NCP Formulation (Older Adult)
NCP Formulation (Older Adult)
NCP Formulation (Older Adult)
Name: _Ma. Christine Isabelle O. Menguis_ Level / Section/Group: _BSN 1 – Y2 - 9____________ Date: __13-05-21_____
Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Knowledge Planning Rationale Evaluation
Subjective Data
Age: 74 years Impaired physical Parkinson’s disease Within 1 week of Instruct patient Rocking from side After 1 week of nurse
old mobility related to is a nervous system nurse care, the with techniques to side helps to care, the patient is
Parkinson’s Disease disease that affects patient must that initiate start the leg able to show
Diagnosed as evidenced by your ability to perform activities movement. movement. improvement in
with difficulty in walking control movement. with the least performing activities
Parkinson’s and needed The disease usually amount of Encourage early Early progressive with the least
Disease for 10 assistance in doing starts out slowly assistance and ambulation. ambulation can amount of assistance
years activities of daily and worsens over learned methods decrease the risk of and learned methods
living. time. If you have to maximize complications. to maximize
Experienced Parkinson’s disease, independence independence
greater degree you may shake, considering their Teach patient to Assistive devices considering their
of twitching in have muscle disease and use assistive increase mobility disease and
his arms stiffness, and have condition. devices such as and promote safety. condition.
trouble walking and a walker, cane,
Slurring of maintaining your or gait belt.
speech balance and
coordination. As Encourage Even passive range
the disease patient to of motion increases
worsens, you may perform active circulation. Range
Objective Data have trouble and passive of motion exercises
talking, sleeping, range of motion will help the patient
Needed have mental and exercises daily. increase muscle
assistance in memory problems, strength and
doing activities experience prevent
of daily living behavioral changes contractures.
and have other
Difficulty in symptoms. Promote Assisting only in
walking independence necessary steps
during exercises prevents the
and activities. patient from
dependent. The
goal is to further
independence and
maximize the
Refer the
patient to a May be helpful in
physical developing an
therapist. individualized
exercise program
and can provide
instruction to the
patient and
caregiver on
exercising safely.
anticholinergic To treat tremors
medications as and rigidity and to
prescribed inhibit the action of