Factors, Extent and Status C. Both A and B
B. Assessment, Evaluation, study of D. Either A or B
_____3. Which part of the research title is not always required to be included?
A. time frame or period C. locale or setting
B. Independent and dependent variables D. respondents

_____4. Which of the following pushes you to exert considerable effort in finding a
solution to it and you are incapable of answering?
A. Research topic C. Research question
B. Research problem D. Research title
_____5. Which of the following could be the research question of the study
entitled “Modular Learning Modality and Academic Performance of Senior High
School Students of MinSCAT Laboratory High School”?
A. What is the status of implementation of Modular Learning Modality to
Senior High School Students in MinSCAT Laboratory High School?
B. Is there a significant difference in the modular learning and online modality
Performance of Senior High School Students in MinSCAT Laboratory High
C. Is there a relationship between online learning modality and performance
of Senior High School Students in MinSCAT Laboratory High School?
D. What is the impact of different learning modalities in the performance of
Senior High School, Students of MinSCAT Laboratory High School?

_____6. Which of the following research topics should be avoided?

A. Controversial Topics & hard to investigate subjects
B. Highly technical subjects & vague subjects
C. Too broad subjects & too narrow subjects
D. All of the above
_____7.Which of the following research titles has a descriptive research design?
A. A study on the personal and professional qualities of teachers
B. The impact of K-12 Curriculum on the Issue on Employability of Graduates
C. The CPA passing percentage of Selected Universities: Towards developing
an Accountancy Review Program
D. Research Program and Its effects on the Proficiency Level of SHS
Students in Research
_____8. In the title study “Higher order thinking skills in Reading and Academic
Performance of Freshmen in St. Anthony College of Calapan, Academic year 2019 -
2020” which is/ are the variable/s of the study?
A. HOTS in reading and Academic Performance
B. Academic year 2019 - 2020
C. Freshmen
D. St. Anthony College of Calapan
_____9. Which of the following tools is used in narrowing down research topics
and in formulating research titles?
A. CARS Model C. Scientific method
B. Funnelling Method D. IMRAD format
_____10. Which of the following could be a good source of research topic?
I. mass media & internet
II. book, peer-reviewed journals, government publications
III. Professional periodicals & general periodicals
IV. Previous reading assignments & experiences
A. I & II C.I,II,& III

Funneling method is the reverse way of narrowing the research study.

Research problem is the general issue, problem or controversy in the study.

Research topic is the broad subject matter addressed in the study.

Research title refers to the working title of the study which constitutes the information
such as the problem statement or subject matter, respondents and participants of the
study, settings or locale of the study and time or period of when the study will be

Try This Do this Explore Apply what Assess what you
1.D Down 1.a. Higher order you have have learned
2.C 1. Topic thinking skills in learned 1.D
3.A 4. Problem Reading and Academic 2.C
4.B Across Performance Answers 3.A
5.A 2. Objectives b. Freshmen may vary 4.B
6.D 3. Title c. St. Anthony College 5.A
7.C 5. Funneling of Calapan, 6.D
8.A Method d. Academic year 2019 7.C
9.B -2020 8.A
10.D 9.B
2.a. Level of 10.D
Acceptability of
Worksheets for Film
b. English teachers
c. Divine Word College
of Calapan
d. 2019 – 2020

3.a.Awareness on
Traffic Rules and
b. Tricycle Operators
and Drivers Association
c. San Vicente East,
Calapan City
d. not applicable

Almeida, A., Gaerlan, A. & Manly, N. (2016).Research Fundamentals. From Concept to
Output. A guide for Researchers and Thesis Writers. Manila: Adriana Publishing Co. Inc.

Baraceros, E. (2016). Practical research II. Manila: Rex Bookstore

Faltado, R., Bombita, M., Boholano, H., & Pogoy, A. (2016). Practical Research 2:
Quantitative Research. Manila: Lorimar Publishing Inc.

Goodwin, J. and Goodwin, K. (2014) Research Methods: Designing and Conducting Research
with a real – world focus. Los Angeles: Sage

Kalof, L.Dan, A. & Dietz T. (2008). Essentials of Social research. Berkshire, England: Open

Lapan, S.,Quartaroli, M.,and Riemer, F.(2012). An introduction to Research Methods and

Designs.USA: Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Print.

Mujis, D. (2011). Quantitative Research in Education. Los Angeles: Sage

Organizing Your Social Science Research paper: Theoretical Framework. Retrieved from on December 29, 2015

Sharp, J. (2012). Success with Educational research project. Los Angeles: Sage

Uy, C., Cabauatan, R., De Castro, B. & Grajo, J. (2016). Practical Research 2. Manila: Vibal
Publishing Inc.

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